
Defines functions longtsPlot

Documented in longtsPlot


longtsPlot <- function(y1, y2 = NULL,
                       names1 = NULL, names2 = NULL,
                       startP = start(y1)[1],
                       upf = 400, fpp = 4, overlap = 20,
                       x.at = NULL, x.ann = NULL, x.tick = NULL,
                       y1.at = NULL, y1.ann = NULL, y1.tick = NULL,
                       y2.at = NULL, y2.ann = NULL, y2.tick = NULL,
                       nx.ann = 10, ny.ann = 3, cex.ann = par("cex.axis"),
                       xlab = "", y1lab = "", y2lab = "",
                       las = 0,
                       col.y1 = "black", col.y2 = col.y1,
                       cex.lab = par("cex.lab"),
                       y1lim = range(y1, na.rm=TRUE, finite=TRUE),
                       y2lim = range(y2, na.rm=TRUE, finite=TRUE),
                       lty1 = 1, lty2 = 2, lwd1 = 1, lwd2 = lwd1,
                       col1 = NULL, col2 = NULL,
                       leg = TRUE, y1nam.leg = NULL, y2nam.leg = NULL,
                       ncol.leg = NULL, cex.leg = par("cex"),
                       h1 = NULL, h2 = NULL,
                       col.h1 = "gray70", col.h2 = "gray70",
                       main = NULL, cex.main = par("cex.main"),
                       automain = is.null(main),
                       mgp = c(2,0.7,0),
                       mar = c(2,3,1,3)+.2,
                       oma = if (automain|!is.null(main))
                       c(0,0,2,0) else par("oma"),
                       xpd = par("xpd"),
                       cex = par("cex"),
                       type1 = "s", type2 = type1,
                       pch1 = 46, pch2 = pch1,
                       cex.pt1 = 2, cex.pt2 = cex.pt1,
                       slide = FALSE, each.fig = 1,
                       filename = NULL, extension = NULL,
                       filetype = NULL, ...) {
    ## Author:  Rene Locher
    ## Version: 2011-10-10

    if (is.null(names1)) {
        names1 <- deparse(substitute(y1))
        if (is.matrix(y1)||is.data.frame(y1)) names1 <- colnames(y1)

    if (is.data.frame(y1)) y1 <- as.matrix(y1)
    if (!is.numeric(y1)) stop("y1 must be numeric!")
    if (!is.ts(y1)) y1 <- ts(y1)
    fq1 <- frequency(y1)

    if (!is.matrix(y1)) {
        y1 <- ts(as.matrix(y1),start=start(y1),frequency=fq1)

    if (is.null(col1)) col1 <-
        c("blue","green4" ,"red", "darkorchid4", "black",
          "deepskyblue","green","orange", "violetred", "grey50",

    len <- ncol(y1)
    lty1 <- rep(lty1,len)[1:len]
    lwd1 <- rep(lwd1,len)[1:len]

    if (is.null(x.at)) {
        xlim <- c(start(y1)[1], end(y1)[1]+1)
        x.at <- pretty(xlim, n=diff(xlim)/upf*nx.ann)
        x.ann <- x.at

    if (is.null(y1.ann)) {
        y1.ann <- y1.at

    if (is.null(y1.at)) {
        y1.at <- pretty(y1lim,n=ny.ann)

    if (is.null(y1.ann)) {
        y1.ann <- y1.at

    if (!is.null(y2)) {
        if (is.null(names2)) {
            names2 <- deparse(substitute(y2))
            if (is.matrix(y2)) names2 <- colnames(y2)
            if (is.data.frame(y2)) {
                names2 <- names(y2)
                y2 <- as.matrix(y2)
        if (is.data.frame(y2)) y2 <- as.matrix(y2)
        if (!is.numeric(y2)) stop("y2 must be numeric!")
        if (!is.ts(y2)) y2 <- ts(y2)
        fq2 <- frequency(y2)

        if (!is.matrix(y2)) {
            y2 <- ts(as.matrix(y2),start=start(y2),frequency=fq2)

        if (ncol(y2)==length(names2)) colnames(y2) <- names2 else
        warning("\nLength of 'names2' is incompatible with dimensions of 'y2'")
        if (is.null(col2)) col2 <-
            c("deepskyblue","green","orange", "violetred","grey50",
              "blue","green4" ,"red", "darkorchid4", "black",

        len <- ncol(y2)
        lty2 <- rep(lty2,len)[1:len]
        lwd2 <- rep(lwd2,len)[1:len]

        ## rescaling y2 to y1
        y2 <- (y2-y2lim[1])/diff(range(y2lim))*diff(range(y1lim))+y1lim[1]

        if (is.null(y2.at)) {
            y2.at <- pretty(y2lim,n=ny.ann)
        if (is.null(y2.ann)) {
            y2.ann <- y2.at

        ## rescaling y2 axis
        y2.at <- (y2.at-y2lim[1])/diff(range(y2lim))*diff(range(y1lim))+
        if (!is.null(y2.tick))
            y2.tick <- (y2.tick-y2lim[1])/diff(range(y2lim))*

        if (!is.null(h2)) h2 <- (h2-y2lim[1])/diff(range(y2lim))*
    } ## end if (!is.null(y2))

    par(mfrow = c(ifelse(leg,fpp+1,fpp),1),
        mgp = mgp, mar = mar, oma=oma, cex=cex)

    if (Sys.info()["sysname"]!="Windows"){
        filetype <- postscript
        extension <- ".ps"

    if (length(startP) != 1) stop("startP must be scalar!")
    upp <- upf*fpp
    ee <- end(y1)[1]

    if (slide) {
        nr <- 0

        for (ii in 0:(ceiling((end(y1)[1]+1-startP)/upp)-1)){
            if (ii%%each.fig!=0) next
            st <- startP+ii*upp
            nr <- nr+1
                      y1=y1, y2=y2, names1=names1, names2=names2,
                      startP=st, upf=upf, fpp=fpp, overlap=overlap,
                      x.at = x.at, x.ann = x.ann, x.tick = x.tick,
                      y1.at = y1.at, y1.ann = y1.ann, y1.tick = y1.tick,
                      y2.at = y2.at, y2.ann = y2.ann, y2.tick = y2.tick,
                      ny.ann=ny.ann, cex.ann=cex.ann,
                      xlab=xlab, y1lab=y1lab, y2lab=y2lab, las = las,
                      col.y1=col.y1, col.y2=col.y2,
                      y1lim=y1lim, y2lim=y2lim,
                      lty1=lty1, lty2=lty2, lwd1=lwd1, lwd2=lwd2, col1=col1, col2=col2,
                      leg=leg, y1nam.leg=y1nam.leg, y2nam.leg=y2nam.leg,
                      ncol.leg=ncol.leg, cex.leg=cex.leg,
                      h1=h1, h2=h2, col.h1=col.h1, col.h2=col.h2,
                      main=if (automain)
                                       min(st+upp-1+round(overlap),ee+1)), sep=" ") else main,
                      mgp=mgp, xpd=xpd, cex=cex,
                      type1=type1, type2=type2, pch1=pch1, pch2=pch2,
                      cex.pt1=cex.pt1, cex.pt2=cex.pt2)
            if (!is.null(filename)){
                fn <- paste(filename, formatC(nr,format = "d", width=3, flag=0),
                            extension, sep="")
                if (Sys.info()["sysname"]=="Windows")
                    savePlot(filename=fn, type=filetype, ...) else
                dev.print(file=fn, device=filetype, ...)
            } else {
                print(answ <- readline(prompt="\nfor next plot: press <return>\nfor stopping plot: press <s><return>"))
                if (is.element(answ,c("s","S"))) return()
        } ## end for
    } else { ## slide is FALSE
        if (end(y1)[1]>start(y1)[1])
            plot.page(y1=y1, y2=y2, names1=names1, names2=names2,
                      startP=startP, upf=upf, fpp=fpp, overlap=overlap,
                      x.at = x.at, x.ann = x.ann, x.tick = x.tick,
                      y1.at = y1.at, y1.ann = y1.ann, y1.tick = y1.tick,
                      y2.at = y2.at, y2.ann = y2.ann, y2.tick = y2.tick,
                      ny.ann=ny.ann, cex.ann=cex.ann,
                      xlab=xlab, y1lab=y1lab, y2lab=y2lab, las = las,
                      col.y1=col.y1, col.y2=col.y2, cex.lab=cex.lab,
                      y1lim=y1lim, y2lim=y2lim,
                      lty1=lty1, lty2=lty2, lwd1=lwd1, lwd2=lwd2,
                      col1=col1, col2=col2,
                      leg=leg, y1nam.leg=y1nam.leg, y2nam.leg=y2nam.leg,
                      ncol.leg=ncol.leg, cex.leg=cex.leg,
                      h1=h1, h2=h2, col.h1=col.h1, col.h2=col.h2,
                      main=if (automain)
                            sep=" ") else main,
                      mgp=mgp, xpd=xpd, cex=cex,
                      type1=type1, type2=type2, pch1=pch1, pch2=pch2,
                      cex.pt1=cex.pt1, cex.pt2=cex.pt2)
        if (!is.null(filename)){
            if (Sys.info()["sysname"]=="Windows")
                         type=filetype, ...) else
                      device=filetype, ...)

} #longtsPlot

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