
Defines functions est_lucid

############workhorse function for estimate_lucid############
############EM algorithm for "early", "parallel"############
est_lucid <- function(lucid_model = c("early", "parallel"),
                      G, Z, Y, CoG = NULL, CoY = NULL, K,
                      init_omic.data.model = "EEV",
                      useY = TRUE,
                      tol = 1e-3,
                      max_itr = 1e3,
                      max_tot.itr = 1e4,
                      Rho_G = 0,
                      Rho_Z_Mu = 0,
                      Rho_Z_Cov = 0,
                      family = c("normal", "binary"),
                      seed = 123,
                      init_impute = c("mix", "lod"),
                      init_par = c("mclust", "random"),
                      verbose = FALSE) {
  ## 1.0 basic setup, apply for both lucid models ====
  init_impute <- match.arg(init_impute)
  init_par <- match.arg(init_par)
  Select_G <- FALSE
  Select_Z <- FALSE
  if(Rho_G != 0) {
    Select_G <- TRUE
  if(Rho_Z_Mu != 0 | Rho_Z_Cov != 0) {
    Select_Z <- TRUE

  ## 1.1 check data format, apply for both lucid models ====

  #check for G and get Gnames
  if(is.null(G)) {
    stop("Input data 'G' is missing")
  } else {
    if(!is.matrix(G)) {
      G <- as.matrix(G)
      if(!is.numeric(G)) {
        stop("Input data 'G' should be numeric; categorical variables should be transformed into dummies")
    Gnames <- paste0("G", 1:ncol(G))
  } else {
    Gnames <- colnames(G)
  colnames(G) <- Gnames

  #check for Y and get Ynames
  if(is.null(Y)) {
    stop("Input data 'Y' is missing")
  } else {
    if(!is.matrix(Y)) {
      Y <- as.matrix(Y)
      if(!is.numeric(Y)) {
        stop("Input data 'Y' should be numeric; binary outcome should be transformed them into dummies")
      if(ncol(Y) > 1) {
        stop("Only continuous 'Y' or binary 'Y' is accepted")
  if(is.null(colnames(Y))) {
    Ynames <- "outcome"
  } else {
    Ynames <- colnames(Y)
  colnames(Y) <- Ynames
  if(family == "binary") {
    if(!(all(Y %in% c(0, 1)))) {
      stop("Binary outcome should be coded as 0 and 1")

  #check for CoG and CoY and get their names
  CoGnames <- NULL
  if(!is.null(CoG)) {
    if(!is.matrix(CoG)) {
      CoG <- as.matrix(CoG)
      if(!is.numeric(CoG)) {
        stop("Input data 'CoG' should be numeric; categroical variables should be transformed into dummies")
    if(is.null(colnames(CoG))) {
      CoGnames <- paste0("CoG", 1:ncol(CoG))
    } else {
      CoGnames <- colnames(CoG)
    colnames(CoG) <- CoGnames

  CoYnames <- NULL
  if(!is.null(CoY)) {
    if(!is.matrix(CoY)) {
      CoY <- as.matrix(CoY)
      if(!is.numeric(CoY)) {
        stop("Input data 'CoY' should be numeric; categorical variables should be transformed into dummies")
    if(is.null(colnames(CoY))) {
      CoYnames <- paste0("CoY", 1:ncol(CoY))
    } else {
      CoYnames <- colnames(CoY)
    colnames(CoY) <- CoYnames

  if (match.arg(lucid_model) == "early"){

    # ========================== Early Integration ==========================

    # 1. basic setup for estimation function under early =============
    family <- match.arg(family)
    init_omic.data.model = init_omic.data.model

    ## 1.1 check data format ====  special for Z under early
    if(is.null(Z)) {
      stop("Input data 'Z' is missing")
    }else {
      if(!is.matrix(Z)) {
        Z <- as.matrix(Z)
        if(!is.numeric(Z)) {
          stop("Input data 'Z' should be numeric")

      Znames <- paste0("Z", 1:ncol(Z))
    } else {
      Znames <- colnames(Z)

    ## 1.2 record input dimensions, family function ====
    N <- nrow(Y)
    dimG <- ncol(G)
    dimZ <- ncol(Z)
    dimCoG <- ifelse(is.null(CoG), 0, ncol(CoG))
    dimCoY <- ifelse(is.null(CoY), 0, ncol(CoY))
    G <- cbind(G, CoG)
    Gnames <- c(Gnames, CoGnames)
    family.list <- switch(family, normal = normal(K = K, dimCoY),
                          binary = binary(K = K, dimCoY))
    Mstep_Y <- family.list$f.maxY
    switch_Y <- family.list$f.switch

    ## 1.3. check missing pattern ====
    na_pattern <- check_na(Z)
    if(na_pattern$impute_flag) {
      # initialize imputation
      if(init_impute == "mix") {
          cat("Intializing imputation of missing values in 'Z' via the mix package \n\n")
        invisible(capture.output(Z <- mclust::imputeData(Z, seed = seed)))
        Z[na_pattern$indicator_na == 3, ] <- NA
      if(init_impute == "lod") {
          cat("Intializing imputation of missing values in 'Z' via LOD / sqrt(2) \n\n")
        Z <- apply(Z, 2, fill_data_lod)
        colnames(Z) <- Znames


    # 2. EM algorithm for LUCID ================
    tot.itr <- 0
    convergence <- FALSE
    while(!convergence && tot.itr <= max_tot.itr) {
      if(tot.itr > 0) {
        seed <- seed + 10

      ## 2.1 initialize model parameters ====

      # initialize beta
      res.beta <- matrix(data = runif(K * (dimG + dimCoG + 1)), nrow = K)
      res.beta[1, ] <- 0

      # initialize mu and sigma
      # initialize by mclust
      if(init_par == "mclust") {
          cat("Initialize LUCID with mclust based on inclusion probabilities given by mclust \n")
        invisible(capture.output(mclust.fit <- Mclust(Z[na_pattern$indicator_na != 3, ],
                                                      G = K,
                                                      modelNames = init_omic.data.model)))
        if(is.null(mclust.fit)) {
          stop("mclust failed for specified model - please set init_omic.data.model to `NULL` to conduct automatic model selection ")
          model.best <- mclust.fit$modelName
        } else{
          model.best <- init_omic.data.model
        res.mu <- t(mclust.fit$parameters$mean)
        res.sigma <- mclust.fit$parameters$variance$sigma
        # browser()

      } else { # initialize by random guess
          cat("Initialize LUCID with random values from uniform distribution \n")
          model.best <- "EEV"
            cat("GMM model for LUCID is not specified, 'EEV' model is used by default \n")
        } else{
          model.best <- init_omic.data.model
        res.mu <- matrix(runif(dimZ * K, min = -0.5, max = 0.5),
                         nrow = K)

        res.sigma <- gen_cov_matrices(dimZ = dimZ, K = K)

      # initialize family specific parameters gamma
      res.gamma <- family.list$initial.gamma(K, dimCoY)

      # start EM algorithm
        cat("Fitting Early Integration LUCID model",
            paste0("(", "K = ", K, ", Rho_G = ", Rho_G, ", Rho_Z_Mu = ", Rho_Z_Mu, ", Rho_Z_Cov = ", Rho_Z_Cov, ")"),
      res.loglik <- -Inf
      itr <- 0
      while(!convergence && itr <= max_itr){
        itr <- itr + 1
        tot.itr <- tot.itr + 1
        check.gamma <-  TRUE

        # 2.2 E-step ====
        # calculate log-likelihood for observation i being assigned to cluster j
        new.likelihood <- Estep_early(beta = res.beta,
                                mu = res.mu,
                                sigma = res.sigma,
                                gamma = res.gamma,
                                G = G,
                                Z = Z,
                                Y = Y,
                                CoY = CoY,
                                N = N,
                                K = K,
                                family.list = family.list,
                                itr = itr,
                                useY = useY,
                                dimCoY = dimCoY,
                                ind.na = na_pattern$indicator_na)
        # normalize the log-likelihood to probability
        res.r <- t(apply(new.likelihood, 1, lse_vec))

            cat("iteration", itr,": EM algorithm collapsed: invalid estiamtes due to over/underflow, try LUCID with another seed \n")
        } else{
          if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
            cat("iteration", itr,": E-step finished.\n")

        # 2.3 M-step - parameters ====
        # update model parameters to maximize the expected likelihood
        invisible(capture.output(new.beta <- Mstep_G(G = G,
                                                     r = res.r,
                                                     selectG = Select_G,
                                                     penalty = Rho_G,
                                                     dimG = dimG,
                                                     dimCoG = dimCoG,
                                                     K = K)))
        new.mu.sigma <- Mstep_Z(Z = Z,
                                r = res.r,
                                selectZ = Select_Z,
                                penalty.mu = Rho_Z_Mu,
                                penalty.cov = Rho_Z_Cov,
                                model.name = model.best,
                                K = K,
                                ind.na = na_pattern$indicator_na,
                                mu = res.mu)
            cat("variable selection failed, try LUCID with another seed \n")
          new.gamma <- Mstep_Y(Y = Y, r = res.r, CoY = CoY, K = K, CoYnames)
          check.gamma <- is.finite(unlist(new.gamma))

        # 2.4 M step - impute missing values ====
          Z <- Istep_Z(Z = Z,
                       p = res.r,
                       mu = res.mu,
                       sigma = res.sigma,
                       index = na_pattern$index, lucid_model = "early")

        # 2.5 control step ====
        check.value <- all(is.finite(new.beta),

            cat("iteration", itr,": Invalid estimates, try LUCID with another seed \n")
        } else{
          res.beta <- new.beta
          res.mu <- new.mu.sigma$mu
          res.sigma <- new.mu.sigma$sigma
            res.gamma <- new.gamma

          new.loglik <- sum(rowSums(res.r * new.likelihood))

          if(Select_G) {
            new.loglik <- new.loglik - Rho_G * sum(abs(res.beta))
          if(Select_Z) {
            new.loglik <- new.loglik - Rho_Z_Mu * sum(abs(res.mu)) - Rho_Z_Cov * sum(abs(res.sigma))
          if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
            if(Select_G | Select_Z) {
              cat("iteration", itr,": M-step finished, ", "penalized loglike = ", sprintf("%.3f", new.loglik), "\n")
            } else{
              cat("iteration", itr,": M-step finished, ", "loglike = ", sprintf("%.3f", new.loglik), "\n")
          } else {

          if(abs(res.loglik - new.loglik) < tol){
            convergence <- TRUE
              cat("Success: Early Integration LUCID converges!", "\n\n")
          res.loglik <- new.loglik

    # 3. summarize results ===============
      res.gamma <- Mstep_Y(Y = Y, r = res.r, CoY = CoY, K = K, CoYnames = CoYnames)

    res.likelihood <- Estep_early(beta = res.beta,
                            mu = res.mu,
                            sigma = res.sigma,
                            gamma = res.gamma,
                            G = G,
                            Z = Z,
                            Y = Y,
                            family.list = family.list,
                            itr = itr,
                            CoY = CoY,
                            N = N,
                            K = K,
                            dimCoY = dimCoY,
                            useY = useY,
                            ind.na = na_pattern$indicator_na)
    res.r <- t(apply(res.likelihood, 1, lse_vec))

    res.loglik <- sum(rowSums(res.r * res.likelihood))

    if(Select_G) {
      res.loglik <- res.loglik - Rho_G * sum(abs(res.beta))
    if(Select_Z) {
      res.loglik <- res.loglik - Rho_Z_Mu * sum(abs(res.mu)) - Rho_Z_Cov * sum(abs(res.sigma))
    # browser()
    pars <- switch_Y(beta = res.beta, mu = res.mu, sigma = res.sigma, gamma = res.gamma, K = K)
    res.r <- res.r[, pars$index]
    colnames(pars$beta) <- c("intercept", Gnames)
    colnames(pars$mu) <- Znames
      tt1 <- apply(pars$beta[, -1], 2, range)
      selectG <- abs(tt1[2, ] - tt1[1, ]) > 0.001
    } else{
      selectG <- rep(TRUE, dimG)
      tt2 <- apply(pars$mu, 2, range)
      selectZ <- abs(tt2[2, ] - tt2[1, ]) > 0.001
    } else{
      selectZ <- rep(TRUE, dimZ)

    #make gamma for reference cluster to be 0 instead of the intercept, only in plot
    #pars$gamma$beta[1] = 0

    results <- list(res_Beta = pars$beta,
                    res_Mu = pars$mu,
                    res_Sigma = pars$sigma,
                    res_Gamma = pars$gamma,
                    K = K,
                    var.names =list(Gnames = Gnames,
                                    Znames = Znames,
                                    Ynames = Ynames),
                    init_omic.data.model = model.best,
                    likelihood = res.loglik,
                    inclusion.p = res.r,
                    family = family,
                    select = list(selectG = selectG, selectZ = selectZ),
                    useY = useY,
                    Z = Z,
                    init_impute = init_impute,
                    init_par = init_par,
                    Rho = list(Rho_G = Rho_G,
                               Rho_Z_Mu = Rho_Z_Mu,
                               Rho_Z_Cov = Rho_Z_Cov)
    class(results) <- c("early_lucid")
    # ========================== LUCID IN PARALLEL ==========================

    ## 1.1 check data format ==== special for Z  under parallel
    if(is.null(Z)) {
      stop("Input data 'Z' is missing")
    if(!is.list(Z)) {
      stop("Input data 'Z' should be a list for LUCID in Parallel!")
    } else {
    for(i in 1:length(Z)) {
      if(!is.matrix(Z[[i]])) {
        Z[[i]] <- as.matrix(Z[[i]])
        if(!is.numeric(Z[[i]])) {
          stop("Input data 'Z' should be numeric")

    Znames <- vector("list", length(Z))
    for(i in 1:length(Z)) {
        Znames[[i]] <- paste0("Z_", i, "_", 1:ncol(Z[[i]]))
      } else {
        Znames[[i]] <- colnames(Z[[i]])

    ## 1.2 basic setup ====
    N <- nrow(G)
    nOmics <- length(Z)
    nG <- ncol(G)
    nZ <- as.integer(sapply(Z, ncol))

    if (match.arg(family) == "normal"){
      family = "gaussian"
      family = "binomial"
    modelNames =  rep(init_omic.data.model, length(K))

    dimCoG <- ifelse(is.null(CoG), 0, ncol(CoG))
    dimCoY <- ifelse(is.null(CoY), 0, ncol(CoY))
    # combine G and CoG to adjust for CoG
    if(!is.null(CoG)) {
      G <- cbind(G, CoG)
      Gnames <- c(Gnames, CoGnames)

    ## 1.3. check missing pattern & initial imputation ====
    na_pattern <- vector("list", nOmics)
    for(i in 1:nOmics) {
      na_pattern[[i]] <- check_na(Z[[i]])
      if(na_pattern[[i]]$impute_flag) {
        # initialize imputation
        if(init_impute == "mix") {
            cat("Intializing imputation of missing values in 'Z' via the mix package \n\n")
          invisible(capture.output(Z[[i]] <- mclust::imputeData(Z[[i]], seed = seed)))
          Z[[i]][na_pattern[[i]]$indicator_na == 3, ] <- NA
        if(init_impute == "lod") {
            cat("Intializing imputation of missing values in 'Z' via LOD / sqrt(2) \n\n")
          Z[[i]] <- apply(Z[[i]], 2, fill_data_lod)
          colnames(Z[[i]]) <- Znames[[i]]


    tot.itr <- 0
    flag_converge <- FALSE
    while(!flag_converge && tot.itr <= max_tot.itr) {
      if(tot.itr > 0) {
        seed <- seed + 10

    ## 1.4 initialize model parameters ====
    Mu_Sigma <- initialize_Mu_Sigma(K = K, Z = Z, modelNames = modelNames, na_pattern = na_pattern)
    Mu <- Mu_Sigma$Mu
    Sigma <- Mu_Sigma$Sigma
    Beta <- vector(mode = "list", length = nOmics)
    for(i in 1:nOmics) {
      invisible(capture.output(temp_fit <- nnet::multinom(Mu_Sigma$z[[i]] ~ G)))
      Beta[[i]] <- coef(temp_fit)
    # Beta <- initialize_Beta(K = K, nG = nG)
    Gamma <- initialize_Delta(K = K, CoY = CoY, family = family,
                              z = Mu_Sigma$z, Y = Y)
    loglik <- -Inf

    ## 2.1 start EM algorithm ====
      cat("Fitting LUCID in Parallel model",
          paste0("(", "K = ", K, ", Rho_G = ", Rho_G, ", Rho_Z_Mu = ", Rho_Z_Mu, ", Rho_Z_Cov = ", Rho_Z_Cov, ")"),
    itr <- 0
    while(!flag_converge & itr < max_itr) {
      itr <- itr + 1
      tot.itr <- tot.itr + 1

      # E-step
      Estep_array <- Estep(G = G, Z = Z, Y = Y,
                          Beta = Beta, Mu = Mu, Sigma = Sigma, Delta = Gamma,
                          family = family, useY = useY, na_pattern = na_pattern)
      Estep_r <- Estep_to_r(Estep_array = Estep_array,
                            K = K,
                            N = N)

          cat("iteration", itr,": EM algorithm collapsed: invalid estiamtes due to over/underflow, try LUCID with another seed \n")
      } else{
        if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
          cat("iteration", itr,": E-step finished.\n")

      # M-step 1
      #Mstep_GtoX added penalty, but how is G exluded?
      res_Beta <- Mstep_GtoX(G = G, r = Estep_r, selectG = Select_G, penalty = Rho_G, K = K, N = N)
      res_Mu_Sigma <- Mstep_XtoZ(Z = Z, r = Estep_r, K = K,
                                modelNames = modelNames, N = N, na_pattern = na_pattern)
      if(useY) {
        res_Gamma <- Mstep_XtoY(Y = Y, CoY = CoY,r = Estep_r, K = K, N = N,
                              family = family)

          cat("variable selection failed, try LUCID with another seed \n")

      #control step ====
      check.value <- all(is.finite(unlist(res_Beta$Beta)),
          cat("iteration", itr,": Invalid estimates, try LUCID with another seed \n")
        # update parameters
        Beta <- res_Beta$Beta
        Mu <- res_Mu_Sigma$Mu
        Sigma <- res_Mu_Sigma$Sigma
        if(useY) {
          Gamma <- res_Gamma$Gamma

      post.p <- vector(mode = "list", length = nOmics)
      for(i in 1:nOmics) {
        post.p[[i]] = compute_res_r(r = Estep_r, N = N,layer = i)

      # M step 2 - impute missing values ====
      for(i in 1:nOmics) {
          Z[[i]] <- Istep_Z(Z = Z[[i]],
                            p = post.p[[i]],
                            mu = Mu[[i]],
                            sigma = Sigma[[i]],
                            index = na_pattern[[i]]$index, lucid_model = "parallel")

      # check convergence
      loglik_update <- cal_loglik(Estep_array = Estep_array,
                                  Estep_r = Estep_r)
      ### regularity to be added
      ###  if(Select_G) {
      ### new.loglik <- new.loglik - Rho_G * sum(abs(res.beta))
      ### }
      ### if(Select_Z) {
      ### new.loglik <- new.loglik - Rho_Z_Mu * sum(abs(res.mu)) - Rho_Z_Cov * sum(abs(res.sigma))
      ### }

      if(abs(loglik - loglik_update) < tol) {
        flag_converge <- TRUE
          cat("Success: LUCID in parallel converges!", "\n\n")
      } else {
        loglik <- loglik_update
          cat(paste0("iteration ", itr, ": log-likelihood = ", loglik_update, "\n"))

    #Regularity to be added, but have the setup for now, we select all the G and Z for now!!!
      #tt1 <- apply(pars$beta[, -1], 2, range)
      #selectG <- abs(tt1[2, ] - tt1[1, ]) > 0.001
    #} else{
      selectG <- rep(TRUE, nG)
      #tt2 <- apply(pars$mu, 2, range)
      #selectZ <- abs(tt2[2, ] - tt2[1, ]) > 0.001
    #} else{
      selectZ <- vector(mode = "list", length = nOmics)
      for (i in 1:nOmics){selectZ[[i]] = rep(TRUE,ncol(Z[[i]]))}

    # 3. summarize results ===============
    if(!useY) {
      res_Gamma <- Mstep_XtoY(Y = Y, CoY = CoY, r = Estep_r, K = K, N = N,
                              family = family)
      Gamma <- res_Gamma$Gamma

    results <- list(res_Beta = res_Beta,
                    res_Mu = Mu,
                    res_Sigma = Sigma,
                    res_Gamma = res_Gamma,
                    K = K,
                    N = N,
                    var.names =list(Gnames = Gnames,
                                    Znames = Znames,
                                    Ynames = Ynames),
                    init_omic.data.model = modelNames,
                    likelihood = loglik_update,
                    inclusion.p = post.p,
                    family = family,
                    select = list(selectG = selectG, selectZ = selectZ),
                    useY = useY,
                    Z = Z,
                    z = Estep_r,
                    init_impute = init_impute,
                    init_par = "random" #only random init_par
                    #Rho = list(Rho_G = Rho_G,
                    #Rho_Z_Mu = Rho_Z_Mu,
                    #Rho_Z_Cov = Rho_Z_Cov)
    class(results) <- c("lucid_parallel")

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LUCIDus documentation built on Nov. 2, 2023, 5:21 p.m.