
Defines functions lab.aov.lab.qcdata lab.aov.default lab.aov print.grubbs.test grubbs.test.lab.qcdata grubbs.test.default grubbs.test print.cochran.test cochran.test.lab.qcdata cochran.test.default cochran.test k.qcs.lab.qcdata k.qcs.default k.qcs h.qcs.lab.qcdata h.qcs.default h.qcs summary.lab.qcs print.lab.qcs lab.qcs

Documented in cochran.test cochran.test.default cochran.test.lab.qcdata grubbs.test grubbs.test.default grubbs.test.lab.qcdata h.qcs h.qcs.default h.qcs.lab.qcdata k.qcs k.qcs.default k.qcs.lab.qcdata lab.aov lab.aov.default lab.aov.lab.qcdata lab.qcs print.lab.qcs summary.lab.qcs

#                                                                             #
#            Interlaboratory Study Program ILS IN R                           #
#                                                                             #
#  An R package for statistical in-line quality control.                      #
#                                                                             #
#  Written by: Miguel A. Flores Sanchez                                      #
#              Professor of Mathematics Department                            #
#              Escuela Politecnica Nacional, Ecuador                           #
#              miguel.flores@epn.edu.ec                                       #
#                                                                             #
# Main function to create a 'lab.qcs' object
##' Create an object of class 'lab.qcs' to perform statistical quality control.
##' This function is used to compute statistics required for plotting Statitics
##' It develops an object of \code{lab.qcs}-code{link{class}} to perform statistical quality control.
##' This function is used to compute the requested statistics to be summarized and ploted.
## @aliases lab.qcs summary.lab.qcs print.lab.qcs
##' @param x  An object of class \code{lab.qcdata} (Univariate Quality Control Data).
##' @param ... Other arguments passed to or from methods.
##' @export
##' @examples
##' library(ILS)
##' data(Glucose)
##' Glucose.qcdata <- lab.qcdata(Glucose)
##' str(Glucose.qcdata)
##' Glucose.qcs <- lab.qcs(Glucose.qcdata)
##' str(Glucose.qcs)
##' summary(Glucose.qcs)
lab.qcs <- function(x, ...)
  if(is.null(x) || !inherits(x, "lab.qcdata"))
    stop("x must be an objects of class (or extending) 'lab.qcdata'")

  p <- length(unique(x$laboratory))
  m <- length(unique(x$material))
  n <- length(unique(x$replicate))

  stat.material <- data.frame(mean = vector(,length = m),
                           S = vector(,length = m),
                           S_r = vector(,length = m),
                           S_B = vector(,length = m),
                           S_R = vector(,length = m))

  statistics <- data.frame(laboratory = vector(,length = p*m),
                           material = vector(,length = p*m),
                           mean.i = vector(,length = p*m),
                           s.i = vector(,length = p*m))

  data <- x$x

    statistics[,1] <- as.factor(rep(laboratory,each = m))
    statistics[,2] <- as.factor(rep(material,p))
    statistics[,3] <- c(tapply(data,list(x$material,x$laboratory),mean))
    statistics[,4] <- c(tapply(data,list(x$material,x$laboratory),sd))

    stat.material[,1] <- tapply(statistics$mean.i,statistics$material,mean)
    stat.material[,2] <- tapply(statistics$s.i,statistics$material,sd)
    f.S_r <- function(s.i) {sqrt(mean(s.i^2))}
    S_r <- stat.material[,3] <- tapply(statistics$s.i,statistics$material,f.S_r)

    S_B <- stat.material[,4] <- tapply(statistics$mean.i,statistics$material,sd)
    stat.material[,5] <- sqrt(S_B^2 + ((n-1)/n)*S_r^2)

    rownames(stat.material) <- material

 result <- list (lab.qcdata = x, statistics.Laboratory = statistics,
                 statistics.material =  stat.material, p = p, n = n, m = m )
 attr(result, "object.name") <- attributes(x)$data.name
 attr(result, "type.data") <- "lab.qcs"

} # lab.qcs

##' @rdname lab.qcs
##' @method print lab.qcs
##' @param x An object of class \code{lab.qcs} for which a print is desired.
##' @export
print.lab.qcs <- function(x, ...) str(x,1)
##' @rdname lab.qcs
##' @method summary lab.qcs
##' @param object An object of class \code{lab.qcs} for which a summary is desired.
##' @export
summary.lab.qcs <- function(object, ...)

  type.data <- attributes(object)$type.data

  cat("\nNumber of laboratories: ", object$p)
  cat("\nNumber of materials: ", object$m)
  cat("\nNumber of replicate: ", object$n)

  result <- switch(type.data,
                  "lab.qcs" =  {
                    cat("\nSummary for Laboratory (means):\n")
                    st <- with(object$lab.qcdata,
                                           laboratory), mean))

                    cat("\nSummary for Laboratory (Deviations):\n")
                    st <- with(object$lab.qcdata,
                                           laboratory), sd))

                    cat("\nSummary for Material:\n")

                  "h.qcs" =   {

                    cat("\nCritical value: ", object[[7]])
                    cat("\nBeyond limits of control:", "\n")
                  "k.qcs" ={

                    cat("\nCritical value: ", object[[7]])
                    cat("\nBeyond limits of control:", "\n")

} # summary.qcs

# Statistic h
##' Function to estimate the univariate Mandel's  h statistic
##' This function is used to compute the Mandel's h statistic.
##' @param x   An object of class \code{lab.qcdata} (Univariate Quality Control Data).
##' @export
##' @references
##' Wilrich Peter-T. (2013),  Critical values of Mandel's h and k,
##' the Grubbs and the Cochran test statistic. Asta-Advances in Statistical Analysis, 97(1):1-10.
##' ASTM E 691 (1999), Standard practice for conducting an interlaboratory study
##'   to determine the precision of a test method. American Society for Testing and Materials. West Conshohocken, PA, USA.
##' @examples
##' library(ILS)
##' data(Glucose)
##' Glucose.qcdata <- lab.qcdata(Glucose)
##' str(Glucose.qcdata)
##' h<- h.qcs(Glucose.qcdata, alpha = 0.005)
##' summary(h)
##' plot(h)

h.qcs <- function(x, ...) {

##' @rdname h.qcs
##' @method h.qcs default
##' @inheritParams lab.qcdata
##' @param alpha The significance level (0.05 by default)
##' @param ... Other arguments passed to or from methods.
h.qcs.default <- function(x, var.index=1,replicate.index  =  2, material.index  =  3,
                          laboratory.index=4,  data.name = NULL, alpha = 0.05, ...)
  if (is.null(data.name)) data.name <- "Statistical Mandel h"

    obj<-lab.qcdata(data = x, var.index=var.index,replicate.index  =  replicate.index,
                 material.index  =  material.index,
                 laboratory.index=laboratory.index,  data.name = data.name)

    result<-h.qcs.lab.qcdata(x = obj,  alpha = alpha)

} #h.qcs

##' @rdname  h.qcs
##' @method h.qcs lab.qcdata
##' @inheritParams h.qcs.default
##' @export
h.qcs.lab.qcdata <- function(x, alpha = 0.05, ...)

  if(is.null(x) || !inherits(x, "lab.qcdata"))
    stop("x must be an objects of class (or extending) 'lab.qcdata'")

  data.name <- attributes(x)$data.name
  x.lab.qcs <- lab.qcs(x)

  statistics <- x.lab.qcs$statistics.material
  mean.i <- x.lab.qcs$statistics.Laboratory$mean.i
  p <- x.lab.qcs$p
  n <- x.lab.qcs$n
  m <- x.lab.qcs$m

  hcrit <- (p-1)*qt((1-alpha/2),(p-2))/sqrt(p*(p-2+qt((1-alpha/2),(p-2))^2))

  material <- row.names(x.lab.qcs$statistics.material)
  laboratory <- unique(x.lab.qcs[[1]]$laboratory)
  h.i <- matrix(,nrow = p,ncol = m)
  for(i in 1:m)
    ind <- x.lab.qcs$statistics.Laboratory$material==material[i]
    h.i[,i] <- (mean.i[ind]-statistics$mean[i])/statistics$S[i]

  colnames(h.i) <- material
  rownames(h.i) <- laboratory
  violations <- abs(h.i) <= hcrit
  result <- list (lab.qcdata = x, lab.qcs = x.lab.qcs, p = p, n = n, m = m,
                  h = h.i, h.critial = hcrit, violations = violations, data.name = data.name )

  oldClass(result) <- c("lab.qcs")
  attr(result, "object.name") <- data.name
  attr(result, "type.data") <- "h.qcs"


} #h.qcs

# Statistic k
##' Function to calcute the Mandel's k statistic
##' This function is used to compute the statistic k of Mandel.
##' @param x   An object of class \code{lab.qcdata} (Univariate Quality Control Data).
##' @export
##' @references
##' Wilrich Peter-T. (2013),  Critical values of Mandel's h and k,
##' the Grubbs and the Cochran test statistic. Asta-Advances in Statistical Analysis, 97(1):1-10.
##' ASTM E 691 (1999), Standard practice for conducting an interlaboratory study
##' to determine the precision of a test method. American Society for Testing and Materials. West Conshohocken, PA, USA.
##' @examples
##' library(ILS)
##' data(Glucose)
##' Glucose.qcdata <- lab.qcdata(Glucose)
##' str(Glucose.qcdata)
##' k<- k.qcs(Glucose.qcdata, alpha = 0.005)
##' summary(k)
##' plot(k)
k.qcs <- function(x, ...) {

##' @rdname k.qcs
##' @method k.qcs default
##' @inheritParams lab.qcdata
##' @param alpha The significance level (0.05 by default)
##' @param ... Other arguments passed to or from methods.
k.qcs.default <- function(x, var.index=1,replicate.index  =  2, material.index  =  3,
                          laboratory.index=4,  data.name = NULL, alpha = 0.05, ...)
  if (is.null(data.name)) data.name <- "Statistical Mandel k"

  obj<-lab.qcdata(data = x, var.index=var.index,replicate.index  =  replicate.index,
               material.index  =  material.index,
               laboratory.index=laboratory.index,  data.name = data.name)

  result<-k.qcs.lab.qcdata(x = obj,  alpha = alpha)

} #k.qcs

##' @rdname  k.qcs
##' @method k.qcs lab.qcdata
##' @inheritParams k.qcs.default
##' @export
k.qcs.lab.qcdata<- function(x, alpha = 0.05, ...)

  if(is.null(x) || !inherits(x, "lab.qcdata"))
    stop("x must be an objects of class (or extending) 'lab.qcdata'")

  data.name <- attributes(x)$data.name
  x.lab.qcs <- lab.qcs(x)
  statistics <- x.lab.qcs$statistics.material
  s.i <- x.lab.qcs$statistics.Laboratory$s.i
  p <- x.lab.qcs$p
  n <- x.lab.qcs$n
  m <- x.lab.qcs$m


  kcrit <- sqrt(p/(1+(p-1)*qf(alpha,v1,v2,lower.tail=TRUE)))

  material <- row.names(x.lab.qcs$statistics.material)
  laboratory <- unique(x.lab.qcs[[1]]$laboratory)
    k.i<-matrix(,nrow =p ,ncol =m )
    for(i in 1:m)
      ind <- x.lab.qcs$statistics.Laboratory$material==material[i]
      k.i[,i] <- s.i[ind]/statistics$S_r[i]
    colnames(k.i) <- material
    row.names(k.i) <- laboratory
    violations <- k.i <= kcrit

    result <- list (lab.qcdata = x, lab.qcs = x.lab.qcs, p = p, n = n, m = m,
                    k = k.i, k.critical = kcrit, violations = violations, data.name = data.name )
    oldClass(result) <- c("lab.qcs")
    attr(result, "object.name") <- data.name
    attr(result, "type.data") <- "k.qcs"


# Cochran Test Statistic
##' Function to compute the Cochran test statistic
##' Function to estimate the Cochran test statistic.
##' @param x   An object of class \code{lab.qcdata} (Univariate Quality Control Data).
##' @export
##' @references
##' Wilrich Peter-T. (2013),  Critical values of mandel's h and k,
##' the grubbs and the Cochran test statistic. Asta-Advances in Statistical Analysis, 97(1):1-10.
##' ASTM E 691 (1999), Standard practice for conducting an interlaboratory study
##'   to determine the precision of a test method. American Society for Testing and Materials. West Conshohocken, PA, USA.
##' @examples
##' library(ILS)
##' data(Glucose)
##' Glucose.qcdata <- lab.qcdata(Glucose)
##' str(Glucose.qcdata)
##' cochran.test(Glucose.qcdata)
cochran.test <- function(x, ...) {

##' @rdname cochran.test
##' @method cochran.test default
##' @inheritParams lab.qcdata
##' @param alpha The significance level (0.05 by default)
##' @param ... Other arguments passed to or from methods.
cochran.test.default <- function(x, var.index=1,replicate.index  =  2, material.index  =  3,
                          laboratory.index=4,  data.name = NULL, alpha = 0.05, ...)
  if (is.null(data.name)) data.name <- "Statistical Mandel k"

  obj<-lab.qcdata(data = x, var.index=var.index,replicate.index  =  replicate.index,
               material.index  =  material.index,
               laboratory.index=laboratory.index,  data.name = data.name)

  result<-cochran.test.lab.qcdata(x = obj,  alpha = alpha)

} #cochran.test

##' @rdname  cochran.test
##' @method cochran.test lab.qcdata
##' @inheritParams cochran.test.default
##' @export
cochran.test.lab.qcdata<-function(x, alpha = 0.05,...){

  if(!is.null(x) & !inherits(x, "lab.qcdata") & !is.list(x))
    stop("x must be an objects of class (or extending) 'lab.qcdata'")

  x.lab.qcs <- lab.qcs(x)
  stat <- x.lab.qcs$statistics.Laboratory
  material <- row.names(x.lab.qcs$statistics.material)
  laboratory <- unique(x$laboratory)

  S2max <- tapply(stat$s.i,stat$material,max)
  ind.max <- tapply(stat$s.i,stat$material,which.max)
  laboratory.max <- laboratory[ind.max]

  p <- x.lab.qcs$p
  n <- x.lab.qcs$n
  m <- x.lab.qcs$m

  C <- vector()
  p.value <- vector()

  v1 <- (p-1)*(n-1);
  v2 <- n-1
  Ccrit <- 1/(1+(p-1)*qf(alpha/p,v1,v2,lower.tail=TRUE))

  for(i in 1:m){
    C[i] <- S2max[i]/sum((stat$s.i[stat$material == material[i]])^2)
    p.value[i] <- round(pf(C[i],v1,v2,lower.tail=T),4)

  result <- list(result = data.frame(Smax = laboratory.max, Material = material,
                       C = C,  p.value = p.value),C.critical = Ccrit, alpha.test = alpha/p)

  oldClass(result) <- c("cochran.test")


# @rdname lab.qcs
##' @method print cochran.test
## @param x A \code{test.cochran} object for which a print is desired.
##' @export

print.cochran.test <- function(x, ...) {
  cat("\nTest Cochran", "\n")
  cat("\n Critical value:",x[[2]],"\n")
  cat("\n Alpha test:",x[[3]],"\n")

# Grubbs Test Statistic
##' Function to compute the Grubbs test statistic
##' Function to estimate the Grubbs test statistic.
##' @param x   An object of class \code{lab.qcdata} (Univariate Quality Control Data).
##' @export
##' @references
##' Wilrich Peter-T. (2013), Critical values of Mandel's h and k,
##' the Grubbs and the Cochran test statistic. Asta-Advances in Statistical Analysis, 97(1):1-10.
##' ASTM E 691 (1999), Standard practice for conducting an interlaboratory study
##' to determine the precision of a test method. American Society for Testing and Materials. West Conshohocken, PA, USA.
##' @examples
##' library(ILS)
##' data(Glucose)
##' Glucose.qcdata<- lab.qcdata(Glucose)
##' str(Glucose.qcdata)
##' grubbs.test(Glucose.qcdata)
grubbs.test <- function(x, ...) {

##' @rdname grubbs.test
##' @method grubbs.test default
##' @inheritParams lab.qcdata
##' @param alpha The significance level (0.05 for default)
##' @param ... Other arguments passed to or from methods.
grubbs.test.default <- function(x, var.index=1,replicate.index  =  2, material.index  =  3,
                          laboratory.index=4,  data.name = NULL, alpha = 0.05, ...)
  if (is.null(data.name)) data.name <- "Statistical Mandel k"

  obj<-lab.qcdata(data = x, var.index=var.index,replicate.index  =  replicate.index,
               material.index  =  material.index,
               laboratory.index=laboratory.index,  data.name = data.name)

  result<-grubbs.test.lab.qcdata(x = obj,  alpha = alpha)

} #grubbs.test

##' @rdname  grubbs.test
##' @method grubbs.test lab.qcdata
##' @inheritParams grubbs.test.default
##' @export
grubbs.test.lab.qcdata <-function(x, alpha = 0.05,...){
  x.lab.qcs <- lab.qcs(x)
  stat <- x.lab.qcs$statistics.Laboratory
  material <- row.names(x.lab.qcs$statistics.material)
  laboratory <- unique(x$laboratory)

  p <- x.lab.qcs$p
  n <- x.lab.qcs$n
  m <- x.lab.qcs$m

  Gh <- vector()
  Gl <- vector()
  S <- vector()
  ph.value <- vector()
  pl.value <- vector()

  mean.i <- stat$mean.i
  mean <- x.lab.qcs$statistics.material$mean
  S <- x.lab.qcs$statistics.material$S

  ind.max <- tapply(stat$mean.i,stat$material,which.max)
  ind.min <- tapply(stat$mean.i,stat$material,which.min)
  laboratory.max <- laboratory[ind.max]
  laboratory.min <- laboratory[ind.min]

  for(i in 1:m){

    Gl[i] <- (mean[i] - mean.i[stat$material == material[i]][ind.min[i]])/S[i]
    pl.value[i] <- round(pt(Gl[i],(p-1),lower.tail=F),4)
    Gh[i] <- (mean.i[stat$material == material[i]][ind.max[i]] - mean[i] )/S[i]
    ph.value[i] <- round(pt(Gh[i],(p-1),lower.tail=F),4)

  gcrit <- (n-1)*qt((1-alpha/p),(n-2))/sqrt(n*(n-2+(qt((1-alpha/p),(n-2)))^2))

  result <- list(result = data.frame(Material = material, Gmax = laboratory.max,
                                     G.max = Gh,
                                     p.value.max = ph.value, Gmin = laboratory.min,
                                     G.min = Gl,
                       p.value.min = pl.value),G.critical = gcrit,
                 alpha.test = alpha/p)

  oldClass(result) <- c("grubbs.test")

##' @method print grubbs.test
## @param x A \code{test.cochran} object for which a print is desired.
##' @export

print.grubbs.test <- function(x, ...) {
  cat("\nTest Grubbs", "\n")
  cat("\n Critical value:",x[[2]],"\n")
  cat("\n Alpha test:",x[[3]],"\n")

##' Function to compute the AOV
##' Function to compute the analysis of variance of ILS data, taking into account the laboratories and material factors.
##' @param x An object of class \code{lab.qcdata} (Univariate Quality Control Data).
##' @export
##' @references
##' WHothorn T., Bretz, F., and Westfall, P. (2008), Simultaneous inference in general parametric models.
##' Biometrical Journal, 50(3):346-363.
##' Heyden, Y., Smeyers-Verbeke, J. (2007), Set-up and evaluation of interlaboratory studies. J. Chromatogr. A, 1158:158-167.
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' library(ILS)
##' data(Glucose)
##' Glucose.qcdata <- lab.qcdata(Glucose)
##' str(Glucose.qcdata)
##' lab.aov(Glucose.qcdata,level = 0.95, plot = TRUE, pages = 1)
##' }

lab.aov <- function(x, ...) {
##' @rdname lab.aov
##' @method lab.aov default
##' @inheritParams lab.qcdata
##' @param level Requested confidence level (0.95 by default).
##' @param plot  If TRUE, confidence intervals are plot.
##' @param pages By default 0, it indicates the number of pages over which to spread the output. For example,
##' if pages=1,  all terms will be plotted on one page with the layout performed automatically.
##'  If pages=0, one plot will be displayed by each tested material.
##' @param ... Other arguments passed to or from methods.
lab.aov.default <- function(x, var.index=1,replicate.index  =  2, material.index  =  3,
                          laboratory.index=4,  data.name = NULL, level = 0.95,plot = FALSE, pages = 0, ...)
  if (is.null(data.name)) data.name <- "Statistical Mandel k"

  obj<-lab.qcdata(data = x, var.index=var.index,replicate.index  =  replicate.index,
               material.index  =  material.index,
               laboratory.index=laboratory.index,  data.name = data.name)

  result<-lab.aov.lab.qcdata(x = obj,  level = level,plot = plot, pages = pages)

} #lab.aov

##' @rdname lab.aov
##' @method lab.aov lab.qcdata
##' @inheritParams lab.aov.default
##' @export
lab.aov.lab.qcdata <- function(x,level = 0.95,plot = FALSE, pages = 0,...){

aovModel <- list()
conf <- list()
.Pairs <- list()
material <- unique(x$material)
m <- length(material)

if(plot ==TRUE){

  n.plots <- m
  if (pages > 0)
    if (pages > n.plots)
      pages <- n.plots
    if (pages < 0)
      pages <- 0
    if (pages != 0) {
      ppp <- n.plots%/%pages
      if (n.plots%%pages != 0) {
        ppp <- ppp + 1
        while (ppp * (pages - 1) >= n.plots) pages <- pages - 1
      c <- r <- trunc(sqrt(ppp))
      if (c < 1)
        r <- c <- 1
      if (c * r < ppp)
        c <- c + 1
      if (c * r < ppp)
        r <- r + 1
      oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(r, c))
    else {
      ppp <- 1
      oldpar <- par()

for (i in 1:m){
  y <- x$x[indm]
  laboratory <- x$laboratory[indm]
  data <- data.frame(y,laboratory)

  aovModel[[i]] <- aov(y ~ laboratory,data=data)
  .Pairs[[i]] <- glht(aovModel[[i]], linfct = mcp(laboratory = "Tukey"))
  conf[[i]] <- confint(.Pairs[[i]],level = level) # confidence intervals

if(plot ==TRUE){
  old.oma <- par(oma=c(0,5,0,0))
  for (i in 1:m){
    title <- paste(level*100,"%"," ","Confidence Level",sep="")
    subtitle  = paste("Material",material[i])
    plot(confint(.Pairs[[i]],level = level), main=title,sub = subtitle)

  names(conf)<- paste("Material:",material)
  for (i in 1:m) {cat("\n AOV of Material:",material[i])

    print(summary(.Pairs[[i]])) # pairwise tests

    result <- list(Models = aovModel,Confidence =conf)



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