
"plot.ltdagg" <-
function (x, envir, show = "all", breaks="Sturges", ...) 
	if (!is.environment(envir)) 
        stop("The envir argument to plot.ltdagg() must be an existing environment ...from LCsetup().")	
	xmin <- get("LTDmin", envir=envir)
    xmax <- get("LTDmax", envir=envir)
    if (show != "hist" && show != "boxp" && show != "ecdf" && show != "seq")
        show <- "all"
    opar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
    if (show == "all")
    LTDdist <- na.omit(x$LTDdist$LTD)
    LTDmean <- mean(LTDdist)	
    if (show != "boxp" && show != "ecdf") {   # show "hist" first...
        hist(LTDdist, breaks = breaks, freq = FALSE, xlim = c(xmin, xmax),
            main = paste("LTD Distribution for", x$K, "Clusters"),
            xlab = "Local Treatment Difference (LTD)", ylab = "Density",
            sub = paste(x$infoclus, "Clusters are Informative"))
        abline(v = LTDmean, lty = 2, col = "red")
        abline(v = 0, lty = 1, col = "black")	  
        if (show == "seq") {
            cat("\nPress Enter to view the Box-Whisker diagram...")
    if (show == "seq" || show == "boxp") {    # Vertical "boxp" display...
        boxplot(LTDdist, ann=FALSE, type="l", lty=1, ylim = c(xmin, xmax))
        abline(h = LTDmean, lty = 2, col = "red")
        abline(h = 0, lty = 1, col = "black")           
        title( main = "Box-Whisker diagram of LTD Distribution",
            xlab = paste("K =", x$K, "Clusters Requested"),
            sub = paste(x$infoclus, "Clusters are Informative"),
            ylab = "Local Treatment Difference (LTD)")
        if (show == "seq") {
            cat("\nPress Enter to view the eCDF plot...")
    if (show == "all") {   # Horizontal "boxp" display... 
        boxplot(LTDdist, ann=FALSE, type="l", lty=1, ylim = c(xmin, xmax),
            horizontal = TRUE)
        abline(v = LTDmean, lty = 2, col = "red")
        abline(v = 0, lty = 1, col = "black")	  
        title( main = "Box-Whisker diagram of LTD Distribution",
            xlab = paste("K =", x$K, "Clusters Requested"),
            sub = paste(x$infoclus, "Clusters are Informative"))
        cat("\nPress Enter to view the eCDF plot...")
    if (show != "boxp" && show != "hist") {   # show "ecdf" last...
        if (show == "all")
        plot(ecdf(LTDdist), verticals=TRUE, do.points=FALSE, ann=FALSE, col="blue2", pch=46,
            xlim=c(xmin, xmax))
        abline(v = LTDmean, lty = 2, col = "red")
        abline(v = 0, lty = 1, col = "black")	
        title(main = paste("LTD eCDF for", x$K, "Clusters"),
            ylab = "Probability", xlab = "Local Treatment Difference (LTD)",
            sub = paste(x$infoclus, "Clusters are Informative"))

"print.ltdagg" <-
function (x, ...) 
    cat("\nltdagg Object: Local Treatment Differences\n")
    cat("Hierarchical Clustering object:", x$hiclus, "\n")
    cat("Data Frame input:", x$dframe, "\n")
    cat("Outcome variable:", x$yvar, "\n")
    cat("Binary Treatment Indicator:", x$trtm, "\n")
    cat("Number of Experimental Units (Patients) =", length(x$LTDdist$y), "\n")
    cat("Number of Clusters Requested:", x$K, "\n")
    if (x$actclust != x$K) 
        cat("Number of Clusters Delivered =", x$actclust, "\n")
    cat("Number of Informative Clusters =", x$infoclus, "\n")
    cat("\n    Number of Experimental Units with LTD estimates =", x$infounits)
    cat("\n    Average of these Local Treatment Differences =", x$LTDmean)
    cat("\n    Standard Deviation of these LTD estimates =", x$LTDstde, "\n\n") 

"ltdagg" <-
function (K, envir) 
    if (missing(K)) 
        stop("K, the Number of Clusters Requested, must be the first argument to ltdagg().")
    if (!is.environment(envir)) 
        stop("The envir argument to ltdagg() must be an existing environment ...from LCsetup().")
    if (K < 2) { 
        cat("\nCalculations for a single Cluster, K=1, were performed in LCsetup().")
        cat("\nThe K argument to ltdagg() must request at least 2 Clusters.\n\n")
    K = floor(K)
    Kmax <- get("Kmax", envir=envir)
    if (K > Kmax) {
        cat("\nThis choice of K=", K, "exceeds our Guideline for the Maximum Number of")
        cat("\nClusters to Request, Kmax=", Kmax, ", ...even in Most Favorable Cases!\n\n")
        return(NULL)    # Too Many Clusters Requested...
    pars <- get("pars", envir=envir)
    hiclus <- get(pars[1])    # get from .GlobalEnv
    dframe <- get(pars[2])    # get from .GlobalEnv
    trtm <- pars[3]
    yvar <- pars[4]
    NumLevels <- get("NumLevels", envir = envir)
    if (NumLevels != 2) {
        cat(paste("\nThe Treatment variable", trtm, "is an Exposure with", NumLevels, "levels."))
        cat("\nLocal Treatment Difference (LTD) analyses are not applicable here.\n\n")
    aggdf <- get("aggdf", envir=envir)
    if ( K %in% aggdf$Blocks ) {
        cat(paste("\nltdagg() calculations for K =", K, "Clusters have already been performed.\n\n"))
        stop("Please specify only a few, NEW values of K within the current LCsetup().")
    cnam <- paste0("c.", K)
    lcblks <- as.data.frame(as.factor(cutree(hiclus$hclus, k = K)))
    Blocks <- length(table(lcblks))
    N <- length(dframe[,trtm])
    lcmerge <- cbind(1:N, dframe[,yvar], dframe[,trtm], lcblks)
    names(lcmerge) <- c("ID", "y", "t", "c")
    olist <- list(hiclus = pars[1], dframe = pars[2],
        trtm = trtm, yvar = yvar, K = K, actclust = Blocks)
    dfLTD <- do.call( rbind, lapply( split(lcmerge, lcmerge[,4]),
	    function(x) {
	        x <- na.omit(x)       
	        n1 = sum(x$t)
	        n0 = length(x$t) - n1
	        if( n1 == 0 || n0 == 0 ) 
                LTD = NA
                LTD = round( sum(as.numeric(x$y * x$t))/n1 - sum(as.numeric(x$y * (1-x$t)))/n0, 8)
            LAO = round( mean(x$y), 8)
            PS = round( mean(x$t), 8)	
            data.frame(c=x$c[1], LTD=LTD, w=length(x$t), LAO=LAO, PS=PS)
    lcmerge = merge(lcmerge, dfLTD[,1:2], by.x="c", by.y="c")
    names(lcmerge) <- c(cnam, "ID", "y", "t", "LTD")
    olist <- c(olist, list(LTDtabl = dfLTD, LTDdist = lcmerge))
    dfLTD = na.omit(dfLTD)			# Exclude Uninformative Clusters in following...
    infoclus = length(dfLTD[,2])    # Number of LTDs != NA
    infounits = sum(dfLTD[,3])      # Sum of corresponding LTD weights
    olist <- c(olist, list(infoclus = infoclus, infounits = infounits ))
    awLTD <- round(mean(lcmerge$LTD, na.rm = TRUE), 8) # Weighted Average LTD
    awstde <- round(sqrt(var(lcmerge$LTD, na.rm = TRUE)), 8) # Weighted Std. Dev.
    olist <- c(olist, list(LTDmean = awLTD, LTDstde = awstde))
    aggnew <- data.frame(Label = "LTD", Blocks = Blocks, LTDmean = awLTD, LTDstde = awstde)
    if ( length(aggdf[,1]) == 1 && aggdf[1,1] == "TEMP" )
        assign("aggdf", aggnew, envir=envir)
    else {
        aggdf <- as.data.frame(rbind(aggdf, aggnew))
        assign("aggdf", aggdf, envir=envir)	
    # get, update & replace boxdf in envir...
    boxdf <- get("boxdf", envir=envir)
    boxnew <- as.data.frame(lcmerge$LTD)
    kdf <- as.data.frame(rep(K, length(boxnew[,1])))
    boxnew <- cbind(boxnew, kdf)
    names(boxnew) <- c("LCstat", "K")
    boxdf <- as.data.frame(rbind(boxdf, boxnew))
    assign("boxdf", boxdf, envir=envir)		
    # finalize olist and envir info...
    localLTDmin <- min(dfLTD$LTD)
    LTDmin <- get("LTDmin", envir=envir)
    if (LTDmin > localLTDmin)
        assign("LTDmin", localLTDmin, envir=envir)
    localLTDmax <- max(dfLTD$LTD)
    LTDmax <- get("LTDmax", envir=envir)
    if (LTDmax < localLTDmax)
        assign("LTDmax", localLTDmax, envir=envir)
    class(olist) <- "ltdagg"

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LocalControlStrategy documentation built on Nov. 10, 2022, 5:49 p.m.