
Defines functions .MUST.isBaseNetworkOutput .isBaseNetworkOutput .MUST.hasPlots .hasPlots .MUST.hasClusterData .hasClusterData .MUST.hasDetails .hasDetails .MUST.hasNodeData .hasNodeData .MUST.hasAdjacencyMatrix .hasAdjacencyMatrix .MUST.hasIgraph .hasIgraph .MUST.doesLayoutMatchData .doesLayoutMatchData .MUST.doesPlotMatchData .doesPlotMatchData .MUST.doesDataMatchMatrix .doesDataMatchMatrix .MUST.doesIgraphMatchMatrix .doesIgraphMatchMatrix .MUST.doesIgraphMatchData .doesIgraphMatchData .MUST.isPlotlist .isPlotlist .MUST.isLayout .isLayout .MUST.isAdjacencyMatrix .isAdjacencyMatrix .MUST.isIgraph .isIgraph .MUST.isGgraph .isGgraph .checkCountCol .MUST.isCountColref .isCountColref .MUST.isSeqColrefs .isSeqColrefs .MUST.isSeqColref .isSeqColref .MUST.isValidSeqVector .isValidSeqVector .checkDataForColref .checkDataColrefs .MUST.isDataColrefs .isDataColrefs .MUST.isDataColref .isDataColref .MUST.hasMultipleRows .MUST.isDataFrame .MUST.isNamedList .isNamedList .sanitizeFilenamePart .isValidFilename .isValidFilenamePart

# NAIR: Network Analysis of Immune Repertoire
# Copyright (C) 2023 Li Zhang
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

# Conventions -------------------------------------------------------------

# Checks beginning with `.is` return TRUE or FALSE
# Checks beginning with `.MUST` raise an error or return NULL (hard checks)
# Checks beginning with `.check` return the main argument or a default value
#                                                               (soft checks)

# String Content ----------------------------------------------------------

.isValidFilenamePart <- function(x) {
  # contains only letters, numbers, hyphens and underscores;
  # does not begin or end with a hyphen or underscore
  isTRUE(nchar(x) > 0) &&
  isFALSE(grepl("\\W", gsub("-", "", x))) &&
    isFALSE(grepl("^[-_]", x)) && isFALSE(grepl("[-_]$", x))

.isValidFilename <- function(x) {
  # contains only letters, numbers, hyphens, underscores and at most one period;
  # does not begin or end with a hyphen, underscore or period
  isTRUE(nchar(x) > 0) &&
  isFALSE(grepl("\\W", gsub("[.-]", "", x))) &&
    isFALSE(lengths(regmatches(x, gregexpr("\\.", x))) > 1) &&
    isFALSE(grepl("^[.-_]", x)) && isFALSE(grepl("[.-_]$", x))

.sanitizeFilenamePart <- function(x) {
  # Replace illegal characters with underscores;
  # remove any leading or trailing hyphens or underscores
  pieces <- unlist(strsplit(x, split = "-"))
  pieces <- gsub("\\W", "_", pieces)
  pieces <- pieces[!pieces %in% ""]
  pieces <- pieces[!grepl("^_+$", pieces)]
  x <- paste(pieces, collapse = "-")
  while (grepl("^_", x)) { x <- substr(x, 2, nchar(x)) }
  while (grepl("_$", x)) { x <- substr(x, 1, nchar(x) - 1) }

# Lists and Data Frames ----------------------------------------------------

.isNamedList <- function(x) { is.list(x) && !is.null(names(x)) }
.MUST.isNamedList <- function(x, name = NULL) {
  if (is.null(name)) { name <- deparse(substitute(x)) }
  .stopifnot(.isNamedList(x), name, "must be a named list")

.MUST.isDataFrame <- function(x, name = NULL) {
  if (is.null(name)) { name <- deparse(substitute(x)) }
  .stopifnot(is.data.frame(x), name, "could not be coerced to a data frame")

.MUST.hasMultipleRows <- function(x, name = NULL) {
  if (is.null(name)) { name <- deparse(substitute(x)) }
  .stopifnot(nrow(x) > 1, name, "must contain at least two rows")

# Column References -------------------------------------------------------

.isDataColref <- function(x, data) {
  (.isString(x) && x %in% names(data)) ||
    (.isPosInt(x) && x <= ncol(data))

.MUST.isDataColref <- function(x, data, name = NULL) {
  if (is.null(name)) { name <- deparse(substitute(x)) }
  .stopifnot(.isDataColref(x, data), name, "must specify a data column")

.isDataColrefs <- function(x, data) {
  (.hasLength1(x) && .isDataColref(x, data)) ||
    (length(x) > 1 && is.vector(x) &&
       all(sapply(x, .isDataColref, data = data))
.MUST.isDataColrefs <- function(x, data, name = NULL) {
  if (is.null(name)) { name <- deparse(substitute(x)) }
  .stopifnot(.isDataColrefs(x, data), name,
             "must specify one or more data columns"
.checkDataColrefs <- function(x, data, default = NULL, ornull = TRUE) {
  # Replace column references with default value if not all valid
  if ((!ornull && is.null(x)) || !is.null(x) && !.isDataColrefs(x, data)) {
      "one or more values in ", sQuote(deparse(substitute(x))),
      " are not valid column references for ",
      sQuote(deparse(substitute(data))), ". ",
      "Defaulting to ", deparse(substitute(default))

.checkDataForColref <- function(x, data, check, check2 = NULL, default = NULL) {
  # Ensure specified data column passes given check(s)
  is_col <- .isDataColref(x, data)
  invalid <- !is_col || (is_col && !check(data[[x]]))
  if (!is.null(check2)) {
    invalid <- invalid || (is_col && !check2(data[[x]]))
  if (invalid) {
      "value for ", sQuote(deparse(substitute(x))),
      " does not reference a column of ",
      sQuote(deparse(substitute(data))), " with the correct properties. ",
      "Defaulting to ", deparse(substitute(default))

# AIRR-Seq Data -----------------------------------------------------------

.isValidSeqVector <- function(x) {
  x <- as.vector(x, mode = "character")
  is.vector(x, mode = "character") && .hasPosLength(x) && sum(!is.na(x)) > 0
.MUST.isValidSeqVector <- function(x, name = NULL, sep = " ") {
  if (is.null(name)) { name <- deparse(substitute(x)) }
    "must be coercible to a character vector with at least one non-NA value",
    sep = sep

.isSeqColref <- function(x, data) {
  .isDataColref(x, data) && .isValidSeqVector(data[[x]])
.MUST.isSeqColref <- function(x, data, name = NULL, data_name = NULL) {
  if (is.null(name)) { name <- deparse(substitute(x)) }
  if (is.null(data_name)) { name <- deparse(substitute(data)) }
  .stopifnot(.isSeqColref(x, data),
             name, "does not reference a column of", sQuote(data_name),
             "that is coercible to a",
             "character vector with at least one non-NA value"

.isSeqColrefs <- function(x, data) {
  length(x) %in% c(1, 2) && .isDataColrefs(x, data) &&
    all(sapply(x, function(x) { .isValidSeqVector(data[[x]]) }))
.MUST.isSeqColrefs <- function(x, data, name = NULL, data_name = NULL) {
  if (is.null(name)) { name <- deparse(substitute(x)) }
  if (is.null(data_name)) { name <- deparse(substitute(data)) }
    .isSeqColrefs(x, data),
    name, "does not reference one or two columns of", sQuote(data_name),
    "that are each coercible to a",
    "character vector with at least one non-NA value"

.isCountColref <- function(x, data) {
  .isDataColref(x, data) && is.numeric(data[[x]])
.MUST.isCountColref <- function(x, data, name = NULL, data_name = NULL) {
  if (is.null(name)) { name <- deparse(substitute(x)) }
  if (is.null(data_name)) { name <- deparse(substitute(data)) }
  .stopifnot(.isCountColref(x, data),
             name, "does not reference a column of", sQuote(data_name),
             "that contains numeric values"
.checkCountCol <- function(x, data, default = NULL) {
  if (!is.null(x) && !.isCountColref(x, data)) {
      "value for ", sQuote("count_col"), " is not a valid column reference ",
      "or does not specify a numeric variable of ",
      sQuote(deparse(substitute(data))), ". ",
      "Defaulting to ", deparse(substitute(default))

# Network Objects ----------------------------------------------------------

.isGgraph <- function(x) { inherits(x, "ggraph") }
.MUST.isGgraph <- function(x, name = NULL) {
  if (is.null(name)) { name <- deparse(substitute(x)) }
  .stopifnot(.isGgraph(x), name, "must be of class", dQuote("ggraph"))

.isIgraph <- function(x) { inherits(x, "igraph") }
.MUST.isIgraph <- function(x, name = NULL) {
  if (is.null(name)) { name <- deparse(substitute(x)) }
  .stopifnot(.isIgraph(x), name, "must be of class", dQuote("igraph"))

.isAdjacencyMatrix <- function(x) {
  .hasPosLength(x) &&
    (is.matrix(x) || inherits(x, "sparseMatrix")) &&
    isTRUE(dim(x)[[1]] == dim(x)[[2]]) &&
    Matrix::isSymmetric(x, check.attributes = FALSE) &&
    all(unique(as.vector(x)) %in% c(0, 1))
.MUST.isAdjacencyMatrix <- function(x, name = NULL) {
  if (is.null(name)) { name <- deparse(substitute(x)) }
             name, "must be a symmetric matrix",
             "(including sparse formats from the Matrix package)",
             "containing only ones and zeros"

.isLayout <- function(x) {
  is.matrix(x) && is.numeric(x) && ncol(x) == 2 && nrow(x) > 0
.MUST.isLayout <- function(x, name = NULL) {
  if (is.null(name)) { name <- deparse(substitute(x)) }
  .stopifnot(.isLayout(x), name, "must be a nonempty two-column numeric matrix")

.isPlotlist <- function(x) {
  out <- .isNamedList(x)
  if (.hasElem(x, "graph_layout")) {
    non_layout_indices <- which(names(x) != "graph_layout")
    out <- out && .hasPosLength(non_layout_indices) && .isLayout(x$graph_layout)
  } else {
    non_layout_indices <- 1:length(x)
  out && all(sapply(x[non_layout_indices], .isGgraph))
.MUST.isPlotlist <- function(x, name = NULL) {
  if (is.null(name)) { name <- deparse(substitute(x)) }
    name, "must be a named list containing objects of class", dQuote("ggraph"),
    "and possibly a two-column numeric matrix named", dQuote("graph_layout")

# Correspondence of Network Objects -----------------------------------------------

.doesIgraphMatchData <- function(x, data) { length(x) == nrow(data) }
.MUST.doesIgraphMatchData <- function(x, data, name = NULL, data_name = NULL) {
  if (is.null(name)) { name <- deparse(substitute(x)) }
  if (is.null(data_name)) { name <- deparse(substitute(data)) }
    .doesIgraphMatchData(x, data),
    name, "must have length equal to row dimension of", sQuote(data_name)

.doesIgraphMatchMatrix <- function(x, mat) { length(x) == nrow(mat) }
.MUST.doesIgraphMatchMatrix <- function(x, mat, name = NULL, matname = NULL) {
  if (is.null(name)) { name <- deparse(substitute(x)) }
  if (is.null(matname)) { name <- deparse(substitute(mat)) }
    .doesIgraphMatchMatrix(x, mat),
    name, "must have length equal to row dimension of", sQuote(matname)

.doesDataMatchMatrix <- function(x, mat) { nrow(x) == nrow(mat) }
.MUST.doesDataMatchMatrix <- function(x, mat, name = NULL, matname = NULL) {
  if (is.null(name)) { name <- deparse(substitute(x)) }
  if (is.null(matname)) { name <- deparse(substitute(mat)) }
  .stopifnot(.doesDataMatchMatrix(x, mat),
             name, "and", sQuote(matname), "must have the same row dimension"

.doesPlotMatchData <- function(x, data) {
  # x is a ggraph, data is a data frame
  nrow(extractLayout(x)) == nrow(data)
.MUST.doesPlotMatchData <- function(x, data, name = NULL, data_name = NULL) {
  if (is.null(name)) { name <- deparse(substitute(x)) }
  if (is.null(data_name)) { name <- deparse(substitute(data)) }
    .doesPlotMatchData(x, data),
    name, "has node count not equal to the row dimension of", sQuote(data_name)
.doesLayoutMatchData <- function(x, data) {
  .isLayout(x) && nrow(x) == nrow(data)
.MUST.doesLayoutMatchData <- function(x, data, name = NULL, data_name = NULL) {
  if (is.null(name)) { name <- deparse(substitute(x)) }
  if (is.null(data_name)) { name <- deparse(substitute(data)) }
  .stopifnot(.doesLayoutMatchData(x, data),
             name, "must be NULL or a two-column matrix",
             "with the same row dimension as", sQuote(data_name)

# Network List ------------------------------------------------------------

.hasIgraph <- function(x) {
  .isNamedList(x) && .hasElem(x, "igraph") && .isIgraph(x$igraph)
.MUST.hasIgraph <- function(x, name = NULL) {
  if (is.null(name)) { name <- deparse(substitute(x)) }
             name, "must contain an object of class", dQuote("igraph"),
             "named", dQuote("igraph")

.hasAdjacencyMatrix <- function(x) {
  .isNamedList(x) && .hasElem(x, "adjacency_matrix") &&
.MUST.hasAdjacencyMatrix <- function(x, name = NULL) {
  if (is.null(name)) { name <- deparse(substitute(x)) }
    "must contain a symmetric matrix named", dQuote("adjacency_matrix"),
    "(including sparse formats from the Matrix package)",
    "that contains only ones and zeros"

.hasNodeData <- function(x) {
  .isNamedList(x) && .hasElem(x, "node_data") &&
    .hasPosLength(x$node_data) && is.data.frame(x$node_data)
.MUST.hasNodeData <- function(x, name = NULL) {
  if (is.null(name)) { name <- deparse(substitute(x)) }
    name, "must contain a nonempty data frame named", dQuote("node_data")

.hasDetails <- function(x) {
  .isNamedList(x) && .hasElem(x, "details") &&
    .hasPosLength(x$details) && .isNamedList(x$details)
.MUST.hasDetails <- function(x, name = NULL) {
  if (is.null(name)) { name <- deparse(substitute(x)) }
    name, "must contain a nonempty named list named", dQuote("details")

.hasClusterData <- function(x) {
  .isNamedList(x) && .hasElem(x, "cluster_data") &&
    .hasPosLength(x$cluster_data) && is.data.frame(x$cluster_data) &&
    .hasElem(x$cluster_data, "cluster_id") &&
    .isIntegerVector(x$cluster_data$cluster_id, factor_ok = TRUE)
.MUST.hasClusterData <- function(x, name = NULL) {
  if (is.null(name)) { name <- deparse(substitute(x)) }
    name, "must contain a nonempty data frame named", dQuote("cluster_data"),
    "with an integer-valued variable named", dQuote("cluster_id")

.hasPlots <- function(x) {
  .isNamedList(x) && .hasElem(x, "plots") && .isPlotlist(x$plots)
.MUST.hasPlots <- function(x, name = NULL) {
  if (is.null(name)) { name <- deparse(substitute(x)) }
    name, "must contain a named list named", dQuote("plots"),
    "containing objects of class", dQuote("ggraph"),
    "and possibly a two-column numeric matrix named", dQuote("graph_layout")

.isBaseNetworkOutput <- function(x) {
  .hasIgraph(x) && .hasAdjacencyMatrix(x) && .hasNodeData(x) &&
    .doesIgraphMatchData(x$igraph, x$node_data) &&
    .doesIgraphMatchMatrix(x$igraph, x$adjacency_matrix) &&
    .doesDataMatchMatrix(x$node_data, x$adjacency_matrix)
.MUST.isBaseNetworkOutput <- function(x, name = NULL) {
  if (is.null(name)) { name <- deparse(substitute(x)) }
    name, "must be a named list containing elements",
    paste0(dQuote("igraph"), ","),
    dQuote("adjacency_matrix"), "and", paste0(dQuote("node_data"), ","),
    "all corresponding to the same network"

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NAIR documentation built on Sept. 27, 2023, 5:06 p.m.