Man pages for IntLIM
Integration of Omics Data Using Linear Modeling

BuildDataAndLinesA helper function for the PlotPair functions (i.e. the...
CreateCrossValFoldsCreates multiple cross-validation folds from the data. Format...
DistPvaluesVisualize the distribution of unadjusted p-values from linear...
DistRSquaredVisualize the distribution of unadjusted p-values from linear...
FilterDataFilter input data by abundance values and number of missing...
FilterDataFoldsFilter input data by abundance values (analyte data) and...
getQuantileForInteractionCoefficientFunction that gets numeric cutoffs from percentile
getStatsAllLMFunction that runs Linear Models for all analytes
getstatsOneLMFunction that runs linear models for analyte vs. all analytes...
HistogramPairshistogram of analyte pairs depending upon independent or...
InteractionCoefficientGraphGraphs a scatterplot of pairs vs. the interaction coefficient...
IntLimData-classIntLimData class
IntLIM-packageIntLIM: Integration of Omics Data Using Linear Modeling
IntLimResults-classIntLimResults class
MarginalEffectsGraphCreates a dataframe of the marginal effect of phenotype
MarginalEffectsGraphDataframeCreates a dataframe of the marginal effect of phenotype
multi.whichA which for multidimensional arrays. Mark van der Loo...
OutputDataOutput data into individual CSV files. All data will be...
OutputResultsOutput results into a zipped CSV file. Results include gene...
PermutationCountSummaryReturn the number of significant analytes and the number of...
PermutationPairSummaryReturn the number of significant analytes / pairs per...
PermuteIntLIMRun permutations of the IntLIM code to search for random...
PlotDistributionsGet some stats after reading in data
PlotFoldOverlapUpSetMakes an UpSet plot showing the filtered pairs of analytes...
PlotPairscatter plot of pairs (based on user selection)
PlotPairFlatscatter plot of pairs (based on user selection). This version...
PlotPCAPCA plots of data for QC
ProcessResultsRetrieve significant pairs, based on adjusted p-values. For...
ProcessResultsAllFoldsRetrieve significant pairs, based on adjusted p-values,...
ProcessResultsContinuousRetrieve significant pairs (aka filter out nonsignificant...
pvalCoefVolcano'volcano' plot (difference in correlations vs p-values) of...
PValueBoxPlotsVisualize the distribution of unadjusted p-values for all...
ReadDataRead in CSV file
RunCrossValidationRuns the cross-validation end-to-end using the following...
RunIntLimRun linear models and retrieve relevant statistics
RunIntLimAllFoldsRun linear models for all data folds. This is a wrapper to...
runIntLIMApprun shiny app
RunLMFunction that runs linear models and returns interaction...
ShowStatsGet some stats after reading in data
IntLIM documentation built on Aug. 22, 2022, 5:05 p.m.