
msr <-
  function(snps, trait, famid, patid, fid, mid, 
           adj.var = NA, lim = 0.05, maxSNP = 3, 
           nt = 10, sort.by = "AICc", selection = 0,
           p.threshold = NA, 
           pair.begin = FALSE, pattern.begin.mat = NA, 
           type = "gaussian", 
           baseline.hap = "max", min.count = 10, sort = FALSE) {
    # init input
    snps <- as.matrix(snps)
    N <- dim(snps)[1]
    ns <- dim(snps)[2]
    if (maxSNP > 15)
      stop("maxSNP must smaller than 16")
    if (maxSNP > ns)
      stop("maxSNP must be smaller or equal to number of SNPs.")
    if (!all(trait[!is.na(trait)] == 0 | trait[!is.na(trait)] == 1) &&
          (type == "binomial"))
      stop("trait should be 0 for controls or 1 for cases")
    if (length(trait) != N)
      stop("number of individuals does not match length of trait")
    if (ns %% dim(snps)[2] != 0)
      stop("odd number of coulmns in snps")
    if (!(baseline.hap == "max" | baseline.hap == "min"))
      stop ("baseline haplotype not correct specified.")
    # check input test
    trait.type <- match(type, c("binomial", "gaussian", "families"))
           gaussian = test <- "F", 
           binomial = test <- "Chisq", 
           families = test <- "wTDT")
    if (!match(sort.by, c("AIC", "AICc", "p.value"))) {
      stop("Mismatch by sort.by: you may choose AIC, AICc, or pval.")
    if (all(is.na(p.threshold))) {
      p.threshold <- rep(1, 20)
    if (!(selection %in% 0:5)) {
      stop(paste("Mismatch by selection: Selection criterion:\n",
                 "0 = none,\n1 = improve of AICc,\n2 = improve of AIC,\n",
                 "3 = improve of p value, or\n4 = improve of best 10 log10(p values).\n",
                 sep = ""))
    # adjustment
    adjusted <- FALSE
    if (!all(is.na(adj.var))) {
      adjusted <- TRUE
      adj.var <- as.matrix(adj.var)
    # handle missing values
    miss.value <- which(is.na(trait))
    if (adjusted) {
      adj.var <- as.matrix(adj.var)
      miss.value <- unique(c(miss.value, which(apply(is.na(adj.var), 1, any))))
    if (length(miss.value) > 0) {
      if (adjusted) {
        adj.var <- adj.var[-miss.value,, drop = FALSE]
      trait <- as.numeric(trait[-miss.value])
      snps  <- snps[-miss.value, ]
    if ((trait.type == "families") & (sort == TRUE)) { 
      famorder <- order.families (famid, patid, fid, mid)
      famid    <- famid[famorder]
      patid    <- patid[famorder]
      fid      <- fid[famorder]
      mid      <- mid[famorder]
      snps     <- snps[famorder, ]
      trait    <- trait[famorder]
      if (adjusted ) {
        adj.var <- as.matrix(adj.var)[famorder, ]
    # message input
    cat ("Start procedure: MSR\n")
    cat ("Individuals:           ", 
         " (", N-dim(snps)[1], 
         " individual(s) exluded)\n", 
         sep = "")
    cat ("SNPs:                  ", ns, "\n", sep = "")
    cat ("Trait type:            ", 
         ifelse (adjusted, " (adjusted)", " (unadjusted)"), "\n", sep = "")
    cat ("Statistic:             ", test, "\n", sep = "" )
    cat ("Max SNPs:              ", maxSNP, "\n", sep = ""  )
    cat ("Number best pattern    ", nt, "\n", sep = "" )
    cat ("Threshold (lim):       ", lim, "\n", sep = "" )
    if (  is.null(dim(adj.var))) {
      cat ("Number of covariates:  0\n\n")
    } else {
      cat ("Number of covariates:  ", dim(adj.var)[2], "\n\n", sep="" )
    N <- dim(snps)[1]
    # Adjustment
    if (adjusted) {
      adj.var <- as.matrix(adj.var)
      if (dim(adj.var)[1] != N)
        stop(paste("length of number of individuals does not match ", 
                   "number of rows in adj.cov",
                   sep = ""))
    #                                                                              #
    #  Case control data >> family = "binomial"                                      #
    #                                                                              #
    if (type == "binomial") {
      # unadjusted
      if (!adjusted) {
        results <- msr.binomial.forward.unadjusted(
          snps              = snps, 
          trait             = trait,
          lim               = lim, 
          maxSNP            = maxSNP, 
          nt                = nt, 
          sort.by           = sort.by,
          selection         = selection,
          p.threshold       = p.threshold,
          pair.begin        = pair.begin,
          pattern.begin.mat = pattern.begin.mat, 
          baseline.hap      = baseline.hap, 
          min.count         = min.count)
      } else {
        # adjusted
        results <- msr.binomial.forward.adjusted(
          snps              = snps, 
          trait             = trait,
          adj.var           = adj.var,
          lim               = lim, 
          maxSNP            = maxSNP, 
          nt                = nt, 
          sort.by           = sort.by,
          selection         = selection,
          p.threshold       = p.threshold,
          pair.begin        = pair.begin,
          pattern.begin.mat = pattern.begin.mat, 
          baseline.hap      = baseline.hap, 
          min.count         = min.count)      
    #                                                                              #
    #  Quantitative trait loci (QTL) >> family = "gaussian"                          #
    #                                                                              #
    if (type == "gaussian") {
      # unadjusted
      if (!adjusted) {
        results <- msr.gaussian.forward.unadjusted(
          snps              = snps,
          trait             = trait,
          lim               = lim,
          maxSNP            = maxSNP, 
          nt                = nt,
          sort.by           = sort.by,
          selection         = selection,
          p.threshold       = p.threshold, 
          pair.begin        = pair.begin,
          pattern.begin.mat = pattern.begin.mat, 
          baseline.hap      = baseline.hap, 
          min.count         = min.count)     
      } else {
        # adjusted
        results <- msr.gaussian.forward.adjusted(
          snps              = snps,
          trait             = trait,
          adj.var           = adj.var,
          lim               = lim,
          maxSNP            = maxSNP, 
          nt                = nt,
          sort.by           = sort.by,
          selection         = selection,
          p.threshold       = p.threshold, 
          pair.begin        = pair.begin,
          pattern.begin.mat = pattern.begin.mat, 
          baseline.hap      = baseline.hap, 
          min.count         = min.count)
    } # gaussian
    #                                                                              #
    #  Family data weigthed TDT statistic (TDT) >> type = "families"                 #
    #                                                                              #
    if (type == "families") {
      if (!adjusted) {
        # unadjusted
        results <- msr.families.unadjusted( 
          pair.begin = pair.begin,
          lim = lim, 
          maxSNP = maxSNP,
          nt = nt)
      } else {
        # adjusted
        stop ( "Error in msr: weighted TDT for adjustment sets is not avaiable." )
    }  # families

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HapEstXXR documentation built on May 1, 2019, 10:54 p.m.