
Defines functions displayMxDataDynamic displayMxData undoDataShare generateDataList verifyCorrelationMatrix verifyCovarianceMatrix verifySymmetric getDataThresholdNames checkNumericData convertDatasets preprocessDatasets mxData mxDataDynamic observedDataNames nrowMxData

Documented in mxData mxDataDynamic

#   Copyright 2007-2021 by the individuals mentioned in the source code history
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
#        http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#   limitations under the License.

setClass(Class = "NonNullData",
	representation = representation(
		verbose = "integer"),
	contains = "MxBaseNamed")

##' @name MxDataStatic-class
##' @rdname MxDataStatic-class
##' @title Create static data
##' @description
##' Internal static data class.
##' @aliases
##' MxDataStatic
##' print,MxDataStatic-method
##' show,MxDataStatic-method
##' @details
##' Not to be used.
setClass(Class = "MxDataStatic",
	 contains = "NonNullData",
	 representation = representation(
		observed = "MxOptionalDataFrameOrMatrix",
		means  = "matrix",
		type   = "character",
		numObs = "numeric",
		observedStats = "list",
		.isSorted = "logical",  # remove slot TODO
		.needSort = "logical",
		.parallel = "logical",
		.noExoOptimize = "logical",
	     primaryKey = "MxCharOrNumber",
	     weight = "MxCharOrNumber",
	     frequency = "MxCharOrNumber",
	     minVariance = "numeric",
	   algebra = "MxOptionalCharOrNumber",
    warnNPDuseWeight = "logical",
    exoFree = "MxOptionalMatrix",
    naAction = "character",
    fitTolerance = "numeric",
    gradientTolerance = "numeric"))

setClass(Class = "MxDataDynamic",
	 contains = "NonNullData",
	 representation = representation(
	     type        = "character",
	     expectation = "MxCharOrNumber",
	     numObs = "numeric"))             # output

setClassUnion("MxData", c("NULL", "MxDataStatic", "MxDataDynamic"))

setMethod("initialize", "MxDataStatic",
	  function(.Object, observed, means, type, numObs, observedStats,
		   sort, primaryKey, weight, frequency, verbose, .parallel, .noExoOptimize,
		   minVariance, algebra, warnNPDuseWeight, exoFree, naAction,
       fitTolerance, gradientTolerance) {
		.Object@observed <- observed
		.Object@means <- means
		.Object@type <- type
		.Object@numObs <- numObs
		.Object@observedStats <- observedStats
		.Object@name <- "data"
		if (is.na(primaryKey)) {
			if (is.na(sort)) {
				sort <- TRUE
		} else {
			if (!is.na(sort) && sort) {
				warning("sort=TRUE is not supported when a primary key is provided")
			sort <- FALSE
		.Object@.isSorted <- FALSE
		.Object@.needSort <- sort
		.Object@.parallel <- .parallel
		.Object@.noExoOptimize <- .noExoOptimize
		.Object@primaryKey <- primaryKey
		.Object@weight <- weight
		.Object@frequency <- frequency
		.Object@verbose <- verbose
		.Object@minVariance <- minVariance
		.Object@algebra <- algebra
		.Object@warnNPDuseWeight <- warnNPDuseWeight
		.Object@exoFree <- exoFree
		.Object@naAction <- naAction
    .Object@fitTolerance <- fitTolerance
    .Object@gradientTolerance <- gradientTolerance

setMethod("initialize", "MxDataDynamic",
	function(.Object, type, expectation, verbose, name = "data") {
		.Object@type <- type
		.Object@expectation <- expectation
		.Object@verbose <- verbose
		.Object@name <- name

setMethod("$", "MxData", imxExtractSlot)

setReplaceMethod("$", "MxData",
       function(x, name, value) {
               return(imxReplaceSlot(x, name, value))

setMethod("names", "MxData", slotNames)

##' Valid types of data that can be contained by MxData
imxDataTypes <- c("raw", "cov", "cor", "acov")

nrowMxData <- function(mxd) {
    if (mxd@type == 'raw') {
    } else if (mxd@type %in% c('cov','cor')) {
    } else {
      stop(paste("nrowMxData not implemented for type", omxQuotes(mxd@type)))

observedDataNames <- function(mxd) {
  if (mxd@type == 'none') {
    obs <- mxd@observedStats[['cov']]
    if (!is.null(obs)) {
    } else c()
  } else {

##' Create dynamic data
##' @param type type of data
##' @param ...  Not used.  Forces remaining arguments to be specified by name.
##' @param expectation the name of the expectation to provide the data
##' @param verbose Increase runtime debugging output
##' @aliases
##' MxDataDynamic-class
##' print,MxDataDynamic-method
##' show,MxDataDynamic-method
mxDataDynamic <- function(type, ..., expectation, verbose=0L) {
	if (type != "cov") stop("Type must be set to 'cov'")
	verbose <- as.integer(verbose)
	return(new("MxDataDynamic", type, expectation, verbose))

mxData <- function(observed=NULL, type="none",
                   means = NA, numObs = NA, acov=NA, fullWeight=NA,
		   thresholds=NA, ...,
		   observedStats=NA, sort=NA, primaryKey = as.character(NA), weight = as.character(NA),
		   frequency = as.character(NA), verbose=0L, .parallel=TRUE, .noExoOptimize=TRUE,
		   minVariance=sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), algebra=c(),
		   warnNPDacov=TRUE, warnNPDuseWeight=TRUE,
       exoFree=NULL, naAction=c("pass","fail","omit","exclude"),
       fitTolerance=sqrt(as.numeric(mxOption(key="Optimality tolerance"))),
       gradientTolerance=1e-2) {
	if (length(means) == 1 && is.na(means)) means <- as.numeric(NA)
	dups <- duplicated(colnames(observed))
	if (any(dups)) {
		stop(paste("Column names must be unique. Duplicated:",
  if (missing(observed) && type != 'none') {
    # We use 'none' instead of NA to avoid adding is.null checks everywhere
    stop(paste0("No observed data but type='", type,"' (should be 'none')"))
	if (!missing(observed) && (missing(type) || (!is.character(type)) || (length(type) > 1) ||
		is.na(match(type, imxDataTypes)))) {
			numTypes = length(imxDataTypes)
			stop(paste("Type must be set to one of: ", "'",
			paste(imxDataTypes[1:(numTypes-1)], collapse="' '"),
			"' or '", imxDataTypes[numTypes], "'", sep=""))
  naAction <- match.arg(naAction)
	if (type == "acov") {
		obj <- legacyMxData(observed, type="acov", means=means, numObs=numObs,
                        acov=acov, fullWeight=fullWeight, thresholds=thresholds)
    obj@verbose <- as.integer(verbose)
	if (missing(observedStats)) {
		observedStats <- list()
		if (!missing(acov)) observedStats <- c(observedStats, acov=acov)
		if (!missing(fullWeight)) observedStats <- c(observedStats, fullWeight=fullWeight)
		if (!missing(thresholds)) observedStats <- c(observedStats, thresholds=thresholds)
	} else {
		if (!missing(acov) || !missing(fullWeight) || !missing(thresholds)) {
			stop("acov, fullWeight, and thresholds must be passed in via the observedStats list")
	if ((!is.vector(means) && !(prod(dim(means)) == length(means))) || !is.numeric(means)) {
		stop("Means argument must be of numeric vector type")
  if (type != 'none') {
    if (type != "raw" && is.na(numObs)) {
      stop("Number of observations must be specified for non-raw data, i.e., add numObs=XXX to mxData()")
    if (length(algebra) && type != 'raw') {
      stop("algebra only permitted for type='raw' data")
    if (type == "cov") {
    if (type == "cor") {
	if (!is.null(observedStats[['cov']])) {
		verifyCovarianceMatrix(observedStats[['cov']], nameMatrix="covariance")
	if (!is.null(observedStats[['acov']])) {
		verifyCovarianceMatrix(observedStats[['acov']], nameMatrix="asymptotic")
	fw <- observedStats[['fullWeight']]
	if(!is.null(fw)) {
		verifyCovarianceMatrix(fw, nameMatrix="asymptotic")
	thr <- observedStats[['thresholds']]
	if (!is.null(thr)) {
		verifyThresholdNames(thr, colnames(observedStats[['cov']]))
  if (!is.null(observed)) {
    lapply(dimnames(observed)[[2]], imxVerifyName, -1)
	if(is.matrix(means)){meanNames <- colnames(means)} else {meanNames <- names(means)}
	means <- as.matrix(means)
	dim(means) <- c(1, length(means))
	colnames(means) <- meanNames

  if (!is.null(observed)) {
    if (length(primaryKey) > 1) {
      stop("More than 1 primary key is not implemented yet")
    } else if (!is.na(primaryKey)) {
      if (type != "raw") {
        stop(paste("Raw data is required when a primary key is provided"))
      if (!(primaryKey %in% colnames(observed))) {
        stop(paste("Primary key", omxQuotes(primaryKey),
                   "must be provided in the observed data"))

    if (length(weight) > 1) {
      stop("Only one weight column can be specified")
    } else if (!is.na(weight)) {
      if (type != "raw") {
        stop(paste("Raw data is required when a weight column is provided"))
      if (!(weight %in% colnames(observed))) {
        stop(paste("Weight column", omxQuotes(weight),
                   "must be provided in the observed data"))
    if (length(frequency) > 1) {
      stop("Only one frequency column can be specified")
    } else if (!is.na(frequency)) {
      if (type != "raw") {
        stop(paste("Raw data is required when a frequency column is provided"))
      if (!(frequency %in% colnames(observed))) {
        stop(paste("Frequency column", omxQuotes(frequency),
                   "must be provided in the observed data"))
    if (type == "raw") {
      if (!is.na(frequency)) {
        obsCount <- sum(observed[,frequency])
      } else {
        obsCount <- nrow(observed)

      if (missing(numObs)) {
        numObs <- obsCount
      } else {
        if (numObs != obsCount) {
          # stop?
          warning(paste("numObs of", numObs, "does not match the number of observations",
                        "found in the observed data", obsCount,
                        "(maybe specify weight='frequency' instead of numObs =",numObs,")"))

	return(new("MxDataStatic", observed, means, type, as.numeric(numObs),
		observedStats, sort, primaryKey, weight, frequency, as.integer(verbose),
		as.logical(.parallel), as.logical(.noExoOptimize), minVariance,
		as.character(algebra), as.logical(warnNPDacov && warnNPDuseWeight), exoFree, naAction,
    as.numeric(fitTolerance), as.numeric(gradientTolerance)))

setGeneric("preprocessDataForBackend", # DEPRECATED
	function(data, model, defVars, modeloptions) {

	function(data, model, flatModel) {

	function(data) {

setMethod("preprocessDataForBackend", signature("NonNullData"),
	  function(data, model, defVars, modeloptions) { data })

setMethod("convertDataForBackend", signature("NonNullData"),
	  function(data, model, flatModel) { data })

setMethod("qualifyNames", signature("NonNullData"),
	function(.Object, modelname, namespace) {
		.Object@name <- imxIdentifier(modelname, .Object@name)

setMethod("qualifyNames", signature("MxDataStatic"),
	function(.Object, modelname, namespace) {
		.Object@name <- imxIdentifier(modelname, .Object@name)
		  if (.hasSlot(.Object, 'algebra')) {
			  .Object@algebra <- imxConvertIdentifier(.Object@algebra, modelname, namespace, TRUE)

setMethod("convertDataForBackend", signature("MxDataStatic"),
	  function(data, model, flatModel) {
		  if (data@type == "raw") {
			  if (is.matrix(data@observed) && is.integer(data@observed)) {
				  data@observed <- matrix(as.double(data@observed),
							  nrow=nrow(data@observed), ncol=ncol(data@observed),
			  if (is.data.frame(data@observed)) {
				  mapply(function(col, name) {
					  if (!is.factor(col)) return()
					  dups <- duplicated(levels(col))
					  if (any(dups)) {
						  stop(paste("Ordered factor column '",name,"' in model '",flatModel@name,
							     "' has more than 1 level with the same name: ",
							     omxQuotes(unique(levels(col)[dups])), sep=""))
				  }, data@observed, colnames(data@observed))
		  if (.hasSlot(data, 'primaryKey')) {
			  if (!is.na(data@primaryKey)) {
				  pk <- match(data@primaryKey, colnames(data@observed))
				  if (is.na(pk)) {
					  stop(paste("Primary key", omxQuotes(data@primaryKey),
						     "not found in", omxQuotes(data@name)))
				  data@primaryKey <- pk
		  if (.hasSlot(data, 'weight')) {
			  if (!is.na(data@weight)) {
				  wc <- match(data@weight, colnames(data@observed))
				  if (is.na(wc)) {
					  msg <- paste("Weight column", omxQuotes(data@weight),
						       "not found in observed data columns")
					  stop(msg, call.=FALSE)
				  data@weight <- wc
		  if (.hasSlot(data, 'frequency')) {
			  if (!is.na(data@frequency)) {
				  wc <- match(data@frequency, colnames(data@observed))
				  if (is.na(wc)) {
					  msg <- paste("Frequency column", omxQuotes(data@frequency),
						       "not found in observed data columns")
					  stop(msg, call.=FALSE)
				  data@frequency <- wc
		  if (.hasSlot(data, 'algebra')) {
			  if (length(data@algebra)) {
				  aNames <- names(flatModel@algebras)
				  nums <- match(data@algebra, aNames)
				  if (any(is.na(nums))) {
					  msg <- paste("Algebra", omxQuotes(data@algebra[is.na(nums)]),
						  "do not refer to an algebra")
					  stop(msg, call.=FALSE)
				  data@algebra <- nums - 1L


setMethod("preprocessDataForBackend", signature("MxDataStatic"),
		function(data, model, defVars, modeloptions) {
			if(!is.null(data) && length(data@observedStats)) {
				obsStats <- data@observedStats
				if (!is.null(obsStats$thresholds)) {
					verifyThresholdNames(obsStats$thresholds, data, model@name)

setMethod("summarize", signature("MxDataStatic"),
	  function(data) {
		  if (data@type != "raw") {
			  result <- list()
			  result[[data@type]] <- data@observed
			  if (!single.na(data@means)) {
				  result[['means']] <- data@means
		  } else {

setMethod("convertDataForBackend", signature("MxDataDynamic"),
	  function(data, model, flatModel) {
		  expNum <- match(data@expectation, names(flatModel@expectations))
		  if (any(is.na(expNum))) {
			  missing <- data@expectation[is.na(expNum)]
			  stop(paste("Cannot find expectation", omxQuotes(missing),
						"referenced by data in", model@name))
		  data@expectation <- expNum - 1L

setMethod("summarize", signature("MxDataDynamic"),
	  function(data) {
		  # Maybe we can do something smarter? TODO

preprocessDatasets <- function(model, defVars, modeloptions) { # DEPRECATED
	if (!is.null(model@data)) {
		model@data <- preprocessDataForBackend(model@data, model, defVars, modeloptions)
	if (length(model@submodels) > 0) {
		model@submodels <- lapply(model@submodels, preprocessDatasets,
					  defVars=defVars, modeloptions=modeloptions)

convertDatasets <- function(datasets, model, flatModel) {
	lapply(datasets, convertDataForBackend, model=model, flatModel=flatModel)

checkNumericData <- function(data) {
	if(is.matrix(data@observed) && !is.double(data@observed)) {
		msg <- paste("The data object",
			omxQuotes(data@name), "contains an observed matrix that",
			"is not of type 'double'")
		stop(msg, call. = FALSE)

getDataThresholdNames <- function(data) {
	if(data@type == "raw") {
		nCols <- ncol(data@observed)
		thresholdCols <- unlist(lapply(data@observed, is.ordered))
		if(sum(thresholdCols) > 0) {
			if(is.null(colnames(data@observed))) {
				stop("The data object", omxQuotes(data@name),
				"has ordinal columns, but does not have column names,",
				"which are required for threshold estimation.")
	} else {
		obsStats <- data@observedStats
		if (is.null(obsStats$thresholds)) return(c())

verifySymmetric <- function(covMatrix, nameMatrix="observed") {
	if (nrow(covMatrix) == 1) return()
	mask <- lower.tri(covMatrix)
	maxDiff <- max(abs(covMatrix[mask] - t(covMatrix)[mask]))
	if (maxDiff <= 1e-9) return()
	if (1e-2 > maxDiff && maxDiff > 1e-9) {
		msg <- paste("The", nameMatrix, "matrix",
			"is not a symmetric matrix,",
			"possibly due to rounding errors.\n",
			"Something like this would be appropriate:\n",
			"m <- (m + t(m)) / 2\n",
			"Where m is the name of your observed data.",
			"Another option is \n m <- round(m, 3)")
	} else {
		msg <- paste("The", nameMatrix, "matrix",
			"is not symmetric.",
			"Check what you are providing to mxData",
			"and perhaps try round(yourData, x) for x digits of precision.")
	stop(msg, call. = FALSE)

verifyCovarianceMatrix <- function(covMatrix, nameMatrix="observed", strictPD=TRUE) {
	if (is.null(covMatrix)) stop(paste("Covariance matrix",omxQuotes(nameMatrix),
		"is missing in action"))
	if(nrow(covMatrix) != ncol(covMatrix)) {
		msg <- paste("The", nameMatrix, "covariance matrix",
			"is not a square matrix - perhaps you meant type = 'raw' instead of 'cov'? ")
		stop(msg, call. = FALSE)
	if (any(is.na(covMatrix))) {
		msg <- paste("The", nameMatrix, "covariance matrix",
			"contains NA values. Perhaps ensure you are excluding NAs in your cov() statement?")
		stop(msg, call. = FALSE)
	verifySymmetric(covMatrix, nameMatrix)
	if (is.data.frame(covMatrix)) covMatrix <- as.matrix(covMatrix)
	if(nameMatrix=="observed" && strictPD){
		evalCov <- eigen(covMatrix,T,T)$values
		if(any(evalCov <= 0)){
			msg <- paste(
				"The", nameMatrix, "covariance matrix",
				"is not a positive-definite matrix:\n",
				"1 or more elements of eigen(covMatrix)$values ",
				"<= 0")
			stop(msg, call. = FALSE)
			evalCov <- eigen(covMatrix,T,T)$values
			if(any(evalCov < -1e-4)){
				msg <- paste(
					"The", nameMatrix, "covariance matrix",
					"is not a positive-semi-definite matrix:\n",
					"1 or more elements of eigen(covMatrix)$values ",
					"< 0")
				stop(msg, call. = FALSE)
			tryToInv <- try(solve(covMatrix),silent=TRUE)
				msg <- paste(
					"The", nameMatrix, "covariance matrix",
					"is a singular matrix\n",
					"(at least computationally if not exactly)")
				stop(msg, call. = FALSE)

verifyCorrelationMatrix <- function(corMatrix) {
	if(nrow(corMatrix) != ncol(corMatrix)) {
		msg <- paste("The observed correlation matrix",
			"is not a square matrix")
		stop(msg, call. = FALSE)
	if (any(is.na(corMatrix))) {
		msg <- paste("The observed correlation matrix",
			"contains NA values")
		stop(msg, call. = FALSE)
	if (is.data.frame(corMatrix)) corMatrix <- as.matrix(corMatrix)
	if (any(eigen(corMatrix)$values <= 0)) {
		msg <- paste("The observed correlation matrix",
			"is not a positive-definite matrix")
		stop(msg, call. = FALSE)
	if (!all(diag(corMatrix) == 1)) {
		if (max(abs(diag(corMatrix) - 1)) < 1.0e-8) {
			msg <- paste("The observed correlation matrix",
				"has values that are near, but not equal to,",
				"1's along the diagonal")
		} else {
			msg <- paste("The observed correlation matrix",
				"is not 1's along the diagonal")
		stop(msg, call. = FALSE)

generateDataList <- function(model) {
	retval <- lapply(model@submodels, generateDataList)
	names(retval) <- NULL
	retval <- unlist(retval)
	if (is.null(retval)) retval <- list()
	retval[[model@name]] <- model@data

undoDataShare <- function(model, dataList) {
	model@data <- dataList[[model@name]]

displayMxData <- function(object) {
	cat("MxData", omxQuotes(object@name), '\n')
	cat("type :", omxQuotes(object@type), '\n')
	if (.hasSlot(object, 'primaryKey') && !is.na(object@primaryKey)) {
		cat("primary key :", omxQuotes(object@primaryKey), '\n')
	cat("numObs :", omxQuotes(object@numObs), '\n')
	cat("observed : \n")
	if (length(object@means) == 1 && is.na(object@means)) {
		cat("means : NA \n")
	} else {
		cat("means : \n")
	if (.hasSlot(object, 'observedStats') && length(object@observedStats)) {
		cat("observedStats : \n")
	if (.hasSlot(object, 'weight') && !is.na(object@weight)){
		cat("weight :", omxQuotes(object@weight), "\n")
		# AND / OR print(object@observed[,object@weight])

setMethod("print", "MxDataStatic", function(x,...) {

setMethod("show", "MxDataStatic", function(object) {

displayMxDataDynamic <- function(object) {
	cat("MxDataDynamic", omxQuotes(object@name), '\n')
	cat("type :", omxQuotes(object@type), '\n')
	cat("verbose :", omxQuotes(object@verbose), '\n')
	cat("expectation :", omxQuotes(object@expectation), '\n')

setMethod("print", "MxDataDynamic", function(x,...) {

setMethod("show", "MxDataDynamic", function(object) {

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OpenMx documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:31 a.m.