
Defines functions lmmixed

lmmixed <- function(S,yv=rep(1,nrow(S)),

  # EM algorithm for mixed HMM based
  # Y = matrix of data
  # k1 = number of latent classes
  # k2 = number of latent states
  # start = 0 for deterministic initialization, 1 for stochastic initialization
  # tol = tolerance level to stop

  # preliminaries
  k2 = as.integer(k2)
  n = sum(yv)
  sS = dim(S)
  ns = sS[1]
  TT = sS[2]
  #  	if(is.data.frame(S)) warning("Data frame not allowed for S")
  #  	if(min(S)>0){
  #  		cat("|------------------------------------------ WARNING -----------------------------------------|\n")
  #  		cat("|The first response category must be coded as 0                                              |\n")
  #  		cat("|------------------------------------------ WARNING -----------------------------------------|\n")
  # 	}

  if(length(sS)==2) r = 1
  else r = sS[3]
  if(r==1) {
    if(is.matrix(S)) S = array(S,c(dim(S),1))
  Sv = matrix(S,ns*TT,r)

  b = max(S)
  flag = FALSE
  for (j in 1:r) if (length(table(Sv[, j])) < b) flag = TRUE
    cat("|------------------------------------------ WARNING -----------------------------------------|\n")
    cat("| Response variables must have the same number of categories                                 |\n")
    cat("|------------------------------------------ WARNING -----------------------------------------|\n")

  Co = cbind(-diag(b),diag(b))
  Ma = cbind(lower.tri(matrix(1,b,b), diag = TRUE),rep(0,b))
  Ma = rbind(Ma,1-Ma)
  # starting parameters
    la = rep(1,k1)/k1
    Pi = matrix(1,k2,k2)+9*diag(k2); Pi = Pi/rowSums(Pi)
    Pi = array(Pi,c(k2,k2,k1))
    P = matrix(0,b+1,r)
    for(t in 1:TT) for(j in 1:r) for(y in 0:b){
      ind = which(S[,t,j]==y)
      P[y+1,j] = P[y+1,j]+sum(yv[ind])
    E = Co%*%log(Ma%*%P)
    Psi = array(0,c(b+1,k2,r)); Eta = array(0,c(b,k2,r))
    if(k2 == 1) grid = k2 else grid = seq(-k2,k2,2*k2/(k2-1))
    for(c in 1:k2) for(j in 1:r){
      etac = E[,j]+grid[c]
      Eta[,c,j] = etac
      Psi[,c,j] = invglob(etac)
    Psi = array(runif((b+1)*k2*r),c(b+1,k2,r))
    for(j in 1:r) for(c in 1:k2) Psi[,c,j] = Psi[,c,j]/sum(Psi[,c,j])
    la = runif(k1); la = la/sum(la)
    Pi = array(0,c(k2,k2,k1))
    for(u in 1:k1){
      Pi[,,u] = matrix(runif(k2^2),k2,k2)
      Pi[,,u] = Pi[,,u]/rowSums(matrix(Pi[,,u],k2,k2))
      Piv = matrix(1,k2,1)/k2
      temp = runif(k2)
      Piv = matrix(temp/sum(temp),k2,1)
        Piv = matrix(1,1,k1)
        Piv = matrix(0,k2,k1)
        gl = log((k2-1):1)-log(1:(k2-1))
        for(u in 1:k1) Piv[,u] = diff(c(0,1/(1+exp(gl+u-(1+k1)/2)),1))
      Piv = matrix(0,k2,k1)
      for(u in 1:k1){
        temp = runif(k2)
        Piv[,u] = temp/sum(temp)

  # EM algorithm for composite likelihood one-wise case row by row
  # *** compute log-likelihood ***
  # conditional distribution of any row given the row effect and corresponding joint
  Fc1 = matrix(0,ns,k1); Fc2 = array(0,c(ns,k1,k2)); Fc3 = array(0,c(ns,k1,k2,k2))
  PP1 = array(0,c(ns,k1,k2,TT))
  Phi = array(1,c(ns,k2,TT))
  for(t in 1:TT){
    for(j in 1:r) Phi[,,t] = Phi[,,t]*Psi[S[,t,j]+1,,j]
  for(i in 1:ns) for(u in 1:k1){
    o = .Fortran("BWforback", TT, k2, Phi[i,,], Piv[,u], Pi[,,u], lk=0, Pp1=matrix(0,k2,TT),
    Fc1[i,u] = exp(o$lk); Fc2[i,u,] = o$Pp1[,1]; Fc3[i,u,,] = apply(o$Pp2,c(1,2),sum)
    PP1[i,u,,] = o$Pp1
  Fj1 = Fc1%*%diag(la)
  fm = rowSums(Fj1)
  fm = pmax(fm,10^-300)
  lk = yv%*%log(fm)
  W = (Fj1/matrix(fm,ns,k1))*yv

  # iterate until convergence
  it = 0; lko = -Inf

  cat("     k1     |      k2     |    start    |     step    |     lk      |    lk-lko   |\n");
  cat(sprintf("%11g",c(k1,k2,start,0,lk)),"\n",sep=" | ")

  while((lk-lko)/abs(lk)>tol & it<maxit){
    it = it+1
    lko = lk

    # # E-step update row-weights
    WZ1 = array(W,c(ns,k1,k2))*Fc2
    WZ2 = array(W,c(ns,k1,k2,k2))*Fc3
    PV = array(W,c(ns,k1,k2,TT))*PP1
    PV = apply(PV,c(1,3,4),sum)

    # # M-step
    la = colSums(W); la = la/sum(la)
    for(u in 1:k1){
      Piv[,u] = apply(matrix(WZ1[,u,],ns,k2),2,sum)
      Piv[,u] = pmax(Piv[,u],10^-20)
      Piv[,u] = Piv[,u]/sum(Piv[,u])
      Pi[,,u] = apply(array(WZ2[,u,,],c(ns,k2,k2)),c(2,3),sum)
      Pi = pmax(Pi,10^-20)
      Pi[,,u] = Pi[,,u]/rowSums(matrix(Pi[,,u],k2,k2))

    Y1 = array(0,c(b+1,k2,r))
    Vv = matrix(aperm(PV,c(1,3,2)),ns*TT,k2)
    for(j in 1:r) for(y in 0:b) {
      ind = which(Sv[,j]==y)
      if(k2==1) Y1[y+1,,j] = sum(Vv[ind,]) else Y1[y+1,,j] = colSums(Vv[ind,])
    for(j in 1:r) for(c in 1:k2) Psi[,c,j] = Y1[,c,j]/sum(Y1[,c,j])

    # # *** compute log-likelihood ***
    # # conditional distribution of any row given the row effect and corresponding joint
    Phi = array(1,c(ns,k2,TT))
    for(t in 1:TT){
      for(j in 1:r) Phi[,,t] = Phi[,,t]*Psi[S[,t,j]+1,,j]
    for(i in 1:ns) for(u in 1:k1){
      o = .Fortran("BWforback", TT, k2, Phi[i,,], Piv[,u], Pi[,,u], lk=0, Pp1=matrix(0,k2,TT),
      Fc1[i,u] = exp(o$lk); Fc2[i,u,] = o$Pp1[,1]; Fc3[i,u,,] = apply(o$Pp2,c(1,2),sum)
      PP1[i,u,,] = o$Pp1
    Fj1 = Fc1%*%diag(la)
    fm = rowSums(Fj1)
    fm = pmax(fm,10^-300)
    lk = yv%*%log(fm)
    W = (Fj1/matrix(fm,ns,k1))*yv
    # display output
    if(it/10 == floor(it/10)) cat(sprintf("%11g",c(k1,k2,start,it,lk,lk-lko)),"\n",sep=" | ")
  if(it/10 > floor(it/10))  cat(sprintf("%11g",c(k1,k2,start,it,lk,lk-lko)),"\n",sep=" | ")

  # BIC
  np = (k1-1)+k1*(k2^2-1)+k2*r*b
  bic = -2*lk+np*log(n)
  aic = -2*lk+np*2
  # compute standard errors if required
    # structure of parameter vector
    lla = logit1(la)$lp
    Der = expit1(lla)$Der
    lPiv = matrix(0,k2-1,k1)
    for(u in 1:k1){
      lPiv[,u] = logit1(Piv[,u])$lp
      Der = blkdiag(Der,expit1(lPiv[,u])$Der)
    lPiv = as.vector(lPiv)
    lPi = array(0,c(k2-1,k2,k1))
    for(u in 1:k1) for(v in 1:k2){
      lPi[,v,u] = logit1(Pi[v,,u],v)$lp
      Der = blkdiag(Der,expit1(lPi[,v,u])$Der)
    lPi = as.vector(lPi)
    lPsi = array(0,c(b,k2,r))
    for(j in 1:r) for(v in 1:k2){
      lPsi[,v,j] = logit1(Psi[,v,j])$lp
      Der = blkdiag(Der,expit1(lPsi[,v,j])$Der)
    lPsi = as.vector(lPsi)
    th = c(lla,lPiv,lPi,lPsi)
    nla = length(lla); nPiv = length(lPiv); nPi = length(lPi); nPsi = length(lPsi)
    out = lk_obs_mixed(th,nla,nPiv,nPi,nPsi,S,yv,r,k1,k2)
    scn = NULL; Jn = NULL
    for(j in 1:length(th)){
      th1 = th; th1[j] = th1[j]+10^-6
      out1 = lk_obs_mixed(th1,nla,nPiv,nPi,nPsi,S,yv,r,k1,k2)
      scn = c(scn,(out1$lk-out$lk)*10^6)
      Jn = cbind(Jn,(out1$sc-out$sc)*10^6)
    Jn = (Jn+t(Jn))/2
    Vn = ginv(-Jn)
    if(any(diag(Vn)<0)) print("negative elements in the diagonal of inv(Information)")
    Vn1 = Der%*%Vn%*%t(Der)
    se1 = sqrt(abs(diag(Vn1)))
    sela = se1[1:k1]; se1 = se1[-(1:k1)]
    sePiv = matrix(0,k2,k1)
    for(u in 1:k1){
      sePiv[,u] = se1[1:k2]
      se1 = se1[-(1:k2)]
    sePi = array(0,c(k2,k2,k1))
    for(u in 1:k1) for(v in 1:k2){
      sePi[v,,u] = se1[1:k2]
      se1 = se1[-(1:k2)]
    sePsi = array(0,c(b+1,k2,r))
    for(j in 1:r) for(v in 1:k2){
      sePsi[,v,j] = se1[1:(b+1)]
      se1 = se1[-(1:(b+1))]

  # adjust output
  lk = as.vector(lk)
  bic = as.vector(bic)
  aic <- as.vector(aic)
  if(any(yv!=1)) W = W/yv

  out = list(la=la,Piv=Piv,Pi=Pi,Psi=Psi,lk=lk,W=W,np=np,k1 = k1, k2 = k2,aic = aic, bic=bic, n = n, TT = TT)
  if(out_se){out$sela = sela; out$sePiv = sePiv; out$sePi = sePi; out$sePsi = sePsi}


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