Man pages for MendelianRandomization
Mendelian Randomization Package

BF_distGenerate bootstrap samples for the bootstrapping Fieller's...
calciumData on effect of calcium on fasting glucose (correlated...
ci_normalCalculate confidence intervals using the normal distribution
ci_tCalculate confidence intervals using the t-distribution
CLR-classCLR Class
cML_estimateEstimate with Regular Likelihood
cML_estimate_randomEstimate with Regular Likelihood Using Multiple Random Start...
cML_SdThetaStandard Error of Estimated Theta
condFstatCalculates conditional F-statistic for each risk factor using...
coursedataCourse data
decimalsProduce nicely rounded numbers
DIVW-classDIVW Class
egger.boundsCalculates confidence intervals for the MR-Egger method
Egger-classEgger Class
getterApplies method $ to different classes
het.weightHeterogeneity-penalized weight function
invcov_mvmrGenerate the list of inverse of covariance matrices used in...
IVW-classIVW Class
ldlcData on lipid effects on coronary artery disease...
loglikelihoodCalculates log-likelihood with uncorrelated variants in...
loglikelihoodcorrelCalculates log-likelihood with correlated variants in...
loglikelihoodrhocorrelCalculates log-likelihood with correlation from sample...
MaxLik-classMaxLik Class
mbe_bootMode-based estimate (Hartwig) bootstrap function
mbe_estMode-based estimate (Hartwig) estimation function
model.priorPrior weight function
MRAll-classMRAll Class
mr_allmethodsMendelian randomization estimation using all methods
mr_clrConditional likelihood ratio (CLR) method
mr_cMLConstrained maximum likelihood (cML) method
MRcML-classMRcML Class
mr_conmixContamination mixture method
MRConMix-classMRConMix Class
mr_divwDebiased inverse-variance weighted method
mr_eggerMR-Egger method
mr_forestDraw a forest plot of causal estimates
mr_funnelDraw a funnel plot of variant-specific estimates
mr_hetpenHeterogeneity-penalized method
MRHetPen-classMRHetPen Class
mr_inputInputting and formatting data for use in causal estimation
MRInput-classMRInput Class
mr_ivwInverse-variance weighted method
mr_lassoMR-Lasso method
MRLasso-classMRLasso class
mr_looLeave-one-out estimates
mr_maxlikMaximum-likelihood method
mr_mbeMode-based method of Hartwig
MRMBE-classMRMBE Class
mr_medianMedian-based method
mr_mvcMLMultivariable constrained maximum likelihood method
mr_mveggerMultivariable MR-Egger method
mr_mvgmmMultivariable generalized method of moments (GMM) method
mr_mvinputInputting and formatting data for use in causal estimation
MRMVInput-classMRMVInput Class
mr_mvivwMultivariable inverse-variance weighted method
mr_mvivwmeMultivariable inverse-variance weighted method with...
mr_mvlassoMultivariable MR-Lasso method
mr_mvmedianMultivariable median-based method
mr_mvpcgmmMultivariable principal components generalized method of...
mr_pcgmmUnivariable principal components generalized method of...
mr_pivwPenalized inverse-variance weighted method
mr_plotDraw a scatter plot of the genetic associations and/or causal...
MVcML_SdThetaStandard error estimate for MVMR-cML-BIC
MVEgger-classMVEgger Class
MVGMM-classMVGMM Class
MVIVW-classMVIVW Class
MVLasso-classMRMVLasso class
MVMedian-classMRMVMedian class
MVmr_cMLMVMRcML method with Data Perturbation
MVMRcML-classMVMRcML Class
MVmr_cML_DPMVMRcML method with Data Perturbation
mv_normSampling from multivariate normal distribution
PCGMM-classPCGMM Class
penalised.weightsCalculates p-values for penalization of weights
penalised.weights.deltaCalculates p-values for penalization of weights with...
pheno_inputExtract summarized data from PhenoScanner
PIVW-classPIVW Class
plProfile likelihood of valid IVs
r.weightsCalculates p-values for penalization of weights
r.weights.deltaCalculates p-values for penalization of weights with...
simpleCapCapitalize a word
valuesApplies method values() to different output classes
weighted.medianWeighted median function
weighted.median.boot.seWeighted median standard error function
WeightedMedian-classWeightedMedian Class
MendelianRandomization documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:36 a.m.