Defines functions symm MARSSkfss

Documented in MARSSkfss

#   MARSSkfss function
#   Kalman filter and smoother as presented in Shumway & Stoffer (2006)
#   ** All eqn refs are to 2nd ed of Shumway & Stoffer (2006): Time Series Analysis and Its Applications
# 5-17-12  I removed the tests re inversion of Z when R=0 and put that in MARSSkem
MARSSkfss <- function(MLEobj, smoother = TRUE) {
  condition.limit <- 1E10
  condition.limit.Ft <- 1E5 # because the Ft is used to compute LL and LL drop limit is about 2E-8

  MODELobj <- MLEobj[["marss"]]
  debugkf <- MLEobj$control$trace
  n <- dim(MODELobj[["data"]])[1]
  TT <- dim(MODELobj[["data"]])[2]
  m <- dim(MODELobj[["fixed"]][["x0"]])[1]

  # create the YM matrix
  YM <- matrix(as.numeric(!is.na(MODELobj[["data"]])), n, TT)
  # Make sure the missing vals in y are zeroed out if there are any
  y <- MODELobj[["data"]]
  y[YM == 0] <- 0

  if (MODELobj$tinitx == 1) {
    init.state <- "x10"
  } else {
    init.state <- "x00"
  msg <- NULL
  # Construct needed identity matrices
  I.m <- diag(1, m)
  I.n <- diag(1, n)

  # initialize matrices
  # for notation purposes, 't' represents current point in time, 'T' represents the length of the series
  Vtt <- Vtt1 <- VtT <- Vtt1T <- J <- array(0, dim = c(m, m, TT))
  # Vtt is analogous to S&S Ptt, var[xt,xt|y(1:t)];  Vtt1 is analogous to S&S Ptt1, cov[xt,xt1|y(1:t)]
  # VtT and Vtt1T are for the backwards smoother; VtT is var[xt,xt|y(1:T)]  and Vtt1T is cov[xt,xt1|y(1:T)]
  # J see eqn 6.49
  xtt <- xtt1 <- xtT <- matrix(0, m, TT)
  # xtt is E[x(t) | Y(t)]; xtt1 is E[x(t) | Y(t-1)]; xtT is E[x | y(1:T)]
  vt <- matrix(0, n, TT) # these are innovations, parentheses in 6.21; vt equivalent to epsilon, eqn 6.62
  Ft <- array(0, dim = c(n, n, TT)) # used for likelihood, Ft equivalent to sigma matrix eqn 6.62
  Kt <- array(0, dim = c(m, n, TT)) # 3D matrix of Kalman gain, EW added 11/14/08

  # Note diff in param names from S&S;B=Phi, Z=A, A not in S&S
  model.elem <- names(MODELobj$fixed)
  time.varying <- c()
  for (elem in model.elem) {
    if ((dim(MODELobj$free[[elem]])[3] != 1) || (dim(MODELobj$fixed[[elem]])[3] != 1)) { # not time-varying
      time.varying <- c(time.varying, elem)
  pari <- parmat(MLEobj, t = 1)
  Z <- pari$Z
  A <- pari$A
  B <- pari$B
  U <- pari$U
  x0 <- pari$x0
  R <- tcrossprod(pari$H %*% pari$R, pari$H)
  Q <- tcrossprod(pari$G %*% pari$Q, pari$G)
  V0 <- tcrossprod(pari$L %*% pari$V0, pari$L)
  if (n == 1) {
    diag.R <- unname(R)
  } else {
    diag.R <- unname(R)[1 + 0:(n - 1) * (n + 1)]
  # Check that if any R are 0 then modelA is solveable
  # Get which x are fully determined by data. The Vtt corr to these must be set to 0
  OmgRVtt <- I.m
  diag.OmgRVtt <- rep(1, m)
  if (any(diag.R == 0)) {
    tmp <- fully.spec.x(Z, R)
    if (!tmp$ok) {
    diag.OmgRVtt <- tmp$detx
    OmgRVtt <- makediag(diag.OmgRVtt)
  if (m == 1) {
    diag.Q <- unname(Q)
  } else {
    diag.Q <- unname(Q)[1 + 0:(m - 1) * (m + 1)]
  t.B <- matrix(B, m, m, byrow = TRUE) # faster transpose

  # FORWARD PASS (K filter) gets you E[x(t) given y(1:t)]
  # In the following, vt and Ft are needed for the likelihood calculation
  # the missing values will contribute 0.0 for the LL calc
  # R_mod is needed for the corrected likelihood calculation when there are missing values
  # See section 12.3 in Time Series: Theory and Methods (1991) Peter J. Brockwell, Richard A. Davis
  # put 1's on the diagonal where there are missing values and zero out the rows and columns

  for (t in 1:TT) {
    if (length(time.varying) != 0) {
      # update the time.varying ones
      pari[time.varying] <- parmat(MLEobj, time.varying, t = t)
      Z <- pari$Z
      A <- pari$A
      B <- pari$B
      U <- pari$U # update
      if ("R" %in% time.varying || "H" %in% time.varying) {
        R <- tcrossprod(pari$H %*% pari$R, pari$H)
        if (n == 1) {
          diag.R <- unname(R)
        } else {
          diag.R <- unname(R)[1 + 0:(n - 1) * (n + 1)]
        # Check that if any R are 0 then model is solveable
        OmgRVtt <- I.m
        diag.OmgRVtt <- rep(1, m)
        if (any(diag.R == 0)) {
          Z.R0 <- Z[diag.R == 0, , drop = FALSE]
          Z.R0.n0 <- Z.R0[, colSums(Z.R0) != 0, drop = FALSE] # The Z cols where there is a val
          if (dim(Z.R0.n0)[1] == dim(Z.R0.n0)[2]) { # then it must be invertible
            Ck <- try(solve(Z.R0.n0))
            if (class(Ck)[1] == "try-error") {
              return(list(ok = FALSE, errors = "Some R diagonal elements are 0, but Z is such that model is indeterminate in this case."))
            } else {
              OmgRVtt <- diag(ifelse(colSums(Z.R0) != 0, 0, 1), m)
            } # mxm; sets the p elem of Vtt to 0 because these are determined by data
          } else {
            if (dim(Z.R0.n0)[1] > dim(Z.R0.n0)[2]) {
              return(list(ok = FALSE, errors = "Some R diagonal elements are 0, and Z is such that model is over-determined."))
          diag.OmgRVtt <- takediag(OmgRVtt)
      } # if R in time.varying
      if ("Q" %in% time.varying || "G" %in% time.varying) {
        Q <- tcrossprod(pari$G %*% pari$Q, pari$G)
        if (m == 1) {
          diag.Q <- unname(Q)
        } else {
          diag.Q <- unname(Q)[1 + 0:(m - 1) * (m + 1)]
      if ("B" %in% time.varying) t.B <- matrix(B, m, m, byrow = TRUE) # faster transpose
    # missing value modifications per S&S2006 eq 6.78
    if (any(YM[, t] == 0)) {
      Mt <- I.n
      Mt[YM[, t] == 0, ] <- 0 # much faster than makediag(YM)
      I.2 <- I.n - Mt
      Zt <- Mt %*% Z # If Y missing, that row is 0 in Zt
      At <- Mt %*% A
      Omg1 <- I.n[YM[, t] == 1, , drop = FALSE]
      t.Omg1 <- I.n[, YM[, t] == 1, drop = FALSE]
      # per 6.78 in Shumway and Stoffer
      # Need to 0 out the covariance between R assoc with non-missing and R assoc with missing values
      Rt <- Mt %*% R %*% Mt + I.2 %*% R %*% I.2
    } else {
      Zt <- Z
      Rt <- R
      At <- A
      Omg1 <- I.n
      t.Omg1 <- I.n
      Mt <- I.n
    if (m * n == 1) t.Zt <- Zt else t.Zt <- matrix(Zt, m, n, byrow = TRUE) # faster transpose

    # t=1 treatment depends on how you define the initial condition.  Either as x at t=1 or x at t=0
    if (t == 1) {
      if (init.state == "x00") {
        xtt1[, 1] <- B %*% x0 + U # Shumway and Stoffer treatment of initial states # eqn 6.19   (pi is defined as t=0)
        Vtt1[, , 1] <- B %*% V0 %*% t.B + Q # eqn 6.20
      if (init.state == "x10") { # Ghahramani treatment of initial states uses x10 and has no x00 (pi is defined as t=1)
        xtt1[, 1] <- x0
        Vtt1[, , 1] <- V0
    } else { # t!=1
      xtt1[, t] <- B %*% xtt[, t - 1, drop = FALSE] + U # xtt1 denotes x_t^(t-1), eqn 6.19; B here is B[t]
      Vtt1[, , t] <- B %*% Vtt[, , t - 1] %*% t.B + Q # eqn 6.20; B here is B[t]
    if (m != 1) Vtt1[, , t] <- symm(Vtt1[, , t]) # in general Vtt1 is not symmetric but here it is since Vtt and Q are

    # Set up the inverse needed in Kt (part corresponding to no missing values)
    # This is used in Kt, if Vtt1=0, then no info from y on those xt and corrs Kt rows =0 since Kt=Vtt1*t.Z*siginv
    siginv1 <- Zt %*% Vtt1[, , t] %*% t.Zt + Rt
    # bracketed piece of eqn 6.23 modified per 6.78
    # Because R diag might be 0, the bracketed bit might have 0 diagonals.  Inv by pcholinv deals with this
    # by putting 0 row/cols where 0s appear on diagonal

    if (debugkf <= 0) { # 0 is default; -1 is no error-checking
      siginv <- pcholinv(siginv1) # skip error-checking
    } else { # try is expensive so only check if extra tracing specified
      siginv <- try(pcholinv(siginv1), silent = TRUE)
      if (n == 1) diag.siginv1 <- unname(siginv1) else diag.siginv1 <- unname(siginv1)[1 + 0:(n - 1) * (n + 1)] # much faster way to get the diagonal
      # Catch errors before entering chol2inv
      if (class(siginv)[1] == "try-error") {
        if (any(diag.siginv1 != 0)) {
          Ck1 <- try(kappa(siginv1[diag.siginv1 != 0, diag.siginv1 != 0, drop = FALSE]))
          Ck1 <- ifelse(class(Ck1)[1] == "try-error", "Inf", round(Ck1))
          msg1 <- paste("Condition num. of siginv1[t=", t, "] = ", Ck1, " ", sep = "")
        msg2 <- ""
        if (any(diag.R != 0) && (t == 1 || "R" %in% time.varying)) {
          Ck4 <- try(kappa((diag(1, n)[diag.R != 0, ]) %*% R %*% t(diag(1, n)[diag.R != 0, ])))
          Ck4 <- ifelse(class(Ck4)[1] == "try-error", "Inf", round(Ck4))
          msg2 <- paste("Condition num. of R = ", Ck4, " ", sep = "")
        return(list(ok = FALSE, errors = paste("Stopped in MARSSkfss: chol(Z%*%Vtt1[,,", t, "]%*%t(Z)+R) error. ", msg1, " ", msg2, "\n", sep = "")))
    } # don't error check if debugkf=-1
    ####### End of Error-checking for this section

    if (n != 1) siginv <- symm(siginv)
    Kt[, , t] <- Vtt1[, , t] %*% t.Zt %*% siginv
    Kt.tmp <- sub3D(Kt, t = t) # stop R from changing matrix dim; drop=FALSE won't work here

    vt[, t] <- y[, t, drop = FALSE] - (Zt %*% xtt1[, t, drop = FALSE] + At) # need to hold on to this for loglike calc; will be 0 when y is missing
    # eqn 6.21
    xtt[, t] <- xtt1[, t, drop = FALSE] + Kt.tmp %*% vt[, t, drop = FALSE]
    Vtt[, , t] <- Vtt1[, , t] - Kt.tmp %*% Zt %*% Vtt1[, , t] # eqn 6.22, detail after 6.28, modified Z per 6.78
    if (m != 1) Vtt[, , t] <- symm(Vtt[, , t]) # to ensure its symetric
    # zero out rows cols as needed when R diag = 0
    # Commented out in version 3.10.12
    # This is only true if colSums Z == 1 & Q assoc with states is not 0

    # If R=0 and YM is missing, then set diag of OmgRVtt to 1 since Vtt should not be 0-ed
    # was tmp <- t(!(Z == 0)) %*% (diag.R == 0 & YM[, t] == 0)
    # but that fails if one Z row has more than 1 non-0 val or if Q is fixing some Z
    OmgRVtt.t <- OmgRVtt
    if (any(diag.OmgRVtt == 0)) {
      # zero out rows where 2 states; rowSums of tmp will be 1 or 0
      tmp <- diag(rowSums(Z != 0) == 1) %*% (Z != 0)
      tmp <- t(!(tmp == 0)) %*% (diag.R == 0 & YM[, t] == 0)
      diag(OmgRVtt.t) <- diag.OmgRVtt + tmp == 1
      # diag(OmgRVtt.t) <- diag.OmgRVtt + t(!(Z == 0)) %*% (diag.R == 0 & YM[, t] == 0)
    Vtt[, , t] <- OmgRVtt.t %*% Vtt[, , t] %*% OmgRVtt.t

    # Variables needed for the likelihood calculation; see comments above
    R_mod <- (I.n - Mt) + Mt %*% R %*% Mt # not in S&S; see MARSS documentation per LL calc when missing values; R here is R[t]
    Ft[, , t] <- Zt %*% Vtt1[, , t] %*% t.Zt + R_mod # need to hold on to this for loglike calc ; 1 on diagonal when y is missing
    if (n != 1) Ft[, , t] <- symm(Ft[, , t]) # to ensure its symetric

    ####### Attach warnings to output if filter is becoming numerically unstable
    if (debugkf > 0) {
      Ck1 <- Ck2 <- Ck3 <- Ck4 <- 1
      if (!all(diag.siginv1 == 0)) Ck1 <- kappa(siginv1[diag.siginv1 != 0, diag.siginv1 != 0, drop = FALSE])
      if (!all(diag.Q == 0)) Ck2 <- kappa(Vtt1[diag.Q != 0, diag.Q != 0, t])
      if (!all(diag.R == 0) & t > 1) Ck3 <- kappa(Ft[diag.R != 0, diag.R != 0, t])
      if (Ck1 > condition.limit && !all(Kt[, , t] == 0)) {
        msg <- rbind(msg, paste("MARSSkfss: solution is becoming unstable.  Condition num. of siginv1[t=", t, "] = ", round(Ck1), "\n", sep = ""))
      if (Ck2 > condition.limit && t > 1) {
        msg <- rbind(msg, paste("MARSSkfss: solution is becoming unstable.  Condition num. of Vtt1[t=", t, "] = ", round(Ck2), "\n", sep = ""))
      if (Ck3 > condition.limit.Ft) {
        if (!all(diag.R == 0)) Ck4 <- kappa(R[diag.R != 0, diag.R != 0])
        msg <- rbind(msg, paste("MARSSkfss: logLik computation is becoming unstable.  Condition num. of Sigma[t=", t, "] = ", round(Ck3), " and of R = ", round(Ck4), ".\n", sep = ""))
    # Abandon if solution is so unstable that Vtt diagonal became negative
    if (m == 1) diag.Vtt <- unname(Vtt[, , t]) else diag.Vtt <- unname(Vtt[, , t])[1 + 0:(m - 1) * (m + 1)] # much faster way to get the diagonal
    if (any(diag.Vtt < 0)) {
        ok = FALSE,
        errors = paste("Stopped in MARSSkfss: solution became unstable and negative values appeared on the diagonal of Vtt at t=", t, ".\n", sep = "")
    ####### End Error-checking
  } # End of the Kalman filter recursion (for i to 1:TT)

  # BACKWARD PASS (Kalman smoother) gets you E[x(t)|y(1:T)] from E[x(t)|y(1:t)]
  if (smoother) {
    xtT[, TT] <- xtt[, TT, drop = FALSE]
    VtT[, , TT] <- Vtt[, , TT]
    # indexing is 0 to T for the backwards smoother recursions
    s <- seq(TT, 2)
    for (i in 1:(TT - 1)) {
      t <- s[i]
      # Zt = Z; Zt[YM[,t]==0,]=0   #MUCH faster than defining Mt using diag(YM); commented out since doesn't seem to be used
      if ("B" %in% time.varying) {
        B <- parmat(MLEobj, "B", t = t)$B # t since in 6.49, B[t] appears
        if (m == 1) t.B <- B else t.B <- matrix(B, m, m, byrow = TRUE)
      if ("Q" %in% time.varying || "G" %in% time.varying) {
        Q <- parmat(MLEobj, "Q", t = t)$Q
        G <- parmat(MLEobj, "G", t = t)$G
        Q <- tcrossprod(G %*% Q, G)
        if (m == 1) {
          diag.Q <- unname(Q)
        } else {
          diag.Q <- unname(Q)[1 + 0:(m - 1) * (m + 1)]
      # deal with any 0s on diagonal of Vtt1; these can arise due to 0s in V0, B, + Q
      # 0s on diag of Vtt1 will break the Kalman smoother if t>1
      if (m == 1) diag.Vtt1 <- unname(Vtt1[, , t]) else diag.Vtt1 <- unname(Vtt1[, , t])[1 + 0:(m - 1) * (m + 1)] # much faster way to get the diagonal
      if (any(diag.Vtt1 < 0)) { # abandon if problems like this
          ok = FALSE,
          errors = paste("Stopped in MARSSkfss: solution became unstable and negative values appeared on the diagonal of Vtt1.\n")

      # Error-checking for 0s on diagonal of Vtt1 that they are allowed
      if (debugkf != -1 & any(diag.Vtt1 == 0)) {
        # deal with 0s that are ok if there are corresponding 0s on Q diagonal
        Q0s <- all(which(diag.Vtt1 == 0) %in% which(diag.Q == 0))
        # Q0s=identical(which(diag.Q==0),which(diag.Vtt1==0))
        if (!Q0s && (init.state == "x00" || (init.state == "x10" && t > 1))) {
          return(list(ok = FALSE, errors = paste("Stopped in MARSSkfss: solution became unstable when zeros appeared on the diagonal of Vtt1 at t=", t, ".\n")))
      # If trace > 0, then use try() to check if inversion can be done.
      if (debugkf <= 0) { # 0 is default; -1 is not checking
        if (m == 1) {
          Vinv <- pcholinv(matrix(Vtt1[, , t], 1, 1))
        } else {
          Vinv <- pcholinv(Vtt1[, , t])
          Vinv <- symm(Vinv) # to enforce symmetry after chol2inv call
      } else { # this is expensive; only use if extra tracing specified
        if (m == 1) {
          Vinv <- try(pcholinv(matrix(Vtt1[, , t], 1, 1)), silent = TRUE)
        } else {
          Vinv <- try(pcholinv(Vtt1[, , t]), silent = TRUE)
        if (class(Vinv)[1] == "try-error") {
          return(list(ok = FALSE, errors = paste("Stopped in MARSSkfss: chol(Vtt1[,,", t, "]) error.\n", sep = "")))
        Vinv <- symm(Vinv) # if not errors
      J[, , t - 1] <- Vtt[, , t - 1] %*% t.B %*% Vinv # eqn 6.49 and 1s on diag when Q=0; Here it is t.B[t]

      xtT[, t - 1] <- xtt[, t - 1, drop = FALSE] + J[, , t - 1] %*% (xtT[, t, drop = FALSE] - xtt1[, t, drop = FALSE]) # eqn 6.47
      if (m == 1) t.J <- J[, , t - 1] else t.J <- matrix(J[, , t - 1], m, m, byrow = TRUE) # faster transpose
      VtT[, , t - 1] <- Vtt[, , t - 1] + J[, , t - 1] %*% (VtT[, , t] - Vtt1[, , t]) %*% t.J # eqn 6.48
    } # end of the smoother

    # define J0
    if (init.state == "x00") { # Shumway and Stoffer treatment of initial conditions; LAM and pi defined for x_0
      if ("B" %in% time.varying) {
        B <- parmat(MLEobj, "B", t = 1)$B
        if (m == 1) t.B <- B else t.B <- matrix(B, m, m, byrow = TRUE)
      if ("Q" %in% time.varying) {
        Q <- parmat(MLEobj, "Q", t = 1)$Q
        if (m == 1) {
          diag.Q <- unname(Q)
        } else {
          diag.Q <- takediag(unname(Q))
      # deal with any 0s on diagonal of Vtt1; these can arise due to 0s in V0, B, + Q
      # 0s on diag of Vtt1 will break the Kalman smoother if t>1
      diag.Vtt1 <- unname(Vtt1[, , 1])
      diag.Vtt1 <- diag.Vtt1[1 + 0:(m - 1) * (m + 1)] # much faster way to get the diagonal
      if (debugkf != -1 & any(diag.Vtt1 == 0)) {
        # deal with 0s that are ok if there are corresponding 0s on Q diagonal
        Q0s <- identical(which(diag.Q == 0), which(diag.Vtt1 == 0))
        if (!Q0s && (init.state == "x00" || (init.state == "x10" && t > 1))) {
          return(list(ok = FALSE, errors = paste("Stopped in MARSSkfss: solution became unstable when zeros appeared on the diagonal of Vtt1 at t=1.\n")))
      Vtt1.1 <- sub3D(Vtt1, t = 1)
      if (any(takediag(Vtt1.1) == 0)) {
        Vinv <- pcholinv(Vtt1.1, chol = FALSE)
        if (m != 1) Vinv <- symm(Vinv) # to enforce symmetry after chol2inv call
        J0 <- V0 %*% t.B %*% Vinv # eqn 6.49 and 1s on diag when Q=0; Here it is t.B[1]
      } else {
        t.J0 <- solve(matrix(Vtt1.1, m, m, byrow = TRUE), B %*% V0)
        if (m == 1) J0 <- t.J0 else J0 <- matrix(t.J0, m, m, byrow = TRUE)
      x0T <- x0 + J0 %*% (xtT[, 1, drop = FALSE] - xtt1[, 1, drop = FALSE]) # eqn 6.47
      V0T <- V0 + tcrossprod(J0 %*% (VtT[, , 1] - Vtt1[, , 1]), J0) # eqn 6.48
      V0T <- symm(V0T) # enforce symmetry
    if (init.state == "x10") { # Ghahramani treatment of initial states; LAM and pi defined for x_1
      if (m == 1) J0 <- matrix(J[, , 1], 1, 1) else J0 <- J[, , 1]
      x0T <- xtT[, 1, drop = FALSE]
      if (m == 1) V0T <- matrix(VtT[, , 1], 1, 1) else V0T <- VtT[, , 1]

    # LAG 1 Covariance smoother
    # run another backward recursion to get E[x(t)x(t-1)|y(T)]
    if ("Z" %in% time.varying) {
      Z <- parmat(MLEobj, "Z", t = TT)$Z
    } # in 6.55, Z[TT] appears
    Zt <- Z
    Zt[YM[, TT] == 0, ] <- 0 # much faster than Mt%*%Z
    if ("B" %in% time.varying) {
      B <- parmat(MLEobj, "B", t = TT)$B
    } # in 6.55, B[TT] appears
    KT <- matrix(Kt[, , TT], m, n) # funny array call to prevent R from restructuring dims
    Vtt1T[, , TT] <- (I.m - KT %*% Zt) %*% B %*% Vtt[, , TT - 1] # eqn. 6.55 this is Var(x(T)x(T-1)|y(T)); not symmetric
    s <- seq(TT, 3)
    for (i in 1:(TT - 2)) {
      t <- s[i]
      if ("B" %in% time.varying) {
        B <- parmat(MLEobj, "B", t = t)$B
      } # in 6.56, B[t] appears
      if (m == 1) t.J <- J[, , t - 2] else t.J <- matrix(J[, , t - 2], m, m, byrow = TRUE) # faster transpose
      Vtt1T[, , t - 1] <- Vtt[, , t - 1] %*% t.J + J[, , t - 1] %*% (Vtt1T[, , t] - B %*% Vtt[, , t - 1]) %*% t.J # eqn 6.56
    if (init.state == "x00") {
      if ("B" %in% time.varying) {
        B <- parmat(MLEobj, "B", t = 2)$B
      Vtt1T[, , 1] <- Vtt[, , 1] %*% t(J0) + J[, , 1] %*% (Vtt1T[, , 2] - B %*% Vtt[, , 1]) %*% t(J0)
    if (init.state == "x10") Vtt1T[, , 1] <- NA
  } else {
    x0T <- V0T <- VtT <- xtT <- J0 <- Vtt1T <- NULL
  ## END SMOOTHER #########################################################

  rtn.list <- list(
    xtT = xtT, VtT = VtT, Vtt1T = Vtt1T, x0T = x0T, V0T = V0T, Vtt = Vtt,
    Vtt1 = Vtt1, J = J, J0 = J0, Kt = Kt, xtt1 = xtt1, xtt = xtt, Innov = vt, Sigma = Ft

  # apply names
  MODELobj <- MLEobj[["marss"]]
  X.names <- attr(MODELobj, "X.names")
  Y.names <- attr(MODELobj, "Y.names")
  if (smoother) {
    for (el in c("xtT", "xtt1", "xtt", "x0T")) rownames(rtn.list[[el]]) <- X.names
  } else {
    for (el in c("xtt1", "xtt")) rownames(rtn.list[[el]]) <- X.names
  rownames(rtn.list[["Innov"]]) <- Y.names

  # Calculate log likelihood, see eqn 6.62
  # Innovations form of the likelihood
  loglike <- -sum(YM) / 2 * log(2 * base::pi) # sum(YM) is the number of data points
  for (t in 1:TT) {
    if (n == 1) diag.Ft <- Ft[, , t] else diag.Ft <- unname(Ft[, , t])[1 + 0:(n - 1) * (n + 1)]
    if (any(diag.Ft == 0)) {
      if (t > 1 || (t == 1 && init.state == "x00")) {
        return(c(rtn.list, list(
          ok = FALSE, logLik = NaN,
          errors = paste("One of the diagonal elements of Sigma[,,", t, "]=0. That should never happen when t>1 or t=1 and tinitx=0.  \n Are both Q[i,i] and R[i,i] being set to 0?\n", sep = "")
      } else {
        # t=1 so ok. get the det of Ft and deal with 0s that might appear on
        #   diag of Ft when t=1 and V0=0 and R=0 and tinitx=1
        #   Note, x10 can be != y[1] when R=0; x11 cannot be.

        OmgF1 <- makediag(1, n)[diag.Ft != 0, , drop = FALSE] # permutation matrix
        # need to remove those y[1] associated with Ft[,,1]==0 that were non-missing
        loglike <- loglike + sum(diag.Ft == 0 & YM[, 1] != 0) / 2 * log(2 * base::pi)

        if (dim(OmgF1)[1] == 0) { # no non-zero Ft[,,1]
          detFt <- 1 # means R and diag(Ft[,,1] all 0; will become 0 when logged
        } else {
          # when R(i,i) is 0 then vt_t(i) will be zero and Sigma[i,i,1] will be 0 if V0=0.
          # OmgF1 makes sure we don't try to take 1/0
          if (length(OmgF1 %*% tcrossprod(Ft[, , t], OmgF1)) == 1) {
            detFt <- OmgF1 %*% tcrossprod(Ft[, , t], OmgF1)
          } else {
            detFt <- det(OmgF1 %*% tcrossprod(Ft[, , t], OmgF1))
        # get the inverse of Ft
        if (n == 1) {
          Ftinv <- pcholinv(matrix(Ft[, , t], 1, 1))
        } else {
          Ftinv <- pcholinv(Ft[, , t]) # pcholinv deals with 0s on diagonal
          Ftinv <- symm(Ftinv) # to enforce symmetry after chol2inv call
    } else { # not any diag of Ft==0
      if (n == 1) {
        detFt <- Ft[, , t]
        Ftinv <- 1 / Ft[, , t]
      } else {
        detFt <- det(Ft[, , t])
        Ftinv <- chol2inv(chol(Ft[, , t])) # don't use pcholinv since it is slower
        Ftinv <- symm(Ftinv) # to enforce symmetry after chol2inv call
    if (detFt < 0 || !is.finite(log(detFt))) {
      return(c(rtn.list, list(ok = FALSE, logLik = NaN, Sigma = Ft, errors = paste("Stopped in MARSSkfss: log(det(Ft[,,", t, "]))=NA.\n", sep = ""))))

    # matrix call here is a transpose
    loglike <- loglike - (1 / 2) %*% matrix(vt[, t], 1, n) %*% Ftinv %*% vt[, t, drop = FALSE] - (1 / 2) * log(detFt)
    loglike <- as.vector(loglike)
  if (!is.finite(loglike)) {
    return(c(rtn.list, list(ok = FALSE, errors = paste("Stopped in MARSSkfss: loglike computed to NA.\n"))))

  return(c(rtn.list, list(logLik = loglike, ok = TRUE, errors = msg)))

symm <- function(x) {
  t.x <- matrix(x, dim(x)[2], dim(x)[1], byrow = TRUE)
  x <- (x + t.x) / 2

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