
Defines functions bootstrap_MRF

Documented in bootstrap_MRF

#'Bootstrap observations to estimate MRF parameter coefficients
#'This function runs \code{\link{MRFcov}} models multiple times to capture uncertainty
#'in parameter esimates. The dataset is shuffled and missing
#'values (if found) are imputed in each bootstrap iteration.
#'@importFrom magrittr %>%
#'@importFrom parallel makePSOCKcluster setDefaultCluster clusterExport stopCluster clusterEvalQ parLapply
#'@param data Dataframe. The input data where the \code{n_nodes}
#'left-most variables are variables that are to be represented by nodes in the graph.
#'Note that \code{NA}'s are allowed for covariates. If present, these missing values
#'will be imputed from the distribution \code{rnorm(mean = 0, sd = 1)}, which assumes that
#'all covariates are scaled and centred (i.e. by using the function
#'\code{\link[base]{scale}} or similar)
#'@param n_bootstraps Positive integer. Represents the total number of bootstrap samples
#'to test. Default is \code{100}.
#'@param symmetrise The method to use for symmetrising corresponding parameter estimates
#'(which are taken from separate regressions). Options are \code{min} (take the coefficient with the
#'smallest absolute value), \code{max} (take the coefficient with the largest absolute value)
#'or \code{mean} (take the mean of the two coefficients). Default is \code{mean}
#'@param sample_seed Numeric. Used as the seed value for generating bootstrap replicates, allowing
#'users to generate replicated datasets on different systems. Default is a random seed
#'@param n_nodes Positive integer. The index of the last column in \code{data}
#'which is represented by a node in the final graph. Columns with index
#'greater than \code{n_nodes} are taken as covariates. Default is the number of
#'columns in \code{data}, corresponding to no additional covariates
#'@param n_cores Integer. The number of cores to spread the job across using
#'\code{\link[parallel]{makePSOCKcluster}}. Default is 1 (no parallelisation)
#'@param n_covariates Positive integer. The number of covariates in \code{data},
#'before cross-multiplication. Default is \code{NCOL(data) - n_nodes}
#'@param family The response type. Responses can be quantitative continuous (\code{family = "gaussian"}),
#'non-negative counts (\code{family = "poisson"}) or binomial 1s and 0s (\code{family = "binomial"})
#'@param sample_prop Positive probability value indicating the proportion of rows to sample from
#'\code{data} in each bootstrap iteration. Default is no subsampling (\code{sample_prop == 1})
#'@param spatial Logical. If \code{TRUE}, spatial MRF / CRF models are bootstrapped using
#'\code{\link{MRFcov_spatial}}. Note, GPS coordinates must be supplied as \code{coords} for spatial
#'models to be run.
#'Smoothed spatial splines will be included in each node-wise regression as covariates.
#'This ensures resulting node interaction parameters are estimated after accounting for
#'possible spatial autocorrelation. Note that interpretation of spatial autocorrelation is difficult,
#'and so it is recommended to compare predictive capacities spatial and non-spatial CRFs through
#'the \code{\link{predict_MRF}} function
#'@param coords A two-column \code{dataframe} (with \code{nrow(coords) == nrow(data)})
#'representing the spatial coordinates of each observation in \code{data}. Ideally, these
#'coordinates will represent Latitude and Longitude GPS points for each observation.
#'@return A \code{list} containing:
#'   \item \code{direct_coef_means}: \code{dataframe} containing mean coefficient values taken from all
#'   bootstrapped models across the iterations
#'   \item \code{direct_coef_upper90} and \code{direct_coef_lower90}: \code{dataframe}s
#'   containing coefficient 95 percent and 5 percent quantiles taken from all
#'   bootstrapped models across the iterations
#'   \item \code{indirect_coef_mean}: \code{list} of symmetric matrices
#'   (one matrix for each covariate) containing mean effects of covariates
#'   on pairwise interactions
#'   \item \code{mean_key_coefs}: \code{list} of matrices of length \code{n_nodes}
#'   containing mean covariate coefficient values and their relative importances
#'   (using the formula \code{x^2 / sum (x^2)}
#'   taken from all bootstrapped models across iterations. Only coefficients
#'   with mean relative importances \code{>0.01} are returned. Note, relative importance are only
#'   useful if all covariates are on a similar scale.
#'   \item \code{mod_type}: A character stating the type of model that was fit
#'   (used in other functions)
#'   \item \code{mod_family}: A character stating the family of model that was fit
#'    (used in other functions)
#'    \item \code{poiss_sc_factors}: A vector of the square-root mean scaling factors
#'    used to standardise \code{poisson} variables (only returned if \code{family = "poisson"})
#'    }
#'@seealso \code{\link{MRFcov}}, \code{\link{MRFcov_spatial}},
#'@details \code{MRFcov} models are fit via cross-validation using
#'\code{\link[glmnet]{cv.glmnet}}. For each model, the \code{data} is bootstrapped
#'by shuffling row observations and fitting models to a subset of observations
#'to account for uncertainty in parameter estimates.
#'Parameter estimates from the set of bootstrapped models are summarised
#'to present means and confidence intervals (as 95 percent quantiles).
#'# Perform 2 quick bootstrap replicates using 70% of observations
#'bootedCRF <- bootstrap_MRF(data = Bird.parasites,
#'                           n_nodes = 4,
#'                           family = 'binomial',
#'                           sample_prop = 0.7,
#'                           n_bootstraps = 2)
#'# Small example of using spatial coordinates for a spatial CRF
#'Latitude <- sample(seq(120, 140, length.out = 100), nrow(Bird.parasites), TRUE)
#'Longitude <- sample(seq(-19, -22, length.out = 100), nrow(Bird.parasites), TRUE)
#'coords <- data.frame(Latitude = Latitude, Longitude = Longitude)
#'bootedSpatial <- bootstrap_MRF(data = Bird.parasites, n_nodes = 4,
#'                              family = 'binomial',
#'                              spatial = TRUE,
#'                              coords = coords,
#'                              sample_prop = 0.5,
#'                              n_bootstraps = 2)}
bootstrap_MRF <- function(data, n_bootstraps, sample_seed, symmetrise,
                          n_nodes, n_cores, n_covariates, family,
                          spatial = FALSE,
                          coords = NULL){

  #### Specify default parameter values and initiate warnings ####
  if(!(family %in% c('gaussian', 'poisson', 'binomial')))
    stop('Please select one of the three family options:
         "gaussian", "poisson", "binomial"')

    symmetrise <- 'mean'

  if(!(symmetrise %in% c('min', 'max', 'mean')))
    stop('Please select one of the three options for symmetrising coefficients:
         "min", "max", "mean"')

  if(missing(n_cores)) {
    n_cores <- 1
  } else {
    if(sign(n_cores) != 1){
      stop('Please provide a positive integer for n_cores')
    } else{
      if(sfsmisc::is.whole(n_cores) == FALSE){
        stop('Please provide a positive integer for n_cores')

    set.seed(ceiling(runif(1, 0, 100000)))
  } else {

  if(missing(n_bootstraps)) {
    n_bootstraps <- 10
  } else {
    if(sign(n_bootstraps) == 1){
    #Make sure n_bootstraps is a positive integer
    n_bootstraps = ceiling(n_bootstraps)
    } else {
      stop('Please provide a positive integer for n_bootstraps')

    stop('No infinite values permitted in data', call. = FALSE)

      stop('NAs detected in coords',
           call. = FALSE)

      stop('No infinite values permitted in coords', call. = FALSE)

    if(NCOL(coords) > 2){
      stop('coords should have only two columns, ideally labelled `Latitude` and `Longitude`')

  lambda1 <- 1

  #### Basic checks on data arguments ####
  if(missing(n_nodes)) {
    warning('n_nodes not specified. using NCOL(data) as default, assuming no covariates',
            call. = FALSE)
    n_nodes <- NCOL(data)
    n_covariates <- 0
  } else {
    if(sign(n_nodes) != 1){
      stop('Please provide a positive integer for n_nodes')
    } else {
      if(sfsmisc::is.whole(n_nodes) == FALSE){
        stop('Please provide a positive integer for n_nodes')

    n_covariates <- NCOL(data) - n_nodes
  } else {
    if(sign(n_covariates) != 1){
      stop('Please provide a positive integer for n_covariates')
    } else {
      if(sfsmisc::is.whole(n_covariates) == FALSE){
        stop('Please provide a positive integer for n_covariates')

  if(n_covariates > 0){
  if(any(is.na(data[,(n_nodes + 1):NCOL(data)]))){
    warning('NAs detected in covariate columns. These will be imputed from rnorm(mean=0,sd=1)',
            call. = FALSE)
    nas_present <- TRUE
  } else {
    nas_present <- FALSE
  } else {
    nas_present <- FALSE

  if(nrow(data) < 2){
    stop('The data must have at least 2 rows')

  if(any(!(apply(data, 2, class) %in% c('numeric', 'integer')))){
    stop('Only integer and numeric values permitted')

    data <- as.data.frame(data)

  #### Use paranormal transformation for Poisson variables ####
  if(family == 'poisson'){
    cat('Poisson variables will be transformed using a nonparanormal...\n')

    #square_root_mean = function(x) {sqrt(mean(x ^ 2))}
    #poiss_sc_factors <- apply(data[, 1:n_nodes], 2, square_root_mean)
    #data[, 1:n_nodes] <- apply(data[, 1:n_nodes], 2,
    #                           function(x) x / square_root_mean(x))

    # Function to estimate parameters of a nb distribution
    nb_params = function(x){
      MASS::fitdistr(x, densfun = "negative binomial")$estimate

    # Function to estimate parameters of a poisson distribution
    poiss_params = function(x){
      MASS::fitdistr(x, densfun = "poisson")$estimate

    # Function to transform counts using nonparanormal
    paranorm = function(x){
      ranks <- rank(log2(x + 0.01))
      stats::qnorm(ranks / (length(x) + 1))

    # Calculate raw parameters
    suppressWarnings(poiss_sc_factors <- try(apply(data[, 1:n_nodes],
                                                   2, nb_params), silent = TRUE))

    if(inherits(poiss_sc_factors, 'try-error')){
      suppressWarnings(poiss_sc_factors <- apply(data[, 1:n_nodes],
                                                 2, poiss_params))

    data[, 1:n_nodes] <- apply(data[, 1:n_nodes], 2, paranorm)
    family <- 'gaussian'
    return_poisson <- TRUE

  } else {
    return_poisson <- FALSE

  #### Function to randomly sample rows for each bootstrap replicate ####
    sample_prop <- 1

  if(sample_prop < 0.1 || sample_prop > 1){
    stop('sample_prop must be a proportion ranging from 0.1 to 1')

  shuffle_rows <- function(x){
    dplyr::sample_n(x, nrow(x) * sample_prop, replace = TRUE)

  #### Function to impute covariate NAs from normal distribution (mean = 0; sd = 1) ####
  impute_nas <- function(empty){
    data[is.na(data)] <- sample(rnorm(sum(is.na(data)),
                                      mean = 0, sd = 1),
                                replace = FALSE)
    data <- data

  #### Function to count proportions of non-zero coefficients ####
  countzero <- function(data, x, y){
    bs.unlist <- data %>% purrr::map('direct_coefs')
    estimatesinxy <- unlist(lapply(bs.unlist, '[', x, y))
    zeron <- length(which(estimatesinxy == 0))

    #correct for finite sampling
    ((.0001 * length(data)) + zeron) / ((.0001 * length(data)) + length(data))

  #### Run MRFcov across iterations ####
  #Needs to be a sequence for running models repeatedly. Uses n_cores to define the length
  lambda1_seq <- seq_len(n_bootstraps / n_cores)

  #### Specify number of bootstrap replicates for each processing core to run ####
  #Set the total number of repititions
  total_reps <- n_bootstraps
  n_bootstraps <- suppressWarnings(lapply(split(seq_len(n_bootstraps),

  #### If n_cores > 1, check parallel library loading ####
  if(n_cores > 1){
    #Initiate the n_cores parallel clusters
    cl <- makePSOCKcluster(n_cores)

    #### Check for errors when directly loading a necessary library on each cluster ####
    test_load1 <- try(clusterEvalQ(cl, library(purrr)), silent = TRUE)

    #If errors produced, iterate through other options for library loading
    if(inherits(test_load1, "try-error")) {

      #Try finding unique library paths using system.file()
      pkgLibs <- unique(c(sub("/purrr$", "", system.file(package = "purrr"))))
      clusterExport(NULL, c('pkgLibs'), envir = environment())
      clusterEvalQ(cl, .libPaths(pkgLibs))

      #Check again for errors loading libraries
      test_load2 <- try(clusterEvalQ(cl, library(purrr)), silent = TRUE)

      if(inherits(test_load2, "try-error")){

        #Try loading the user's .libPath() directly
        test_load3 <- try(clusterEvalQ(cl, library(penalized)), silent = TRUE)

        if(inherits(test_load3, "try-error")){

          #Give up and use lapply instead!
          parallel_compliant <- FALSE

        } else {
          parallel_compliant <- TRUE

      } else {
        parallel_compliant <- TRUE

    } else {
      parallel_compliant <- TRUE
  } else {
    #If n_cores = 1, set parallel_compliant to FALSE
    parallel_compliant <- FALSE

 #### If parallel support confirmed and n_cores > 1, proceed with parLapply ####
    cat('Fitting bootstrap_MRF models in parallel using', n_cores, 'cores... \n')
    #Export necessary data and variables to each cluster
    clusterExport(NULL, c('lambda1_seq',
                          'symmetrise', 'n_nodes', 'n_bootstraps',
                          'n_covariates', 'family', 'nas_present',
                          'spatial', 'data'),
                  envir = environment())

      clusterExport(NULL, c('MRFcov_spatial'), envir = environment())


    #Export necessary functions to each cluster
    clusterExport(NULL, c('MRFcov', 'prep_MRF_covariates'))
    clusterExport(NULL, 'countzero', envir = environment())
    clusterExport(NULL, 'shuffle_rows', envir = environment())
    clusterExport(NULL, 'sample_prop', envir = environment())

    #Export necessary libraries
    clusterEvalQ(cl, library(purrr))
    clusterEvalQ(cl, library(dplyr))
    clusterEvalQ(cl, library(data.table))

    lambda_results <- pbapply::pblapply(lambda1_seq, function(l) {
      booted_mrfs <- lapply(seq_len(n_bootstraps[[l]]), function(x) {
        sample_data <- sample(seq_len(100), 1)

          booted_data <- shuffle_rows(cbind(data, coords))
          sample_data <- booted_data[, 1:(NCOL(booted_data) - NCOL(coords))]

            sample_data <- impute_nas(sample_data)

          sample_data <- prep_MRF_covariates(sample_data, n_nodes)
          sample_coords <- booted_data[, ((NCOL(booted_data) + 1) -

          mod <- suppressWarnings(MRFcov_spatial(data = sample_data,
                                         symmetrise = symmetrise,
                                         coords = sample_coords,
                                         n_nodes = n_nodes,
                                         n_cores = 1,
                                         prep_covariates = FALSE,
                                         n_covariates = n_covariates,
                                         family = family,
                                         bootstrap = TRUE))

        } else {
          sample_data <- shuffle_rows(data)

            sample_data <- impute_nas(booted_data)

          sample_data <- prep_MRF_covariates(sample_data, n_nodes)
          mod <- suppressWarnings(MRFcov(data = sample_data,
                                         symmetrise = symmetrise,
                                         n_nodes = n_nodes,
                                         n_cores = 1,
                                         prep_covariates = FALSE,
                                         n_covariates = n_covariates,
                                         family = family,
                                         bootstrap = TRUE))

        list(direct_coefs = as.matrix(mod$direct_coefs),
             indirect_coefs = as.matrix(mod$indirect_coefs))

    #Gather direct effect estimates from all bootstrap samples
    direct_coef_list <- booted_mrfs %>%

    #Calculate mean coefficient estimates across bootstrap samples
    direct_coef_means <- apply(array(unlist(direct_coef_list),
                                length(booted_mrfs))), c(1, 2), mean)

    rownames(direct_coef_means) <- rownames(booted_mrfs[[1]]$direct_coefs)
    colnames(direct_coef_means) <- colnames(booted_mrfs[[1]]$direct_coefs)

    #Calculate proportion of bootstrap models in which each cofficient is non-zero
    n_total_covariates <- NCOL(booted_mrfs[[1]]$direct_coefs)

    prop_covs_retained <- matrix(0, n_nodes, n_total_covariates)
    for(i in seq_len(n_nodes)){
      for(j in seq_len(n_total_covariates)){
        prop_covs_retained[i, j] <- 1 - countzero(booted_mrfs, i, j)
    rownames(prop_covs_retained) <- rownames(booted_mrfs[[1]]$direct_coefs)
    colnames(prop_covs_retained) <- colnames(booted_mrfs[[1]]$direct_coefs)

    # Remove spatial splines from the key covariates list
      prop_covs_retained <- prop_covs_retained[, !grepl('Spatial', colnames(prop_covs_retained))]
      direct_coef_means_nonspat <- direct_coef_means[, !grepl('Spatial', colnames(direct_coef_means))]
    } else {
      direct_coef_means_nonspat <- direct_coef_means

    #Create list of covariates that are not zero for each node in data
    key_covariates <- lapply(seq_len(n_nodes), function(x){
      cov_prop_retained <- apply(data.frame(prop_covs_retained)[x,], 2,
                            function(j) ifelse(j < 0.89, NA, j))
      cov_mean_coef <- as.vector(direct_coef_means_nonspat[x,])
      cov_summary <- na.omit(cbind(cov_prop_retained, cov_mean_coef))
      cleaned_prop_retained <- cov_prop_retained[!is.na(cov_prop_retained)]
      cov_df <- data.frame(Proportion_retained = cleaned_prop_retained,
                                Mean_coefficient = cov_summary[, 2])
      cov_df <- cov_df[order(-abs(cov_df[, 2])),]
    names(key_covariates) <- colnames(data)[1:n_nodes]

    #Calculate mean indirect interaction estimates from bootstrapped models
    indirect_coef_list <- booted_mrfs %>%


    indirect_coef_means <-lapply(seq_along(indirect_coef_list[[1]]), function(x){
      Reduce(`+`, sapply(indirect_coef_list, "[[", x)) / length(indirect_coef_list)
    names(indirect_coef_means) <- names(indirect_coef_list[[1]])

    #Clear un-needed objects and return parameters of interest
    list(key_covariates = key_covariates,
         raw_coefs = direct_coef_list,
         indirect_coefs = indirect_coef_means)
  }, cl = cl)

    } else {

 #### If parallel loading fails, or if n_cores = 1, use lapply instead ####
      cat('Fitting bootstrap_MRF models in sequence using 1 core... \n')

      lambda_results <- pbapply::pblapply(lambda1_seq, function(l) {
        booted_mrfs <- lapply(seq_len(n_bootstraps[[l]]), function(x) {
          sample_data <- sample(seq_len(100), 1)

            booted_data <- shuffle_rows(cbind(data, coords))
            sample_data <- booted_data[, 1:(NCOL(booted_data) - NCOL(coords))]

              sample_data <- impute_nas(sample_data)

            sample_data <- prep_MRF_covariates(sample_data, n_nodes)
            sample_coords <- booted_data[, ((NCOL(booted_data) + 1) -

            # Use invisible to prevent printing of timing messages in each iteration
            invisible(utils::capture.output(mod <- MRFcov_spatial(data = sample_data,
                                                   symmetrise = symmetrise,
                                                   coords = sample_coords,
                                                   n_nodes = n_nodes,
                                                   n_cores = 1,
                                                   prep_covariates = FALSE,
                                                   n_covariates = n_covariates,
                                                   family = family,
                                                   bootstrap = TRUE)))

          } else {
            sample_data <- shuffle_rows(data)

              sample_data <- impute_nas(booted_data)

            sample_data <- prep_MRF_covariates(sample_data, n_nodes)
            invisible(utils::capture.output(mod <- MRFcov(data = sample_data,
                                           symmetrise = symmetrise,
                                           n_nodes = n_nodes,
                                           n_cores = 1,
                                           prep_covariates = FALSE,
                                           n_covariates = n_covariates,
                                           family = family,
                                           bootstrap = TRUE)))

          list(direct_coefs = mod$direct_coefs,
               indirect_coefs = mod$indirect_coefs)

        direct_coef_list <- booted_mrfs %>%

        direct_coef_means <- apply(array(unlist(direct_coef_list),
                                    length(booted_mrfs))), c(1, 2), mean)
        rownames(direct_coef_means) <- rownames(booted_mrfs[[1]]$direct_coefs)
        colnames(direct_coef_means) <- colnames(booted_mrfs[[1]]$direct_coefs)

        #Calculate proportion of bootstrap samps in which each direct coefficient occurs
        n_total_covariates <- NCOL(booted_mrfs[[1]]$direct_coefs)

        prop_covs_retained <- matrix(0, n_nodes, n_total_covariates)
        for(i in seq_len(n_nodes)){
          for(j in seq_len(n_total_covariates)){
            prop_covs_retained[i,j] <- 1 - countzero(booted_mrfs, i, j)
        rownames(prop_covs_retained) <- rownames(booted_mrfs[[1]]$direct_coefs)
        colnames(prop_covs_retained) <- colnames(booted_mrfs[[1]]$direct_coefs)

        # Remove spatial splines from the key covariates list
          prop_covs_retained <- prop_covs_retained[, !grepl('Spatial', colnames(prop_covs_retained))]
          direct_coef_means_nonspat <- direct_coef_means[, !grepl('Spatial', colnames(direct_coef_means))]
        } else {
          direct_coef_means_nonspat <- direct_coef_means

        #Create list of covariates that are not zero for each node in data
        key_covariates <- lapply(seq_len(n_nodes), function(x){
          cov_prop_retained <- apply(data.frame(prop_covs_retained)[x,], 2,
                                     function(j) ifelse(j < 0.9, NA, j))
          cov_mean_coef <- as.vector(direct_coef_means_nonspat[x,])
          cov_summary <- na.omit(cbind(cov_prop_retained, cov_mean_coef))
          cleaned_prop_retained <- cov_prop_retained[!is.na(cov_prop_retained)]
          cov_df <- data.frame(Proportion_retained = cleaned_prop_retained,
                               Mean_coefficient = cov_summary[, 2])
          cov_df <- cov_df[order(-abs(cov_df[, 2])), ]
        names(key_covariates) <- colnames(data)[1:n_nodes]

        #Calculate mean indirect interaction coefficients from bootstrap samps
        indirect_coef_list <- booted_mrfs %>%

        indirect_coef_means <-lapply(seq_along(indirect_coef_list[[1]]), function(x){
          Reduce(`+`, sapply(indirect_coef_list, "[[", x)) / length(indirect_coef_list)
        names(indirect_coef_means) <- names(indirect_coef_list[[1]])

        #Clear un-needed objects and return parameters of interest
        list(key_covariates = key_covariates,
             raw_coefs = direct_coef_list,
             indirect_coefs = indirect_coef_means)

  #### Calculate summary statistics of coefficients from bootstrapped models ####
  #Name each list element by its iteration value
  names(lambda_results) <- lambda1_seq

  #Calculate summary coefficient statistics across all iterations
  all_direct_coef_list <- lambda_results %>%
    purrr::map('raw_coefs') %>%

  all_direct_coef_means <- apply(array(unlist(all_direct_coef_list),
                              total_reps)), c(1, 2), mean)
  rownames(all_direct_coef_means) <- rownames(lambda_results[[1]]$raw_coefs[[1]])
  colnames(all_direct_coef_means) <- colnames(lambda_results[[1]]$raw_coefs[[1]])

  # Remove spatial splines from the mean coefficients list for calculating relative importance
    all_direct_coef_means_nonspat <- all_direct_coef_means[, !grepl('Spatial', colnames(all_direct_coef_means))]
  } else {
    all_direct_coef_means_nonspat <- all_direct_coef_means

  all_direct_coef_upper90 <- apply(array(unlist(all_direct_coef_list),
                                  total_reps)), c(1, 2),
                           function(x){quantile(x, probs = 0.95)})
  rownames(all_direct_coef_upper90) <- rownames(lambda_results[[1]]$raw_coefs[[1]])
  colnames(all_direct_coef_upper90) <- colnames(lambda_results[[1]]$raw_coefs[[1]])

  all_direct_coef_lower90 <- apply(array(unlist(all_direct_coef_list),
                                   total_reps)), c(1, 2),
                           function(x){quantile(x, probs = 0.05)})
  rownames(all_direct_coef_lower90) <- rownames(lambda_results[[1]]$raw_coefs[[1]])
  colnames(all_direct_coef_lower90) <- colnames(lambda_results[[1]]$raw_coefs[[1]])

  #Calculate relative importance of key covariates across the set of iterations

  coef_rel_importances <- t(apply(all_direct_coef_means_nonspat[, -1], 1, function(i) i^2 / sum(i^2)))
  mean_key_coefs <- lapply(seq_len(n_nodes), function(x){
    if(length(which(coef_rel_importances[x, ] > 0.01)) == 1){
      node_coefs <- data.frame(Variable = names(which((coef_rel_importances[x, ] > 0.01) == T)),
                               Rel_importance = coef_rel_importances[x, which(coef_rel_importances[x, ] > 0.01)],
                               Mean_coef = all_direct_coef_means_nonspat[x, 1 + which(coef_rel_importances[x, ] > 0.01)])
    } else {
      node_coefs <- data.frame(Variable = names(coef_rel_importances[x, which(coef_rel_importances[x, ] > 0.01)]),
                               Rel_importance = coef_rel_importances[x, which(coef_rel_importances[x, ] > 0.01)],
                               Mean_coef = all_direct_coef_means_nonspat[x, 1 + which(coef_rel_importances[x, ] > 0.01)])

    rownames(node_coefs) <- NULL

    node_coefs <- node_coefs[order(-node_coefs[, 2]), ]
  names(mean_key_coefs) <- rownames(all_direct_coef_means_nonspat)

  #Calculate indirect coefficient summary statistics
  all_indirect_coef_list <- lambda_results %>%

  all_indirect_coef_means <-lapply(seq_along(all_indirect_coef_list[[1]]), function(x){
    Reduce(`+`, sapply(all_indirect_coef_list, "[", x)) / length(all_indirect_coef_list)
  names(all_indirect_coef_means) <- names(all_indirect_coef_list[[1]])

  # If Poisson, return scale factors for back-conversion of coefficients
         return(list(direct_coef_means = all_direct_coef_means,
                direct_coef_upper90 = all_direct_coef_upper90,
                direct_coef_lower90 = all_direct_coef_lower90,
                indirect_coef_mean = all_indirect_coef_means,
                mean_key_coefs = mean_key_coefs,
                mod_type = 'bootstrap_MRF',
                mod_family = 'poisson',
                poiss_sc_factors = poiss_sc_factors))

     # Else, return list without scale factors
   } else {
       return(list(direct_coef_means = all_direct_coef_means,
                   direct_coef_upper90 = all_direct_coef_upper90,
                   direct_coef_lower90 = all_direct_coef_lower90,
                   indirect_coef_mean = all_indirect_coef_means,
                   mean_key_coefs = mean_key_coefs,
                   mod_type = 'bootstrap_MRF',
                   mod_family = family))


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MRFcov documentation built on April 6, 2023, 5:21 p.m.