Mega2R-package: Mega2R: Accessing and Processing a 'Mega2' Genetic Database

Mega2R-packageR Documentation

Mega2R: Accessing and Processing a 'Mega2' Genetic Database


Uses as input genetic data that have been reformatted and stored in a 'SQLite' database; this database is initially created by the standalone 'mega2' C++ program (available freely from Loads and manipulates data frames containing genotype, phenotype, and family information from the input 'SQLite' database, and decompresses needed subsets of the genotype data, on the fly, in a memory efficient manner. We have also created several more functions that illustrate how to use the data frames as well as perform useful tasks: these permit one to run the 'pedgene' package to carry out gene-based association tests on family data using selected marker subsets, to run the 'SKAT' package to carry out gene-based association tests using selected marker subsets, to run the 'famSKATRC' package to carry out gene-based association tests on families (optionally) and with rare or common variants using selected marker subsets, to output the 'Mega2R' data as a VCF file and related files (for phenotype and family data), and to convert the data frames into CoreArray Genomic Data Structure (GDS) format.


Maintainer: Daniel E. Weeks


Other contributors:

  • University of Pittsburgh [copyright holder]

See Also

Useful links:

Mega2R documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:14 a.m.