## Utility functions for the 'IRISSeismic' package.
## Copyright (C) 2013 Mazama Science, Inc.
## by Jonathan Callahan,
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
## Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
# Helpful documents explaining spectral analysis and R's spec.pgram function.
# "Spectral Analysis -- Smoothed Periodogram Method"
# Simple explanation of DFT and smoothed periodogram with an explanation of
# Daniell smoothers:
# crossSpectrum is a function specifically for calculating cross-spectral values.
# This function marries functionality from R's spec.pgram with MATLAB's pwelch.
# Most of this function comes directly from R-3.0.1/src/library/stats/R/spectrum.R
# Other features mimic the code in Octave's pwelch() function:
crossSpectrum <- function (x, spans = NULL, kernel = NULL, taper = 0.1,
pad = 0, fast = TRUE,
demean = FALSE, detrend = TRUE,
na.action = {
# BEGIN: Identical to spec.pgram ---------------------------------------------
## Estimate spectral density from (smoothed) periodogram.
series <- deparse(substitute(x))
x <- na.action(stats::as.ts(x))
xfreq <- stats::frequency(x)
x <- as.matrix(x)
N <- N0 <- nrow(x)
nser <- ncol(x)
if(!is.null(spans)) { # allow user to mistake order of args
kernel <- {
if(stats::is.tskernel(spans)) spans else
kernel("modified.daniell", spans %/% 2)
if(!is.null(kernel) && !stats::is.tskernel(kernel)) {
stop("must specify 'spans' or a valid kernel")
if (detrend) {
t <- 1L:N - (N + 1)/2
sumt2 <- N * (N^2 - 1)/12
for (i in 1L:ncol(x))
x[, i] <- x[, i] - mean(x[, i]) - sum(x[, i] * t) * t/sumt2
} else if (demean) {
x <- sweep(x, 2, colMeans(x), check.margin=FALSE)
## apply taper:
x <- stats::spec.taper(x, taper)
## to correct for tapering: Bloomfield (1976, p. 194)
## Total taper is taper*2
u2 <- (1 - (5/8)*taper*2)
u4 <- (1 - (93/128)*taper*2)
if (pad > 0) {
x <- rbind(x, matrix(0, nrow = N * pad, ncol = ncol(x)))
N <- nrow(x)
NewN <- if(fast) stats::nextn(N) else N
x <- rbind(x, matrix(0, nrow = (NewN - N), ncol = ncol(x)))
N <- nrow(x)
Nspec <- floor(N/2)
freq <- = xfreq/N, by = xfreq/N, length.out = Nspec)
# END: Identical to spec.pgram ----------------------------------------------
# NOTE: The rest of this functions contains lines from the original spec.pgram that
# NOTE: are commented out and replaced by code using notation more akin to that
# NOTE: found in the Octave pwelch() function.
if (nser > 2) {
stop("crossSpectrum: x contains",nser,"timeseries, max 2 allowed.")
# xfft <- mvfft(x)
# pgram <- array(NA, dim = c(N, ncol(x), ncol(x)))
# for (i in 1L:ncol(x)) {
# for (j in 1L:ncol(x)) { # N0 = #{non-0-padded}
# pgram[, i, j] <- xfft[, i] * Conj(xfft[, j])/(N0*xfreq)
# ## value at zero is invalid as mean has been removed, so interpolate:
# pgram[1, i, j] <- 0.5*(pgram[2, i, j] + pgram[N, i, j])
# }
# }
fft_x <- as.complex(stats::fft(x[,1]))
# Periodogram
Pxx <- fft_x * Conj(fft_x)/(N0*xfreq)
Pxx[1] <- 0.5*(Pxx[2] + Pxx[N])
if (nser == 1) {
Pyy <- Pxy <- NULL
# NOTE: Pyx is identical to Pxy
} else {
fft_y <- as.complex(stats::fft(x[,2]))
Pyy <- fft_y * Conj(fft_y)/(N0*xfreq)
Pyy[1] <- 0.5*(Pyy[2] + Pyy[N])
# Cross-power spectrum
Pxy <- fft_x * Conj(fft_y)/(N0*xfreq)
Pxy[1] <- 0.5*(Pxy[2] + Pxy[N]) # TODO: Is this correct?
# if(!is.null(kernel)) {
# for (i in 1L:ncol(x)) {
# for (j in 1L:ncol(x)) {
# pgram[, i, j] <- stats::kernapply(pgram[, i, j], kernel, circular = TRUE)
# }
# }
# df <- df.kernel(kernel)
# bandwidth <- bandwidth.kernel(kernel)
# } else { # raw periodogram
# df <- 2
# bandwidth <- sqrt(1/12)
# }
# NOTE: We won't be returning 'df' or 'bandwidth'
if (!is.null(kernel)) {
Pxx <- stats::kernapply(Pxx, kernel, circular=TRUE)
if (nser == 2) {
Pyy <- stats::kernapply(Pyy, kernel, circular=TRUE)
Pxy <- stats::kernapply(Pxy, kernel, circular=TRUE) # TODO: Is this correct?
# df <- df/(u4/u2^2)
# df <- df * (N0 / N) ## << since R 1.9.0
# bandwidth <- bandwidth * xfreq/N
# pgram <- pgram[2:(Nspec+1),,, drop=FALSE]
# spec <- matrix(NA, nrow = Nspec, ncol = nser)
# for (i in 1L:nser) spec[, i] <- Re(pgram[1L:Nspec, i, i])
# Force spectra to be real
Pxx <- Pxx[2:(Nspec+1)]
spec1 <- pracma::Real(Pxx[1:Nspec])
if (nser == 2) {
Pyy <- Pyy[2:(Nspec+1)]
Pxy <- Pxy[2:(Nspec+1)] # TODO: Is this correct?
# NOTE: Pyx is identical to Pxy
spec2 <- pracma::Real(Pyy[1:Nspec])
# TODO: Would this be the place to multiply by a factor of 2 to
# TODO: get a 'one-sided' spectrum?
# if (nser == 1) {
# coh <- phase <- NULL
# } else {
# coh <- phase <- matrix(NA, nrow = Nspec, ncol = nser * (nser - 1)/2)
# for (i in 1L:(nser - 1)) {
# for (j in (i + 1):nser) {
# coh[, i + (j - 1) * (j - 2)/2] <-
# Mod(pgram[, i, j])^2/(spec[, i] * spec[, j])
# phase[, i + (j - 1) * (j - 2)/2] <- Arg(pgram[, i, j])
# }
# }
# }
if (nser == 1) {
coh <- phase <- NULL
} else {
coh <- Mod(Pxy)^2 / (spec1 * spec2)
phase <- Arg(Pxy)
# ## correct for tapering
# for (i in 1L:nser) spec[, i] <- spec[, i]/u2
spec1 <- spec1/u2
spec2 <- spec2/u2
# spec <- drop(spec)
# spg.out <-
# list(freq = freq, spec = spec, coh = coh, phase = phase,
# kernel = kernel, df = df,
# bandwidth = bandwidth, n.used = N, orig.n = N0,# "n.orig" = "n..."
# series = series, snames = colnames(x),
# method = ifelse(!is.null(kernel), "Smoothed Periodogram",
# "Raw Periodogram"),
# taper = taper, pad = pad, detrend = detrend, demean = demean)
# class(spg.out) <- "spec"
# return(spg.out)
DF <- data.frame(freq=freq, spec1=spec1, spec2=spec2, coh=coh, phase=phase,
Pxx=Pxx, Pyy=Pyy, Pxy=Pxy)
# Calculate average values in bins using the McNamara algorithm:
McNamaraBins <- function(df, loFreq=.005, hiFreq=10, alignFreq=0.1) {
# Frequencies for binning will be generated at 1/8 octave intervals aligned to alignFreq
# Frequency smoothe the averaged spectral values over 1-octave intervals at 1/8-octave increments,
# (reducing # frequency samples by factor of 169; include 10 Hz as one of the geometric mean f values to sync f sampling)
# Additional notes from Mary Templeton on 2013-05-31:
# The frequency smoothing (second to last step) involves averaging power values over an octave using a geometric mean
# and repeating at 1/8 octave intervals in frequency (to refine my wording above).
# Define "center" frequencies at 1/8 octave intervals from 10 Hz down to loFreq
if (alignFreq >= hiFreq) {
octaves <- seq(log2(alignFreq),log2(loFreq),-0.125)
octaves <- octaves[octaves <= log2(hiFreq)]
} else {
loOctaves <- seq(log2(alignFreq),log2(loFreq),-0.125)
hiOctaves <- seq(log2(alignFreq),log2(hiFreq),0.125)
octaves <- sort(unique(c(loOctaves,hiOctaves)))
binFreq <- sort(2^octaves)
# Set up empty dataframe for return values
DF <-,ncol=ncol(df)))
names(DF) <- names(df)
# Define bins starting at zero so that freq #1 has bin 0 to the left and bin 1 to the right
halfOctaveBelow <- 2^(log2(loFreq)-0.5)
halfOctaveAbove <- 2^(log2(hiFreq)+0.5)
# Use .bincode to assign every frequency to a bin
# NOTE: First bin begins at zero to ensure that the bin numbering aligns with the frequency numbering
bins <- .bincode(df$freq, c(0,binFreq,halfOctaveAbove)) - 1
# NOTE: If the user says they want hiFreq=10 when max(freq) is 20 or higher, that should
# NOTE: be allowed. Values above maxFreq will be assigned NA rather than a bin number and
# NOTE: will simply be ignored. Frequency values below loFreq will be similarly ignored.
# Loop through the bin numbers and calculate the geometric mean of all values in
# an octave (8 bins) centered on that freq. For example, freq #1 should average all
# frequencies in bins 0,1,2,3,4; freq #6 should have bins 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
for (i in seq(length(binFreq))){
# NOTE: The lowest bin (bin 0 ~= DC) has values that corrupt the output and is ignored.
# NOTE: Instead, we start with bin 1.
# NOTE: See the extended email exchange between Rob C, Mary T and Jonathan C. in May 2014.
loBin <- max(1,i-4)
hiBin <- min(i+3,max(bins,na.rm=TRUE))
# Determine which values are in this octave
indices <- which(bins %in% seq(loBin,hiBin))
# For eaach column of the dataframe, calculate the mean value for this bin.
for (j in seq(ncol(df))) {
DF[i,j] <- sum(df[indices,j])/length(indices)
} # End of binFreq loop
# Replace averaged freq values with pre-determined ones
DF$freq <- binFreq
# Calculate the PSD using the McNamara algorithm:
McNamaraPSD <- function(tr, loFreq=.005, hiFreq=10, alignFreq=0.1, binned=TRUE) {
# NOTE: Each incoming trace contains datapoints. After truncation to N datapoints, we
# NOTE: divide the N datapoints into smaller segments of length Nseg = 4/16 N. The first
# NOTE: segment begins at 0/16 and ends at 4/16. The 13'th segment begins at 12/16
# NOTE: and ends at 16/16. The small segments overlap like this:
# NOTE: 1---5---9---3---
# NOTE: 2---6---0---
# NOTE: 3---7---1---
# NOTE: 4---8---2---
# NOTE: We implement this by calculating the truncation point and the size of each segment and looping
# NOTE: over the 13 segments thus avoiding creation of additional variables that take up space in memory.
# Truncate segment to nearest power of 2 samples
pow2 <- floor(log(length(tr),2))
truncatedLength <- 2^pow2
# specSum will contain the sum of the spectra returned by spec.pgram()
specSum <- 0
# Divide each truncated Z-hour segment into 13 segments with 75% overlap
for (i in 0:12) {
first <- i * truncatedLength/16 + 1
last <- (i+4) * truncatedLength/16
# NOTE: spans=NULL means that we are not smoothing at this stage
# The spec.pgram() function takes care of all of the following:
# Demean
# Detrend
# Apply 10% sine taper
# Multiply PSD by sine taper scale factor (= 1.142857 for 10% taper)
# Normalize the power at each PSD frequency, multiplying it by (2*dt/Nseg) where Nseg is the number of samples in the segment
sp <- stats::spec.pgram(stats::ts(tr@data[first:last],frequency=tr@stats@sampling_rate),
# NOTE: R's spec.pgram() returns 'two-sided' spectra and needs to be multiplied
# NOTE: by 2.0 when the time series being evaluated is Real rather than Complex.
# NOTE: Please see these two excellent sources, especially the 'psd' vignette:
specSum <- specSum + 2 * sp$spec
# Average
sp$spec <- specSum / 13
# Bin spectrum if requested ----------
if (binned) {
df <- data.frame(freq=sp$freq,spec=sp$spec)
DF <- McNamaraBins(df,loFreq,hiFreq,alignFreq)
freq <- DF$freq
spec <- DF$spec
} else {
# Return the raw spectrum
freq <- sp$freq
spec <- sp$spec
# Conversion to dB *AFTER* binning, not before.
spec <- 10*log10(spec)
# Create the PSD object we will return
psd <- list(freq=freq,
# Functions for working with PSDs and PDFS
# NOTE: These functions work with PSDs generated by McNamaraPSD
# NOTE: and provide functionality for generating plots as seen in:
# psdList ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create a psdList from an incoming seismic signal
psdList <- function(st) {
# Fill any gaps in the stream with zeroes (quick because it returns immediately if no gaps are found)
st_merged <- mergeTraces(st,fillMethod="fillZero")
tr_merged <- st_merged@traces[[1]]
tr_merged@data[] <- 0 # very occasionally a trace will contain NaN values from the original miniSEED?
# Choose chunk size based on the chanel 'band code'(=sampling rate)
# See: , Appendix A
# NOTE: This choice was recommended by Mary Templeton
# get the channel name
channel <- st_merged@traces[[1]]@stats@channel
# the high frequency boundary is set to nyquist
hiFreq <- 0.5 * tr_merged@stats@sampling_rate
# Set an alignment frequency from which octaves will be generated
alignFreq <- 0.1
if (stringr::str_detect(channel,"^V")) {
Z <- 24 * 3600
loFreq <- 0.0001
alignFreq <- 0.025 # special for VH
} else if (stringr::str_detect(channel,"^L")) {
Z <- 3 * 3600
loFreq <- 0.001
} else if (stringr::str_detect(channel,"^M")) {
Z <- 2 * 3600
loFreq <- 0.0025
} else {
Z <- 3600
loFreq <- 0.005
# Initialize
psdList <- list()
index <- 1
psdCount <- 0
start <- tr_merged@stats@starttime
end <- start + Z
secsLeft <- difftime(tr_merged@stats@endtime,start,units="secs")
# NOTE: At 20 Hz we can be left with secsLeft=3599.95 which should pass the test.
# NOTE: Continue if at least 99% of a chunk still remains.
while (secsLeft >= 0.99*Z) {
# Slice a chunk out of the trace
tr <- IRISSeismic::slice(tr_merged,start,end)
if (!isDC(tr)) {
# NOTE: Each psd has elements: freq, spec, snclq, starttime, endtime
psds <- McNamaraPSD(tr, loFreq, hiFreq, alignFreq)
if (! "-Inf" %in% psds$spec) {
psdCount <- psdCount + 1
psdList[[psdCount]] <- psds
# Increment the window with 50% overlap
index <- index + 1
start <- start + Z/2
end <- end + Z/2
secsLeft <- difftime(tr_merged@stats@endtime,start,units="secs")
# psdList2NoiseMatrix ------------------------------------------------------------
# Create instrument corrected noiseMatrix from psdList
# NOTE: The incoming psdList contains raw, uncorrected PSDs.
# NOTE: Optional input evalresp is a dataframe of freq, amp, phase columns
# matching output of getEvalresp function
# NOTE: The returned matrix contains corrected PSDs, one per row.
psdList2NoiseMatrix <- function(psdList, evalresp=NULL) {
# Need to ensure that the IrisClient object exists as R has a default
# "iris" dataset. See help(iris, package="datasets")
if (inherits(iris,"data.frame")) {
iris <- new("IrisClient")
# TODO: psdList2NoiseMatrix should check to make sure that there is no
# TODO: end-of-epoch between the first PSD in the list and the last.
# TODO: This will only be important if there are significant changes in
# TODO: the instrument response.
psdCount <- length(psdList)
# Get information needed for getEvalresp
# NOTE: Each element of psdList is a list
snclq <- as.character(psdList[[1]]$snclq)
parts <- unlist(stringr::str_split(snclq,"[.]"))
network <- parts[1]
station <- parts[2]
location <- parts[3]
channel <- parts[4]
quality <- parts[5]
starttime <- psdList[[1]]$starttime
endtime <- psdList[[psdCount]]$endtime
minfreq <- min(psdList[[1]]$freq)
maxfreq <- max(psdList[[1]]$freq)
nfreq <- length(psdList[[1]]$freq)
units <- "acc"
# Get instrument response from IRIS webservices if not provided by input evalresp
if (is.null(evalresp)) {
evalresp <- getEvalresp(iris,network,station,location,channel,time=starttime+1,
if (!("amp" %in% colnames(evalresp) & "freq" %in% colnames(evalresp))) {
stop(paste("error evalresp dataframe does not have columns named 'amp' and 'freq'"))
if (nrow(evalresp)==0) {
stop(paste("getEvalresp returned no content"))
# NOTE: Because we're operating in dB space we need to think in terms of logarithms.
# Instrument response converted to dB and then squared is:
correction <- 10*log10(evalresp$amp) * 2
# TODO: This is the place we could split the list up based on snclq if we are
# TODO: doing a comparison between different snclq's
# Need to tranpose here to have rows=psds and columns=freqs
rawNoiseMatrix <- t(sapply(psdList, getElement, "spec"))
# Sanity checks
if ( nrow(rawNoiseMatrix) != psdCount ) {
stop(paste("psdList2NoiseMatrix: psdCount =", psdCount,
"and nrow(rawNoiseMatrix) =", nrow(rawNoiseMatrix),
"are not equal."))
if ( ncol(rawNoiseMatrix) != length(evalresp$freq) ) {
stop(paste("psdList2NoiseMatrix: length(evalresp$freq) =", length(evalresp$freq),
"and ncol(rawNoiseMatrix) =", ncol(rawNoiseMatrix),
"are not equal."))
# Create a correction matrix that matches the dimensions of noiseMatrix
correctionMatrix <- matrix(rep(correction,times=psdCount), nrow=psdCount, byrow=TRUE)
# Dividing by the correction, in dB space, is just subtracting
noiseMatrix <- rawNoiseMatrix - correctionMatrix
return( noiseMatrix )
# psdDF2NoiseMatrix ------------------------------------------------------------
# Create instrument corrected noiseMatrix from psdDF dataframe
# psdDF is obtained from getPSDMeasurements (currently) in the seismicMetrics package
# Example rows from psdDF
# target starttime endtime frequency amplitude phase
# 1 IU.ANMO.00.BHZ.M 2013-05-01 00:30:00 2013-05-01 01:30:00 0.00532474 26.6653 0
# 2 IU.ANMO.00.BHZ.M 2013-05-01 00:30:00 2013-05-01 01:30:00 0.00580668 26.6653 0
# 3 IU.ANMO.00.BHZ.M 2013-05-01 00:30:00 2013-05-01 01:30:00 0.00633222 25.9748 0
# 4 IU.ANMO.00.BHZ.M 2013-05-01 00:30:00 2013-05-01 01:30:00 0.00690534 25.9748 0
# 5 IU.ANMO.00.BHZ.M 2013-05-01 00:30:00 2013-05-01 01:30:00 0.00753033 23.0990 0
# ... ... through all frequencies
# ... repeated for each PSD, typically associated with an hour long chunk of signal
psdDF2NoiseMatrix <- function(DF, evalresp=NULL) {
# Need to ensure that the IrisClient object exists as R has a default
# "iris" dataset. See help(iris, package="datasets")
if (inherits(iris,"data.frame")) {
iris <- new("IrisClient")
# TODO: psdDF2NoiseMatrix should check to make sure that there is no
# TODO: end-of-epoch between the first PSD in the list and the last.
# TODO: This will only be important if there are significant changes in
# TODO: the instrument response.
targetCount <- length(unique(DF$target))
if (targetCount > 1) {
stop(paste("psdLDF2NoiseMatrix: more than one target in PSD dataframe"))
psdCount <- length(unique(DF$starttime))
# Get information needed for getEvalresp
snclq <- DF$target[1]
parts <- unlist(stringr::str_split(snclq,"[.]"))
network <- parts[1]
station <- parts[2]
location <- parts[3]
channel <- parts[4]
quality <- parts[5]
starttime <- min(DF$starttime)
endtime <- max(DF$endtime)
minfreq <- min(DF$frequency)
maxfreq <- max(DF$frequency)
nfreq <- length(unique(DF$frequency))
units <- "acc"
if (is.null(evalresp)) {
evalresp <- getEvalresp(iris,network,station,location,channel,time=starttime+1,
if (!("amp" %in% colnames(evalresp) & "freq" %in% colnames(evalresp))) {
stop(paste("error evalresp dataframe does not have columns named 'amp' and 'freq'"))
if (nrow(evalresp)==0) {
stop(paste("getEvalresp returned no content"))
# NOTE: Because we're operating in dB space we need to think in terms of logarithms.
# Instrument response converted to dB and then squared is:
correction <- 10*log10(evalresp$amp) * 2
# Reshape DF amplitudes into a matrix with correct ordering of frequencies and correction applied
noiseMatrix <- matrix(nrow=psdCount, ncol=nfreq)
starttimes <- sort(unique(DF$starttime))
for (i in seq(psdCount)) {
mask <- DF$starttime == starttimes[i]
psd <- DF[mask,]
psd <- psd[order(psd$frequency),]
noiseMatrix[i,] <- psd$amplitude - correction
# noiseMatrix2PdfMatrix ---------------------------------------------------
# Create PDF matrix from instrument corrected noiseMatrix
# INPUT: matrix where columns are frequencies and rows are individual, corrected PSDs
# OUTPUT: matrix where columns are frequencies and rows are counts of how many input PSDs have that power level
noiseMatrix2PdfMatrix <- function(noiseMatrix, lo=-310, hi=55, binSize=1) {
# NOTE: Define a function to convert one column of noiseMatrix into a
# NOTE: column of histogram counts. However many rows exist in noiseMatrix,
# NOTE: pdfMatrix rows will always represt seq(lo,hi,binSize).
histCounts <- function(x, lo, hi, binSize) {
breaks <- seq(lo,hi,binSize)
nbins <- length(breaks) - 1
discretizedValue <- .bincode(x, breaks,include.lowest=TRUE)
return(tabulate(discretizedValue, nbins))
pdfMatrix <- apply(noiseMatrix, 2, histCounts, lo, hi, binSize)
# noiseModels -----------------------------------------------------------
# Generate NHNM and NHLM
noiseModels <- function(freq) {
if (missing(freq)) {
stop("noiseModels: argument 'freq' is missing")
period <- 1/freq
# NOTE: Original New High/Low Noise Models in Peterson paper:
# NOTE: IRIS DMC 2005 paper
# NOTE: "Ambient Noise Levels in the Continental US", 2003
# NOTE: Source code to compare:
# New Low Noise Model in acceleration: NLNMacc = A + B*log10(T) referred to 1 (m/s^2)^2/Hz
# T ( minimum period)
# Create the NLNM ----------------------
NLNM_table <- utils::read.table(header=TRUE, text="
minPeriod A B
0.10 -162.36 5.64
0.17 -166.70 0.00
0.40 -170.00 -8.30
0.80 -166.40 28.90
1.24 -168.60 52.48
2.40 -159.98 29.81
4.30 -141.10 0.00
5.00 -71.36 -99.77
6.00 -97.26 -66.49
10.00 -132.18 -31.57
12.00 -205.27 36.16
15.60 -37.65 -104.33
21.90 -114.37 -47.10
31.60 -160.58 -16.28
45.00 -187.50 0.00
70.00 -216.47 15.70
101.00 -185.00 0.00
154.00 -168.34 -7.61
328.00 -217.43 11.90
600.00 -258.28 26.60
10000.00 -346.88 48.75
100000.00 -346.88 48.75
# We create breaks based on the first column of each table to figure out
# the appropriate A and B for each period.
NLNM_breaks <- c(NLNM_table$minPeriod)
NLNM_rows <- .bincode(period,NLNM_breaks,right=FALSE,include.lowest=TRUE)
# Here is the vectorized version of "A + B*log10(period)":
NLNM <- NLNM_table$A[NLNM_rows] + NLNM_table$B[NLNM_rows]*log10(period)
# Create the NHNM ----------------------
NHNM_table <- utils::read.table(header=TRUE, text="
minPeriod A B
0.10 -108.73 -17.23
0.22 -150.34 -80.50
0.32 -122.31 -23.87
0.80 -116.85 32.51
3.80 -108.48 18.08
4.60 -74.66 -32.95
6.30 0.66 -127.18
7.90 -93.37 -22.42
15.40 73.54 -162.98
20.00 -151.52 10.01
354.80 -206.66 31.63
100000 -206.66 31.63
# We create breaks based on the first column of each table to figure out
# the appropriate A and B for each period.
NHNM_breaks <- c(NHNM_table$minPeriod)
NHNM_rows <- .bincode(period,NHNM_breaks,right=FALSE,include.lowest=TRUE)
# Here is the vectorized version of "A + B*log10(period)":
NHNM <- NHNM_table$A[NHNM_rows] + NHNM_table$B[NHNM_rows]*log10(period)
# psdStatistics -------------------------------------------------------
# Calculate basic statistics on all PSDs in list or dataframe.
psdStatistics <- function(PSDs, evalresp=NULL) {
# Get list of frequencies and a noiseMatrix
if (inherits(PSDs,"list")) {
freq <- PSDs[[1]]$freq
noiseMatrix <- psdList2NoiseMatrix(PSDs, evalresp)
} else if (inherits(PSDs,"data.frame")) {
freq <- sort(unique(PSDs$freq))
noiseMatrix <- psdDF2NoiseMatrix(PSDs, evalresp)
nrow <- nrow(noiseMatrix)
ncol <- ncol(noiseMatrix)
# NOTE: The noiseMatrix has one column per frequency and one row per PSD.
# NOTE: We will create vectors to store per frequency values and then fill
# NOTE: them in one frequency at a time.
colMax <- rep(NA,ncol)
colMin <- rep(NA,ncol)
colMean <- rep(NA,ncol)
colMedian <- rep(NA,ncol)
for (j in seq(ncol)) {
colMax[j] <- max(noiseMatrix[,j])
colMin[j] <- min(noiseMatrix[,j])
colMean[j] <- mean(noiseMatrix[,j])
colMedian[j] <- median(noiseMatrix[,j])
# Calculate pctAboveNHNM and pctBelowNLNM ------------
noiseModels <- noiseModels(freq)
# calculate percent metrics based on frequencies that have a noise model value and a noiseMatrix value
notNA <- which(![1,]) & ![,1])) # high and low noise models have same upper and lower frequency limits, so only check one model
aboveCount <- rep(NA,ncol)
aboveCount[notNA] <- 0
belowCount <- rep(NA,ncol)
belowCount[notNA] <- 0
for (j in notNA) {
aboveCount[j] <- length(which(noiseMatrix[,j] > noiseModels$nhnm[j]))
belowCount[j] <- length(which(noiseMatrix[,j] < noiseModels$nlnm[j]))
pct_above <- 100 * aboveCount/nrow
pct_below <- 100 * belowCount/nrow
# Now calculate mode -------------------------------------
# For mode, we need to convert to the discretized pdfMatrix
# that contains in each bin, the count of PSDs that have
# that value. The mode is just the bin with the highest count.
lo <- floor(min(noiseMatrix[,which(![1,]))]))
hi <- ceiling(max(noiseMatrix[,which(![1,]))]))
pdfBins <- seq(lo,hi,1)
pdfMatrix <- noiseMatrix2PdfMatrix(noiseMatrix,lo-0.5,hi+0.5)
colMode <- rep(NA,ncol)
for (j in seq(ncol)) {
modeIndex <- which(pdfMatrix[,j] == max(pdfMatrix[,j]))[1]
colMode[j] <- pdfBins[modeIndex]
pdfBins=pdfBins, # midpoint of bins
# psdPlot --------------------------------------------------------------
# Plot instrument corrected noise values of PSDs in list or dataframe
# PSDs <- psdList(st)
psdPlot <- function(PSDs, style='psd', evalresp=NULL, ylo=-200,yhi=-50, showNoiseModel=TRUE,
showMaxMin=TRUE, showMode=TRUE, showMean=FALSE, showMedian=FALSE, ...) {
if (inherits(PSDs,"list")) {
psdCount <- length(PSDs)
# Get information from the PSDs
# NOTE: Each element of psdList is a list
snclq <- as.character(PSDs[[1]]$snclq)
parts <- unlist(stringr::str_split(snclq,"[.]"))
network <- parts[1]
station <- parts[2]
location <- parts[3]
channel <- parts[4]
quality <- parts[5]
starttime <- PSDs[[1]]$starttime
endtime <- PSDs[[psdCount]]$endtime
freq <- PSDs[[1]]$freq
} else if (inherits(PSDs,"data.frame")) {
psdCount <- length(unique(PSDs$starttime))
# Get information needed from the psdDF
snclq <- PSDs$target[1]
parts <- unlist(stringr::str_split(snclq,"[.]"))
network <- parts[1]
station <- parts[2]
location <- parts[3]
channel <- parts[4]
quality <- parts[5]
starttime <- min(PSDs$starttime)
endtime <- max(PSDs$endtime)
freq <- sort(unique(PSDs$freq))
} else {
stop(paste("psdPlot: PSDs is of class '",class(PSDs),"' instead of 'list' or 'data.frame'.",sep=""))
# Generate basic statics as well as noiseMatrix and pdfMatrix
if (is.null(evalresp)) {
stats <- psdStatistics(PSDs)
} else {
stats <- psdStatistics(PSDs, evalresp=evalresp)
noiseMatrix <- stats$noiseMatrix
pdfMatrix <- stats$pdfMatrix
pdfBins <- stats$pdfBins
# Choose appropriate limits for period
period <- 1/freq
if (stringr::str_detect(channel,"^B")) {
xlim <- c(0.1,100)
verticalLines <- c(seq(.1,1,length.out=10),
} else {
xlim <- c(min(period),max(period))
verticalLines <- c(seq(.1,1,length.out=10),
# Choose appropriate limits for dB, now as input variables
ylim <- c(ylo,yhi)
horizontalLines <- seq(ylo,yhi,10)
if (style == 'psd') {
# Plot the first PSD
plot(period, noiseMatrix[1,], log="x",
xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim,
xlab="Period (Sec)", ylab="Power (dB)",
main=paste(psdCount,"corrected, hourly PSDs for",snclq),
# Add all additional PSDs
for (i in seq(nrow(noiseMatrix))) {
graphics::points(period, noiseMatrix[i,], ...)
} else if (style == 'pdf') {
# Set up colors and breaks
# cols <- c('grey90', rev(grDevices::rainbow(30,alpha=seq(1,0.1,-1/30))[4:30])
cols <- c('white', rev(grDevices::rainbow(30))[4:30])
breaks <- c(0,seq(0.001,max(pdfMatrix),length.out=length(cols)))
# NOTE: To get image() to plot with the same axes as the data displayed as a table you
# NOTE: have to transpose and reverse the order of the columns. This means we also have
# NOTE: to reverse the order of the X-axis locations associated with the columns.
# Initial plot
las=1, log="x",
xlab="Period (Sec)", ylab="Power (dB)",
main=paste("PDF plot of",psdCount,"corrected, hourly PSDs for",snclq),
} else {
stop(paste("psdPlot: style '",style,"' is not recognized.",sep=""))
# Add various lines from the statistics
legend <- c()
lwd <- c()
col <- c()
if (showNoiseModel) {
graphics::points(period, stats$nlnm, type='l', col='gray50', lwd=2)
graphics::points(period, stats$nhnm, type='l', col='gray50', lwd=2)
legend <- c(legend,"NLNM, NHNM")
lwd <- c(lwd,2)
col <- c(col,'gray50')
if (showMaxMin) {
graphics::points(period, stats$max, type='l', col='blue', lwd=2)
graphics::points(period, stats$min, type='l', col='red', lwd=2)
legend <- c(legend,"max","min")
lwd <- c(lwd,2,2)
col <- c(col,'blue','red')
if (showMode) {
graphics::points(period, stats$mode, type='l', col='black', lwd=2)
legend <- c(legend,"mode")
lwd <- c(lwd,2)
col <- c(col,'black')
if (showMean) {
graphics::points(period, stats$mean, type='l', col='orange', lwd=2)
legend <- c(legend,"mean")
lwd <- c(lwd,2)
col <- c(col,'orange')
if (showMedian) {
graphics::points(period, stats$median, type='l', col='yellow4', lwd=2)
legend <- c(legend,"median")
lwd <- c(lwd,2)
col <- c(col,'yellow4')
# Add grid lines
graphics::abline(h=horizontalLines, v=verticalLines, col='gray50', lty='dotted')
# Add a legend
# legend("topleft", bg='white',
legend("topleft", bty='n',
# Add the starttime and endtime
# legend("topright", bg='white',
legend("topright", bty='n', inset=c(0.09,0),
legend=c(paste(starttime," start "),
paste(endtime," end ")))
# Hilbert method from the seewave package
# This function is called to calculate hilbert and envelope transforms.
hilbertFFT <- function(x) {
# Data should already be demeaned, detrended and tapered
n <- length(x)
ff <- stats::fft(x)
h <- rep(0,n)
if (n>0 & 2*floor(n/2)==n) {
h[c(1, n/2+1)] <- 1
h[2:n/2] <- 2
} else {
if (n>0) {
h[1] <- 1
h[2:(n+1)/2] <- 2
hfft <- stats::fft(ff*h, inverse=TRUE)/length(ff)
#' @author REC
#' if vec represents a set of binned counts of incrementing values (ascending)
#' return a vector of associated bin values with the proper count of each value.
#' @param vec a histogram vector or ordered set of binned counts
#' @param startVal the initial value of the first bin element
#' @param incr the increment rate of each subsequent bin value
#' @return a vector of bin values with appropriate counts of each
unHistogram <- function(vec, startVal=1, incr=1) {
j <- 0
k <- list()
for (i in vec) {
if (i > 0) k <- c(k,rep(startVal+(j*incr),i))
j <- j+1
# helper function to retrieve evalresp results to use for transfer function metric
transferFunctionSpectra <- function(st,sampling_rate) {
# This function returns an evalresp fap response for trace st using sampling_rate
# to determine frequency limits
# Min and Max frequencies for evalresp will be those used for the cross spectral binning
alignFreq <- 0.1
if (sampling_rate <= 1) {
loFreq <- 0.001
} else if (sampling_rate > 1 && sampling_rate < 10) {
loFreq <- 0.0025
} else {
loFreq <- 0.005
# No need to exceed the Nyquist frequency after decimation
hiFreq <- 0.5 * sampling_rate
if (alignFreq >= hiFreq) {
octaves <- seq(log2(alignFreq),log2(loFreq),-0.125)
octaves <- octaves[octaves <= log2(hiFreq)]
} else {
loOctaves <- seq(log2(alignFreq),log2(loFreq),-0.125)
hiOctaves <- seq(log2(alignFreq),log2(hiFreq),0.125)
octaves <- sort(unique(c(loOctaves,hiOctaves)))
binFreq <- sort(2^octaves)
# Argurments for evalresp
minfreq <- min(binFreq)
maxfreq <- max(binFreq)
nfreq <- length(binFreq)
units <- 'def'
output <- 'fap'
tr <- st@traces[[1]]
evalResp <- IRISSeismic::getEvalresp(methods::new("IrisClient"),
tr@stats@network, tr@stats@station,
tr@stats@location, tr@stats@channel,
minfreq, maxfreq, nfreq, units, output)
} # END function transferFunctionSpectra
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