
Defines functions NanoStringNorm

Documented in NanoStringNorm

# The NanoStringNorm package is copyright (c) 2012 Ontario Institute for Cancer Research (OICR)
# This package and its accompanying libraries is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GPL
# (either version 1, or at your option, any later version) or the Artistic License 2.0.  Refer to LICENSE for the full license text.
# OICR makes no representations whatsoever as to the SOFTWARE contained herein.  It is experimental in nature and is provided WITHOUT
# By downloading this SOFTWARE, your Institution hereby indemnifies OICR against any loss, claim, damage or liability, of whatsoever kind or
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# If publications result from research using this SOFTWARE, we ask that the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research be acknowledged and/or
# credit be given to OICR scientists, as scientifically appropriate.

NanoStringNorm <- function(x, anno = NA, header = NA, Probe.Correction.Factor = 'adjust', CodeCount = 'none', Background = 'none', SampleContent = 'none', OtherNorm = 'none', CodeCount.summary.target = NA, SampleContent.summary.target = NA, round.values = FALSE, is.log = FALSE, take.log = FALSE, return.matrix.of.endogenous.probes = FALSE, traits = NA, predict.conc = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, genes.to.fit = NA, genes.to.predict = NA, guess.cartridge = TRUE, ...) {

	# check if the data is a list, matrix, or data.frame
	if ( !(is.list(x) | is.data.frame(x) | is.matrix(x)) ) {
		stop("NanoStringNorm:  Check your data, it doesn't appear to be a list, matrix or data.frame.");

	# get correct list item from xls or NSN output
	if (class(x) == 'NanoString') {
		x <- x[[1]];
		header <- x[[2]];
	else if (class(x) == 'NanoStringNorm') {
		x <- x$normalized.data;

	# format the annotation
	if ( all(is.na(anno)) ) {

		# check that the annotation columns exist
		if ( colnames(x)[1] == 'CodeClass' ) colnames(x)[1] <- 'Code.Class';

		if ( any(!c('Code.Class','Name') %in% colnames(x)) ) {
			stop ('NanoStringNorm: You have not specified an annotation file and your data does not contain the Code.Class or Name fields.');
		if ( is.factor(x$Code.Class) | is.factor(x$Name) | is.factor(x$Accession) ) {
			stop ('NanoStringNorm: One of the annotation columuns (Code.Class,Name, Accession) is a factor.  Please convert to a character value to avoid issues');

		# remove probe level warning message line from data (old format)
		if ( grepl('+++ Functional tests', x[nrow(x),'Name'], fixed = TRUE) ){
			x <- x[-nrow(x),];

		x.raw <- data.frame(x);

		anno <- x[,names(x) %in% c('Code.Class', 'Name', 'Accession')];
		x <- as.matrix(x[,!names(x) %in% c('Code.Class', 'Name', 'Accession')]);
		rownames(x) <- anno$Name;

		# check for duplicate gene names
		if ( any(duplicated(anno$Name)) & verbose == TRUE ) {
			cat('NanoStringNorm: Note you have duplicate gene ids.  \n\tThis could cause issues in later processing or sorting.');

	else {
		# make sure there are the same number of rows
		if ( nrow(anno) != nrow(x) )  {
			stop('NanoStringNorm: There are different number of rows in the annotation data (anno) and the code count data (x) ');

		# check that the annotation columns exist
		if ( colnames(anno)[1] == 'CodeClass' ) colnames(anno)[1] <- 'Code.Class';

		if ( any(!c('Code.Class','Name', 'Accession') %in% colnames(anno)) ) {
			stop ('NanoStringNorm: You have not specified an annotation file and your data does not contain the Code.Class, Accession or Name fields.');

		# remove probe level warning message line from data
		if ( any(grepl('+++ Functional tests', anno[,'Name'], fixed = TRUE)) ){
			x <- x[-nrow(x),];
			anno <- anno[-nrow(anno),];

		# check that anno and x have the same rownames
		if ( any(rownames(x) != rownames(anno)) ) {
			stop('NanoStringNorm: Rownames (genes) of the annotation data (anno) do not match the rownames of the coude count data (x).');

		x <- as.matrix(x);

		x.raw <- data.frame(anno, x);
	# start printing analysis log
	if (verbose) {
		cat(paste('### NanoStringNorm v', packageDescription('NanoStringNorm')$Version, ' ###\n', sep = ''));
		cat(paste('There are', ncol(x),'samples and', sum(grepl('Endogenous', anno$Code.Class)), 'Endogenous genes \n\n')); 

	# Check data for NA's but only if the data is unlogged i.e. counts.  prelogged pcr data could have NAs
	if (any(is.na(x)) & is.log == FALSE) {
		stop('NanoStringNorm: There are NA values in your data');
	# Check data is a numeric matrix
	if (any(!is.numeric(x))) {
		stop('NanoStringNorm: There are character values in your data.  Check that you labelled the annotation columns correctly');

	# Check data is positive
	if (any(x < 0) & is.log == FALSE) {
		stop('NanoStringNorm: There are negative values in your data');

	# Check for Endogenous probes
	if ( length(grep('Endogenous', anno$Code.Class)) == 0 ) {
		stop('NanoStringNorm: There are no Endogenous genes in your data');

	# check for Positive Controls
	if ( CodeCount != 'none' & !any(anno$Code.Class == 'Positive') ) {
		stop('NanoStringNorm: You cannot do CodeCount Normalization. There are no Positive Controls in your data.');

	# check for Negative Controls
	if ( Background != 'none' & !any(anno$Code.Class == 'Negative') ) {
		stop('NanoStringNorm: You cannot do Background Correction. There are no Negative Controls in your data.');

	# check Housekeeping and Control Genes
	if ( grepl('housekeeping', SampleContent) & !any(anno$Code.Class %in% c('Control', 'Housekeeping', 'housekeeping')) ) {
		stop('NanoStringNorm: You Cannot do SampleContent Normalization. There are no *annotated* Housekeeping / Control genes in your data.');

	# Check normalization parameters
	if (!is.character(CodeCount) | !is.character(Background) | !is.character(SampleContent) | !is.character(OtherNorm) ) {
		stop('NanoStringNorm: The normalization methods need to be character values.');

	if ( !CodeCount %in% c('none', 'sum', 'geo.mean') ) {
		stop('NanoStringNorm: Unrecognized CodeCount Normalization method');
	if ( !Background %in% c('none', 'mean', 'mean.2sd', 'max') ) {
		stop('NanoStringNorm: Unrecognized Background Normalization method');
	if ( !SampleContent %in% c('none', 'housekeeping.sum', 'housekeeping.geo.mean', 'total.sum', 'top.mean', 'top.geo.mean', 'low.cv.geo.mean') ) {
		stop('NanoStringNorm: Unrecognized SampleContent Normalization method');
	if ( !OtherNorm %in% c('none', 'quantile', 'zscore', 'rank.normal', 'vsn') ) {
		stop('NanoStringNorm: Unrecognized OtherNorm Normalization method');

	# do Probe Correction Factor Normalization
	output.probe.correction.factor <- probe.correction.factor.normalization(x, anno, Probe.Correction.Factor, verbose);
	anno <- output.probe.correction.factor$anno;
	x <- output.probe.correction.factor$x;

	# get gene summary stats for raw data
	gene.summary.stats.raw  <- get.gene.summary.stats(x, anno);

	# do CodeCount Normalization
	if ( CodeCount %in% c('sum', 'geo.mean') ) {
		output.code.count.normalization <- code.count.normalization(x, anno, CodeCount = CodeCount, CodeCount.summary.target = CodeCount.summary.target, logged = is.log, verbose = verbose);
		x <- output.code.count.normalization$x;
		pos.norm.factor <- output.code.count.normalization$pos.norm.factor;
		pos.sample <- output.code.count.normalization$pos.sample;

	# do Background Correction Normalization
	if ( Background %in% c('mean', 'mean.2sd', 'max') ) {
		output.background.normalization <- background.normalization(x, anno, Background = Background, verbose = verbose);
		x <- output.background.normalization$x;
		background.level <- output.background.normalization$background.level;

	# do Sample Content Normalization
	if ( SampleContent %in% c('housekeeping.sum', 'housekeeping.geo.mean', 'total.sum', 'top.mean', 'top.geo.mean', 'low.cv.geo.mean') ) {
		output.sample.content.normalization <- sample.content.normalization(x, anno, SampleContent = SampleContent, SampleContent.summary.target = SampleContent.summary.target, logged = is.log, verbose = verbose);
		x <- output.sample.content.normalization$x;
		sampleContent.norm.factor <- output.sample.content.normalization$sampleContent.norm.factor;
		rna.content <- output.sample.content.normalization$rna.content;
	# do other additional normalizations.  note these are applied to all endogenous probes but excluding counts equal to 0
	if ( OtherNorm %in% c('quantile', 'zscore', 'rank.normal', 'vsn') ) {
		x <- other.normalization(x = x, anno = anno, OtherNorm = OtherNorm, verbose = verbose, genes.to.fit, genes.to.predict);

	# do rounding, log-transformation
	x <- output.formatting(x, anno, OtherNorm = OtherNorm, round.values = round.values, is.log = is.log, take.log = take.log, verbose = verbose);
	# get predicted concentration based on positive controls
	if (predict.conc == TRUE) { 
		predicted.concentration <- predict.concentration(x, anno, is.log, take.log, verbose);
	else {
		predicted.concentration <- NA;

	# output the data as a matrix filtering the annotation and control genes.
	if ( return.matrix.of.endogenous.probes == TRUE ) {
		return(x[grepl('Endogenous', anno$Code.Class),]);

	# get sample summary stats
	sample.summary.stats <- get.sample.summary.stats(x, anno); 

	# add the normalization factors to the sample summary stats
	sample.summary.stats <- cbind(
		round(sample.summary.stats, 4),
		pos.norm.factor = if (exists('pos.norm.factor')) signif(pos.norm.factor,4) else NA,
		pos.controls = if (exists('pos.sample')) signif(pos.sample,4) else NA,
		background.level = if (exists('background.level')) signif(background.level,4) else NA,
		sampleContent.norm.factor = if (exists('sampleContent.norm.factor')) signif(sampleContent.norm.factor,4) else NA,
		rna.content = if (exists('rna.content')) signif(rna.content,4) else NA,
		row.names = colnames(x)

	# get gene summary stats for normalized data
	gene.summary.stats.norm <- get.gene.summary.stats(x, anno);

	# check that trait data is the right format
	check.traits <- check.trait.values(x, anno, traits = traits);

	# get batch effects or trait vs normalization factor associations
	batch.effects <- get.batch.effects(x, anno, take.log = take.log, traits = traits, sample.summary.stats = sample.summary.stats, guess.cartridge = guess.cartridge);

	# get trait summary stats
	if (check.traits == 1) {
		trait.summary.stats <- get.trait.summary.stats(x, anno, logged = (is.log | take.log), traits = traits);

		# add the trait summary statistics to the gene summary stats
		gene.summary.stats.norm <- cbind(

	# add the normalization details to a list
	x = list(
		normalized.data = data.frame(anno,x, row.names = anno$Name),
		raw.data = x.raw,
		normalization.workflow = c(
			CodeCount = CodeCount,
			Background = Background,
			SampleContent = SampleContent,
			OtherNorm = OtherNorm,
			CodeCount.summary.target = CodeCount.summary.target,
			SampleContent.summary.target = SampleContent.summary.target,
			round = round.values,
			is.log = is.log,
			take.log = take.log
		sample.summary.stats.norm = sample.summary.stats,
		gene.summary.stats.norm = as.data.frame(gene.summary.stats.norm),
		gene.summary.stats.raw = as.data.frame(gene.summary.stats.raw),
		predicted.concentration = as.data.frame(predicted.concentration),
		batch.effects = batch.effects,
		traits = traits

	class(x) <- 'NanoStringNorm';


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NanoStringNorm documentation built on Sept. 13, 2020, 5:08 p.m.