
Defines functions render

Documented in render

#' Render a HTML report of a "nacho" object
#' This function create a Rmarkdown script and render it as a HTML document.
#' The HTML document is a quality-control report using all the metrics from [`visualise()`]
#' based on recommendations from NanoString.
#' @inheritParams normalise
#' @param colour [[character]] Character string of the column in `ssheet_csv`
#'   or more generally in `nacho_object$nacho` to be used as grouping colour.
#' @param output_file [[character]] The name of the output file.
#' @param output_dir [[character]] The output directory for the rendered output_file.
#'   This allows for a choice of an alternate directory to which the output file should be written
#'   (the default output directory is the working directory, *i.e.*, `.`).
#'   If a path is provided with a filename in `output_file` the directory specified here will take precedence.
#'   Please note that any directory path provided will create any necessary directories if they do not exist.
#' @param size [[numeric]] A numeric controlling point size
#'   ([`ggplot2::geom_point()`]
#'   or line size ([`ggplot2::geom_line()`]).
#' @param show_legend [[logical]] Boolean to indicate whether the plot legends should
#'   be plotted (`TRUE`) or not (`FALSE`). Default is `TRUE`.
#' @param show_outliers [[logical]] Boolean to indicate whether the outliers should be highlighted
#'   in red (`TRUE`) or not (`FALSE`). Default is `TRUE`.
#' @param outliers_factor [[numeric]] Size factor for outliers compared to `size`. Default is `1`.
#' @param outliers_labels [[character]] Character to indicate which column in `nacho_object$nacho`
#'   should be used to be printed as the labels for outliers or not. Default is `NULL`.
#' @param clean [[logical]] Boolean to indicate whether the Rmd and Rdata file used to produce the HTML report
#'   are removed from `output_dir`. Default is `TRUE`.
#' @return NULL
#' @importFrom knitr opts_chunk
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   data(GSE74821)
#'   render(GSE74821)
#' }
render <- function(
  colour = "CartridgeID",
  output_file = "NACHO_QC.html",
  output_dir = ".",
  size = 1,
  show_legend = TRUE,
  show_outliers = TRUE,
  outliers_factor = 1,
  outliers_labels = NULL,
  clean = TRUE
) {
  if (missing(nacho_object)) {
      '[NACHO] "nacho_object" is missing, results from "load_rcc()" and/or "normalise()" is mandatory!'
  if (!attr(nacho_object, "RCC_type") %in% c("n1", "n8")) {
    stop('[NACHO] RCC type must be either "n1" or "n8"!')
  temp_dir <- file.path(normalizePath(output_dir), "tmp_nacho")
  dir.create(temp_dir, showWarnings = FALSE)
  temp_file <- file.path(temp_dir, sub("\\.[^.]+$", ".Rmd", output_file))

    'title: "NanoString Quality-Control Report"',
    # 'author: "[NACHO](https://mcanouil.github.io/NACHO)"',
    "  nacho_object: NULL",
    "  html_document:",
    "    theme: simplex",
    "    toc: true",
    "    toc_depth: 2",
    "    toc_float:",
    "      collapsed: false",
    "    fig_width: 6.3",
    "    fig_height: 4.7",
    "    number_sections: true",
    "    self_contained: true",
    "    mathjax: default",
    "    df_print: kable",
    "```{r setup, include = FALSE}",
    "options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)",
    '  results = "asis",',
    "  include = TRUE,",
    "  echo = FALSE,",
    "  warning = FALSE,",
    "  message = FALSE,",
    "  tidy = FALSE,",
    "  crop = TRUE,",
    "  autodep = TRUE,",
    '  fig.align = "center"',
    # "library(NACHO)",
    "```{r logo, out.width = 150}",
    "  grep(",
    '    pattern = file.path("figures", "nacho_hex.png"),',
    "      x = list.files(",
    '      path = system.file(package = "NACHO"),',
    "      recursive = TRUE,",
    "      full.names = TRUE",
    "    ), value = TRUE",
    "  )",
    "```{r nacho-qc}",
    '  x = params[["nacho_object"]],',
    paste0('  colour = "', colour, '",'),
    paste0("  size = ", size, ","),
    paste0("  show_legend = ", show_legend, ","),
    paste0("  show_outliers = ", show_outliers, ","),
    paste0("  outliers_factor = ", outliers_factor, ","),
    paste0("  outliers_labels = ", outliers_labels, ","),
    "  echo = TRUE",
    sep = "\n",
    file = temp_file,
    append = FALSE

    input = temp_file,
    output_file = output_file,
    output_dir = output_dir,
    encoding = "UTF-8",
    quiet = TRUE,
    params = list(nacho_object = nacho_object)

  if (clean) {
    unlink(file.path(output_dir, "tmp_nacho"), recursive = TRUE)


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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

NACHO documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:05 a.m.