
Defines functions sensbayes_inner bayes_inner Psi_x_minus_bayes PlotPsi_x_bayes create_Psi_bayes create_criterion_bayes Calculate_Cost_bayes control.quadrature control.cubature

# ###############################################################################################################*
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control.cubature <- function(tol = 1e-5, maxEval = 50000, absError = 0){
  return(list(tol = tol, maxEval = maxEval, absError = absError))
control.quadrature <- function(type = c("GLe", "GHe"), level = 6, ndConstruction = "sparse", level.trans = FALSE){
  if (!type[1] %in% c("GLe", "GHe"))
    stop("Currently only the 'GLe' and 'GHe' quadrature rules are implemented")
  return(list(type = type[1], level = level, ndConstruction = ndConstruction, level.trans = level.trans))
Calculate_Cost_bayes <- function(mat, fixed_arg){
  # mat: is the matrix of positions
  # fixed_arg: passed to calculate
    stop("'mat' must be matrix")
  n_cost <- dim(mat)[1]
  store <- vector("list", n_cost) #temporarily
  cost <- vector("double", n_cost)
    w_equal <- rep(1/fixed_arg$k, fixed_arg$k)
  for(i in 1:dim(mat)[1]){
    if (!fixed_arg$is.only.w)
      x <- mat[i, fixed_arg$x_id] else
        x <- NULL
        w <- mat[i, fixed_arg$w_id] else
          w <- w_equal
          x_w <- ICA_extract_x_w(x = x, w = w,
                                 sym_point = fixed_arg$sym_point)
          x <- x_w$x
          w <- x_w$w

        store[[i]] <- fixed_arg$crfunc(q = c(x, w), npred = fixed_arg$npred)
  nfeval <-  sum(sapply(store, "[[", "fneval"))
  cost <-  sapply(store, "[[", "val")
  ## we require inner_optima for the ICA functions because they were wriite originally for the minimax designs
  return(list(cost = cost, nfeval = nfeval, inner_optima = matrix(NA, nrow = length(cost))))

create_criterion_bayes <- function(FIM, type, prior, compound, const, multiple, localdes = NULL, method, npar, crt.bayes.control, IRTpars, is.only.w, only_w_varlist = NULL, user_crtfunc2){
  prior_func <- prior$fn
  if (is.null(npar))
    npar <- prior$npar
  lp <- prior$lower
  up <- prior$upper

  if (method == "cubature"){
    #### make the cr_integrand

    if (type == "DPA")
      cr_integrand_DPA <- function(param, x, w){

        if (compound$alpha != 0){
          bcrfunc1 <- -(compound$alpha/4  * sapply(FIM(x = x, w = w, param = t(param)), det2, logarithm= TRUE) +
                          apply(param, 2, function(col_par)(1 -compound$alpha) * log(sum(w * compound$prob(x = x, param = col_par))))) * prior_func(t(param))
          bcrfunc1 <- -(apply(param, 2, function(col_par)(1 -compound$alpha) * log(sum(w * compound$prob(x = x, param = col_par))))) * prior_func(t(param))

        # if (any(is.infinite(bcrfunc1)))
        #   bcrfunc1[(is.infinite(bcrfunc1))] <- 0
        dim(bcrfunc1) <- c(1, length(bcrfunc1))
    if (type == "DPM")

      cr_integrand_DPM <- function(param, x, w){
        bcrfunc1 <- apply(param, 2,  FUN = function(col_par)-(compound$alpha/4 * det2(FIM(x = x, w = w, param = col_par), logarithm = TRUE) + (1 -compound$alpha) * log(min(compound$prob(x = x, param = col_par))))) * prior_func(t(param))
          bcrfunc1[(is.infinite(bcrfunc1))] <- 0
        dim(bcrfunc1) <- c(1, length(bcrfunc1))
    if (type == "D")
      cr_integrand_D<- function(param, x, w){
        bcrfunc1 <- -1 * sapply(FIM(x = x, w = w, param = t(param)), det2, logarithm= TRUE) * prior_func(t(param))
        # FIM(x = x, w = w, param = t(param))
        # FIM_logistic(x =x, w = w, param = c(0, 1.05))
        #bcrfunc1 <- apply(param, 2, FUN = function(col_par)-det2(FIM(x = x, w = w, param = col_par), logarithm = TRUE)) * prior_func(t(param))
        dim(bcrfunc1) <- c(1, length(bcrfunc1))
    if (type == "user"){
      cr_user <- function(param, x, w){
        bcrfunc1 <- user_crtfunc2(x = x, w = w,  param = t(param), fimfunc = FIM) * prior_func(t(param))
        dim(bcrfunc1) <- c(1, length(bcrfunc1))

    if(type == "multiple")
      stop("BUG: No Bayesian multiple objective optimal designs is implemented yet!")

    cr_integrand <- switch(type, "D" = cr_integrand_D, "DPA" = cr_integrand_DPA, "DPM" = cr_integrand_DPM, "user" = cr_user)
    #cr_integrand <- switch(type, "D" = cr_integrand_D, "DPA" = cr_integrand_DPA, "DPM" = cr_integrand_DPM, "multiple" = cr_integrand_multiple)
    crfunc_bayesian  <- function(q, npred) {
      if (!is.only.w){
        lq <- length(q) # q is the design points and weights
        pieces <- lq / (npred + 1)
        x_ind <- 1:(npred * pieces)
        w_ind <- (x_ind[length(x_ind)] + 1):lq
        x <- q[x_ind]
        w <- q[w_ind]
        w <- q
        x <- only_w_varlist$x
      out <- hcubature(f = cr_integrand, lowerLimit = lp, upperLimit = up, vectorInterface = TRUE, x = x, w = w,
                       tol = crt.bayes.control$cubature$tol, maxEval = crt.bayes.control$cubature$maxEval,
                       absError = 0,# norm = crt.bayes.control$cubature$norm,
                       doChecking = FALSE)
      if (out$integral == Inf || is.nan(out$integral) || out$integral == -Inf )
        out$integral <- 1e+20
      if (const$use)
        val <- out$integral + 5000 * (sum(w) - 1)^2 + const$pen_func(x) else
          val <- out$integral + 5000 * (sum(w) - 1)^2
      return(list(val = val, fneval = out$functionEvaluations))
    crfunc <- crfunc_bayesian

  ###quadrature methods
  if (method == "quadrature"){
    if (type == "D")
      cr_integrand_D<- function(param, x, w){
        bcrfunc1 <- -1 * sapply(FIM(x = x, w = w, param = param), det2, logarithm= TRUE) * prior_func(param)
        if (dim(param)[1] != dim(bcrfunc1)[1])
          bcrfunc1 <- t(bcrfunc1)
    if (type == "user"){
      cr_integrand_user <- function(param, x, w){
        bcrfunc1 <- user_crtfunc2(x = x, w = w,  param = param, fimfunc = FIM) * prior_func(param)
        if (dim(param)[1] != dim(bcrfunc1)[1])
          bcrfunc1 <- t(bcrfunc1)

    if (type == "DPA")
      cr_integrand_DPA <- function(param, x, w){
        bcrfunc1 <- -(compound$alpha/4  * sapply(FIM(x = x, w = w, param = param), det2, logarithm= TRUE) +
                        apply(param, 1, function(row_par)(1 -compound$alpha) * log(sum(w * compound$prob(x = x, param = row_par))))) * prior_func(param)
          bcrfunc1[(is.infinite(bcrfunc1))] <- 0
        if (dim(param)[1] != dim(bcrfunc1)[1])
          bcrfunc1 <- t(bcrfunc1)

    cr_integrand <- switch(type, "D" = cr_integrand_D, "DPA" = cr_integrand_DPA, "DPM" = cr_integrand_DPM, "user" = cr_integrand_user)

    nw <- createNIGrid(dim = length(prior$lower), type = crt.bayes.control$quadrature$type,
                       level = crt.bayes.control$quadrature$level,
                       ndConstruction = crt.bayes.control$quadrature$ndConstruction)

    if (crt.bayes.control$quadrature$type == "GLe")
      rescale(nw, domain = matrix(c(prior$lower, prior$upper), ncol=2))
    if (crt.bayes.control$quadrature$type == "GHe")
      rescale(nw, m = prior$mu, C =  prior$sigma)

    crfunc_bayesian  <- function(q, npred) {
      if (!is.only.w){
        lq <- length(q) # q is the design points and weights
        pieces <- lq / (npred + 1)
        x_ind <- 1:(npred * pieces)
        w_ind <- (x_ind[length(x_ind)] + 1):lq
        x <- q[x_ind]
        w <- q[w_ind]
        w <- q
        x <- only_w_varlist$x
      out <- quadrature(f = cr_integrand, grid = nw, x=x, w=w)
      if (out == Inf || is.nan(out) || out == -Inf )
        out <- 1e+20
      if (const$use)
        val <- out + 5000 * (sum(w) - 1)^2 + const$pen_func(x) else
          val <- out + 5000 * (sum(w) - 1)^2
      return(list(val = val, fneval = dim(nw$nodes)[1]))
    crfunc <- crfunc_bayesian

  return(list(crfunc = crfunc))
create_Psi_bayes <- function(type, prior, FIM, lp, up, npar, truncated_standard, const, sens.bayes.control, compound, IRTpars, method, user_sensfunc){

  if (method == "cubature"){
    if (type == "D"){
      Psi_x_integrand_D  <- function(x1, param,  FIM, x, w, prior_func){

        # NOTE: in cubature when integrand is vectorized:
        #  1- the input of the integrand (param) is a MATRIX with  length(mean) or length(lp) number of rows and l number of columns  (l is for vectorization)
        #  2- the integrand should return a matrix of 1 * l (vectorization).
        ## param: as matrix: EACH COLUMN is one set of parameters
        ## return a matrix with 1 * length(param) dimension
        FIM_x <- FIM(x = x, w = w, par = t(param))
        FIM_x1 <- FIM(x = x1, w = 1, par = t(param))
        deriv_integrand <- sapply(1:ncol(param), FUN = function(j)sum(diag(solve(FIM_x[[j]])%*%FIM_x1[[j]]))) * prior_func(t(param))
        # deriv_integrand <- apply(param, 2, FUN = function(col_par)sum(diag(solve(FIM(x = x, w = w, par = col_par)) %*%
        #                                                                       FIM(x = x1, w = 1, par = col_par)))) * prior_func(t(param))
        if (is.null(dim(deriv_integrand)))
          dim(deriv_integrand) <- c(1, length(deriv_integrand))

      Psi_x_bayes <- function(x1,  x, w){
        ## here x is a degenerate design that putt all its mass on x.
        # x1 is one point
        # This function is required to check the equivalence theorem by ploting and calculating the D-efficiency lower bound
        # prior funtion
        # FIM: is the Fisher information matrix
        # x: vector of design points
        # w: vector of design weights
        # we have npar here beacuse in optimization we shorten lp and up when the lower bound and uper bound is the same
        # truncated_standard: required for the prior because the prior is truncated
        out <- hcubature(f = Psi_x_integrand_D, lowerLimit = lp, upperLimit = up, vectorInterface = TRUE,
                         x = x, w = w, prior_func = prior$fn, FIM = FIM, x1 = x1,
                         tol = sens.bayes.control$cubature$tol,
                         maxEval = sens.bayes.control$cubature$maxEval,
                         doChecking = FALSE,
                         ##norm = sens.bayes.control$cubature$norm,
                         absError = 0)
        hcubature(f = Psi_x_integrand_D, lowerLimit = lp, upperLimit = up, vectorInterface = TRUE,
                  x = x, w = w, prior_func = prior$fn, FIM = FIM, x1 = 1000,
                  tol = sens.bayes.control$cubature$tol,
                  maxEval = sens.bayes.control$cubature$maxEval,
                  doChecking = FALSE,
                  ##norm = sens.bayes.control$cubature$norm,
                  absError = 0)
        #0.5338774 truncated_standard
        return(out$integral/truncated_standard  - npar)

      Psi_xy_bayes <- function(x1, y1, x, w){

        ## this function is used for plotting the equivalence theorem equation for model with two independent variables.
        # the function is exactly as psy_x_bayes, only with two arument.
        # 'Point' will be handeled by the FIM function of the models itself, see 'common_mulit_dimensional_design.R'
        ## WARNINGS: do not change names of 'x1' and 'y1' here unless you check the vectorize in 'PlotPsi_x'
        ## there we have 'Vectorize(FUN = Psi_x, vectorize.args=c("x1", "y1"))'

        ## here x is a degenerate design that putt all its mass on x.
        # x1 is one point
        # This function is required to check the equivalence theorem by ploting and also find the D-efficiency lower bound
        # prior funtion
        # FIM: is the Fisher information matrix
        # x: vector of design points
        # w: vector of design weights
        # we have npar here beacuse in optimization we shorten lp and up when the lower bound and uper bound is the same
        # truncated_standard: required for the prior because the prior is truncated

        out <- hcubature(f = Psi_x_integrand_D, lowerLimit = lp, upperLimit = up, vectorInterface = TRUE,
                         x = x, w = w, prior_func = prior$fn, FIM = FIM, x1 = c(x1, y1),
                         tol = sens.bayes.control$cubature$tol,
                         maxEval = sens.bayes.control$cubature$maxEval,
                         doChecking = FALSE,
                         #norm = sens.bayes.control$cubature$norm,
                         absError = 0)
        #return(list(val = out$integral/truncated_standard  - npar, nfeval = out$functionEvaluations))
        return(-(out$integral/truncated_standard  - npar))
    if (type == "user"){
      Psi_x_integrand_user  <- function(x1, param,  FIM, x, w, prior_func){
        # NOTE: in cubature when integrand is vectorized:
        #  1- the input of the integrand (param) is a MATRIX with  length(mean) or length(lp) number of rows and l number of columns  (l is for vectorization)
        #  2- the integrand should return a matrix of 1 * l (vectorization).
        ## param: as matrix: EACH COLUMN is one set of parameters
        ## return a matrix with 1 * length(param) dimension
        deriv_integrand <- user_sensfunc(xi_x = x1, x = x, w = w, param = t(param), fimfunc = FIM) * prior_func(t(param))

        # deriv_integrand <- apply(param, 2, FUN = function(col_par)sum(diag(solve(FIM(x = x, w = w, par = col_par)) %*%
        #                                                                       FIM(x = x1, w = 1, par = col_par)))) * prior_func(t(param))
        if (is.null(dim(deriv_integrand)))
          dim(deriv_integrand) <- c(1, length(deriv_integrand))

      Psi_x_bayes <- function(x1,  x, w){
        ## here x is a degenerate design that putt all its mass on x.
        # x1 is one point
        # This function is required to check the equivalence theorem by ploting and calculating the D-efficiency lower bound
        # prior funtion
        # FIM: is the Fisher information matrix
        # x: vector of design points
        # w: vector of design weights
        # we have npar here beacuse in optimization we shorten lp and up when the lower bound and uper bound is the same
        # truncated_standard: required for the prior because the prior is truncated
        out <- hcubature(f = Psi_x_integrand_user, lowerLimit = lp, upperLimit = up, vectorInterface = TRUE,
                         x = x, w = w, prior_func = prior$fn, FIM = FIM, x1 = x1,
                         tol = sens.bayes.control$cubature$tol,
                         maxEval = sens.bayes.control$cubature$maxEval,
                         doChecking = FALSE,
                         #norm = sens.bayes.control$cubature$norm,
                         absError = 0)

      Psi_xy_bayes <- function(x1, y1, x, w){
        ## this function is used for plotting the equivalence theorem equation for model with two independent variables.
        # the function is exactly as psy_x_bayes, only with two arument.
        # 'Point' will be handeled by the FIM function of the models itself, see 'common_mulit_dimensional_design.R'
        ## WARNINGS: do not change names of 'x1' and 'y1' here unless you check the vectorize in 'PlotPsi_x'
        ## there we have 'Vectorize(FUN = Psi_x, vectorize.args=c("x1", "y1"))'

        ## here x is a degenerate design that putt all its mass on x.
        # x1 is one point
        # This function is required to check the equivalence theorem by ploting and also find the D-efficiency lower bound
        # prior funtion
        # FIM: is the Fisher information matrix
        # x: vector of design points
        # w: vector of design weights
        # we have npar here beacuse in optimization we shorten lp and up when the lower bound and uper bound is the same
        # truncated_standard: required for the prior because the prior is truncated

        out <- hcubature(f = Psi_x_integrand_user, lowerLimit = lp, upperLimit = up, vectorInterface = TRUE,
                         x = x, w = w, prior_func = prior$fn, FIM = FIM, x1 = c(x1, y1),
                         tol = sens.bayes.control$cubature$tol,
                         maxEval = sens.bayes.control$cubature$maxEval,
                         doChecking = FALSE,
                         absError = 0)
        #return(list(val = out$integral/truncated_standard  - npar, nfeval = out$functionEvaluations))
    if (type == "DPA" || type == "DPAM"){
      Psi_x_integrand_DP <- function(x1, param,  FIM,  x, w, prior_func){
        # NOTE: in cubature when integrand is vectorized:
        #  1- the input of the integrand (param) is a MATRIX with length(mean) or length(lp) number of rows and l number of columns  (l is for vectorization)
        #  2- the integrand should return a matrix of 1 * l (vectorization).
        ## param: as matrix: EACH COLUMN is one set of parameters
        if (type == "DPA"){
          FIM_x <- FIM(x = x, w = w, par = t(param))
          FIM_x1 <- FIM(x = x1, w = 1, par = t(param))
          if (compound$alpha != 0){
            deriv_integrand <-  sapply(1:ncol(param), FUN = function(j)compound$alpha/npar * sum(diag(solve(FIM_x[[j]]) %*% FIM_x1[[j]])) +
                                         (1-compound$alpha) * (compound$prob(x1, param[, j])- sum(w * compound$prob(x, param[, j])))/sum(w * compound$prob(x, param[, j]))) * prior_func(t(param))
            deriv_integrand <-  sapply(1:ncol(param), FUN = function(j) (compound$prob(x1, param[, j])- sum(w * compound$prob(x, param[, j])))/sum(w * compound$prob(x, param[, j]))) * prior_func(t(param))

          # deriv_integrand <- apply(param, 2,
          #                          FUN = function(col_par)alpha/npar * sum(diag(solve(FIM(x = x, w = w, par = col_par)) %*% FIM(x = x1, w = 1, par = col_par)))
          #                          + (1-alpha) * (prob(x1, col_par)- sum(w * prob(x, col_par)))/sum(w * prob(x, col_par))) * prior_func(t(param))
          if (type == "DPM"){
            deriv_integrand <- apply(param, 2, FUN = function(col_par)compound$alpha/npar * sum(diag(solve(FIM(x = x, w = w, par = col_par)) %*% FIM(x = x1, w = 1, par = col_par))) + (1-compound$alpha) * (compound$prob(x1, col_par)- min(compound$prob(x, col_par)))/min(compound$prob(x, col_par))) * prior_func(t(param))
            stop("BUG: check 'type'")
        dim(deriv_integrand) <- c(1, length(deriv_integrand))
      Psi_x_bayes <- function(x1, x, w){
        ## here x is a degenerate design that putt all its mass on x.
        # x1 is one point
        # This function is required to check the equivalence theorem by ploting and also find the D-efficiency lower bound
        # prior funtion
        # FIM: is the Fisher information matrix
        # x: vector of design points
        # w: vector of design weights
        # we have npar here beacuse in optimization we shorten lp and up when the lower bound and uper bound is the same
        # truncated_standard: required for the prior because the prior is truncated
        out <- hcubature(f = Psi_x_integrand_DP, lowerLimit = lp, upperLimit = up, vectorInterface = TRUE,
                         x = x, w = w, prior_func = prior$fn, FIM = FIM, x1 = x1,
                         tol = sens.bayes.control$cubature$tol,
                         maxEval = sens.bayes.control$cubature$maxEval,
                         doChecking = FALSE,
                         #norm = sens.bayes.control$cubature$norm,
                         absError = 0)
        return(out$integral/truncated_standard  - compound$alpha)

      Psi_xy_bayes <- function(x1, y1, x, w){
        ## WARNINGS: do not change names of 'x1' and 'y1' here unless you check the vectorize in 'PlotPsi_x'
        ## there we have 'Vectorize(FUN = Psi_x, vectorize.args=c("x1", "y1"))'
        ## this function is used for plotting the equivalence theorem equation for models with two independent variables.
        # the function is exactly as psy_x_bayes_compound, only with two aruments.
        # 'Point' will be handeled by the FIM function of the models itself, see 'common_mulit_dimensional_design.R'

        # here x is a degenerate design that putt all its mass on x.
        # x1 is one point
        # This function is required to check the equivalence theorem by ploting and also find the D-efficiency lower bound
        # prior funtion
        # FIM: is the Fisher information matrix
        # x: vector of design points
        # w: vector of design weights
        # we have npar here beacuse in optimization we shorten lp and up when the lower bound and uper bound is the same
        # truncated_standard: required for the prior because the prior is truncated
        out <- hcubature(f = Psi_x_integrand_DP, lowerLimit = lp, upperLimit = up, vectorInterface = TRUE,
                         x = x, w = w, prior_func = prior$fn, FIM = FIM, x1 = c(x1, y1),
                         tol = sens.bayes.control$cubature$tol,
                         maxEval = sens.bayes.control$cubature$maxEval,
                         doChecking = FALSE,
                         #norm = sens.bayes.control$cubature$norm,
                         absError = 0)
        return(-(out$integral/truncated_standard  - compound$alpha))
  if (method == "quadrature"){
    nw <- createNIGrid(dim = length(prior$lower), type = sens.bayes.control$quadrature$type,
                       level = sens.bayes.control$quadrature$level,
                       ndConstruction = sens.bayes.control$quadrature$ndConstruction)
    if (sens.bayes.control$quadrature$type == "GLe")
      rescale(nw, domain = matrix(c(prior$lower, prior$upper), ncol=2))
    if (sens.bayes.control$quadrature$type == "GHe")
      rescale(nw, m = prior$mu, C =  prior$sigma)
    if (type == "D"){
      Psi_x_integrand_D  <- function(x1, param,  FIM, x, w, prior_func){
        ## param: as matrix: EACH row is one set of parameters
        ## return a matrix with 1 * length(param) dimension
        FIM_x <- FIM(x = x, w = w, par = param)
        FIM_x1 <- FIM(x = x1, w = 1, par = param)
        deriv_integrand <- sapply(1:nrow(param), FUN = function(j)sum(diag(solve(FIM_x[[j]])%*%FIM_x1[[j]]))) * prior_func(param)
        if (dim(param)[1] != dim(deriv_integrand)[1])
          deriv_integrand  <- t(deriv_integrand)

      Psi_x_bayes <- function(x1,  x, w){
        ## here x is a degenerate design that putt all its mass on x.
        # x1 is one point
        # This function is required to check the equivalence theorem by ploting and calculating the D-efficiency lower bound
        # prior funtion
        # FIM: is the Fisher information matrix
        # x: vector of design points
        # w: vector of design weights
        # we have npar here beacuse in optimization we shorten lp and up when the lower bound and uper bound is the same
        # truncated_standard: required for the prior because the prior is truncated
        out <- quadrature(f = Psi_x_integrand_D, grid = nw, x=x, w=w, FIM = FIM, x1 = x1, prior_func = prior$fn)
        # browser()
        # test <- quadrature(f = Psi_x_integrand_D, grid = nw, x=x, w=w, FIM = FIM, x1 = 1000, prior_func = prior$fn)
        # test/truncated_standard - npar
        #return(out/truncated_standard  - npar)
        return(out/truncated_standard - npar)

      Psi_xy_bayes <- function(x1, y1, x, w){
        ## this function is used for plotting the equivalence theorem equation for model with two independent variables.
        # the function is exactly as psy_x_bayes, only with two arument.
        # 'Point' will be handeled by the FIM function of the models itself, see 'common_mulit_dimensional_design.R'
        ## WARNINGS: do not change names of 'x1' and 'y1' here unless you check the vectorize in 'PlotPsi_x'
        ## there we have 'Vectorize(FUN = Psi_x, vectorize.args=c("x1", "y1"))'

        ## here x is a degenerate design that putt all its mass on x.
        # x1 is one point
        # This function is required to check the equivalence theorem by ploting and also find the D-efficiency lower bound
        # prior funtion
        # FIM: is the Fisher information matrix
        # x: vector of design points
        # w: vector of design weights
        # we have npar here beacuse in optimization we shorten lp and up when the lower bound and uper bound is the same
        # truncated_standard: required for the prior because the prior is truncated
        out <- quadrature(f = Psi_x_integrand_D, grid = nw, x=x, w=w, FIM = FIM,  x1 = c(x1, y1), prior_func = prior$fn)
    if (type == "user"){
      Psi_x_integrand_user  <- function(x1, param,  FIM, x, w, prior_func){
        ## param: as matrix: EACH row is one set of parameters
        ## return a matrix with 1 * length(param) dimension
        deriv_integrand <- user_sensfunc(xi_x = x1, x = x, w = w, param = param, fimfunc = FIM) * prior_func(param)
        if (dim(param)[1] != dim(deriv_integrand)[1])
          deriv_integrand  <- t(deriv_integrand)

      Psi_x_bayes <- function(x1,  x, w){
        ## here x is a degenerate design that putt all its mass on x.
        # x1 is one point
        # This function is required to check the equivalence theorem by ploting and calculating the D-efficiency lower bound
        # prior funtion
        # FIM: is the Fisher information matrix
        # x: vector of design points
        # w: vector of design weights
        # we have npar here beacuse in optimization we shorten lp and up when the lower bound and uper bound is the same
        # truncated_standard: required for the prior because the prior is truncated
        out <- quadrature(f = Psi_x_integrand_user, grid = nw, x=x, w=w, FIM = FIM, x1 = x1, prior_func = prior$fn)
        #return(out/truncated_standard  - npar)
      Psi_xy_bayes <- function(x1, y1, x, w){
        ## this function is used for plotting the equivalence theorem equation for model with two independent variables.
        # the function is exactly as psy_x_bayes, only with two arument.
        # 'Point' will be handeled by the FIM function of the models itself, see 'common_mulit_dimensional_design.R'
        ## WARNINGS: do not change names of 'x1' and 'y1' here unless you check the vectorize in 'PlotPsi_x'
        ## there we have 'Vectorize(FUN = Psi_x, vectorize.args=c("x1", "y1"))'

        ## here x is a degenerate design that putt all its mass on x.
        # x1 is one point
        # This function is required to check the equivalence theorem by ploting and also find the D-efficiency lower bound
        # prior funtion
        # FIM: is the Fisher information matrix
        # x: vector of design points
        # w: vector of design weights
        # we have npar here beacuse in optimization we shorten lp and up when the lower bound and uper bound is the same
        # truncated_standard: required for the prior because the prior is truncated
        out <- quadrature(f = Psi_x_integrand_user, grid = nw, x=x, w=w, FIM = FIM,  x1 = c(x1, y1), prior_func = prior$fn)
    if (type == "DPA" || type == "DPAM"){
      Psi_x_integrand_DP <- function(x1, param,  FIM,  x, w, prior_func){
        # NOTE: in cubature when integrand is vectorized:
        #  1- the input of the integrand (param) is a MATRIX with length(mean) or length(lp) number of rows and l number of columns  (l is for vectorization)
        #  2- the integrand should return a matrix of 1 * l (vectorization).
        ## param: as matrix: EACH COLUMN is one set of parameters

        if (type == "DPA"){
          FIM_x <- FIM(x = x, w = w, par = param)
          FIM_x1 <- FIM(x = x1, w = 1, par = param)
          if (compound$alpha != 0){
            deriv_integrand <-  sapply(1:nrow(param), FUN = function(j)compound$alpha/npar * sum(diag(solve(FIM_x[[j]]) %*% FIM_x1[[j]])) +
                                         (1-compound$alpha) * (compound$prob(x1, param[j, ])- sum(w * compound$prob(x, param[j, ])))/sum(w * compound$prob(x, param[j, ]))) * prior_func(param)
            # when alpha = 0
            deriv_integrand <-  sapply(1:nrow(param), FUN = function(j) (compound$prob(x1, param[j, ])- sum(w * compound$prob(x, param[j, ])))/sum(w * compound$prob(x, param[j, ]))) #* prior_func(param)
          if (type == "DPM"){
            stop("Bug:not completed for DPM")
            deriv_integrand <- apply(param, 2, FUN = function(col_par)compound$alpha/npar * sum(diag(solve(FIM(x = x, w = w, par = col_par)) %*% FIM(x = x1, w = 1, par = col_par))) + (1-compound$alpha) * (compound$prob(x1, col_par)- min(compound$prob(x, col_par)))/min(compound$prob(x, col_par))) * prior_func(t(param))
            stop("BUG: check 'type'")
        if (dim(param)[1] != dim(deriv_integrand)[1])
          deriv_integrand  <- t(deriv_integrand)
      Psi_x_bayes <- function(x1, x, w){
        ## here x is a degenerate design that putt all its mass on x.
        # x1 is one point
        # This function is required to check the equivalence theorem by ploting and also find the D-efficiency lower bound
        # prior funtion
        # FIM: is the Fisher information matrix
        # x: vector of design points
        # w: vector of design weights
        # we have npar here beacuse in optimization we shorten lp and up when the lower bound and uper bound is the same
        # truncated_standard: required for the prior because the prior is truncated
        out <- quadrature(f = Psi_x_integrand_DP, grid = nw, x=x, w=w, FIM = FIM, x1 = x1, prior_func = prior$fn)
        return(out/truncated_standard - compound$alpha)

      Psi_xy_bayes <- function(x1, y1, x, w){
        ## WARNINGS: do not change names of 'x1' and 'y1' here unless you check the vectorize in 'PlotPsi_x'
        ## there we have 'Vectorize(FUN = Psi_x, vectorize.args=c("x1", "y1"))'
        ## this function is used for plotting the equivalence theorem equation for models with two independent variables.
        # the function is exactly as psy_x_bayes_compound, only with two aruments.
        # 'Point' will be handeled by the FIM function of the models itself, see 'common_mulit_dimensional_design.R'

        # here x is a degenerate design that putt all its mass on x.
        # x1 is one point
        # This function is required to check the equivalence theorem by ploting and also find the D-efficiency lower bound
        # prior funtion
        # FIM: is the Fisher information matrix
        # x: vector of design points
        # w: vector of design weights
        # we have npar here beacuse in optimization we shorten lp and up when the lower bound and uper bound is the same
        # truncated_standard: required for the prior because the prior is truncated
        out <- quadrature(f = Psi_x_integrand_DP, grid = nw, x=x, w=w, FIM = FIM, x1 = c(x1, y1), prior_func = prior$fn)
        return(-(out/truncated_standard - compound$alpha))

  return(list(Psi_xy_bayes = Psi_xy_bayes, Psi_x_bayes = Psi_x_bayes))
PlotPsi_x_bayes <- function(x, w, lower, upper, Psi_x, const, plot_3d  = "lattice"){
  # plot the equivalanece theorem, for both one and two dimensional.
  # x: vector of the point of the design
  # w: vector of the weights of the design
  # lower: lower bound
  # psi_x psi_x as a function of x. in multiobjective optimal design ('multi_ICA'), 'PsiMulti_x' is 'given as Psi_x'
  # FIM: fisher information matrix function
  # prior: the prior function that is necessary for bayesian optimal design
  #: lp and up: the upper bound and lower bound of the parameter space required for the integration
  # vector of the measure. For locally optimal design mu = 1.
  # plot_3d: which package should be used to plot the 3d plots, 'rgl' or 'lattice'
  if(length(lower) == 1){
    xPlot <- sort(c(seq(lower,upper, length.out = ceiling(100 + upper - lower)), x))
    #xPlot <- seq(lower,upper, length.out = 250)
    PsiPlot<- sapply(1:length(xPlot), FUN = function(j) Psi_x(x1 = xPlot[j], x = x, w = w))
    plot(xPlot, PsiPlot, type = "l",
         col = "blue",   xlab = "Design interval",
         ylab = "c", xaxt = "n")
    abline(h = 0, v = c(x) ,col = "grey", lty = 3)

    Point_y <- sapply(1:length(x), FUN = function(j) Psi_x(x1 = x[j], x = x, w = w))

    points(x = x,  y = Point_y, col = "red" ,pch = 16, cex = 1)

    axis(side = 1, at = c(lower, x, upper, 0),
         labels = round(c(lower, x, upper, 0), 4))

  if(length(lower) == 2){
    xlab_3d <- "x1"
    ylab_3d <- "x2"
    len <- 20
    xPlot <- seq(lower[1],upper[1], length.out = len)
    yPlot <- seq(lower[2],upper[2], length.out = len)

    ncolor = 200
    color1 <- rev(rainbow(ncolor, start = 0/6, end = 4/6))
    #color1 <- grey.colors(200, start=0, end=1)

    if (plot_3d  == "lattice"){
      xy <- expand.grid(xPlot, yPlot)
      if (const$use){
        pen_val <- apply(xy, 1, const$pen_func_1point)
        temp_ind <- which(pen_val == 0)
        xy <- xy[temp_ind, ]
        pp <- cbind(x[1:(length(x)/2)], x[(length(x)/2 + 1):length(x)])
        xy <- rbind(as.matrix(xy), pp)
      colnames(xy) <- c("x", "y") ## require for wireframe
      z <- - apply(xy, 1, FUN = function(row1)Psi_x(x1 = row1[1], y1= row1[2], x = x, w = w))
      if (requireNamespace("lattice", quietly = TRUE)){
        wireframe_dat <- as.data.frame(xy)
        wireframe_dat$z <- as.vector(z)
        p1 <- lattice::wireframe( z ~ x * y, data = wireframe_dat,
                                  col.regions=  color1,
                                  drap = TRUE,
                                  scales = list(arrows = FALSE),
                                  shade = FALSE,
                                  xlab = xlab_3d, ylab = ylab_3d,
                                  pretty = TRUE,
                                  zlab = "c",
                                  colorkey = list(col = color1, tick.number = 16))
        #zoom = 1)
        ###contour plot
        xyz <- as.data.frame(xy)
        xyz$z <- as.vector(z)
        p2 <- lattice::contourplot( z ~ x * y, data = xyz,
                                    xlab = xlab_3d,
                                    ylab = ylab_3d,
                                    region = TRUE,
                                    col.regions = color1,
                                    colorkey = list(col = color1, tick.number = 16),
                                    cuts = 13)
      }else {
        warning("Package 'lattice' is not installed in your system. The 3D derivation plot can not be plotted unless this packages is installed.")
    if(plot_3d  == "rgl"){

      if (requireNamespace("rgl", quietly = TRUE)){
        gg  <- function(xx, yy)
          Psi_x(x1 = xx, y1= yy, x = x, w = w)

        z <- outer(xPlot, yPlot, Vectorize(gg))

        if (const$use){
          ff <- function(xx, yy) res <- const$pen_func_1point(c(xx, yy))
          pen_val <- outer(xPlot, yPlot, Vectorize(ff))
          temp_ind <- which(pen_val == 0)
          z[-temp_ind] <- NA
        zcol  <- cut(as.vector(z), ncolor)
        # ##
        # zoom<-par3d()$zoom
        # userMatrix<-par3d()$userMatrix
        # windowRect<-par3d()$windowRect
        # open3d(zoom = zoom, userMatrix = userMatrix, windowRect=windowRect)
        # ##
        rgl::persp3d(x = xPlot, y = yPlot,
                     z = -z,
                     col = color1[zcol],
                     smooth = FALSE,
                     border = NA,
                     alpha = 8,
                     shininess = 128,
                     xlab = xlab_3d, ylab = ylab_3d,
                     zlab = "c", axes = TRUE, box = TRUE, top = TRUE)

        Point_mat <- matrix(round(x, 3), ncol = length(lower), nrow = length(x)/length(lower))
        ##adding point
        Point_y <- sapply(1:dim(Point_mat)[1], FUN = function(j) Psi_x(x1 = Point_mat[j, 1],
                                                                       y1= Point_mat[j, 2],

        rgl::points3d(x = Point_mat[, 1],
                      y = Point_mat[, 2],
                      z = Point_y,
                      col = "darkred",
                      size = 8,
                      point_antialias = TRUE)
        #rgl.snapshot("DPA_logistic2_2_rgl_col5.png", fmt="png")
        # rgl.postscript("DPA_logistic2_2_rgl_col5.pdf","pdf")
        # plot_ly(z = -z, x = xPlot, y =  yPlot, type = "contour")
        # lines <- contourLines(xPlot, yPlot, -z)
        # for (i in seq_along(lines)) {
        #   x <- lines[[i]]$x
        #   y <- lines[[i]]$y
        #   z <- rep(lines[[i]]$level, length(x))
        #   lines3d(x, y, z)
        # }

        text_point <- paste("(", xlab_3d, "=", round(Point_mat[, 1], 3), ",", ylab_3d, "=", round(Point_mat[, 2], 3), ";c=",  round(Point_y,3), ")", sep ="")
        #text_point <- paste("(", round(Point_mat[, 1], 3), ",", round(Point_mat[, 2], 3), ";",  round(Point_y,3), ")", sep ="")
        rgl::text3d(x = Point_mat[, 1],
                    y = Point_mat[, 2],
                    z = Point_y + .01,
                    texts = text_point,
                    col = "darkred",
                    font = 6)

        warning("Package 'rgl' is not installed in your system. The 3D derivation plot can not be plotted unless this packages is installed.")
  } ## length = 2

Psi_x_minus_bayes <- function(x1, x, w, Psi_x_bayes, const){
  ## mu and answering are only to avoid having another if when we want to check the maximum of sensitivity function
  if (const$use)
    Out <- -Psi_x_bayes(x1 = x1, x = x, w = w) + const$pen_func_1point(x1) else
      Out <- -Psi_x_bayes(x1 = x1, x = x, w = w)
bayes_inner <- function(fimfunc = NULL,
                        family = gaussian(),
                        type = c("D", "DPA", "DPM", "multiple", "user"),
                        npar = NULL,
                        prior = list(),
                        compound = list(prob = NULL, alpha = NULL),
                        multiple.control = list(),
                        ICA.control =  list(),
                        sens.control = list(),
                        crt.bayes.control = list(),
                        sens.bayes.control = list(),
                        initial = NULL,
                        const = list(ui = NULL, ci = NULL, coef = NULL),
                        plot_3d = c("lattice", "rgl"),
                        IRTpars = NULL,
                        only_w_varlist = list(x = NULL),
                        user_crtfunc = NULL,
                        user_sensfunc = NULL,
                        ...) {
  time1 <- proc.time()
  if (!is.null(only_w_varlist$x))
    is.only.w <- TRUE else
      is.only.w <- FALSE
    funcs_formula<- check_common_args(fimfunc = fimfunc, formula = formula,
                                      predvars = predvars, parvars = parvars,
                                      family = family, lx =lx, ux = ux,
                                      iter = iter, k = k,
                                      paramvectorized = TRUE, prior = prior,
                                      x = only_w_varlist$x,
                                      user_crtfunc = user_crtfunc, user_sensfunc = user_sensfunc)

      # to handle ...
      fimfunc2 <- function(x, w, param)
        lapply(1:dim(param)[1], FUN = function(j)fimfunc(x = x, w = w, param = param[j, ]), ...)
      #fimfunc(x = x, w = w, param = param,...)
      fimfunc_sens <- function(x, w, param)
        fimfunc(x = x, w = w, param = param,...) ## it can not be equal to fimfunc2 when inner_space is discrete
    } else{

      #if (length(prior$lower) != length(parvars))
      if (length(prior$lower) != funcs_formula$num_unknown_param)
        stop("length of 'prior$lower' is not equal to the number of unknown (not fixed) parameters")
      # fim_localdes <- funcs_formula$fimfunc_formula
      fimfunc2 <- funcs_formula$fimfunc_formula ## can be vectorized with respect to parameters!
      fimfunc_sens <- funcs_formula$fimfunc_sens_formula
    ICA.control <- do.call("ICA.control", ICA.control)
    ICA.control <- add_fixed_ICA.control(ICA.control.list = ICA.control)

    sens.bayes.control <- do.call("sens.bayes.control", sens.bayes.control)
    crt.bayes.control <- do.call("crt.bayes.control", crt.bayes.control)
    sens.control <- do.call("sens.control", sens.control)

    ## if only one point design was requested, then the weight can only be one
    if (k == 1)
      ICA.control$equal_weight <- TRUE
    if (length(lx) != 1 && ICA.control$sym)
      stop("currently symetric property only can be applied to models with one variable")

    # for the constraints
    if (!is.null(const$ui)){
      if (nrow(const$ui) != length(const$ci))
        stop("length of 'ci' must be equal to the number of rows in 'ui'")
      if (is.null(const$coef))
        stop("'coef' is missing")
      const$use <- TRUE
      const$use = FALSE
    npred <- length(lx)
    if (is.null(npar))
      npar <- prior$npar
    # # construct_penalty
    if (const$use){
      const$pen_func <- construct_pen(const = const, npred = npred, k = k)
      ## requird
      const$pen_func_1point <- construct_pen(const = const, npred = npred, k = 1)
    # #############################################################################*

    temp_crt <- create_criterion_bayes(FIM =  fimfunc2, type = type[1], prior= prior, const = const, compound = compound, multiple = multiple,
                                       localdes = NULL, method = crt.bayes.control$method, npar = npar, crt.bayes.control = crt.bayes.control, IRTpars = IRTpars,
                                       is.only.w = is.only.w, only_w_varlist = only_w_varlist,
                                       user_crtfunc2 = funcs_formula$user_crtfunc)

    truncated_standard <- hcubature(f = function(param) prior$fn(t(param)),
                                    lowerLimit = prior$lower,
                                    upperLimit =  prior$upper, vectorInterface = TRUE, tol = 1e-06, maxEval = 100000)$integral
    # if (crt.bayes.control$method== "quadrature" && crt.bayes.control$quadrature$type == "GHe")
    #   truncated_standard <- 1
    temp_psi <- create_Psi_bayes(type = type[1], prior = prior, FIM = fimfunc2, lp = prior$lower, up = prior$upper, npar = npar, truncated_standard = truncated_standard, const = const, sens.bayes.control = sens.bayes.control, compound = compound,
                                 method = sens.bayes.control$method,
                                 user_sensfunc = funcs_formula$user_sensfunc)

    temp3 <- return_ld_ud (sym = ICA.control$sym, equal_weight = ICA.control$equal_weight, k = k, npred = npred, lx = lx, ux = ux, is.only.w  =  is.only.w)
    initial <- check_initial(initial = initial, ld = temp3$ld, ud = temp3$ud)

    ## making the arg list
    ## the variables that will be added to control not by user, but by mica
    arg <- list(lx = lx, ux = ux, k = k, ld = temp3$ld, ud = temp3$ud, type = type[1],
                npar = npar,
                initial = initial, ICA.control = ICA.control,
                sens.bayes.control = sens.bayes.control,
                crt.bayes.control = crt.bayes.control,
                sens.control = sens.control,
                FIM = fimfunc2,
                crfunc = temp_crt$crfunc,
                prior = prior, const = const,
                Psi_funcs = temp_psi,
                plot_3d = plot_3d[1],
                compound = compound,
                truncated_standard = truncated_standard,
                is.only.w =  is.only.w,
                only_w_varlist = only_w_varlist,
                time_start = time1,
                user_sensfunc = funcs_formula$user_sensfunc)

    ## because of Vector Interface

    ICA_object <- list(arg = arg,
                       evol = NULL)
    #class(ICA_object) <- c("list", "bayes") # 06202020@seongho
    #class(ICA_object) <- c("bayes")
    class(ICA_object) <- c("minimax") # 06212020@seongho
    #cat("bayes_inner ", get(".Random.seed")[2], "\n")
    #out <- update.bayes(object = ICA_object, iter = iter)
    out <- update.minimax(object = ICA_object, iter = iter) # 06212020@seongho


# ################# Quadrature Functions
# RSquadrature <- function(p, mu, Sigma, Nr, Nq) {
#   if(!identical(length(mu), as.integer(p))) stop("length(mu) must equal p")
#   if(!identical(length(Sigma), as.integer(p * p))) stop("Sigma must have size p * p")
#   #generate orthogonal matrices
#   #P<- p+1
#   P<-p
#   Q <- array(dim=c(Nq,P,P))
#   for (i in 1:Nq) {
#     ran.mat<-matrix(rnorm(P*P),ncol=P)
#     qr <- qr(ran.mat)
#     Q[i,,]<-qr.Q(qr)
#   }
#   # compute L, Cholesky root of Sigma
#   # L <- sqrt(Sigma)
#   L <- t(chol(Sigma))
#   # compute simplex + weights
#   simp <-simplex(P)
#   simplex <- simp$simplex
#   w.s <- simp$w.s
#   #print(simplex)
#   #print(w.s)
#   # compute radial abscissae, store in vector r
#   r <- gaulag(p=P,Nr=Nr,its=1e6,precision=1e-6)
#   w.R <- cassity.weight(r,P)/gamma((P)/2)
#   r <- 2*r
#   #print(r)
#   #create arrays to store abscissae and weights, and put values for the zero abscissa
#   a<- matrix(mu,ncol=P)
#   #a[1,P] <<- exp(mu[P])
#   w.a <- NULL
#   w.a <- w.R[1]
#   # calculate remaining abscissae and weights
#   for (i in 1:Nr) {
#     for (j in 1:((P+1)*(P+2))) {
#       for (k in 1:Nq) {
#         # compute the abscissa in beta-log(sigma^2) space
#         theta <- mu + (r[i+1]^0.5)*L%*%Q[k,,]%*%simplex[j,]
#         # exponentiate log(sigma^2) to put on beta-sigma^2 scale
#         #ONLY FOR GLMM case
#         #theta[P] <- exp(theta[P])
#         a <- rbind(a,t(theta))
#         w.a <- c(w.a,w.R[i+1]*w.s[j]/Nq)
#       }
#     }
#   }
#   return(list(a = a, w = w.a))
# }
# ###############################################################################################################*
# ###############################################################################################################*
# RSquadrature.uniform <- function(p, limits, Nr, Nq) {
#   #generate orthogonal matrices
#   #P<- p+1
#   P<-p
#   Q <- array(dim=c(Nq,P,P))
#   for (i in 1:Nq) {
#     ran.mat<-matrix(rnorm(P*P),ncol=P)
#     qr <- qr(ran.mat)
#     Q[i,,]<-qr.Q(qr)
#   }
#   # compute simplex + weights
#   simp <-simplex(P)
#   simplex <- simp$simplex
#   w.s <- simp$w.s
#   #print(simplex)
#   #print(w.s)
#   # compute radial abscissae, store in vector r
#   r <- gaulag(p=P,Nr=Nr,its=1e6,precision=1e-6)
#   w.R <- cassity.weight(r,P)/gamma((P)/2)
#   r <- 2*r
#   #print(r)
#   d1<-limits[,2]-limits[,1]
#   d2<-limits[,1]
#   #create arrays to store abscissae and weights, and put values for the zero abscissa
#   a <- matrix(d1*pnorm(0)+d2,ncol=P)
#   #a[1,P] <<- exp(mu[P])
#   w.a <- NULL
#   w.a <- w.R[1]
#   # calculate remaining abscissae and weights
#   for (i in 1:Nr) {
#     for (j in 1:((P+1)*(P+2))) {
#       for (k in 1:Nq) {
#         # compute the abscissa in beta-log(sigma^2) space
#         theta <- d1*pnorm((r[i+1]^0.5)*Q[k,,]%*%simplex[j,])+d2
#         # exponentiate log(sigma^2) to put on beta-sigma^2 scale
#         #ONLY FOR GLMM case
#         #theta[P] <- exp(theta[P])
#         a <- rbind(a,t(theta))
#         w.a <- c(w.a,w.R[i+1]*w.s[j]/Nq)
#       }
#     }
#   }
#   return(list(a = a, w = w.a))
# }
# ###############################################################################################################*
# ###############################################################################################################*
# simplex <- function(p) {
#   V <- matrix(ncol=p,nrow=p+1)
#   for (i in 1:(p+1))
#   {
#     for (j in 1:p) {
#       if (j<i) { V[i,j] = -((p+1)/(p*(p-j+2)*(p-j+1)))^0.5 }
#       if (j==i) { V[i,j] = ((p+1)*(p-i+1)/(p*(p-i+2)))^0.5}
#       if (j>i) { V[i,j] = 0 }
#     }
#   }
#   # Form midpoints and project onto the sphere
#   midpoints <- matrix(ncol=p,nrow=p*(p+1)/2)
#   k<-1
#   for (i in 1:p) {
#     for (j in (i+1):(p+1)) {
#       midpoints[k,] = 0.5*(V[i,]+V[j,])
#       k<-k+1
#     }
#   }
#   proj.pts <- midpoints # gets correct dimensions
#   for (k in 1:(p*(p+1)/2))
#   {
#     norm <- (sum(midpoints[k,]^2))^0.5
#     proj.pts[k,] <- midpoints[k,]/norm
#     if(identical(proj.pts[k, ], NaN)) proj.pts[k,] <- 0
#   }
#   # Form extended simplex by adding in negative images of these points
#   simplex <- rbind(V,-V,proj.pts,-proj.pts)
#   # Compute the simplex weights
#   w.s <- vector(length=(p+1)*(p+2))
#   w.s[1:(2*(p+1))] <- p*(7-p)/(2*(p+1)^2*(p+2))
#   w.s[-(1:(2*(p+1)))] <- 2*((p-1)^2)/(p*(p+1)^2*(p+2))
#   return(list(simplex=simplex,w.s=w.s))
# }
# ###############################################################################################################*
# ###############################################################################################################*
# # John's Laguerre poly root finder
# # translated from the C code in Press et al.
# # I have checked this against the latter, TW 20.1.2010.
# gaulag<-function(p, Nr, its,precision)
# {
#   alpha<-p/2
#   a<-vector()
#   w<-vector()
#   for(i in 1:Nr){
#     if(i==1){z<-(1+alpha)*(3+0.92*alpha)/(1+2.4*Nr+1.8*alpha)}
#     if(i==2){z<-z+(15+6.25*alpha)/(1+2.4*Nr+1.8*alpha)}
#     if(i>2){ai<-i-2}
#     if(i>2){z<-z+((1+2.55*ai)/(1.9*ai)+1.26*ai*alpha/(1+3.5*ai))*(z-a[i-2])/(1+0.3*alpha)}
#     for(its in 1:its){
#       p1<-1;p2<-0
#       for(j in 1:Nr){
#         p3<-p2;p2<-p1
#         p1<-((2*j-1+alpha-z)*p2-(j-1+alpha)*p3)/j}
#       pp<-(Nr*p1-(Nr+alpha)*p2)/z
#       z1<-z
#       z<-z1-p1/pp
#       if(abs(z-z1)< precision) break
#     }
#     a[i]<-z
#   }
#   a<-c(0,a)
#   return(a)
# }
# ###############################################################################################################*
# ###############################################################################################################*
# #Evaluates the laguerre polynomial with parameters n and s at the value a.
# laguerre<-function(a,n,s)
# {
#   laguerre.matrix<-matrix(nrow=length(a), ncol=n+1)
#   laguerre.vector<-vector(length=length(a))
#   #Loops up the recurrence relation
#   for(j in 1:length(a)){
#     for(i in 0:n){
#       laguerre.matrix[j,i+1]<-factorial(n)*choose(n+s, n-i)*(-a[j])^i/factorial(i)
#     }
#     laguerre.vector[j]<-sum(laguerre.matrix[j,])
#   }
#   return(laguerre.vector)
# }
# ###############################################################################################################*
# ###############################################################################################################*
# # Reproduces the weights formula given by Cassity(1965). But takes
# # the number of parameters as input to make it easier for the function user.
# cassity.weight<-function(a,p)
# {
#   n<-length(a);s<-p/2-1
#   constant<-gamma(n)*gamma(n+s)/(n+s)
#   weight<-constant/(laguerre(a,n-1,s)^2)
#   weight[1]<-weight[1]*(1+s)#as described by cassity et al. 'incorporate factor 1+s
#   # TW: Yeah, I find that sentence a bit confusing.
#   # but multiplying by 1+s here gives us the right answers
#   # (checking against the tables...)
#   return(weight)
# }
# ###############################################################################################################*

sensbayes_inner <- function(formula,
                            predvars, parvars,
                            family = gaussian(),
                            x, w,
                            lx, ux,
                            fimfunc = NULL,
                            prior = list(),
                            sens.control = list(),
                            sens.bayes.control = list(),
                            crt.bayes.control = list(),
                            type = c("D", "DPA", "DPM", "multiple"),
                            plot_3d = c("lattice", "rgl"),
                            plot_sens = TRUE,
                            const = list(ui = NULL, ci = NULL, coef = NULL),
                            compound = list(prob = NULL, alpha = NULL),
                            varlist = list(),
                            calledfrom = c("sensfuncs", "iter", "plot"),
                            npar = NULL,
                            calculate_criterion = TRUE,
                            silent = FALSE,
                            calculate_sens = TRUE,
                            user_crtfunc = NULL,
                            user_sensfunc = NULL,
  time1 <- proc.time()
  if (calledfrom[1]  == "sensfuncs"){
    # if (!is.null( only_w_varlist$x))
    #   is.only.w <- TRUE else
    #     is.only.w <- FALSE

    funcs_formula <- check_common_args(fimfunc = fimfunc, formula = formula,
                                       predvars = predvars, parvars = parvars,
                                       family = family, lx =lx, ux = ux,
                                       iter = 1, k = length(w),
                                       paramvectorized = TRUE, prior = prior,
                                       x =NULL, user_crtfunc = user_crtfunc,
                                       user_sensfunc = user_sensfunc)

      # it should retunr a list of length one like the formula that returns a list
      fimfunc2 <- function(x, w, param)
        lapply(1:dim(param)[1], FUN = function(j)fimfunc(x = x, w = w, param = param[j, ]), ...)
      #fimfunc(x = x, w = w, param = param,...)
    } else{
      # if (length(prior$lower) != length(parvars))
      if (length(prior$lower) != funcs_formula$num_unknown_param)
        stop("length of 'prior$lower' is not equal to the number of unknown (not fixed) parameters")
      # fim_localdes <- funcs_formula$fimfunc_formula
      fimfunc2 <- funcs_formula$fimfunc_formula ## is vectorized with respect to the parameters

    sens.bayes.control <- do.call("sens.bayes.control", sens.bayes.control)
    crt.bayes.control <- do.call("crt.bayes.control", crt.bayes.control)
    sens.control <- do.call("sens.control", sens.control)
    #for the constraints
    if (!is.null(const$ui)){
      if (nrow(const$ui) != length(const$ci))
        stop("length of 'ci' must be equal to the number of rows in 'ui'")
      if (is.null(const$coef))
        stop("'coef' is missing")
      const$use <- TRUE
      const$use = FALSE

    npred <- length(lx)
    if (is.null(npar))
      npar <- prior$npar

    temp_crt <- create_criterion_bayes(FIM =  fimfunc2, type = type[1], prior = prior, const = const, compound = compound, multiple = multiple,
                                       localdes = NULL, method = crt.bayes.control$method, npar = npar,
                                       crt.bayes.control = crt.bayes.control,
                                       is.only.w = FALSE, user_crtfunc2 = funcs_formula$user_crtfunc)

    ## the following si required for cheking the equivalence theorem
    # if (crt.bayes.control$method== "quadrature" && crt.bayes.control$quadrature$type == "GHe")
    #   truncated_standard <- 1
    truncated_standard <- hcubature(f = function(param) prior$fn(t(param)),
                                    lowerLimit = prior$lower,
                                    upperLimit =  prior$upper, vectorInterface = TRUE)$integral

    temp_psi <- create_Psi_bayes(type = type[1], prior = prior, FIM = fimfunc2, lp = prior$lower,
                                 up = prior$upper, npar = npar, truncated_standard = truncated_standard,
                                 const = const, sens.bayes.control = sens.bayes.control,
                                 compound = compound, method = sens.bayes.control$method)
    # if(length(lx) == 1)
    #   Psi_x_plot <-  temp_psi$Psi_x_bayes ## for PlotPsi_x

    # it is necessary to distniguish between Psi_x for plotiing and finding ELB becasue in plotting for models with two
    # explanatory variables the function should be defined as a function of x, y (x, y here are the ploints to be plotted)
    # if(length(lx) == 2)
    #   Psi_x_plot <- temp_psi$Psi_xy_bayes

    vertices_outer <- make_vertices(lower = lx, upper = ux)

    varlist <-list(npred =  length(lx),
                   crfunc = temp_crt$crfunc,
                   Psi_x_bayes  = temp_psi$Psi_x_bayes,
                   Psi_xy_bayes  = temp_psi$Psi_xy_bayes,
                   #Psi_x_minus = Psi_x_minus,
                   plot_3d = plot_3d[1],
                   vertices_outer = vertices_outer,
                   npar = npar)

  if (calledfrom[1] ==  "iter")
    if (is.null(varlist) || is.null(npar) || calculate_criterion)
      stop("Bug: 'varlist' and 'npar' must be given when you call the sensitivity function from 'iter'\n'calculate_criterion' can not be TRUE because it is overdoing!")

  # find the maximum of derivative function
  # OptimalityCheck <- directL(fn = Psi_x_minus_bayes,
  #                            lower = lx, upper = ux,
  #                            x = x, w = w,
  #                            nl.info = FALSE,
  #                            control=list(xtol_rel=.Machine$double.eps,
  #                                         maxeval = 1000))
  ## change later
  #const, Psi_x_bayes

  if (calculate_sens){
    if (is.null(sens.control$x0))
      x0 <- (lx + ux)/2 else
        x0 <- sens.control$x0

        #if (calledfrom == "sensfuncs")
        cat("Please be patient! it may take very long for Bayesian designs....\nCalculating ELB..................................................\n")
      OptimalityCheck <- nloptr::nloptr(x0= x0, eval_f = Psi_x_minus_bayes, lb = lx, ub = ux,
                                        opts = sens.control$optslist,
                                        x = x, w = w, const = const, Psi_x_bayes = varlist$Psi_x_bayes)

      ##sometimes the optimization can not detect maximum  in the bound, so here we add the cost values on the bound
      if (const$use){
        pen_val  <- apply(varlist$vertices_outer, 1, FUN = const$pen_func_1point)
        vertices_outer <- varlist$vertices_outer[which(pen_val == 0), , drop = FALSE]

      if (nrow(varlist$vertices_outer) != 0){
        check_vertices <- find_on_points(fn = varlist$Psi_x_bayes,
                                         points = varlist$vertices_outer,
                                         x = x, w = w)
        vertices_val <- check_vertices$minima[, dim(check_vertices$minima)[2]]
        ## minus because for optimality check we minimize the minus sensitivity function
        max_deriv <- c(-OptimalityCheck$objective, vertices_val)
        max_deriv <- c(-OptimalityCheck$objective)
      max_deriv <- max(max_deriv)

      pointval <- find_on_points(fn = varlist$Psi_x_bayes,
                                 points = matrix(x, ncol = varlist$npred),
                                 x = x, w = w)

      # Efficiency lower bound
      ELB <- varlist$npar/(varlist$npar + max_deriv)
      if ((!silent))
        cat("    Maximum of the sensitivity function is ", max_deriv, "\n    Efficiency lower bound (ELB) is ", ELB, "\n")
      if (ELB < 0)
        warning("'ELB' can not be negative.\n1) Provide the number of model parameters by argument 'npar' when any of them are fixed. \n2) Increase the value of 'maxeval' in 'optslist'")
      if (length(lx) == 2)
        Psi_plot <- varlist$Psi_xy_bayes else
          Psi_plot <- varlist$Psi_x_bayes

      #Psi_x, const, plot_3d  = "lattice"
      if (plot_sens){
          cat("Plotting the sensitivity function................................\n")
        PlotPsi_x_bayes(lower = lx,
                        upper =  ux,
                        Psi_x = Psi_plot,
                        x = x, w = w, const = const,
                        plot_3d = plot_3d[1])
      object <- list(type = type,
                     max_deriv = max_deriv,
                     ELB = ELB,
                     pointval = pointval)
  if (calculate_criterion){
      cat("Evaluating the criterion.........................................\n")
    object$crtval <- varlist$crfunc(q = c(x, w), npred = varlist$npred)$val
  #class(object) <- c("list", "sensbayes") # 06202020@seongho
  #class(object) <- c("sensbayes")
  class(object) <- c("sensminimax")
  time2 <- proc.time() - time1
    cat("Verification is done in",time2[3], "seconds!", "\nAdjust the control parameters in 'sens.bayes.control' for higher speed\n")
  #, "\n%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%\n")
  object$time <- time2[3]

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