
Defines functions degen.test rerun.kf loglog.conv.test MARSSkem

Documented in MARSSkem

#   KEM function
#   Minimal error checking is done.  You should run is.marssMLE(MLEobj) before calling this.
#   Maximization using an EM algorithm with Kalman filter
MARSSkem <- function(MLEobj) {
  MODELobj <- MLEobj[["marss"]]
  # This is a core function and does not check if user specified a legal or solveable model.
  # y is MLEobj$marss$data with the missing values replaced by 0
  kf.x0 <- ifelse(MODELobj[["tinitx"]] == 1, "x10", "x00") # the initial conditions treatment "x00" x0 is at t=0 or "x01" x0 is at t=1
  # kf.x0=x00 prior is defined as being E[x(t=0)|y(t=0)]; xtt[0]=x0; Vtt[0]=V0
  # kf.x1=x10 prior is defined as being E[x(t=0)|y(t=0)]; xtt1[1]=x0; Vtt1[1]=V0

  # The model will be form = marss, so use base function for that form here
  constr.type <- describe_marss(MODELobj)
  # Check that model is allowed given the EM algorithm constraints; returns some info on the model structure
  if (MLEobj[["control"]][["trace"]] != -1) {
    errhead <- "\nErrors were caught in MARSSkemcheck \n"
    errmsg <- " Try using foo=MARSS(..., fit=FALSE), then summary(foo$model) to see what model you are trying to fit.\n"
    tmp <- MARSSkemcheck(MLEobj)
    if (!tmp$ok) {
      cat(c(errhead, tmp$msg, errmsg))
      stop("Stopped in MARSSkemcheck() due to specification problem(s).\n", call. = FALSE)

  # set up holders for warning messages
  msg <- NULL
  stop.msg <- NULL
  msg.kem <- NULL
  msg.kf <- NULL
  msg.conv <- NULL # error messages

  ## attach would be risky here since user might have one of these variables in their workspace
  y <- MODELobj[["data"]] # must have time going across columns
  d <- MODELobj[["free"]] # D or free matrix
  f <- MODELobj[["fixed"]] # f matrix
  inits <- MLEobj[["start"]]
  model.el <- attr(MODELobj, "par.names")
  model.dims <- attr(MODELobj, "model.dims")
  n <- model.dims[["data"]][1]
  TT <- model.dims[["data"]][2]
  m <- model.dims[["x"]][1]
  Id <- list(m = diag(1, m), n = diag(1, n))
  IIm <- diag(1, m) # identity matrices

  control <- MLEobj$control
  stopped.with.errors <- FALSE
  kf <- NULL
  condition.limit <- 1E10

  ## Set up MLE object for the iterations
  MLEobj.iter <- MLEobj
  MLEobj.iter$constr.type <- constr.type
  MLEobj.iter$par <- list()
  ## assign the starting parameter values; use fixed values where fixed otherwise use inits
  for (elem in model.el) MLEobj.iter$par[[elem]] <- inits[[elem]]

  ## make a list of time-varying and fixed parameters
  time.varying <- fixed <- list()
  for (elem in model.el) {
    if (is.fixed(d[[elem]])) {
      MLEobj.iter$par[[elem]] <- matrix(0, 0, 1)
      fixed[[elem]] <- TRUE
    } else {
      fixed[[elem]] <- FALSE
    if (model.dims[[elem]][3] == 1) {
      time.varying[[elem]] <- FALSE
    } else {
      time.varying[[elem]] <- TRUE
    } # time-varying
  # flags for whether a 0 was set on R or Q diagonals; determines whether various is.zero diagonal matrices are recomputed
  set.degen <- list(Q = FALSE, R = FALSE, V0 = FALSE)
  # define a couple constants that come up a lot
  # this is L%*V0%*%t(L)
  tmpV <- tcrossprod(parmat(MLEobj.iter, "L", t = 1)$L %*% parmat(MLEobj.iter, "V0", t = 1)$V0, parmat(MLEobj.iter, "L", t = 1)$L)
  IIzV0 <- diag(as.numeric(diag(tmpV) == 0), m)
  IImIIzV0 <- (IIm - IIzV0)

  ## zero out the missing values
  y[is.na(y)] <- 0

  ## Set up variable for debuging and diagnostics
  iter.record <- list(par = NULL, logLik = NULL)

  ################# The main EM loop which will run until tol reached or max.iter reached

  # set up the convergence flags
  cvg <- 1 + control$abstol
  MLEobj.iter$logLik <- NA # start with no value
  # 72 means no info yet; 0 means converged
  MLEobj.iter$conv.test <- list(convergence = 72, messages = "No convergence testing performed.\n", not.converged.params = names(coef(MLEobj.iter, type = "vector")), converged.params = c())

  if (control$silent == 2) cat("EM iteration: ")
  for (iter in 1:(control$maxit + 1)) { #+1 so that the iter.record and kf are run for the last EM iteration
    if (control$silent == 2) cat(iter, " ")
    ################# E STEP Estimate states given U,Q,A,R,B,X0 via Kalman filter
    kf.last <- kf
    kf <- MARSSkf(MLEobj.iter) # kf selects the function based on MLEobj$fun.kf
    if (!kf$ok) {
      if (control$trace > 0) {
        msg.kf <- c(msg.kf, paste("iter=", iter, " ", kf$errors))
      } else {
        msg.kf <- kf$errors
      stop.msg <- paste("Stopped at iter=", iter, " in MARSSkem() because numerical errors were generated in the Kalman filter.\n", sep = "")
      stopped.with.errors <- TRUE
    MLEobj.iter$kf <- kf
    MLEobj.iter$logLik <- kf$logLik
    if (control$demean.states) {
      xbar <- try(apply(cbind(kf$x0T, kf$xtT), 1, mean))
      MLEobj.iter$kf$xtT <- kf$xtT - xbar
      MLEobj.iter$kf$x0T <- kf$x0T - xbar

    Ey <- MARSShatyt(MLEobj.iter)
    if (!Ey$ok) {
      if (control$trace > 0) {
        msg.kf <- c(msg.kf, paste("iter=", iter, " ", Ey$errors))
      } else {
        msg.kf <- Ey$errors
      stop.msg <- paste("Stopped at iter=", iter, " in MARSSkem() because numerical errors were generated in MARSShatyt\n", sep = "")
      stopped.with.errors <- TRUE
    MLEobj.iter$Ey <- Ey

    # This is a diagnostic line that checks if the solution is becoming unstable; likelike.old is set first at iter=1
    if (iter > 1 && is.finite(loglike.old) == TRUE && is.finite(MLEobj.iter$logLik) == TRUE) cvg <- MLEobj.iter$logLik - loglike.old
    if (iter > 2 & cvg < -sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) {
      if (control$trace > 0) {
        msg.kem <- c(msg.kem, paste("iter=", iter, " LogLike DROPPED.  old=", loglike.old, " new=", MLEobj.iter$logLik, "\n", sep = ""))
      } else {
        msg.kem <- "MARSSkem: The solution became unstable and logLik DROPPED. Try MARSSinfo('LLdropped') for insight.\n"

    # Keep a record of the iterations for debugging and convergence diagnostics
    if (control$trace > 0) { # if trace is on, keep the full record over all iterations
      iter.record$par <- rbind(iter.record$par, coef(MLEobj.iter, type = "vector"))
      iter.record$logLik <- c(iter.record$logLik, MLEobj.iter$logLik)
      if (!is.null(MLEobj.iter[["kf"]][["errors"]])) {
        msg.kf <- c(msg.kf, paste("iter=", iter, " ", kf$errors, sep = ""))
      MLEobj.iter$iter.record <- iter.record
    } else { # Otherwise keep just last (control$conv.test.deltaT+1) iterations for diagnostics
      iter.record$par <- rbind(iter.record$par, coef(MLEobj.iter, type = "vector"))
      iter.record$logLik <- c(iter.record$logLik, MLEobj.iter$logLik)
      tmp.len <- dim(iter.record$par)[1]
      if (tmp.len > (control$conv.test.deltaT + 1)) {
        iter.record$par <- as.matrix(iter.record$par[(tmp.len - control$conv.test.deltaT):tmp.len, , drop = FALSE])
        iter.record$logLik <- iter.record$logLik[(tmp.len - control$conv.test.deltaT):tmp.len]
      MLEobj.iter$iter.record <- iter.record

    # Convergence Test
    if (iter >= control$minit) { # then do convergence testing
      if (cvg >= 0 && cvg < control$abstol) {
        if (iter >= control$min.iter.conv.test) {
          MLEobj.iter$conv.test <- loglog.conv.test(iter.record, iter, deltaT = control$conv.test.deltaT, tol = control$conv.test.slope.tol)
          if (MLEobj.iter$conv.test$convergence != 1) break # 1=not converged, keep going; 0=converged; anything else=problem
        } else {
          MLEobj.iter$conv.test$convergence <- 3
        } # abstol reached log-log hasn't run yet because min.iter.cov.test not reached
      } else {
        MLEobj.iter$conv.test$convergence <- 4
      } # minit reached but not abstol
    if (iter > control$maxit) {
      iter <- control$maxit
    } # reset iter to maxit since needed to determine if stopped due to reaching maxit

    # Store loglike for comparison to new one after parameters are updated
    loglike.old <- MLEobj.iter$logLik

    # set the parameters at t=1
    par1 <- parmat(MLEobj.iter, t = 1)

    ################# M STEP update U,Q,A,R,B,X0 via ML given x(t) estimate
    # Update Q and R
    # Run Kalman smoother again to update the hidden states expectations
    # Update the other parameters

    # Get new R subject to its constraints
    # For the degen test, I require that d is a design matrix;
    if (control[["allow.degen"]]) {
      tmp <- degen.test("R", MLEobj.iter, iter) # this will test degeneracy and replace diags with 0s if needed
      MLEobj.iter <- tmp$MLEobj
      msg.kem <- c(msg.kem, tmp$msg)
      # update d and f because some of the R diagonals may have been set to 0
      if (tmp$set.degen) { # then some diagonals set to 0 so need to update values
        d$R <- MLEobj.iter$marss$free$R
        f$R <- MLEobj.iter$marss$fixed$R
        kf <- MLEobj.iter$kf
        Ey <- MLEobj.iter$Ey
        fixed$R <- is.fixed(d$R)
        set.degen$R <- TRUE # flag so that the identity matrices are redone

    # Now run the standard EM update equations
    if (!fixed[["R"]]) {
      sum1 <- t.dR.dR <- 0
      Z <- par1$Z
      A <- par1$A
      for (i in 1:TT) {
        if (time.varying[["Z"]] & i > 1) {
          Z <- parmat(MLEobj.iter, "Z", t = i)$Z
        if (time.varying[["A"]] & i > 1) {
          A <- parmat(MLEobj.iter, "A", t = i)$A
        if (i == 1 || time.varying[["R"]]) {
          dR <- sub3D(d[["R"]], t = i) # by def, i goes to TT if time-varying
          t.dR.dR <- t.dR.dR + crossprod(dR)
        hatyt <- Ey[["ytT"]][, i, drop = FALSE]
        hatyxt <- sub3D(Ey[["yxtT"]], t = i)
        hatOt <- sub3D(Ey[["OtT"]], t = i)
        hatPt <- kf[["VtT"]][, , i] + tcrossprod(kf[["xtT"]][, i, drop = FALSE])
        hatxt <- kf[["xtT"]][, i, drop = FALSE]
        sum1a <- (hatOt - tcrossprod(hatyxt, Z) - tcrossprod(Z, hatyxt) - tcrossprod(hatyt, A) - tcrossprod(A, hatyt) +
          tcrossprod(Z %*% hatPt, Z) + tcrossprod(Z %*% hatxt, A) + tcrossprod(A, Z %*% hatxt) + tcrossprod(A)) # A%*%t.A
        sum1a <- symm(sum1a) # enforce symmetry function from MARSSkf
        sum1 <- sum1 + crossprod(dR, vec(sum1a))
      if (time.varying[["R"]]) {
        if (length(t.dR.dR) == 1) {
          inv.dR <- 1 / t.dR.dR
        } else {
          inv.dR <- pcholinv(t.dR.dR)
      } else {
        if (length(t.dR.dR) == 1) {
          inv.dR <- (1 / t.dR.dR) / TT
        } else {
          inv.dR <- pcholinv(t.dR.dR) / TT

      MLEobj.iter[["par"]][["R"]] <- inv.dR %*% sum1 # .03
      par1[["R"]] <- parmat(MLEobj.iter, "R", t = 1)$R

      # Start~~~~~~~~Error checking
      R <- par1$R # reset
      for (i in 1:model.dims[["R"]][3]) {
        if (time.varying$R & i > 1) R <- parmat(MLEobj.iter, "R", t = i)$R
        if (any(eigen(R, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)$values < 0)) {
          stop.msg <- paste("Stopped at iter=", iter, " in MARSSkem: solution became unstable. R update is not positive definite.\n", sep = "")
          stopped.with.errors <- TRUE
      if (stopped.with.errors) break
      if (control$safe && !fixed[["R"]]) {
        new.kf <- rerun.kf("R", MLEobj.iter, iter)
        if (!new.kf$ok) {
          stopped.with.errors <- TRUE
          msg.kf <- c(msg.kf, new.kf$msg.kf)
          stop.msg <- new.kf$stop.msg
        } else {
          kf <- new.kf$kf
          MLEobj.iter$kf <- kf
          MLEobj.iter$logLik <- kf$logLik
          Ey <- MARSShatyt(MLEobj.iter)
          MLEobj.iter$Ey <- Ey
          msg.kem <- c(msg.kem, new.kf$msg.kem)
    } # R not fixed

    # Get new Q subject to its constraints
    # Start the testing for 0s along the diagonal of Q
    # For the degen test, I require that d is a design matrix;
    if (control[["allow.degen"]]) {
      tmp <- degen.test("Q", MLEobj.iter, iter) # this will test degeneracy and replace diags with 0s if needed
      MLEobj.iter <- tmp$MLEobj
      msg.kem <- c(msg.kem, tmp$msg)
      if (tmp$set.degen) {
        d$Q <- MLEobj.iter$marss$free$Q
        f$Q <- MLEobj.iter$marss$fixed$Q
        kf <- MLEobj.iter$kf
        Ey <- MLEobj.iter$Ey
        fixed$Q <- is.fixed(d$Q)
        set.degen$Q <- TRUE # flag so that the identity matrices are redone

    # Then do the regular EM update
    if (!fixed[["Q"]]) { # dim d$Q =0 or d$Q all zeros
      # If you treat x0 as at t=1 then
      # S00 = 0; S11 = 0; S10 = 0; X1 = 0; X0 = 0; TT.numer = TT-1
      # Otherwise if x0 is at t=0 follow Shumway and Stoffer (S&S2006 Eqn 6.67-69)

      dQ <- sub3D(d$Q, t = 1) # won't be all zeros due to !is.fixed
      B <- par1$B
      U <- par1$U
      if (kf.x0 == "x00") {
        TT.numer <- TT
        # IImIIzV0 = (IIm-IIz$V0[,,1]); IIzV0 = IIz$V0[,,1]
        X0 <- IImIIzV0 %*% kf$x0T + IIzV0 %*% par1$x0
        S00 <- kf$V0T + tcrossprod(X0)
        S10 <- kf$Vtt1T[, , 1] + tcrossprod(kf$xtT[, 1, drop = FALSE], X0) # where diag.V0=0 kf$Vtt1T[,,1]=0 since x at t-1 is fixed
        S11 <- kf$VtT[, , 1] + tcrossprod(kf$xtT[, 1, drop = FALSE])
        X1 <- kf$xtT[, 1, drop = FALSE]
        sum1a <- (S11 - tcrossprod(B, S10) - tcrossprod(S10, B) + tcrossprod(B %*% S00, B)
          - tcrossprod(U, X1) - tcrossprod(X1, U) + tcrossprod(U, B %*% X0) + tcrossprod(B %*% X0, U) + tcrossprod(U)) # U%*%t.U
        sum1a <- symm(sum1a) # symmetry function from MARSSkf
        sum1 <- crossprod(dQ, vec(sum1a))
        t.dQ.dQ <- crossprod(dQ)
      if (kf.x0 == "x10") {
        sum1 <- 0
        t.dQ.dQ <- 0
        TT.numer <- TT - 1
        # Gharamani treatment of initial condition; the initial condition specifies x at t=1

      for (i in 2:TT) {
        S00 <- kf[["VtT"]][, , i - 1] + tcrossprod(kf[["xtT"]][, i - 1, drop = FALSE]) # sum 2:T E(xt1T%*%t(xt1T))
        S10 <- kf[["Vtt1T"]][, , i] + tcrossprod(kf[["xtT"]][, i, drop = FALSE], kf[["xtT"]][, i - 1, drop = FALSE]) # sum 2:T E(xtT%*%t(xt1T))
        S11 <- kf[["VtT"]][, , i] + tcrossprod(kf[["xtT"]][, i, drop = FALSE]) # sum 2:T E(xtT%*%t(xt1T))
        X0 <- kf[["xtT"]][, i - 1, drop = FALSE] # sum 2:T E(xt1T)
        X1 <- kf[["xtT"]][, i, drop = FALSE] # sum 2:T E(xtT)
        if (time.varying[["B"]]) {
          B <- parmat(MLEobj.iter, "B", t = i)$B
        if (time.varying[["U"]]) {
          U <- parmat(MLEobj.iter, "U", t = i)$U
        if (time.varying[["Q"]]) {
          dQ <- sub3D(d[["Q"]], t = i)
          t.dQ.dQ <- t.dQ.dQ + crossprod(dQ)
        sum1a <- (S11 - tcrossprod(B, S10) - tcrossprod(S10, B) + tcrossprod(B %*% S00, B)
          - tcrossprod(U, X1) - tcrossprod(X1, U) + tcrossprod(U, B %*% X0) + tcrossprod(B %*% X0, U) + tcrossprod(U))
        sum1a <- symm(sum1a) # enforce symmetry function from MARSSkf
        sum1 <- sum1 + crossprod(dQ, vec(sum1a))

      # pcholinv because there might be all zero cols in dQ; won't equal matrix(0,1,1) since !is.fixed
      if (time.varying[["Q"]]) {
        if (length(t.dQ.dQ) == 1) {
          inv.dQ <- 1 / t.dQ.dQ
        } else {
          inv.dQ <- pcholinv(t.dQ.dQ)
      } else {
        t.dQ.dQ <- crossprod(dQ) # t.dQ%*%dQ
        if (length(t.dQ.dQ) == 1) {
          inv.dQ <- (1 / t.dQ.dQ) / TT.numer
        } else {
          inv.dQ <- pcholinv(t.dQ.dQ) / TT.numer
      # 0 will appear in par where there are all 0 cols in d since inv.dQ will be 0 row/col there
      MLEobj.iter$par$Q <- inv.dQ %*% sum1
      par1$Q <- parmat(MLEobj.iter, "Q", t = 1)$Q

      # Start~~~~~~~~~~~~Error checking
      Q <- par1$Q # reset
      for (i in 1:max(dim(d$Q)[3], dim(f$Q)[3])) {
        if (time.varying$Q & i > 1) Q <- parmat(MLEobj.iter, "Q", t = i)$Q
        if (any(eigen(Q, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)$values < 0)) {
          stop.msg <- paste("Stopped at iter=", iter, " in MARSSkem: solution became unstable. Q update is not positive definite.\n", sep = "")
          stopped.with.errors <- TRUE
      if (stopped.with.errors) break
      if (control$safe && !fixed[["Q"]]) {
        new.kf <- rerun.kf("Q", MLEobj.iter, iter)
        if (!new.kf$ok) {
          stopped.with.errors <- TRUE
          msg.kf <- c(msg.kf, new.kf$msg.kf)
          stop.msg <- new.kf$stop.msg
        } else {
          kf <- new.kf$kf
          MLEobj.iter$kf <- kf
          MLEobj.iter$logLik <- kf$logLik
          Ey <- MARSShatyt(MLEobj.iter)
          MLEobj.iter$Ey <- Ey
          msg.kem <- c(msg.kem, new.kf$msg.kem)
    } # if Q not fixed

    # This code sets up the IIz and star (inverse) matrices needed
    # This only needs to be done at iter=1 or if Q, R or V0 might have changed
    if (iter == 1 || set.degen[["Q"]] || set.degen[["R"]] || !fixed[["Q"]] || !fixed[["R"]] || !fixed[["V0"]]) {
      # Set up the variance matrices needed for the degenerate case
      if (iter == 1) {
        IIz <- star <- list() # IIz location of 0s on diagonal
        elems <- c("Q", "R", "V0")
        for (elem in elems) { # set up the arrays; only needed at iter=1
          # var-cov = G Q t(G) and H R t(H)
          elem1 <- "L"
          if (elem == "Q") elem1 <- "G"
          if (elem == "R") elem1 <- "H"
          star[[elem]] <- IIz[[elem]] <- array(0, dim = c(model.dims[[elem1]][1], model.dims[[elem1]][1], max(model.dims[[elem]][3], model.dims[[elem1]][3])))
      } else {
        elems <- c("Q", "R", "V0")[c((!fixed[["Q"]] | set.degen[["Q"]]), (!fixed[["R"]] | set.degen[["R"]]), !fixed[["V0"]])]
      for (elem in elems) {
        elem1 <- "L"
        if (elem == "Q") elem1 <- "G"
        if (elem == "R") elem1 <- "H"
        thedim <- model.dims[[elem1]][1]
        maxT <- model.dims[[elem]][3] # Q, R, or V0
        maxT1 <- model.dims[[elem1]][3] # G, H, or L
        # star$elem is mathbb{elem}; the bolded Q, R, and L in section 4.4 and 5
        # move up so only done once; star[[elem]]=IIz[[elem]]=array(0,dim=c(thedim,thedim,maxT))
        if (maxT == 1) QRV <- parmat(MLEobj.iter, elem, t = 1)[[elem]]
        if (maxT1 == 1) GHL <- parmat(MLEobj.iter, elem1, t = 1)[[elem1]]
        for (i in 1:max(maxT, maxT1)) {
          if (maxT != 1) QRV <- parmat(MLEobj.iter, elem, t = i)[[elem]]
          if (maxT1 != 1) GHL <- parmat(MLEobj.iter, elem1, t = i)[[elem1]]
          # this is being done to find the zeros on the diagonal
          pari <- tcrossprod(GHL %*% QRV, GHL)
          # These are the identity matrices used to identify the location of deterministic rows of x;
          # section 7.2 in EM Derivations "Idntifying the fully deterministic x rows"
          # IIz means location of 0s on diagonal of var-cov matrix GHL%*%QRV%*%t(GHL)
          if (iter == 1 || set.degen[[elem]]) {
            IIz[[elem]][, , i] <- diag(as.numeric(diag(pari) == 0), thedim)
            # I the locations of 0s on diagonal of Q are time-constant; see section 7.2
            if (elem == "Q" & max(maxT, maxT1) != 1) {
              if (!all.equal(IIz[[elem]][, , 1], IIz[[elem]][, , i])) {
                stop.msg <- paste("Stopped at iter=", iter, " in MARSSkem. IIz$Q (location of 0s on diagonal) must be time invariant.\nYou probably want to set allow.degen=FALSE if it is true.\n", sep = "")
                stopped.with.errors <- TRUE
          # this is defining the bolded Q, R and K in section 4.4 and 5 of the EM Derivation
          starmultiplier <- tcrossprod(pcholinv(crossprod(GHL)), GHL)
          star[[elem]][, , i] <- crossprod(starmultiplier, pcholinv(QRV) %*% starmultiplier)
        set.degen[[elem]] <- FALSE # reset so this code is not run again
        if (elem == "V0" && (iter == 1 || set.degen[["V0"]])) { # then 0 location in V0 has potentially changed (via degen.test(V0))
          # set up the diag matrices needed often
          IIzV0 <- sub3D(IIz[["V0"]], t = 1)
          IImIIzV0 <- (IIm - IIzV0)
      } # for over elems
      if (stopped.with.errors) break
    } # if Q, R or V0 is not fixed or a value was set to 0 via allow.degen or iter=1

    # Get new x0 subject to its constraints
    if (!fixed[["x0"]]) { # some element needs estimating
      f.x0 <- sub3D(f$x0, t = 1)
      d.x0 <- sub3D(d$x0, t = 1)
      A <- par1$A
      Z <- par1$Z
      B <- par1$B
      U <- par1$U
      Qinv <- sub3D(star$Q, t = 1)
      diag.Q <- 1 - takediag(IIz$Q[, , 1])
      Rinv <- sub3D(star$R, t = 1)
      diag.R1 <- 1 - takediag(IIz$R[, , 1])
      IIz.R <- sub3D(IIz$R, t = 1)
      x0.degen.update <- FALSE
      diag.V0 <- 1 - takediag(IIzV0)
      nQ0 <- sum(diag.Q == 0)
      if (any(diag.Q == 0)) x0.degen.update <- !is.fixed(d.x0[diag.Q == 0, , drop = FALSE])
      numer <- denom <- 0
      if (kf.x0 == "x00") hatxt0 <- kf$x0T else hatxt0 <- kf$xtT[, 1, drop = FALSE]
      if (any(diag.V0 == 1)) { # meaning some V0 positive
        denom <- crossprod(d.x0, star$V0[, , 1] %*% d.x0)
        numer <- crossprod(d.x0, hatxt0 - f.x0)

      if (any(diag.V0 == 0)) {
        AdjM <- B
        AdjM[AdjM != 0] <- 1
        if (kf.x0 == "x00") {
          # set up values for t=1
          Bstar <- B
          Bstar.tm <- IIm
          Ustar <- U
          Ustar.tm <- 0 * U
          Mt <- AdjM
          IId.tm <- IIm # t=0; no w's
          IId <- makediag(1 - diag.Q) # only can be w free if Q==0
          if (any(diag.Q == 0) & any(diag.Q != 0)) { # which did not pick up a zero from B
            IId[diag.Q == 0, diag.Q == 0][1 + 0:(nQ0 - 1) * (nQ0 + 1)] <- apply(Mt[diag.Q == 0, diag.Q != 0, drop = FALSE] == 0, 1, all)
          Delta7 <- kf$xtT[, 1, drop = FALSE] - B %*% (IImIIzV0 %*% hatxt0 + IIzV0 %*% f.x0) - U
          Delta8 <- B %*% IIzV0 %*% d.x0 # since IId.tm and Bstar.tm are IIm
          numer <- numer + crossprod(Delta8, Qinv %*% Delta7)
          denom <- denom + crossprod(Delta8, Qinv %*% Delta8)
        } else { # x10
          Bstar <- IIm
          Ustar <- 0 * U
          IId.tm <- 0
          IId <- IIm
          Mt <- IIm
        if (any(IId == 1)) { # again t=1
          Delta5 <- Ey$ytT[, 1, drop = FALSE] - Z %*% ((IIm - IId) %*% kf$xtT[, 1, drop = FALSE]) - Z %*% IId %*% (Bstar %*% (IImIIzV0 %*% hatxt0 + IIzV0 %*% f.x0) + Ustar) - A
          Delta6 <- Z %*% IId %*% Bstar %*% (IIzV0 %*% d.x0)
          if (any(diag.R1 == 0)) {
            if (any(crossprod(Delta6, IIz.R) %*% Delta6 != 0)) {
              stop.msg <- paste("Stopped at iter=", iter, " in MARSSkem at x0 update.\n There are 0s on R diagonal. x0 assoc with these must be fixed (not estimated)\n when using the EM algorithm. Try method=\"BFGS\".  Type MARSSinfo(\"x0R0\") for help.\n", sep = "")
              stopped.with.errors <- TRUE
          numer <- numer + crossprod(Delta6, Rinv %*% Delta5)
          denom <- denom + crossprod(Delta6, Rinv %*% Delta6)
        # t>1 will break out as soon as no IId=1
        for (t in 2:TT) { # start at 2 if x00; at 3 if x10
          if (!any(IId == 1)) break
          if (time.varying$A) A <- parmat(MLEobj.iter, c("A"), t = t)$A
          if (time.varying$B) B <- parmat(MLEobj.iter, c("B"), t = t)$B
          if (time.varying$U) U <- parmat(MLEobj.iter, c("U"), t = t)$U
          if (time.varying$Z) Z <- parmat(MLEobj.iter, c("Z"), t = t)$Z
          if (time.varying$R) {
            Rinv <- star$R[, , t]
            IIz.R <- sub3D(IIz$R, t = t)
          if (time.varying$Q) Qinv <- star$Q[, , t]
          Ustar.tm <- Ustar
          Ustar <- B %*% Ustar + U
          Bstar.tm <- Bstar
          Bstar <- B %*% Bstar
          if (t <= (m + 1)) {
            IId.tm <- IId
            Mt <- AdjM %*% Mt
            IId <- makediag(1 - diag.Q) # only can be w free if Q==0
            if (any(diag.Q == 0) & any(diag.Q != 0)) {
              IId[diag.Q == 0, diag.Q == 0][1 + 0:(nQ0 - 1) * (nQ0 + 1)] <- apply(Mt[diag.Q == 0, diag.Q != 0, drop = FALSE] == 0, 1, all)
          if (any(IId == 1)) {
            Delta5 <- Ey$ytT[, t, drop = FALSE] - Z %*% ((IIm - IId) %*% kf$xtT[, t, drop = FALSE]) - Z %*% IId %*% (Bstar %*% (IImIIzV0 %*% hatxt0 + IIzV0 %*% f.x0) + Ustar) - A
            Delta6 <- Z %*% IId %*% Bstar %*% (IIzV0 %*% d.x0)
            # Deal with Delta6=0 and Rinv=Inf, so 0*Inf
            if (any(diag.R1 == 0)) {
              if (any(crossprod(Delta6, IIz.R) %*% Delta6 != 0)) {
                stop.msg <- paste("Stopped at iter=", iter, " in MARSSkem at x0 update.\n There are 0s on R diagonal. x0 assoc with these must be fixed (not estimated)\n when using the EM algorithm. Try method=\"BFGS\".  Type MARSSinfo(\"x0R0\") for help.\n", sep = "")
                stopped.with.errors <- TRUE
            numer <- numer + crossprod(Delta6, Rinv %*% Delta5)
            denom <- denom + crossprod(Delta6, Rinv %*% Delta6)
          if (any(IId.tm == 1)) {
            Delta7 <- kf$xtT[, t, drop = FALSE] - B %*% (IIm - IId.tm) %*% kf$xtT[, t - 1, drop = FALSE] - B %*% IId.tm %*% (Bstar.tm %*% (IImIIzV0 %*% hatxt0 + IIzV0 %*% f.x0) + Ustar.tm) - U
            Delta8 <- B %*% IId.tm %*% Bstar.tm %*% (IIzV0 %*% d.x0)
            numer <- numer + crossprod(Delta8, Qinv %*% Delta7)
            denom <- denom + crossprod(Delta8, Qinv %*% Delta8)
        } # for t
      } # any diag.LAM=0
      if (length(denom) == 1) {
        denom <- 1 / denom
      } else {
        denom <- try(pcholinv(denom))
      if (inherits(denom, "try-error") || (length(denom) == 1 && denom == Inf)) {
        stop.msg <- paste("Stopped at iter=", iter, " in MARSSkem at x0 update. denom is not invertible. \n This means that some of the x0 cannot be estimated. Type MARSSinfo('denominv') for more info. \n", sep = "")
        stopped.with.errors <- TRUE
      MLEobj.iter$par$x0 <- denom %*% numer
      if (!is.matrix(MLEobj.iter$par$x0)) MLEobj.iter$par$x0 <- matrix(MLEobj.iter$par$x0, dim(d$x0)[2], 1)
      par1$x0 <- parmat(MLEobj.iter, "x0", t = 1)$x0

      # ~~~~~~~~Error checking
      if (control$safe && !fixed[["x0"]]) {
        new.kf <- rerun.kf("x0", MLEobj.iter, iter)
        if (!new.kf$ok) {
          stopped.with.errors <- TRUE
          msg.kf <- c(msg.kf, new.kf$msg.kf)
          stop.msg <- new.kf$stop.msg
        } else {
          kf <- new.kf$kf
          MLEobj.iter$kf <- kf
          MLEobj.iter$logLik <- kf$logLik
          Ey <- MARSShatyt(MLEobj.iter)
          MLEobj.iter$Ey <- Ey
          msg.kem <- c(msg.kem, new.kf$msg.kem)
    } # x0 is not fixed

    # Get new V0 subject to its constraints
    if (!fixed[["V0"]]) { # some element needs estimating (obviously V0!=0)
      dV0 <- sub3D(d$V0, t = 1)
      V0.update <- chol2inv(chol(crossprod(dV0))) %*% crossprod(dV0, vec(kf$V0T))
      MLEobj.iter$par$V0 <- V0.update
      if (!is.matrix(MLEobj.iter$par$V0)) MLEobj.iter$par$V0 <- matrix(MLEobj.iter$par$V0, dim(d$V0)[2], 1)
      par1$V0 <- parmat(MLEobj.iter, "V0", t = 1)$V0

      # ~~~~~~~~Error checking
      if (any(eigen(par1$V0, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)$values < 0)) {
        tmp <- ""
        if (!is.unitcircle(par1$B)) tmp <- "Your B matrix is outside the unit circle.  This is likely the problem.\n"
        stop.msg <- paste("Stopped at iter=", iter, " in MARSSkem: solution became unstable. V0 update is not positive definite.\n", tmp, sep = "")
        stopped.with.errors <- TRUE

      if (control$safe) {
        new.kf <- rerun.kf("V0", MLEobj.iter, iter)
        if (!new.kf$ok) {
          stopped.with.errors <- TRUE
          msg.kf <- c(msg.kf, new.kf$msg.kf)
          stop.msg <- new.kf$stop.msg
        } else {
          kf <- new.kf$kf
          MLEobj.iter$kf <- kf
          MLEobj.iter$logLik <- kf$logLik
          Ey <- MARSShatyt(MLEobj.iter)
          MLEobj.iter$Ey <- Ey
          msg.kem <- c(msg.kem, new.kf$msg.kem)
    } # if not fixed V0

    # Get new A subject to its constraints (update of R will use this)
    if (!fixed[["A"]]) { # if there is anything to update
      # note if Z and f.a are constant then we can write this as numer = (Ey$ytT - Z %*% kf$xtT)%*%matrix(1,dim(kf$xtT)[2],1)-TT*f$A
      numer <- denom <- 0
      Z <- par1$Z # reset
      starR <- star[["R"]][, , 1]
      for (i in 1:TT) {
        if (time.varying[["Z"]] & i > 1) Z <- parmat(MLEobj.iter, "Z", t = i)$Z
        if (i == 1 || time.varying[["A"]]) {
          dA <- sub3D(d[["A"]], t = i)
          fA <- sub3D(f[["A"]], t = i)
        if (time.varying[["R"]]) starR <- star[["R"]][, , i]
        numer <- numer + crossprod(dA, starR %*% (Ey[["ytT"]][, i, drop = FALSE] - Z %*% kf[["xtT"]][, i, drop = FALSE] - fA))
        denom <- denom + crossprod(dA, starR %*% dA)
      if (length(denom) == 1) {
        denom <- try(1 / denom)
      } else {
        denom <- try(chol2inv(chol(denom)))
      if (inherits(denom, "try-error")) {
        stop.msg <- paste("Stopped at iter=", iter, " in MARSSkem at A update. denom is not invertible. \n If some of your R diagonals equal 0, then A elements corresponding to R==0 cannot be estimated.\n The problem may be with your D matrix (if you have one) also. Type MARSSinfo('denominv') for more info. \n", sep = "")
        stopped.with.errors <- TRUE
      MLEobj.iter$par$A <- denom %*% numer

      # not sure why denom%*%numer would ever not be a matrix
      if (!is.matrix(MLEobj.iter$par$A)) MLEobj.iter$par$A <- matrix(MLEobj.iter$par$A, dim(d$A)[2], 1)
      par1$A <- parmat(MLEobj.iter, "A", t = 1)$A

      # ~~~~~~~~Error checking
      if (control$safe) {
        new.kf <- rerun.kf("A", MLEobj.iter, iter)
        if (!new.kf$ok) {
          stopped.with.errors <- TRUE
          msg.kf <- c(msg.kf, new.kf$msg.kf)
          stop.msg <- new.kf$stop.msg
        } else {
          kf <- new.kf$kf
          MLEobj.iter$kf <- kf
          MLEobj.iter$logLik <- kf$logLik
          Ey <- MARSShatyt(MLEobj.iter)
          MLEobj.iter$Ey <- Ey
          msg.kem <- c(msg.kem, new.kf$msg.kem)
    } # A not fixed

    # Get new U subject to its constraints (update of Q and B will use this)
    if (!fixed[["U"]]) { # if there is anything to update
      numer <- matrix(0, m, 1)
      denom <- matrix(0, m, m) # this is the start if kf.x0="x10"
      fU <- sub3D(f$U, t = 1)
      dU <- sub3D(d$U, t = 1)
      B <- par1$B
      Z <- par1$Z
      A <- par1$A # reset
      Qinv <- star$Q[, , 1]
      Rinv <- star$R[, , 1]
      # U.degen.update = FALSE #CUT?
      diag.Q <- 1 - takediag(IIz$Q[, , 1])
      diag.V0 <- 1 - takediag(IIzV0)
      nQ0 <- sum(diag.Q == 0)
      # if(any(diag.Q==0)) U.degen.update=!all(d$U[diag.Q==0,,]==0)    #CUT?
      numer <- denom <- 0
      if (kf.x0 == "x00") hatxt0 <- kf$x0T else hatxt0 <- kf$xtT[, 1, drop = FALSE]
      E.x0 <- IImIIzV0 %*% hatxt0 + IIzV0 %*% par1$x0
      AdjM <- B
      AdjM[AdjM != 0] <- 1
      if (kf.x0 == "x00") {
        # set up values for t=1
        Bstar <- B
        Bstar.tm <- IIm
        fstar <- fU
        fstar.tm <- 0 * fU
        Dstar <- dU
        Dstar.tm <- 0 * dU
        Mt <- AdjM
        IId.tm <- IIm # t=0; no w's
        IId <- makediag(1 - diag.Q) # only can be w free if Q==0
        if (any(diag.Q == 0) & any(diag.Q != 0)) { # which did not pick up a zero from B
          IId[diag.Q == 0, diag.Q == 0][1 + 0:(nQ0 - 1) * (nQ0 + 1)] <- apply(Mt[diag.Q == 0, diag.Q != 0, drop = FALSE] == 0, 1, all)
        # x_1-B(I-Id)xtm-B Id (B* E.x0 + f*)-fU; f*=0, B*=I; xtm=E.x0 so reduces to the following
        Delta3 <- kf$xtT[, 1, drop = FALSE] - B %*% E.x0 - fU
        Delta4 <- dU # since IId.tm and Bstar.tm are IIm
        numer <- numer + crossprod(Delta4, Qinv %*% Delta3)
        denom <- denom + crossprod(Delta4, Qinv %*% Delta4)
      } else { # x10
        Bstar <- IIm
        fstar <- 0 * fU
        Dstar <- 0 * dU
        IId.tm <- 0 * IIm
        IId <- IIm
        Mt <- IIm
      if (any(IId == 1)) { # again t=1
        Delta1 <- Ey$ytT[, 1, drop = FALSE] - Z %*% ((IIm - IId) %*% kf$xtT[, 1, drop = FALSE]) - Z %*% (IId %*% (Bstar %*% E.x0 + fstar)) - A
        Delta2 <- Z %*% IId %*% Dstar
        numer <- numer + crossprod(Delta2, Rinv %*% Delta1)
        denom <- denom + crossprod(Delta2, Rinv %*% Delta2)
      for (t in 2:TT) {
        if (time.varying$U) {
          fU <- sub3D(f$U, t = t)
          dU <- sub3D(d$U, t = t)
        if (time.varying$B) B <- parmat(MLEobj.iter, c("B"), t = t)$B
        if (time.varying$A) A <- parmat(MLEobj.iter, c("A"), t = t)$A
        if (time.varying$Z) Z <- parmat(MLEobj.iter, c("Z"), t = t)$Z
        if (time.varying$R) Rinv <- star$R[, , t]
        if (time.varying$Q) Qinv <- star$Q[, , t]
        fstar.tm <- fstar
        fstar <- B %*% fstar + fU
        Dstar.tm <- Dstar
        Dstar <- B %*% Dstar + dU
        Bstar.tm <- Bstar
        Bstar <- B %*% Bstar
        if (t <= (m + 1)) {
          IId.tm <- IId
          IId <- makediag(1 - diag.Q) # only can be w free if Q==0
          if (any(diag.Q == 0) & any(diag.Q != 0)) {
            Mt <- AdjM %*% Mt
            IId[diag.Q == 0, diag.Q == 0][1 + 0:(nQ0 - 1) * (nQ0 + 1)] <- apply(Mt[diag.Q == 0, diag.Q != 0, drop = FALSE] == 0, 1, all)
        if (any(IId == 1)) {
          Delta1 <- Ey$ytT[, t, drop = FALSE] - Z %*% ((IIm - IId) %*% kf$xtT[, t, drop = FALSE]) - Z %*% (IId %*% (Bstar %*% E.x0 + fstar)) - A
          Delta2 <- Z %*% IId %*% Dstar
          numer <- numer + crossprod(Delta2, Rinv %*% Delta1)
          denom <- denom + crossprod(Delta2, Rinv %*% Delta2)
        Delta3 <- kf$xtT[, t, drop = FALSE] - B %*% ((IIm - IId.tm) %*% kf$xtT[, t - 1, drop = FALSE]) - B %*% (IId.tm %*% (Bstar.tm %*% E.x0 + fstar.tm)) - fU
        Delta4 <- dU + B %*% IId.tm %*% Dstar.tm
        numer <- numer + crossprod(Delta4, Qinv %*% Delta3)
        denom <- denom + crossprod(Delta4, Qinv %*% Delta4)
      } # for i
      if (length(denom) == 1) {
        denom <- 1 / denom
      } else {
        denom <- try(chol2inv(chol(denom)), silent = TRUE)
      if (inherits(denom, "try-error") || (length(denom) == 1 && denom == 0)) {
        stop.msg <- paste("Stopped at iter=", iter, " in MARSSkem at U update. denom is not invertible.\n This means some of the U (+ C) terms cannot be estimated.\n Type MARSSinfo('denominv') for more info. \n", sep = "")
        stopped.with.errors <- TRUE
      MLEobj.iter$par$U <- denom %*% numer
      if (!is.matrix(MLEobj.iter$par$U)) MLEobj.iter$par$U <- matrix(MLEobj.iter$par$U, dim(d$U)[2], 1)
      par1$U <- parmat(MLEobj.iter, "U", t = 1)$U

      # ~~~~~~~~Error checking
      if (control$safe && !fixed[["U"]]) {
        new.kf <- rerun.kf("U", MLEobj.iter, iter)
        if (!new.kf$ok) {
          stopped.with.errors <- TRUE
          msg.kf <- c(msg.kf, new.kf$msg.kf)
          stop.msg <- new.kf$stop.msg
        } else {
          kf <- new.kf$kf
          MLEobj.iter$kf <- kf
          MLEobj.iter$logLik <- kf$logLik
          Ey <- MARSShatyt(MLEobj.iter)
          MLEobj.iter$Ey <- Ey
          msg.kem <- c(msg.kem, new.kf$msg.kem)
    } # any U not fixed

    # Get new B subject to its constraints
    if (!fixed[["B"]]) {
      # t.kf.xtT = t(kf$xtT) #move t() out of for loop
      # need these for t=1 whether kf.x0=x00 or not
      U <- par1$U # reset
      starQ <- sub3D(star$Q, t = 1)
      dB <- sub3D(d$B, t = 1)
      fB <- sub3D(f$B, t = 1)
      if (kf.x0 == "x00") { # prior is defined as being E[x(t=0)|y(t=0)]; xtt[0]=x0; Vtt[0]=V0
        hatxtm <- IImIIzV0 %*% kf$x0T + IIzV0 %*% par1$x0
        hatVtm <- IImIIzV0 %*% kf$V0T %*% IImIIzV0 + IIzV0 %*% par1$V0 %*% IIzV0
        hatxt <- kf$xtT[, 1, drop = FALSE]
        Ptm <- hatVtm + tcrossprod(hatxtm, kf$x0T) # note def of t.hatxtm = kf$x0T not t(hatxtm)
        Pttm <- kf$Vtt1T[, , 1] + tcrossprod(hatxt, kf$x0T) # note def of t.hatstm for t=0
        kronPtmQ <- kronecker(Ptm, starQ)
        denom <- crossprod(dB, kronPtmQ %*% dB)
        numer <- crossprod(dB, (vec(starQ %*% (Pttm - tcrossprod(U, kf$x0T))) - kronPtmQ %*% fB))
      } else { # prior is defined as being E[x(t=1)|y(t=0)]; xtt1[1]=x0; Vtt1[1]=V0
        denom <- numer <- 0 # see Ghahramani and Hinton treatment.  Summation starts at t=2

      for (i in 2:TT) {
        hatxtm <- kf$xtT[, i - 1, drop = FALSE]
        hatVtm <- kf$VtT[, , i - 1]
        hatxt <- kf$xtT[, i, drop = FALSE]
        Ptm <- hatVtm + tcrossprod(hatxtm)
        Pttm <- kf$Vtt1T[, , i] + tcrossprod(hatxt, hatxtm)
        if (time.varying$Q) starQ <- sub3D(star$Q, t = i)
        kronPtmQ <- kronecker(Ptm, starQ)
        if (time.varying$B) {
          dB <- sub3D(d$B, t = i)
          fB <- sub3D(f$B, t = i)
        if (time.varying$U) U <- parmat(MLEobj.iter, "U", t = i)$U
        denom <- denom + crossprod(dB, kronPtmQ %*% dB)
        numer <- numer + crossprod(dB, vec(starQ %*% (Pttm - tcrossprod(U, hatxtm))) - kronPtmQ %*% fB)
      } # for i
      if (length(denom) == 1) {
        denom <- try(1 / denom)
      } else {
        denom <- try(chol2inv(chol(denom)))
      if (inherits(denom, "try-error")) {
        stop.msg <- paste("Stopped at iter=", iter, " in MARSSkem at B update. denom is not invertible.\n Type MARSSinfo('denominv') for more info. \n", sep = "")
        stopped.with.errors <- TRUE
      MLEobj.iter$par$B <- denom %*% numer
      if (!is.matrix(MLEobj.iter$par$B)) MLEobj.iter$par$B <- matrix(MLEobj.iter$par$B, dim(d$B)[2], 1)
      par1$B <- parmat(MLEobj.iter, "B", t = 1)$B

      # ~~~~~~~~Error checking
      if (control$safe) {
        new.kf <- rerun.kf("B", MLEobj.iter, iter)
        if (!new.kf$ok) {
          stopped.with.errors <- TRUE
          msg.kf <- c(msg.kf, new.kf$msg.kf)
          stop.msg <- new.kf$stop.msg
        } else {
          kf <- new.kf$kf
          MLEobj.iter$kf <- kf
          MLEobj.iter$logLik <- kf$logLik
          Ey <- MARSShatyt(MLEobj.iter)
          MLEobj.iter$Ey <- Ey
          msg.kem <- c(msg.kem, new.kf$msg.kem)
      if (control$trace > 0) {
        Ck <- kappa(denom)
        if (Ck > condition.limit) msg.kem <- c(msg.kem, paste("iter=", iter, " Unstable B estimate because P_{t-1,t-1} is ill-conditioned. C =", round(Ck), "\n", sep = ""))
        for (i in 1:max(dim(f$B)[3], dim(d$B)[3])) {
          parB <- parmat(MLEobj.iter, "B", t = i)$B
          if (!is.unitcircle(parB)) msg.kem <- c(msg.kem, paste("iter=", iter, ",t=", i, " B update is outside the unit circle.", "\n", sep = ""))
    } # if !is.fixed B

    # Get new Z subject to its constraints
    if (!fixed[["Z"]]) {
      numer <- denom <- 0
      A <- par1$A # reset
      starR <- star$R[, , 1]
      for (i in 1:TT) {
        hatxt <- kf$xtT[, i, drop = FALSE]
        Pt <- kf$VtT[, , i] + tcrossprod(hatxt)
        hatyxt <- Ey$yxtT[, , i]
        if (time.varying$A & i > 1) A <- parmat(MLEobj.iter, "A", t = i)$A
        if (time.varying$R) starR <- star$R[, , i]
        if (i == 1 || time.varying$Z) {
          fZ <- sub3D(f$Z, t = i)
          dZ <- sub3D(d$Z, t = i)
        PkronR <- kronecker(Pt, starR)
        numer <- numer + crossprod(dZ, vec(starR %*% (hatyxt - tcrossprod(A, hatxt))) - PkronR %*% fZ)
        denom <- denom + crossprod(dZ, PkronR %*% dZ)
      } # for i
      if (length(denom) == 1) {
        denom <- try(1 / denom)
      } else {
        denom <- try(chol2inv(chol(denom)))
      if (inherits(denom, "try-error")) {
        stop.msg <- paste("Stopped at iter=", iter, " in MARSSkem in Z update.  denom is not invertible.\n Type MARSSinfo('denominv') for more info. \n", sep = "")
        stopped.with.errors <- TRUE
      MLEobj.iter$par$Z <- denom %*% numer

      # not sure this is needed; is guarding against R returning a vector
      if (!is.matrix(MLEobj.iter$par$Z)) MLEobj.iter$par$Z <- matrix(MLEobj.iter$par$Z, dim(d$Z)[2], 1)
      par1$Z <- parmat(MLEobj.iter, "Z", t = 1)$Z

      # Start~~~~~~~~~~~~Error checking
      if (control$safe) {
        new.kf <- rerun.kf("Z", MLEobj.iter, iter)
        if (!new.kf$ok) {
          stopped.with.errors <- TRUE
          msg.kf <- c(msg.kf, new.kf$msg.kf)
          stop.msg <- new.kf$stop.msg
        } else {
          kf <- new.kf$kf
          MLEobj.iter$kf <- kf
          MLEobj.iter$logLik <- kf$logLik
          Ey <- MARSShatyt(MLEobj.iter)
          MLEobj.iter$Ey <- Ey
          msg.kem <- c(msg.kem, new.kf$msg.kem)
      if (control$trace > 0) {
        Ck <- kappa(denom)
        if (Ck > condition.limit) msg.kem <- c(msg.kem, paste("iter=", iter, " Unstable Z estimate because P_{t,t} is ill-conditioned. C =", round(Ck), sep = ""))
    } # if !is.fixed Z
  } # end inner iter loop
  if (control$silent == 2) cat("\n")

  # prepare the MLEobj to return which has the elements set here
  MLEobj.return <- MLEobj
  MLEobj.return$iter.record <- iter.record
  MLEobj.return$numIter <- iter

  if (stopped.with.errors) {
    if (control$silent == 2) cat("Stopped due to numerical instability or errors. Print $errors from output for info or set silent=FALSE.\n")
    # print brief msg.  Full msg printed if silent=F
    msg <- c(stop.msg, "par, kf, states, iter, loglike are the last values before the error.\n")
    if (!control$safe) {
      msg <- c(msg, "Try control$safe=TRUE which uses a slower but slightly more robust algorithm.\n")
    if (!control$trace > 0) {
      msg <- c(msg, "Use control$trace=1 to generate a more detailed error report. See user guide for insight.\n")
    ## Attach any algorithm errors to the MLEobj
    if (control$trace > 0 && !is.null(msg.kem)) msg <- c(msg, "\nMARSSkem errors. Type MARSSinfo() for help.\n", msg.kem)
    if (control$trace > 0 && !is.null(msg.kf)) msg <- c(msg, "\nMARSSkf errors. Type MARSSinfo() for help.\n", msg.kf, "\n")
    MLEobj.return$errors <- msg

    MLEobj.return$par <- MLEobj.iter$par
    MLEobj.return$kf <- kf.last
    MLEobj.return$states <- kf.last$xtT
    MLEobj.return$convergence <- 52
    MLEobj.return$logLik <- MLEobj.iter$logLik
  } # stopped with errors

  ########### Did not stop with errors
  ## Set the convergence information
  ## Output depends on how it converged and how iterations were determined.  Possible conv.test$convergence values are
  #  MLEobj.iter$conv.test$convergence==72  means no convergense testing done at all because exited with errors BEFORE minit
  #  MLEobj.iter$conv.test$convergence==4 means stopped by hitting maxit; abstol not reached so no log-log testing done
  #  MLEobj.iter$conv.test$convergence==3 means abstol reached but no log-log test since control$min.iter.conv.test not reached
  #  MLEobj.iter$conv.test$convergence==0  means abstol reached and log-log test passed (=CONVERGED)
  #  MLEobj.iter$conv.test$convergence==1  means stopped by hitting maxit; abstol reached but NOT log-log
  #  MLEobj.iter$conv.test$convergence==-1 or -2  means log-log test returned errors
  catinfo <- !control$silent || control$silent == 2
  MLEobj.return$convergence <- 72 # debugging should be changed below
  if (MLEobj.iter$conv.test$convergence == 72) {
    MLEobj.return$convergence <- 52
    msg.conv <- MLEobj.iter$conv.test$messages
    if (catinfo) cat(paste("Error! EM algorithm exited at iter=", iter, " before minit reached.\n Minit was ", control$minit, ".\n", sep = ""))
  if (MLEobj.iter$conv.test$convergence < 0) {
    MLEobj.return$convergence <- 62
    msg.conv <- MLEobj.iter$conv.test$messages
    if (catinfo) cat(paste("Error! EM algorithm exited due to errors reported by log-log test function.\n", sep = ""))
  # if it returns 4, then abstol never reached before maxit hit.  Abstol must be hit before log-log
  # test run.  Thus we need to run the log-log test here IF we have enough iterations
  if (MLEobj.iter$conv.test$convergence == 4) {
    tmp.msg <- paste("Warning! Reached maxit before parameters converged. Maxit was ", control$maxit, ".\n", sep = "")
    if (iter >= control$min.iter.conv.test) {
      # loglog test has not been run because abstol never reached
      loglog.test <- loglog.conv.test(iter.record, iter, deltaT = control$conv.test.deltaT, tol = control$conv.test.slope.tol)
      MLEobj.iter$conv.test$messages <- loglog.test$messages
      if (loglog.test$convergence == 0) {
        MLEobj.return$convergence <- 11 # log-log passed but not abstol
        if (catinfo) cat(paste("Warning! log-log convergence only. Maxit (=", control$maxit, ") reached before abstol convergence.\n", sep = ""))
      if (loglog.test$convergence < 0) {
        MLEobj.return$convergence <- 63
        if (catinfo) cat(paste(tmp.msg, " abstol not reached and log-log convergence returned errors.\n", sep = ""))
      if (loglog.test$convergence == 1) {
        MLEobj.return$convergence <- 1
        if (catinfo) cat(paste(tmp.msg, " neither abstol nor log-log convergence tests were passed.\n", sep = ""))
      if (loglog.test$convergence > 1) { # loglog test should never return > 1
        MLEobj.return$convergence <- 72
        if (catinfo) cat(paste(tmp.msg, " abstol not reached and log-log convergence returned errors.\n", sep = ""))
    } else { # can'd do log-log test
      MLEobj.return$convergence <- 12 # can't do the log-log test
      if (catinfo) cat(paste(tmp.msg, " abstol not reached and no log-log test info since maxit less than min.iter.conv.test.\n", sep = ""))
  # At this point $conv.test$convergence==4 still and $convergence is 52,62,72 errors;
  # 1 neither abstol nor loglog; 11 loglog only; 12 no abstol and no info on loglog;

  # if conv.test$convergence == 3, abstol reached but no info on loglog since maxit < min.iter.conv.test
  if (MLEobj.iter$conv.test$convergence == 3) {
    tmp.msg <- paste("Warning! Abstol convergence only. no info on log-log convergence.\n", sep = "")
    MLEobj.return$convergence <- 3
    if (catinfo) cat(paste(tmp.msg, " Maxit (=", control$maxit, ") < min.iter.conv.test (=", control$min.iter.conv.test, ") so not log-log test.\n", sep = ""))
  # if conv.tst$convergence==1, then abstol reached but no loglog convergence
  if (MLEobj.iter$conv.test$convergence == 1) {
    MLEobj.return$convergence <- 10
    msg.conv <- MLEobj.iter$conv.test$messages
    if (catinfo) cat(paste("Warning! Abstol convergence only. Maxit (=", control$maxit, ") reached before log-log convergence.\n", sep = ""))
  if (MLEobj.iter$conv.test$convergence == 0) {
    MLEobj.return$convergence <- 0
    if (catinfo) {
      if (iter == control$minit) {
        cat(paste("Success! algorithm run for ", iter, " iterations. abstol and log-log tests passed.\n", sep = ""))
      } else {
        cat(paste("Success! abstol and log-log tests passed at ", iter, " iterations.\n", sep = ""))
      if (control$conv.test.slope.tol > 0.1) cat(paste("Alert: conv.test.slope.tol is ", control$conv.test.slope.tol, ".\nTest with smaller values (<0.1) to ensure convergence.\n", sep = ""))
    } # !silent
  msg.conv <- MLEobj.iter$conv.test$messages
  if (!is.null(msg.conv)) msg <- c(msg, "\nConvergence warnings\n", msg.conv)

  ## Other misc output
  MLEobj.return$par <- MLEobj.iter$par
  MLEobj.return$states <- MLEobj.iter$kf$xtT
  MLEobj.return$logLik <- MLEobj.iter$logLik

  if (!is.null(msg.kem)) {
    msg.kem <- c("\nMARSSkem warnings. Type MARSSinfo() for help.\n", msg.kem)
    msg <- c(msg, msg.kem)
  if (!is.null(msg.kf)) {
    msg.kf <- c("\nMARSSkf warnings. Type MARSSinfo() for help.\n", msg.kf)
    msg <- c(msg, msg.kf)
  if ((!is.null(msg.kem) || !is.null(msg.kf)) && control$trace < 1) {
    msg <- c(msg, "\nUse control$trace=1 to generate a more detailed error report.\n")
  if ((!is.null(msg.kem) || !is.null(msg.kf)) && (!control$silent || control$silent == 2)) {
    cat("Alert: Numerical warnings were generated. Print the $errors element of output to see the warnings.\n")

  ## Attach any algorithm errors to the MLEobj
  MLEobj.return$errors <- msg


## Run log-log convergence diagnostics
# 0 converged; 1 not converged; negative problem
loglog.conv.test <- function(iter.record, iter, params.to.test = c("Z", "U", "x0", "R", "Q", "A", "logLik"), deltaT = 9, tol = 0.5) {
  if (!is.list(iter.record) || !all(c("par", "logLik") %in% names(iter.record)) ||
    !any(params.to.test %in% c(names(iter.record$par), names(iter.record))) ||
    length(dim(iter.record$par)) != 2 || dim(iter.record$par)[1] <= 1 || is.null(colnames(iter.record$par))) {
    msg <- "par list not a proper list (with par and logLik) or too short for conv test or has no column names.\n"
    return(list(convergence = -1, messages = msg))
  } else {
    if ("logLik" %in% params.to.test) {
      # exp because we don't want the log of the log and subtract mean so exp(LL) doesn't = Inf
      # we are looking at slope so doesn't matter if we sub off the mean
      iter.record.par <- cbind(iter.record$par, logLik = exp(iter.record$logLik - mean(iter.record$logLik)))
      # iter.record.par = cbind(iter.record$par,logLik=iter.record$logLik)
    } else {
      iter.record.par <- iter.record$par
    names.iter <- colnames(iter.record.par)
    names.sub <- strsplit(names.iter, "\\.")
    num.names <- length(names.sub)
    p.elems <- NULL
    for (j in 1:num.names) p.elems <- c(p.elems, names.sub[[j]][1])
    num.varcov <- sum(p.elems %in% params.to.test)
    test.conv <- rep(0, num.names)
    for (j in 1:num.names) {
      if (p.elems[j] %in% params.to.test) {
        test.len2 <- dim(iter.record.par)[1]
        test.len1 <- max(1, test.len2 - deltaT)
        test.len <- (iter - min(test.len2 - 1, deltaT)):iter
        test.par <- abs(iter.record.par[test.len1:test.len2, j])
        if (any(test.par == 0)) test.par <- test.par + 1
        # test.loglog=lm(log(test.par)~log(test.len))
        test.loglog <- (log(test.par[length(test.par)]) - log(test.par[1])) / (log(test.len[length(test.len)]) - log(test.len[1]))
        # test.conv[j]=test.loglog$coef[2]
        test.conv[j] <- test.loglog
  if (any(is.na(test.conv))) {
    msg <- "The log-log degeneracy test produced NAs.\n"
    return(list(convergence = -2, messages = msg))
  if (!is.null(test.conv) && !any(is.na(test.conv)) && any(abs(test.conv) > tol)) {
    msg <- paste("Warning: the ", names.iter[abs(test.conv) > tol], " parameter value has not converged.\n")
    msg <- c(msg, "Type MARSSinfo(\"convergence\") for more info on this warning.\n")
    return(list(convergence = 1, messages = msg, not.converged.params = names.iter[abs(test.conv) > tol], converged.params = names.iter[abs(test.conv) <= tol]))
  } else {
    return(list(convergence = 0, messages = NULL, not.converged.params = names.iter[abs(test.conv) > tol], converged.params = names.iter[abs(test.conv) <= tol]))
  } # 0 means converged successfully

rerun.kf <- function(elem, MLEobj, iter) { # Start~~~~~~~~Error checking
  if (iter == 1) cvg2 <- 1 + MLEobj$control$abstol
  msg.kem <- NULL
  msg.kf <- NULL
  loglike.old <- MLEobj$logLik
  kf <- MARSSkf(MLEobj)
  if (MLEobj$control$demean.states) {
    xbar <- apply(cbind(kf$x0T, kf$xtT), 1, mean)
    kf$xtT <- kf$xtT - xbar
    kf$x0T <- kf$x0T - xbar
  if (!kf$ok) {
    msg.kf <- paste("iter=", iter, " ", elem, " update ", kf$errors, sep = "")
    stop.msg <- paste("Stopped at iter=", iter, " in MARSSkem after ", elem, " update: numerical errors in ", MLEobj$fun.kf, ".\n", sep = "")
    return(list(ok = FALSE, msg.kf = msg.kf, stop.msg = stop.msg))
  loglike.new <- kf$logLik
  if (iter > 1 && is.finite(loglike.old) == TRUE && is.finite(loglike.new) == TRUE) cvg2 <- loglike.new - loglike.old
  if (iter > 2 & cvg2 < -sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) {
    if (MLEobj$control$trace > 0) {
      msg.kem <- paste("iter=", iter, " LogLike DROPPED in ", elem, " update. logLik old=", loglike.old, " new=", loglike.new, "\n", sep = "")
    } else {
      msg.kem <- paste("MARSSkem: The solution became unstable and logLik DROPPED in the", elem, "updates.  Try MARSSinfo('LLdropped') for insight.\n")
  return(list(kf = kf, msg.kem = msg.kem, msg.kf = msg.kf, ok = TRUE))

degen.test <- function(elem, MLEobj, iter) {
  if (is.fixed(MLEobj$marss$free[[elem]])) {
    return(list(MLEobj = MLEobj, msg = NULL, set.degen = FALSE))
  # if elem is time-varying, don't allow degeneracy
  if (attr(MLEobj$model, "model.dims")[[elem]][3] != 1) {
    return(list(MLEobj = MLEobj, msg = NULL, set.degen = FALSE))
  if (!MLEobj$control$allow.degen) {
    return(list(MLEobj = MLEobj, msg = NULL, set.degen = FALSE))
  if (iter <= MLEobj$control$min.degen.iter) {
    return(list(MLEobj = MLEobj, msg = NULL, set.degen = FALSE))
  if (!is.design(MLEobj$marss$free[[elem]], zero.rows.ok = TRUE)) {
    return(list(MLEobj = MLEobj, msg = NULL, set.degen = FALSE))
  } # strict, i.e. only 0 and 1
  isDiag <- function(x) {
    all(x[!diag(nrow(x))] == 0)
  if (!isDiag(coef(MLEobj, type = "matrix", form = "marss")[[elem]])) {
    return(list(MLEobj = MLEobj, msg = NULL, set.degen = FALSE))
  } # only allow setting of 0s if diagonal

  # diagonal, not fixed, not time-varying, allow.degen set, iter>min iter and free is a design matrix
  # So can proceed
  # if here then not time-varying
  degen.par <- abs(MLEobj$par[[elem]]) < MLEobj$control$degen.lim
  msg.degen <- NULL
  set.degen <- FALSE
  dim.elem <- attr(MLEobj$marss, "model.dims")[[elem]][1]
  if (any(degen.par)) {
    for (i in which(degen.par)) {
      MLEobj.tmp <- MLEobj
      # set corresponding par to 0 and corresponding col of free to 0
      MLEobj.tmp$par[[elem]][i, 1] <- 0
      MLEobj.tmp$marss$free[[elem]][, i, 1] <- 0 # req not time-varying so set t=1
      # need to check that setting a R or Q diag to 0 doesn't lead to a improper model
      kemcheck <- MARSSkemcheck(MLEobj.tmp)
      if (kemcheck$ok) {
        new.kf <- MARSSkf(MLEobj.tmp)
        loglike.old <- MLEobj$logLik
        if (!new.kf$ok) msg.degen <- c(msg.degen, paste("iter=", iter, " MARSSkf returned error in attempt to set 0 diagonals for ", elem, "\n  ", new.kf$errors, "Perhaps Q and R are both going to 0?\n", sep = ""))
        if (new.kf$ok && is.finite(loglike.old) && is.finite(new.kf$logLik)) tmp.cvg2 <- new.kf$logLik - loglike.old else tmp.cvg2 <- Inf
        if (new.kf$ok && tmp.cvg2 < -sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) {
          msg.degen <- c(msg.degen, paste("iter=", iter, " Setting diagonal to 0 blocked. logLik was lower in attempt to set 0 diagonals on ", elem, " logLik old=", loglike.old, " new=", new.kf$logLik, ", See MARSSinfo(\"", elem, "0blocked\").\n", sep = ""))
        if (new.kf$ok && tmp.cvg2 > -sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) { # this means degenerate elem has lower LL, so accept it
          MLEobj <- MLEobj.tmp
          MLEobj$kf <- new.kf
          MLEobj$Ey <- MARSShatyt(MLEobj) # needs the updated kf
          if (MLEobj$control$demean.states) {
            xbar <- apply(cbind(new.kf$x0T, new.kf$xtT), 1, mean)
            MLEobj$kf$xtT <- new.kf$xtT - xbar
            MLEobj$kf$x0T <- new.kf$x0T - xbar
          MLEobj$logLik <- new.kf$logLik
          set.degen <- TRUE
      } else {
        msg.degen <- c(msg.degen, paste("iter=", iter, " Setting element of ", elem, " to 0, blocked.  See MARSSinfo(\"", elem, "0blocked\"). The error is due to the following MARSSkemcheck errors.\n  MARSSkemcheck error: ", kemcheck$msg, sep = ""))
    } # for degen.par; do one by one
  } # update MLEobj
  # set.degen is a flag to say if any 0 elements were set
  return(list(MLEobj = MLEobj, msg = msg.degen, set.degen = set.degen))

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