### summary.R ---
## Author: Brice Ozenne
## Created: okt 7 2020 (11:13)
## Version:
## Last-Updated: nov 8 2023 (15:06)
## By: Brice Ozenne
## Update #: 1285
### Commentary:
### Change Log:
### Code:
## * summary.lmm (documentation)
##' @title Summary Output for a Linear Mixed Model
##' @description Summary output for a linear mixed model fitted with \code{lmm}.
##' @param object [lmm] output of the \code{lmm} function.
##' @param level [numeric,0-1] confidence level for the confidence intervals.
##' @param robust [logical] Should robust standard errors (aka sandwich estimator) be output instead of the model-based standard errors.
##' @param print [logical] should the output be printed in the console.
##' @param columns [character vector] Columns to be output for the fixed effects.
##' Can be any of \code{"estimate"}, \code{"se"}, \code{"statistic"}, \code{"df"}, \code{"null"}, \code{"lower"}, \code{"upper"}, \code{"p.value"}.
##' @param digits [interger, >0] number of digits used to display estimates.
##' @param digits.df [interger, >0] number of digits used to display degrees of freedom.
##' @param digits.p.value [interger, >0] number of digits used to display p-values.
##' @param [logical] should information about the dataset not be printed.
##' @param [logical] should information about the model fit not be printed.
##' @param hide.cor [logical] should information about the correlation structure not be printed.
##' @param type.cor [character] should the correlation matrix be display (\code{"matrix"}) or the parameter values (\code{"param"}).
##' @param [logical] should information about the standard deviation not be printed.
##' @param hide.var [logical] should information about the variance not be printed.
##' @param [logical] should information about the random effect not be printed.
##' @param hide.mean [logical] should information about the mean structure not be printed.
##' @param ... not used. For compatibility with the generic function.
##' @return A list containing elements displayed in the summary: \itemize{
##' \item \code{correlation}: the correlation structure.
##' \item \code{variance}: the variance structure.
##' \item \code{sd}: the variance structure expressed in term of standard deviations.
##' \item \code{mean}: the mean structure.
##' }
##' @keywords methods
## * summary.lmm (code)
##' @export
summary.lmm <- function(object, level = 0.95, robust = FALSE,
print = TRUE, columns = NULL, digits = 3, digits.df = 1, digits.p.value = 3, = FALSE, = FALSE, hide.cor = NULL, type.cor = NULL, hide.var = NULL, = NULL, = NULL, hide.mean = FALSE, ...){
## ** extract from object
param.value <- object$param
param.type <- stats::setNames(object$design$param$type, object$design$param$name) <- param.value[names(which(param.type=="mu"))]
param.sigma <- param.value[names(which(param.type=="sigma"))]
param.k <- param.value[names(which(param.type=="k"))]
param.rho <- param.value[names(which(param.type=="rho"))]
data <- object$data
call <- object$call
structure <- object$design$vcov
structure.ranef <- structure$ranef
logLik <- stats::logLik(object)
nobs <- stats::nobs(object) <- object$args$
type.information <- object$args$type.information
nobsByCluster <- lengths(object$design$index.cluster)
formula <- object$formula
df <- !is.null(object$df)
options <- LMMstar.options()
n.strata <- object$strata$n
## ** normalize user input
dots <- list(...)
stop("Unknown argument(s) \'",paste(names(dots),collapse="\' \'"),"\'. \n")
valid.columns <- c("estimate","se","df","lower","upper","null","statistic","p.value","")
columns <- valid.columns
}else if(!is.null(columns)){
columns <- tolower(columns)
if(any(columns %in% valid.columns == FALSE)){
stop("Incorrect value(s) \"",paste(columns[columns %in% valid.columns == FALSE], collapse = "\" \""),"\" for argument \'columns\'. \n",
"Valid values: \"",paste(setdiff(valid.columns, columns), collapse = "\" \""),"\"\n")
if(!is.null(names(columns)) && all(names(columns)=="add")){
columns <- union(options$columns.summary, unname(columns))
if(!is.null(names(columns)) && all(names(columns)=="remove")){
columns <- setdiff(options$columns.summary, unname(columns))
columns <- options$columns.summary
type.cor <- match.arg(type.cor, c("matrix","param"))
if(is.null(hide.cor)){hide.cor <- TRUE}
if(is.null({ <- TRUE}
if(is.null(hide.var)){hide.var <- TRUE}
if(is.null({ <- FALSE}
if(is.null(hide.cor)){hide.cor <- is.null(object$formula$cor)}
if(is.null({ <- FALSE}
if(is.null(hide.var)){hide.var <- TRUE}
if(is.null({ <- TRUE}
## ** welcome message
if(length(param.rho) == 0){
cat("\t\tLinear regression \n")
cat("\t\tLinear Mixed Model \n")
cat(" \n")
## ** data message
if(print && !{
if(inherits(call$data,"call") || inherits(call$data,"name")){
cat("Dataset:", deparse(call$data), "\n\n")
cat(" - ", nobs["cluster"], " clusters were analyzed, ",nobs["missing.cluster"]," were excluded because of missing values \n" , sep = "")
cat(" - ", nobs["cluster"], " clusters \n" , sep = "")
cat(" - ", nobs["obs"], " observations were analyzed, ",nobs["missing.obs"]," were excluded because of missing values \n", sep = "")
cat(" - ", nobs["cluster"], " clusters \n" , sep = "")
cat(" - ", nobs["obs"], " observations \n", sep = "")
cat(" - ", nobsByCluster[1], " observations per cluster \n", sep = "")
cat(" - between ", min(nobsByCluster), " and ",max(nobsByCluster)," observations per cluster \n", sep = "")
cat("\nSummary of the outcome and covariates: \n\n")
data.XY <- data[all.vars(stats::terms(formula$mean))]
str.XY <- utils::capture.output(utils::str(data.XY))[-1]
str.XY[1] <- paste0(" ",str.XY[1])
cat(paste0(" ",str.XY,"\n"))
reference.level <- levels(object)$reference
cat(" reference level: ",paste(paste(names(reference.level),reference.level,sep="="),collapse=";")," \n", sep = "")
## ** optim message
if(print && !{
cat("Estimation procedure \n\n")
if( == "REML"){
cat(" - Restricted Maximum Likelihood (REML) \n")
cat(" - Maximum Likelihood (ML) \n")
cat(" - log-likelihood :", as.double(logLik), "\n",sep="")
cat(" - parameters: mean = ",length(,", variance = ",length(c(param.sigma,param.k)),", correlation = ",length(param.rho),"\n", sep = "")
abs.score <- abs(object$score)
abs.diff <- abs(object$opt$previous.estimate-object$param)
name.score <- names(which.max(abs.score))[1]
name.diff <- names(which.max(abs.diff))[1]
cat(" - convergence: ",object$opt$cv>0," (",object$opt$n.iter," iterations) \n",
" largest |score| = ",max(abs.score)," for ",name.score,"\n",
if(!is.null(name.diff)){paste0(" |change|= ",max(abs.diff)," for ",name.diff,"\n")},
sep = "")
cat(" \n")
## ** vcov structure
if(print && (!hide.cor || !hide.var || ! || !{
cat("Residual variance-covariance: ")
txt.strata <- ""
txt.strata <- "stratified "
if(length(c(param.sigma,param.k))==0){ <- TRUE
hide.var <- TRUE
if(structure.ranef$crossed==FALSE && structure.ranef$nested==FALSE){
cat("random intercept \n", sep = "")
}else if(structure.ranef$crossed==FALSE && structure.ranef$nested==TRUE){
cat("nested random intercepts \n", sep = "")
}else if(structure.ranef$crossed==TRUE && structure.ranef$nested==FALSE){
cat("cross random intercepts \n", sep = "")
cat("random effects \n", sep = "")
}else if(inherits(structure,"ID")){
cat(txt.strata,"identity \n\n",sep="")
}else if(inherits(structure,"IND")){
cat(txt.strata,"diagonal \n\n",sep="")
}else if(inherits(structure,"UN")){
cat(txt.strata,"unstructured \n\n",sep="")
}else if(inherits(structure,"CS")){
cat(txt.strata,"compound symmetry \n\n",sep="")
}else if(structure$type == "heterogeneous"){
cat(txt.strata,"block unstructured \n\n",sep="")
}else if(structure$type == "homogeneous"){
cat(txt.strata,"block compound symmetry \n\n",sep="")
}else if(structure$type == "heterogeneous0"){
cat(txt.strata,"crossed unstructured \n\n",sep="")
}else if(structure$type == "homogeneous0"){
cat(txt.strata,"crossed compound symmetry \n\n",sep="")
}else if(inherits(structure, "TOEPLITZ")){
cat(txt.strata,"Toeplitz \n\n",sep="")
}else if(structure$type == "heterogeneous"){
n.block <- length(unique(structure$X$cor[,3]))-1
cat(txt.strata,paste0("unstructured with ",n.block," constant subdiagonal",if(n.block>1){"s"}," \n\n"),sep="")
}else if(structure$type == "lag"){
cat(txt.strata,"block Toeplitz \n\n",sep="")
}else if(structure$type == "homogeneous"){
n.block <- length(unique(structure$X$cor[,3]))-1
cat(txt.strata,paste0("block compound symmetry with ",n.block," specific subdiagonal",if(n.block>1){"s"}," \n\n"),sep="")
}else if(inherits(structure, "CUSTOM")){
cat("user-defined structure \n\n")
## *** correlation
if(object$time$n>1 && !hide.cor){
cat(" - correlation structure:",deparse(formula$cor),"\n")
## find unique correlation patterns
if(identical(type.cor,"param") || (is.null(type.cor) && object$time$n>10)){
table.cor <- rbind(coef(object,effect="correlation"))
table.cor <- lapply(stats::sigma(object, simplify = FALSE), stats::cov2cor)
if(identical(type.cor,"param") || (is.null(type.cor) && object$time$n>10)){
table.cor.print <- table.cor
rownames(table.cor.print) <- " "
table.cor.print <- lapply(table.cor, function(iCor){ ## iCor <- table.cor[[1]]
rownames(iCor) <- paste0(" ",rownames(iCor))
iCor <- lapply(iCor, function(iiCor){
rownames(iiCor) <- paste0(" ",rownames(iiCor))
if(length(table.cor)==1){ ## only one (unique) pattern
print(table.cor.print[[1]], digits = digits)
if(!hide.var || !{cat("\n")}
print(table.cor.print, digits = digits)
table.cor <- NULL
## *** variance
if(!hide.var || !{
name.sigma <- names(coef(object, transform.k = "sd", effects = "variance"))
index.ref <- which(names(coef(object, effects = "variance", transform.names = FALSE)) %in% names(param.sigma))
cat(" - variance structure:",deparse(formula$var),"\n")
table.var <- cbind(estimate = coef(object, transform.k = "var", effects = "variance"),
estimate.ratio = coef(object, transform.sigma = "none", transform.k = "square", effects = "variance", transform.names = FALSE))
table.var[index.ref,"estimate.ratio"] <- 1
test.k <- NROW(table.var) > length(index.ref)
rownames(table.var) <- name.sigma
table.var <- NULL
if(!{ <- cbind(estimate = coef(object, transform.k = "sd", effects = "variance"),
estimate.ratio = coef(object, transform.sigma = "none", transform.k = "none", effects = "variance", transform.names = FALSE))[index.ref,"estimate.ratio"] <- 1
test.k <- NROW( > length(index.ref)
rownames( <- name.sigma
}else{ <- NULL
if(print && (!hide.var || !{
printtable <- matrix(NA, ncol = 0, nrow = length(name.sigma))
printtable <- cbind(printtable, data.frame(variance = unname(table.var[,"estimate"]),stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
printtable <- cbind(printtable, data.frame(ratio = unname(table.var[,"estimate.ratio"]),stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
printtable <- cbind(printtable, data.frame("standard deviation" = unname([,"estimate"]),stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
printtable <- cbind(printtable, data.frame(ratio = unname([,"estimate.ratio"]),stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
rownames(printtable) <- paste0(" ",name.sigma)
print(printtable, digits = digits)
if(print && !{
cat(" - variance decomposition: ",deparse(structure.ranef$formula),"\n",sep="")
cat(" - variance decomposition: ",paste0(object$strata$var," ",deparse(structure.ranef$formula)),"\n",sep="")
} <- nlme::ranef(object, effects = "variance", format = "wide", simplify = FALSE)
printtable <- cbind(variance =$variance, "%" = 100*$relative, sd = sqrt($variance))
rownames(printtable) <- paste0(" ",$variable)
printtable <- unclass(by(,$strata, function(iDF){
iPrintTable <- data.frame(variance = iDF$variance, "%" = 100*iDF$relative, sd = sqrt(iDF$variance),
check.names = FALSE)
rownames(iPrintTable) <- paste0(" ",iDF$variable)
}, simplify = FALSE))
attr(printtable,"call") <- NULL
print(printtable, digits = digits, na.print = "" , quote = FALSE)
}else{ <- NULL
if(print && (!hide.cor || !hide.var || ! || !{
## ** mean structure
if(!hide.mean && length(>0){
table.mean <- confint(object,
level = level,
robust = robust,
effects = "mean",
columns = c("estimate","se","df","lower","upper","statistic","null","p.value"))
cat("Fixed effects:",deparse(formula$mean),"\n\n")
.printStatTable(table = table.mean, df = df, level = level, robust = robust,
method.p.adjust = NULL,
backtransform = NULL, transform.sigma = NULL, transform.k = NULL, transform.rho = NULL,
columns = columns,
col.df = "df", name.statistic = c("z-statistic","t-statistic"),
type.information = type.information,
digits = digits,
digits.df = digits.df,
digits.p.value = digits.p.value,
decoration = TRUE, legend = TRUE)
table.mean <- NULL
## ** export
return(invisible(list(correlation = table.cor,
variance = table.var,
sd =,
re =,
mean = table.mean)))
## * summary.Wald_lmm (documentation)
##' @title Summary of Testing for a Linear Mixed Models
##' @description Estimates, p-values, and confidence intevals for linear hypothesis testing, possibly adjusted for multiple comparisons.
##' @param object an \code{Wald_lmm} object, output of \code{anova}.
##' @param print [logical] should the output be printed in the console.
##' Can be a vector of length 2 where the first element refer to the global tests and the second to the individual tests.
##' @param seed [integer] value that will be set before adjustment for multiple comparisons to ensure reproducible results.
##' Can also be \code{NULL}: in such a case no seed is set.
##' @param columns [character vector] Columns to be displayed for each null hypothesis.
##' Can be any of \code{"type"}, \code{"estimate"}, \code{"se"}, \code{"statistic"}, \code{"df"}, \code{"null"}, \code{"lower"}, \code{"upper"}, \code{"p.value"}.##'
##' @param legend [logical] should explanations about the content of the table be displayed.
##' @param digits [interger, >0] number of digits used to display estimates.
##' @param digits.df [interger, >0] number of digits used to display degrees of freedom.
##' @param digits.p.value [interger, >0] number of digits used to display p-values.
##' @param sep [character] character string used to separate the type of test (e.g. mean, variance) and the name of the test.
##' @param ... arguments \code{method}, \code{level}, and \code{backtransform} passed to \code{\link{confint.Wald_lmm}}
##' @details By default adjustment for multiple comparisons via a single step max-test adjustment,
##' either using the multcomp package (equal degrees of freedom, \code{method="single-step"}) or the copula package (unequal degrees of freedom, \code{method="single-step2"}).
##' See the argument \code{method} of \code{\link{confint.Wald_lmm}} for other adjustments for multiple comparisons. \cr
##' When multiple multivariate Wald tests are performed, adjustment for multiple comparisons for the univariate Wald tests is performed within each multivariate Wald test.
##' The number of tests ajusted for equal the first degree of freedom of the multivariate Wald statistic. \cr
##' Adding the value \code{"type"} in argument \code{"columns"} ensures that the type of parameter that is being test (mean, variance, correlation) is output.
##' @return \code{NULL}
##' @keywords methods
## * summary.Wald_lmm (code)
##' @export
summary.Wald_lmm <- function(object, print = TRUE, seed = NULL, columns = NULL, legend = TRUE,
digits = 3, digits.df = 1, digits.p.value = 3, sep = ": ",
## ** normalize input
print.univariate <- print
print.multivariate <- print
}else if(length(print)>2){
stop("Argument \'print\' should have length at most 2. \n",
"The first element refering to global test and the second to individual hypotheses. \n")
print.multivariate <- print[1]
print.univariate <- print[2]
options <- LMMstar.options()
valid.columns <- c("null","estimate","se","statistic","df","lower","upper","p.value","","type")
columns.multivariate <- setdiff(valid.columns, c("estimate", "se", "lower", "upper"))
columns.univariate <- valid.columns
}else if(is.null(columns)){
columns.univariate <- options$columns.anova
columns.multivariate <- union(c("type","statistic"), setdiff(options$columns.anova, c("estimate", "se", "lower", "upper")))
columns.multivariate <- union(c("statistic"), setdiff(options$columns.anova, c("estimate", "se", "lower", "upper")))
columns.univariate <- tolower(columns)
if(any(columns.univariate %in% valid.columns == FALSE)){
stop("Incorrect value(s) \"",paste(columns.univariate[columns.univariate %in% valid.columns == FALSE], collapse ="\" \""),"\" for argument \'columns\'. \n",
"Valid values: \"",paste(setdiff(valid.columns, columns.univariate), collapse ="\" \""),"\".\n")
if(!is.null(names(columns.univariate)) && all(names(columns.univariate)=="add")){
columns.univariate <- union(options$columns.anova, unname(columns.univariate))
columns.multivariate <- setdiff(union("statistic",columns.univariate), c("estimate", "se", "lower", "upper"))
}else if(!is.null(names(columns.univariate)) && all(names(columns.univariate)=="remove")){
columns.univariate <- setdiff(options$columns.anova, unname(columns.univariate))
columns.multivariate <- setdiff(setdiff(union(options$columns.anova,"statistic"), unname(columns.univariate)), c("estimate", "se", "lower", "upper"))
columns.multivariate <- setdiff(columns.univariate, c("estimate", "se", "lower", "upper"))
print.univariate <- FALSE
print.multivariate <- FALSE
if("df" %in% columns.multivariate){
index.df <- which(columns.multivariate == "df")
if(index.df == 1){
columns.multivariate <- c("df.num", "df.denom", columns.multivariate[(index.df+1):length(columns.multivariate)])
}else if(index.df == length(columns.multivariate)){
columns.multivariate <- c(columns.multivariate[1:(index.df-1)], "df.num", "df.denom")
columns.multivariate <- c(columns.multivariate[1:(index.df-1)], "df.num", "df.denom", columns.multivariate[(index.df+1):length(columns.multivariate)])
type.information <- object$object$type.information
df <- object$args$df
robust <- object$args$robust
ci <- object$args$ci
transform.sigma <- object$args$transform.sigma
transform.k <- object$args$transform.k
transform.rho <- object$args$transform.rho
## ** ensure reproducibility
old.seed <- get0(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE)
on.exit( assign(".Random.seed", old.seed, envir = .GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE) )
## ** extract information
## *** multivariate tests
table.multivariate <- object$multivariate[,setdiff(columns.multivariate,c("type","")),drop=FALSE]
nchar.type <- nchar(object$args$type[[1]])
maxchar.type <- max(nchar.type)
if("type" %in% columns.multivariate){
vec.white <- sapply(maxchar.type-nchar.type, function(iN){paste(rep(" ", iN), collapse = "")})
sparsetype <- object$args$type[[1]]
sparsetype[duplicated(sparsetype)] <- sapply(sparsetype[duplicated(sparsetype)], function(iWord){paste(rep(" ", times = nchar(iWord)), collapse="")})
rownames(table.multivariate) <- paste(vec.white,sparsetype,sep,object$multivariate$test,sep="")
}else if(any(duplicated(object$multivariate$test))){
test.nduplicated <- !duplicated(object$args$type[[1]])
rownames(table.multivariate) <- sapply(1:NROW(table.multivariate), function(iIndex){
paste(paste(rep(" ", maxchar.type-nchar.type[iIndex]), collapse = ""),object$args$type[[1]][iIndex],sep,object$multivariate$test[iIndex],sep="")
paste(paste(rep(" ", maxchar.type+nchar(sep)), collapse = ""),object$multivariate$test[iIndex],sep="")
}else if(any(!identical(object$args$type[[1]],"all"))){
rownames(table.multivariate) <- object$multivariate$test
cat("\t\tMultivariate Wald test \n\n")
.printStatTable(table = table.multivariate, robust = robust, df = df, level = NULL, type.information = type.information,
method.p.adjust = NULL,
backtransform = NULL, transform.sigma = NULL, transform.k = NULL, transform.rho = NULL,
columns = setdiff(columns.multivariate,"type"), col.df = c("df.num","df.denom"), name.statistic = c("Chi2-statistic","F-statistic"),
digits = digits, digits.df = c(df.num = 0, df.denom = digits.df), digits.p.value = digits.p.value,
decoration = legend, legend = legend)
## *** local tests
if(print.univariate>0 && ci){
table.univariate <- confint(object, columns = union(setdiff(columns.univariate,""),"type"), ...)
if(is.null(columns) && all($lower)) && all($upper))){
columns.univariate <- setdiff(columns.univariate, c("lower","upper"))
error <- attr(table.univariate,"error")
n.sample <- attr(table.univariate,"n.sample")
method.p.adjust <- attr(table.univariate,"method")
method.p.adjust <- method.p.adjust[1]
message("Different adjustment for multiple comparisons were used but only the first is described. \n")
level <- attr(table.univariate,"level")
backtransform <- attr(table.univariate,"backtransform")
## type of adjustment
factor.p.adjust <- "covariate name"
}else if(all(duplicated(object$args$type[[1]])==FALSE)){
factor.p.adjust <- "type of parameter"
factor.p.adjust <- "covariate name and type of parameter"
factor.p.adjust <- NULL
## incorporate type
if(method.p.adjust %in% c("average","pool.fixse","","pool.gls","pool.gls1","pool.rubin") == FALSE){
table.univariate$type <- c("mu" = "mean", "sigma" = "variance", "k" = "variance", "rho" = "correlation")[object$univariate$type]
nchar.type <- nchar(table.univariate$type)
maxchar.type <- max(nchar.type)
if("type" %in% columns.univariate){
vec.white <- sapply(maxchar.type-nchar.type, function(iN){paste(rep(" ", iN), collapse = "")})
rownames(table.univariate) <- paste(vec.white,table.univariate$type,sep,rownames(table.univariate),sep="")
}else if(length(unique(table.univariate$type))>1){
test.nduplicated <- !duplicated(table.univariate$type)
rownames(table.univariate) <- sapply(1:NROW(table.univariate), function(iIndex){
paste(paste(rep(" ", maxchar.type-nchar.type[iIndex]), collapse = ""),table.univariate$type[iIndex],sep,rownames(table.univariate)[iIndex],sep="")
paste(paste(rep(" ", maxchar.type+nchar(sep)), collapse = ""),rownames(table.univariate)[iIndex],sep="")
table.univariate$type <- NULL
if(inherits(object,"rbindWald_lmm") && length(unique(setdiff(object$univariate$method,"none"))>1)){
warning("Different methods have been used to adjust for multiple comparisons - text describing the adjustment will not be accurate.")
cat("\t\tUnivariate Wald test \n\n")
if(attr(object$object,"independence")==FALSE && method.p.adjust == ""){
attr(method.p.adjust,"warning") <- "WARNING: uncertainty about the weights assumes independence between parameters from different models.\n"
}else if(method.p.adjust == "pool.fixse"){
attr(method.p.adjust,"warning") <- "WARNING: uncertainty about the weights has been ignored.\n"
}else if(method.p.adjust %in% c("pool.gls","pool.gls1")){
attr(method.p.adjust,"warning") <- "WARNING: uncertainty about the weights has been ignored.\n"
if(!is.null(error) && any(!{
attr(method.p.adjust,"warning") <- paste0(attr(method.p.adjust,"warning"),
" ",error," principal components have been ignored when pooling (singular vcov).\n")
if("single-step2" %in% method.p.adjust){
digits.p.value2 <- c(digits.p.value,1/n.sample)
digits.p.value2 <- digits.p.value
.printStatTable(table = table.univariate, robust = robust, df = df, level = level, type.information = type.information,
method.p.adjust = method.p.adjust, factor.p.adjust = factor.p.adjust, error.p.adjust = error, seed = seed, n.sample = n.sample,
backtransform = backtransform, transform.sigma = transform.sigma, transform.k = transform.k, transform.rho = transform.rho,
columns = setdiff(columns.univariate,"type"), col.df = c("df"), name.statistic = c("t-statistic","z-statistic"),
digits = digits, digits.df = digits.df, digits.p.value = digits.p.value2,
decoration = legend, legend = legend)
## ** export
## * summary.LRT_lmm
##' @export
summary.LRT_lmm <- function(object, digits = 3, digits.df = 1, digits.p.value = 3, columns = NULL, ...){
## ** normalize input
valid.columns <- c("null","logLikH0","logLikH1","statistic","df","p.value","")
columns <- valid.columns
}else if(is.null(columns) || identical(columns,"all")){
columns <- valid.columns
if(any(columns %in% valid.columns == FALSE)){
stop("Incorrect value(s) \"",paste(columns[columns %in% valid.columns == FALSE], collapse ="\" \""),"\" for argument \'columns\'. \n",
"Valid values: \"",paste(setdiff(valid.columns, columns), collapse ="\" \""),"\".\n")
## ** display
cat("\t\tLikelihood ratio test \n")
name1 <- deparse(attr(object,"call")$object)
name2 <- deparse(attr(object,"call")$effects)
cat("\t\t(",name1," vs. ",name2,")\n\n",sep="")
}else if(attr(object,"type")=="2-1"){
cat("\t\t(",name2," vs. ",name1,")\n\n",sep="")
table <-
if("null" %in% columns){
cat(" ","Null hypothesis: ",table$null,".\n\n",sep="")
table[names(table)[names(table) %in% setdiff(columns,"null") == FALSE]] <- NULL
rownames(table) <- ""
.printStatTable(table = table, robust = NULL, df = FALSE, level = NULL, type.information = NULL,
method.p.adjust = NULL,
backtransform = NULL, transform.sigma = NULL, transform.k = NULL, transform.rho = NULL,
columns = setdiff(columns,"null"), col.df = c("df"), name.statistic = c("statistic"),
digits = digits, digits.df = digits.df, digits.p.value = digits.p.value,
decoration = TRUE, legend = TRUE)
## ** export
## * summary.mlmm (documentation)
##' @title Summary of Multiple Linear Mixed Models
##' @description Estimates, p-values, and confidence intevals for multiple linear mixed models.
##' @param object an \code{mlmm} object, output of \code{mlmm}.
##' @param digits [integer,>0] number of digits used to display numeric values.
##' @param method [character] type of adjustment for multiple comparisons: one of \code{"none"}, \code{"bonferroni"}, \code{"single-step"}, \code{"single-step2"}.
##' @param print [logical] should the output be printed in the console.
##' Can be a vector of length 2 where the first element refer to the global tests and the second to the individual tests.
##' @param [logical] should information about the dataset not be printed.
##' @param [logical] should information about the model fit not be printed.
##' @param ... other arguments are passed to \code{\link{summary.Wald_lmm}}.
##' @keywords methods
## * summary.mlmm (code)
##' @export
summary.mlmm <- function(object, digits = 3, method = NULL, print = NULL, = FALSE, = FALSE, ...){
options <- LMMstar.options()
method <- "none"
print <- c(0,1/2)
## extract models
ls.model <- object$model <- object$object$
optimizer <- ls.model[[1]]$args$control$optimizer
logLik <- sapply(ls.model, logLik)
cv <- sapply(ls.model, function(iM){iM$opt$cv})
n.iter <- sapply(ls.model, function(iM){iM$opt$n.iter})
param.value <- coef(object, effects = "all") <- sapply(ls.model, function(iM){sum(iM$design$param$type=="mu")})
nparam.sigma <- sapply(ls.model, function(iM){sum(iM$design$param$type=="sigma")})
nparam.k <- sapply(ls.model, function(iM){sum(iM$design$param$type=="k")})
nparam.rho <- sapply(ls.model, function(iM){sum(iM$design$param$type=="rho")})
M.nobs <- stats::nobs(object)
call <- attr(object,"call")
## ** welcome message
cat(" Linear Mixed Models stratified according to \"",eval(call$by),"\" \n\n",sep="")
## ** data message
cat("Dataset:", deparse(call$data), "\n")
cat("Strata : \"",paste(names(ls.model),collapse = "\", \""),"\"\n\n",sep="")
cat(" - ", paste(M.nobs[,"cluster"], collapse=", "), " clusters were analyzed \n",
" ", paste(M.nobs[,"missing.cluster"], collapse=", "), " were excluded because of missing values \n" , sep = "")
cat(" - ", paste(M.nobs[,"cluster"], collapse=", "), " clusters \n" , sep = "")
cat(" - ", paste(M.nobs[,"obs"], collapse = ", "), " observations were analyzed \n",
" ", paste(M.nobs[,"missing.obs"],collapse=", "), " were excluded because of missing values \n", sep = "")
cat(" - ", paste(M.nobs[,"cluster"], collapse=", "), " clusters \n" , sep = "")
cat(" - ", paste(M.nobs[,"obs"], collapse = ", "), " observations \n", sep = "")
## ** optim message
cat("Estimation procedure \n\n")
if( == "REML"){
cat(" - Restricted Maximum Likelihood (REML) \n")
cat(" - Maximum Likelihood (ML) \n")
cat(" - log-likelihood :", paste(round(as.double(logLik), digits = digits),collapse = ", "), "\n",sep="")
cat(" - parameters: mean = ",paste(,collapse = ", "),", variance = ",paste(nparam.sigma+nparam.k,collapse = ", "),", correlation = ",paste(nparam.rho,collapse = ", "),"\n", sep = "")
cat(" - convergence: ",paste(cv>0,collapse = ", ")," (",paste(n.iter,collapse = ", ")," iterations) \n", sep = "")
cat(" \n")
## ** extract test
name.param <- unique(object$univariate$parameter)
cat("Statistical inference for ",name.param," \n\n",sep="")
cat("Statistical inference \n\n")
out <- summary.Wald_lmm(object, method = method, print = print, ...)
## ** export
## * summary.partialCor
##' @title Summary for partial correlation
##' @description Display estimated partial correlation and associated p-values and confidence intevals.
##' @param object a \code{partialCor} object, output of \code{partialCor}.
##' @param digits [integer,>0] number of digits used to display numeric values.
##' @param detail [integer,>0] passed to \code{print.confint_lmm}. If above 0.5 also display when a back-transformation has been used.
##' @param ... other arguments are passed to \code{print.confint_lmm}.
##' @keywords methods
##' @export
summary.partialCor <- function(object, digits = 3, detail = TRUE, ...){
args <- attr(object,"args")
cat("\n\t\tPartial correlation \n\n")
message.backtransform <- attr(object,"backtransform")
attr(object,"backtransform") <- NULL
## display estimates
if(!is.null(attr(object,"parameter")) && length(attr(object,"parameter"))==1){
cat("\tParameter: ", attr(object,"parameter"),"\n\n",sep="")
rownames(object) <- NULL
attr(detail,"summary") <- TRUE
.printStatTable(table = object, df = args$df, level = args$level, robust = FALSE,
method.p.adjust = NULL,
backtransform = NULL, transform.sigma = NULL, transform.k = NULL, transform.rho = NULL,
columns = names(object),
col.df = "df", name.statistic = c("z-statistic","t-statistic"),
type.information = NULL,
digits = digits,
digits.df = 1,
digits.p.value = digits,
decoration = TRUE, legend = TRUE)
## legend (transformation)
test.backtransform <- !is.null(message.backtransform) && any(!$FUN))
message.backtransform <- message.backtransform[!$FUN),,drop=FALSE]
if(any(message.backtransform[,setdiff(names(message.backtransform), "FUN")] == FALSE)){
warning("Could not back-transform everything.\n")
short2text <- stats::setNames(c("estimate","standard error","confidence interval","confidence interval"),c("estimate","se","lower","upper"))
txt <- unique(short2text[intersect(names(short2text),intersect(names(object),names(message.backtransform)))])
short2text <- stats::setNames(c("estimates","standard errors","confidence intervals","confidence intervals"),c("estimate","se","lower","upper"))
txt <- unique(short2text[intersect(names(short2text),intersect(names(object),names(message.backtransform)))])
cat(" ",paste(txt,collapse = ", ")," have been back-transformed",sep="")
cat(" (",paste(message.backtransform$FUN,collapse="/"),"). \n", sep ="")
cat("\t\tCoefficient of determination (R2)\n\n")
table.R2 <- attr(object,"R2")
.printStatTable(table = table.R2, df = args$df, level = args$level, robust = FALSE,
method.p.adjust = NULL,
backtransform = NULL, transform.sigma = NULL, transform.k = NULL, transform.rho = NULL,
columns = names(object),
col.df = "df", name.statistic = c("z-statistic","t-statistic"),
type.information = NULL,
digits = digits,
digits.df = 1,
digits.p.value = digits,
decoration = TRUE, legend = TRUE)
## * print.resample
##' @export
summary.resample <- function(object, digits = 3, ...){
args <- attr(object,"args")
n.sample <- attr(object,"n.sample")
if(args$type %in% c("perm-var","perm-res")){
cat("\tStudentized permutation test\n\n", sep = "")
cat("\tPermutation test\n\n", sep = "")
}else if(args$type == "boot"){
cat("\tNon-parametric studentized bootstrap\n\n", sep = "")
cat("\tNon-parametric bootstrap\n\n", sep = "")
}, digits = digits)
cat(rep("-",ncharTable(object, digits = digits)),"\n",sep="")
cat(paste0("(based on ",n.sample," samples - ",round((1-n.sample/args$n.sample)*100, digits = digits),"% failed) \n"))
## * .printStatTable (documentation)
##' @description Display a table containing the model coefficients and their uncertainty, as well as a legendn.
##' Inspired from \code{\link{stats::printCoefmat}}.
##' @param table [data.frame] table containing the coefficients to be displayed.
##' @param robust [logical or NULL] are robust standard error used?
##' @param df [logical or NULL] are degrees of freedom calculated by Satterthwaite approximation?
##' @param level [numeric or NULL] confidence level.
##' @param type.information [character] type of information matrix.
##' @param method.p.adjust [character or NULL] adjustment method for multiple comparisons.
##' \code{"none"} corresponds to no adjustment.
##' @param factor.p.adjust [character or NULL] Are p-values adjusted within a certain factor?
##' @param error.p.adjust [numeric or NULL] Numeric error performed when adjusting for multiple comparisons.
##' @param seed [integer, >0] Random number generator (RNG) state used when adjusting for multiple comparisons.
##' @param n.sample [integer, >0] Number of samples used when adjusting for multiple comparisons.
##' @param backtransform [data.frame or NULL] Should estimates and their uncertainty be back-transformed?
##' @param transform.sigma,transform.k,transform.rho [character or NULL] Transformation used on certain type of parameters.
##' @param decoration [logical] should a decoration be displayed between the table and the legend?
##' @param columns [character vector] columns from argument \code{table} to be displayed.
##' @param col.df [character vector] columns containing the degrees of freedom. If several, they will be merged.
##' @param name.statistic [character vector] how to rename the statistic depending on whether degrees of freedom have been computed.
##' @param digits [interger, >0] number of digits used to display estimates.
##' @param digits.df [interger, >0] number of digits used to display degrees of freedom.
##' @param digits.p.value [interger, >0] number of digits used to display p-values.
##' @param decoration [logical] should an horizontal bar be displayed just after the table.
##' @param legend [logical] should explanations about the content of the table be displayed.
##' @param space [character] horizontal space.
## * .printStatTable (code)
##' @noRd
.printStatTable <- function(table, robust, df, level, type.information,
method.p.adjust = NULL, factor.p.adjust, error.p.adjust, seed, n.sample,
backtransform = NULL, transform.sigma = NULL, transform.k = NULL, transform.rho = NULL,
columns, col.df, name.statistic,
digits, digits.df, digits.p.value,
decoration, legend, space = " "){
## ** check input
if(any(setdiff(columns,"") %in% names(table) == FALSE)){
missing.col <- setdiff(columns,"")[setdiff(columns,"") %in% names(table) == FALSE]
stop("Inconsistency between argument \'columns\' and \'table\'. \n",
"Could not find column(s) \"",paste(missing.col, collapse="\" \""),"\" in \'table\'. \n")
transform.sigma <- NA
transform.k <- NA
transform.rho <- NA
digits.p.value <- c(digits.p.value,.Machine$double.eps)
## ** add stars
if("p.value" %in% names(table)){
table.print <- cbind(table,
stats::symnum(table$p.value, corr = FALSE, na = FALSE,
cutpoints = c(0, 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 1),
symbols = c("***", "**", "*", ".", " "))
names(table.print)[NCOL(table.print)] <- ""
table.print <- table
## ** round
columns.num <- intersect(setdiff(columns,c(col.df,"null","p.value")), names(table))
for(iCol in columns.num){
table.print[[iCol]] <- as.character(round(table.print[[iCol]], digits = digits))
if("p.value" %in% names(table)){
table.print$p.value <- as.character(format.pval(table.print$p.value, digits = digits.p.value[1], eps = digits.p.value[2]))
if(!is.null(col.df) && all(col.df %in% columns)){
table.print$df <- as.character(round(table.print$df, digits = digits.df))
table.print[[col.df[1]]] <- paste0("(",apply(,lapply(col.df, function(iCol){
iDF <- formatC(table.print[[iCol]], digits = digits.df[[iCol]], format = "f")
nchar.iDF <- nchar(iDF)
maxchar.iDF <- max(nchar.iDF)
iWS <- sapply(maxchar.iDF-nchar.iDF, function(iN){paste(rep(" ",iN),collapse="")})
})), 1, paste, collapse = ","),")")
table.print[col.df[-1]] <- NULL
names(table.print)[names(table.print)== col.df[1]] <- "df"
columns[columns==col.df[1]] <- "df"
columns <- setdiff(columns,col.df[-1])
## ** rename statistic
if(!is.null(name.statistic) && ("df" %in% names(table.print)) && ("statistic" %in% names(table.print))){
columns[columns=="statistic"] <- name.statistic[2]
names(table.print)[names(table.print)=="statistic"] <- name.statistic[2]
columns[columns=="statistic"] <- name.statistic[1]
names(table.print)[names(table.print)=="statistic"] <- name.statistic[1]
## ** add space to rownames
rownames(table.print) <- space
rownames(table.print) <- paste(space,rownames(table.print))
## ** subset columns
table.print <- table.print[,names(table.print) %in% columns,drop=FALSE]
## ** print table
## ** add decoration below table
cat(space,paste(rep("-", ncharTable(table.print, digits = digits)),collapse=""),"\n")
## ** legend
## *** significance level
if("" %in% columns){
cat(space,"Signif. codes: 0 \'***\' 0.001 \'**\' 0.01 \'*\' 0.05 \'.\' 0.1 \' \' 1.\n",sep="")
if(!is.null(level) && is.null(method.p.adjust) && any(c("lower", "upper") %in% columns)){
## *** ci
if(NROW(table)==1){ <- paste0("the ",100*level,"% confidence intervals of the coefficient")
}else{ <- paste0(100*level,"% pointwise confidence intervals for each coefficient")
if("lower" %in% columns && "upper" %in% columns){
cat(space,"Columns lower and upper contain ",,".\n", sep = "")
}else if("lower" %in% columns){
cat(space,"Column lower contains ",,".\n", sep = "")
}else if("upper" %in% columns){
cat(space,"Column upper contains ",100*level,"% ",,".\n", sep = "")
}else if(!is.null(method.p.adjust) && method.p.adjust %in% c("average","","pool.fixse","pool.gls","pool.gls1","pool.rubin")){
if(method.p.adjust == "average"){
cat(space,"Estimates have been averaged within ",factor.p.adjust,".\n", sep="")
cat(space,"Estimates have been averaged.\n", sep="")
}else if(method.p.adjust %in% c("","pool.fixse")){
cat(space,"Estimates have been averaged, weighted by the inverse of their variance, within ",factor.p.adjust,".\n", sep="")
cat(space,"Estimates have been averaged, weighted by the inverse of their variance.\n", sep="")
if(any(c("se","lower","upper","p.value") %in% columns) && !is.null(attr(method.p.adjust,"warning"))){
}else if(method.p.adjust %in% c("pool.gls","pool.gls1")){
cat(space,"Estimates have been averaged, weighted via GLS ",factor.p.adjust,".\n", sep="")
cat(space,"Estimates have been averaged, weighted via GLS.\n", sep="")
if(any(c("se","lower","upper","p.value") %in% columns) && !is.null(attr(method.p.adjust,"warning"))){
}else if(method.p.adjust == "pool.rubin"){
cat(space,"Estimates have been pooled within ",factor.p.adjust," using Rubin's rule.\n", sep="")
cat(space,"Estimates have been pooled using Rubin's rule.\n", sep="")
}else if(!is.null(level) && !is.null(method.p.adjust) && any(c("p.value","lower", "upper") %in% columns) && NROW(table)>1){
## *** adjustment for multiple comparisons
txt.cip <- paste("Columns",paste(intersect(c("lower","upper","p.value"),columns),collapse="/"))
if(method.p.adjust == "none"){ ##
## cat(space,txt.cip," not adjusted for multiple comparisons.\n", sep="")
if(!is.null(attr(table,"Madjust-within")) && attr(table,"Madjust-within")){
if(method.p.adjust %in% c("single-step", "single-step2")){
cat(space,txt.cip," adjusted for multiple comparisons (within coefficient) -- max-test.\n", sep="")
cat(paste0(space,txt.cip," adjusted for multiple comparisons (within coefficient) -- ",method.p.adjust,".\n", sep=""),sep="")
if(method.p.adjust %in% c("single-step", "single-step2")){
cat(space,txt.cip," adjusted for multiple comparisons -- max-test.\n", sep="")
cat(paste0(space,txt.cip," adjusted for multiple comparisons -- ",method.p.adjust,".\n", sep=""),sep="")
if(method.p.adjust != "none" && !is.null(factor.p.adjust)){
cat(space,"(adjustment within ",factor.p.adjust,"). \n",sep="")
if(method.p.adjust == "single-step"){
if(!is.null(error.p.adjust) && any(! && any(abs(stats::na.omit(error.p.adjust))>1e-12)){
cat(space,"(error when computing the adjusted ",tolower(txt.cip)," by numerical integration: ", signif(max(error.p.adjust, na.rm=TRUE), digits = digits.p.value[1])," with seed for the RNG: ",seed,")\n",sep="")
cat(space,"(error when computing the adjusted ",tolower(txt.cip)," by numerical integration: ", signif(max(error.p.adjust, na.rm=TRUE), digits = digits.p.value[1]),")\n",sep="")
}else if(!is.null(seed)){
cat(space,"(seed for the RNG: ",seed,")\n",sep="")
}else if(method.p.adjust == "single-step2"){
cat(space,"(",n.sample," samples have been used with seed for the RNG",seed,")\n",sep="")
cat(space,"(",n.sample," samples have been used)\n",sep="")
## *** type of standard error
if(!is.null(robust) && !is.null(type.information)){
if(robust && "se" %in% columns){
cat(space,"Robust standard errors are derived from the ",type.information," information (column se). \n", sep = "")
}else if("se" %in% columns){
cat(space,"Model-based standard errors are derived from the ",type.information," information (column se). \n", sep = "")
## *** type of degree of freeedom
if(identical(df,TRUE) && "df" %in% columns){
cat(space,"Degrees of freedom were computed using a Satterthwaite approximation (column df). \n", sep = "")
## *** backtransformation
message.backtransform <- backtransform[!$FUN),,drop=FALSE]
if(any(message.backtransform[,setdiff(names(message.backtransform), "FUN")] == FALSE)){
warning("Could not back-transform everything.\n")
short2text <- stats::setNames(c("estimate","standard error","confidence interval","confidence interval"),c("estimate","se","lower","upper"))
txt <- unique(short2text[intersect(names(short2text),intersect(columns,names(message.backtransform)))])
short2text <- stats::setNames(c("estimates","standard errors","confidence intervals","confidence intervals"),c("estimate","se","lower","upper"))
txt <- unique(short2text[intersect(names(short2text),intersect(columns,names(message.backtransform)))])
substr(txt[1], 1, 1) <- toupper(substr(txt[1], 1, 1))
cat(" ",paste(txt,collapse = ", ")," have been back-transformed",sep="")
cat(" (",paste0(paste(rownames(message.backtransform),collapse = "/")," parameters with ",paste(message.backtransform$FUN,collapse="/")),"). \n", sep ="")
}else if(any(!,transform.k,transform.rho)))){
vec.transform <- stats::na.omit(c(sigma=transform.sigma,k=transform.k,rho=transform.rho))
short2text <- stats::setNames(c("estimate","standard error","confidence interval","confidence interval"),c("estimate","se","lower","upper"))
txt <- unique(short2text[intersect(names(short2text),columns)])
short2text <- stats::setNames(c("estimates","standard errors","confidence intervals","confidence intervals"),c("estimate","se","lower","upper"))
txt <- unique(short2text[intersect(names(short2text),columns)])
substr(txt[1], 1, 1) <- toupper(substr(txt[1], 1, 1))
cat(" ",paste(txt,collapse = ", ")," have been transformed (",paste0(paste(names(vec.transform),collapse = "/")," parameters with ",paste(vec.transform,collapse="/")),"). \n", sep ="")
## ** export
### summary.R ends here
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