
Defines functions checkLM

Documented in checkLM

#' Visually browse through a sample rendering its landmarks and corresponding
#' surfaces.
#' Browse through a sample rendering its landmarks and corresponding surfaces.
#' This is handy e.g. to check if the landmark projection using placePatch was
#' successful, and to mark specific specimen.
#' @param dat.array array or list containing landmark coordinates.
#' @param path optional character: path to files where surface meshes are
#' stored locally. If not specified only landmarks are displayed.
#' @param prefix prefix to attach to the filenames extracted from
#' \code{dimnames(dat.array)[[3]]} (in case of an array), or
#' \code{names(dat.array)} (in case of a list)
#' @param suffix suffix to attach to the filenames extracted from
#' \code{dimnames(dat.array)[[3]]} (in case of an array), or
#' \code{names(dat.array)} (in case of a list)
#' @param col mesh color
#' @param pt.size size of plotted points/spheres. If \code{point="s"}.
#' \code{pt.size} defines the radius of the spheres. If \code{point="p"} it
#' sets the variable \code{size} used in \code{point3d}.
#' @param alpha value between 0 and 1. Sets transparency of mesh 1=opaque 0=
#' fully transparent.
#' @param begin integer: select a specimen to start with.
#' @param render if render="w", a wireframe will be drawn, else the meshes will
#' be shaded.
#' @param point how to render landmarks. "s"=spheres, "p"=points.
#' @param add logical: add to existing rgl window.
#' @param meshlist list holding meshes in the same order as \code{dat.array} (Overrides \code{path}).
#' @param Rdata logical: if the meshes are previously stored as Rdata-files by
#' calling save(), these are simply loaded and rendered. Otherwise it is
#' assumed that the meshes are stored in standard file formats such as PLY, STL
#' or OBJ, that are then imported with the function \code{\link{file2mesh}}.
#' @param atlas provide object generated by \code{\link{createAtlas}} to
#' specify coloring of surface patches, curves and landmarks
#' @param text.lm logical: number landmarks. Only applicable when
#' \code{atlas=NULL}.
#' @return returns an invisible vector of indices of marked specimen.
#' @seealso \code{\link{placePatch}, \link{createAtlas}, \link{plotAtlas},
#' \link{file2mesh}}
#' @examples
#' data(nose)
#' ###create mesh for longnose
#' longnose.mesh <- tps3d(shortnose.mesh,shortnose.lm,longnose.lm,threads=1)
#' ### write meshes to disk
#' save(shortnose.mesh, file="shortnose")
#' save(longnose.mesh, file="longnose")
#' ## create landmark array
#' data <- bindArr(shortnose.lm, longnose.lm, along=3)
#' dimnames(data)[[3]] <- c("shortnose", "longnose")
#' \dontrun{
#' checkLM(data, path="./",Rdata=TRUE, suffix="")
#' }
#' ## now visualize by using an atlas:
#' atlas <- createAtlas(shortnose.mesh, landmarks =
#'            shortnose.lm[c(1:5,20:21),],
#' patch=shortnose.lm[-c(1:5,20:21),])
#' if (interactive()){
#' checkLM(data, path="./",Rdata=TRUE, suffix="", atlas=atlas)
#' }
#' ## remove data from disk
#' unlink("shortnose")
#' unlink("longnose")
#' @export
checkLM <- function(dat.array, path=NULL, prefix="", suffix=".ply", col="white", pt.size=NULL, alpha=1, begin=1, render=c("w","s"), point=c("s","p"), add=FALSE,meshlist=NULL, Rdata=FALSE, atlas=NULL, text.lm=FALSE)
    k <- NULL
    marked <- NULL
    j <- 1
    if (!Rdata)
        load <- file2mesh
    outid <- NULL
    point <- point[1]
    ## set point/sphere sizes
    radius <- pt.size
    if (is.null(radius)) {
        if (point == "s")
            radius <- (cSize(dat.array[,,1])/sqrt(nrow(dat.array[,,1])))*(1/30)
            radius <- 10
    size <- radius
    render <- render[1]
    arr <- FALSE
    point <- point[1]
    if (point == "s") {
        rendpoint <- spheres3d
    } else if (point == "p") {
        rendpoint <- points3d
    } else {
        stop("argument \"point\" must be \"s\" for spheres or \"p\" for points")
    dimDat <- dim(dat.array)
    if (length(dimDat) == 3) {
        n <- dim(dat.array)[3]
        name <- dimnames(dat.array)[[3]]
        arr <- TRUE
    } else if (is.list(dat.array)) {
        n <- length(dat.array)
        name <- names(dat.array)
    } else {
        stop("data must be 3-dimensional array or a list")
    i <- begin
    if (render=="w") {
        back <- front <- "lines"
        rend <- wire3d
    } else {
        back <- front <- "filled"
    if (!add || cur3d()==0)
    if (!is.null(atlas)) {
        k <- dim(atlas$landmarks)[1]
                                        #k1 <- dim(atlas$patch)[1]
    meshnames <-  paste(path,prefix,name,suffix,sep="")
    while (i <= n) {
        tmp.name <- meshnames[i]
        if (arr)
            landmarks <- dat.array[,,i]
            landmarks <- dat.array[[i]]
        if (is.null(atlas)) { 
            outid <- rendpoint(landmarks,radius=radius, size=size)
            if (text.lm)
                outid <- c(outid, text3d(landmarks, texts=paste(1:dim(landmarks)[1], sep=""), cex=1, adj=c(1,1.5)))
            if (!is.null(meshlist)) {
                tmpmesh <- meshlist[[i]]
            } else if (!is.null(path)) {
                if (!Rdata) {
                    tmpmesh <- file2mesh(tmp.name,readcol=TRUE)
                } else {
                    input <- load(tmp.name)
                    tmp.name <- gsub(path,"",tmp.name)
                    tmpmesh <- get(input)
            if (!is.null(meshlist) || !is.null(path)) {
                outid <- c(outid,shade3d(tmpmesh,col=col,alpha=alpha,back=back,front=front))
                if (Rdata)
        } else {
            atlas.tmp <- atlas
            atlas.tmp$mesh <- NULL
            atlas.tmp$landmarks <- landmarks[1:k,]
            atlas.tmp$patch <- landmarks[-c(1:k),]

            if (!is.null(meshlist)) {
                atlas.tmp$mesh <- meshlist[[i]]
            if (!is.null(path) && is.null(meshlist)) {
                if (!Rdata) {
                    atlas.tmp$mesh <- file2mesh(tmp.name)
                } else {
                    input <- load(tmp.name)
                    tmp.name <- gsub(path,"",tmp.name)
                    atlas.tmp$mesh <- get(input)
            outid <- plotAtlas(atlas.tmp, add=TRUE, alpha=alpha, pt.size=radius, render=render, point=point, meshcol=col, legend=FALSE)
        answer <- readline(paste("viewing #",i,"(return=next | p=previous | m=mark current | s=stop viewing)\n"))
        if (answer == "m") {
            marked[j] <- i
            j <- j+1
        } else if (answer == "s") {
            i <- n+1
        } else if (answer == "p") {
            i <- i-1
        } else 
            i <- i+1

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Morpho documentation built on June 22, 2024, 7:19 p.m.