
Defines functions mlmm

Documented in mlmm

### mlmm.R --- 
## Author: Brice Ozenne
## Created: mar 14 2022 (09:45) 
## Version: 
## Last-Updated: aug  1 2023 (15:51) 
##           By: Brice Ozenne
##     Update #: 369
### Commentary: 
### Change Log:
### Code:

## * mlmm (documentation)
##' @title Fit Multiple Linear Mixed Model
##' @description Fit several linear mixed models, extract relevant coefficients, and combine them into a single table. 
##' @param ... arguments passed to \code{\link{lmm}}.
##' @param data [data.frame] dataset (in the long format) containing the observations.
##' @param by [character] variable used to split the dataset. On each split a seperate linear mixed model is fit.
##' @param effects [character or numeric matrix] Linear combinations of coefficients relative to which Wald test should be computed.
##' Argument passed to \code{\link{anova.lmm}}.
##' Right hand side can be specified via an attribute \code{"rhs"}.
##' @param contrast.rbind [character or numeric matrix] Contrast to be be applied to compare the groups.
##' Argument passed to the argument \code{effects} of \code{\link{rbind.Wald_lmm}}.
##' Right hand side can be specified via an attribute \code{"rhs"}.
##' @param robust [logical] Should robust standard errors (aka sandwich estimator) be output instead of the model-based standard errors.
##' Argument passed to \code{\link{anova.lmm}}.
##' @param df [logical] Should the degree of freedom be computed using a Satterthwaite approximation?
##' Argument passed to \code{\link{anova.lmm}}.
##' @param ci [logical] Should a confidence interval be output for each hypothesis?
##' Argument passed to \code{\link{anova.lmm}}.
##' @param name.short [logical vector of length 2] use short names for the output coefficients:
##' omit the name of the by variable, omit the regression variable name when the same regression variable is used in all models.
##' @param trace [interger, >0] Show the progress of the execution of the function.
##' @param transform.sigma,transform.k,transform.rho,transform.names [character] transformation used on certain type of parameters.
##' @details
##' \bold{Grouping variable} in argument repetition: when numeric, it will be converted into a factor variable, possibly adding a leading 0 to preserve the ordering.
##' This transformation may cause inconsistency when combining results between different \code{lmm} object. 
##' This is why the grouping variable should preferably be of type character or factor.
##' @seealso
##' \code{\link{confint.mlmm}} for a data.frame containing estimates with their uncertainty. \cr
##' \code{\link{summary.mlmm}} for a summary of the model and estimates. \cr
##' \code{\link{autoplot.Wald_lmm}} for a graphical display. \cr
##' @keywords models
##' @examples
##' #### univariate regression ####
##' if(require(lava) && require(multcomp)){
##' set.seed(10)
##' d1 <- cbind(sim(lvm(Y~0.5*X1), 25), group = "A")
##' d2 <- cbind(sim(lvm(Y~0.1*X1), 100), group = "B")
##' d3 <- cbind(sim(lvm(Y~0.01*X1), 1000), group = "C")
##' d1$id <- 1:NROW(d1)
##' d2$id <- 1:NROW(d2)
##' d3$id <- 1:NROW(d3)
##' d <- rbind(d1,d2,d3)
##' e.mlmm <- mlmm(Y~X1, data = d, by = "group", effects = "X1=0")
##' summary(e.mlmm)
##' summary(e.mlmm, method = "single-step")
##' summary(e.mlmm, method = "single-step2")
##' ## re-work contrast
##' summary(anova(e.mlmm, effects = mcp(X1 = "Dunnett")), method = "none")
##' ## summary(mlmm(Y~X1, data = d, by = "group", effects = mcp(X1="Dunnett")))
##' }
##' #### multivariate regression ####
##' set.seed(10)
##' dL <- sampleRem(250, n.times = 3, format = "long")
##' e.mlmm <- mlmm(Y~X1+X2+X6, repetition = ~visit|id, data = dL,
##'                by = "X4", structure = "CS")
##' summary(e.mlmm)
##' e.mlmmX1 <- mlmm(Y~X1+X2+X6, repetition = ~visit|id, data = dL,
##'                by = "X4", effects = "X1=0", structure = "CS")
##' summary(e.mlmmX1)
##' summary(e.mlmmX1, method = "single-step")

## * mlmm (code)
##' @export
mlmm <- function(..., data, by, contrast.rbind = NULL, effects = NULL, robust = FALSE, df = TRUE, ci = TRUE,
                 name.short = c(TRUE,TRUE), transform.sigma = NULL, transform.k = NULL, transform.rho = NULL, transform.names = TRUE, trace = TRUE){

    ## ** normalizer user input
    options <- LMMstar.options()

        stop("Argument \'data\' must inherit from \"data.frame\". \n")
    if(any(by %in% names(data) == FALSE)){
        stop("Mismatch between argument \'by\' and \'data\'.\n",
             "Could not find column \"",paste(by[by %in% names(data) == FALSE], collapse = "\" \""),"\" in data \n")
    reserved.names <- c("by","type","test","estimate","se","df","statistic","lower","upper","null","p.value")
    if(any(names(data) %in% reserved.names)){
        stop("Argument \'data\' should not contain a column named \"",paste(names(data)[names(data) %in% reserved.names], collapse = "\" \""),
             "\" as this name is used internally by the mlmm function. \n")
        by.keep <- by
        by <- paste(by.keep,collapse=",")            
        if(by %in% names(data)){
            stop("Argument \'data\' should not contain a column named \"",by,"\" as this name is used internally by the mlmm function. \n")
        data[[by]] <- nlme::collapse(data[by.keep], sep=",", as.factor = TRUE)
        by.keep <- by
            data[[by]] <- droplevels(data[[by]])
        name.short <- c(name.short, name.short)

    ## ** fit mixed models
    repetition <- list(...)$repetition
        res.split <- strsplit(deparse(repetition),"|", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
            var.cluster <- trimws(res.split[2], which = "both")
            if(var.cluster %in% names(data) && is.numeric(data[[var.cluster]])){
                if(all(data[[var.cluster]]>0) && all(data[[var.cluster]] %% 1 == 0)){
                    data[[var.cluster]] <- as.factor(sprintf(paste0("%0",ceiling(log10(max(data[[var.cluster]]))+0.1),"d"), data[[var.cluster]]))
                    data[[var.cluster]] <- as.factor(data[[var.cluster]])
    ls.data <- by(data, data[[by]], function(iDF){
        if(is.factor(iDF[[by]])){ ## ensure that by variable is a character and no a factor
            iDF[[by]] <- as.character(iDF[[by]])

        cat("Fitting linear mixed models:\n")
    ls.lmm <- lapply(ls.data, function(iData){ ## iData <- ls.data[[2]]
            cat(" - ",by,"=",unique(iData[[by]]),"\n", sep = "")
        return(lmm(..., data = iData, df = df, trace = max(0,trace-1)))
    name.lmm <- names(ls.lmm)
    n.lmm <- length(name.lmm)
    ## ** test linear combinations
        cat("\nHypothesis test:\n")
    ls.name.allCoef <- lapply(ls.lmm, function(iLMM){names(coef(iLMM, effects = "all"))})
    ls.Cmat <- lapply(ls.name.allCoef, function(iName){matrix(0, nrow = length(iName), ncol = length(iName), dimnames = list(iName,iName))})

    ## *** identify contrast
        cat(" - generate contrast matrix\n")
            stop("Argument \'effects\' must specify a single hypothesis test when being of class \"mcp\". \n",
                 "Something like mcp(group = \"Dunnett\") or mcp(group = \"Tukey\") \n")
            message("Argument \'contrast.rbind\' ignored when argument \'effects\' inherits from class \"mcp\". \n")
        effects.save <- effects
        contrast.rbind <- effects.save[[1]]
        effects <- names(effects.save)
            effects <- paste0(effects,"=0")

        name.contrastCoef <- lapply(ls.lmm, function(iLMM){names(coef(iLMM, effects = options$effects))})

        for(iName in name.lmm){
            iNameCoef <- name.contrastCoef[[iName]]
                ls.Cmat[[iName]][iNameCoef,iNameCoef] <- 1
                diag(ls.Cmat[[iName]][iNameCoef,iNameCoef]) <- 1
            ls.Cmat[[iName]] <- ls.Cmat[[iName]][rowSums(abs(ls.Cmat[[iName]]))!=0,,drop=FALSE] ## remove lines with only 0
        rhs <- NULL

    }else if(is.matrix(effects)){

            stop("Cannot use matrix interface for argument \'effects\' when the number of model parameters varies over splits. \n")
            stop("Cannot use matrix interface for argument \'effects\' when the model parameters varies over splits. \n")
        if(NCOL(effects) != length(ls.name.allCoef[[1]])){
            stop("Incorrect value for argument \'effects\'. \n",
                 "If a matrix, it should have as many columns as model parameters (",length(ls.name.allCoef[[1]]),")\n")
                stop("Incorrect value for argument \'effects\'. \n",
                     "If a matrix, its column name should match the model parameters. \n",
                     "Model parameters: \"",paste(ls.name.allCoef[[1]], collapse="\" \""),"\".\n")
            effects <- effects[,ls.name.allCoef[[1]],drop=FALSE]
            colnames(effects) <- ls.name.allCoef[[1]]
        ls.Cmat <- stats::setNames(lapply(1:n.lmm, function(iI){effects}), name.lmm)
            rhs <- stats::setNames(lapply(1:n.lmm, function(iI){rhs}), name.lmm)
            rhs <- NULL

    }else if(length(effects)==1 && is.character(effects) && grepl("=",effects,fixed=TRUE)){

        ls.Cmat <- stats::setNames(lapply(1:n.lmm, function(iI){effects}), name.lmm)
        rhs <- NULL

    }else if(all(is.character(effects))){
        valid.effects <- c("mean","fixed","variance","correlation","all")
        if(any(effects %in% valid.effects== FALSE)){
            stop("Incorrect value for argument \'effects\'. \n",
                 "When a character should either be a contrast (i.e. contrain the symbol = and have length one), \n",
                 "Or be among: \"",paste(valid.effects,collapse="\" \""),"\"\n")

        name.contrastCoef <- lapply(ls.lmm, function(iLMM){names(coef(iLMM, effects = effects))})

        for(iName in name.lmm){
            iNameCoef <- name.contrastCoef[[iName]]
                ls.Cmat[[iName]][iNameCoef,iNameCoef] <- 1
                diag(ls.Cmat[[iName]][iNameCoef,iNameCoef]) <- 1
            ls.Cmat[[iName]] <- ls.Cmat[[iName]][rowSums(ls.Cmat[[iName]]!=0)>0,,drop=FALSE] 

        rhs <- NULL

        stop("Unknown value for argument \'effects\'. \n",
             "Can be a matrix, or a character encoding the contrast, or \"mean\", \"variance\", \"correlation\", \"all\".\n")
    ## *** run
        cat(" - univariate test\n")
    ls.anova <- stats::setNames(lapply(name.lmm, function(iName){ ## iName <- name.lmm[1]

            anova(ls.lmm[[iName]], effects = ls.Cmat[[iName]], rhs = rhs[[iName]], df = df, ci = ci,
                  transform.sigma = transform.sigma, transform.k = transform.k, transform.rho = transform.rho, transform.names = transform.names)
            anova(ls.lmm[[iName]], effects = ls.Cmat[[iName]], rhs = rhs[[iName]], robust = robust, df = df, ci = ci,
                  transform.sigma = transform.sigma, transform.k = transform.k, transform.rho = transform.rho, transform.names = transform.names)

    }), name.lmm)

    ## ** joint inference
        cat(" - combine tests\n")
            name.model <- name.lmm
            name.model <- paste0(by,"=",name.lmm)
        keep.by.level <- matrix(name.lmm, ncol = 1, dimnames = list(NULL, by))
        name.model <- unlist(lapply(ls.data, function(iData){
        keep.by.level <- do.call(rbind,lapply(ls.data, function(iData){

        rhs.by <- attr(contrast.rbind,"rhs")
        attr(contrast.rbind,"rhs") <- NULL
        sep <- ":"
        rhs.by <- NULL
        sep <- ": "
    out <- do.call("rbind.Wald_lmm",
                   args = c(list(model = ls.anova[[1]], effects = contrast.rbind, rhs = rhs.by, name = name.model, sep = sep), unname(ls.anova[-1]))
    out$model <- ls.lmm
    names(out$univariate)[1] <- "by"
    ## add covariate values
    keep.rowname <- rownames(out$univariate)
        rownames(keep.by.level) <- name.model
        out$univariate[colnames(keep.by.level)] <- keep.by.level[out$univariate$by,,drop=FALSE]

            if(all(duplicated(out$univariate$by)==FALSE)){ ## by uniquely identify the hypotheses
                rownames(out$univariate) <- out$univariate$by
                dimnames(out$vcov) <- list(out$univariate$by,out$univariate$by)
                    names(attr(out$univariate,"backtransform")) <- out$univariate$by
            test.global <- unique(paste0(out$univariate$parameter,"=",out$univariate$null))
            if(length(test.global)==1 && NROW(out$multivariate)){
                out$multivariate$null <- test.global
    }else if(name.short[2] && length(contrast.rbind)==1 && contrast.rbind %in% c("Dunnett","Tukey","Sequen") && !is.list(out$univariate$parameter) && length(unique(out$univariate$parameter))==1){
        M.by <- do.call(rbind, out$univariate$by)
        rownames(out$univariate) <- paste(M.by[,2],"-",M.by[,1])
            names(attr(out$univariate,"backtransform")) <- rownames(out$univariate)

    ## ** export
    out$object$by <- by.keep
    attr(out,"call") <- match.call()
    class(out) <- append("mlmm", class(out))
### mlmm.R ends here

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LMMstar documentation built on Nov. 9, 2023, 1:06 a.m.