
Defines functions get1prediction predict.Hmsc

Documented in predict.Hmsc

#' @title predict
#' @description Calculates predicted values from a fitted \code{Hmsc} model.
#' @param object a fitted \code{Hmsc} model object
#' @param post a list of posterior samples of the HMSC model. By default uses all samples from the pooled
#' posterior of the hM object.
#' @param XData a dataframe specifying the unpreprocessed covariates for the predictions to be made.
#' Works only if the \code{XFormula} argument was specified in the \code{Hmsc()} model constructor call.
#' Requirements are similar to those in the \code{Hmsc} model constructor.
#' @param X a matrix specifying the covariates for the predictions to be made.
#' Only one of XData and X arguments may be provided.
#' @param XRRRData a dataframe of covariates for reduced-rank regression
#' @param XRRR a matrix of covariates for reduced-rank regression
#' @param studyDesign a matrix, specifying the structure of the study design for the prediction.
#' Requirements are similar to those of the \code{Hmsc} constructor. By default this argument is
#' assigned the study design of the training data in the fitted Hmsc model.
#' @param ranLevels a list of \code{HmscRandomLevel} objects, futher specifying the structure of
#' random levels. Requirements are similar to those of the \code{Hmsc} constructor.
#' Each level must cover all units, specified in the correspondingly named column of \code{studyDesign}
#' argument. By default this argument is assigned the list of \code{HmscRandomLevel} objects
#' specified for fitting Hmsc model.
#' @param Gradient an object returned by
#'     \code{\link{constructGradient}}. Providing \code{Gradient} is
#'     an alternative for providing \code{XData}, \code{studyDesign}
#'     and \code{ranLevels}. Cannot be used together with \code{Yc}.
#' @param Yc a matrix of the outcomes that are assumed to be known for
#'     conditional predictions. Cannot be used together with
#'     \code{Gradient}.
#' @param mcmcStep the number of extra mcmc steps used for updating the random effects
#' @param expected boolean flag indicating whether to return the location parameter of the observation
#' models or sample the values from those.
#' @param predictEtaMean boolean flag indicating whether to use the estimated mean values of posterior
#' predictive distribution for random effets corresponding for the new units.
#' @param predictEtaMeanField boolean flag indicating whether to use draws from the mean-field of the
#' posterior predictive distribution for random effets corresponding for the new units.
#' @param nParallel Number of parallel processes. Parallel processing
#'     is only useful with new \code{Yc} data and extra
#'     \code{mcmcStep}.
#' @param useSocket (logical) Use socket clusters in parallel
#'     proecessing; these are the only alternative in Windows, but in
#'     other systems this should be usually set \code{FALSE} for
#'     forking.
#' @param \dots other arguments passed to functions.
#' @details In \code{mcmcStep,the number of extra mcmc steps used for updating the random effects
#' for the Eta parameters, starting from the samples of the fitted Hmsc model in order to
#' account for the conditional infromation provided in the Yc argument. The higher this number is,
#' the more the obtained updated samples are unaffected by the posterior estimates of latent factors
#' in the model fitted to the training data and more resembles the true conditional posterior. However,
#' the elapsed time for conditional prediction grows approximately linearly as this parameter increases.
#' The exact number for sufficient is problem-dependent and should be assessed by e.g. gradually
#' increasing this parameter till the stationarity of the produced predictions.}
#' @return A list of length \code{length(post)}, each element of which contains a sample from the posterior
#' predictive distribution (given the sample of the Hmsc model parameters in the corresponding element of
#' the \code{post} argument)
#' @seealso \code{\link{predictLatentFactor}}
#' @importFrom stats model.matrix rnorm pnorm rpois
#' @importFrom parallel detectCores mclapply makeCluster stopCluster
#'     clusterExport clusterEvalQ parLapply
#' @export

predict.Hmsc = function(object, post=poolMcmcChains(object$postList), XData=NULL,
                        X=NULL, XRRRData=NULL, XRRR=NULL, # this has to be updated to cov-dependent associations
                        studyDesign=object$studyDesign, ranLevels=object$ranLevels,
                        Gradient=NULL, Yc=NULL, mcmcStep=1, expected=FALSE,
                        predictEtaMean=FALSE, predictEtaMeanField=FALSE,
                        nParallel = 1,
                        useSocket = TRUE, ...)
   ## check valid nParallel
   nParallel <- min(nParallel, detectCores())
   if (nParallel > 1) {
       if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows" && !useSocket) {
           useSocket <- TRUE
           message("setting useSocket=TRUE; the only choice in Windows")
   if(!is.null(Gradient)) {
      ## don't know what to do if there is also Yc, and spatial models
      ## will trigger an error in updateEta (github issue #135)
      if (!is.null(Yc))
          stop("predict with arguments 'Yc' and 'Gradient' jointly is not implemented (yet)")

   if(!is.null(XData) && !is.null(X)){
      stop("only one of XData and X arguments can be specified")
   if(!is.null(XRRRData) && !is.null(XRRR)){
      stop("only one of XRRRData and XRRR arguments can be specified")
   if(predictEtaMean==TRUE && predictEtaMeanField==TRUE)
      stop("predictEtaMean and predictEtaMeanField arguments cannot be TRUE simultaneously")
                if (any(unlist(lapply(XData, is.na))))
                    stop("NA values are not allowed in 'XData'")
                xlev = lapply(Reduce(rbind,object$XData), levels)[unlist(lapply(Reduce(rbind,object$XData), is.factor))]
                X = lapply(XData, function(a) model.matrix(object$XFormula, a, xlev=xlev))
                if (any(is.na(XData)))
                    stop("NA values are not allowed in 'XData'")
                xlev = lapply(object$XData, levels)[unlist(lapply(object$XData, is.factor))]
                X = model.matrix(object$XFormula, XData, xlev=xlev)
   } else{
         X = object$X
      xlev = lapply(object$XRRRData, levels)[unlist(lapply(object$XRRRData, is.factor))]
      XRRR = model.matrix(object$XRRRFormula, XRRRData, xlev=xlev)
   } else{
      if(is.null(object$ncRRR)) object$ncRRR=0
      if(is.null(XRRR) && object$ncRRR>0)
             nyNew = nrow(X[[1]])
             nyNew = nrow(X)

      if(ncol(Yc) != object$ns){
         stop("number of columns in Yc must be equal to ns")
      if(nrow(Yc) != nyNew){
         stop("number of rows in Yc and X must be equal")
   if(!all(object$rLNames %in% colnames(studyDesign))){
      stop("dfPiNew does not contain all the necessary named columns")
   if(!all(object$rLNames %in% names(ranLevels))){
      stop("rL does not contain all the necessary named levels")

      dfPiNew = studyDesign[,object$rLNames,drop=FALSE]
   } else
      dfPiNew = matrix(NA,nyNew,0)
   rL = ranLevels[object$rLNames]
   ## object can have pre-computed data parameters, but not
   ## necessarily. These are needed only in updateEta(), but get it
   ## here anyway...
   rLPar <- if (is.null(object$rLPar)) {
            } else {

   predN = length(post)
   predPostEta = vector("list", object$nr)
   PiNew = matrix(NA,nrow(dfPiNew),object$nr)
   for(r in seq_len(object$nr)){
      postEta = lapply(post, function(c) c$Eta[[r]])
      postAlpha = lapply(post, function(c) c$Alpha[[r]])
      predPostEta[[r]] = predictLatentFactor(unitsPred=levels(dfPiNew[,r]),units=levels(object$dfPi[,r]),
      rowNames = rownames(predPostEta[[r]][[1]])
      PiNew[,r] = sapply(dfPiNew[,r], function(s) which(rowNames==s))
   ## simplify2array(predPostEta)[pN,][[nr]] == predPostEta[[nr]][[pN]]
   ppEta <- simplify2array(predPostEta)
   if (nParallel == 1) {  # non-Parallel
       pred <- lapply(seq_len(predN), function(pN, ...)
           get1prediction(object, X, XRRR, Yc, rL, rLPar, post[[pN]],
                          ppEta[pN,], PiNew, dfPiNew, nyNew, expected,
   } else if (useSocket) { # socket cluster (Windows, mac, Linux)
       seed <- sample.int(.Machine$integer.max, predN)
       cl <- makeCluster(nParallel)
       clusterExport(cl, "get1prediction", envir = environment())
       clusterEvalQ(cl, {
       pred <- parLapply(cl, seq_len(predN), function(pN, ...)
           get1prediction(object, X, XRRR, Yc, rL, rLPar, post[[pN]],
                          ppEta[pN,], PiNew, dfPiNew, nyNew, expected,
                          mcmcStep, seed = seed[pN]))
   } else { # fork (mac, Linux)
       seed <- sample.int(.Machine$integer.max, predN)
       pred <- mclapply(seq_len(predN), function(pN, ...)
           get1prediction(object, X, XRRR, Yc, rL, rLPar, post[[pN]],
                          ppEta[pN,], PiNew, dfPiNew, nyNew, expected,
                          mcmcStep, seed = seed[pN]),

## internal function to get one prediction
##  Needs following variables or arguments that must be passsed:
##  PiNew X XRRR Yc dfPiNew expected mcmcStep nyNew object pN post
##  predPostEta rL rLPar

get1prediction <-
    function(object, X, XRRR, Yc, rL, rLPar, sam, predPostEta, PiNew, dfPiNew,
             nyNew, expected, mcmcStep, seed = NULL)
    if (!is.null(seed))
           matrix = {
        LFix = X1 %*% sam$Beta
    list = {
        LFix = matrix(NA, nyNew, object$ns)
        for(j in 1:object$ns){
            LFix[,j] = X1%*%sam$Beta[,j]

    LRan = vector("list",object$nr)
    Eta = vector("list",object$nr)
    for(r in seq_len(object$nr)){
        Eta[[r]] = predPostEta[[r]]
        if(rL[[r]]$xDim == 0){
            LRan[[r]] = Eta[[r]][as.character(dfPiNew[,r]),] %*% sam$Lambda[[r]]
        } else{
            LRan[[r]] = matrix(0,object$ny,object$ns)
            for(k in 1:rL[[r]]$xDim)
                LRan[[r]] = LRan[[r]] + (Eta[[r]][as.character(dfPiNew[,r]),]*rL[[r]]$x[as.character(dfPiNew[,r]),k]) %*% sam$Lambda[[r]][,,k]
    if(object$nr > 0){L = LFix + Reduce("+", LRan)} else L = LFix

    ## predict can be slow with Yc and especially with high mcmcStep
    if(!is.null(Yc) && any(!is.na(Yc))){
        Z = L
        Z = updateZ(Y=Yc, Z=Z, Beta=sam$Beta, iSigma=1/sam$sigma, Eta=Eta,
                    Lambda=sam$Lambda, X=X, Pi=PiNew, dfPi=dfPiNew,
                    distr=object$distr, rL=rL)
        ## species CV from computePredictedValues runs this innermost
        ## loop nfolds * nfolds.sp * predN * mcmcStep times
        for(sN in seq_len(mcmcStep)){
            Eta = updateEta(Y=Yc, Z=Z, Beta=sam$Beta, iSigma=1/sam$sigma,
                            Eta=Eta, Lambda=sam$Lambda, Alpha=sam$Alpha,
                            rLPar=rLPar, X=X, Pi=PiNew, dfPi=dfPiNew, rL=rL)
            Z = updateZ(Y=Yc, Z=Z, Beta=sam$Beta, iSigma=1/sam$sigma, Eta=Eta,
                        Lambda=sam$Lambda, X=X, Pi=PiNew, dfPi=dfPiNew,
                        distr=object$distr, rL=rL)
        for(r in seq_len(object$nr)){
            if(rL[[r]]$xDim == 0){
                LRan[[r]] = Eta[[r]][as.character(dfPiNew[,r]),] %*%
            } else{
                LRan[[r]] = matrix(0,object$ny,object$ns)
                for(k in 1:rL[[r]]$xDim)
                    LRan[[r]] = LRan[[r]] +
                        (Eta[[r]][as.character(dfPiNew[,r]),] *
                         rL[[r]]$x[as.character(dfPiNew[,r]),k]) %*%
        if(object$nr > 0){L = LFix + Reduce("+", LRan)} else L = LFix
        Z = L + matrix(sqrt(sam$sigma),nrow(L),object$ns,byrow=TRUE) * matrix(rnorm(nrow(L)*object$ns),nrow(L),object$ns)
    } else{
        Z = L
    for(j in 1:object$ns){
        if(object$distr[j,"family"] == 2){ # probit
                Z[,j] = pnorm(Z[,j])
            } else{
                Z[,j] = as.numeric(Z[,j]>0)
        if(object$distr[j,"family"] == 3){ # poisson
                Z[,j] = exp(Z[,j] + sam$sigma[j]/2)
            } else{
                Z[,j] = rpois(nrow(Z),exp(Z[,j]))
    colnames(Z) = object$spNames

    for(i in 1:object$ns){
        m = object$YScalePar[1,i]
        s = object$YScalePar[2,i]
        if(m!=0 || s!=1){
            Z[,i] = Z[,i]*s + m

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Hmsc documentation built on Aug. 11, 2022, 5:11 p.m.