arm.glm <-
function(object, R = 250, = c("aic", "loglik"), trace = FALSE) {
if(!inherits(object, c("glm", "lm")))
stop("'object' must be a \"glm\" or \"lm\" object")
maxtrials <- 10L <- switch(match.arg(, aic = 1L, loglik = 2L)
allterms <- getAllTerms(object)
ordtrm <- attr(allterms, "sortorder")
deps <- attr(allterms, "deps")[ordtrm, ordtrm]
nterms <- length(allterms)
mm <- model.matrix(object)
n1 <- ceiling((nall <- nrow(mm))/2)
n2 <- nall - n1
combinTerms <- lapply(, 2^nterms - 1L), function(j)
combinTerms <- combinTerms[vapply(combinTerms,
formula_margin_check, FALSE, deps)]
## combinPredictors
combin <- vapply(combinTerms, function(x, assign)
assign %in% c(0, which(x)), logical(ncol(mm)),
assign = attr(mm, "assign"))
combin <- combin[, i <- colSums(combin) < min(n1, n2) - 1L, drop = FALSE]
combinTerms <- combinTerms[i]
nModels <- ncol(combin)
fam <- family(object)
y <- object$y
off <- object$offset
if(is.null(y)) y <- get.response(object)
prwt <- weights(object, "prior")
if(is.null(prwt)) prwt <- rep(1, nall)
if(fam$family == 'binomial') {
y <- prwt * cbind(y, 1 - y, deparse.level = 0L)
yvectorize <- function(y) y[, 1L] / rowSums(y)
prwt <- rep(1, NROW(y))
jresp <- c(1L, 2L)
} else {
yvectorize <- function(y) y[, 1L] ## XXX === drop ?
jresp <- 1L
Z <- cbind(y, mm, prwt, deparse.level = 0L)
rownames(Z) <- NULL
jprwts <- ncol(Z)
jterms <- (1L:(ncol(Z) - 1L))[-jresp]
traceinfo <- if(trace) { function(...) cat(..., sep = "") } else function(...) {}
## begin iteration
wts <- matrix(NA_real_, ncol = nModels, nrow = R)
for(iter in 1L:R) {
traceinfo("iteration=", iter, "\n")
for (u in {
traceinfo(" trial=", u, "\n ")
i <-, n1)
y1 <- Z[i, jresp, drop = FALSE]
y2 <- Z[-i, jresp, drop = FALSE]
vy2 <- yvectorize(y2)
x1 <- Z[i, jterms, drop = FALSE]
x2 <- Z[-i, jterms, drop = FALSE]
prwts1 <- Z[i, jprwts]
prwts2 <- Z[-i, jprwts]
ic <- numeric(nModels)
for (k in {
traceinfo("k=", k, " ")
fit1 <-[, combin[, k], drop = FALSE], y1, family = fam, weights = prwts1,
offset = off)
if (problem <- (anyNA(fit1$coefficients) || !fit1$converged)) {
ic[k] <- aicloglik_glm_fit(fit1, vy2, x2[, combin[, k], drop = FALSE],
prwts2, off)[]
if (!problem)
d <- exp(-ic / 2)
wts[iter, ] <- d/sum(d)
wts[!is.finite(wts)] <- NA_real_
wts <- wts[round(rowSums(wts, na.rm = TRUE)) == 1, ]
wts <- wts/rowSums(wts, na.rm = TRUE)
wtsmean <- colMeans(wts)
cfnames <- colnames(Z[, jterms])
x <- Z[, jterms, drop = FALSE]
y <- Z[, jresp, drop = FALSE]
msTable <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = nModels, ncol = 6L, dimnames = list(1L:nModels,
c("df", "logLik", "AIC", "delta", "weight", "ARM weight")))
## coefArray(model, c(coef, se, df), coefficients)
coefArray <- array(NA_real_, dim = c(nModels, 3L, length(cfnames)), dimnames = list(1L:nModels,
c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "df"), cfnames))
for (k in {
fit1 <-[, combin[, k], drop = FALSE], y, family = fam, offset = off)
coefArray[k, , combin[, k]] <- rbind(t(summary.glm(fit1)$coefficients[, 1L:2L,
drop = FALSE]), fit1$df.residual)
msTable[k, c(3L, 2L, 1L)] <- aicloglik_glm_fit(fit1, fit1$y, x[, combin[, k],
drop = FALSE], fit1$prior.weights, off)
msTable[, 4L] <- msTable[, 3L] - min(msTable[, 3L])
msTable[, 5L] <- Weights(msTable[, 3L])
msTable[, 6L] <- wtsmean
cfmat <- coefArray[, 1L, ]
cfmat[]<- 0
coefMat <- array(dim = c(2L, ncol(cfmat)),
dimnames = list(c("full", "subset"), colnames(cfmat)))
coefMat[1L, ] <- drop(wtsmean %*% cfmat)
#debug <- list(wtsmean = wtsmean, cfmat = cfmat, coefArray = coefArray)
ass <- attr(mm, "assign")
bp <- ![, 1L, ass != 0L & !duplicated(ass)])
tenm <- allterms[ordtrm]
allmodelnames <- .modelNames(allTerms = apply(bp, 1L, function(z) tenm[z]),
uqTerms = tenm)
rownames(msTable) <- c(allmodelnames)
ordmod <- order(msTable[,4L], decreasing = FALSE)
rval <- list(
msTable = structure([ordmod, ]), = attr(allmodelnames, "variables")),
coefficients = coefMat,
coefArray = coefArray[ordmod, , ],
sw = {
structure(wtsmean %*% bp,
n.models = structure(colSums(bp), names = tenm),
names = tenm, class = "sw")
formula = object$formula,
call =
#, debug = debug
attr(rval, "rank") <- .getRank(AIC) ## TODO
attr(rval, "nobs") <- nrow(x)
attr(rval, "beta") <- "none"
attr(rval, "revised.var") <- TRUE
attr(rval, "arm") <- TRUE
attr(rval, "model.weights") <- "ARM"
class(rval) <- "averaging"
armWeights <-
function(object, ..., data, = c("aic", "loglik"), R = 1000) { <- switch(match.arg(, aic = 1L, loglik = 2L)
models <- getModelArgs()
m <- length(models)
if(m < 2) stop("need more than one model")
p <- 0.5
if(!all(vapply(models, inherits, TRUE, "lm")))
stop("'models' must inherit from \"lm\" class")
R <- as.integer(R[1L])
if(R <= 1) stop("'R' must be positive")
n <- nrow(data)
nt <- ceiling(n * p)
maxtrials <- 3L
wmat <- array(dim = c(R, m))
r <- counter <- 1L
counterLimit <- R * maxtrials #
mode(R) <- mode(counterLimit) <- "integer"
while(counter < counterLimit && r <= R) {
counter <- counter + 1L
k <-, size = nt)
data.test <- data[-k, , drop = FALSE]
data.train <- data[k, , drop = FALSE]
y.test <- get.response(models[[1L]], data.test)
for(j in {
fit <- models[[j]]
tf <- terms(fit)
fam <- family(fit)
off <- fit$offset
if(is.null(off)) off <- rep(0, n)
wts <- fit$weights
if(is.null(wts)) wts <- rep(1, n)
fit1 <- do_glm_fit(tf, data.train, family = fam, weights = wts[k], offset = off[k])
if(!fit1$converged) break
wmat[r, j] <- aicloglik_glm_fit(fit1, y.test, model.matrix(tf, data.test), wts[-k], off[-k])[]
if(!anyNA(wmat[r, ]))
r <- r + 1L
wmat <- exp(-wmat / 2)
wts <- colMeans(wmat)
wts <- wts / sum(wts)
structure(wts, wt.type = "ARM", names = names(models), class = c("model.weights", "numeric"))
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