
Defines functions computeDataParameters

Documented in computeDataParameters

#' @title computeDataParameters
#' @description Computes initial values before the sampling starts
#' @param hM a fitted \code{Hmsc} model object
#' @return a list including pre-computed matrix inverses and determinants (for phylogenetic and spatial random effects) needed in MCMC sampling
#' @importFrom stats dist
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom sp spDists
#' @importFrom FNN get.knn
#' @importFrom Matrix .sparseDiagonal t solve
#' @export

computeDataParameters = function(hM){
   parList = list()

      Qg = array(NA, c(hM$ns,hM$ns,nrow(hM$rhopw)))
      iQg = array(NA, c(hM$ns,hM$ns,nrow(hM$rhopw)))
      RQg = array(NA, c(hM$ns,hM$ns,nrow(hM$rhopw)))
      detQg = rep(NA, nrow(hM$rhopw))
      if(any(hM$rhopw[,1] < 0)) {
          iC = try(chol2inv(chol(hM$C)), silent = TRUE)
          if (inherits(iC, "try-error"))
              stop("phylogenetic tree & correlations must be ultrametric")
      for(rg in 1:nrow(hM$rhopw)){
         rho = hM$rhopw[rg,1]
         if(rho >= 0){
            rhoC = rho*hM$C;
         } else{
            rhoC = (-rho)*iC;
         Q = rhoC + (1-abs(rho))*diag(hM$ns)
         Qg[,,rg] = Q
         RQ = try(chol(Q), silent = TRUE)
         if (inherits(RQ, "try-error"))
            stop("phylogenetic tree & correlations must be ultrametric")
         iQg[,,rg] = chol2inv(RQ)
         RQg[,,rg] = RQ
         detQg[rg] = 2*sum(log(diag(RQ)))
   } else{
      Qg = array(diag(hM$ns), c(hM$ns,hM$ns,1))
      iQg = array(diag(hM$ns), c(hM$ns,hM$ns,1))
      detQg = 0
      RQg = array(diag(hM$ns), c(hM$ns,hM$ns,1))

   rLPar = vector("list", hM$nr)
   for(r in seq_len(hM$nr)){
      if(hM$rL[[r]]$sDim > 0){
         alphapw = hM$rL[[r]]$alphapw
         np = hM$np[r]
         alphaN = nrow(alphapw)
                "Full" = {
                      s = hM$rL[[r]]$s[levels(hM$dfPi[,r]),]
                      if (is(s, "Spatial"))
                         distance <- spDists(s)
                         distance = as.matrix(dist(s))
                   } else{
                      distance = hM$rL[[r]]$distMat[levels(hM$dfPi[,r]),levels(hM$dfPi[,r])]
                   Wg = array(NA, c(np,np,alphaN))
                   iWg = array(NA, c(np,np,alphaN))
                   RiWg = array(NA, c(np,np,alphaN))
                   detWg = rep(NA, alphaN)
                   for(ag in 1:alphaN){
                      alpha = alphapw[ag,1]
                         W = diag(np)
                      } else{
                         W = exp(-distance/alpha)
                      RW = try(chol(W), silent = TRUE)
                      if (inherits(RW, "try-error"))
                         stop("spatial distance matrix is non-metric or has duplicated points")
                      iW = chol2inv(RW)

                      Wg[,,ag] = W
                      iWg[,,ag] = iW
                      RiWg[,,ag] = chol(iW)
                      detWg[ag] = 2*sum(log(diag(RW)))
                   rLPar[[r]] = list(Wg=Wg, iWg=iWg, RiWg=RiWg, detWg=detWg)
                "NNGP" = {
                      hM$rL[[r]]$nNeighbours = 10
                      dnam <- levels(hM$dfPi[,r])
                      distMat <- hM$rL[[r]]$distMat[dnam, dnam]
                   ## SpatialPoints are non-Euclidean, and we need
                   ## distances to get the nearest neighbours
                   if(is(hM$rL[[r]]$s, "Spatial"))
                      distMat <- spDists(hM$rL[[r]]$s[levels(hM$dfPi[,r]),])
                   iWg = list()
                   RiWg = list()
                   detWg = rep(NA,alphaN)
                   ## get nNeighbours nearest neighbours. If we
                   ## already have distances, we use them, but
                   ## otherwise use a fast method finding nearest
                   ## (Euclidean) neighbours and find their distances
                   if (exists("distMat", inherits = FALSE)) {
                      k <- seq_len(hM$rL[[r]]$nNeighbours)
                      diag(distMat) <- Inf
                      indNN <- t(apply(distMat, 2, function(x)
                         sort(x, index.return = TRUE)$ix[k]))
                      diag(distMat) <- 0
                   } else { # fast with coordinate data and FNN package
                       s = hM$rL[[r]]$s[levels(hM$dfPi[,r]),]
                       indNN = get.knn(s,k=hM$rL[[r]]$nNeighbours)[[1]]
                   indNN = t(apply(indNN,1,sort,decreasing=FALSE))
                   indices = list()
                   distList = list()
                   for(i in 2:np){
                      ind = indNN[i,]
                      ind = ind[ind<i]
                         indices[[i]] = rbind(i*rep(1,length(ind)),ind)
                         if (exists("distMat", inherits = FALSE))
                            distList[[i]] <- distMat[c(ind,i), c(ind,i)]
                            distList[[i]] = as.matrix(dist(s[c(ind,i),]))
                   for (ag in 1:alphaN){
                      alpha = alphapw[ag,1]
                         iW = .sparseDiagonal(np)
                         RiW = .sparseDiagonal(np)
                         detW = 0
                      } else{
                         D = rep(0,np)
                         D[1] = 1
                         values = list()
                         for (i in 2:np){
                               Kp = exp(-distList[[i]]/alpha)
                               values[[i]] = solve(Kp[1:(nrow(Kp)-1),1:(ncol(Kp)-1)],Kp[1:(nrow(Kp)-1),ncol(Kp)])
                               D[i] = Kp[nrow(Kp),ncol(Kp)] - Kp[nrow(Kp),1:(ncol(Kp)-1)]%*%values[[i]]
                            } else{
                               D[i] = 1
                         A = Matrix(0,nrow=np, ncol=np,sparse=TRUE)
                         A[t(matrix(unlist(indices),nrow=2))] = unlist(values)
                         B =.sparseDiagonal(np) - A
                         RiW = (.sparseDiagonal(np)*D^-0.5) %*% B
                         iW = Matrix::t(RiW) %*% RiW
                         detW = sum(log(D))
                      iWg[[ag]] = iW
                      RiWg[[ag]] = RiW
                      detWg[ag] = detW
                   rLPar[[r]] = list(iWg=iWg, RiWg=RiWg, detWg=detWg)

                "GPP" = {
                      stop("predictive Gaussian process not available for distance matrices")
                   s = hM$rL[[r]]$s[levels(hM$dfPi[,r]),]
                   sKnot = hM$rL[[r]]$sKnot
                   if (is(s, "Spatial")) {
                      dim <- ncol(coordinates(s))
                      nKnots <- nrow(coordinates(sKnot))
                      di12 <- spDists(s, sKnot)
                      di22 <- spDists(sKnot)
                   } else {
                      dim <- ncol(s)
                      nKnots <- nrow(sKnot)
                      di12 <- sqrt(Reduce("+",
                                              outer(s[,i], sKnot[,i], "-")^2,
                      di22 = as.matrix(dist(sKnot))
                   ## knots should not duplicate data points
                   if (any(di12 <= 0)) {
                       dups <- which(di12 <= 0, arr.ind = TRUE)[,2]
                       warning("following knots (sKnot) duplicate data (sData): ",
                               paste(dups, collapse=", "))
                   idDg = matrix(NA,nrow=np,ncol=alphaN)
                   idDW12g = array(NA, c(np,nKnots,alphaN))
                   Fg = array(NA, c(nKnots,nKnots,alphaN))
                   iFg = array(NA, c(nKnots,nKnots,alphaN))
                   detDg = rep(NA,alphaN)

                   for(ag in 1:alphaN){
                      alpha = alphapw[ag,1]
                         W22 = diag(nKnots)
                         W12 = matrix(0,nrow=np,ncol=nKnots)
                      } else{
                         W22 = exp(-di22/alpha)
                         W12 = exp(-di12/alpha)
                      iW22 = solve(W22)
                      D = W12%*%iW22%*%t(W12)
                      dD = 1 - diag(D)

                      liW22 = t(chol(iW22))
                      idD = 1/dD

                      tmp0 = matrix(rep(idD,nKnots),ncol=nKnots)
                      idDW12 = tmp0*W12
                      FMat = W22 + t(W12)%*%idDW12
                      iF = solve(FMat)
                      tmp2 = W12%*%liW22
                      DS = t(tmp2)%*%(tmp0*tmp2) + diag(nKnots)
                      LDS = t(chol(DS))
                      detD = sum(log(dD)) + 2*sum(log(diag(LDS)))
                      idDg[,ag] = idD
                      idDW12g[,,ag] = idDW12
                      Fg[,,ag] = FMat
                      iFg[,,ag] = iF
                      detDg[ag] = detD
                   rLPar[[r]] = list(idDg=idDg, idDW12g=idDW12g, Fg=Fg, iFg=iFg, detDg=detDg)
   parList$Qg = Qg
   parList$iQg = iQg
   parList$RQg = RQg
   parList$detQg = detQg
   parList$rLPar = rLPar


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Hmsc documentation built on Aug. 11, 2022, 5:11 p.m.