### Function to calculate the density of the
### generalized inverse Gaussian distribution
dgig <- function(x, Theta, KOmega = NULL){
if(length(Theta) != 3) {
stop("parameter vector must contain 3 values")
Theta <- as.numeric(Theta)
lambda <- Theta[1]
chi <- Theta[2]
psi <- Theta[3]
if(chi <= 0) stop("chi must be positive")
if(psi <= 0) stop("psi must be positive")
omega <- sqrt(chi*psi)
KOmega <- besselK(omega, nu = lambda)
gigDensity <- ifelse(x > 0, (psi/chi)^(lambda/2)/
(2*KOmega)*x^(lambda - 1)*
exp(-(1/2)*(chi*x^(-1) + psi*x)),0)
}## end of dgig()
### Cumulative distribution function of the generalized inverse Gaussian
### New version intended to give guaranteed accuracy
### Uses exponential approximation in tails
### safeIntegrate() is used over six parts in the middle of the distribution
### Calls gigBreaks to determine the breaks
### DJS 25/01/07
pgig <- function(q, Theta, small = 10^(-6), tiny = 10^(-10),
deriv = 0.3, subdivisions = 100,
accuracy = FALSE, ...){
if(length(Theta) != 3) {
stop("parameter vector must contain 3 values")
Theta <- as.numeric(Theta)
lambda <- Theta[1]
chi <- Theta[2]
psi <- Theta[3]
if(chi <= 0) stop("chi must be positive")
if(psi <= 0) stop("psi must be positive")
omega <- sqrt(chi*psi)
## Standardise distribution to chi = 1
q <- q/chi
psi <- chi*psi
chi <- 1
Theta <- c(lambda,chi,psi)
KOmega <- besselK(omega, nu = lambda)
bks <- gigBreaks(Theta, small, tiny, deriv, ...)
xTiny <- bks$xTiny
xSmall <- bks$xSmall
lowBreak <- bks$lowBreak
highBreak <- bks$highBreak
xLarge <- bks$xLarge
xHuge <- bks$xHuge
modeDist <- bks$modeDist
qSort <- sort(q)
qTiny <- which(qSort < xTiny)
qSmall <- which(qSort < xSmall)
qLow <- which(qSort < lowBreak)
qLessEqMode <- which(qSort <= modeDist)
qGreatMode <- which(qSort > modeDist)
qHigh <- which(qSort > highBreak)
qLarge <- which(qSort > xLarge)
qHuge <- which(qSort > xHuge)
## Break indices into 8 groups: beware of empty groups
if (length(qLow) > 0) qLessEqMode <- qLessEqMode[qLessEqMode > max(qLow)]
if (length(qHigh) > 0) qGreatMode <- qGreatMode[qGreatMode < min(qHigh)]
if (length(qSmall) > 0) qLow <- qLow[qLow > max(qSmall)]
if (length(qLarge) > 0) qHigh <- qHigh[qHigh < min(qLarge)]
if (length(qTiny) > 0) qSmall <- qSmall[qSmall > max(qTiny)]
if (length(qHuge) > 0) qLarge <- qLarge[qLarge < min(qHuge)]
intFun <- rep(NA, length(q))
if (length(qTiny) > 0) intFun[qTiny] <- 0
if (length(qHuge) > 0) intFun[qHuge] <- 1
intErr <- rep(NA, length(q))
if (length(qTiny) > 0) intErr[qTiny] <- 0
if (length(qHuge) > 0) intErr[qHuge] <- tiny
## Use safeIntegrate function between xTiny and xHuge in 6 sections
dgigInt <- function(q){
dgig(q, Theta)
## Calculate integrals and errors to cut points
resSmall <- safeIntegrate(dgigInt, xTiny, xSmall, subdivisions, ...)
resLarge <- safeIntegrate(dgigInt, xLarge, xHuge, subdivisions, ...)
intSmall <- resSmall$value
intLarge <- resLarge$value
errSmall <- resSmall$abs.error
errLarge <- tiny + resLarge$abs.error
resLow <- safeIntegrate(dgigInt, xSmall, lowBreak, subdivisions, ...)
resHigh <- safeIntegrate(dgigInt, highBreak, xLarge, subdivisions, ...)
intLow <- intSmall + resLow$value
intHigh <- intLarge + resHigh$value
errLow <- errSmall + resLow$abs.error
errHigh <- errLarge + resHigh$abs.error
for (i in qSmall){
intRes <- safeIntegrate(dgigInt, xTiny, qSort[i], subdivisions, ...)
intFun[i] <- intRes$value
intErr[i] <- intRes$abs.error
for (i in qLarge){
intRes <- safeIntegrate(dgigInt, qSort[i], xHuge, subdivisions, ...)
intFun[i] <- 1- intRes$value
intErr[i] <- intRes$abs.error + tiny
for (i in qLow){
intRes <- safeIntegrate(dgigInt, xSmall, qSort[i], subdivisions, ...)
intFun[i] <- intRes$value + intSmall
intErr[i] <- intRes$abs.error + errSmall
for (i in qHigh){
intRes <- safeIntegrate(dgigInt, qSort[i], xLarge, subdivisions, ...)
intFun[i] <- 1- intRes$value - intLarge
intErr[i] <- intRes$abs.error + errLarge
for (i in qLessEqMode){
intRes <- safeIntegrate(dgigInt, lowBreak, qSort[i], subdivisions, ...)
intFun[i] <- intRes$value + intLow
intErr[i] <- intRes$abs.error + errLow
for (i in qGreatMode){
intRes <- safeIntegrate(dgigInt, qSort[i], highBreak, subdivisions, ...)
intFun[i] <- 1- intRes$value - intHigh
intErr[i] <- intRes$abs.error + errLarge
if (!accuracy){
return(list(value=intFun[rank(q)], error=intErr[rank(q)]))
} ## End of pgig()
### qgig using breaks as for pgig and splines
### David Scott 08/12/06
qgig <- function(p, Theta, small = 10^(-6), tiny = 10^(-10),
deriv = 0.3, nInterpol = 100, subdivisions = 100, ...){
if(length(Theta) != 3 ){
stop("parameter vector must contain 3 values")
Theta <- as.numeric(Theta)
lambda <- Theta[1]
chi <- Theta[2]
psi <- Theta[3]
if(any(p < 0|p > 1) ) stop("p must lie between 0 and 1")
if(chi <= 0) stop("chi must be positive")
if(psi <= 0) stop("psi must be positive")
bks <- gigBreaks(Theta, small, tiny, deriv, ...)
xTiny <- bks$xTiny
xSmall <- bks$xSmall
lowBreak <- bks$lowBreak
highBreak <- bks$highBreak
xLarge <- bks$xLarge
xHuge <- bks$xHuge
modeDist <- bks$modeDist
yTiny <- pgig(xTiny, Theta)
ySmall <- pgig(xSmall, Theta)
yLowBreak <- pgig(lowBreak, Theta)
yHighBreak <- pgig(highBreak, Theta)
yLarge <- pgig(xLarge, Theta)
yHuge <- pgig(xHuge, Theta)
yModeDist <- pgig(modeDist, Theta)
pSort <- sort(p)
pSmall <- which(pSort < pgig(xSmall, Theta))
pTiny <- which(pSort < pgig(xTiny, Theta))
pLarge <- which(pSort > pgig(xLarge, Theta))
pHuge <- which(pSort > pgig(xHuge, Theta))
pLow <- which(pSort < pgig(lowBreak, Theta))
pHigh <- which(pSort > pgig(highBreak, Theta))
pLessEqMode <- which(pSort <= pgig(modeDist, Theta))
pGreatMode <- which(pSort > pgig(modeDist, Theta))
## Break indices into 8 groups: beware of empty groups
if (length(pLow) > 0) pLessEqMode <- pLessEqMode[pLessEqMode > max(pLow)]
if (length(pHigh) > 0) pGreatMode <- pGreatMode[pGreatMode < min(pHigh)]
if (length(pSmall) > 0) pLow <- pLow[pLow > max(pSmall)]
if (length(pLarge) > 0) pHigh <- pHigh[pHigh < min(pLarge)]
if (length(pTiny) > 0) pSmall <- pSmall[pSmall > max(pTiny)]
if (length(pHuge) > 0) pLarge <- pLarge[pLarge < min(pHuge)]
qSort <- rep(NA, length(pSort))
if (length(pTiny) > 0) qSort[pTiny] <- -Inf
if (length(pHuge) > 0) qSort[pHuge] <- Inf
if (length(pSmall) > 0){
xValues <- seq(xTiny, xSmall, length = nInterpol)
pgigValues <- pgig(xValues, Theta, small, tiny, deriv,
subdivisions = subdivisions, accuracy = FALSE)
pgigSpline <- splinefun(xValues, pgigValues)
for(i in pSmall){
pgigSpline(x) - pSort[i]
if (zeroFun(xTiny) >= 0){
qSort[i] <- xTiny
if (zeroFun(xSmall) <= 0){
qSort[i] <- xSmall
qSort[i] <- uniroot(zeroFun, interval = c(xTiny,xSmall), ...)$root
if (length(pLow) > 0){
xValues <- seq(xSmall, lowBreak, length = nInterpol)
pgigValues <- pgig(xValues, Theta, small, tiny, deriv,
subdivisions = subdivisions, accuracy = FALSE)
pgigSpline <- splinefun(xValues, pgigValues)
for(i in pLow){
pgigSpline(x) - pSort[i]
if (zeroFun(xSmall) >= 0){
qSort[i] <- xSmall
if (zeroFun(lowBreak) <= 0){
qSort[i] <- lowBreak
qSort[i] <- uniroot(zeroFun, interval = c(xSmall,lowBreak), ...)$root
if (length(pLessEqMode) > 0){
xValues <- seq(lowBreak, modeDist, length = nInterpol)
pgigValues <- pgig(xValues, Theta, small, tiny, deriv,
subdivisions = subdivisions, accuracy = FALSE)
pgigSpline <- splinefun(xValues, pgigValues)
for(i in pLessEqMode){
pgigSpline(x) - pSort[i]
if (zeroFun(lowBreak) >= 0){
qSort[i] <- lowBreak
if (zeroFun(modeDist) <= 0){
qSort[i] <- modeDist
qSort[i] <-
uniroot(zeroFun, interval = c(lowBreak,modeDist), ...)$root
if (length(pGreatMode) > 0){
xValues <- seq(modeDist, highBreak, length = nInterpol)
pgigValues <- pgig(xValues, Theta, small, tiny, deriv,
subdivisions = subdivisions, accuracy = FALSE)
pgigSpline <- splinefun(xValues, pgigValues)
for(i in pGreatMode){
pgigSpline(x) - pSort[i]
if (zeroFun(modeDist) >= 0){
qSort[i] <- modeDist
if (zeroFun(highBreak) <= 0){
qSort[i] <- highBreak
qSort[i] <-
uniroot(zeroFun, interval = c(modeDist,highBreak), ...)$root
if (length(pHigh) > 0){
xValues <- seq(highBreak, xLarge, length = nInterpol)
pgigValues <- pgig(xValues, Theta, small, tiny, deriv,
subdivisions = subdivisions, accuracy = FALSE)
pgigSpline <- splinefun(xValues, pgigValues)
for(i in pHigh){
pgigSpline(x) - pSort[i]
if (zeroFun(highBreak) >= 0){
qSort[i] <- highBreak
if (zeroFun(xLarge) <= 0){
qSort[i] <- xLarge
qSort[i] <-
uniroot(zeroFun, interval = c(highBreak,xLarge), ...)$root
if (length(pLarge) > 0){
xValues <- seq(xLarge, xHuge, length = nInterpol)
pgigValues <- pgig(xValues, Theta, small, tiny, deriv,
subdivisions = subdivisions, accuracy = FALSE)
pgigSpline <- splinefun(xValues, pgigValues)
for(i in pLarge){
pgigSpline(x) - pSort[i]
if (zeroFun(xLarge) >= 0){
qSort[i] <- xLarge
if (zeroFun(xHuge) <= 0){
qSort[i] <- xHuge
qSort[i] <-
uniroot(zeroFun, interval = c(xLarge,xHuge), ...)$root
if (length(pHuge) > 0){
for (i in pHuge){
pgig(x,Theta) - pSort[i]
interval <- c(xHuge,xHuge + (xHuge - xLarge))
while(zeroFun(interval[1])*zeroFun(interval[2])>0) {
interval[1] <- interval[1] + (xHuge - xLarge)
qSort[i] <- uniroot(zeroFun,interval)$root
} # End of qgig()
# Modified version of rgig to generate random observations
# from a generalized inverse Gaussian distribution in the
# special case where lambda = 1.
rgig1 <- function(n, Theta){
if(length(Theta) == 2) {
Theta <- c(1,Theta)
lambda <- 1
chi <- Theta[2]
psi <- Theta[3]
if(chi <= 0) stop("chi must be positive")
if(psi <= 0) stop("psi must be positive")
alpha <- sqrt(psi/chi)
beta <- sqrt(psi*chi)
m <- abs(beta)/beta
g <- function(y){
0.5*beta*y^3 - y^2*(0.5*beta*m + lambda+1) +
y*(-0.5*beta) + 0.5*beta*m
upper <- m
while(g(upper) <= 0) upper <- 2*upper
yM <- uniroot(g, interval = c(0,m))$root
yP <- uniroot(g, interval = c(m,upper))$root
a <- (yP - m)*exp(-0.25*beta*(yP + 1/yP - m - 1/m))
b <- (yM - m)*exp(-0.25*beta*(yM + 1/yM - m - 1/m))
c <- -0.25*beta*(m + 1/m)
output <- numeric(n)
for(i in 1:n){
needValue <- TRUE
while(needValue == TRUE){
R1 <- runif(1)
R2 <- runif(1)
Y <- m + a*R2/R1 + b*(1 - R2)/R1
if(Y > 0){
if(-log(R1) >= 0.25*beta*(Y + 1/Y) + c){
needValue <- FALSE
output[i] <- Y
} ## End of rgig1
# Function to generate random observations from a
# generalized inverse Gaussian distribution. The
# algorithm is based on that given by Dagpunar (1989)
rgig <- function(n, Theta){
lambda <- Theta[1]
chi <- Theta[2]
psi <- Theta[3]
if(chi <= 0) stop("chi must be positive")
if(psi <= 0) stop("psi must be positive")
if (lambda==1){
stop(return(rgig1(n, c(chi,psi))))
alpha <- sqrt(psi/chi)
beta <- sqrt(psi*chi)
m <- (lambda - 1 + sqrt((lambda - 1)^2 + beta^2))/beta
g <- function(y){
0.5*beta*y^3 - y^2*(0.5*beta*m + lambda + 1) +
y*((lambda - 1)*m - 0.5*beta) + 0.5*beta*m
upper <- m
while(g(upper) <= 0) upper <- 2*upper
##yM <- uniroot(g, interval = c(0, m))$root
## Correct problem when psi and chi are very small
## Code from Fabian Scheipl
yM <- uniroot(g, interval = c(0,m),
tol = min(.Machine$double.eps^0.25,
(.Machine$double.eps +g(0)/10)))$root
yP <- uniroot(g, interval = c(m,upper))$root
a <- (yP - m)*(yP/m)^(0.5*(lambda - 1))*
exp(-0.25*beta*(yP + 1/yP - m - 1/m))
b <- (yM - m)*(yM/m)^(0.5*(lambda - 1))*
exp(-0.25*beta*(yM + 1/yM - m - 1/m))
c <- -0.25*beta*(m + 1/m) + 0.5*(lambda - 1)*log(m)
output <- numeric(n)
for(i in 1:n){
needValue <- TRUE
while(needValue == TRUE){
R1 <- runif(1)
R2 <- runif(1)
Y <- m + a*R2/R1 + b*(1 - R2)/R1
if(-log(R1) >= -0.5*(lambda - 1)*log(Y) + 0.25*beta*(Y + 1/Y) + c){
needValue <- FALSE
output[i] <- Y
} ## End of rgig()
### Derivative of dgig
ddgig <- function(x, Theta, KOmega = NULL, ...){
if(length(Theta) != 3) {
stop("parameter vector must contain 3 values")
Theta <- as.numeric(Theta)
lambda <- Theta[1]
chi <- Theta[2]
psi <- Theta[3]
if(chi <= 0) stop("chi must be positive")
if(psi <= 0) stop("psi must be positive")
omega <- sqrt(chi*psi)
KOmega <- besselK(x = omega, nu = lambda)
ddgig <- ifelse(x > 0,
dgig(x, Theta, KOmega)*(chi/x^2 + 2*(lambda - 1)/x - psi)/2,
} ## End of ddgig()
### Function to set up breaks for pgig and qgig
gigBreaks <- function(Theta, small = 10^(-6), tiny = 10^(-10),
deriv = 0.3, ...){
if(length(Theta) != 3) {
stop("parameter vector must contain 3 values")
Theta <- as.numeric(Theta)
lambda <- Theta[1]
chi <- Theta[2]
psi <- Theta[3]
if(chi <= 0) stop("chi must be positive")
if(psi <= 0) stop("psi must be positive")
omega <- sqrt(chi*psi)
## Find quantiles of standardised gig: adjust later
psi <- chi*psi
chi <- 1
ThetaStand <- c(lambda,chi,psi)
KOmega <- besselK(x = omega, nu = lambda)
const <- (psi/chi)^(lambda/2)/(2*KOmega)
xTiny <- 0
xSmall <- gigCalcRange(ThetaStand, small, density = TRUE)[1]
xLarge <- gigCalcRange(ThetaStand, small, density = TRUE)[2]
xHuge <- gigCalcRange(ThetaStand, tiny, density = TRUE)[2]
modeDist <- gigMode(ThetaStand)
## Determine break points, based on size of derivative
xDeriv <- seq(xSmall, modeDist, length.out = 101)
derivVals <- ddgig(xDeriv, ThetaStand, KOmega)
maxDeriv <- max(derivVals)
minDeriv <- min(derivVals)
breakSize <- deriv*maxDeriv
breakFun <- function(x){
ddgig(x, ThetaStand, KOmega) - breakSize
if ((maxDeriv < breakSize)||(derivVals[1] > breakSize)){
lowBreak <- xSmall
whichMaxDeriv <- which.max(derivVals)
lowBreak <- uniroot(breakFun,c(xSmall,xDeriv[whichMaxDeriv]))$root
xDeriv <- seq(modeDist, xLarge, length.out = 101)
derivVals <- -ddgig(xDeriv,ThetaStand, KOmega)
maxDeriv <- max(derivVals)
minDeriv <- min(derivVals)
breakSize <- deriv*maxDeriv
breakFun <- function(x){
- ddgig(x, ThetaStand, KOmega) - breakSize
if ((maxDeriv < breakSize)||(derivVals[101] > breakSize)){
highBreak <- xLarge
whichMaxDeriv <- which.max(derivVals)
highBreak <- uniroot(breakFun,c(xDeriv[whichMaxDeriv],xLarge))$root
breaks <- Theta[2]*c(xTiny,xSmall,lowBreak,highBreak,xLarge,xHuge,modeDist)
breaks <- list(xTiny = breaks[1], xSmall = breaks[2],
lowBreak = breaks[3], highBreak = breaks[4],
xLarge = breaks[5], xHuge = breaks[6],
modeDist = breaks[7])
} ## End of gigBreaks()
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