
Defines functions sim_IMIFA_model.Results_IMIFA sim_IMIFA_model sim_IMIFA_data

Documented in sim_IMIFA_data sim_IMIFA_model

#' Simulate Data from a Mixture of Factor Analysers Structure
#' Functions to simulate data of any size and dimension from a (infinite) mixture of (infinite) factor analysers parameterisation or fitted object.
#' @param N,G,P Desired overall number of observations, number of clusters, and number of variables in the simulated data set. All must be a single integer.
#' @param Q Desired number of cluster-specific latent factors in the simulated data set. Can be specified either as a single integer if all clusters are to have the same number of factors, or a vector of length \code{G}. Defaults to \code{floor(log(P))} in each cluster. Should be less than the associated \code{\link{Ledermann}} bound and the number of observations in the corresponding cluster. The argument \code{forceQg} can be used to enforce this upper limit.
#' @param pis Mixing proportions of the clusters in the data set if \code{G} > 1. Must sum to 1. Defaults to \code{rep(1/G, G)}.
#' @param mu True values of the mean parameters, either as a single value, a vector of length \code{G}, a vector of length \code{P}, or a \code{G * P} matrix. If \code{mu} is missing, \code{loc.diff} is invoked to simulate distinct means for each cluster by default.
#' @param psi True values of uniqueness parameters, either as a single value, a vector of length \code{G}, a vector of length \code{P}, or a \code{G * P} matrix. As such the user can specify uniquenesses as a diagonal or isotropic matrix, and further constrain uniquenesses across clusters if desired. If \code{psi} is missing, uniquenesses are simulated via \code{1/rgamma(P, 2, 1)} within each cluster by default.
#' @param loadings True values of the loadings matrix/matrices. Must be supplied in the form of a list of numeric matrices when \code{G > 1}, otherwise a single matrix. Matrices must contain \code{P} rows and the number of columns must correspond to the values in \code{Q}. If \code{loadings} are not supplied, such matrices are populated with standard normal random variates by default (see \code{non.zero}).
#' @param scores True values of the latent factor scores, as a \code{N * max(Q)} numeric matrix. If \code{scores} are not supplied, such a matrix is populated with standard normal random variates by default. Only relevant when \code{method="conditional"}.
#' @param nn An alternative way to specify the size of each cluster, by giving the exact number of observations in each cluster explicitly. Must sum to \code{N}.
#' @param loc.diff A parameter to control the closeness of the clusters in terms of the difference in their location vectors. Only relevant if \code{mu} is NOT supplied. Defaults to \code{2}.
#' More specifically, \code{loc.diff} (if invoked) is invoked as follows: means are simulated with the vector of cluster-specific hypermeans given by:
#'\code{scale(1:G, center=TRUE, scale=FALSE) * loc.diff}.
#' @param non.zero Controls the number of non-zero entries in each loadings column (per cluster) \strong{only} when \code{loadings} is not explicitly supplied. Values must be integers in the interval \code{[1,P]}. Defaults to \code{P}. The positions of the zeros are randomised, and non-zero entries are drawn from a standard normal.
#' Must be given as a list of length \code{G} of vectors of length corresponding to \code{Q} when \code{G>1}. Can be given either as such a list or simply a vector of length \code{Q} when \code{G=1}. Alternatively, a single integer can be supplied, common across all loadings columns across all clusters. In any case, \code{non.zero} will be affected by \code{forceQg=TRUE} by default (see below).
#' @param forceQg A logical indicating whether the upper limit on the number of cluster-specific factors \code{Q} is enforced. Defaults to \code{TRUE} for \code{sim_IMIFA_data}, but is always \code{FALSE} for \code{sim_IMIFA_model}. Note that when \code{forceQg=TRUE} is invoked, \code{non.zero} (see above) is also affected.
#' @param method A switch indicating whether the mixture to be simulated from is the conditional distribution of the data given the latent variables (default), or simply the marginal distribution of the data.
#' @param res An object of class \code{"Results_IMIFA"} generated by \code{\link{get_IMIFA_results}}.
#' @return Invisibly returns a \code{data.frame} with \code{N} observations (rows) of \code{P} variables (columns). The true values of the parameters which generated these data are also stored as attributes.
#' @details \code{sim_IMIFA_model} is a simple wrapper to \code{sim_IMIFA_data} which uses the estimated parameters of a fitted IMIFA related model, as generated by \code{\link{get_IMIFA_results}}. The necessary parameters must have been originally stored via \code{\link{storeControl}} in the creation of \code{res}.
#' @note \code{N}, \code{G}, \code{P} & \code{Q} will \strong{NOT} be inferred from the supplied parameters \code{pis}, \code{mu}, \code{psi}, \code{loadings}, \code{scores} & \code{nn} - rather, the parameters' length/dimensions must adhere to the supplied values of \code{N}, \code{G}, \code{P} & \code{Q}.
#' Missing values are not allowed in any of \code{pis}, \code{mu}, \code{psi}, \code{loadings}, \code{scores} & \code{nn}.
#' @export
#' @references Murphy, K., Viroli, C., and Gormley, I. C. (2020) Infinite mixtures of infinite factor analysers, \emph{Bayesian Analysis}, 15(3): 937-963. <\href{https://projecteuclid.org/euclid.ba/1570586978}{doi:10.1214/19-BA1179}>.
#' @keywords utility
#' @importFrom Rfast "is.symmetric" "matrnorm"
#' @name sim_IMIFA
#' @rdname sim_IMIFA
#' @author Keefe Murphy - <\email{keefe.murphy@@mu.ie}>
#' @usage
#' sim_IMIFA_data(N = 300L,
#'                G = 3L,
#'                P = 50L,
#'                Q = rep(floor(log(P)), G),
#'                pis = rep(1/G, G),
#'                mu = NULL,
#'                psi = NULL,
#'                loadings = NULL,
#'                scores = NULL,
#'                nn = NULL,
#'                loc.diff = 2,
#'                non.zero = P,
#'                forceQg = TRUE,
#'                method = c("conditional", "marginal"))
#' @examples
#' # Simulate 100 observations from 3 balanced clusters with cluster-specific numbers of latent factors
#' # Specify isotropic uniquenesses within each cluster
#' # Supply cluster means directly
#' sim_data  <- sim_IMIFA_data(N=100, G=3, P=20, Q=c(2, 2, 5), psi=1:3,
#'                             mu=matrix(rnorm(60, -2 + 1:3, 1), nrow=20, ncol=3, byrow=TRUE))
#' names(attributes(sim_data))
#' labels    <- attr(sim_data, "Labels")
#' # Visualise the data in two-dimensions
#' plot(cmdscale(dist(sim_data), k=2), col=labels)
#' # Examine the overlap with a pairs plot of 5 randomly chosen variables
#' pairs(sim_data[,sample(1:20, 5)], col=labels)
#' \donttest{# Fit a MIFA model to this data
#' # tmp     <- mcmc_IMIFA(sim_data, method="MIFA", range.G=3, n.iters=5000)
#' # Simulate from this model
#' # res     <- get_IMIFA_results(tmp, zlabels=labels)
#' # sim_mod <- sim_IMIFA_model(res)}
#' @seealso \code{\link{mcmc_IMIFA}} for fitting an IMIFA related model to the simulated data set.
#' \code{\link{get_IMIFA_results}} for generating input for \code{sim_IMIFA_model}.
#' \code{\link{Ledermann}} for details on the upper-bound for \code{Q}. Note that this function accounts for isotropic uniquenesses, if \code{psi} is supplied in that manner, in computing this bound.
sim_IMIFA_data <- function(N = 300L, G = 3L, P = 50L, Q = rep(floor(log(P)), G), pis = rep(1/G, G), mu = NULL, psi = NULL, loadings = NULL,
                           scores = NULL, nn = NULL, loc.diff = 2, non.zero = P, forceQg = TRUE, method = c("conditional", "marginal")) {

  N            <- unname(as.integer(N))
  G            <- unname(as.integer(G))
  P            <- unname(as.integer(P))
  Q            <- unname(as.integer(Q))
  if(any(N  < 0, P  < 0, Q < 0, G  <= 0)) stop("'N', 'P', and 'Q' must be strictly non-negative and 'G' must be strictly positive",     call.=FALSE)
  if(any(length(N) != 1, length(loc.diff) != 1,
         length(G) != 1, length(P) != 1)) stop("'N', 'P', 'G', and 'loc.diff' must be of length 1", call.=FALSE)
  if(any(N  < 2, N <= G))                 stop("Must simulate more than one data-point and the number of clusters must be less than N", call.=FALSE)
  if(length(Q) != G)      {
    if(!missing(Q))       {
      if(length(Q) == 1)  {
        Q      <- rep(Q, G)
      } else if(length(Q != G))           stop(paste0("'Q' must supplied for each of the G=", G, " clusters"), call.=FALSE)
  if(!all(is.character(method)))          stop("'method' must be a character vector of length 1", call.=FALSE)
  method       <- match.arg(method)
  Gseq         <- seq_len(G)
  Nseq         <- seq_len(N)
  Pseq         <- seq_len(P)
  nnames       <- paste0("Obs ", Nseq)
  vnames       <- paste0("Var ", Pseq)

  if(!missing(nn) && missing(pis))    {
    nn         <- as.integer(nn)
    if(!is.integer(nn)   ||
       anyNA(nn)  ||
       any(length(nn)    != G,
           sum(nn)       != N))           stop(paste0("'nn' must be an integer vector of length G=", G, " which sums to N=", N, " without missing values"), call.=FALSE)
    if(any(nn  <= 0))                     warning("All 'nn' values should be strictly positive; are you sure you want to simulate empty clusters?\n",       call.=FALSE, immediate.=TRUE)
  } else {
    if(!is.numeric(pis)  ||
       anyNA(pis) ||
       any(length(pis)   != G,
           !all.equal(sum(pis), 1)))      stop(paste0("'pis' must be a numeric vector of length G=", G, " which sums to ", 1, " without missing values"),   call.=FALSE)
    if(any(pis <= 0))                     stop("All 'pis' values must be strictly positive", call.=FALSE)
    nn         <- integer(G)
    iter       <- 0L
    nn0        <- TRUE
    while(nn0  && iter    < 100)      {
      labs     <- .sim_z_p(N=N, prob.z=pis)
      nn       <- tabulate(labs, nbins=G)
      iter     <- iter    + 1L
      nn0      <- any(nn <= 0)
    if(nn0)                               warning("Empty clusters generated; are you sure?\nTry supplying 'nn' directly instead of small 'pis'\n",          call.=FALSE, immediate.=TRUE)

  if(!(mumiss  <- missing(mu)))       {
    musup      <- matrix(.len_check(as.matrix(mu),  switch0g = TRUE, method = ifelse(G > 1, "MFA", "FA"), P, G)[[1L]], nrow=P, ncol=G, byrow=length(mu)  == G)
    if(anyNA(musup))                      stop("Missing values are not allowed in 'mu'",  call.=FALSE)
  } else {
    if(!is.numeric(loc.diff))             stop("'loc.diff' must be numeric", call.=FALSE)
    musup      <- (Gseq  - (G + 1)/2) * loc.diff
  if(!(psimiss <- missing(psi)))      {
    psisup     <- matrix(.len_check(as.matrix(psi), switch0g = TRUE, method = ifelse(G > 1, "MFA", "FA"), P, G)[[1L]], nrow=P, ncol=G, byrow=length(psi) == G)
    if(anyNA(psisup))                     stop("Missing values are not allowed in 'psi'", call.=FALSE)
  if(!(smiss   <- missing(scores))   &&
     method    == "conditional")      {
    if(!is.matrix(scores)    ||
       !is.numeric(scores))               stop("Invalid 'scores' supplied: must be a numeric matrix", call.=FALSE)
    if(anyNA(scores))                     stop("Missing values are not allowed in 'scores'", call.=FALSE)
  Q.warn       <- pmin(pmax(0L, nn - 1L), Ledermann(P, isotropic=!psimiss && length(unique(psisup[,1L])) == 1))
  if(any(Q.ind <- (Q > Q.warn)))      {
    if(length(forceQg)  != 1 ||
       !is.logical(forceQg))              stop("'forceQg' must be a single logical indicator", call.=FALSE)
    warn.Q     <- paste0("Too many factors generated relative to P=", P, " and the number of observations in cluster", ifelse(sum(Q.ind) > 1, "s ", " "), paste(which(Q.ind), paste0("(", nn[Q.ind], ")"), collapse=", "))
    if(isTRUE(forceQg))  {                warning(paste0(warn.Q, "\nEnforced the corresponding upper-bound", ifelse(sum(Q.ind) > 1, "s ", " "), "{", paste(Q.warn[Q.ind], collapse=", "), "}\n"), call.=FALSE, immediate.=TRUE)
      Q[Q.ind] <- Q.warn[Q.ind]
    } else if(G > 1)                      warning(paste0(warn.Q, "\nConsider setting 'forceQg' to 'TRUE'"), call.=FALSE, immediate.=TRUE)
  if(!(lammiss <- is.null(loadings))) {
    lmat       <- loadings
    if(anyNA(lmat))                       stop("Missing values are not allowed in 'loadings'", call.=FALSE)
    if(G == 1)  {
      lmat     <- base::matrix(unlist(lmat), nrow=P, ncol=Q)
      if(!is.matrix(lmat)  ||
         !is.numeric(lmat))               stop("Invalid 'loadings' supplied: must be a numeric matrix when G=1", call.=FALSE)
      if(nrow(lmat)   != P ||
         ncol(lmat)   != Q)               stop(paste0("The 'loadings' matrix must have P=", P, " rows and Q=", Q, " columns, when G=1"), call.=FALSE)
      lmat     <- list(lmat)
    } else      {
      if(!is.list(lmat)    ||
         length(lmat) != G)               stop(paste0("'loadings' must be a list of length G=", G, " when G > 1"), call.=FALSE)
      if(any(vapply(lmat, function(x)
        !is.matrix(x) ||
        !is.numeric(x), logical(1L))))    stop("All elements in the 'loadings' list must be numeric matrices", call.=FALSE)
      Px       <- as.integer(unname(vapply(lmat, nrow, numeric(1L))))
      Qx       <- as.integer(unname(vapply(lmat, ncol, numeric(1L))))
      if((length(unique(Px)) != 1 ||
         P     != Px[1L])    ||
         sum(Q  - Qx) != 0)               stop(paste0("All 'loadings' matrices must have P=", P, " rows and the number of columns in each must correspond to Q"), call.=FALSE)
  if(!(nzmiss  <- missing(non.zero))) {
    if(length(non.zero)      == 1 &&
       is.numeric(non.zero))  {
      non.zero <- lapply(Gseq, function(g) rep(non.zero, Q[g]))
    } else if((G > 1  &&
      (!is.list(non.zero)    ||
       length(non.zero)      != G))  ||
      (G == 1  &&
      (is.list(non.zero)     &&
       length(non.zero)      != 1)))  {   stop(paste0("'non.zero' must be a list of length G=", G), call.=FALSE)
    } else non.zero   <- if(all(G == 1, length(non.zero) > 1)) list(non.zero) else as.list(non.zero)
    if(forceQg && any(Q.ind)) {           message("Also forcing 'non-zero' to conform to 'Q'...\n")
      non.zero <- lapply(Gseq, function(g, ng=non.zero[[g]]) ng[seq_len(pmin(length(ng), Q.warn[g]))])
    non.zero   <- lapply(non.zero, function(x) if(!is.null(x) && (length(x) > 1 || x != 0)) x)
    if(!identical(Q, lengths(non.zero)))  stop(paste0("The length of each element of 'non.zero' must correspond to Q={", paste(Q, collapse=", "), "}"), call.=FALSE)
    nztest     <- unlist(non.zero)
    if(!is.numeric(nztest) ||
       anyNA(nztest)       ||
       any(nztest < 1       |
           nztest > P)     ||
       nztest  != floor(nztest))          stop(paste0("Every entry of 'non.zero' must be a strictly positive integer, less than or equal to P=", P), call.=FALSE)
  simdata      <- .empty_mat(nc=P)
  true.mu      <- true.l   <-
  true.psi     <- true.cov <- stats::setNames(vector("list", G), paste0("Cluster", Gseq))
  sq_mat       <- if(P > 50)  function(x) diag(sqrt(diag(x))) else sqrt

# Simulate true parameter values
  true.zlab    <- factor(rep(Gseq, nn), labels=Gseq[nn > 0])
  if(method    == "conditional")   {
    Q.max      <- max(Q)
    eta.true   <- if(smiss) .sim_eta_p(N=N, Q=Q.max)          else scores
    if(nrow(eta.true) != N ||
       ncol(eta.true) != Q.max)           stop(paste0("The 'scores' matrix must have N=", N, " rows and max(Q)=", Q.max, " columns"), call.=FALSE)
  } else if(!smiss)                       message("True 'scores' need not be supplied when 'method=\"marginal\"'\n")
  for(g in Gseq)       {
    Q.g        <- Q[g]
    N.g        <- nn[g]
    mu.true    <- stats::setNames(if(mumiss) .sim_mu_p(P=P, mu.zero=musup[g], sig.mu.sqrt=1)                else musup[,g],  vnames)
    if(lammiss && !nzmiss)   {
      neff     <- non.zero[[g]]
      l.true   <- base::matrix(0L, nrow=P, ncol=Q.g)
      for(k in seq_len(Q.g)) {
        lind   <- sample(Pseq, neff[k], replace=FALSE)
        l.true[lind,k] <- .sim_load_p(Q=1L, P=neff[k], sig.l.sqrt=1)
    } else      {
      l.true   <- if(lammiss) base::matrix(.sim_load_p(Q=Q.g, P=P, sig.l.sqrt=1), nrow=P, ncol=Q.g)         else lmat[[g]]
    psi.true   <- stats::setNames(if(psimiss) 1/stats::rgamma(P, shape=2, rate=1)                           else psisup[,g], vnames)

  # Simulate data
    covmat     <- provideDimnames({ if(P > 1) diag(psi.true) else as.matrix(psi.true) } + { if(Q.g > 0) switch(EXPR=method, marginal=tcrossprod(l.true), 0L) else 0L}, base=list(vnames))
            is.numeric(covmat)))          stop("Invalid covariance matrix!", call.=FALSE)
    sigma      <- if(all(Q.g > 0, P > 1, method == "marginal")) .chol(is.posi_def(covmat, make=TRUE)$X.new) else sq_mat(covmat)
    means      <- base::matrix(mu.true, nrow=N.g, ncol=P, byrow=TRUE) + switch(EXPR=method, conditional=tcrossprod(eta.true[true.zlab == g, seq_len(Q.g), drop=FALSE], l.true), 0L)
    simdata    <- rbind(simdata, means + matrnorm(N.g, P) %*% sigma)
    dimnames(l.true)   <- list(vnames, if(Q.g > 0) paste0("Factor ", seq_len(Q.g)))
    true.mu[[g]]       <- mu.true
    true.l[[g]]        <- l.true
    true.psi[[g]]      <- psi.true
    true.cov[[g]]      <- covmat

# Post-process data
  permute      <- sample(Nseq, N, replace=FALSE)
  simdata      <- simdata[permute,, drop=FALSE]
  true.zlab    <- true.zlab[permute]
  dimnames(simdata)    <- list(nnames, vnames)
  simdata      <- as.data.frame(simdata)
       "Factors")      <- Q
       "Clusters")     <- G
       "Means")        <- do.call(cbind, true.mu)
  if(method == "conditional") {
    eta.true   <- eta.true[permute,, drop=FALSE]
    dimnames(eta.true) <- list(nnames, if(Q.max > 0) paste0("Factor ", seq_len(Q.max)))
         "Scores")     <- eta.true
       "Loadings")     <- true.l
       "Loc.Diff")     <- if(mumiss) loc.diff
       "Method")       <- method
       "Uniquenesses") <- do.call(cbind, true.psi)
       "Labels")       <- true.zlab
       "Proportions")  <- pis
       "Sizes")        <- nn
       "Covariance")   <- true.cov
  class(simdata)       <- c("data.frame")

#' @keywords utility
#' @rdname sim_IMIFA
#' @export
#' @usage
#' sim_IMIFA_model(res,
#'                 method = c("conditional", "marginal"))
  sim_IMIFA_model      <- function(res, method = c("conditional", "marginal")) {

#' @method sim_IMIFA_model Results_IMIFA
#' @export
  sim_IMIFA_model.Results_IMIFA   <-      function(res, method = c("conditional", "marginal")) {
    if(!all(is.character(method)))        stop("'method' must be a character vector of length 1", call.=FALSE)
    G1         <- res$GQ.results$G > 1
    switches   <- attr(res, "Switch")[c(2L:1L, 3L:(4L + G1))]
    switch(EXPR=(meth  <- match.arg(method)),
           conditional= {
             if(!all(switches))           stop(paste0("Need means, loadings, uniquenesses, ", ifelse(G1, "scores, and mixing proportions", "and scores"), " to have been stored for the '", meth, "' method"), call.=FALSE)
           marginal=    {
             if(!all(switches[-1L]))      stop(paste0("Need means, loadings, uniquenesses, ", ifelse(G1, "and mixing proportions", ""), " to have been stored for the '", meth, "' method"), call.=FALSE)
      sim_IMIFA_data(N        = attr(res, "Obs"),
                     G        = res$GQ.results$G,
                     P        = attr(res, "Vars"),
                     Q        = res$GQ.results$Q,
                     pis      = res$Clust$post.pi,
                     mu       = res$Means$post.mu,
                     psi      = res$Uniquenesses$post.psi,
                     loadings = res$Loadings$post.load,
                     scores   = res$Scores$post.eta,
                     method   = meth,
                     forceQg  = FALSE)))

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