##### MANOVA methods --------------------------------------
# would need a good review. # todo
#' Multivariate analysis of (co)variance on Coe objects
#' Performs multivariate analysis of variance on \link{PCA} objects.
#' Performs a MANOVA/MANCOVA on PC scores. Just a wrapper around \link{manova}. See examples for multifactorial manova and
#' \link{summary.manova} for more details and examples.
#' @aliases MANOVA
#' @rdname MANOVA
#' @param x a \link{Coe} object
#' @param fac a name of a colum in the \code{$fac} slot, or its id, or a formula
#' @param test a test for \link{manova} (\code{'Hotelling'} by default)
#' @param retain how many harmonics (or polynomials) to retain, for PCA
#' the highest number of PC axis to retain, or the proportion of the variance to capture.
#' @param drop how many harmonics (or polynomials) to drop
#' @return a list of matrices of (x,y) coordinates.
#' @family multivariate
#' @note Needs a review and should be considered as experimental.
#' Silent message and progress bars (if any) with `options("verbose"=FALSE)`.
#' @examples
#' bot.p <- PCA(efourier(bot, 12))
#' MANOVA(bot.p, 'type')
#' op <- PCA(npoly(olea, 5))
#' MANOVA(op, 'domes')
#' m <- manova(op$x[, 1:5] ~ op$fac$domes * op$fac$var)
#' summary(m)
#' summary.aov(m)
#' # MANCOVA example
#' # we create a numeric variable, based on centroid size
#' bot %<>% mutate(cs=coo_centsize(.))
#' # same pipe
#' bot %>% efourier %>% PCA %>% MANOVA("cs")
#' @export
MANOVA <- function(x, fac, test = "Hotelling", retain, drop) {
#' @rdname MANOVA
#' @export
MANOVA.OpnCoe <- function(x, fac, test = "Hotelling", retain,
drop) {
OpnCoe <- x
if (length(OpnCoe$method) > 1)
stop("cannot yet be used on combined OutCoe, do it manually")
if (missing(fac))
stop("'fac' must be provided")
fac <- fac_dispatcher(x, fac)
x <- OpnCoe$coe
if (missing(drop))
drop <- 0
if (missing(retain))
retain <- ncol(x)
keep <- (drop + 1):retain
if (.is_verbose())
message("MANOVA done on:", colnames(x)[keep])
mod <- summary(manova(x[, keep] ~ fac), test = test)
#' @rdname MANOVA
#' @export
MANOVA.OutCoe <- function(x, fac, test = "Hotelling", retain, drop) {
OutCoe <- x
if (length(OutCoe$method) > 1)
stop("cannot yet be used on combined OutCoe. Do it manually")
if (missing(fac))
stop("'fac' must be provided")
fac <- fac_dispatcher(x, fac)
x <- OutCoe$coe
cph <- NULL
# we check for (a)symetrization
if (OutCoe$method == "efourier") {
nb.h <- ncol(x)/4
BC <- (nb.h + 1):(nb.h * 3)
AD <- c(1:nb.h, ((nb.h * 3 + 1):(nb.h * 4)))
if (sum(x[, BC]) == 0) {
x <- x[, -BC]
cph <- 2
if (.is_verbose())
message("B and C harmonics removed (because of removeAsymetric)")
} else {
if (sum(x[, AD]) == 0) {
x <- x[, -AD]
cph <- 2
if (.is_verbose())
message("A and D harmonics removed (because of removeSymetric)")
# we remove normalized harmonics (if any)
if (missing(drop)) {
if (OutCoe$norm) {
drop <- 1
if (.is_verbose())
message("1st harmonic removed (because of normalization)")
} else {
drop <- 0
if (is.null(cph)) {
cph <- ifelse(OutCoe$method == "efourier", 4, 2)
nb.h <- ncol(x)/cph
fr <- nrow(x) - nlevels(fac)
max.h <- floor(fr/cph)
if (missing(retain)) {
retain <- max.h + drop
if (retain > nb.h) {
retain <- nb.h
if (.is_verbose()) {
message("'retain' was missing. MANOVA done with", retain, "harmonics ")
if (drop > 0) {
message("and the first", drop, "dropped")
} else {
if ((retain - drop) > max.h) {
retain <- max.h + drop
if (retain > nb.h) {
retain <- nb.h
if (.is_verbose())
message("'retain' was too ambitious. MANOVA done with ",
retain, " harmonics ")
if (.is_verbose()) {
if (drop > 0) {
message("and the first ", drop, " were dropped")
} else {
harm.sel <- coeff_sel(retain = retain, drop = drop, nb.h = nb.h,
cph = cph)
if (.is_verbose())
mod <- summary(manova(x[, harm.sel] ~ fac), test = test)
#' @rdname MANOVA
#' @export
MANOVA.PCA <- function(x, fac, test = "Hotelling", retain=0.99, drop) {
if (missing(fac))
stop("'fac' must be provided")
fac <- fac_dispatcher(x, fac)
# we grab the PCs to capture retain% of the variance
if (retain<1){
vars <- x$sdev^2
retain <- min(which((cumsum(vars)/sum(vars))>retain))
if (retain>nrow(x$x))
retain <- nrow(x$x)
message("PC axes 1 to ", retain, " were retained")
retain <- 1:retain
if (length(retain)==1)
stop("needs more than a single response")
x <- x$x[, retain]
mod <- summary(manova(x ~ fac), test = test)
# MANOVA PW -----------------------------------------------
#' Pairwise Multivariate analyses of variance
#' A wrapper for pairwise \link{MANOVA}s on \link{Coe} objects. Calculates a MANOVA for every
#' pairwise combination of the factor provided.
#' @param x a \link{PCA} object
#' @param fac a name (or its id) of a grouping factor in \code{$fac} or a factor or a formula.
#' @param retain the number of PC axis to retain (1:retain) or the proportion of variance to capture (0.99 par default).
#' @param ... more arguments to feed \link{MANOVA}
#' @note Needs a review and should be considered as experimental.
#' If the fac passed has only two levels, there is only pair and it is
#' equivalent to \link{MANOVA}. \code{MANOVA_PW.PCA} works with the regular \link{manova}.
#' @seealso \link{MANOVA}, \link{manova}.
#' @family multivariate
#' @return a list with the following components is returned (invisibly because $manovas
#' may be very long, see examples):
#' \itemize{
#' \item manovas a list containing all the raw manovas
#' \item summary
#' \item a table with 'significance stars', discutable but largely used:
#' '***' if Pr(>F) < 0.001; '**' of < 0.01; '*' if < 0.05; '.' if < 0.10 and '-' if above.
#' }
#' @examples
#' # we create a fake factor with 4 levels
#' bot$fac$fake <- factor(rep(letters[1:4], each=10))
#' bot.p <- PCA(efourier(bot, 8))
#' MANOVA_PW(bot.p, 'fake') # or MANOVA_PW(bot.p, 2)
#' # an example on open outlines
#' op <- PCA(npoly(olea))
#' MANOVA_PW(op, 'domes')
#' # to get the results
#' res <- MANOVA_PW(op, 'domes')
#' res$manovas
#' res$
#' res$summary
#' @rdname MANOVA_PW
#' @export
MANOVA_PW <- function(x, ...) {
#' @rdname MANOVA_PW
#' @export
MANOVA_PW.PCA <- function(x,
...) {
# preliminaries
PCA <- x
fac0 <- fac
if (missing(fac))
stop("'fac' must be provided")
fac <- fac_dispatcher(x, fac)
# we grab the PCs to capture retain% of the variance
if (retain<1){
vars <- PCA$sdev^2
retain <- min(which((cumsum(vars)/sum(vars))>0.99))
# we check all factors to avoid full rank
tab <- table(fac)
if (min(tab) < retain ) {
retain <- min(tab)
message("'", names(which.min(tab)), "' has ", min(tab), " rows, and 'retain' is set accordingly")}
message("PC axes 1 to ", retain, " were retained")
retain <- 1:retain
x <- PCA$x[, retain]
# we get all combinations, and prepare the loop
pws <- t(utils::combn(levels(fac), 2))
n <- nrow(pws)
cn <- colnames(summary(manova(x~ fac))$stats)
res <- matrix(NA, nrow = n, ncol = 6,
dimnames = list(paste(pws[, 1], pws[, 2], sep = " - "), cn))
manovas <- list()
# we loop and do all the MANOVAs
for (i in 1:nrow(pws)) {
x.i <- x[fac %in% pws[i, ], ]
fac.i <- factor(fac[fac %in% pws[i, ]])
if (nlevels(fac.i)>1){
m <- summary(manova(x.i ~ fac.i))
manovas[[i]] <- m
res[i, ] <- m$stats[1, ]}
if (.is_verbose())
message(pws[i, ])
names(manovas) <- rownames(res)
# we prepare a 'signifance' table, with 'significance' stars
# (discutable but helpful) see stats:::print.summary.lm
stars <- symnum(res[, 6], corr = FALSE, na = "?",
cutpoints = c(0, 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 1),
symbols = c("***", "**", "*", ".", "-"))
stars <- as.character(stars)
nl <- nlevels(fac)
# bloody ugly <- <- matrix(NA, nrow = nl - 1, ncol = nl,
dimnames = list(levels(fac)[-nl], levels(fac))) <- as.table(
k <- 1
for (i in 1:(nl - 1)) {
for (j in (i + 1):nl) {[i, j] <- stars[k][i, j] <- res[, 6][k]
k <- k + 1
cat("\n$summary (see also $manovas)\n")
print(res, digits=4)
invisible(list(manovas = manovas, summary = res, =, =
# #' @rdname MANOVA_PW
# #' @export
# MANOVA_PW.Coe <- function(x, fac, ...) {
# # preliminaries
# Coe <- x
# fac0 <- fac
# if (length(Coe$method) > 1)
# stop(" * cannot yet be used on combined OutCoe. Do it manually.")
# if (missing(fac))
# stop("'fac' must be provided")
# if (!is.factor(fac)) {
# fac <- fac_dispatcher(Coe, fac)
# }
# # we get all combinations, and prepare the loop
# pws <- t(utils::combn(levels(fac), 2))
# n <- nrow(pws)
# cn <- colnames(MANOVA(Coe, fac)$stats)
# res <- matrix(NA, nrow = n, ncol = 6,
# dimnames = list(paste(pws[, 1], pws[, 2], sep = " - "), cn))
# manovas <- list()
# # we loop and do all the MANOVAs
# for (i in 1:nrow(pws)) {
# if (.is_verbose())
# cat(pws[i, ], "\n")
# Coe.i <- subset(Coe, fac == pws[i, ])
# m <- MANOVA(Coe.i, fac0, ...)
# manovas[[i]] <- m
# res[i, ] <- m$stats[1, ]
# }
# names(manovas) <- rownames(res)
# # we prepare a 'signifance' table, with 'significant' stars
# # (discutable but helpful) see stats:::print.summary.lm
# stars <- symnum(res[, 6], corr = FALSE, na = FALSE, cutpoints = c(0,
# 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 1), symbols = c("***", "**",
# "*", ".", "-"))
# stars <- as.character(stars)
# nl <- nlevels(fac)
# # bloody ugly
# <- matrix(NA, nrow = nl - 1, ncol = nl, dimnames = list(levels(fac)[-nl],
# levels(fac)))
# <- as.table(
# k <- 1
# for (i in 1:(nl - 1)) {
# for (j in (i + 1):nl) {
#[i, j] <- stars[k]
# k <- k + 1
# }
# }
# cat("$\n")
# print(
# cat("\n$summary (see also $manovas)\n")
# print(res, digits=4)
# invisible(list(manovas = manovas, summary = res, =
# }
##### end MANOVA
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