
Defines functions hotel.test hotel.stat print.hotelling.test plot.hotelling.test hotelling.test.formula hotelling.test.default hotelling.test hotelling.stat

Documented in hotelling.stat hotelling.test hotelling.test.default hotelling.test.formula hotel.stat hotel.test plot.hotelling.test print.hotelling.test

#' Calculate Hotelling's two sample T-squared test statistic
#' Calculate Hotelling's T-squared test statistic for the difference in two
#' multivariate means.
#' Note, the sample size requirements are that nx + ny - 1 > p. The procedure
#' will stop if this is not met and the shrinkage estimator is not being used.
#' The shrinkage estimator has not been rigorously tested for this application
#' (small p, smaller n).
#' @aliases hotelling.stat hotel.stat
#' @param x a nx by p matrix containing the data points from sample 1 or a list containing elements \code{mean}, \code{cov}, and \code{n} where
#' \code{mean} is a mean vector of length p, \code{cov} is a variance-covariance matrix of dimension p by p, and \code{n} is the sample size
#' @param y a ny by p matrix containg the data points from sample 2  or a list containing elements \code{mean}, \code{cov}, and \code{n} where
#' \code{mean} is a mean vector of length p, \code{cov} is a variance-covariance matrix of dimension p by p, and \code{n} is the sample size
#' @param shrinkage set to \code{TRUE} if the covariance matrices are to be estimated using Schaefer and Strimmer's James-Stein 
#' shrinkage estimator. Note this only works when raw data is supplied, and will 
#' not work if summary statistics are supplied.
#' @param var.equal set to \code{TRUE} if the covariance matrices are (assumed to be) equal
#' @return A list containing the following components:
#' \item{statistic}{Hotelling's (unscaled) T-squared statistic} \item{m}{The
#' scaling factor - this can be used by by multiplying it with the test
#' statistic, or dividing the critical F value} \item{df}{a vector of length
#' containing the numerator and denominator degrees of freedom} \item{nx}{The
#' sample size of sample 1} \item{ny}{The sample size of sample 2} \item{p}{The
#' number of variables to be used in the comparison}
#' @author James M. Curran
#' @author Taylor Hersh
#' @references Hotelling, H. (1931). ``The generalization of Student's ratio.''
#' Annals of Mathematical Statistics 2 (3): 360--378.
#' Schaefer, J., and K. Strimmer (2005). ``A shrinkage approach to large-scale
#' covariance matrix estimation and implications for functional genomics.''
#' Statist. Appl. Genet. Mol. Biol. 4: 32.
#' Opgen-Rhein, R., and K. Strimmer (2007). ``Accurate ranking of
#' differentially expressed genes by a distribution-free shrinkage approach.''
#' Statist. Appl. Genet. Mol. Biol. 6: 9.
#' NEL, D.G. and VAN DER MERWE, C.A. (1986). ``A solution to the -
#' multivariate Behrens-Fisher problem.''
#' Comm. Statist. Theor.- Meth., A15, 12, 3719-3736. 
#' @keywords htest
#' @examples
#' data(container.df)
#' split.data = split(container.df[,-1],container.df$gp)
#' x = split.data[[1]]
#' y = split.data[[2]]
#' hotelling.stat(x, y)
#' hotelling.stat(x, y, TRUE)
#' @export
hotelling.stat = function(x, y, shrinkage = FALSE, var.equal = TRUE){
  twoMatrices = if((is.matrix(x) && is.matrix(y)) ||
                   (is.data.frame(x) && is.data.frame(y))){
                }else if(is.list(x) && is.list(y)){
                  stop("x and y must be either both matrices, or both lists")
    x = as.matrix(x) #coerce just to make sure
    y = as.matrix(y)
    ## get the sample sizes for each sample
    nx = nrow(x)
    ny = nrow(y)
    px = ncol(x)
    py = ncol(y)
      stop("Both samples must have the same number of variables (columns)")
    p = px
    if(nx + ny < p - 1 & !shrinkage)
      stop("The sample sizes (nx + ny) must be 1 greater than the number of columns")
    mx = apply(x, 2, mean)
    my = apply(y, 2, mean)
    sx = NULL
    sy = NULL
      sx = cov(x)
      sy = cov(y)
      sx = cov.shrink(x, verbose = FALSE)
      sy = cov.shrink(y, verbose = FALSE)
    nms.x = all(names(x) %in% c("mean", "cov", "n"))
    nms.y = all(names(y) %in% c("mean", "cov", "n"))
    if(!nms.x || !nms.y){
      stop("If x and y are lists, then they must contain elements named 'mean', 'cov', 'n'")
    mx = x$mean
    my = y$mean
    sx = x$cov
    sy = y$cov
    px = ncol(sx)
    py = ncol(sy)
    if(px != py){
      stop("The covariance matrixces of x and y have different numbers of columns implying different numbers of variables.\nBoth samples need the same number of variables")
    p = px
    nx = x$n
    ny = y$n
    if(nx + ny < p - 1){
        stop("The sample sizes (nx + ny) must be 1 greater than the number of columns")
        stop("The shrinkage estimator cannot be used here because the raw data is not available")

  tr = function(X){
  if(var.equal){ #for equal covariance matrices
    df = nx + ny - 2
    sPooled = 0
    if (nx > 1)
      sPooled = sPooled + (nx - 1) * sx
    if (ny > 1)
      sPooled = sPooled + (ny - 1) * sy
    sPooled = sPooled/df
    sPooledInv = solve(sPooled)
    T2 = t(mx - my) %*% sPooledInv %*% (mx - my) * nx * ny/(nx + ny) 
    denomDegF = nx + ny - p - 1
  }else{#for unequal covariance matrices
    Vx = sx / nx
    Vy = sy / ny
    covDiff = Vx + Vy
    covDiffInv = solve(covDiff)
    T2 = t(mx - my) %*% covDiffInv %*% (mx - my) 
    num = tr(covDiff %*% covDiff) + tr(covDiff)^2
    dx = (tr( (Vx) %*% (Vx) ) + tr(Vx)^2) / (nx - 1)
    dy = (tr( (Vy) %*% (Vy) ) + tr(Vy)^2) / (ny - 1)
    denomDegF = num / (dx + dy)
  m = (nx + ny - p - 1) / (p * (nx + ny - 2))
  invisible(list(statistic = as.vector(T2), m = m, df = c(p, denomDegF),
                 nx = nx, ny = ny, p = p))

#' Two-sample Hotelling's T-squared test
#' Performs a two-sample Hotelling's T-squared test for the difference in two
#' multivariate means
#' @aliases hotelling.test hotelling.test.default hotelling.test.formula
#'   hotel.test
#' @param x a matrix containing the data points from sample 1, or a formula
#'   specifying the elements to be used as a response and the grouping variable
#'   as a predictor, or a list containing elements \code{mean}, \code{cov}, and
#'   \code{n} where \code{mean} is a mean vector of length p, \code{cov} is a
#'   variance-covariance matrix of dimension p by p, and \code{n} is the sample
#'   size
#' @param y a matrix containing the data points from sample 2, or a list
#'   containing elements \code{mean}, \code{cov}, and \code{n} where \code{mean}
#'   is a mean vector of length p, \code{cov} is a variance-covariance matrix of
#'   dimension p by p, and \code{n} is the sample size
#' @param shrinkage if \code{TRUE} then Shaefer and Strimmer's James-Stein
#'   shrinkage estimator is used to calculate the sample covariance matrices
#' @param var.equal set to \code{TRUE} if the covariance matrices are (assumed to be) equal
#' @param perm if \code{TRUE} then permutation testing is used to estimate the
#'   non-parametric P-value for the hypothesis test
#' @param B if perm is TRUE, then B is the number of permutations to perform
#' @param progBar if \code{TRUE} and \code{perm} is TRUE then a progress bar
#'   will be displayed whilst the permutation procedure is carried out
#' @param data a data frame needs to be specified if a formula is to be used to
#'   perform the test
#' @param pair a vector of length two which can be used when the grouping factor
#'   has more than two levels to select different pairs of groups. For example
#'   for a 3-level factor, pairs could be set to \code{c(1,3)} to perform
#'   Hotelling's test between groups 1 an 3
#' @param \dots any additional arguments. This is useful to pass the optional
#'   arguments for the default call from the formula version
#' @return A list (which is also of class 'hotelling.test') with the following
#'   elements:
#'   \item{stats}{a list containing all of the output from
#'   \code{hotelling.stat}} \item{pval}{the P-value from the test}
#'   \item{results}{if \code{perm == TRUE}, then all of the permuation test
#'   statisics are stored in results}
#' @author James M. Curran
#' @seealso hotelling.stat
#' @references Hotelling, H. (1931). ``The generalization of Student's ratio.''
#'   Annals of Mathematical Statistics 2 (3): 360--378.
#'   Schaefer, J., and K. Strimmer (2005). ``A shrinkage approach to large-scale
#'   covariance matrix estimation and implications for functional genomics.''
#'   Statist. Appl. Genet. Mol. Biol. 4: 32.
#'   Opgen-Rhein, R., and K. Strimmer (2007). ``Accurate ranking of
#'   differentially expressed genes by a distribution-free shrinkage approach.''
#'   Statist. Appl. Genet. Mol. Biol. 6: 9.
#'   Campbell, G.P. and J. M. Curran (2009). ``The interpretation of elemental
#'   composition measurements from forensic glass evidence III.'' Science and
#'   Justice, 49(1),2-7.
#' @keywords htest
#' @examples
#' data(container.df)
#' fit = hotelling.test(.~gp, data = container.df)
#' fit
#' subs.df = container.df[1:10,]
#' subs.df$gp = rep(1:2, c(5,5))
#' fitPerm = hotelling.test(Al+Fe~gp, data  = subs.df, perm =  TRUE)
#' fitPerm
#' plot(fitPerm)
#' data(bottle.df)
#' fit12 = hotelling.test(.~Number, data = bottle.df)
#' fit12
#' fit23 = hotelling.test(.~Number, data = bottle.df, pair = c(2,3))
#' fit23
#' data(manova1.df)
#' fit = hotelling.test(wratr+wrata~treatment, data = manova1.df, var.equal = FALSE)
#' fit
#' x = list(mean = c(7.81, 108.77, 44.92),
#'          cov = matrix(c(0.461, 1.18, 4.49,
#'                         1.18, 3776.4, -17.35, 
#'                         4.49, -17.35, 147.24), nc = 3, byrow = TRUE),
#'          n = 13)
#' y = list(mean = c(5.89, 41.9, 20.8),
#'          cov = matrix(c(0.148, -0.679, 0.209, 
#'                        -0.679, 96.10, 20.20,
#'                         0.209, 20.20, 24.18), nc = 3, byrow = TRUE),
#'          n = 10)
#' fit = hotelling.test(x, y, var.equal = FALSE)
#' fit
#' @export
hotelling.test = function(x, ...){

#' @describeIn hotelling.test Two-sample Hotelling's T-squared test
#' @export
hotelling.test.default = function(x, y, shrinkage = FALSE, var.equal = TRUE, perm = FALSE,
                                  B = 10000, progBar = (perm && TRUE), ...){
    stats = hotelling.stat(x = x, y = y, shrinkage = shrinkage, var.equal = var.equal)
    pVal = with(stats, 1 - pf(m * statistic, df[1], df[2]))
    output = list(stats = stats, pval = pVal)
    class(output) = "hotelling.test"
    stats = hotelling.stat(x = x, y = y, shrinkage = shrinkage, var.equal = var.equal)
    res = rep(0, B)
    nx = stats$nx
    ny = stats$ny
    N = nx + ny
    T0 = stats$statistic
    idx = 1:N
    X = rbind(x, y)
    onePercent = floor(B / 100)
    pb = NULL
      pb = txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = 100, initial = 0, style = 3)
    j = 0
    k = 0
    for(i in 1:B){
      i1 = sample(idx, nx)
      x1 = X[i1, ,drop=FALSE]
      x2 = X[-i1, ,drop=FALSE]
      res[i] = hotelling.stat(x = x1, y = x2, shrinkage = shrinkage, var.equal = var.equal)$statistic
      j = j + 1
      if(j == onePercent && progBar){
        k = k + 1
        j = 0
        setTxtProgressBar(pb, k)
    pVal = sum(res > T0)/B
    output = list(stats = stats, pval = pVal , results = res)
    class(output) = "hotelling.test"

#' @describeIn hotelling.test Two-sample Hotelling's T-squared test
#' @export
hotelling.test.formula = function(x, data = NULL, pair = c(1,2), ...){
  if(missing(x) || class(x) != "formula")
    stop("missing or incorrect formula")
  form = x
  form[[3]] = x[[2]]
  form[[2]] = x[[3]]
  mf = model.frame(form, data)
  group = model.response(mf)
  variables = mf[,-1, drop = FALSE]
  split.data = split(variables, group)
  x1 = as.matrix(split.data[[pair[1]]])
  x2 = as.matrix(split.data[[pair[2]]])
  hotelling.test(x1, x2, ...)

#' Plots the results from a permutation based version of Hotelling's T-squared
#' test for the difference in two multivariate sample means
#' Plots a histogram of the distribution of the permuted test statistics for a
#' permutation version of Hotelling's T-squared
#' This function only works if you have performed a permutation test. It will
#' return an error message if not. It could be programmed to draw the relevant
#' F distribution in the standard case, but this seems rather pointless.
#' @param x an object of type hotelling.test
#' @param \dots any additional arguments to be passed to the hist command
#' @author James M. Curran
#' @keywords plot
#' @examples
#' data(bottle.df)
#' bottle.df = subset(bottle.df, Number == 1)
#' bottle.df$Number = rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' fit = hotelling.test(.~Number, bottle.df, perm = TRUE)
#' plot(fit)
#' plot(fit, col = "lightblue")
#' @export
plot.hotelling.test = function(x,...){
    stop("Plotting only works if you have used the permutation test")
  dotArgNames = names(list(...))
  if("xlim" %in% dotArgNames){
      h = hist(stats$m*results, main = "Distribution of permuted test stats",
               xlab = expression(T^2),...);
      T0 = with(stats, m*statistic)
      lines(rep(T0, 2), c(0, max(h$counts)), lwd = 2)
    ## Try to do something sensible to make sure the test statistic is visible
    ## in the plotting window, ONLY if the user isn't over-riding xlim
      r = range(c(stats$m * results, stats$m * stats$statistic));
      pr = pretty(r);
      h = hist(stats$m * results, main = "Distribution of permuted test stats",
               xlab = expression(T^2), xlim = c(min(pr), max(pr)), ...);
      #abline(v = with(stats, m*statistic, lwd = 2))
      T0 = with(stats, m*statistic)
      lines(rep(T0, 2), c(0, max(h$counts)), lwd = 2)

#' Prints the results from a Hotelling's T-squared test for the difference in
#' two multivariate sample means
#' Prints the test stastic, degrees of freedom and P-value from Hotelling's
#' T-squared test for the difference in two multivariate sample means
#' @param x an object of type hotelling.test
#' @param \dots any additional arguments to be passed to the hist command
#' @author James M. Curran
#' @keywords print
#' @examples
#' data(bottle.df)
#' bottle.df = subset(bottle.df, Number == 1)
#' bottle.df$Number = rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' fit = hotelling.test(.~Number, bottle.df, perm = TRUE)
#' fit
#' fit = hotelling.test(.~Number, bottle.df)
#' fit
#' ## an explict call
#' print(fit)
#' @export
print.hotelling.test = function(x, ...){
        cat(paste("Test stat: ", signif(statistic, 5), "\n"));
        cat(paste("Numerator df: ", stats$df[1], "\n"))});
      cat(paste("Denominator df: ", x$stats$df[2], "\n"));
      cat(paste("P-value: ", signif(x$pval, 4), "\n"))})
        cat(paste("Test stat: ", signif(m*statistic, 5), "\n"));
        cat(paste("Numerator df: ", stats$df[1], "\n"))});
      cat(paste("Denominator df: ", x$stats$df[2], "\n"));
      cat(paste("Permutation P-value: ", signif(x$pval, 4), "\n"));
      cat(paste("Number of permutations :", length(x$results), "\n"))          })

hotel.stat = function(x, y, shrinkage = FALSE, var.equal = TRUE){
  hotelling.stat(x = x, y = y, shrinkage = shrinkage, var.equal = TRUE)

hotel.test = function(x, ...){
  hotelling.test(x, ...)

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Hotelling documentation built on Sept. 9, 2021, 9:09 a.m.