
Defines functions ADTreatSelSingleCore ADTreatSelReportDoc ADTreatSel

Documented in ADTreatSel ADTreatSelReportDoc ADTreatSelSingleCore

ADTreatSel = function(parameters) {

  # Error checks

  if (typeof(parameters) != "list") stop("Function parameters must be a list of named values.", call. = FALSE)

  if (is.null(parameters$random_seed)) {
    random_seed = 49283

  } else {

    random_seed = ContinuousErrorCheck(parameters$random_seed, 
                                 lower_values = 1,
                                 lower_values_sign = c(">="),
                                 upper_values = 100000,
                                 upper_values_sign = c("<="),
                                 "Seed for the random number generator (random_seed)",


  parameters$random_seed = random_seed

  # Set the seed of R's random number generator.
  # It also takes effect to Rcpp random generation functions.
  # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60119621/get-the-same-sample-of-integers-from-rcpp-as-base-r
  suppressWarnings(RNGkind(sample.kind = "Rounding"))
  if (is.null(parameters$endpoint_type)) stop("Endpoint type (endpoint_type): Value must be specified.", call. = FALSE)

  if (!tolower(parameters$endpoint_type) %in% tolower(endpoint_list)) stop("Endpoint type (endpoint_type): Value must be Normal, Binary or Time-to-event.", call. = FALSE)

  if (is.null(parameters$direction)) {
        parameters$direction_index = 1
  } else {
        if (!tolower(parameters$direction) %in% c("higher", "lower")) stop("Direction of favorable outcome (direction): Value must be specified.", call. = FALSE)

  if (tolower(parameters$direction) == "higher") parameters$direction_index = 1    
  if (tolower(parameters$direction) == "lower") parameters$direction_index = 2    

  parameters$endpoint_index = 1  

  for (i in 1:length(endpoint_list)) {
      if (tolower(endpoint_list[i]) == tolower(parameters$endpoint_type)) parameters$endpoint_index = i

  endpoint_index = parameters$endpoint_index

  if (is.null(parameters$sample_size)) stop("Number of enrolled patients (sample_size): Value must be specified.", call. = FALSE)

  sample_size = ContinuousErrorCheck(parameters$sample_size, 
                                     lower_values = 0,
                                     lower_values_sign = ">",
                                     upper_values = 1000,
                                     upper_values_sign = "<=",
                                     "Number of enrolled patients (sample_size)",

  narms = length(sample_size)

  if (is.null(parameters$treatment_count)) stop("Number of treatments selected at Interim analysis 2 (treatment_count): Value must be specified.", call. = FALSE)

  treatment_count = ContinuousErrorCheck(parameters$treatment_count, 
                                     lower_values = 1,
                                     lower_values_sign = ">=",
                                     upper_values = narms - 1,
                                     upper_values_sign = "<=",
                                     "Number of treatments selected at Interim analysis 2 (treatment_count)",

  mult_test_list = c("Bonferroni", "Holm", "Hochberg")

  if (is.null(parameters$mult_test)) stop("Multiple testing procedure (mult_test): Value must be specified.", call. = FALSE)

  if (!tolower(parameters$mult_test) %in% tolower(mult_test_list)) stop("Multiple testing procedure (mult_test): Value must be Bonferroni, Holm or Hochberg.", call. = FALSE)

  for (i in 1:length(mult_test_list)) {
      if (tolower(mult_test_list[i]) == tolower(parameters$mult_test)) mult_test_index = i

  parameters$mult_test_index = mult_test_index

  if (is.null(parameters$info_frac)) stop("Information fractions at IA1, IA2, FA (info_frac): Value must be specified.", call. = FALSE)

  info_frac = ContinuousErrorCheck(parameters$info_frac, 
                                     lower_values = 0,
                                     lower_values_sign = ">",
                                     upper_values = 1,
                                     upper_values_sign = "<=",
                                     "Information fractions at IA1, IA2, FA (info_frac)",

  if (info_frac[1] >= info_frac[2]) stop("Information fractions at IA1, IA2, FA (info_frac): Information fraction at IA1 must be less than Information fraction at IA2.", call. = FALSE)

  if (info_frac[2] >= info_frac[3]) stop("Information fractions at IA1, IA2, FA (info_frac): Information fraction at IA2 must be less than Information fraction at FA", call. = FALSE)

  if (info_frac[3] != 1) stop("Information fractions at IA1, IA2, FA (info_frac): Information fraction at FA must be equal to 1.", call. = FALSE)
  if (is.null(parameters$futility_threshold)) stop("Futility threshold at IA1 (futility_threshold): Value must be specified.", call. = FALSE)

  futility_threshold = 
                             lower_values = c(0),
                             lower_values_sign = c(">="),
                             upper_values = c(0.999),
                             upper_values_sign = c("<"),
                             "Futility threshold at IA1 (futility_threshold)",

  if (!is.null(parameters$dropout_rate)) {

    dropout_rate = 
                           lower_values = c(0),
                           lower_values_sign = c(">="),
                           upper_values = c(1),
                           upper_values_sign = c("<"),
                           "Patient dropout rate (dropout_rate)",

  } else {
    parameters$dropout_rate = 0

  if (!is.null(parameters$nsims)) {

    nsims = 
                           lower_values = c(1),
                           lower_values_sign = c(">="),
                           upper_values = c(10000),
                           upper_values_sign = c("<="),
                           "Number of simulations (nsims)",

  } else {
    parameters$nsims = 1000

  if (!is.null(parameters$ncores)) {

    # Maximum number of cores
    max_ncores = parallel::detectCores()

    ncores = 
                           lower_values = c(1),
                           lower_values_sign = c(">="),
                           upper_values = c(max_ncores),
                           upper_values_sign = c("<="),
                           "Number of cores for parallel calculations (ncores)",

    if (!is.doRGN && ncores > 1) {
      warning("Please install the doRNG package to use multi-core simulation. Only one core will be used.")
      ncores = 1

    parameters$ncores = ncores
  } else {
    parameters$ncores = 1

  # Number of simulations per core
  parameters$nsims_per_core = ceiling(parameters$nsims / parameters$ncores)   

  if (!is.null(parameters$alpha)) {

    alpha = 
                               lower_values = c(0.001),
                               lower_values_sign = c(">"),
                               upper_values = c(0.5),
                               upper_values_sign = c("<"),
                               "One-sided Type I error rate (alpha)",
  } else {
    parameters$alpha = 0.025

  # Treatment effect assumptions 

  if (endpoint_index == 1) {

    if (is.null(parameters$control_mean)) stop("Mean effect in the control arm (control_mean): Value must be specified.", call. = FALSE)

    control_mean = 
                               lower_values = c(NA),
                               lower_values_sign = c(NA),
                               upper_values = c(NA),
                               upper_values_sign = c(NA),
                               "Mean effect in the control arm (control_mean)",

    if (is.null(parameters$treatment_mean)) stop("Mean effects in the treatment arms (treatment_mean): Value must be specified.", call. = FALSE)

    treatment_mean = 
                               narms - 1, 
                               lower_values = c(NA),
                               lower_values_sign = c(NA),
                               upper_values = c(NA),
                               upper_values_sign = c(NA),
                               "Mean effects in the treatment arms (treatment_mean)",

    if (is.null(parameters$control_sd)) stop("Standard deviation in the control arm (control_sd): Value must be specified.", call. = FALSE)

    control_sd = 
                               lower_values = c(0),
                               lower_values_sign = c(">"),
                               upper_values = c(NA),
                               upper_values_sign = c(NA),
                               "Standard deviation in the control arm (control_sd)",

    if (is.null(parameters$treatment_sd)) stop("Standard deviations in the treatment arms (treatment_sd): Value must be specified.", call. = FALSE)

    treatment_sd = 
                               narms - 1, 
                               lower_values = c(0),
                               lower_values_sign = c(">"),
                               upper_values = c(NA),
                               upper_values_sign = c(NA),
                               "Standard deviations in the treatment arms (treatment_sd)",


  if (endpoint_index == 2) {

    if (is.null(parameters$control_rate)) stop("Response rate in the control arm (control_rate): Value must be specified.", call. = FALSE)

    control_rate = 
                               lower_values = c(0),
                               lower_values_sign = c(">"),
                               upper_values = c(1),
                               upper_values_sign = c("<"),
                               "Response rate in the control arm (control_rate)",

    if (is.null(parameters$treatment_rate)) stop("Response rates in the treatment arms (treatment_rate): Value must be specified.", call. = FALSE)

    treatment_rate = 
                               narms - 1, 
                               lower_values = c(0),
                               lower_values_sign = c(">"),
                               upper_values = c(1),
                               upper_values_sign = c("<"),
                               "Responses rate in the treatment arms (treatment_rate)",


  if (endpoint_index == 3) {

    if (is.null(parameters$control_time)) stop("Median time in the control arm (control_time): Value must be specified.", call. = FALSE)

    control_time = 
                               lower_values = c(0),
                               lower_values_sign = c(">"),
                               upper_values = c(NA),
                               upper_values_sign = c(NA),
                               "Median time in the control arm (control_time)",

    if (is.null(parameters$treatment_time)) stop("Median times in the treatment arms (treatment_time): Value must be specified.", call. = FALSE)

    treatment_time = 
                               narms - 1, 
                               lower_values = c(0),
                               lower_values_sign = c(">"),
                               upper_values = c(NA),
                               upper_values_sign = c(NA),
                               "Median times in the treatment arms (treatment_time)",

    if (is.null(parameters$enrollment_period)) stop("Patient enrollment period (enrollment_period): Value must be specified.", call. = FALSE)

    enrollment_period = 
                               lower_values = c(0),
                               lower_values_sign = c(">"),
                               upper_values = c(NA),
                               upper_values_sign = c(NA),
                               "Patient enrollment period (enrollment_period)",

    if (is.null(parameters$enrollment_parameter)) stop("Median enrollment time (enrollment_parameter): Value must be specified.", call. = FALSE)

    enrollment_parameter = 
                               lower_values = c(0),
                               lower_values_sign = c(">"),
                               upper_values = c(parameters$enrollment_period),
                               upper_values_sign = c("<"),
                               "Median enrollment time (enrollment_parameter)",

    if (is.null(parameters$event_count)) stop("Target number of events at FA (event_count): Value must be specified.", call. = FALSE)

    event_count = 
                               lower_values = c(0),
                               lower_values_sign = c(">"),
                               upper_values = c(sum(parameters$sample_size)),
                               upper_values_sign = c("<"),
                               "Target number of events at FA (event_count)",



  parameters$means = 0
  parameters$sds = 0
  parameters$rates = 0
  parameters$hazard_rates = 0
  parameters$dropout_parameter = 0
  parameters$enrollment_distribution = 2
  parameters$sample_size_ia1 = 0
  parameters$sample_size_ia2 = 0
  parameters$sample_size_fa = 1
  parameters$event_count_ia1 = 0
  parameters$event_count_ia2 = 0
  parameters$event_count_fa = 0
  parameters$max_sample_size = max(parameters$sample_size)

  parameters$weight = rep(1 / (narms - 1), narms - 1)
  parameters$transition = 0

  # All means and SDs
  if (endpoint_index == 1) {
    parameters$means = c(parameters$control_mean, parameters$treatment_mean)
    parameters$sds = c(parameters$control_sd, parameters$treatment_sd)
    parameters$enrollment_period = 0
    parameters$enrollment_parameter = 0


  # All rates
  if (endpoint_index == 2) {
    parameters$rates = c(parameters$control_rate, parameters$treatment_rate)
    parameters$enrollment_period = 0
    parameters$enrollment_parameter = 0

  # All hazard rates
  if (endpoint_index == 3) {
    parameters$times = c(parameters$control_time, parameters$treatment_time)
    parameters$hazard_rates = log(2) / c(parameters$control_time, parameters$treatment_time)
    parameters$dropout_parameter = c(parameters$dropout_rate, dropout_period = 12)
    parameters$event_count_ia1 = floor(parameters$event_count * info_frac[1])
    parameters$event_count_ia2 = floor(parameters$event_count * info_frac[2])
    parameters$event_count_fa = floor(parameters$event_count * info_frac[3])

  # Total sample size after accounting for dropout rates
  if (endpoint_index != 3) {
    parameters$sample_size_ia1 = floor(parameters$sample_size * (1 - parameters$dropout_rate) * info_frac[1])
    parameters$sample_size_ia2 = floor(parameters$sample_size * (1 - parameters$dropout_rate) * info_frac[2])
    parameters$sample_size_fa = floor(parameters$sample_size * (1 - parameters$dropout_rate) * info_frac[3])


  # Run simulations on multiple cores to compute key characteristics

  if (parameters$ncores > 1) {
    # nocov start
    cl = parallel::makeCluster(parameters$ncores)

    # Export all functions in the global environment to each node
    parallel::clusterExport(cl, ls(envir = .GlobalEnv))

    simulation_list = foreach(counter=(1:parameters$ncores), .packages = c("MedianaDesigner")) %dorng% { 

    # Combine the simulation results across the cores 

    sim_results = NULL

    for (i in 1:parameters$ncores) {

      sim_results = rbind(sim_results, simulation_list[[i]]$sim_results)

    # nocov end
  } else {

    simulations = ADTreatSelSingleCore(parameters)
    sim_results = simulations$sim_results


  # Add column names
  column_names = c("adapt_sign_outcome")
  for (i in 1:(narms - 1)) column_names = c(column_names, paste0("trad_sign_outcome_dose", i))
  for (i in 1:(narms - 1)) column_names = c(column_names, paste0("futility_flag_dose", i))
  for (i in 1:(narms - 1)) column_names = c(column_names, paste0("selection_flag_dose", i))
  colnames(sim_results) = column_names

  sim_summary = list()

  nsims = nrow(sim_results)

  ad_outcome = sim_results[, 1]
  trad_outcome = sim_results[, 1 + (1:(narms - 1))]
  futility = sim_results[, narms + (1:(narms - 1))]
  select = sim_results[, 2 * narms - 1 + (1:(narms - 1))]

  # Overall power of the adaptive design
  sim_summary$ad_power = mean(ad_outcome)

  # Overall power of the traditional design
  if (is.matrix(trad_outcome)) sim_summary$trad_power = colMeans(trad_outcome) else sim_summary$trad_power = mean(trad_outcome)

  # select = rep(narms)
  # for (i in 1:(narms - 1)) select[i] = mean(select_flag == i - 1)
  # select[narms] = mean(select_flag == -1)  
  sim_summary$select = select

  # Probability of dropping each treatment for futility at Interim analysis 1
  if (is.matrix(futility)) {
    sim_summary$futility = colMeans(futility) 
    sim_summary$overall_futility = mean(rowSums(futility) == narms - 1)
  } else {
    sim_summary$futility = mean(futility)
    sim_summary$overall_futility = mean(futility)

  # Probability of selecting each treatment for the final assessment at Interim analysis 2
  if (is.matrix(select)) {
    sim_summary$select = colMeans(select) 
  } else {
    sim_summary$select = mean(select)

  results = list(parameters = parameters,
                 sim_results = sim_results,
                 sim_summary = sim_summary)

  class(results) = "ADTreatSelResults"



ADTreatSelReportDoc = function(results) {


   # Error checks

   if (!is(results, "ADTreatSelResults")) stop("The object was not created by the ADTreatSel function", call. = FALSE)


  # Empty list of tables to be included in the report
  item_list = list()
  item_index = 1
  table_index = 1
  figure_index = 1

  width = 6.5
  height = 5

  parameters = results$parameters
  sim_results = results$sim_results
  sim_summary = results$sim_summary
  endpoint_index = parameters$endpoint_index
  narms = length(parameters$sample_size)

  # Trial arms  
  trial_arms = "Control"
  if (narms >= 3) {
    for (i in 2:narms) trial_arms = c(trial_arms, paste0("Treatment ", i - 1))
  } else {
    trial_arms = c(trial_arms, "Treatment")

  # All means and SDs
  if (endpoint_index == 1) {
    means = c(parameters$control_mean, parameters$treatment_mean)
    sds = c(parameters$control_sd, parameters$treatment_sd)

  # All rates
  if (endpoint_index == 2) {
    rates = c(parameters$control_rate, parameters$treatment_rate)

  # All hazard rates
  if (endpoint_index == 3) {
    times = c(parameters$control_time, parameters$treatment_time)


  report_title = "Adaptive design with data-driven treatment arm selection"

  item_list[[item_index]] = list(type = "paragraph", label = "Description", value = "The simulation report presents key operating characteristics of an adaptive design for a multi-arm Phase III clinical trial with two interim analyses. The first interim analysis supports early stopping for futility and the second interim analysis enables adaptive treatment selection to identify the best performing treatments.")

  item_index = item_index + 1


  column_names = c("Trial arm", "Sample size")

  col1 = trial_arms
  col2 = parameters$sample_size

  data_frame = data.frame(col1, col2)
  title = paste0("Table ", table_index, ". Number of enrolled patients")

  column_width = c(5, 1.5)
  item_list[[item_index]] = CreateTable(data_frame, column_names, column_width, title, FALSE)
  item_index = item_index + 1
  table_index = table_index + 1


  column_names = c("Parameter", "Value")

  if (parameters$direction_index == 1) label = "A higher value of the endpoint indicates a more favorable outcome"

  if (parameters$direction_index == 2) label = "A lower value of the endpoint indicates a more favorable outcome"

  col1 = c("Endpoint type", "Direction of favorable outcome") 
  col2 = c(endpoint_list[endpoint_index], label)

  data_frame = data.frame(col1, col2)
  title = paste0("Table ", table_index, ". Primary efficacy endpoint")

  column_width = c(3, 3.5)
  item_list[[item_index]] = CreateTable(data_frame, column_names, column_width, title, FALSE)
  item_index = item_index + 1
  table_index = table_index + 1

  column_names = c("Trial arm", "Parameter", "Value")

  col1 = NULL
  col2 = NULL
  col3 = NULL

  for (i in 1:narms) {

    if (endpoint_index == 1) {
      col1 = c(col1, trial_arms[i], "")
      col2 = c(col2, "Mean", "SD")
      col3 = c(col3, means[i], sds[i])

    if (endpoint_index == 2) {
      col1 = c(col1, trial_arms[i])
      col2 = c(col2, "Rate (%)")
      col3 = c(col3, 100 * rates[i])

    if (endpoint_index == 3) {
      col1 = c(col1, trial_arms[i])
      col2 = c(col2, "Median time")
      col3 = c(col3, times[i])


  data_frame = data.frame(col1, col2, col3)
  title = paste0("Table ", table_index, ". Treatment effect assumptions")

  column_width = c(2, 2, 2.5)
  item_list[[item_index]] = CreateTable(data_frame, column_names, column_width, title, FALSE)
  item_index = item_index + 1
  table_index = table_index + 1


  if (endpoint_index %in% c(1, 2)) column_names = c("Decision point", "Total number of patients", "Information fraction (%)")

  if (endpoint_index %in% c(3)) column_names = c("Decision point", "Total number of events", "Information fraction (%)")

  if (endpoint_index %in% c(1, 2)) {
    col1 = c("Interim analysis 1", 
           "Interim analysis 2",
           "Final analysis")
    col2 = c(sum(parameters$sample_size_ia1), sum(parameters$sample_size_ia2), sum(parameters$sample_size_fa))
    col3 = round(100 * parameters$info_frac[1:3], 1)    
  if (endpoint_index %in% c(3)) {
    col1 = c("Interim analysis 1", 
           "Interim analysis 2",
           "Final analysis")
    col2 = c(parameters$event_count_ia1, parameters$event_count_ia2, parameters$event_count_fa)
    col3 = round(100 * parameters$info_frac[1:3], 1)    

  data_frame = data.frame(col1, col2, col3)
  if (endpoint_index %in% c(1, 2)) title = paste0("Table ", table_index, ". Number of patients at the interim and final analyses")
  if (endpoint_index %in% c(3)) title = paste0("Table ", table_index, ". Number of events at the interim and final analyses")

  if (endpoint_index %in% c(1, 2)) footnote = "The number of patients at the interim and final analyses may be reduced due to patient dropout." else footnote = NULL 

  column_width = c(2.5, 2, 2)
  item_list[[item_index]] = CreateTable(data_frame, column_names, column_width, title, FALSE, footnote)
  item_index = item_index + 1
  table_index = table_index + 1


  column_names = c("Parameter", "PPS (%)")

  col1 = c("Futility threshold")
  col2 = 100 * c(parameters$futility_threshold)
  data_frame = data.frame(col1, col2)
  title = paste0("Table ", table_index, ". Decision rule at Interim analysis 1")

  footnote = "PPS: Predicted probability of success at Interim analysis 1. The trial will be stopped for futility at Interim analysis 1 if the predicted probability of success is less than the futility threshold."

  column_width = c(5, 1.5)
  item_list[[item_index]] = CreateTable(data_frame, column_names, column_width, title, FALSE, footnote)
  item_index = item_index + 1
  table_index = table_index + 1


  column_names = c("Parameter", "Value")

  col1 = c("Number of selected treatments", "Multiple testing procedure")
  col2 = c(parameters$treatment_count, parameters$mult_test)
  data_frame = data.frame(col1, col2)
  title = paste0("Table ", table_index, ". Decision rule at Interim analysis 2")

  column_width = c(5, 1.5)
  item_list[[item_index]] = CreateTable(data_frame, column_names, column_width, title, FALSE)
  item_index = item_index + 1
  table_index = table_index + 1


  column_names = c("Parameter", "Value")

  if (endpoint_index %in% c(1, 2)) {
    col1 = c("Dropout rate at the end of the treatment period (%)")
    col2 = c(100 * parameters$dropout_rate)
  if (endpoint_index %in% c(3)) {
    col1 = c("Patient enrollment period", "Median enrollment time", "Annual dropout rate (%)")
    col2 = c(parameters$enrollment_period, parameters$enrollment_parameter, 100 * parameters$dropout_rate)

  data_frame = data.frame(col1, col2)
  title = paste0("Table ", table_index, ". Other design parameters")

  column_width = c(5, 1.5)
  item_list[[item_index]] = CreateTable(data_frame, column_names, column_width, title, FALSE)
  item_index = item_index + 1
  table_index = table_index + 1

  column_names = c("Parameter", "Value")

  col1 = c("One-sided Type I error rate", "Number of simulations")
  col2 = c(sprintf("%0.3f", sum(parameters$alpha)),
           sprintf("%d", parameters$nsims))

  data_frame = data.frame(col1, col2)
  title = paste0("Table ", table_index, ". Simulation parameters")

  column_width = c(5, 1.5)
  item_list[[item_index]] = CreateTable(data_frame, column_names, column_width, title, TRUE)
  item_index = item_index + 1
  table_index = table_index + 1


  column_names = c("Treatment arm", "Probability of futility stopping (%)")

  col1 = c(trial_arms[2:narms], "All treatments")
  col2 = c(round(100 * sim_summary$futility, 1), round(100 * sim_summary$overall_futility, 1))

  data_frame = data.frame(col1, col2)
  title = paste0("Table ", table_index, ". Simulation results: Futility stopping at Interim analysis 1")

  footnote = "Probability of dropping each treatment due to futility. The trial is terminated at Interim analysis 1 if all treatments are dropped."  

  column_width = c(2.5, 4)

  item_list[[item_index]] = CreateTable(data_frame, column_names, column_width, title, FALSE, footnote)
  item_index = item_index + 1
  table_index = table_index + 1


  column_names = c("Treatment arm", "Selection probability (%)")

  col1 = c(trial_arms[2:narms], "No treatment")
  col2 = round(100 * c(sim_summary$select, sim_summary$overall_futility), 1)

  data_frame = data.frame(col1, col2)
  title = paste0("Table ", table_index, ". Simulation results: Treatment selection at Interim analysis 2")

  footnote = "Probability that each treatment is selected for the final analysis. No treatment is selected if the trial is terminated for futility at Interim analysis 1."  

  column_width = c(2.5, 4)

  item_list[[item_index]] = CreateTable(data_frame, column_names, column_width, title, FALSE, footnote)
  item_index = item_index + 1
  table_index = table_index + 1


  column_names = c("Treatment arm", "Power (%)")

  col1 = trial_arms[2:narms]
  col2 = round(100 * sim_summary$trad_power, 1)

  data_frame = data.frame(col1, col2)
  title = paste0("Table ", table_index, ". Simulation results: Traditional designs")

  footnote = "Power for two-arm traditional designs that compare each treatment to control."

  column_width = c(2.5, 4)
  item_list[[item_index]] = CreateTable(data_frame, column_names, column_width, title, FALSE, footnote)
  item_index = item_index + 1
  table_index = table_index + 1


  column_names = c("Design", "Power (%)")

  col1 = "Adaptive design"
  col2 = round(100 * sim_summary$ad_power, 1)

  data_frame = data.frame(col1, col2)
  title = paste0("Table ", table_index, ". Simulation results: Adaptive design")

  column_width = c(2.5, 4)

  item_list[[item_index]] = CreateTable(data_frame, column_names, column_width, title, FALSE)
  item_index = item_index + 1
  table_index = table_index + 1


  report = item_list

  doc = SaveReport(report, report_title)


# End of ADTreatSelReportDoc

ADTreatSelSingleCore = function(parameters) {

  params_for_run = parameters
  params_for_run$nsims = params_for_run$nsims_per_core
  simulations = ADTreatSelC(params_for_run)



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MedianaDesigner documentation built on Aug. 28, 2023, 9:06 a.m.