
tcmat.create <- function (origins.id, origins.addr, 
                          destinations.id, destinations.addr, 
                          tc.type = "airline", tc.unit = "km", 
                          or.addr.format = "stradr", de.addr.format = "stradr",
                          tc.constant = 0, query.delay = 0, show_proc = FALSE) {
  addr_formats <- c("stradr", "coords")
  if ((or.addr.format %in% addr_formats) == FALSE)
    stop("Origins address format must be either lon/lat (coords) or street address (stradr)", call. = FALSE)
  if ((de.addr.format %in% addr_formats) == FALSE)
    stop("Destinations address format must be either lon/lat (coords) or street address (stradr)", call. = FALSE)
  checkod(origins.id, destinations.id, origins.addr, destinations.addr)
  if (show_proc == TRUE) {
    cat ("\n")
    cat ("Transport costs matrix")
    cat ("\n")
  if (or.addr.format == "stradr") {

    if (show_proc == TRUE) {
      cat ("Geocoding origins ... ")
    i <- 0
    coords_origins <- data.frame(matrix (nrow = length(origins.id), ncol = 4))
    for (i in 1:length(origins.id)) {
      coords <- geocode_OSM(as.character(origins.addr[i]))
      coords_origins[i,1] <- as.character(origins.id[i])
      coords_origins[i,2] <- as.character(origins.addr[i])
      coords_origins[i,3] <- coords$coords[1]
      coords_origins[i,4] <- coords$coords[2]
    colnames(coords_origins) <- c("origins.id", "origins.addr", "origins.x_lon", "origins.y_lat")

    if (show_proc == TRUE) {
      cat("OK", "\n")
  if (or.addr.format == "coords") {

    coords <- matrix(ncol = 2, nrow = length(origins.id))
    for (i in 1:length(origins.id)) {
      coords[i,] <- unlist(strsplit(origins.addr[i], ";"))
      coords[i,] <- gsub(",", ".", coords[i,])
    coords_origins <- data.frame(matrix (nrow = length(origins.id), ncol = 4))
    coords_origins[,1] <- as.character(origins.id)
    coords_origins[,2] <- NA
    coords_origins[,3] <- as.numeric(coords[,1])
    coords_origins[,4] <- as.numeric(coords[,2])
    colnames(coords_origins) <- c("origins.id", "origins.addr", "origins.x_lon", "origins.y_lat")

  if (de.addr.format == "stradr") { 

    if (show_proc == TRUE) { 
      cat ("Geocoding destinations ... ")
    i <- 0
    coords_destinations <- data.frame(matrix (nrow = length(destinations.id), ncol = 4))
    for (i in 1:length(destinations.id)) {
      coords <- geocode_OSM(as.character(destinations.addr[i]))
      coords_destinations[i,1] <- as.character(destinations.id[i])
      coords_destinations[i,2] <- as.character(destinations.addr[i])
      coords_destinations[i,3] <- coords$coords[1]
      coords_destinations[i,4] <- coords$coords[2]
    colnames(coords_destinations) <- c("destinations.id", "destinations.addr", "destinations.x_lon", "destinations.y_lat")

    if (show_proc == TRUE) { cat("OK", "\n") }
  if (de.addr.format == "coords") {

    coords <- matrix(ncol = 2, nrow = length(destinations.id))
    for (i in 1:length(destinations.id)) {
      coords[i,] <- unlist(strsplit(destinations.addr[i], ";"))
      coords[i,] <- gsub(",", ".", coords[i,])
    coords_destinations <- data.frame(matrix (nrow = length(destinations.id), ncol = 4))
    coords_destinations[,1] <- as.character(destinations.id)
    coords_destinations[,2] <- NA
    coords_destinations[,3] <- as.numeric(coords[,1])
    coords_destinations[,4] <- as.numeric(coords[,2])
    colnames(coords_destinations) <- c("origins.id", "origins.addr", "origins.x_lon", "origins.y_lat")


  if (tc.type == "street") {

    if (show_proc == TRUE) {
      cat ("Query of travel times ... ")
    tc_single_list <- osrmTable(src = coords_origins[1:nrow(coords_origins),c("origins.id","origins.x_lon","origins.y_lat")],
                                dst = coords_destinations[1:nrow(coords_destinations),c("destinations.id","destinations.x_lon","destinations.y_lat")])

    if (show_proc == TRUE) {
      cat("OK", "\n")
    tc_single <- as.data.frame(tc_single_list$durations)
    tc_single$start_id <- coords_origins[1:nrow(coords_origins),1] 
    tcmat <- melt(tc_single, id=c("start_id"))
    colnames(tcmat) <- c("from", "to", "tc")
    tcmat$from_to <- paste0(tcmat$from, "-", tcmat$to)
    if (tc.unit == "hou") { tcmat$tc <- tcmat$tc/60 }
    if (tc.unit == "sec") { tcmat$tc <- tcmat$tc*60 }
    tcmat <- tcmat[,c(1,2,4,3)]
  else {

    if (show_proc == TRUE) {
      cat ("Calculating distances ... ")
    tcmat <- dist.mat (startpoints = coords_origins, sp_id = "origins.id", lat_start = "origins.y_lat", lon_start = "origins.x_lon",
                       endpoints = coords_destinations, ep_id = "destinations.id", lat_end = "destinations.y_lat", lon_end = "destinations.x_lon", 
                       unit = tc.unit)
    colnames(tcmat) <- c("from", "to", "from_to", "tc")
    if (show_proc == TRUE) {
      cat("OK", "\n")
  tcmat$tc <- tcmat$tc+tc.constant

  tc.mode <- list(tc.type = tc.type, tc.unit = tc.unit, tc.constant = tc.constant)
  invisible(list (tcmat = tcmat, coords_origins = coords_origins, coords_destinations = coords_destinations, tc.mode = tc.mode))

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MCI2 documentation built on Aug. 2, 2019, 5:04 p.m.