
Defines functions MRFcov

Documented in MRFcov

#'Markov Random Fields with covariates
#'This function is the workhorse of the \code{MRFcov} package, running
#'separate penalized regressions for each node to estimate parameters of
#'Markov Random Fields (MRF) graphs. Covariates can be included
#'(a class of models known as Conditional Random Fields; CRF), to estimate
#'how interactions between nodes vary across covariate magnitudes.
#'@importFrom parallel makePSOCKcluster setDefaultCluster clusterExport stopCluster clusterEvalQ parLapply
#'@importFrom stats coef cor.test glm na.omit quantile rnorm runif sd
#'@importFrom utils head
#'@import glmnet
#'@param data A \code{dataframe}. The input data where the \code{n_nodes}
#'left-most variables are variables that are to be represented by nodes in the graph
#'@param symmetrise The method to use for symmetrising corresponding parameter estimates
#'(which are taken from separate regressions). Options are \code{min} (take the coefficient with the
#'smallest absolute value), \code{max} (take the coefficient with the largest absolute value)
#'or \code{mean} (take the mean of the two coefficients). Default is \code{mean}
#'@param prep_covariates Logical. If \code{TRUE}, covariate columns will be cross-multiplied
#'with nodes to prep the dataset for MRF models. Note this is only useful when additional
#'covariates are provided. Therefore, if \code{n_nodes < NCOL(data)},
#'default is \code{TRUE}. Otherwise, default is \code{FALSE}. See
#'\code{\link{prep_MRF_covariates}} for more information
#'@param n_nodes Positive integer. The index of the last column in \code{data}
#'which is represented by a node in the final graph. Columns with index
#'greater than n_nodes are taken as covariates. Default is the number of
#'columns in \code{data}, corresponding to no additional covariates
#'@param n_cores Positive integer. The number of cores to spread the job across using
#'\code{\link[parallel]{makePSOCKcluster}}. Default is 1 (no parallelisation)
#'@param n_covariates Positive integer. The number of covariates in \code{data}, before cross-multiplication.
#'Default is \code{NCOL(data) - n_nodes}
#'@param family The response type. Responses can be quantitative continuous (\code{family = "gaussian"}),
#'non-negative counts (\code{family = "poisson"}) or binomial 1s and 0s (\code{family = "binomial"}).
#'If using (\code{family = "binomial"}), please note that if nodes occur in less than 5 percent
#'of observations this can make it generally difficult to
#'estimate occurrence probabilities (on the extreme end, this can result in intercept-only
#'models being fitted for the nodes in question). The function will issue a warning in this case.
#'If nodes occur in more than 95 percent of observations, this will return an error as the cross-validation
#'step will generally be unable to proceed. For \code{family = 'poisson'} models, all returned
#'coefficients are estimated on the identity scale AFTER using a nonparanormal transformation.
#'See \code{vignette("Gaussian_Poisson_CRFs")} for details of interpretation
#'@param bootstrap Logical. Used by \code{\link{bootstrap_MRF}} to reduce memory usage
#'@param progress_bar Logical. Progress bar in pbapply is used if \code{TRUE}, but this slows estimation.
#'@return A \code{list} containing:
#'    \item \code{graph}: Estimated parameter \code{matrix} of pairwise interaction effects
#'    \item \code{intercepts}: Estimated parameter \code{vector} of node intercepts
#'    \item \code{indirect_coefs}: \code{list} containing matrices representing
#'     indirect effects of each covariate on pairwise node interactions
#'    \item \code{direct_coefs}: \code{matrix} of direct effects of each parameter on
#'    each outcome node. For \code{family = 'binomial'} models, all coefficients are
#'    estimated on the logit scale.
#'    \item \code{param_names}: Character string of covariate parameter names
#'    \item \code{mod_type}: A character stating the type of model that was fit
#'    (used in other functions)
#'    \item \code{mod_family}: A character stating the family of model that was fit
#'    (used in other functions)
#'    \item \code{poiss_sc_factors}: A matrix of the estimated negative binomial or
#'    poisson parameters for each raw  node variable (only returned if \code{family = "poisson"}).
#'    These are needed for converting coefficients back to their original distribution, and are
#'    used for prediction purposes only
#'    }
#'@references Ising, E. (1925). Beitrag zur Theorie des Ferromagnetismus.
#'Zeitschrift für Physik A Hadrons and Nuclei, 31, 253-258.\cr\cr
#'Cheng, J., Levina, E., Wang, P. & Zhu, J. (2014).
#'A sparse Ising model with covariates. (2012). Biometrics, 70, 943-953.\cr\cr
#'Clark, NJ, Wells, K and Lindberg, O.
#'Unravelling changing interspecific interactions across environmental gradients
#'using Markov random fields. (2018). Ecology doi: 10.1002/ecy.2221
#'\href{https://www.researchgate.net/publication/325184442_Unravelling_changing_interspecific_interactions_across_environmental_gradients_using_Markov_random_fields}{Full text here}.\cr\cr
#'Sutton C, McCallum A. An introduction to conditional random fields.
#'Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning 4, 267-373.
#'@seealso Cheng et al. (2014), Sutton & McCallum (2012) and Clark et al. (2018)
#'for overviews of Conditional Random Fields. See \code{\link[glmnet]{cv.glmnet}} for
#'details of cross-validated optimization using LASSO penalty. Worked examples to showcase
#'this function can be found using \code{vignette("Bird_Parasite_CRF")} and
#'@details Separate penalized regressions are used to approximate
#'MRF parameters, where the regression for node \code{j} includes an
#'intercept and coefficients for the abundance (families \code{gaussian} or \code{poisson})
#'or presence-absence (family \code{binomial}) of all other
#'nodes (\code{/j}) in \code{data}. If covariates are included, coefficients
#'are also estimated for the effect of the covariate on \code{j}, and for the
#'effects of the covariate on interactions between \code{j} and all other nodes
#'(\code{/j}). Note that interaction coefficients must be estimated between variables that
#'are on roughly the same scale, as the resulting parameter estimates are
#'unified into a Markov Random Field using the specified \code{symmetrise} function.
#'Counts for \code{poisson} variables, which are often not on the same scale,
#'will therefore be normalised with a nonparanormal transformation
#'\code{x = qnorm(rank(log2(x + 0.01)) / (length(x) + 1))}. These transformed counts
#'will be used in a \code{(family = "gaussian")}
#'model and their respective raw distribution parameters returned so that coefficients
#'can be back-transformed for interpretation (this back-transformation is
#'performed automatatically by other functions including \code{\link{predict_MRF}}
#'and \code{\link{cv_MRF_diag}}). Gaussian variables are not automatically transformed, so
#'if they cover quite different ranges and scales, then it is recommended to scale them prior to fitting
#'models. For more information on this process, use
#'Note that since the number of parameters to estimate in each node-wise regression
#'quickly increases with increasing numbers of nodes and covariates,
#'LASSO penalization is used to regularize
#'regressions. This is done by minimising the cross-validated
#'mean error for each node separately using \code{\link[glmnet]{cv.glmnet}}. In this way,
#'we maximise the log-likelihood of each node
#'separately before unifying the nodes into a graph.
#'CRFmod <- MRFcov(data = Bird.parasites, n_nodes = 4, family = 'binomial')
MRFcov <- function(data, symmetrise,
                   prep_covariates, n_nodes, n_cores, n_covariates,
                   family, bootstrap = FALSE, progress_bar = FALSE) {

  #### Specify default parameter values and initiate warnings ####
  if(!(family %in% c('gaussian', 'poisson', 'binomial')))
    stop('Please select one of the three family options:
         "gaussian", "poisson", "binomial"')

    stop('NAs detected. Consider removing, replacing or using the bootstrap_mrf function to impute NAs',
         call. = FALSE)

    stop('No infinite values permitted', call. = FALSE)

    symmetrise <- 'mean'

  if(!(symmetrise %in% c('min', 'max', 'mean')))
    stop('Please select one of the three options for symmetrising coefficients:
         "min", "max", "mean"')

  lambda1 <- 1

  if(missing(n_cores)) {
    n_cores <- 1
  } else {
    if(sign(n_cores) != 1){
      stop('Please provide a positive integer for n_cores')
    } else{
      if(sfsmisc::is.whole(n_cores) == FALSE){
        stop('Please provide a positive integer for n_cores')

  #### Basic checks on data arguments ####
  if(missing(n_nodes)) {
    warning('n_nodes not specified. using NCOL(data) as default, assuming no covariates',
            call. = FALSE)
    n_nodes <- NCOL(data)
    n_covariates <- 0
  } else {
    if(sign(n_nodes) != 1){
      stop('Please provide a positive integer for n_nodes',
           call. = FALSE)
    } else {
      if(sfsmisc::is.whole(n_nodes) == FALSE){
        stop('Please provide a positive integer for n_nodes',
             call. = FALSE)

    if(n_nodes < NCOL(data)){
      colnames(data) <- c(paste0('sp', seq_len(n_nodes)),
                          paste0('cov', seq_len(NCOL(data) - n_nodes)))
    } else {
      colnames(data) <- paste0('sp', seq_len(n_nodes))

  if(n_nodes < 2){
    stop('Cannot generate a graphical model with less than 2 nodes',
         call. = FALSE)

  if(family == 'binomial'){
    not_binary <- function(v) {
      x <- unique(v)
      length(x) - sum(is.na(x)) != 2L

    if(any(vapply(data[, 1:n_nodes], not_binary, logical(1)))){
      stop('Non-binary variables detected',
           call. = FALSE)

  if(family == 'poisson'){

    not_integer <- function(v) {
      sfsmisc::is.whole(v) == FALSE

    if(any(apply(data[, 1:n_nodes], 2, not_integer))){
      stop('Non-integer variables detected',
           call. = FALSE)

  if(missing(prep_covariates) & n_nodes < NCOL(data)){
    prep_covariates <- TRUE

  if(missing(prep_covariates) & n_nodes == NCOL(data)){
    prep_covariates <- FALSE

  if(missing(n_covariates) & prep_covariates == FALSE){
    n_covariates <- (NCOL(data) - n_nodes) / (n_nodes + 1)

  if(missing(n_covariates) & prep_covariates == TRUE){
    n_covariates <- NCOL(data) - n_nodes

  #### Specify default number of folds for cv.glmnet based on data size ####
  if(nrow(data) < 150){
    # If less than 150 observations, use leave-one-out cv
    n_folds <- rep(nrow(data), n_nodes)
  } else {
    # If > 150 but < 250 observations, use 15-fold cv
    if(nrow(data) < 250){
      n_folds <- rep(15, n_nodes)
    } else {
      # else use the default for cv.glmnet (10-fold cv)
      n_folds <- rep(10, n_nodes)

  # For binomial models, change folds for any very rare or very common nodes
  # to leave-one-out or 50-fold cv
  if(family == 'binomial'){

    # Issue warnings if any nodes are too rare, errors if too common for analysis to proceed
    if(any((colSums(data[, 1:n_nodes]) / nrow(data)) < 0.025)){
      cat('The following are very rare (occur in < 2.5% of observations); interpret with caution:',
          colnames(data[ , 1:n_nodes][which((colSums(data[, 1:n_nodes]) / nrow(data)) < 0.05)]),

    if(any((colSums(data[, 1:n_nodes]) / nrow(data)) > 0.95)){
      stop(paste('The following are too common (occur in > 95% of observations) to estimate occurrence probability:',
                 colnames(data[ , 1:n_nodes][which((colSums(data[, 1:n_nodes]) / nrow(data)) > 0.95)])),
           call. = FALSE)

    # Identify nodes occurring in fewer than 10% of observations
    low_occur_nodes <- which((colSums(data[, 1:n_nodes]) / nrow(data)) < 0.10)

    if(any(n_folds[low_occur_nodes] < 50)){
      n_folds[low_occur_nodes] <- c(nrow(data), 50)[which.min(c(nrow(data), 50))]

    if(length(low_occur_nodes) != 0){
      cat('Leave-one-out cv used for the following low-occurrence (rare) nodes:\n',
          colnames(data[ , 1:n_nodes][low_occur_nodes]), '...\n')

    # Repeat for nodes occurring in more than 90% of observations
    high_occur_nodes <- which((colSums(data[, 1:n_nodes]) / nrow(data)) > 0.90)

    if(any(n_folds[low_occur_nodes] < 50)){
      n_folds[high_occur_nodes] <- c(nrow(data), 50)[which.min(c(nrow(data), 50))]

    if(length(high_occur_nodes) != 0){
      cat('50-fold cv used for the following high-occurrence (common) nodes:\n',
          colnames(data[ , 1:n_nodes][high_occur_nodes]), '...\n')


  #### Use paranormal transformation for Poisson variables ####
  if(family == 'poisson'){
    cat('Poisson variables will be transformed using a nonparanormal...\n')

    #square_root_mean = function(x) {sqrt(mean(x ^ 2))}
    #poiss_sc_factors <- apply(data[, 1:n_nodes], 2, square_root_mean)
    #data[, 1:n_nodes] <- apply(data[, 1:n_nodes], 2,
    #                           function(x) x / square_root_mean(x))

    # Function to estimate parameters of a nb distribution
    nb_params = function(x){
      MASS::fitdistr(x, densfun = "negative binomial")$estimate

    # Function to estimate parameters of a poisson distribution
    poiss_params = function(x){
      MASS::fitdistr(x, densfun = "poisson")$estimate

    # Function to transform counts using nonparanormal
    paranorm = function(x){
      ranks <- rank(log2(x + 0.01))
      stats::qnorm(ranks / (length(x) + 1))

    # Calculate raw parameters
    suppressWarnings(poiss_sc_factors <- try(apply(data[, 1:n_nodes],
                                                   2, nb_params), silent = TRUE))

    if(inherits(poiss_sc_factors, 'try-error')){
      suppressWarnings(poiss_sc_factors <- apply(data[, 1:n_nodes],
                                                 2, poiss_params))

    data[, 1:n_nodes] <- apply(data[, 1:n_nodes], 2, paranorm)
    family <- 'gaussian'
    return_poisson <- TRUE

  } else {
    return_poisson <- FALSE

  #### Prep the dataset by cross-multiplication of covariates if necessary ####
    prepped_mrf_data <- prep_MRF_covariates(data = data, n_nodes = n_nodes)
    mrf_data <- as.matrix(prepped_mrf_data)
    rm(prepped_mrf_data, data)
  } else {
    mrf_data <- as.matrix(data)

  #### Extract sds of variables for later back-conversion of coefficients ####
  . <- NULL
  mrf_sds <- as.vector(t(data.frame(mrf_data) %>%

  if(range(mrf_sds, na.rm = TRUE)[2] > 1.5){
    mrf_sds <- rep(1, length(mrf_sds))
  } else {
    mrf_sds[mrf_sds < 1] <- 1
    mrf_sds[is.na(mrf_sds)] <- 1

  #### Gather parameter values needed for indexing and naming output objects ####
  #Gather node variable (i.e. species) names
  node_names <- colnames(mrf_data[, 1:n_nodes])

  #Gather covariate names
  if(n_covariates > 0){
    cov_names <- colnames(mrf_data)[(n_nodes + 1):NCOL(mrf_data)]
  } else {
    cov_names <- NULL

  #### If n_cores > 1, check for parallel loading before initiating parallel clusters ####
  if(n_cores > 1){

    # Progress bar significantly slows estimation, set to FALSE unless specified
      pbapply::pboptions(style = 1, char = "+", type = 'timer')
    } else {

    #Initiate the n_cores parallel clusters
    cl <- makePSOCKcluster(n_cores)

    #### Check for errors when directly loading a necessary library on each cluster ####
    test_load1 <- try(clusterEvalQ(cl, library(glmnet)), silent = TRUE)

    #If errors produced, iterate through other options for library loading
    if(inherits(test_load1, "try-error")) {

      #Try finding unique library paths using system.file()
      pkgLibs <- unique(c(sub("/glmnet$", "", system.file(package = "glmnet"))))
      clusterExport(NULL, c('pkgLibs'), envir = environment())
      clusterEvalQ(cl, .libPaths(pkgLibs))

      #Check again for errors loading libraries
      test_load2 <- try(clusterEvalQ(cl, library(glmnet)), silent = TRUE)

      if(inherits(test_load2, "try-error")){

        #Try loading the user's .libPath() directly
        test_load3 <- try(clusterEvalQ(cl, library(glmnet)), silent = TRUE)

        if(inherits(test_load3, "try-error")){

          #Give up and use lapply instead!
          parallel_compliant <- FALSE

        } else {
          parallel_compliant <- TRUE

      } else {
        parallel_compliant <- TRUE

    } else {
      parallel_compliant <- TRUE
  } else {
    parallel_compliant <- FALSE

    cat('Fitting MRF models in parallel using', n_cores, 'cores ...\n')
    clusterExport(NULL, c('mrf_data',
                  envir = environment())

    #### Use function 'cv.glmnet' from package glmnet for cross-validation
    # Each node-wise regression will be optimised separately using cv, reducing user-bias ####
    clusterEvalQ(cl, library(glmnet))
    mrf_mods <- pbapply::pblapply(seq_len(n_nodes), function(i) {
      #y.vars <- which(grepl(colnames(mrf_data)[i], colnames(mrf_data)) == T)
      y.vars <- which(endsWith(colnames(mrf_data), colnames(mrf_data)[i]) == T)
      mod <- try(cv.glmnet(x = mrf_data[, -y.vars],
                           y = mrf_data[,i], family = family, alpha = 1,
                           nfolds = n_folds[i], weights = rep(1, nrow(mrf_data)),
                           intercept = TRUE, standardize = TRUE, maxit = 25000),
                 silent = TRUE)

      # Errors sometimes occur due to inadequate run lengths, run for longer
      if(inherits(mod, 'try-error')){
        mod <- try(cv.glmnet(x = mrf_data[, -y.vars],
                             y = mrf_data[,i], family = family, alpha = 1,
                             nfolds = n_folds[i], weights = rep(1, nrow(mrf_data)),
                             intercept = TRUE, standardize = TRUE, maxit = 55000),
                   silent = TRUE)

      # If errors still persist, may need to feed in the lambda sequence manually
      if(inherits(mod, 'try-error')){
        mod <- try(cv.glmnet(x = mrf_data[, -y.vars],
                             y = mrf_data[,i], family = family, alpha = 1,
                             nfolds = n_folds[i], weights = rep(1, nrow(mrf_data)),
                             lambda = rev(seq(0.0001, 1, length.out = 100)),
                             intercept = TRUE, standardize = TRUE, maxit = 55000),
                   silent = TRUE)

      # If still getting errors, this is likely a very sparse node. Return
      # an intercept-only cv.glmnet model instead
      if(inherits(mod, 'try-error')){
        zero_coefs <- rep(0, NCOL(mrf_data[, -y.vars]))
        names(zero_coefs) <- colnames(mrf_data[, -y.vars])
        zero_coef_matrix <- Matrix::Matrix(zero_coefs, sparse = TRUE)
        zero_coef_matrix@Dimnames <- list(names(zero_coefs),'s0')
        glmnet_fit = list(a0 = coef(glm(mrf_data[,i] ~ 1,
                                        family = family)),
                          beta = zero_coef_matrix,
                          lambda = 1)
        attr(glmnet_fit, 'class') <- c('lognet','glmnet')
        mod <- list(lambda = 1, glmnet.fit = glmnet_fit,
                    lambda.min = 1)
        attr(mod, 'class') <- 'cv.glmnet'


    }, cl = cl)

  } else {
    cat('Fitting MRF models in sequence using 1 core ...\n')
    #If parallel is not supported or n_cores = 1, use lapply instead
    mrf_mods <- pbapply::pblapply(seq_len(n_nodes), function(i) {
      #y.vars <- which(grepl(colnames(mrf_data)[i], colnames(mrf_data)) == T)
      y.vars <- which(endsWith(colnames(mrf_data), colnames(mrf_data)[i]) == T)
      mod <- try(cv.glmnet(x = mrf_data[, -y.vars],
                           y = mrf_data[,i], family = family, alpha = 1,
                           nfolds = n_folds[i], weights = rep(1, nrow(mrf_data)),
                           intercept = TRUE, standardize = TRUE, maxit = 25000),
                 silent = TRUE)

      if(inherits(mod, 'try-error')){
        mod <- try(cv.glmnet(x = mrf_data[, -y.vars],
                             y = mrf_data[,i], family = family, alpha = 1,
                             nfolds = n_folds[i], weights = rep(1, nrow(mrf_data)),
                             intercept = TRUE, standardize = TRUE, maxit = 55000),
                   silent = TRUE)

      if(inherits(mod, 'try-error')){
        mod <- try(cv.glmnet(x = mrf_data[, -y.vars],
                             y = mrf_data[,i], family = family, alpha = 1,
                             nfolds = n_folds[i], weights = rep(1, nrow(mrf_data)),
                             lambda = rev(seq(0.0001, 1, length.out = 100)),
                             intercept = TRUE, standardize = TRUE, maxit = 55000),
                   silent = TRUE)

      if(inherits(mod, 'try-error')){
        zero_coefs <- rep(0, NCOL(mrf_data[, -y.vars]))
        names(zero_coefs) <- colnames(mrf_data[, -y.vars])
        zero_coef_matrix <- Matrix::Matrix(zero_coefs, sparse = TRUE)
        zero_coef_matrix@Dimnames <- list(names(zero_coefs),'s0')
        glmnet_fit = list(a0 = coef(glm(mrf_data[,i] ~ 1,
                                        family = family)),
                          beta = zero_coef_matrix,
                          lambda = 1)
        attr(glmnet_fit, 'class') <- c('lognet','glmnet')
        mod <- list(lambda = 1, glmnet.fit = glmnet_fit,
                    lambda.min = 1)
        attr(mod, 'class') <- 'cv.glmnet'


  #### Gather coefficient parameters from penalized regressions ####
  mrf_coefs <- lapply(mrf_mods, function(x){
    coefs <- as.vector(t(as.matrix(coef(x, s = 'lambda.min'))))
    names(coefs) <- dimnames(t(as.matrix(coef(x, s = 'lambda.min'))))[[2]]


  #If covariates are included, extract their coefficients from each model
  if(n_covariates > 0){

    #Store each model's coefficients in a dataframe
    direct_coefs <- lapply(mrf_coefs, function(i){
      direct_coefs <- data.frame(t(data.frame(i)))

    #Store coefficients in a list as well for later matrix creation
    cov_coefs <- lapply(mrf_coefs, function(i){
      i[(n_nodes + 1):length(i)]
    names(cov_coefs) <- node_names

    #Gather estimated intercepts and interaction coefficients for node parameters ####
    mrf_coefs <- lapply(mrf_coefs, function(i){
      utils::head(i, n_nodes)

    #Store all direct coefficients in a single dataframe for cleaner results
    direct_coefs <- plyr::rbind.fill(direct_coefs)
    direct_coefs[is.na(direct_coefs)] <- 0

    #Re-order columns to match input data and give clearer names
    column_order <- c('X.Intercept.', colnames(mrf_data))
    direct_coefs <- direct_coefs[, column_order]
    colnames(direct_coefs) <- c('Intercept', colnames(mrf_data))
    rownames(direct_coefs) <- node_names
  } else {

    #If no covariates included, return an empty list for direct_coefs
    direct_coefs = list()

  #### Function to symmetrize corresponding coefficients ####
  symmetr <- function(coef_matrix, check_directs = FALSE, direct_upper = NULL){
    coef_matrix_upper <- coef_matrix[upper.tri(coef_matrix)]
    coef_matrix.lower <- t(coef_matrix)[upper.tri(coef_matrix)]

    if(symmetrise == 'min'){
      # If min, keep the coefficient with the smaller absolute value
      coef_matrix_upper_new <- ifelse(abs(coef_matrix_upper) < abs(coef_matrix.lower),
                                      coef_matrix_upper, coef_matrix.lower)

    if(symmetrise == 'mean'){
      # If mean, take the mean of the two coefficients
      coef_matrix_upper_new <- (coef_matrix_upper + coef_matrix.lower) / 2

    if(symmetrise == 'max'){
      # If max, keep the coefficient with the larger absolute value
      coef_matrix_upper_new <- ifelse(abs(coef_matrix_upper) > abs(coef_matrix.lower),
                                      coef_matrix_upper, coef_matrix.lower)

      # For indirect interactions, conditional relationships can only occur if
      # a direct interaction is found
      direct_upper <- direct_upper[upper.tri(direct_upper)]
      direct_upper[direct_upper > 0] <- 1
      coef_matrix_upper_new <- coef_matrix_upper_new * direct_upper

    coef_matrix_sym <- matrix(0, n_nodes, n_nodes)
    intercepts <- diag(coef_matrix)
    coef_matrix_sym[upper.tri(coef_matrix_sym)] <- coef_matrix_upper_new
    coef_matrix_sym <- t(coef_matrix_sym)
    coef_matrix_sym[upper.tri(coef_matrix_sym)] <- coef_matrix_upper_new
    list(coef_matrix_sym, intercepts)

  #### Create matrices of symmetric interaction coefficient estimates ####
  interaction_matrix <- matrix(0, n_nodes, n_nodes)

  for(i in seq_len(n_nodes)){
    interaction_matrix[i, -i] <- mrf_coefs[[i]][-1]
    interaction_matrix[i, i] <- mrf_coefs[[i]][1]

  #Symmetrize corresponding node interaction coefficients
  interaction_matrix_sym <- symmetr(interaction_matrix)
  dimnames(interaction_matrix_sym[[1]])[[1]] <- node_names
  dimnames(interaction_matrix_sym[[1]])[[2]] <- node_names

  #If covariates are included, create covariate coefficient matrices
  if(n_covariates > 0){
    covariate_matrices <- lapply(seq_len(n_covariates), function(x){
      cov_matrix <- matrix(0, n_nodes, n_nodes)
      for(i in seq_len(n_nodes)){
        cov_names_match <- grepl(paste('^', cov_names[x], '_', sep = ''),
        cov_matrix[i,-i] <- cov_coefs[[i]][cov_names_match]
        cov_matrix[i,i] <- cov_coefs[[i]][x]
        cov_matrix[is.na(cov_matrix)] <- 0

    #Symmetrize corresponding interaction coefficients
    indirect_coefs <- lapply(seq_along(covariate_matrices), function(x){
      matrix_to_sym <- covariate_matrices[[x]]
      sym_matrix <- symmetr(matrix_to_sym, check_directs = TRUE,
                            direct_upper = interaction_matrix_sym[[1]])
      dimnames(sym_matrix[[1]])[[1]] <- node_names
      colnames(sym_matrix[[1]]) <- node_names
    names(indirect_coefs) <- cov_names[1:n_covariates]

    #Replace unsymmetric direct interaction coefficients with the symmetric version
    direct_coefs[, 2:(n_nodes + 1)] <- interaction_matrix_sym[[1]]

    #Replace unsymmetric indirect interaction coefficients with symmetric versions
    covs_to_sym <- NCOL(direct_coefs) - (1 + n_nodes + n_covariates)
    covs_to_sym_end <- seq(n_nodes, covs_to_sym,
                           by = n_nodes) + (1 + n_nodes + n_covariates)
    covs_to_sym_beg <- covs_to_sym_end - (n_nodes - 1)

    for(i in seq_len(n_covariates)){
      direct_coefs[, covs_to_sym_beg[i] :
                     covs_to_sym_end[i]] <- data.frame(indirect_coefs[[i]])
  } else {

    #If no covariates included, return an empty list for indirect_coefs
    #and return the graph of interaction coefficients as direct_coefs
    indirect_coefs <- list()
    direct_coefs <- matrix(NA, n_nodes, n_nodes + 1)
    direct_coefs[, 2:(n_nodes + 1)] <- interaction_matrix_sym[[1]]
    direct_coefs[, 1] <- interaction_matrix_sym[[2]]
    colnames(direct_coefs) <- c('Intercept', colnames(mrf_data))
    rownames(direct_coefs) <- node_names

  #### Calculate relative importances of coefficients by scaling each coef
  #by the input variable's standard deviation ####
    scaled_direct_coefs <- sweep(as.matrix(direct_coefs[, 2 : NCOL(direct_coefs)]),
                                 MARGIN = 2, mrf_sds, `/`)
    coef_rel_importances <- t(apply(scaled_direct_coefs, 1, function(i) (i^2) / sum(i^2)))
    mean_key_coefs <- lapply(seq_len(n_nodes), function(x){
      if(length(which(coef_rel_importances[x, ] > 0.01)) == 1){
        node_coefs <- data.frame(Variable = names(which((coef_rel_importances[x, ] > 0.01) == T)),
                                 Rel_importance = coef_rel_importances[x, which(coef_rel_importances[x, ] > 0.01)],
                                 Standardised_coef = scaled_direct_coefs[x, which(coef_rel_importances[x, ] > 0.01)],
                                 Raw_coef = direct_coefs[x, 1 + which(coef_rel_importances[x, ] > 0.01)])
      } else {
        node_coefs <- data.frame(Variable = names(coef_rel_importances[x, which(coef_rel_importances[x, ] > 0.01)]),
                                 Rel_importance = coef_rel_importances[x, which(coef_rel_importances[x, ] > 0.01)],
                                 Standardised_coef = as.vector(t(scaled_direct_coefs[x, which(coef_rel_importances[x, ] > 0.01)])),
                                 Raw_coef = as.vector(t(direct_coefs[x, 1 + which(coef_rel_importances[x, ] > 0.01)])))

      rownames(node_coefs) <- NULL

      node_coefs <- node_coefs[order(-node_coefs[, 2]), ]
    names(mean_key_coefs) <- rownames(direct_coefs)

  #### Return as a list ####
      return(list(graph = interaction_matrix_sym[[1]],
                  intercepts = interaction_matrix_sym[[2]],
                  direct_coefs = direct_coefs,
                  indirect_coefs = indirect_coefs,
                  param_names = colnames(mrf_data),
                  key_coefs = mean_key_coefs,
                  mod_type = 'MRFcov',
                  mod_family = 'poisson',
                  poiss_sc_factors = poiss_sc_factors))
    }  else {
      return(list(graph = interaction_matrix_sym[[1]],
                  intercepts = interaction_matrix_sym[[2]],
                  direct_coefs = direct_coefs,
                  indirect_coefs = indirect_coefs,
                  param_names = colnames(mrf_data),
                  key_coefs = mean_key_coefs,
                  mod_type = 'MRFcov',
                  mod_family = family))

  } else {
    #If bootstrap function is called, only return necessary parameters to save memory
    return(list(direct_coefs = direct_coefs,
                indirect_coefs = indirect_coefs))

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MRFcov documentation built on April 6, 2023, 5:21 p.m.