nroPlot <- function(
clear=NULL) {
# Convert inputs to matrices.
if(is.factor(colors)) colors <- as.character(colors)
if(is.factor(labels)) labels <- as.character(labels)
if(is.vector(colors)) colors <- as.matrix(colors)
if(is.vector(labels)) labels <- as.matrix(labels)
if(nrow(colors)*ncol(colors) < 1) {
warning("Empty input.")
# Default labels.
if(is.null(labels)) labels <- matrix(nrow=0, ncol=0)
if(nrow(labels) < 1) {
labels <- matrix("", nrow=nrow(colors), ncol=ncol(colors))
colnames(labels) <- colnames(colors)
# Default column names.
if(length(colnames(colors)) < 1)
colnames(colors) <- paste(1:ncol(colors))
if(length(colnames(labels)) < 1)
colnames(labels) <- colnames(colors)
# Check if input is a list.
if(is.list(topology) && !
topology <- topology$topology
# Check inputs.
if(nrow(topology) != nrow(colors)) stop("Incompatible colors.")
if(nrow(topology) != nrow(labels)) stop("Incompatible labels.")
if(ncol(colors) != ncol(labels)) stop("Incompatible inputs.")
subplot <- as.integer(subplot)
# Make sure all data are available.
topology <- data.frame(topology, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
if(is.null(topology$REGION)) topology$REGION <- ""
if(is.null(topology$REGION.label)) topology$REGION.label <- ""
if(is.null(topology$REGION.color)) topology$REGION.color <- ""
# Check that all labels are single characters.
flags <- sapply(topology$REGION.label, nchar)
if(sum(flags > 1) > 0) {
labels <- matrix("", nrow=nrow(labels), ncol=ncol(labels))
warning("Multi-character region labels not supported.")
# Populate values for compatibility with existing code.
values <- labels
# Apply label visibility for compatibility.
visible <- attr(labels, "visible")
for(j in 1:ncol(labels)) {
mask <- which(visible[,j] == FALSE)
labels[mask,j] <- ""
# Collect parameters.
param <- list()
param$colors <- colors
param$labels <- labels
param$values <- values
param$interactive <- as.logical(interactive[[1]])
param$clear <- param$interactive
if(!is.null(clear)) param$clear <- clear
# Make variable names of uniform length.
vars <- paste(colnames(colors), " ")
vars <- sapply(vars, substr, start=1, stop=16)
param$variables <- as.character(vars)
# Determine subplot geometry.
if(length(subplot) < 2) {
subplot <- sqrt(ncol(colors) + 1)
subplot <- floor(c(subplot, subplot))
while((subplot[1])*(subplot[2]) < ncol(colors))
subplot[2] <- (subplot[2] + 1)
subplot <- pmax(subplot, 1, na.rm=TRUE)
param$nrows <- subplot[[1]]
param$ncols <- subplot[[2]]
# Set font size adjustment.
param$plotcap <- (param$nrows)*(param$ncols)
param$cexcoeff <- 1.2/log(0.8*sqrt(param$plotcap) + 1.72)
# Set plot size parameters.
param$xgap <- 0.5
param$ygap <- 0.8
param$rmax <- max(topology$RADIUS2, na.rm=TRUE)
param$wplot <- 2*(param$rmax + param$xgap)
param$hplot <- 2*(param$rmax + param$ygap)
param$xbounds <- c(0, (param$ncols)*(param$wplot))
param$ybounds <- c(0, (param$nrows)*(param$hplot))
if(param$interactive == FALSE)
param$ybounds[2] <- (param$ybounds[2] - 0.7)
# Set colormap for highlights.
param$colormap <- nroPlot.colormap()
# Trigger a new plot.
param$trigger <- 0
param$nplots <- 0
# Create base figure.
param <- nroPlot.multi(topology, param)
# Launch interactive mode.
if(param$interactive) {
topology <- nroPlot.interface(topology, param)
if(param$clear) nroPlot.multi(topology, param) # RStudio remnants
nroPlot.colormap <- function() {
# Organize color palette (for 26 letters).
hues <- matrix(grDevices::rainbow(25), nrow=5, ncol=5)
hues <- grDevices::col2rgb(as.vector(t(hues)))/255.0
red <- c(hues["red",], 0.3)
green <- c(hues["green",], 0.2)
blue <- c(hues["blue",], 0.8)
# Estimate perceived brightness.
lums <- (0.3*red + 0.5*green + 0.1*blue)/3
lums <- lums/max(lums)
# Subdue brightest colors.
f <- sqrt(1.4 - lums)
red <- pmin(f*red, 1)
green <- pmin(f*green, 1)
blue <- pmin(f*blue, 1)
# Convert to hexa format.
colrs <- grDevices::rgb(red, green, blue)
# Add transparency.
redmask <- which((red >= green) & (red >= blue))
greenmask <- which((green >= red) & (green >= blue))
bluemask <- which((blue >= red) & (blue >= green))
colrs[redmask] <- paste(colrs[redmask], "50", sep="")
colrs[greenmask] <- paste(colrs[greenmask], "70", sep="")
colrs[bluemask] <- paste(colrs[bluemask], "50", sep="")
nroPlot.exit <- function(elements, subgrp, name, param=NULL) {
# Check if anything to do.
if(length(subgrp) < 1) {
cat("Subgroup '", name, "' is empty.\n", sep="")
# Check if name already exists.
subnames <- elements$REGION
if(sum(subnames == name) > 0) {
cat("Subgroup '", name, "' already exists.", sep="")
# Check if name is reserved.
if(name == "not_selected") {
cat("Cannot use '", name, "' for a selected subgroup.", sep="")
# Use a subdued color palette.
if(is.null(param)) param <- list(colormap=nroPlot.colormap())
cmap <- param$colormap
nmax <- length(cmap)
# Find the next available subgroup label.
label <- setdiff(LETTERS[1:nmax], elements$REGION.label)
if(length(label) < 1) stop("Too many subgroups.")
if(length(label) > 1) label <- label[1]
# Set the subgroup attributes.
elements$REGION[subgrp] <- name
elements$REGION.label[subgrp] <- label
elements$REGION.color[subgrp] <- cmap[which(LETTERS == label)]
nroPlot.identify <- function(topology, param) {
pos <- graphics::locator(n=1)
if(is.null(pos)) return(NA)
# Check if within active area.
xbounds <- param$xbounds
ybounds <- param$ybounds
if(pos$x < xbounds[1]) return(NA)
if(pos$x > xbounds[2]) return(NA)
if(pos$y < ybounds[1]) return(NA)
if(pos$y > ybounds[2]) return(NA)
# Determine the distance from lower left corner.
xp <- (pos$x - xbounds[1])
yp <- (pos$y - ybounds[1])
# Check if over a coloring
wplot <- param$wplot
hplot <- param$hplot
noccrows <- floor((param$nplot)/(param$ncols))
nocctail <- (param$nplot)%%(param$ncols)
if(((ybounds[2] - yp) > noccrows*hplot) & (xp > nocctail*wplot))
# Remove multiples of plot sizes.
xp <- (xp - floor(xp/wplot)*wplot)
yp <- (yp - floor(yp/hplot)*hplot)
# Adjust for plot center.
xp <- (xp - 0.5*wplot)
yp <- (yp - 0.5*hplot)
# Find the ring that contains the point.
radius <- sqrt(xp*xp + yp*yp);
ring <- which((radius >= topology$RADIUS1) &
(radius <= topology$RADIUS2))
if(length(ring) < 1) return(NA)
# Find the closest point on the ring (flipped y-coordinates).
dx <- (topology[ring, "X"] - xp)
dy <- (topology[ring, "Y"] + yp)
delta <- sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy)
ind <- ring[which.min(delta)]
nroPlot.interface <- function(elements, param) {
colrs <- param$colors
labls <- param$labels
# Original highlights.
halocolrs <- elements$REGION.color
halolabls <- elements$REGION.label
# Greeting text.
greet1 <- "\nPlease click on subplots to select subgroups."
greet2 <- "\nTo update or exit, click outside the map colorings.\n"
greet <- paste(greet1, greet2, sep="")
# Respond to mouse clicks.
cat(greet); subgrp <- c()
while(TRUE) {
ind <- nroPlot.identify(elements, param)
if( {
# Exit interactive mode.
if(length(subgrp) < 1) {
ans <- ""
while(ans != "n") {
ans <- readline("End session (y/n): ")
if(ans == "y") {
skipped <- which(elements$REGION == "")
elements$REGION[skipped] <- "not_selected"
cat(greet); next
# Ask for subgroup identifier.
res <- NULL; name <- ""
while(is.null(res)) {
cat("\nSubgroup name (empty to cancel, 'q' to exit):\n")
name <- readline()
if(nchar(name) < 1) break
if((name == "q") || (name == "'q'")) {
mask <- which(elements$REGION.label == "?")
vars <- c("REGION","REGION.label","REGION.color")
elements[mask,vars] <- ""
res <- nroPlot.exit(elements, subgrp, name, param)
if(nchar(name) < 1) {cat(greet); next}
# Print subgroup sizes.
t <- table(res$REGION)
t <- data.frame(NAME=names(t), N.district=as.integer(t))
print(t, row.names=FALSE)
# Confirm subgroup assignment.
while(TRUE) {
ans <- readline("Confirm subgroup (y/n): ")
if(ans == "n") break
if(ans == "y") {
param <- nroPlot.multi(res, param)
halocolrs <- res$REGION.color
halolabls <- res$REGION.label
elements <- res
subgrp <- c()
cat(greet); next
# Check if already selected.
if(sum(subgrp == ind) > 0) {
subgrp <- setdiff(subgrp, ind)
elements$REGION.color[ind] <- halocolrs[ind]
elements$REGION.label[ind] <- halolabls[ind]
else {
subgrp <- c(subgrp, ind)
elements$REGION.color[ind] <- "#00000060"
elements$REGION.label[ind] <- "?"
# Print values from the currently selected district.
if(!is.null(param$values)) {
vals <- as.double(param$values[ind,])
vals <- formatC(vals, format="g", digits=3, flag="#")
for(j in 1:length(vals))
cat("\n", param$variables[j], " ", vals[j], sep="")
# Redraw plots.
param <- nroPlot.multi(elements, param, targets=ind)
nroPlot.multi <- function(elements, param, targets=c()) {
colrs <- param$colors
labls <- param$labels
# Shorthands for parameters.
colrs <- param$colors
labls <- param$labels
nrows <- param$nrows
ncols <- param$ncols
wplot <- param$wplot
hplot <- param$hplot
rmax <- param$rmax
xgap <- param$xgap
ygap <- param$ygap
xbounds <- param$xbounds
ybounds <- param$ybounds
cexcoeff <- param$cexcoeff
# Check if full update is needed.
resetflag <- ((length(targets) < 1) | (param$trigger < 1))
# Create a new plot.
if(resetflag) {
prev <- graphics::par(pty="m", mar=c(0,0,0,0))
graphics::plot(x=NA, y=NA, asp=1, xlab=NA, ylab=NA,
axes=FALSE, xlim=xbounds, ylim=ybounds)
param$trigger <- 20
targets <- c()
# Draw map colorings.
nplots <- 0
titles <- colnames(colrs)
for(j in 1:ncol(colrs)) {
if(j > nrows*ncols) {
warning("Too many subplots to fit in figure.")
param$warn.subplot = TRUE
# Determine position offsets.
dx <- ((nplots%%ncols)*wplot + rmax + xgap)
dy <- (floor(nplots/ncols)*hplot + rmax + ygap)
dy <- (ybounds[2] - dy)
# Set colrs and labls.
elements$COLOR <- colrs[,j]
elements$LABEL <- labls[,j]
# Set label colors.
elements$LABEL.color <- "#00000060"
# Create subplot.
nroPlot.single(elements, c(dx, dy), scale=cexcoeff, targets)
nplots <- (nplots + 1)
# Write title text if a full refresh.
if(!resetflag) next
graphics::text(x=dx, y=(dy + rmax + 0.5),
labels=titles[j], cex=cexcoeff)
# Update the event counter.
param$nplots <- nplots
param$trigger <- (param$trigger - 1)
nroPlot.single <- function(elements, offsets=c(0,0), scale=1, targets=NULL) {
# Draw background circle if untargeted refresh.
rmax <- max(elements$RADIUS2, na.rm=TRUE)
angC <- pi*(1:10)/5
flexC <- rep(-0.77, length(angC))
if(is.null(targets)) {
graphics::xspline(x=(rmax*cos(angC) + offsets[1]),
y=(rmax*sin(angC) + offsets[2]), shape=flexC,
lwd=3*scale, border="grey70", col="grey90", open=FALSE)
# Default selection mask.
if(length(targets) < 1)
targets <- 1:nrow(elements)
# Find neighboring districts if a single target with a label.
if(length(targets) == 1) {
if(elements$LABEL[targets] != "") {
xdist <- (elements$X - elements$X[targets])
ydist <- (elements$Y - elements$Y[targets])
delta <- sqrt(xdist^2 + ydist^2)
targets <- which(delta < 1.5)
# Select targets.
elem <- elements[targets,]
# Prepare paths.
rad1 <- 0.999*(elem$RADIUS1)
rad2 <- 1.001*(elem$RADIUS2)
ang1 <- (pi/180)*(elem$ANGLE1 - 0.2)
ang2 <- (pi/180)*(elem$ANGLE2 + 0.2)
ang12 <- 0.5*(ang1 + ang2)
radii <- cbind(rad1, rad1, rad1, rad2, rad2, rad2, rad1)
angles <- cbind(ang1, ang12, ang2, ang2, ang12, ang1, ang1)
flex <- c( 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0)
# Apply offsets and flip y-coordinates.
elem$X <- (elem$X + offsets[1])
elem$Y <- (offsets[2] - elem$Y)
xcoord <- (radii*cos(angles) + offsets[1])
ycoord <- (offsets[2] - radii*sin(angles))
# Draw elements.
colrs <- elem$COLOR
for(i in 1:nrow(elem)) {
# Circle.
if(rad1[i] <= 0.0) {
graphics::xspline(x=((rad2[i])*cos(angC) + offsets[1]),
y=((rad2[i])*sin(angC) + offsets[2]),
shape=flexC, col=colrs[i], border=NA, open=FALSE)
# Sector slice.
graphics::xspline(x=xcoord[i,], y=ycoord[i,], shape=flex,
col=colrs[i], border=NA, open=FALSE)
# Draw highlights.
mask <- which(elem$REGION.color != "")
if(length(mask) > 0) {
xp <- elem$X[mask]
yp <- elem$Y[mask]
cl <- elem$REGION.color[mask]
lb <- elem$REGION.label[mask]
graphics::points(x=xp, y=yp, pch=16, col=cl, cex=2.2*scale)
graphics::points(x=xp, y=yp, col="white", cex=2.2*scale)
graphics::text(x=xp, y=yp, cex=0.8*scale, font=2,
labels=lb, col="white")
# Write labels not conflicting with highlights.
mask <- which((elem$LABEL != "") & (elem$REGION.label == ""))
if(length(mask) > 0) {
graphics::text(x=elem$X[mask], y=elem$Y[mask],
labels=elem$LABEL[mask], cex=scale,
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