
Defines functions Model.get_transmissions Model.update_running_params Model.get_param Model.run Model.results Model.one_time_step_results Model.one_time_step Model.new

Documented in Model.get_param Model.get_transmissions Model.new Model.one_time_step Model.one_time_step_results Model.results Model.run Model.update_running_params

SWIG_add_user_network <- add_user_network
SWIG_add_user_network_random <- add_user_network_random
SWIG_delete_network <- delete_network
SWIG_set_app_users <- set_app_users
SWIG_one_time_step <- one_time_step
SWIG_get_network_by_id <- get_network_by_id
SWIG_write_output_files <- write_output_files
SWIG_write_individual_file <- write_individual_file
SWIG_write_trace_tokens <- write_trace_tokens
SWIG_write_transmissions <- write_transmissions
SWIG_write_quarantine_reasons <- write_quarantine_reasons
SWIG_write_occupation_network <- write_occupation_network
SWIG_write_household_network <- write_household_network
SWIG_write_random_network <- write_random_network
SWIG_print_individual <- print_individual
SWIG_utils_n_current <- utils_n_current
SWIG_utils_n_daily <- utils_n_daily
SWIG_utils_n_daily_age <- utils_n_daily_age
SWIG_utils_n_total <- utils_n_total
SWIG_utils_n_total_age <- utils_n_total_age
SWIG_utils_n_total_by_day <- utils_n_total_by_day
SWIG_calculate_R_instanteous <- calculate_R_instanteous
SWIG_seed_infect_by_idx <- seed_infect_by_idx
SWIG_add_new_strain <- add_new_strain
SWIG_destroy_model <- destroy_model
SWIG_set_cross_immunity_probability <- set_cross_immunity_probability
SWIG_free_gsl_rng <- free_gsl_rng

#' R6Class Model
#' @description
#' Wrapper class for the \code{model} C struct (\emph{model.h}).
#' @details
#' Model used for running the simulation. Initialise the model by creating
#' a \code{\link{Parameters}} instance.
#' For a detailed explanation of the model, please read the
#' \href{https://github.com/BDI-pathogens/OpenABM-Covid19/blob/master/documentation/covid19.md}{Online Documentation}
#' @examples
#' # Create a model using the baseline parameters included in the package.
#' # Note: This initialisation can take a few seconds.
#' model <- Model.new( params = list( n_total = 10000, manual_trace_on = 1) )
#' # Get a parameter
#' Model.get_param(model, 'manual_trace_on')
#' # Change (update) a parameter
#' Model.update_running_params(model, 'manual_trace_on', 0)
#' if (!is.null(model)) {
#'   # Set / get risk scores. Score are values between 0 and 1.
#'   day <- 1
#'   infectors   <- AgeGroupEnum[['_10_19']]
#'   susceptible <- AgeGroupEnum[['_60_69']]
#'   model$get_risk_score( day, infectors, susceptible )
#'   model$set_risk_score( day, infectors, susceptible, 0.5 )
#'   model$get_risk_score_household( infectors, susceptible )
#'   model$set_risk_score_household( infectors, susceptible, 0.5 )
#'   # Getting a network
#'   nw <- model$get_network_by_id(3)
#'   # Set / get app users
#'   users <- model$get_app_users()
#'   users[['app_user']] <- as.integer(!users[['app_user']]) # reverse values
#'   model$set_app_users(users)
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{Parameters}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{AgeGroupEnum}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{SAFE_UPDATE_PARAMS}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{NETWORK_CONSTRUCTIONS}}
Model <- R6Class( classname = 'Model', cloneable = FALSE,

  private = list(
    params_object = NA,

    is_running = FALSE,

    nosocomial = FALSE,

    c_params = NA,

    .c_model = NA,

    .results = list(),

    utils_n_guess = function(key, ...) {
      if (startsWith(key, 'total_')) {
        if (all(!endsWith(key, names(AgeGroupEnum)))) {
        } else {
      } else if (startsWith(key, 'daily_')) {
        if (all(!endsWith(key, names(AgeGroupEnum)))) {
        } else {
      stop('Unable to guess which function to use for: ', key)

    utils_n_current = function(enums) {
      f <- function(enum) {
        return(SWIG_utils_n_current( self$c_model, enum ))

    utils_n_daily = function(enums, time = NA) {
      if (is.na(time)) { time <- self$c_model$time }
      f <- function(enum) {
        return(SWIG_utils_n_daily( self$c_model, enum, time ))

    utils_n_daily_age = function(enums, age, time = NA) {
      if (is.na(time)) { time <- self$c_model$time }
      f <- function(enum) {
        return(SWIG_utils_n_daily_age( self$c_model, enum, time, age ))

    utils_n_total = function(enums) {
      f <- function(enum) {
        return(SWIG_utils_n_total( self$c_model, enum ))

    utils_n_total_age = function(enums, age) {
      f <- function(enum) {
        return(SWIG_utils_n_total_age( self$c_model, enum, age ))

    utils_n_total_by_day = function(enums, time = NA) {
      if (is.na(time)) { time <- self$c_model$time }
      f <- function(enum) {
        return(SWIG_utils_n_total_by_day( self$c_model, enum, time ))

    calculate_R_instanteous = function(percentile, time = NA) {
      if (is.na(time)) { time <- self$c_model$time }
      return(SWIG_calculate_R_instanteous( self$c_model, time, percentile ))

    #' the C model R pointer object
    c_model_ptr = function() {
      return( self$c_model@ref )

    #' check the C model still exists
    c_model_valid = function() {
      return( !is_null_xptr( private$.c_model@ref ))

  active = list(
    #' @field c_model The C model R pointer object (SWIG wrapped)
    c_model = function( val = NULL )
      if( is.null( val ) )
        if( private$c_model_valid() )
          return( private$.c_model )
        stop( "c_model is no longer valid - create a new model")
        stop( "cannot set c_model" )

  public = list(
    #' @param params_object An object of type \code{\link{Parameters}} or NULL
    #' (for default params). The constructor will lock the parameter values (ie.
    #' \code{params_code} will become read-only).
    #' @param params A named list of parameters fo override (default NULL for no
    #' overrides).
    initialize = function(params_object = NULL, params = NULL )
      # force run garbage collection to prevent C errors from old models)

      if (is.null(params_object)) {
        params_object = Parameters$new()
      if (!is.R6(params_object)) {
        stop("params_object is an a Parameters R6Class or NULL (default params")
      if (!is.null(params)) {
        if (!is.list(params))
          stop("params must be a list of parameters to override or NULL")

      # Store the params object so it doesn't go out of scope and get freed
      private$params_object <- params_object
      # Create C parameters object
      private$c_params   <- params_object$return_param_object()
      private$.c_model   <- create_model(private$c_params)
      private$nosocomial <- as.logical(self$get_param('hospital_on'))

      # keep a global counter of models made
      nmodels = getOption("OpenABMCovid19.n_models")
      if( is.null(nmodels))
        nmodels = 0;
      options("OpenABMCovid19.n_models"= nmodels+1)

    #' @description Remove the C model to prevent leakage
    finalize = function(){
      if( private$c_model_valid() ) {
        SWIG_destroy_model( self$c_model )

        nmodels = getOption("OpenABMCovid19.n_models")
        options("OpenABMCovid19.n_models"= nmodels-1)

        if( nmodels == 1 )

    #' @description Get a parameter value by name
    #' @param param name of param
    #' @return value of stored param
    get_param = function(param)
      enum <- get_base_param_from_enum(param)
      if (!is.null(enum)) {
        # multi-value parameter (C array)
        getter_str = paste0("get_model_param_", enum$base_name)
        if (exists(getter_str)) {
          getter <- get(paste0("get_model_param_", enum$base_name))
          result <- getter( self$c_model, enum$index )
        } else {
          result = private$params_object$get_param(param)
      } else {
        # single-value parameter
        getter_str <- paste0("get_model_param_", param)
        if (exists(getter_str)) {
          getter <- get(getter_str)
          result <- getter( self$c_model )
        } else {
          result = private$params_object$get_param(param)

    #' @description
    #' A subset of parameters may be updated whilst the model is evaluating,
    #' these correspond to events. This function throws an error if
    #' \code{param} isn't safe to update.
    #' @param param name of parameter. See \code{\link{SAFE_UPDATE_PARAMS}} for
    #' allowed parameter names
    #' @param value value of parameter
    update_running_params = function(param, value)
      if (! param %in% SAFE_UPDATE_PARAMS) {
        stop('Cannot update "', param, '" during running')

      enum <- get_base_param_from_enum(param)
      if (!is.null(enum)) {
        # multi-value parameter (C array)
        setter <- get(paste0("set_model_param_", enum$base_name))
        setter( self$c_model, value, enum$index )
      } else {
        # single-value parameter
        setter <- get(paste0("set_model_param_", param))
        setter( self$c_model, value )

    #' @description Gets the value of the risk score parameter.
    #' Wrapper for C API \code{get_model_param_risk_score}.
    #' @param day Infection day
    #' @param age_inf Infector age group index, value between 0 and 8.
    #' See \code{\link{AgeGroupEnum}} list
    #' @param age_sus Susceptible age group index, value between 0 and 8.
    #' See \code{\link{AgeGroupEnum}} list
    #' @return The risk value.
    get_risk_score = function(day, age_inf, age_sus)
      value <- get_model_param_risk_score(
        self$c_model, day, age_inf, age_sus)
      if (value < 0) {
        stop( "Failed to get risk score")

    #' @description Gets the value of the risk score household parameter.
    #' Wrapper for C API \code{get_model_param_risk_score_household}.
    #' @param age_inf Infector age group index, value between 0 and 8.
    #' See \code{\link{AgeGroupEnum}} list
    #' @param age_sus Susceptible age group index, value between 0 and 8.
    #' See \code{\link{AgeGroupEnum}} list
    #' @return The risk value.
    get_risk_score_household = function(age_inf, age_sus)
      value <- get_model_param_risk_score_household(
        self$c_model, age_inf, age_sus)
      if (value < 0) {
        stop( "Failed to get risk score household")

    #' @description
    #' Gets the value of the risk score parameter.
    #' Wrapper for C API \code{set_model_param_risk_score}.
    #' @param day Infection day
    #' @param age_inf Infector age group index, value between 0 and 8.
    #' See \code{\link{AgeGroupEnum}} list
    #' @param age_sus Susceptible age group index, value between 0 and 8.
    #' See \code{\link{AgeGroupEnum}} list
    #' @param value The risk value
    set_risk_score = function(day, age_inf, age_sus, value)
      ret <- set_model_param_risk_score(
        self$c_model, day, age_inf, age_sus, value)
      if (ret == 0) {
        stop( "Failed to set risk score")

    #' @description
    #' Gets the value of the risk score household parameter.
    #' Wrapper for C API \code{set_model_param_risk_score_household}.
    #' @param age_inf Infector age group index, value between 0 and 8.
    #' See \code{\link{AgeGroupEnum}} list
    #' @param age_sus Susceptible age group index, value between 0 and 8.
    #' See \code{\link{AgeGroupEnum}} list
    #' @param value The risk value.
    set_risk_score_household = function(age_inf, age_sus, value)
      ret <- set_model_param_risk_score_household(
        self$c_model, age_inf, age_sus, value)
      if (ret == 0) {
        stop( "Failed to set risk score household")

    #' @description
    #' Adds as bespoke user network from a dataframe of edges
    #' the network is static with the exception of skipping
    #' hospitalised and quarantined people.
    #' Wrapper for C API \code{add_user_network}.
    #' @param df_network Network data frame. List of edges, with 2 columns
    #' \code{ID_1} and \code{ID_2}
    #' @param interaction_type Must 0 (household), 1 (occupation), or 2 (random)
    #' @param skip_hospitalised If \code{TRUE}, skip interaction if either
    #' person is in hospital.
    #' @param skip_quarantine If \code{TRUE}, skip interaction if either person
    #' is in quarantined
    #' @param construction The method used for network construction. Must be a
    #' number between 0 and 4 (inclusive).
    #' See \code{\link{NETWORK_CONSTRUCTIONS}}.
    #' @param daily_fraction The fraction of edges on the network present each
    #' day (i.e. down-sampling the network). Must be a value between 0 and 1.
    #' @param name Name of the network.
    add_user_network = function(
      interaction_type = 1,
      skip_hospitalised = TRUE,
      skip_quarantine = TRUE,
      construction = NETWORK_CONSTRUCTIONS[['BESPOKE']],
      daily_fraction = 1.0,
      name = "user_network")
      # Validate input
      if (!'ID_1' %in% names(df_network)) {
        stop( "df_network must have column ID_1" )
      if (!'ID_2' %in% names(df_network)) {
        stop( "df_network must have column ID_2" )
      if (!interaction_type %in% c(0,1,2)) {
        stop( "interaction_type must be 0 (household), 1 (occupation) or 2 (random)" )
      if ((daily_fraction > 1) || (daily_fraction < 0)) {
        stop( "daily fraction must be in the range 0 to 1" )
      if (!is.logical(skip_hospitalised)) {
        stop( "skip_hospitalised must be TRUE or FALSE" )
      if (!is.logical(skip_quarantine)) {
        stop( "skip_quarantine must be TRUE or FALSE" )

      n_edges <- nrow(df_network)
      n_total <- private$c_params$n_total
      ID_1 <- df_network[['ID_1']]
      ID_2 <- df_network[['ID_2']]

      # Validate IDs
      for (i in list(ID_1, ID_2)) {
        if ((max(i) >= n_total) || (min(i) < 0)) {
          stop( "all values of ID_1 and ID_2 must be between 0 and n_total-1" )

      SWIG_add_user_network( self$c_model, interaction_type,
        skip_hospitalised, skip_quarantine, construction, daily_fraction, n_edges, ID_1,
        ID_2, name)

    #' @description
    #' Adds a bespoke user random network from a dataframe of people and number
    #' of interactions. The network is regenerates each day, but the number of
    #' interactions per person is static. Hospitalsed and quarantined people
    #' can be skipped
    #' @param df_interactions List of indviduals and interactions. Must be a
    #' dataframe with 2 columns \code{ID} and \code{N}.
    #' @param skip_hospitalised Skip interaction if either person is in
    #' hospital. Must a logical value.
    #' @param skip_quarantine Skip interaction if either person is in
    #' quarantined. Must a logical value.
    #' @param name The name of the network.
    add_user_network_random = function(
      skip_hospitalised = TRUE,
      skip_quarantine = TRUE,
      name = "user_network" )

      # Validate input
      if (!'ID' %in% names(df_network)) {
        stop( "df_interactions must have column ID" )
      if (!'N' %in% names(df_network)) {
        stop( "df_interactions must have column N" )
      if (!is.logical(skip_hospitalised)) {
        stop( "skip_hospitalised must be TRUE or FALSE" )
      if (!is.logical(skip_quarantine)) {
        stop( "skip_quarantine must be TRUE or FALSE" )

      n_indiv <- nrow(df_interactions)
      n_total <- private$c_params$n_total
      ID <- df_interactions[['ID']]
      N  <- df_interactions[['N']]

      # Validate ID / N
      if ((max(ID) >= n_total) || (min(ID) < 0)) {
        stop( "all values of ID must be between 0 and n_total-1" )
      if (min(N) < 1) {
        stop( "all values of N must be greater than 0" )

      id <- SWIG_add_user_network_random( self$c_model, skip_hospitalised,
        skip_quarantine, n_indiv, ID, N, name )

      return(Network$new( self$c_model, id ))

    #' @description Get a network.
    #' Wrapper for C API \code{get_network_by_id}.
    #' @param network_id The network ID.
    get_network_by_id = function(network_id)
      return(Network$new( self, network_id ))

    #' @description Infects a new individual from an external source.
    #' Wrapper for C API \code{seed_infect_by_idx}.
    #' @param ID The ID of the individual.
    #' @param strain_idx The idx of the strain the person is infected with
    #' @param strain \code{Strain} object.
    #' @param network_id The network ID.
    #' @return \code{TRUE} on success, \code{FALSE} otherwise.
    seed_infect_by_idx = function(ID, strain_idx = 0, strain = NULL, network_id = -1 )
      n_total <- private$c_params$n_total
      if (ID < 0 || ID >= n_total) {
        stop("ID out of range (0<=ID<n_total)")

      if( !is.null( strain ) )
        if (!is.R6(strain) || !('Strain' %in% class(strain)))
          stop("argument strain must be an object of type Strain")

        strain_idx = strain$idx()

      n_strains = self$c_model$n_initialised_strains;
      if( strain_idx < 0  || strain_idx >= n_strains )
        stop( "strain_idx out of range (0 <= strain_idx < self$c_model$n_initialized_strains)" )

      res <- SWIG_seed_infect_by_idx(self$c_model, ID, strain_idx, network_id)

    #' @description Adds a new strain (variant)
    #' Wrapper for C API \code{add_new_strain}.
    #' @param transmission_multiplier The relative transmission rate of the strain
    #' @param hospitalised_fraction the fraction of symptomatic (not mild) who progress to hospital [default: None is no change)]
    #' @param hospitalised_fraction_multiplier The relative transmission rate of hospitalised patients.
    #' @return \code{Strain} A Strain object representing this strain
    add_new_strain = function( transmission_multiplier = 1, hospitalised_fraction = NA, hospitalised_fraction_multiplier = 1 )

      max_n_strains = self$get_param( "max_n_strains" )
      n_strains = self$c_model$n_initialised_strains;

      if( n_strains == max_n_strains )
        stop( "cannot add any more strains - increase the parameter max_n_strains at the initialisation of the model" )

      if( is.na( hospitalised_fraction[ 1 ] ) )
        hospitalised_fraction = c()
        for( idx in 1:length( AgeGroupEnum ) )
          hospitalised_fraction[ idx ] = self$get_param(
            sprintf( "hospitalised_fraction%s", names( AgeGroupEnum[idx])) ) *

      c_model_ptr <- private$c_model_ptr()
                        hospitalised_fraction, PACKAGE='OpenABMCovid19');

      return( Strain$new( self, strain_idx ) )

    #' @description Set the cross_immunity matrix
    #' Wrapper for C API \code{set_cross_immunity_probability}.
    #' @param cross_immunity the cross immunity matrix
    set_cross_immunity_matrix = function( cross_immunity )
        max_n_strains = self$get_param("max_n_strains")

        if( !is.matrix( cross_immunity ) )
          stop( "cross_immunity is a matrix ")

        if( max( nrow( cross_immunity ), ncol( cross_immunity ) ) > max_n_strains )
          stop( "cross_immunnity matrix is of maximum size max_n_strains")

        for( i in 1:nrow( cross_immunity) )
          for( j in 1:ncol( cross_immunity) )
            if( cross_immunity[i,j] < 0 || cross_immunity[i,j] > 1 )
              stop( "cross_immunity must be between 0 and 1")

            SWIG_set_cross_immunity_probability( self$c_model, i-1, j-1, cross_immunity[i,j] )

    #' @description Get the list of network IDs
    #' Wrapper for C API \code{get_network_ids}.
    #' @return The list of the network IDs.
    get_network_ids = function()
      c_model_ptr <- private$c_model_ptr()
      ids = .Call('R_get_network_ids', c_model_ptr,

      return( ids )

    #' @description Get network info.
    #' @return The network info as a dataframe. The columns are the network
    #' properties and each row is a network.
    get_network_info = function()
      ids <- self$get_network_ids()

      # Allocate a matrix the correct size
      colnames <- c( 'id', 'name', 'n_edges', 'n_vertices', 'type',
        'skip_hospitalised', 'skip_quarantined', 'daily_fraction')
      tmp <- matrix( data = NA, nrow = length(ids), ncol = 8,
        dimnames = list(NULL,colnames))

      # Initialise each row one-by-one
      for (i in 1:length(ids)) {
        c_network <- SWIG_get_network_by_id( self$c_model, ids[i] )
        tmp[i,] <- c(
          network_name( c_network ),
          network_n_edges( c_network ),
          network_n_vertices( c_network ),
          network_type( c_network ),
          network_skip_hospitalised( c_network ),
          network_skip_quarantined( c_network ),
          network_daily_fraction( c_network ))


    #' @description Add a new vaccine.
    #' Wrapper for C API \code{add_vaccine}.
    #' @param full_efficacy Probability that the person is successfully vaccinated
    #'   (must be \code{0 <= efficacy <= 1}).
    #' @param symptoms_efficacy Probability that the person is successfully vaccinated
    #'   against getting symptoms (must be \code{0 <= efficacy <= 1}).
    #' @param severe_efficacy Probability that the person is successfully vaccinated
    #'   against getting severer symptoms (must be \code{0 <= efficacy <= 1}).
    #' @param time_to_protect Delay before it takes effect (in days).
    #' @param vaccine_protection_period The duration of the vaccine before it
    #'   wanes.
    #' @return Vaccine object
    add_vaccine = function(
      full_efficacy     = 1.0,
      symptoms_efficacy = 1.0,
      severe_efficacy   = 1.0,
      time_to_protect   = 14,
      vaccine_protection_period = 1000
      if( time_to_protect < 1 )
        stop( "vaccine must take at least one day to take effect" )

      if( vaccine_protection_period <= time_to_protect )
        stop( "vaccine must protect for longer than it takes to by effective" )

      n_strains = self$get_param( "max_n_strains" )

      if( length( full_efficacy ) == 1 )
        full_efficacy = rep( full_efficacy,  n_strains )

      if( length( full_efficacy ) != n_strains )
        stop( "full_efficacy must be a float or a list of length max_n_strains" )

      if( length( symptoms_efficacy ) == 1 )
        symptoms_efficacy = rep( symptoms_efficacy,  n_strains )

      if( length( symptoms_efficacy ) != n_strains )
        stop( "symptoms_efficacy must be a float or a list of length max_n_strains" )

      if( length( severe_efficacy ) == 1 )
        severe_efficacy = rep( severe_efficacy,  n_strains )

      if( length( severe_efficacy ) != n_strains )
        stop( "severe_efficacy must be a float or a list of length max_n_strains" )

      for( idx in 1:n_strains )
        if( full_efficacy[ idx ] < 0  | full_efficacy[ idx ] > 1 )
          stop( "full_efficacy must be between 0 and 1" )

        if( symptoms_efficacy[ idx ] < 0  | symptoms_efficacy[ idx ] > 1 )
          stop( "symptoms_efficacy must be between 0 and 1" )

        if( severe_efficacy[ idx ] < 0  | severe_efficacy[ idx ] > 1 )
          stop( "severe_efficacy must be between 0 and 1" )

      c_model_ptr <- private$c_model_ptr()
      idx<-.Call('R_add_vaccine', c_model_ptr, full_efficacy, symptoms_efficacy,
                 severe_efficacy, time_to_protect, vaccine_protection_period,

      return( Vaccine$new( self, idx ) )

    #' @description Vaccinate an individual.
    #' Wrapper for C API \code{intervention_vaccinate_by_idx}.
    #' @param ID The ID of the individual (must be \code{0 <= ID <= n_total}).
    #' @param vaccine The of vaccine object to be given
    #' @return Logical value, \code{TRUE} if vaccinated \code{FALSE} otherwise.
    vaccinate_individual = function( ID, vaccine )
      n_total <- private$c_params$n_total

      if (ID < 0 || ID >= n_total) {
        stop("ID out of range (0<=ID<n_total)")

      if (!is.R6(vaccine) || !('Vaccine' %in% class(vaccine)))
        stop("argument vaccine must be an object of type Vaccine")

      res <- intervention_vaccinate_by_idx(self$c_model, ID, vaccine$c_vaccine )


    #' @description Schedule an age-group vaccionation
    #' Wrapper for C API \code{intervention_vaccinate_age_group}.
    #' @param schedule An instance of \code{\link{VaccineSchedule}}.
    #' @return The total number of people vaccinated.
    vaccinate_schedule = function(schedule)
      if (!is.R6(schedule) || !('VaccineSchedule' %in% class(schedule))) {
        stop("argument VaccineSchedule must be an object of type VaccineSchedule")

      vaccine = schedule$vaccine
      if (!is.R6(vaccine) || !('Vaccine' %in% class(vaccine))) {
        stop("argument schedule$vaccine must be an object of type Vaccine")

      c_model_ptr    = private$c_model_ptr()
      c_vaccine_ptr  = vaccine$c_vaccine@ref
      total_vaccinated = schedule$total_vaccinated
      fraction_to_vaccinate = schedule$fraction_to_vaccinate

      new_vaccinated <-.Call( "R_intervention_vaccinate_age_group",
            c_model_ptr, fraction_to_vaccinate, c_vaccine_ptr )

      schedule$total_vaccinated = total_vaccinated + new_vaccinated

      return( sum( new_vaccinated ) )

    #' @description Gets information about all individuals. Wrapper for
    #' C API \code{get_individuals}.
    #' @return DataFrame of basic individual information.
    get_individuals = function()
      c_model_ptr <- private$c_model_ptr()
      n_total     <- self$get_param( "n_total" )
      indiv       <- .Call('R_get_individuals', c_model_ptr, n_total,

    #' @description Gets information about all transmission events. Wrapper for
    #' C API \code{get_transmissions}.
    #' @return DataFrame of transmission information.
    get_transmissions = function()
      c_model_ptr <- private$c_model_ptr()

    #' @description Delete a network.
    #' Wrapper for C API \code{delete_network}.
    #' @param network The network to delete.
    #' @return \code{TRUE} on success, \code{FALSE} on failure.
    delete_network = function(network)
      res <- SWIG_delete_network( self$c_model, network$c_network )

    #' @description Get all app users. Wrapper for C API \code{get_app_users}.
    #' @return All app users.
    get_app_users = function()
      c_model_ptr <- private$c_model_ptr()
      n_total     <- self$get_param( "n_total" )
      users       <- .Call('R_get_app_users', c_model_ptr, n_total,

      IDs    <- seq(from = 0, to = n_total - 1)
      result <- data.frame('ID' = IDs, 'app_user' = users)

    #' @description Sets specific users to have or not have the app.
    #' Wrapper for C API \code{set_app_users}. Throws error on failure.
    #' @param df_app_users A dataframe which includes the names
    #' \code{c("ID", "app_user")}.
    set_app_users = function(df_app_users)
      if (!all(c("ID", "app_user") %in% names(df_app_users))) {
        stop('df_app_user must contain the columns ID and app_user')

      for (b in c(TRUE, FALSE)) {
        # Select users ID where 'app_user' == b
        IDs <- df_app_users[df_app_users[,'app_user'] == b,] [['ID']]
        SWIG_set_app_users(self$c_model, IDs, length(IDs), b)

    #' @description Move the model through one time step.
    #' Wrapper for C API \code{one_time_step}.
    one_time_step = function()
      private$.results = append( private$.results,list(self$one_time_step_results()))

    #' @description  A dataframe of all the time-series results in the
    #' simulation so far.Concatanates the return of one_time_step_results from
    #' all steps so far.
    #' @return A dataframe of the time-series results
    results = function()
      return( as.data.frame(do.call(rbind,private$.results)) )

    #' @description  Runs simulation to the end (specified by the parameter
    #' end_time)
    #' @param n_steps Number of simulation steps to run. \code{NULL} means that
    #'   the simulation runs until the end (\code{get_param("end_time")}).
    #' @param verbose - whether to display progress information (DEFAULT=TRUE)
    #' @return Null
    run = function( n_steps = NULL, verbose = TRUE)
      if( is.null( n_steps ) )
        n_steps  = self$get_param( "end_time" ) - self$c_model$time
      step     = 0

      start_time = Sys.time()
      if (verbose)
        cat( sprintf( "Start simulation at %s\n", format( start_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") ) )

      start_time = Sys.time()

      while (step < n_steps)
        step = step + 1;

        if (verbose)
          cat( sprintf( "\rStep %d of %d",  step, n_steps ) )


      if (verbose) {
        end_time = Sys.time()
        cat( sprintf( "\nEnd simulation in %.1fs at %s",
                      as.numeric( end_time - start_time ), end_time ) )

    #' @description Get the results from one-time step.
    #' @return A vector with names (i.e. dictionary).
    one_time_step_results = function()
      # Get the list of EVENT_TYPES defined by defineEnumeration() in
      # OpenABMCovid19.R (generated by SWIG)
      EVENT_TYPES <- get(".__E___EVENT_TYPES")
      # Assign local variables to enum values (e.g. PRESYMPTOMATIC <- 1)
      for (enum in EVENT_TYPES) {
        name <- names(EVENT_TYPES)[match(enum, EVENT_TYPES)]
        assign( name, enum )
      # Enums values for "hospital_admissions*"  "hospital_to_critical*"
      if (private$nosocomial) {
        general  <- GENERAL
        critical <- CRITICAL
      } else {
        general  <- TRANSITION_TO_HOSPITAL
        critical <- TRANSITION_TO_CRITICAL

      res = c()

      res['time']             <- self$c_model$time
      res['lockdown']         <- private$c_params$lockdown_on
      res['test_on_symptoms'] <- private$c_params$test_on_symptoms
      res['app_turned_on']    <- private$c_params$app_turned_on

      for (l in as.array(list(
        list("total_case",     c(CASE)),
        list("total_death",    c(DEATH)),
        list("daily_death",    c(DEATH)))))
        key   <- l[[1]]
        enums <- l[[2]]

        res[ key ] <- private$utils_n_guess( key, enums )
        for (i in 1:length(AgeGroupEnum)) {
          age.key   <- paste0(key, names(AgeGroupEnum[i]))
          res[ age.key ] <- private$utils_n_guess( key = age.key,
                                                   enum = enums,
                                                   age = AgeGroupEnum[[i]] )

      res["n_presymptom"]               <- private$utils_n_current(c(PRESYMPTOMATIC, PRESYMPTOMATIC_MILD))
      res["n_asymptom"]                 <- private$utils_n_current(ASYMPTOMATIC)
      res["n_quarantine"]               <- private$utils_n_current(QUARANTINED)
      res["n_tests"]                    <- private$utils_n_total_by_day(TEST_RESULT)
      res["n_symptoms"]                 <- private$utils_n_current(c(SYMPTOMATIC, SYMPTOMATIC_MILD))
      res["n_hospital"]                 <- private$utils_n_current(HOSPITALISED)
      res["n_hospitalised_recovering"]  <- private$utils_n_current(HOSPITALISED_RECOVERING)
      res["n_critical"]                 <- private$utils_n_current(CRITICAL)
      res["n_death"]                    <- private$utils_n_current(DEATH)
      res["n_recovered"]                <- private$utils_n_current(RECOVERED)
      res["hospital_admissions"]        <- private$utils_n_daily(general)
      res["hospital_admissions_total"]  <- private$utils_n_total(general)
      res["hospital_to_critical_daily"] <- private$utils_n_daily(critical)
      res["hospital_to_critical_total"] <- private$utils_n_total(critical)

      c_model = self$c_model
      res['n_quarantine_infected']                <- c_model$n_quarantine_infected
      res['n_quarantine_recovered']               <- c_model$n_quarantine_recovered
      res['n_quarantine_app_user']                <- c_model$n_quarantine_app_user
      res['n_quarantine_app_user_infected']       <- c_model$n_quarantine_app_user_infected
      res['n_quarantine_app_user_recovered']      <- c_model$n_quarantine_app_user_recovered
      res['n_quarantine_events']                  <- c_model$n_quarantine_events
      res['n_quarantine_release_events']          <- c_model$n_quarantine_release_events
      res['n_quarantine_events_app_user']         <- c_model$n_quarantine_events_app_user
      res['n_quarantine_release_events_app_user'] <- c_model$n_quarantine_release_events_app_user

      res["R_inst"]    <- private$calculate_R_instanteous( 0.5 )
      res["R_inst_05"] <- private$calculate_R_instanteous( 0.05 )
      res["R_inst_95"] <- private$calculate_R_instanteous( 0.95 )

    #' @description Write output files.
    #' Wrapper for C API \code{write_output_files}.
    write_output_files = function()
      SWIG_write_output_files(self$c_model, private$c_params)

    #' @description Write output files
    #' Wrapper for C API \code{write_individual_file}.
    write_individual_file = function()
      SWIG_write_individual_file(self$c_model, private$c_params)

    #' @description Wrapper for C API \code{write_interactions}.
    write_interactions_file = function()

    #' @description Wrapper for C API \code{write_trace_tokens_ts}.
    #' @param init If \code{TRUE}, overwrite the output file and write the
    #' column names at the start of the file. If \code{FALSE}, append a new
    #' to the output file.
    write_trace_tokens_timeseries = function(init = FALSE)
      if (!is.logical(init)) {
        stop("param init must be TRUE or FALSE")
      write_trace_tokens_ts(self$c_model, as.integer(init))

    #' @description Wrapper for C API \code{write_trace_tokens}.
    write_trace_tokens = function()

    #' @description Wrapper for C API \code{write_transmissions}.
    write_transmissions = function()

    #' @description Wrapper for C API \code{write_quarantine_reasons}.
    write_quarantine_reasons = function()
      SWIG_write_quarantine_reasons(self$c_model, private$c_params)

    #' @description Wrapper for C API \code{write_occupation_network}.
    #' @param idx Network index.
    write_occupation_network = function(idx)
      SWIG_write_occupation_network(self$c_model, private$c_params, idx)

    #' @description Wrapper for C API \code{write_household_network}.
    write_household_network = function()
      SWIG_write_household_network(self$c_model, private$c_params)

    #' @description Wrapper for C API \code{write_random_network}.
    write_random_network = function()
      SWIG_write_random_network(self$c_model, private$c_params)

    #' @description Wrapper for C API \code{print_individual}.
    #' @param idx Individual index.
    print_individual = function(idx)
      SWIG_print_individual(self$c_model, idx)

# Wrapper functions for R users who are not used to using classes

#' Creates a new OpenABM Model (wrapper for \code{\link{Model}$new()})
#' @description Creates a new OpenABM \code{\link{Model}} instance from a
#' \code{\link{Parameters}} object and/or a list of parameters overrides.
#' Note that model instances are a memory/CPU extensive and this function
#' can take a few seconds to complete.
#' @param params_object An object of type \code{\link{Parameters}} or NULL
#' (for default params). The constructor will lock the parameter values (ie.
#' \code{params_code} will become read-only).
#' @param params A named list of parameters fo override (default NULL for no
#' overrides)
#' @return Model object (R6 Class), NULL on error or if out-of-memory.
Model.new = function(params_object = NULL, params = NULL ) {
  # 32-bit: Default input household data requires more that 4GiB.
  # Return NULL (error) to avoid R from crashing and losing unsaved work.
  if (.Machine$sizeof.pointer < 8
     && is.null(params_object)
     && (is.null(params) || is.null(params$input_household_file)))
    return (NULL)
  return (Model$new(params_object = params_object, params = params ))

#' Steps the model forward one time step (wrapper for \code{\link{Model}$one_time_step()})
#' @param model The Model object (R6 Class)
#' @return Null
Model.one_time_step = function( model ) {
  if (!is.null(model)) {
    return( model$one_time_step() )

#' Gets the simulation results for the current time-step. (wrapper for
#' \code{\link{Model}$one_time_step_results()})
#' @param model The Model object (R6 Class)
#' @return Vector with names of variables
Model.one_time_step_results = function( model ) {
  if (!is.null(model)) {
    return( model$one_time_step_results() )

#' Gets the simulation results for all time-steps run so far (wrapper for
#' \code{\link{Model}$results()})
#' @param model The Model object (R6 Class)
#' @return DataFrame
Model.results = function( model ) {
  if (!is.null(model)) {
    return( model$results() )

#' Runs the simulation until the \code{end_time} specified in the parameters
#' (wrapper for \code{\link{Model}$run()})
#' @param model The Model object (R6 Class)
#' @param n_steps Number of simulation steps to run. \code{NULL} means that
#'   the simulation runs until the end (parameter \code{"end_time")}).
#' @param verbose Show progress of the calculation (default = TRUE)
#' @return NULL
Model.run = function( model, n_steps = NULL, verbose=TRUE ) {
  if (!is.null(model)) {
    return( model$run( n_steps, verbose ) )

#' Gets the value of a parameter (wrapper for \
#' code{\link{Parameters}$get_param(param)})
#' @param model A Model object
#' @param param The name of the parameter
Model.get_param = function( model,param ) {
  if (!is.null(model)) {
    return( model$get_param(param) )

#' Update a parameter during a simulation
#' @description A subset of parameters may be updated whilst the model is
#' evaluating these correspond to events. This function throws an error if
#' \code{param} isn't safe to update.
#' @param model A Model object
#' @param param name of parameter. See \code{\link{SAFE_UPDATE_PARAMS}} for
#' allowed parameter names
#' @param value value of parameter
Model.update_running_params = function( model, param, value ) {
  if (!is.null(model)) {
    return( model$update_running_params( param, value ) )

#' Gets all the transmissions until now (wrapper for
#' \code{\link{Model}$get_transmissions()})
#' @param model The Model object (R6 Class)
#' @return DataFrame
Model.get_transmissions = function( model ) {
  return( model$get_transmissions() )

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OpenABMCovid19 documentation built on July 20, 2021, 5:08 p.m.