
Defines functions dot2HPD

Documented in dot2HPD

#' Process a .dot Graph File into a Hive Plot Data Object
#' This function will read a .dot file containing a graph specification in the
#' DOT language, and (optionally) using two other files, convert the
#' information into a \code{\link{HivePlotData}} object.
#' This function is currently agnostic with respect to whether or not the .dot
#' graph is directed or not.  Either type will be processed, but if the graph
#' is directed, this will only be indirectly stored in the \code{HivePlotData}
#' object (in that the first node of an edge in the .dot file will be in
#' \code{HPD$nodes$id1} and the second node of an edge will be in
#' \code{HPD$nodes$id2}.  This fact can be used; see the vignette and
#' \code{\link{mineHPD}}.  Keep in mind the .dot standard is fairly loose.
#' This function has been tested to work with several .dot files, include those
#' with multiple tag=value attributes (in such cases, a typical line in the dot
#' file should be formatted like this: node_name [tag1 = value1, tag2 =
#' value2];).  If you have trouble, please file a issue at Github so I can
#' track it down.
#' @param file The path to the .dot file to be processed.
#' @param node.inst The path to a .csv file containing instructions about how
#' to map node tags in the .dot file to parameters in the \code{HivePlotData}
#' object. May be NULL.
#' @param edge.inst The path to a .csv file containing instructions about how
#' to map edge tags in the .dot file to parameters in the \code{HivePlotData}
#' object.  May be NULL.
#' @param axis.cols A character vector giving the colors desired for the axes.
#' @param type One of \code{c("2D", "3D")}.  If \code{2D}, a
#' \code{HivePlotData} object suitable for use with \code{\link{plotHive}} will
#' be created and the eventual hive plot will be static and 2D.  If \code{3D},
#' the \code{HivePlotData} object will be suitable for a 3D interactive plot
#' using \code{\link{plot3dHive}}.
#' @param desc Character.  A description of the data set.
#' @param \dots Other parameters to be passed downstream.
#' @return A \code{\link{HivePlotData}} object.
#' @author Bryan A. Hanson, DePauw University. \email{hanson@@depauw.edu}
#' @seealso See the vignette for an example of using this function.  Use
#' \code{browseVignettes("HiveR")} to produce the vignette. \cr \cr
#' \code{\link{adj2HPD}} for a means of importing adjacency matrices.
#' @keywords utilities
#' @importFrom RColorBrewer brewer.pal
#' @export dot2HPD
dot2HPD <- function(file = NULL, node.inst = NULL, edge.inst = NULL,
                    axis.cols = NULL, type = "2D", desc = NULL, ...) {

  # Function to read dot files and convert to HPD
  # Bryan Hanson, DePauw Univ, July 2011

  # Assumptions/Caveats/Features:
  # No distinction between undirected and directed graphs
  # Not sure how A -- B -- C would be handled
  # Multiple tag=value entries OK

  # No checking for whether the type (2D/3D) is actually true

  if (is.null(node.inst)) message("No node instructions provided, proceeding without them")
  if (is.null(edge.inst)) message("No edge instructions provided, proceeding without them")

  lines <- readLines(file, ...)

  # Clean off 1st and last lines which contain { and }
  # And clean out leading and trailing spaces

  lines <- lines[-grep("\\{", lines)] # cleans off 1st line
  lines <- lines[-grep("\\}", lines)] # cleans off last line
  lines <- gsub("^[[:space:]]|[[:space:]]$", "", lines) # leading spaces + trailing spaces
  lines <- sub(";", "", lines)

  # The following will find edges and their attributes

  ed <- lines[grep("--|->", lines)]
  ed <- unique(ed) # just in case

  # Find nodes and their attributes by inverting the edge pattern

  no <- lines[-grep("--|->", lines)]
  no <- unique(no) # just in case

  # Initialize HPD$nodes

  HPD <- list()
  HPD$nodes$id <- 1:length(no)
  HPD$nodes$lab <- gsub("\\[.*\\]$", "", no) # strips off any attributes
  HPD$nodes$lab <- gsub("[[:space:]]", "", HPD$nodes$lab) # strips off any spaces
  HPD$nodes$axis <- rep(1, length(no))
  HPD$nodes$radius <- rep(1, length(no))
  HPD$nodes$size <- rep(1, length(no))
  HPD$nodes$color <- rep("transparent", length(no))

  # Process node attributes
  # Collect multiple tag=value sets with their node info

  if (!is.null(node.inst)) {
    # get the node names (everything not an attribute)
    nn <- sub("\\[.*\\]$", "", no)
    nn <- gsub("[[:space:]]", "", nn)
    # get the entire list of attributes
    nats <- sub("^.*\\[", "", no) # clean off front
    nats <- sub("\\]$", "", nats) # clean off back
    nats <- strsplit(nats, ",", fixed = TRUE) # returns a list of attributes for each node
    # it works even if there is no ',' i.e. only one attribute (very handy)

    # read in translation instructions
    ni <- read.csv(node.inst, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    # loop over the list & match up instructions

    for (i in 1:length(nats)) { # match up instructions
      tagval <- unlist(nats[i])
      tagval <- gsub("[[:space:]]", "", tagval)
      for (j in 1:length(tagval)) {
        tv <- unlist(strsplit(tagval[j], "=", fixed = TRUE))
        for (k in 1:nrow(ni)) {
          # cat("Node no. = ", i, "attribute no = ", j, "node inst = ", k, "\n")
          if ((tv[1] == ni$dot.tag[k]) & (tv[2] == ni$dot.val[k])) {
            # only certain hive.tag values are valid & will be processed
            # other values are silently ignored
            # more options readily added

            if (ni$hive.tag[k] == "axis") {
              HPD$nodes$axis[i] <- as.numeric(ni$hive.val[k])
            if (ni$hive.tag[k] == "radius") {
              HPD$nodes$radius[i] <- as.numeric(ni$hive.val[k])
            if (ni$hive.tag[k] == "size") {
              HPD$nodes$size[i] <- as.numeric(ni$hive.val[k])
            if (ni$hive.tag[k] == "color") {
              HPD$nodes$color[i] <- ni$hive.val[k]
  } # end of !is.null(node.inst) & node processing

  # Set up HPD$edges

  HPD$edges$id1 <- rep(1, length(ed))
  HPD$edges$id2 <- rep(1, length(ed))
  HPD$edges$weight <- rep(1, length(ed))
  HPD$edges$color <- rep("gray", length(ed))

  # Match up the two node names in the input file
  # with the node ids created above and add to HPD$edges

  # remove attributes, remove -- or ->, strip white space, keep 2 names together

  ed_prs <- sub("\\[.*$", "", ed) # remove attributes
  ed_prs <- gsub("[[:space:]]", "", ed_prs) # remove any whitespace

  for (n in 1:(length(ed_prs))) {
    # 		print(n)
    pat1 <- sub("(--|->).*$", "", ed_prs[n])
    pat2 <- sub("^.*(--|->)", "", ed_prs[n])
    # print(pat1)
    # 		print(pat2)
    pat1 <- paste("\\b", pat1, "\\b", sep = "") # need word boundaries
    pat2 <- paste("\\b", pat2, "\\b", sep = "") # to avoid finding fragments
    HPD$edges$id1[n] <- grep(pat1, HPD$nodes$lab)
    HPD$edges$id2[n] <- grep(pat2, HPD$nodes$lab)

  # # Process edge attributes

  if (!is.null(edge.inst)) {
    # get the entire list of attributes
    eats <- sub("^.*\\[", "", ed) # clean off front
    eats <- sub("\\]$", "", eats) # clean off back
    # 		print(head(eats))
    eats <- strsplit(eats, ",", fixed = TRUE) # returns a list of attributes for each edge
    # it works even if there is no ',' i.e. only one attribute (very handy)
    # 		print(head(eats))
    # read in translation instructions
    ei <- read.csv(edge.inst, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    # loop over the list & match up instructions

    for (i in 1:length(eats)) { # match up instructions
      tagval <- unlist(eats[i])
      tagval <- gsub("[[:space:]]", "", tagval)
      for (j in 1:length(tagval)) {
        tv <- unlist(strsplit(tagval[j], "=", fixed = TRUE))
        for (k in 1:nrow(ei)) {
          # cat("Edge no. = ", i, "attribute no = ", j, "edge inst = ", k, "\n")
          if ((tv[1] == ei$dot.tag[k]) & (tv[2] == ei$dot.val[k])) {
            # only certain hive.tag values are valid & will be processed
            # other values are silently ignored
            # more options readily added

            if (ei$hive.tag[k] == "weight") {
              HPD$edges$weight[i] <- as.numeric(ei$hive.val[k])
            if (ei$hive.tag[k] == "color") {
              HPD$edges$color[i] <- as.character(ei$hive.val[k])
  } # end of !is.null(edge.inst) & edge processing

  # Final clean-up

  HPD$nodes <- as.data.frame(HPD$nodes)
  HPD$edges <- as.data.frame(HPD$edges)

  if (is.null(desc)) desc <- "No description provided"
  HPD$desc <- desc

  if (is.null(axis.cols)) axis.cols <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(length(unique(HPD$nodes$axis)), "Set1")
  HPD$axis.cols <- axis.cols

  HPD$nodes$axis <- as.integer(HPD$nodes$axis)
  HPD$nodes$size <- as.numeric(HPD$nodes$size)
  HPD$nodes$color <- as.character(HPD$nodes$color)
  HPD$nodes$lab <- as.character(HPD$nodes$lab)

  HPD$edges$id1 <- as.integer(HPD$edges$id1)
  HPD$edges$id2 <- as.integer(HPD$edges$id2)
  HPD$edges$weight <- as.numeric(HPD$edges$weight)
  HPD$edges$color <- as.character(HPD$edges$color)

  HPD$type <- type

  class(HPD) <- "HivePlotData"


} # The very end!

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HiveR documentation built on July 1, 2020, 7:04 p.m.