p_test <-
function (analyses,, test.params, effect_aggregation) {
if (test.params$rep < 1) {
return (NULL)
test.params$rep <- round(test.params$rep)
test.params$p_confidence <- max(0, min(1, test.params$p_confidence))
test.params$p_threshold <- max(0, min(1, test.params$p_threshold))
# Add statistics tests
test <- list()
h <- length($x)
y_org <-$y
effect.sims <- list()
# But not for OLS
ceilings <- names(analyses)[names(analyses) != "ols"]
# Do you remember?
start <- Sys.time()
# Shorten the X name <- paste0(strtrim(colnames($x), 25),
ifelse(nchar(colnames($x)) > 25, "...", ""))
# Create a unique list of samples
samples <- foreach (i=1:test.params$rep) %dopar% {
sample(1:h, h, replace = FALSE)
# For small sample sizes, make sure they are unique
if (test.params$rep <= 720) {
while (length(unique(samples)) < test.params$rep) {
samples[[length(samples) + 1]] <- sample(1:h, h, replace = FALSE)
samples <- unique(samples)
# Unset the seed, and we're done
for (ceiling in ceilings) {
cat("Do test for : ", ceiling, "-",
effect.sims[[ceiling]] <- foreach (sample=iter(samples)) %dopar% {$y <- y_org[unlist(sample)]
# We need to make sure ce_cm_conf (if present) comes before cr_cm_conf
if ("ce_cm_conf" %in% ceilings) {
analisys_ce_cm_conf <- p_nca_wrapper("ce_cm_conf",, NULL, effect_aggregation)$ce_cm_conf_columns <- attr(analisys_ce_cm_conf$line, "columns")
if (ceiling == "ce_cm_conf") {
analysis <- analisys_ce_cm_conf
} else {
analysis <- p_nca_wrapper(ceiling,, NULL, effect_aggregation)
return (analysis$effect)
# Convert to a vector, remove NA
effect.sims[[ceiling]] <- unlist(effect.sims[[ceiling]])
effect.sims[[ceiling]] <- effect.sims[[ceiling]][![[ceiling]])]
cat("\rDone test for: ", ceiling, "-",, strrep(" ", 5), "\n")
for (ceiling in ceilings) {
observed <- analyses[[ceiling]]$effect
data <- effect.sims[[ceiling]]
if (is.null(data)) {
fmt <- "No permutation test for %s on %s\n"
cat(sprintf(fmt,$names[1], ceiling))
# Add threshold- and P-value for displaying in summary
threshold.value <- as.numeric(quantile(sort(data), 1 - test.params$p_threshold))
p_value <- 1 - mean(data < observed)
p_value <- max(p_value, 1/test.params$rep)
# Add MOE
uns <- test.params$p_confidence + 0.5 * (1 - test.params$p_confidence)
test.params$p_accuracy <- qnorm(uns) * sqrt(p_value * (1 - p_value) / test.params$rep)
if (h <= 6 && test.params$rep == factorial(h)) {
test.params$p_accuracy <- 0
names <- c(colnames($x), colnames(y_org))
test[[ceiling]] <- list(data = data, observed = observed, test.params=test.params,
p_value = p_value, threshold.value = threshold.value,
names = names)
return (list(test=test, test.time=difftime(Sys.time(), start, units="secs")))
p_test_time <-
function (test.time) {
test.time <- as.numeric(test.time)
if (test.time > 86400) {
duration <- sprintf("%s days, %02d:%02d:%02d",
test.time %/% 86400,
test.time %% 86400 %/% 3600,
test.time %% 3600 %/% 60,
test.time %% 60 %/% 1)
else {
duration <- sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d",
test.time %/% 3600,
test.time %% 3600 %/% 60,
test.time %% 60 %/% 1)
return (paste("Test done in", duration))
p_display_test <-
function (test, pdf=FALSE, path=NULL) {
for (ceiling in rev(names(test))) {
p_display_ceiling_test(ceiling, test[[ceiling]], pdf, path)
p_display_ceiling_test <-
function (ceiling, ceiling_test, pdf=FALSE, path=NULL) {
ceiling <- p_pretty_name(ceiling)
data <- ceiling_test$data
observed <- ceiling_test$observed
p_value <- ceiling_test$p_value
threshold.value <- ceiling_test$threshold.value
p_threshold <- ceiling_test$test.params$p_threshold
names <- ceiling_test$names
# All Y-values are equal
if (is.null(data)) {
bin.count <- 30
x.low <- - 0.05
x.high <- max(data, observed) + 0.01
label.main <- sprintf("X=%s Y=%s %s\n", names[1], names[2], ceiling)
label.threshold <- ifelse(p_threshold > 0, sprintf(
"---- threshold (d = %.2f, p_threshold %.2f)", threshold.value, p_threshold), "")
label.p <- ""
if (! {
rep <- ceiling_test$test.params$rep
p_accuracy <- ceiling_test$test.params$p_accuracy
if (p_accuracy > 1e-6) {
p.min <- max(0, p_value - p_accuracy)
p.max <- min(1, p_value + p_accuracy)
label.p <- sprintf(", p = %.3f [%.3f, %.3f], rep = %d",
p_value, p.min, p.max, rep)
} else {
label.p <- sprintf(", p = %.3f, rep = %d", p_value, rep)
label.observed <- sprintf("observed (d = %.2f%s)", observed, label.p)
# Add data plot and title
obj <- qplot(data, bins = bin.count, geom = 'histogram',
xlim = c(x.low, x.high),
xlab = "Permutated effect sizes", ylab = "Frequency",
fill = I("white"), col = I("black"), na.rm = TRUE)
obj <- obj + labs(title = label.main, subtitle = "")
obj <- obj + theme(plot.title=element_text(hjust=0.5))
# Add lines
if (p_threshold > 0) {
obj <- obj + geom_vline(xintercept = threshold.value, col = "darkgreen", lwd = .5, lty = 5)
obj <- obj + geom_vline(xintercept = observed, col = "red", lwd = 0.5, lty = 1)
# Open new window or PDF
if (pdf) {
title <- paste(paste(ceiling_test$names, collapse="-"), "random test")
p_new_pdf("plot", title, path)
} else {
p_new_window(title = paste("Random test ", ceiling))
par(family = "")
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
# Plot all
# Add legend for lines
p_add_legend(label.threshold, label.observed, p_threshold)
if (pdf) {
p_add_legend <-
function (label.threshold, label.observed, p_threshold) {
gp.r <- gpar(col = "darkgreen", fontsize = 11)
gp.o <- gpar(col = "red", fontsize = 11)
gp.o1 <- gpar(col = "red", fontsize = 10, fontface="bold")
if (p_threshold > 0) {
pos.x <- unit(0.5, "npc") - unit(5, "cm")
pos.x1 <- pos.x + unit(.75, "cm")
pos.y <- unit(1, "npc") - unit(2, "line")
pos.y1 <- unit(1, "npc") - unit(3.0, "line")
pos.y2 <- unit(1, "npc") - unit(3.0, "line")
grid.text(label.threshold, pos.x, pos.y, just="left", gp = gp.r)
grid.text("___", pos.x, pos.y1, just="left", gp = gp.o1)
grid.text(label.observed, pos.x1, pos.y2, just="left", gp = gp.o)
else {
pos.x <- unit(0.5, "npc")
pos.y <- unit(1, "npc") - unit(2, "line")
grid.text(label.observed, pos.x, pos.y, just="centre", gp = gp.o)
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