#' Calculate the Fast Ratio for CW-OSL curves
#' Function to calculate the fast ratio of quartz CW-OSL single grain or single
#' aliquot curves after Durcan & Duller (2011).
#' This function follows the equations of Durcan & Duller (2011). The energy
#' required to reduce the fast and medium quartz OSL components to `x` and
#' `x2` \% respectively using eq. 3 to determine channels L2 and L3 (start
#' and end). The fast ratio is then calculated from: \eqn{(L1-L3)/(L2-L3)}.
#' @param object [RLum.Analysis-class], [RLum.Data.Curve-class] or [data.frame] (**required**):
#' x, y data of measured values (time and counts).
#' @param stimulation.power [numeric] (*with default*):
#' Stimulation power in mW/cm^2
#' @param wavelength [numeric] (*with default*):
#' Stimulation wavelength in nm
#' @param sigmaF [numeric] (*with default*):
#' Photoionisation cross-section (cm^2) of the fast component.
#' Default value after Durcan & Duller (2011).
#' @param sigmaM [numeric] (*with default*):
#' Photoionisation cross-section (cm^2) of the medium component.
#' Default value after Durcan & Duller (2011).
#' @param Ch_L1 [numeric] (*with default*):
#' An integer specifying the channel for L1.
#' @param Ch_L2 [numeric] (*optional*):
#' An integer specifying the channel for L2.
#' @param Ch_L3 [numeric] (*optional*):
#' A vector of length 2 with integer values specifying the start and end channels for L3
#' (e.g., `c(40, 50)`).
#' @param x [numeric] (*with default*):
#' \% of signal remaining from the fast component.
#' Used to define the location of L2 and L3 (start).
#' @param x2 [numeric] (*with default*):
#' \% of signal remaining from the medium component.
#' Used to define the location of L3 (end).
#' @param dead.channels [numeric] (*with default*):
#' Vector of length 2 in the form of `c(x, y)`.
#' Channels that do not contain OSL data, i.e. at the start or end of measurement.
#' @param fitCW.sigma [logical] (*optional*):
#' fit CW-OSL curve using [fit_CWCurve] to calculate `sigmaF` and `sigmaM` (**experimental**).
#' @param fitCW.curve [logical] (*optional*):
#' fit CW-OSL curve using [fit_CWCurve] and derive the counts of L2 and L3
#' from the fitted OSL curve (**experimental**).
#' @param plot [logical] (*with default*):
#' plot output (`TRUE`/`FALSE`)
#' @param ... available options: `verbose` ([logical]).
#' Further arguments passed to [fit_CWCurve].
#' @return
#' Returns a plot (*optional*) and an S4 object of type [RLum.Results-class].
#' The slot `data` contains a [list] with the following elements:
#' \item{summary}{[data.frame] summary of all relevant results}
#' \item{data}{the original input data}
#' \item{fit}{[RLum.Results-class] object if either `fitCW.sigma` or `fitCW.curve` is `TRUE`}
#' \item{args}{[list] of used arguments}
#' \item{call}{`[call]` the function call}
#' @section Function version: 0.1.1
#' @author
#' Georgina E. King, University of Bern (Switzerland) \cr
#' Julie A. Durcan, University of Oxford (United Kingdom) \cr
#' Christoph Burow, University of Cologne (Germany)
#' @references
#' Durcan, J.A. & Duller, G.A.T., 2011. The fast ratio: A rapid measure for testing
#' the dominance of the fast component in the initial OSL signal from quartz.
#' Radiation Measurements 46, 1065-1072.
#' Madsen, A.T., Duller, G.A.T., Donnelly, J.P., Roberts, H.M. & Wintle, A.G., 2009.
#' A chronology of hurricane landfalls at Little Sippewissett Marsh, Massachusetts, USA,
#' using optical dating. Geomorphology 109, 36-45.
#' **Further reading**
#' Steffen, D., Preusser, F. & Schlunegger, 2009. OSL quartz age underestimation
#' due to unstable signal components. Quaternary Geochronology 4, 353-362.
#' @seealso [fit_CWCurve], [get_RLum], [RLum.Analysis-class],
#' [RLum.Results-class], [RLum.Data.Curve-class]
#' @examples
#' # load example CW-OSL curve
#' data("ExampleData.CW_OSL_Curve")
#' # calculate the fast ratio w/o further adjustments
#' res <- calc_FastRatio(ExampleData.CW_OSL_Curve)
#' # show the summary table
#' get_RLum(res)
#' @md
#' @export
calc_FastRatio <- function(object,
stimulation.power = 30.6,
wavelength = 470,
sigmaF = 2.6E-17,
sigmaM = 4.28E-18,
Ch_L1 = 1,
Ch_L2 = NULL,
Ch_L3 = NULL,
x = 1,
x2 = 0.1,
dead.channels = c(0,0),
fitCW.sigma = FALSE,
fitCW.curve = FALSE,
plot = TRUE,
...) {
## Input verification --------------------------------------------------------
if (!is.null(Ch_L3) && length(Ch_L3) != 2)
stop("Input for 'Ch_L3' must be a vector of length 2 (e.g., c(40, 50).", call. = FALSE)
## Input object handling -----------------------------------------------------
if (inherits(object, "RLum.Analysis"))
object <- get_RLum(object)
if (inherits(object, "RLum.Results"))
object <- get_RLum(object, "data")
if (!inherits(object, "list"))
object <-list(object)
## Settings ------------------------------------------------------------------
settings <- list(verbose = TRUE,
n.components.max = 3,
fit.method = "LM",
output.terminal = FALSE,
info = list(),
fit = NULL)
# override defaults with args in ...
settings <- modifyList(settings, list(...))
## Calculations --------------------------------------------------------------
# iterate over all user provided objects and calculate the FR
fast.ratios <- lapply(object, function(obj) {
if (inherits(obj, "RLum.Data.Curve"))
A <- get_RLum(obj)
A <- obj
## Energy calculation
# P = user defined stimulation power in mW
# lambdaLED = wavelength of stimulation source in nm
P <- stimulation.power
lamdaLED <- wavelength
## Constants
# h = speed of light, h = Planck's constant
h <- 6.62607004E-34
c <- 299792458
I0 <- (P / 1000) / (h * c / (lamdaLED * 10^-9))
Ch_width <- max(A[ ,1]) / length(A[ ,1])
# remove dead channels
A <-[(dead.channels[1] + 1):(nrow(A)-dead.channels[2]), ])
A[ ,1] <- A[ ,1] - A[1,1]
# estimate the photo-ionisation crossections of the fast and medium
# component using the fit_CWCurve function
if (fitCW.sigma | fitCW.curve) {
fitCW.res <- try(fit_CWCurve(A, n.components.max = settings$n.components.max,
fit.method = settings$fit.method,
LED.power = stimulation.power,
LED.wavelength = wavelength,
output.terminal = settings$output.terminal,
plot = plot))
settings$fit <- fitCW.res
if (fitCW.sigma) {
if (!inherits(fitCW.res, "try-error")) {
sigmaF <- get_RLum(fitCW.res)$cs1
sigmaM <- get_RLum(fitCW.res)$cs2
if (settings$verbose) {
message("\n [calc_FitCWCurve()]\n")
message("New value for sigmaF: ", format(sigmaF, digits = 3, nsmall = 2))
message("New value for sigmaM: ", format(sigmaM, digits = 3, nsmall = 2))
} else {
if (settings$verbose)
message("Fitting failed! Please call 'fit_CWCurve()' manually before ",
"calculating the fast ratio.")
if (fitCW.curve) {
if (!inherits(fitCW.res, "try-error")) {
nls <- get_RLum(fitCW.res, "fit")
A[ ,2] <- predict(nls)
## The equivalent time in s of L1, L2, L3
# Use these values to look up the channel
t_L1 <- 0
if (is.null(Ch_L2))
t_L2 <- (log(x / 100)) / (-sigmaF * I0)
t_L2 <- A[Ch_L2, 1]
if (is.null(Ch_L3)) {
t_L3_start <- (log(x / 100)) / (-sigmaM * I0)
t_L3_end <- (log(x2 / 100)) / (-sigmaM * I0)
} else {
t_L3_start <- A[Ch_L3[1], 1]
t_L3_end <- A[Ch_L3[2], 1]
## Channel number(s) of L2 and L3
if (is.null(Ch_L2))
Ch_L2 <- which.min(abs(A[,1] - t_L2))
if (Ch_L2 <= 1) {
msg <- sprintf("Calculated time/channel for L2 is too small (%.f, %.f). Returned NULL.",
t_L2, Ch_L2)
settings$info <- modifyList(settings$info, list(L2 = msg))
warning(msg, call. = FALSE)
Ch_L3st<- which.min(abs(A[,1] - t_L3_start))
Ch_L3end <- which.min(abs(A[,1] - t_L3_end))
## Counts in channels L1, L2, L3
# L1 ----
Cts_L1 <- A[Ch_L1, 2]
# L2 ----
if (Ch_L2 > nrow(A)) {
msg <- sprintf(paste("The calculated channel for L2 (%i) is equal",
"to or larger than the number of available channels (%i).",
"Returned NULL."), Ch_L2, nrow(A))
settings$info <- modifyList(settings$info, list(L2 = msg))
warning(msg, call. = FALSE)
Cts_L2 <- A[Ch_L2, 2]
# optional: predict the counts from the fitted curve
if (fitCW.curve) {
if (!inherits(fitCW.res, "try-error")) {
nls <- get_RLum(fitCW.res, "fit")
Cts_L2 <- predict(nls, list(x = t_L2))
# L3 ----
if (Ch_L3st >= nrow(A) | Ch_L3end > nrow(A)) {
msg <- sprintf(paste("The calculated channels for L3 (%i, %i) are equal to or",
"larger than the number of available channels (%i).",
"\nThe background has instead been estimated from the last",
"5 channels."), Ch_L3st, Ch_L3end, nrow(A))
settings$info <- modifyList(settings$info, list(L3 = msg))
warning(msg, call. = FALSE)
Ch_L3st <- nrow(A) - 5
Ch_L3end <- nrow(A)
t_L3_start <- A[Ch_L3st,1]
t_L3_end <- A[Ch_L3end,1]
Cts_L3 <- mean(A[Ch_L3st:Ch_L3end, 2])
# optional: predict the counts from the fitted curve
if (fitCW.curve) {
if (!inherits(fitCW.res, "try-error")) {
nls <- get_RLum(fitCW.res, "fit")
Cts_L3 <- mean(predict(nls, list(x = c(t_L3_start, t_L3_end))))
# Warn if counts are not in decreasing order
if (Cts_L3 >= Cts_L2)
warning(sprintf("L3 contains more counts (%.f) than L2 (%.f).",
Cts_L3, Cts_L2), call. = FALSE)
## Fast Ratio
FR <- (Cts_L1 - Cts_L3) / (Cts_L2 - Cts_L3)
if (length(FR) != 1)
FR <- NA
## Fast Ratio - Error calculation
if (! {
# number of channels the background was derived from
nBG <- abs(Ch_L3end - Ch_L3st)
# relative standard errors
rse_L1 <- sqrt(Cts_L1 + Cts_L3 / nBG) / (Cts_L1 - Cts_L3)
rse_L2 <- sqrt(Cts_L2 + Cts_L3 / nBG) / (Cts_L2 - Cts_L3)
# absolute standard errors
se_L1 <- rse_L1 * (Cts_L1 - Cts_L3)
se_L2 <- rse_L2 * (Cts_L2 - Cts_L3)
# absolute standard error on fast ratio
FR_se <- (sqrt((se_L1 / (Cts_L1 - Cts_L3))^2 + ((se_L2 / (Cts_L2 - Cts_L3))^2) )) * FR
FR_rse <- FR_se / FR * 100
} else {
FR_se <- NA
FR_rse <- NA
## Return values -----------------------------------------------------------
summary <- data.frame(fast.ratio = FR, = FR_se,
fast.ratio.rse = FR_rse,
channels = nrow(A),
channel.width = Ch_width,
dead.channels.start = as.integer(dead.channels[1]),
dead.channels.end = as.integer(dead.channels[2]),
sigmaF = sigmaF,
sigmaM = sigmaM,
I0 = I0,
stimulation.power = stimulation.power,
wavelength = wavelength,
t_L1 = t_L1,
t_L2 = t_L2,
t_L3_start = t_L3_start,
t_L3_end = t_L3_end,
Ch_L1 = as.integer(Ch_L1),
Ch_L2 = as.integer(Ch_L2),
Ch_L3_start = as.integer(Ch_L3st),
Ch_L3_end = as.integer(Ch_L3end),
Cts_L1 = Cts_L1,
Cts_L2 = Cts_L2,
Cts_L3 = Cts_L3)
fast.ratio <- set_RLum(class = "RLum.Results",
originator = "calc_FastRatio",
data = list(summary = summary,
data = obj,
fit = settings$fit,
args = as.list([-1]),
call =,
info = settings$info
## Console Output ----------------------------------------------------------
if (settings$verbose) {
table.names <- c(
"Fast Ratio\t", " \U02EA Absolute error", " \U02EA Relative error (%)", "Channels\t",
"Channel width (s)", "Dead channels start", "Dead channels end",
"Sigma Fast\t", "Sigma Medium\t", "I0\t\t", "Stim. power (mW/cm^2)", "Wavelength (nm)",
"-\n Time L1 (s)\t", "Time L2 (s)\t", "Time L3 start (s)", "Time L3 end (s)",
"-\n Channel L1\t", "Channel L2\t", "Channel L3 start", "Channel L3 end\t",
"-\n Counts L1\t", "Counts L2\t", "Counts L3\t")
cat("\n -------------------------------")
for (i in 1:ncol(summary)) {
cat(paste0("\n ", table.names[i],"\t: ",
format(summary[1, i], digits = 2, nsmall = 2)))
cat("\n -------------------------------\n\n")
## Plotting ----------------------------------------------------------------
if (plot)
try(plot_RLum.Results(fast.ratio, ...))
# return
}) # End of lapply
if (length(fast.ratios) == 1)
fast.ratios <- fast.ratios[[1]]
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