# file MASS/R/rlm.R
# copyright (C) 1994-2020 W. N. Venables and B. D. Ripley
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 or 3 of the License
# (at your option).
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
rlm <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("rlm")
rlm.formula <-
function(formula, data, weights, ..., subset, na.action,
method = c("M", "MM", "model.frame"),
wt.method = c("inv.var", "case"),
model = TRUE, x.ret = TRUE, y.ret = FALSE, contrasts = NULL)
mf <- = FALSE)
mf$method <- mf$wt.method <- mf$model <- mf$x.ret <- mf$y.ret <- mf$contrasts <- mf$... <- NULL
mf[[1L]] <- quote(stats::model.frame)
mf <- eval.parent(mf)
method <- match.arg(method)
wt.method <- match.arg(wt.method)
if(method == "model.frame") return(mf)
mt <- attr(mf, "terms")
y <- model.response(mf)
offset <- model.offset(mf)
if(!is.null(offset)) y <- y - offset
x <- model.matrix(mt, mf, contrasts)
xvars <- as.character(attr(mt, "variables"))[-1L]
if ((yvar <- attr(mt, "response")) > 0L)
xvars <- xvars[-yvar]
xlev <- if (length(xvars) > 0L) {
xlev <- lapply(mf[xvars], levels)
xlev[!sapply(xlev, is.null)]
weights <- model.weights(mf)
if(!length(weights)) weights <- rep(1, nrow(x))
fit <- rlm.default(x, y, weights, method = method,
wt.method = wt.method, ...)
fit$terms <- mt
## fix up call to refer to the generic, but leave arg name as `formula'
cl <-
cl[[1L]] <-"rlm")
fit$call <- cl
fit$contrasts <- attr(x, "contrasts")
fit$xlevels <- .getXlevels(mt, mf)
fit$na.action <- attr(mf, "na.action")
if(model) fit$model <- mf
if(!x.ret) fit$x <- NULL
if(y.ret) fit$y <- y
## change in 7.3-52 suggested by Andr\'e Gillibert
fit$offset <- offset
if (!is.null(offset)) fit$fitted.values <- fit$fitted.values + offset
rlm.default <-
function(x, y, weights, ..., w = rep(1, nrow(x)),
init = "ls", psi = psi.huber,
scale.est = c("MAD", "Huber", "proposal 2"), k2 = 1.345,
method = c("M", "MM"), wt.method = c("inv.var", "case"),
maxit = 20, acc = 1e-4, test.vec = "resid", lqs.control=NULL)
{ <- function(old, new)
sqrt(sum((old - new)^2)/max(1e-20, sum(old^2)))
irls.rrxwr <- function(x, w, r)
w <- sqrt(w)
max(abs((matrix(r * w, 1L, length(r)) %*% x)/
sqrt(matrix(w, 1L, length(r)) %*% (x^2))))/sqrt(sum(w * r^2))
wmad <- function(x, w)
o <- sort.list(abs(x)); x <- abs(x)[o]; w <- w[o]
p <- cumsum(w)/sum(w)
n <- sum(p < 0.5)
if (p[n + 1L] > 0.5) x[n + 1L]/0.6745 else (x[n + 1L] + x[n + 2L])/(2*0.6745)
method <- match.arg(method)
wt.method <- match.arg(wt.method)
nmx <- deparse(substitute(x))
if(is.null(dim(x))) {
x <- as.matrix(x)
colnames(x) <- nmx
} else x <- as.matrix(x)
colnames(x) <- paste("X", seq(ncol(x)), sep="")
if(qr(x)$rank < ncol(x))
stop("'x' is singular: singular fits are not implemented in 'rlm'")
if(!(any(test.vec == c("resid", "coef", "w", "NULL"))
|| is.null(test.vec))) stop("invalid 'test.vec'")
## deal with weights
xx <- x
yy <- y
if(!missing(weights)) {
if(length(weights) != nrow(x))
stop("length of 'weights' must equal number of observations")
if(any(weights < 0)) stop("negative 'weights' value")
if(wt.method == "inv.var") {
fac <- sqrt(weights)
y <- y*fac; x <- x* fac
wt <- NULL
} else {
w <- w * weights
wt <- weights
} else wt <- NULL
if(method == "M") {
scale.est <- match.arg(scale.est)
if(!is.function(psi)) psi <- get(psi, mode="function")
## match any ... args to those of psi.
arguments <- list(...)
if(length(arguments)) {
pm <- pmatch(names(arguments), names(formals(psi)), nomatch = 0L)
if(any(pm == 0L)) warning("some of ... do not match")
pm <- names(arguments)[pm> 0L]
formals(psi)[pm] <- unlist(arguments[pm])
if(is.character(init)) {
temp <- if(init == "ls") lm.wfit(x, y, w, method="qr")
else if(init == "lts") {
if(is.null(lqs.control)) lqs.control <- list(nsamp=200L)"lqs", c(list(x, y, intercept = FALSE), lqs.control))
} else stop("'init' method is unknown")
coef <- temp$coefficients
resid <- temp$residuals
} else {
if(is.list(init)) coef <- init$coef
else coef <- init
resid <- drop(y - x %*% coef)
} else if(method == "MM") {
scale.est <- "MM"
temp <-"lqs",
c(list(x, y, intercept = FALSE, method = "S",
k0 = 1.548), lqs.control))
coef <- temp$coefficients
resid <- temp$residuals
psi <- psi.bisquare
if(length(arguments <- list(...)))
if(match("c", names(arguments), nomatch = 0L)) {
c0 <- arguments$c
if (c0 > 1.548) formals(psi)$c <- c0
warning("'c' must be at least 1.548 and has been ignored")
scale <- temp$scale
} else stop("'method' is unknown")
done <- FALSE
conv <- NULL
n1 <- (if(is.null(wt)) nrow(x) else sum(wt)) - ncol(x)
theta <- 2*pnorm(k2) - 1
gamma <- theta + k2^2 * (1 - theta) - 2 * k2 * dnorm(k2)
## At this point the residuals are weighted for inv.var and
## unweighted for case weights. Only Huber handles case weights
## correctly.
if(scale.est != "MM")
scale <- if(is.null(wt)) mad(resid, 0) else wmad(resid, wt)
for(iiter in 1L:maxit) {
if(!is.null(test.vec)) testpv <- get(test.vec)
if(scale.est != "MM") {
scale <- if(scale.est == "MAD")
if(is.null(wt)) median(abs(resid))/0.6745 else wmad(resid, wt)
else if(is.null(wt))
sqrt(sum(pmin(resid^2, (k2 * scale)^2))/(n1*gamma))
else sqrt(sum(wt*pmin(resid^2, (k2 * scale)^2))/(n1*gamma))
if(scale == 0) {
done <- TRUE
w <- psi(resid/scale)
if(!is.null(wt)) w <- w * weights
temp <- lm.wfit(x, y, w, method="qr")
coef <- temp$coefficients
resid <- temp$residuals
if(!is.null(test.vec)) convi <-, get(test.vec))
else convi <- irls.rrxwr(x, w, resid)
conv <- c(conv, convi)
done <- (convi <= acc)
if(done) break
warning(gettextf("'rlm' failed to converge in %d steps", maxit),
domain = NA)
fitted <- drop(xx %*% coef)
## fix up call to refer to the generic, but leave arg name as `formula'
cl <-
cl[[1L]] <-"rlm")
fit <- list(coefficients = coef, residuals = yy - fitted, wresid = resid,
effects = temp$effects,
rank = temp$rank, fitted.values = fitted,
assign = temp$assign, qr = temp$qr, df.residual = NA, w = w,
s = scale, psi = psi, k2 = k2,
weights = if(!missing(weights)) weights,
conv = conv, converged = done, x = xx, call = cl)
class(fit) <- c("rlm", "lm")
print.rlm <- function(x, ...)
if(!is.null(cl <- x$call)) {
dput(cl, control=NULL)
cat("Converged in", length(x$conv), "iterations\n")
else cat("Ran", length(x$conv), "iterations without convergence\n")
coef <- x$coefficients
print(coef, ...)
nobs <- length(x$residuals)
rdf <- nobs - length(coef)
cat("\nDegrees of freedom:", nobs, "total;", rdf, "residual\n")
if(nzchar(mess <- naprint(x$na.action))) cat(" (", mess, ")\n", sep="")
cat("Scale estimate:", format(signif(x$s,3)), "\n")
summary.rlm <- function(object, method = c("XtX", "XtWX"),
correlation = FALSE, ...)
method <- match.arg(method)
s <- object$s
coef <- object$coefficients
ptotal <- length(coef)
wresid <- object$wresid
res <- object$residuals
n <- length(wresid)
if(any(na <- coef <- coef[!na]
cnames <- names(coef)
p <- length(coef)
rinv <- diag(p)
dimnames(rinv) <- list(cnames, cnames)
wts <- if(length(object$weights)) object$weights else rep(1, n)
if(length(object$call$wt.method) && object$call$wt.method == "case") {
rdf <- sum(wts) - p
w <- object$psi(wresid/s)
S <- sum(wts * (wresid*w)^2)/rdf
psiprime <- object$psi(wresid/s, deriv=1)
m1 <- sum(wts*psiprime)
m2 <- sum(wts*psiprime^2)
nn <- sum(wts)
mn <- m1/nn
kappa <- 1 + p*(m2 - m1^2/nn)/(nn-1)/(nn*mn^2)
stddev <- sqrt(S)*(kappa/mn)
} else {
res <- res * sqrt(wts)
rdf <- n - p
w <- object$psi(wresid/s)
S <- sum((wresid*w)^2)/rdf
psiprime <- object$psi(wresid/s, deriv=1)
mn <- mean(psiprime)
kappa <- 1 + p*var(psiprime)/(n*mn^2)
stddev <- sqrt(S)*(kappa/mn)
X <- if(length(object$weights)) object$x * sqrt(object$weights) else object$x
if(method == "XtWX") {
mn <- sum(wts*w)/sum(wts)
X <- X * sqrt(w/mn)
R <- qr(X)$qr
R <- R[1L:p, 1L:p, drop = FALSE]
R[lower.tri(R)] <- 0
rinv <- solve(R, rinv)
dimnames(rinv) <- list(cnames, cnames)
rowlen <- (rinv^2 %*% rep(1, p))^0.5
names(rowlen) <- cnames
if(correlation) {
correl <- rinv * array(1/rowlen, c(p, p))
correl <- correl %*% t(correl)
} else correl <- NULL
coef <- array(coef, c(p, 3L))
dimnames(coef) <- list(cnames, c("Value", "Std. Error", "t value"))
coef[, 2] <- rowlen %o% stddev
coef[, 3] <- coef[, 1]/coef[, 2]
object <- object[c("call", "na.action")]
object$residuals <- res
object$coefficients <- coef
object$sigma <- s
object$stddev <- stddev
object$df <- c(p, rdf, ptotal)
object$r.squared <- NA
object$cov.unscaled <- rinv %*% t(rinv)
object$correlation <- correl
object$terms <- NA
class(object) <- "summary.rlm"
print.summary.rlm <-
function(x, digits = max(3, .Options$digits - 3), ...)
cat("\nCall: ")
dput(x$call, control=NULL)
resid <- x$residuals
df <- x$df
rdf <- df[2L]
cat(if(!is.null(x$weights) && diff(range(x$weights))) "Weighted ",
"Residuals:\n", sep="")
if(rdf > 5L) {
if(length(dim(resid)) == 2L) {
rq <- apply(t(resid), 1L, quantile)
dimnames(rq) <- list(c("Min", "1Q", "Median", "3Q", "Max"),
} else {
rq <- quantile(resid)
names(rq) <- c("Min", "1Q", "Median", "3Q", "Max")
print(rq, digits = digits, ...)
} else if(rdf > 0L) {
print(resid, digits = digits, ...)
if(nsingular <- df[3L] - df[1L])
cat("\nCoefficients: (", nsingular,
" not defined because of singularities)\n", sep = "")
else cat("\nCoefficients:\n")
print(format(round(x$coefficients, digits = digits)), quote = FALSE, ...)
cat("\nResidual standard error:", format(signif(x$sigma, digits)),
"on", rdf, "degrees of freedom\n")
if(nzchar(mess <- naprint(x$na.action))) cat(" (", mess, ")\n", sep="")
if(!is.null(correl <- x$correlation)) {
p <- dim(correl)[2L]
if(p > 1L) {
cat("\nCorrelation of Coefficients:\n")
ll <- lower.tri(correl)
correl[ll] <- format(round(correl[ll], digits))
correl[!ll] <- ""
print(correl[-1L, -p, drop = FALSE], quote = FALSE, digits = digits, ...)
psi.huber <- function(u, k = 1.345, deriv=0)
if(!deriv) return(pmin(1, k / abs(u)))
abs(u) <= k
psi.hampel <- function(u, a = 2, b = 4, c = 8, deriv=0)
U <- pmin(abs(u) + 1e-50, c)
if(!deriv) return(ifelse(U <= a, U, ifelse(U <= b, a, a*(c-U)/(c-b) ))/U)
ifelse(abs(u) <= c, ifelse(U <= a, 1, ifelse(U <= b, 0, -a/(c-b))), 0)
psi.bisquare <- function(u, c = 4.685, deriv=0)
if(!deriv) return((1 - pmin(1, abs(u/c))^2)^2)
t <- (u/c)^2
ifelse(t < 1, (1 - t)*(1 - 5*t), 0)
se.contrast.rlm <-
function(object, contrast.obj,
coef = contr.helmert(ncol(contrast))[, 1L],
data = NULL, ...)
contrast.weight.aov <- function(object, contrast)
asgn <- object$assign[object$qr$pivot[1L:object$rank]]
uasgn <- unique(asgn)
nterms <- length(uasgn)
nmeffect <- c("(Intercept)",
attr(object$terms, "term.labels"))[1L + uasgn]
effects <- as.matrix(qr.qty(object$qr, contrast))
res <- matrix(0, nrow = nterms, ncol = ncol(effects),
dimnames = list(nmeffect, colnames(contrast)))
for(i in seq(nterms)) {
select <- (asgn == uasgn[i])
res[i,] <- colSums(effects[seq_along(asgn)[select], , drop = FALSE]^2)
if(is.null(data)) contrast.obj <- eval(contrast.obj)
else contrast.obj <- eval(substitute(contrast.obj), data, parent.frame())
if(!is.matrix(contrast.obj)) { # so a list
if(!missing(coef)) {
if(sum(coef) != 0)
stop("'coef' must define a contrast, i.e., sum to 0")
if(length(coef) != length(contrast.obj))
stop("'coef' must have same length as 'contrast.obj'")
contrast <-
sapply(contrast.obj, function(x)
stop(gettextf("each element of '%s' must be logical",
domain = NA)
if(!length(contrast) || all(
stop("the contrast defined is empty (has no TRUE elements)")
contrast <- contrast %*% coef
} else {
contrast <- contrast.obj
if(any(abs(colSums(contrast)) > 1e-8))
stop("columns of 'contrast.obj' must define a contrast (sum to zero)")
colnames(contrast) <- paste("Contrast", seq(ncol(contrast)))
weights <- contrast.weight.aov(object, contrast)
summary(object)$stddev *
if(!is.matrix(contrast.obj)) sqrt(sum(weights)) else sqrt(colSums(weights))
predict.rlm <- function (object, newdata = NULL, scale = NULL, ...)
## problems with using predict.lm are the scale and
## the QR decomp which has been done on down-weighted values.
object$qr <- qr(sqrt(object$weights) * object$x)
NextMethod(object, scale = object$s, ...)
vcov.rlm <- function (object, ...)
so <- summary(object, corr = FALSE)
so$stddev^2 * so$cov.unscaled
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