
Defines functions bic.zipfsreg

Documented in bic.zipfsreg

bic.zipfsreg <- function( target, dataset, wei = NULL, tol = 2, ncores = 1 ) {
  p <- ncol(dataset)  ## number of variables
  moda <- list()
  k <- 1   ## counter
  n <- length(target)  ## sample size
  con <- log(n)
  tool <- NULL
  info <- matrix( 0, ncol = 2 )
  result <- NULL
  sela <- NULL
  lgy <- sum( lgamma(target + 1) ) 
  #check for NA values in the dataset and replace them with the variable median or the mode
  if ( any( is.na(dataset) ) ) {
    #dataset = as.matrix(dataset);
    warning("The dataset contains missing values (NA) and they were replaced automatically by the variable (column) median (for numeric) or by the most frequent level (mode) if the variable is factor")
    if ( is.matrix(dataset) )  {
      dataset <- apply( dataset, 2, function(x){ x[which(is.na(x))] = median(x, na.rm = TRUE) ; return(x) } ) 
    } else {
       poia <- unique( which( is.na(dataset), arr.ind = TRUE )[, 2] )
      for ( i in poia )  {
        xi <- dataset[, i]
        if ( is.numeric(xi) ) {                    
          xi[ which( is.na(xi) ) ] <- median(xi, na.rm = TRUE) 
        } else if ( is.factor( xi ) ) {
          xi[ which( is.na(xi) ) ] <- levels(xi)[ which.max( as.vector( table(xi) ) )]
        dataset[, i] <- xi
  # target checking and initialize #
  if ( is.null( colnames(dataset) ) )    colnames(dataset) <- paste("X", 1:p, sep = "")

  runtime <- proc.time()
  if ( is.null(wei) ) {
    ini <-  - 2 * Rfast::zip.mle(target)$loglik + 2 * con 
    lgy <- sum( gamma(target + 1) ) 
  } else {
    ini <-  - 2 * zipmle.wei(target, wei)$loglik + 2 * con 
    lgy <- sum( wei * gamma(target + 1) ) 
  bico <- zip.regs(target, dataset, wei, logged = TRUE, ncores = ncores)[, 3]
  mat <- cbind(1:p, bico)
  bico <- NULL
  colnames(mat) <- c("variable", "BIC")
  rownames(mat) <- 1:p
  sel <- which.min( mat[, 2] )
  if ( ini - mat[sel, 2] > tol ) {
    info[1, ] <- mat[sel, ]
    mat <- mat[-sel, , drop = FALSE]
    sela <- sel
    mi <- zip.reg( target, dataset[, sel], wei = wei, lgy = lgy )
    tool[1] <-  - 2 * mi$loglik + ( length(mi$be) + 1 ) * con
    moda[[ 1 ]] <- mi
  } else  {
    info <- info  
    sela <- NULL
  ###     k equals 2
  if ( length(moda) > 0  &  nrow(mat) > 0 ) {
    k <- 2
    pn <- p - k  + 1
    mod <- list()
    if ( ncores <= 1 ) {
      bico <- numeric( pn )
      for ( i in 1:pn ) {
        ma <- zip.reg( target, dataset[, c(sel, mat[i, 1]) ], wei = wei, lgy = lgy )
        bico[i] <-  - 2 * ma$loglik + ( length(ma$be) + 1 ) * con
      mat[, 2] <- bico
    } else {
      cl <- makePSOCKcluster(ncores)
      bico <- numeric(pn)
      mod <- foreach( i = 1:pn, .combine = rbind, .export = "zip.reg") %dopar% {
        ww <- zip.reg( target, dataset[, c(sel, mat[i, 1]) ], wei = wei, lgy = lgy )
        bico[i] <-  - 2 * ww$loglik + ( length(ma$be) + 1 ) * con
      mat[, 2] <- mod
    ina <- which.min( mat[, 2] )
    sel <- mat[ina, 1]
    if ( tool[1] - mat[ina, 2] <= tol ) {
      info <- info
    } else {
      tool[2] <- mat[ina, 2]
      info <- rbind(info, mat[ina, ] )
      sela <- info[, 1]
      mat <- mat[-ina, , drop = FALSE]
      mi <- zip.reg( target, dataset[, sela], wei = wei, lgy = lgy )
      tool[2] <-  - 2 * mi$loglik + ( length(mi$be) + 1 ) * con
      moda[[ 2 ]] <- mi
  ####      k is greater than 2
  if ( nrow(info) > 1  &  nrow(mat) > 0 ) {
    while ( ( k < n - 15 ) & ( tool[ k - 1 ] - tool[ k ] > tol ) & ( nrow(mat) > 0 ) ) {
      k <- k + 1
      pn <- p - k + 1
      if (ncores <= 1) {
        for ( i in 1:pn ) {
          ma <- zip.reg( target, dataset[, c(sela, mat[i, 1]) ], wei = wei, lgy = lgy )
          mat[i, 2] <-  - 2 * ma$loglik + ( length(ma$be) + 1 ) * con
      } else {
        cl <- makePSOCKcluster(ncores)
        bico <- numeric(pn)
        mod <- foreach( i = 1:pn, .combine = rbind, .export = "beta.reg") %dopar% {
          ww <- zip.reg( target, dataset[, c(sela, mat[i, 1]) ], wei = wei, lgy = lgy )
          bico[i] <-  - 2 * ww$loglik + ( length(ww$be) + 1 ) * con
        mat[, 2] <- mod
      ina <- which.min( mat[, 2] )
      sel <- mat[ina, 1]
      if ( tool[k - 1] - mat[ina, 2] <= tol ) {
        info <- rbind( info,  c( -10, Inf ) )
        tool[k] <- Inf
      } else {
        tool[k] <- mat[ina, 2]
        info <- rbind(info, mat[ina, ] )
        sela <- info[, 1]
        mat <- mat[-ina, , drop = FALSE]
        ma <- zip.reg( target, dataset[, sela], wei = wei, lgy =lgy )
        tool[k] <-  - 2 * ma$loglik + ( length(ma$be) + 1 ) * con
        moda[[ k ]] <- ma
  runtime <- proc.time() - runtime
  d <- length(sela)
  final <- NULL

  if ( d >= 1 ) {
    colnames(xx) <- paste("V", sela, sep = "")
    final <- zip.reg( target, dataset[, sela], wei = wei )
    info <- info[1:d, , drop = FALSE ]
    colnames(info) <- c( "variables", "BIC" )
    rownames(info) <- info[, 1]
  list(runtime = runtime, mat = t(mat), info = info, ci_test = "testIndZIP", final = final )

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