
Defines functions GenerateMetaboliteSQLiteDB

Documented in GenerateMetaboliteSQLiteDB

#' @title GenerateMetaboliteSQLiteDB.
#' @description \code{GenerateMetaboliteSQLiteDB} will set up a SQLite data base containing
#'    potential metabolite formulas, their masses and isotopic distribution for use with
#'    \link{InterpretMSSpectrum}.
#' @details The process takes a long time for larger masses (>400 Da). Parallel processing
#'    with 8 cores is highly recommended. Alternatively pre-processed versions can be downloaded
#'    on request to \email{jan.lisec@bam.de}. To process a 1 Da range (from 900 to 901) for
#'    ESI does take approximately 5 minutes on 8 cores.
#' @param dbfile Path and file name of the final SQLiteDB or NULL to return the data frame.
#' @param ionization Has to be specified to account for different plausibility rules and
#'    elemental composition.
#' @param mass_range For testing use default range, otherwise use your measurement range.
#' @param ncores Number of cores. Use as many as possible.
#' @param silent Set to FALSE to get progress messages.
#' @return Returns the resulting data frame invisible. Will write an SQL_DB if 'dbfile'
#'    provides a valid path and file name.
#' @examples
#' # using the default values will compute be relatively fast, but for higher masses it 
#' # is getting much slower
#' db <- GenerateMetaboliteSQLiteDB(dbfile = NULL)
#' @export
GenerateMetaboliteSQLiteDB <- function(dbfile="SQLite_APCI.db", ionization=c("APCI","ESI")[1], mass_range=c(100,105), ncores=1, silent = TRUE) {
  # check for Rdisop to be able to keep it in suggested packages
  if (!requireNamespace("Rdisop", quietly = TRUE)) {
    message("\nThe use of this function requires package 'Rdisop'.\nPlease install with 'BiocManager::install(\"Rdisop\")\'\n")
  if (ionization=="ESI") {
    allowed_elements <- c("C","H","N","O","P","S","Cl")
  if (ionization=="APCI") {
    allowed_elements <- c("C","H","N","O","P","S","Si")
  em <- 0.00055
  elements <- Rdisop::initializeElements(allowed_elements)
  mmin <- mass_range[1]
  mmax <- mass_range[2]
  dmz <- 0.001*2^ifelse(mmin<100,14,ifelse(mmin<300,10,ifelse(mmin<1000,1,ifelse(mmin<1400,0))))

  # check for parallel and doParallel to be able to keep it in suggested packages
  check_pkg <- sapply(c("parallel", "doParallel"), requireNamespace, quietly = TRUE)
  if (!all(check_pkg) && !(ncores==1)) {
    msg <- paste0(
      "The use of this function in parallel mode requires package", ifelse(sum(!check_pkg)>1, "s", ""),
      paste(names(check_pkg)[!check_pkg], collapse=", "),
      ". Please install. Running with 'ncores'=1."
    ncores <- 1
  # check for RSQLite and DBI to be able to keep it in suggested packages
  check_pkg <- sapply(c("RSQLite", "DBI"), requireNamespace, quietly = TRUE)
  if (!all(check_pkg) && !is.null(dbfile)) {
    msg <- paste0(
      "The data frame export as SQL DB requires package", ifelse(sum(!check_pkg)>1, "s", ""),
      paste(names(check_pkg)[!check_pkg], collapse=", "),
      ". Please install. Running with 'dbfile'=NULL."
    dbfile <- NULL
  # process small fractions of mass range, either
  if (ncores>1) {
    dmz <- 0.001
    isotopes <- matrix(allowed_elements,ncol=1)
    empty_result <- data.frame(
      "Formula"=I(character(0)), "Valid"=character(0), "Mass"=numeric(0),
      "m0"=numeric(0), "m1"=numeric(0), "m2"=numeric(0), "m3"=numeric(0), 
      "a0"=numeric(0), "a1"=numeric(0), "a2"=numeric(0), "a3"=numeric(0)
    res <- plyr::ldply(seq(mmin+dmz, mmax-dmz, by=2*0.001), function(mz) {
      molecules <- Rdisop::decomposeMass(mass=mz, mzabs=dmz, ppm=0, z=1, maxisotopes=4, elements=elements, minElements="C1", maxElements=maxElements)
      if (!is.null(molecules)) {
        out <- data.frame("Formula"=I(molecules$formula), "Valid"=molecules$valid, "Mass"=molecules$exactmass)
        out <- cbind(out, plyr::ldply(molecules$isotopes,function(x){matrix(c(x[1,],x[2,]),nrow=1,dimnames=list(NULL,paste0(rep(c("m","a"),each=4),0:3)))}))
        out <- out[sapply(out[,"Formula"], InterpretMSSpectrum::PlausibleFormula, ruleset=ionization),,drop=FALSE]
        out[,"Formula"] <- sapply(out[,"Formula"], function(fml) { enviPat::check_chemform(isotopes=isotopes, fml)[,"new_formula"] })
      } else {
        out <- empty_result
    }, .parallel = TRUE)
  } else {
    res <- NULL
    isotopes <- matrix(allowed_elements,ncol=1)
    os <- utils::object.size(res)
    mtmp <- mmin+dmz
    while (mmin<mmax && os<4*1024^3) {
      molecules <- Rdisop::decomposeMass(mass=mtmp, mzabs=dmz, ppm=0, z=1, maxisotopes=4, elements=elements, minElements="C1", maxElements=maxElements)
      if (!silent) cat(paste("\nmz =", mtmp, "; mzabs =", dmz, "; nmolecules =", length(molecules[[1]]), "; ntotal =", nrow(res), "; ", format(utils::object.size(res), units="Gb")))
      mmin <- mtmp+dmz
      if (!is.null(molecules)) {
        out <- data.frame("Formula"=I(molecules$formula), "Valid"=molecules$valid, "Mass"=molecules$exactmass)
        out <- cbind(out, plyr::ldply(molecules$isotopes,function(x){matrix(c(x[1,],x[2,]),nrow=1,dimnames=list(NULL,paste0(rep(c("m","a"),each=4),0:3)))}))
        out <- out[sapply(out[,"Formula"], InterpretMSSpectrum::PlausibleFormula, ruleset=ionization),,drop=FALSE]
        out[,"Formula"] <- sapply(out[,"Formula"], function(fml) { enviPat::check_chemform(isotopes=isotopes, fml)[,"new_formula"] })
        if (nrow(out)>=1)  res <- rbind(res,out)
        if (length(molecules[[1]])>100000) dmz <- 0.5*dmz
      mtmp <- mmin+dmz
      os <- utils::object.size(res)

  # remove redundancies
  if (any(duplicated(res[,1]))) {
    if (!silent) cat("\nRemoving redundancies...")
    res <- res[!duplicated(res[,1]),]

  # stop cluster
  if (ncores>1) {
    if (!silent) cat("\nStopping cluster and quit...")
  # make SQLite-DB out of res
  if (!is.null(dbfile) && length(dbfile)==1 && file.exists(dirname(dbfile))) {
    # && basename(dbfile)
    if (!silent) cat("\nWriting DB File...\n\n")
    con <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), dbfile)
    DBI::dbWriteTable(conn=con, name="sfdb", res, append=F, overwrite=T)
    db <- DBI::dbSendQuery(con, "CREATE INDEX idx ON sfdb (Mass)")


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InterpretMSSpectrum documentation built on July 9, 2023, 5:58 p.m.