init_famSKATRC: load Mega2 SQLite database and perform initialization for...

init_famSKATRCR Documentation

load Mega2 SQLite database and perform initialization for famSKATRC usage


This populates the R data frames with the specified Mega2 SQLite database. It initializes the fam(ily) table and makes sure the person entries are unique. Finally, it generates a kinship matrix from the family data. It also stores a weighting for the common and rare variant that may be used later if NULL is specified as a weight in Mega2famSKATRC. The common weighting is the function dbeta(maf, 1, 25). The rare weighting is the function dbeta(maf, 0.5, 0.5).


init_famSKATRC(db = NULL, verbose = FALSE, ALPHA = FALSE, ...)



specifies the path of a Mega2 SQLite database containing study data.


TRUE indicates that diagnostic printouts should be enabled. This value is saved in the returned environment.


TRUE indicates that two runs of famSKAT_RC should be enabled. One with ALPHA numeric ID's and one with numeric IDs ... this is temporary. The default is FALSE.


fed to dbmega2_import(); should be bpPosMap= to select from the maps of base pairs, if the default is not desired.


"environment" containing data frames from an SQLite database and some computed values.


init_famSKATRC creates a new data frame, envir$phe, containing phenotype observations. In addition, it initializes a matrix to aid in translating a genotype allele matrix to a genotype count matrix.

It also initializes the data frame envir$famSKATRC_results to zero rows.

See Also



db = system.file("exdata", "seqsimm.db", package="Mega2R")
ENV = init_famSKATRC(db, verbose = FALSE)

Mega2R documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:14 a.m.