Man pages for Mega2R
Accessing and Processing a 'Mega2' Genetic Database

applyFnToGenesapply a function to the genotypes (markers) in each gene...
applyFnToMarkersapply a function to the genotypes from a set of markers
applyFnToRangesapply a function to all the genotypes for markers found in...
clean_mega2rtutorial_dataremove tutorial data
computeDosagecomputeDosage function
dbmega2_importread Mega2 SQLite database into R
dmpPedgenerate the .ped, .fam and .map files of PLINK PED...
DOfamSKATRCDofamSKATRC call back function
DOpedgenepedgene call back function
DOSKATSKAT call back function
dump_mega2rtutorial_datadump tutorial data
getAllelespull allele pairs
getgenotype_personreturn the genotypes for all markers of a given person
getgenotypesfetch genotype character matrix for specified markers
getgenotypesdosfetch dosage integer matrix for specified markers
getgenotypesgenabelprocess the genotype matrix for specified markers and return...
getgenotypes_Rfetch genotype matrix for specified markers (assemble by...
getgenotypesrawfetch genotype integer matrix for specified markers
init_famSKATRCload Mega2 SQLite database and perform initialization for...
init_pedgeneload Mega2 SQLite database and perform initialization for...
init_SKATload Mega2 SQLite database and perform initialization for...
Mega2ENVGenABELgenerate object
Mega2famSKATRCexecute the CRAN famSKAT_RC function on a subset of the gene...
Mega2gdsfmttranscode mega2 to gdsfmt/SNP_ARRAY
Mega2GenABELgenerate object from a *Mega2R* database
Mega2GenABELCleandelete temporary PLINK tped files processed by GenABEL
Mega2GenABELtstcompare two objects
Mega2pedgeneExecute the pedgene function on a transcript ranges
Mega2R-packageMega2R: Accessing and Processing a 'Mega2' Genetic Database
Mega2R-TBLSMega2R SQLite3 tables
Mega2R-TBLSFilterMega2R SQLite3 table filter
Mega2RVersionMega2R version
Mega2SKATexecute the CRAN SKAT function on a subset of the gene...
Mega2VCFgenerate a VCF file set for a collection of markers
mkAllelesgenerate allele pairs in with MAJ(or) allele first
mkfamassemble pedigree information into a data frame
mkGenABELcodinggenerate GenABEL coding vector
mkGenABELgenotypegenerate GenABEL compressed genotype matrix
mkGenABELphenotypegenerate required PLINK (.phe) file
mkGenABELtfamgenerate required fam family for PLINK TPED (.tfam) file
mkGenABELtpedgenerate a PLINK TPED file for GenABEL
mkMarkerscreate "markers" data frame
mk_markers_with_skipmake the derived "markers" data frame and store it in the...
mkphenotypegenerate a phenotype data frame
mk_unified_genotype_tableconcatenate separate genotype vectors for each chromosome to...
mkVCFfamgenerate required VCF family (.fam) file
mkVCFfreqgenerate required VCF frequency (.freq) file
mkVCFhdrgenerate required VCF header
mkVCFmapgenerate required Mega2 map (.map) file
mkVCFpengenerate required Mega2 penetrance (.pen) file
mkVCFphegenerate required PLINK (.phe) file
read.Mega2DBload Mega2 database and initialize family data frame and...
resetMega2ENVreturn an initialized environment
setAnnotationsset default name of transcription database and name of...
setfamreplace the pedigree data frame
setRangesset default range data: chromosome and start/end base pair
showMapNamesshow the association between mapno and mapname
showMega2ENVshow Mega2R environment, viz. data frames and related info.
showPhenoNamesshow the association between index no and phenotype
uniqueFamMemberregenerate fam data frame with unique values in member column
where_mega2rtutorial_datashow directory of tutorial data
Mega2R documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:14 a.m.