
Defines functions read_XSYG2R

Documented in read_XSYG2R

#' @title Import XSYG files to R
#' @description Imports XSYG-files produced by a Freiberg Instruments lexsyg reader into R.
#' @details
#' **How does the import function work?**
#' The function uses the [xml] package to parse the file structure. Each
#' sequence is subsequently translated into an [RLum.Analysis-class] object.
#' **General structure XSYG format**
#' ```
#' <?xml?>
#' <Sample>
#'   <Sequence>
#'     <Record>
#'       <Curve name="first curve" />
#'       <Curve name="curve with data">x0 , y0 ; x1 , y1 ; x2 , y2 ; x3 , y3</Curve>
#'     </Record>
#'   </Sequence>
#' </Sample>
#' ```
#' So far, each
#' XSYG file can only contain one `<Sample></Sample>`, but multiple
#' sequences.
#' Each record may comprise several curves.
#' **TL curve recalculation**
#' On the FI lexsyg device TL curves are recorded as time against count values.
#' Temperature values are monitored on the heating plate and stored in a
#' separate curve (time vs. temperature). If the option
#' `recalculate.TL.curves = TRUE` is chosen, the time values for each TL
#' curve are replaced by temperature values.
#' Practically, this means combining two matrices (Time vs. Counts and Time vs.
#' Temperature) with different row numbers by their time values. Three cases
#' are considered:
#' 1. HE: Heating element
#' 2. PMT: Photomultiplier tube
#' 3. Interpolation is done using the function [approx]
#' CASE (1): `nrow(matrix(PMT))` > `nrow(matrix(HE))`
#' Missing temperature values from the heating element are calculated using
#' time values from the PMT measurement.
#' CASE (2): `nrow(matrix(PMT))` < `nrow(matrix(HE))`
#' Missing count values from the PMT are calculated using time values from the
#' heating element measurement.
#' CASE (3): `nrow(matrix(PMT))` == `nrow(matrix(HE))`
#' A new matrix is produced using temperature values from the heating element
#' and count values from the PMT.
#' **Note:**
#' Please note that due to the recalculation of the temperature
#' values based on values delivered by the heating element, it may happen that
#' multiple count values exists for each temperature value and temperature
#' values may also decrease during heating, not only increase.
#' **Advanced file import**
#' To allow for a more efficient usage of the function, instead of single path
#' to a file just a directory can be passed as input. In this particular case
#' the function tries to extract all XSYG-files found in the directory and import
#' them all. Using this option internally the function constructs as list of
#' the XSYG-files found in the directory. Please note no recursive detection
#' is supported as this may lead to endless loops.
#' @param file [character] or [list] (**required**):
#' path and file name of the XSYG file. If input is a `list` it should comprise
#' only `character`s representing each valid path and XSYG-file names.
#' Alternatively the input character can be just a directory (path), in this case the
#' the function tries to detect and import all XSYG-files found in the directory.
#' @param recalculate.TL.curves [logical] (*with default*):
#' if set to `TRUE`, TL curves are returned as temperature against count values
#' (see details for more information) Note: The option overwrites the time vs.
#' count TL curve. Select `FALSE` to import the raw data delivered by the
#' lexsyg. Works for TL curves and spectra.
#' @param fastForward [logical] (*with default*):
#' if `TRUE` for a more efficient data processing only a list of [RLum.Analysis-class]
#' objects is returned.
#' @param import [logical] (*with default*):
#' if set to `FALSE`, only the XSYG file structure is shown.
#' @param pattern [regex] (*with default*):
#' optional regular expression if `file` is a link to a folder, to select just
#' specific XSYG-files
#' @param verbose [logical] (*with default*): enable or disable verbose mode. If verbose is `FALSE`
#' the `txtProgressBar` is also switched off
#' @param txtProgressBar [logical] (*with default*):
#' enables `TRUE` or disables `FALSE` the progression bar during import
#' @return
#' **Using the option `import = FALSE`**
#' A list consisting of two elements is shown:
#' - [data.frame] with information on file.
#' - [data.frame] with information on the sequences stored in the XSYG file.
#' **Using the option `import = TRUE` (default)**
#' A list is provided, the list elements
#' contain: \item{Sequence.Header}{[data.frame] with information on the
#' sequence.} \item{Sequence.Object}{[RLum.Analysis-class]
#' containing the curves.}
#' @note
#' This function is a beta version as the XSYG file format is not yet
#' fully specified. Thus, further file operations (merge, export, write) should
#' be done using the functions provided with the package [xml].
#' **So far, no image data import is provided!** \cr
#' Corresponding values in the XSXG file are skipped.
#' @section Function version: 0.6.11
#' @author
#' Sebastian Kreutzer, Institute of Geography, Heidelberg University (Germany)
#' @seealso [xml], [RLum.Analysis-class], [RLum.Data.Curve-class], [approx]
#' @references
#' Grehl, S., Kreutzer, S., Hoehne, M., 2013. Documentation of the
#' XSYG file format. Unpublished Technical Note. Freiberg, Germany
#' **Further reading**
#' XML: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XML]()
#' @keywords IO
#' @examples
#' ##(1) import XSYG file to R (uncomment for usage)
#' #FILE <- file.choose()
#' #temp <- read_XSYG2R(FILE)
#' ##(2) additional examples for pure XML import using the package XML
#' ##    (uncomment for usage)
#'   ##import entire XML file
#'   #FILE <- file.choose()
#'   #temp <- XML::xmlRoot(XML::xmlTreeParse(FILE))
#'   ##search for specific subnodes with curves containing 'OSL'
#'   #getNodeSet(temp, "//Sample/Sequence/Record[@@recordType = 'OSL']/Curve")
#' ##(2) How to extract single curves ... after import
#' data(ExampleData.XSYG, envir = environment())
#' ##grep one OSL curves and plot the first curve
#' OSLcurve <- get_RLum(OSL.SARMeasurement$Sequence.Object, recordType="OSL")[[1]]
#' ##(3) How to see the structure of an object?
#' structure_RLum(OSL.SARMeasurement$Sequence.Object)
#' @md
#' @export
read_XSYG2R <- function(
  recalculate.TL.curves = TRUE,
  fastForward = FALSE,
  import = TRUE,
  pattern = ".xsyg",
  verbose = TRUE,
  txtProgressBar = TRUE

  ##TODO: this function should be reshaped:
  ##  - metadata from the sequence should go into the info slot of the RLum.Analysis object
  ##   >> however, the question is whether this works with subsequent functions
  ##  - currently not all metadata are supported, it should be extended
  ##  - the should be a mode importing ALL metadata
  ##  - xlum should be general, xsyg should take care about subsequent details

  # Self Call -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Option (a): Input is a list, every element in the list will be treated as file connection
  # with that many file can be read in at the same time
  # Option (b): The input is just a path, the function tries to grep ALL xsyg/XSYG files in the
  # directory and import them, if this is detected, we proceed as list
  if(is(file, "character")) {
    ##If this is not really a path we skip this here
    if (dir.exists(file) & length(dir(file)) > 0) {
      if(verbose) cat("\n[read_XSYG2R()] Directory detected, trying to extract '*.xsyg' files ...\n")
      file <-
        as.list(paste0(file, dir(
          file, recursive = TRUE, pattern = pattern


  if (is(file, "list")) {
    temp.return <- lapply(1:length(file), function(x) {
        file = file[[x]],
        recalculate.TL.curves = recalculate.TL.curves,
        fastForward = fastForward,
        import = import,
        verbose = verbose,
        txtProgressBar = txtProgressBar

    if (fastForward) {
        return(unlist(temp.return, recursive = FALSE))

      } else{


    } else{



# Consistency check -----------------------------------------------------------
  ## check for URL and attempt download
    url_file <- .download_file(file, tempfile("read_XSYG2R_FILE"))
    url_file <- suppressMessages(.download_file(file, tempfile("read_XSYG2R_FILE")))

    file <- url_file

  ## normalise path, just in case
  file <- suppressWarnings(normalizePath(file))

  # (0) config --------------------------------------------------------------
  #version.supported <- c("1.0")

  #additional functions
  #get spectrum values
  # TODO: This function could be written also in C++, however, not necessary due to a low demand
  get_XSYG.spectrum.values <- function(curve.node){
    ##1st grep wavelength table
    wavelength <- XML::xmlAttrs(curve.node)["wavelengthTable"]

    ##string split
    wavelength <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(wavelength, split = ";", fixed = TRUE)))

    ##2nd grep time values
    curve.node <- unlist(strsplit(XML::xmlValue(curve.node), split = ";", fixed = TRUE))
    curve.node <- unlist(strsplit(curve.node, split = ",", fixed = TRUE), recursive = FALSE)

    curve.node.time <- as.numeric(curve.node[seq(1,length(curve.node),2)])

    ##3rd grep count values
    curve.node.count <- as.character(curve.node[seq(2,length(curve.node),2)])

    ##remove from pattern...
    curve.node.count <- do.call("gsub", list(pattern="[[]|[]]", replacement=" ",

    ##4th combine to spectrum matrix
    spectrum.matrix <- matrix(0,length(wavelength),length(curve.node.time))
    spectrum.matrix <- sapply(1:length(curve.node.time), function(x){
      as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(curve.node.count[x], "[|]")))


    ##change row names (rows are wavelength)
    rownames(spectrum.matrix) <- round(wavelength, digits=3)

    ##change column names (columns are time/temp values)
    colnames(spectrum.matrix) <- round(curve.node.time, digits=3)


  # (1) Integrity tests -----------------------------------------------------

  ##set HUGE for larger nodes
  HUGE <- 524288

  ##parse XML tree using the package XML
  temp <- try(
    XML::xmlRoot(XML::xmlTreeParse(file, useInternalNodes = TRUE, options = HUGE, error = NULL)),
    silent = TRUE)

  ##show error
  if(is(temp, "try-error") == TRUE){
    if(verbose) message("[read_XSYG2R()] XML file not readable, nothing imported!")


  # (2) Further file processing ---------------------------------------------

  if(import == FALSE){
    ##sample information
    temp.sample <- as.data.frame(XML::xmlAttrs(temp), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    ##grep sequences files

    ##set data.frame
    temp.sequence.header <- data.frame(t(1:length(names(XML::xmlAttrs(temp[[1]])))),
                                       stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    colnames(temp.sequence.header) <- names(XML::xmlAttrs(temp[[1]]))

    ##fill information in data.frame
    for(i in 1:XML::xmlSize(temp)){
      temp.sequence.header[i,] <- t(XML::xmlAttrs(temp[[i]]))


      ##additional option for fastForward == TRUE

        ##change column header
        temp.sample <- t(temp.sample)
        colnames(temp.sample) <- paste0("sample::", colnames(temp.sample))
        output <- cbind(temp.sequence.header, temp.sample)

        output <-  list(Sample = temp.sample, Sequences = temp.sequence.header)



  } else {

    ##Display output
      paste0("[read_XSYG2R()]\n  Importing: ",file)

    if(verbose && txtProgressBar){
      pb <- txtProgressBar(min=0,max=XML::xmlSize(temp), char = "=", style=3)

    ##loop over the entire sequence by sequence
    output <- lapply(1:XML::xmlSize(temp), function(x){

      ##read sequence header
      temp.sequence.header <- as.data.frame(XML::xmlAttrs(temp[[x]]), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

      ##account for non set value
      if(length(temp.sequence.header)!= 0)
        colnames(temp.sequence.header) <- ""

      ##read records >> records are combined to one RLum.Analysis object
      temp.sequence.object <- unlist(lapply(1:XML::xmlSize(temp[[x]]), function(i){

        ##get recordType
        temp.sequence.object.recordType <- try(XML::xmlAttrs(temp[[x]][[i]])["recordType"],
                                               silent = TRUE)

        ##the XSYG file might be broken due to a machine error during the measurement, this
        ##control flow helps; if a try-error is observed NULL is returned
        if(!inherits(temp.sequence.object.recordType, "try-error")){

         ##create a fallback, the function should not fail
         if(is.null(temp.sequence.object.recordType) || is.na(temp.sequence.object.recordType)){
           temp.sequence.object.recordType <- "not_set"


        ##correct record type in depending on the stimulator
        if(temp.sequence.object.recordType == "OSL"){

            XML::xmlSize(temp[[x]][[i]])]])["stimulator"] == "ir_LED_850" |
              XML::xmlSize(temp[[x]][[i]])]])["stimulator"] == "ir_LD_850"){

            temp.sequence.object.recordType  <- "IRSL"



        ##loop 3rd level
        lapply(1:XML::xmlSize(temp[[x]][[i]]), function(j){

          ##get values
          temp.sequence.object.curveValue <- temp[[x]][[i]][[j]]

          ##get curveType
          temp.sequence.object.curveType <- as.character(

          ##get detector
          temp.sequence.object.detector <- as.character(

          ##get stimulator
          temp.sequence.object.stimulator <- as.character(

          ##get additional information
          temp.sequence.object.info <- as.list(XML::xmlAttrs(temp.sequence.object.curveValue))

          ##add stimulator and detector and so on
          temp.sequence.object.info <- c(temp.sequence.object.info,
                                         position = as.integer(as.character(temp.sequence.header["position",])),
                                         name = as.character(temp.sequence.header["name",]))

          ## TL curve recalculation ============================================

            ##TL curve heating values is stored in the 3rd curve of every set
            if(temp.sequence.object.recordType == "TL" && j == 1){

              #grep values from PMT measurement or spectrometer
              if("Spectrometer" %in% temp.sequence.object.detector == FALSE){

                temp.sequence.object.curveValue.PMT <- src_get_XSYG_curve_values(XML::xmlValue(

                ##round values (1 digit is the technical resolution of the heating element)
                temp.sequence.object.curveValue.PMT[,1] <- round(
                  temp.sequence.object.curveValue.PMT[,1], digits = 1)

                #grep values from heating element
                temp.sequence.object.curveValue.heating.element <- src_get_XSYG_curve_values(XML::xmlValue(


                temp.sequence.object.curveValue.spectrum <- get_XSYG.spectrum.values(

                ##get time values which are stored in the row labels
                temp.sequence.object.curveValue.spectrum.time <- as.numeric(

                ##round values (1 digit is technical resolution of the heating element)
                temp.sequence.object.curveValue.spectrum.time <- round(
                  temp.sequence.object.curveValue.spectrum.time, digits = 1)


              #grep values from heating element
              temp.sequence.object.curveValue.heating.element <- src_get_XSYG_curve_values(XML::xmlValue(

              if("Spectrometer" %in% temp.sequence.object.detector == FALSE){

                #reduce matrix values to values of the detection
                temp.sequence.object.curveValue.heating.element <-
                    temp.sequence.object.curveValue.heating.element[,1] >=
                      min(temp.sequence.object.curveValue.PMT[,1]) &
                      temp.sequence.object.curveValue.heating.element[,1] <=
                      max(temp.sequence.object.curveValue.PMT[,1]), ,drop = FALSE]


                #reduce matrix values to values of the detection
                temp.sequence.object.curveValue.heating.element <-
                    temp.sequence.object.curveValue.heating.element[,1] >=
                      min(temp.sequence.object.curveValue.spectrum.time) &
                      temp.sequence.object.curveValue.heating.element[,1] <=


              ## calculate corresponding heating rate, this makes only sense
              ## for linear heating, therefore is has to be the maximum value

              ##remove 0 values (not measured) and limit to peak
              heating.rate.values <- temp.sequence.object.curveValue.heating.element[
                temp.sequence.object.curveValue.heating.element[,2] > 0 &
                  temp.sequence.object.curveValue.heating.element[,2] <=
                  max(temp.sequence.object.curveValue.heating.element[,2]),,drop = FALSE]

              heating.rate <- (heating.rate.values[length(heating.rate.values[,2]), 2] -
                (heating.rate.values[length(heating.rate.values[,1]), 1] -

              ##round values
              heating.rate <- round(heating.rate, digits=1)

              ##add to info element
              temp.sequence.object.info <- c(temp.sequence.object.info,
                                             RATE = heating.rate)

              ##check which object contains more data

              if("Spectrometer" %in% temp.sequence.object.detector == FALSE){

                ##CASE (1)
                if(nrow(temp.sequence.object.curveValue.PMT) >

                  temp.sequence.object.curveValue.heating.element.i <- approx(
                    x = temp.sequence.object.curveValue.heating.element[,1],
                    y = temp.sequence.object.curveValue.heating.element[,2],
                    xout = temp.sequence.object.curveValue.PMT[,1],
                    rule = 2)

                  temperature.values <-

                  count.values <-

                  ##CASE (2)
                }else if((nrow(temp.sequence.object.curveValue.PMT) <

                  temp.sequence.object.curveValue.PMT.i <- approx(
                    x = temp.sequence.object.curveValue.PMT[,1],
                    y = temp.sequence.object.curveValue.PMT[,2],
                    xout = temp.sequence.object.curveValue.heating.element[,1],
                    rule = 2)

                  temperature.values <-

                  count.values <- temp.sequence.object.curveValue.PMT.i$y

                  ##CASE (3)

                  temperature.values <-

                  count.values <- temp.sequence.object.curveValue.PMT[,2]


                ##combine as matrix
                temp.sequence.object.curveValue <- as.matrix(cbind(

                ##set curve identifier
                temp.sequence.object.info$curveDescripter <- "Temperature [\u00B0C]; Counts [a.u.]"


                ##CASE (1) here different approach. in contrast to the PMT measurements, as
                ##         usually the resolution should be much, much lower for such measurements
                ##         Otherwise we would introduce some pseudo signals, as we have to
                ##         take care of noise later one

                if(length(temp.sequence.object.curveValue.spectrum.time) !=

                  temp.sequence.object.curveValue.heating.element.i <- approx(
                    x = temp.sequence.object.curveValue.heating.element[,1],
                    y = temp.sequence.object.curveValue.heating.element[,2],
                    xout = temp.sequence.object.curveValue.spectrum.time,
                    rule = 2,
                    ties = mean)

                  temperature.values <-

                  ##check for duplicated values and if so, increase this values

                    temperature.values[which(duplicated(temperature.values))] <-

                    warning("[read_XSYG2R()] Temperatures values are found to be duplicated and increased by 1 K")


                  ##CASE (2)  (equal)

                  temperature.values <-


                ##reset values of the matrix
                colnames(temp.sequence.object.curveValue.spectrum) <- temperature.values
                temp.sequence.object.curveValue <- temp.sequence.object.curveValue.spectrum

                ##change curve descriptor
                temp.sequence.object.info$curveDescripter <- "Temperature [\u00B0C]; Wavelength [nm]; Counts [1/ch]"


          }##endif recalculate.TL.curves == TRUE

    # Cleanup info objects ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if("curveType" %in% names(temp.sequence.object.info))
      temp.sequence.object.info[["curveType"]] <- NULL

    # Set RLum.Data-objects -----------------------------------------------------------------------
          if("Spectrometer" %in% temp.sequence.object.detector == FALSE){

            if(is(temp.sequence.object.curveValue, "matrix") == FALSE){

              temp.sequence.object.curveValue <-


              class = "RLum.Data.Curve",
              originator = "read_XSYG2R",
              recordType = paste(temp.sequence.object.recordType,
                                 " (", temp.sequence.object.detector,")",
                                 sep = ""),
              curveType = temp.sequence.object.curveType,
              data = temp.sequence.object.curveValue,
              info = temp.sequence.object.info)

          }else if("Spectrometer" %in% temp.sequence.object.detector == TRUE) {

            if(is(temp.sequence.object.curveValue, "matrix") == FALSE){

              temp.sequence.object.curveValue <-


              class = "RLum.Data.Spectrum",
              originator = "read_XSYG2R",
              recordType = paste(temp.sequence.object.recordType,
                                 " (",temp.sequence.object.detector,")",
                                 sep = ""),
              curveType = temp.sequence.object.curveType,
              data = temp.sequence.object.curveValue,
              info = temp.sequence.object.info)





        }##if-try condition

       use.names = FALSE)

      ##if the XSYG file is broken we get NULL as list element
      if (!is.null(temp.sequence.object)) {
        ##set RLum.Analysis object
        temp.sequence.object <-  set_RLum(
          originator = "read_XSYG2R",
          class = "RLum.Analysis",
          records = temp.sequence.object,
          protocol = as.character(temp.sequence.header["protocol",1]),
          info = list(file = file)

        ##set parent uid of RLum.Anlaysis as parent ID of the records
        temp.sequence.object <- .set_pid(temp.sequence.object)

        ##update progress bar
        if (verbose && txtProgressBar) {
          setTxtProgressBar(pb, x)

        ##merge output and return values

          return(list(Sequence.Header = temp.sequence.header, Sequence.Object = temp.sequence.object))




    })##end loop for sequence list

    ##close ProgressBar
    if(verbose && txtProgressBar ){close(pb)}

    ##show output informatioj
    if(length(output[sapply(output, is.null)]) == 0){

        paste("\t >>",XML::xmlSize(temp), " sequence(s) loaded successfully.\n")


        paste("\t >>",XML::xmlSize(temp), " sequence(s) in file.", XML::xmlSize(temp)-length(output[sapply(output, is.null)]), "sequence(s) loaded successfully. \n")


      warning(paste0(length(output[sapply(output, is.null)])), " incomplete sequence(s) removed.")



  }#end if

  ##get rid of the NULL elements (as stated before ... invalid files)


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