
#   Copyright 2007-2019 by the individuals mentioned in the source code history
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#   limitations under the License.

# Author: Michael D. Hunter
# Date: 2015-04-08
# Filename: StateSpaceContinuous.R
# Purpose: Create and test three example of continuous time state space models.
#	Example 1 is an undamped linear oscillator.
#	Example 2 is a damped linear oscillator with dynamic noise.
#	Example 3 is a general dynamic model with multiple indicators per factor.
#	All examples are fit to simulated data.  Their parameter estimates are
#	compared to their true generating values.  This last example was also fit
#	with a completely R-based implementation of the same algorithm that is now
#	implemented in the C++ backend.  The C++ code reaches the same solution
#	as the R code, and is about 70x faster on the same machine.

# Load packages


# Example 1
# Undamped linear oscillator, i.e. a noisy sine wave.
#	Measurement error, but no dynamic error, single indicator.
#	This example works great.

# Data Generation

tlen <- 200
t <- seq(1.2, 50, length.out=tlen)

freqParam <- .5
initialCond <- matrix(c(2.5, 0))
x <- initialCond[1,1]*cos(freqParam*t)
plot(t, x, type='l')

measVar <- 1.5
y <- cbind(obs=x+rnorm(tlen, sd=sqrt(measVar)), tim=t)

plot(t, y[,1], type='l')

# Model Specification

#Note: the bounds are here only to keep CSOLNP from
# stepping too far off a cliff.  With the bounds in
# place, CSOLNP finds the right solution.  Without
# the bounds, CSOLNP goes crazy.

cdim <- list('obs', c('ksi', 'ksiDot'))

amat <- mxMatrix('Full', 2, 2, c(F, T, F, T), c(0, -.1, 1, -.2), name='A', lbound=-10)
bmat <- mxMatrix('Zero', 2, 1, name='B')
cmat <- mxMatrix('Full', 1, 2, FALSE, c(1, 0), name='C', dimnames=cdim)
dmat <- mxMatrix('Zero', 1, 1, name='D')
qmat <- mxMatrix('Zero', 2, 2, name='Q')
rmat <- mxMatrix('Diag', 1, 1, TRUE, .4, name='R', lbound=1e-6)
xmat <- mxMatrix('Full', 2, 1, TRUE, c(0, 0), name='x0', lbound=-10, ubound=10)
pmat <- mxMatrix('Diag', 2, 2, FALSE, 1, name='P0')
umat <- mxMatrix('Zero', 1, 1, name='u')
tmat <- mxMatrix('Full', 1, 1, name='time', labels='data.tim')

osc <- mxModel("LinearOscillator", 
	amat, bmat, cmat, dmat, qmat, rmat, xmat, pmat, umat, tmat,
	mxExpectationStateSpace('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'Q', 'R', 'x0', 'P0', 'u', t='time', scores=TRUE),
	mxData(y, 'raw'))

#osc <- mxOption(osc, 'Calculate Hessian', 'No')
#osc <- mxOption(osc, 'Standard Errors', 'No')
#osc <- mxOption(osc, 'Major iterations', 0)

oscr <- mxRun(osc)

# Results Examination


(ssFreqParam <- mxEval(sqrt(-A[2,1]), oscr))
omxCheckWithinPercentError(ssFreqParam, freqParam, 1)

(ssMeasVar <- mxEval(R, oscr))
omxCheckWithinPercentError(ssMeasVar, measVar, 10)

dampingParam <- 0
(ssDampingParam <- mxEval(-A[2,2], oscr))
omxCheckCloseEnough(ssDampingParam, dampingParam, .01)

rms <- function(x, y){sqrt(mean((x-y)^2))}

(ssInitialCond <- mxEval(x0, oscr))
omxCheckTrue(rms(ssInitialCond, initialCond) < .1)

# Example 1 continued
#  Data generation and re-fitting

new_data <- mxGenerateData(oscr, nrow(y))
new_data$tim <- y[, 'tim']

nosc <- mxModel(osc, mxData(new_data, 'raw'))
noscr <- mxRun(nosc)

# Parameters look close
cbind(coef(oscr), coef(noscr))
se <- summary(oscr)$parameters[,6]

# Check that the old and new data estimates (data generated by sine+noise vs exact discrete)
#  all with confidence intervals of one another.
withinCI <- (coef(noscr) < (coef(oscr) + 1.5*se)) & (coef(noscr) > (coef(oscr) - 1.5*se))
omxCheckEquals(withinCI, rep(TRUE, length(se)))

# Compare frontend and backend scores

fstart <- Sys.time()
ks <- mxKalmanScores(noscr)
fstop <- Sys.time()
bstart <- Sys.time()
ksb <- mxKalmanScores(noscr, frontend=FALSE)
bstop <- Sys.time()

# Compare time to compute
bstop-bstart # 70x faster in backend

# Compare values
omxCheckTrue(all.equal(ks, ksb[1:8]))
# values equal to roughly 1.5e-8 #.Machine$double.eps ^ 0.5

cor(cbind(ks$xPredicted, noscr$expectation$xPredicted))
cor(cbind(ks$xUpdated, noscr$expectation$xUpdated))
cor(cbind(ks$xSmoothed, noscr$expectation$xSmoothed))

omxCheckCloseEnough( rms(ks$xPredicted, noscr$expectation$xPredicted), 0, 1e-10)
omxCheckCloseEnough( rms(ks$xUpdated, noscr$expectation$xUpdated), 0, 1e-10)
omxCheckCloseEnough( rms(ks$xSmoothed, noscr$expectation$xSmoothed), 0, 1e-10)

omxCheckCloseEnough( rms(t(apply(ks$PPredicted, 3, vech)), noscr$expectation$PPredicted), 0, 1e-10)
omxCheckCloseEnough( rms(t(apply(ks$PUpdated, 3, vech)), noscr$expectation$PUpdated), 0, 1e-10)
omxCheckCloseEnough( rms(t(apply(ks$PSmoothed, 3, vech)), noscr$expectation$PSmoothed), 0, 1e-10)

plot(new_data$tim, new_data$obs, type='l')
lines(new_data$tim, ks$xSmoothed[-1, 1], col='blue')

# Example 2
# Damped linear oscillator example
#	There is measurement noise and there are unmeasured dynamic disturbances.
#	These disturbances are called dynamic noise.
#	There is a single indicator.
# TODO Figure out what combination of variables can really be estimated for 
#	this kind of model.  It is clear that measurement noise and SOME dynamic
#	noise can be estimated, but not all.

# Data Generation

xdim <- 2
udim <- 1
ydim <- 1
tdim <- 200
tA <- matrix(c(0, -.3, 1, -.7), xdim, xdim)
tB <- matrix(c(0), xdim, udim)
tC <- matrix(c(1, 0), ydim, xdim)
tD <- matrix(c(0), ydim, udim)
tQ <- matrix(c(0), xdim, xdim); diag(tQ) <- c(0, 2.2)
tR <- matrix(c(0), ydim, ydim); diag(tR) <- c(1.5)

x0 <- matrix(c(0, 1), xdim, 1)
P0 <- diag(c(1), xdim)
tdx <- matrix(0, xdim, tdim+1)
tx <- matrix(0, xdim, tdim+1)
tu <- matrix(0, udim, tdim)
ty <- matrix(0, ydim, tdim)

tT <- matrix((0:tdim)/4, nrow=1, ncol=tdim+1)

tI <- diag(1, nrow=xdim)

tx[,1] <- x0
for(i in 2:(tdim+1)){
	q <- t(rmvnorm(1, rep(0, xdim), tQ))
	tdx[,i] <- tA %*% tx[,i-1] + tB %*% tu[,i-1] + q
	expA <- as.matrix(expm(tA * (tT[,i]-tT[,i-1])))
	intA <- solve(tA) %*% (expA - tI)
	eF <- as.matrix( expm( rbind(cbind(-tA, tQ), cbind(matrix(0, xdim, xdim), t(tA))) * (tT[,i]-tT[,i-1])))
	tQd <- expA %*% eF[1:xdim, (xdim+1):(2*xdim)]
	# Whiten the continuous-time error then transform it to the continuous time error cov
	s <- svd(tQ)
	dinv <- s$d
	dinv[s$d > 0] <- 1/s$d[s$d > 0]
	W <- diag(sqrt(dinv)) %*% t(s$v)
	qd <- t(chol(tQd)) %*% W %*% q
	tx[,i] <- expA %*% tx[, i-1] + intA %*% tB %*% tu[,i-1] + qd
	#ty[,i-1] <- tC %*% tx[,i-1] + tD %*% tu[,i-1] + t(rmvnorm(1, rep(0, ydim), tR))
	ty[,i-1] <- tC %*% tx[,i] + tD %*% tu[,i-1] + t(rmvnorm(1, rep(0, ydim), tR))

#plot(tx[1,], type='l')

rownames(ty) <- paste('y', 1:ydim, sep='')
rownames(tx) <- paste('x', 1:xdim, sep='')

plot(tT[,-1], ty[1,], type='l')
plot(tT[1,], tx[1,], type='l')

# Model Specification

cdim <- list(rownames(ty), c('ksi', 'ksiDot'))

amat <- mxMatrix('Full', xdim, xdim, c(F, T, F, T), c(0, -.1, 1, -.2), name='A')
bmat <- mxMatrix('Zero', xdim, udim, name='B')
cmat <- mxMatrix('Full', ydim, xdim, FALSE, c(1, 0), name='C', dimnames=cdim)
dmat <- mxMatrix('Zero', udim, udim, name='D')
qmat <- mxMatrix('Diag', xdim, xdim, c(F,T), c(0, 1), name='Q', lbound=1e-6)
rmat <- mxMatrix('Diag', ydim, ydim, TRUE, 1.5, name='R')
xmat <- mxMatrix('Full', xdim, 1, c(T,F), c(0, 1), name='x0')
pmat <- mxMatrix('Diag', xdim, xdim, FALSE, 1, name='P0')
umat <- mxMatrix('Zero', udim, 1, name='u')
tmat <- mxMatrix('Full', 1, 1, name='time', labels='data.times')

dosc <- mxModel("DampedLinearOscillator", 
	amat, bmat, cmat, dmat, qmat, rmat, xmat, pmat, umat, tmat,
	mxExpectationStateSpaceContinuousTime('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'Q', 'R', 'x0', 'P0', 'u', t='time'),
	mxData(cbind(t(ty), times=tT[,-1]), 'raw'))

#dosc <- mxOption(dosc, 'Calculate Hessian', 'No')
#dosc <- mxOption(dosc, 'Standard Errors', 'No')
#dosc <- mxOption(dosc, 'Major iterations', 0)

doscr <- mxRun(dosc)

# Results Examination


mxEval(A, doscr)
omxCheckTrue(rms(mxEval(A, doscr)[2,1], tA[2,1]) < .07)

mxEval(R, doscr)
omxCheckTrue(rms(mxEval(R, doscr), tR) < .2)

mxEval(Q, doscr)
omxCheckTrue(rms(mxEval(Q, doscr)[2,2], tQ[2,2]) < .7)

mxEval(x0, doscr) #poorly estimated, likely due to dynamic error
omxCheckTrue(rms(mxEval(x0, doscr)[1,1], x0[1,1]) < .7)

estParam <- coef(doscr)
truParam <- c(tA[2,], tQ[2,2], tR, x0[1,1])
estSE <- summary(doscr)$parameters[,6]
ex3Tvals <- (estParam - truParam) / estSE

omxCheckTrue(all(abs(ex3Tvals) < 0.6))

s <- solve(kronecker(diag(xdim), mxEval(A, doscr)) + kronecker(mxEval(A, doscr), diag(xdim)))
(asym_lvar <- matrix(-s %*% matrix(mxEval(Q, doscr)), xdim, xdim))
(obs_lvar <- var(t(tx)))
omxCheckTrue(rms(vech(asym_lvar), vech(obs_lvar)) < .7)

(asym_ovar <- mxEval(C, doscr) %*% asym_lvar %*% t(mxEval(C, doscr)) + mxEval(R, doscr))
(obs_ovar <- var(t(ty)))
omxCheckTrue(rms(vech(asym_ovar), vech(obs_ovar)) < 1.1)

# Example 3
# Full bore example of general dynamics with dynamic error,
#	measurement error, and multiple indicators per latent variable.

# Data generation

xdim <- 3
udim <- 2
ydim <- 9
tdim <- 500
tA <- matrix(c(-.4, 0, 0, 0, -.9, .1, 0, -.1, -.9), xdim, xdim)
tB <- matrix(c(0), xdim, udim)
tC <- matrix(c(runif(3, .4, 1), rep(0, ydim), runif(3, .4, 1), rep(0, ydim), runif(3, .4, 1)), ydim, xdim)
tD <- matrix(c(0), ydim, udim)
tQ <- matrix(c(0), xdim, xdim); diag(tQ) <- runif(xdim, 1, 2) # 0, 1
tR <- matrix(c(0), ydim, ydim); diag(tR) <- runif(ydim)

x0 <- matrix(c(rnorm(xdim)), xdim, 1)
P0 <- diag(c(runif(xdim)))
tdx <- matrix(0, xdim, tdim+1)
tx <- matrix(0, xdim, tdim+1)
tu <- matrix(0, udim, tdim)
ty <- matrix(0, ydim, tdim)

tT <- matrix(0:tdim, nrow=1, ncol=tdim+1)

tI <- diag(1, nrow=xdim)

tx[,1] <- x0
for(i in 2:(tdim+1)){
	q <- t(rmvnorm(1, rep(0, xdim), tQ))
	tdx[,i] <- tA %*% tx[,i-1] + tB %*% tu[,i-1] + q
	expA <- as.matrix(expm(tA * (tT[,i]-tT[,i-1])))
	intA <- solve(tA) %*% (expA - tI)
	eF <- as.matrix( expm( rbind(cbind(-tA, tQ), cbind(matrix(0, xdim, xdim), t(tA))) * (tT[,i]-tT[,i-1])))
	tQd <- expA %*% eF[1:xdim, (xdim+1):(2*xdim)]
	# Whiten the continuous-time error then transform it to the continuous time error cov
	s <- svd(tQ)
	dinv <- s$d
	dinv[s$d > 0] <- 1/s$d[s$d > 0]
	W <- diag(sqrt(dinv)) %*% t(s$v)
	qd <- t(chol(tQd)) %*% W %*% q
	tx[,i] <- expA %*% tx[, i-1] + intA %*% tB %*% tu[,i-1] + qd
	#ty[,i-1] <- tC %*% tx[,i-1] + tD %*% tu[,i-1] + t(rmvnorm(1, rep(0, ydim), tR))
	ty[,i-1] <- tC %*% tx[,i] + tD %*% tu[,i-1] + t(rmvnorm(1, rep(0, ydim), tR))

#plot(tx[1,], type='l')

rownames(ty) <- paste('y', 1:ydim, sep='')
rownames(tx) <- paste('x', 1:xdim, sep='')

plot(ty[1,], type='l')

# Model Specification

smod <- mxModel(
	mxMatrix(name='A', values=tA, nrow=xdim, ncol=xdim, free=c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE), labels=c('a', NA, NA, NA, 'b', 'c', NA, 'csym[1,1]', 'b'), ubound=c(0, NA, NA, NA, 0, NA, NA, NA, 0)),
	mxAlgebra(name='csym', -c),
	mxMatrix(name='B', values=0, nrow=xdim, ncol=udim, free=FALSE),
	mxMatrix(name='C', values=tC, nrow=ydim, ncol=xdim, free=(tC!=0), dimnames=list(rownames(ty), rownames(tx))),
	mxMatrix(name='D', values=0, nrow=ydim, ncol=udim, free=FALSE),
	# Note Factor error matrix is fixed!  This is for model identification.
	# I happen to fix the variances to their true values.
	mxMatrix(name='Q', type='Diag', values=diag(tQ), nrow=xdim, ncol=xdim, free=FALSE),
	mxMatrix(name='R', type='Diag', values=diag(tR), nrow=ydim, ncol=ydim, free=TRUE),
	mxMatrix(name='x', values=x0, nrow=xdim, ncol=1, free=FALSE),
	mxMatrix(name='P', values=P0, nrow=xdim, ncol=xdim, free=FALSE),
	mxMatrix("Zero", udim, 1, name="u"),
	mxMatrix("Full", 1, 1, name="time", labels="data.Time"),
	mxData(observed=cbind(t(ty), Time=tT[,-1]), type='raw'),
	mxExpectationSSCT(A='A', B='B', C='C', D='D', Q='Q', R='R', x0='x', P0='P', u='u', t='time'),

# Uncomment for degugging
#smod <- mxOption(smod, 'Calculate Hessian', 'No')
#smod <- mxOption(smod, 'Standard Errors', 'No')
#smod <- mxOption(smod, 'Major iterations', 0)

srun <- mxRun(smod)
# takes about a minute on Squishy.
# The same model all in R takes 1.46 hours.
# Speed-up is approx 70x.

# Check likelihoods of initial parameters
# -2LL
#summary(srun)$Minus2LogLikelihood # when major iterations is 0
#2*dlmLL(y=t(ty), mod=mfun(tinit)) + 200*9*log(2*pi) # dlm gives back -LL - CONST, so adjust it.  200 is N, 9 is k

# Results Examination


mxEval(A, srun); tA
omxCheckTrue(rms(mxEval(A, srun)[tA!=0], tA[tA!=0]) < .02)

mxEval(C, srun)[tC!=0]; tC[tC!=0]
omxCheckTrue(rms(mxEval(C, srun)[tC!=0], tC[tC!=0]) < .1)

diag(mxEval(R, srun)); diag(tR)
omxCheckTrue(rms(diag(mxEval(R, srun)), diag(tR)) < .1)

restA <- matrix(c(
 -0.3173239,  0.00000000,  0.00000000,
  0.0000000, -1.09531962, -0.04313248,
  0.0000000,  0.04313248, -1.09531962
  ), xdim, xdim, byrow=TRUE)
restC <- c(0.4789963, 0.6038891, 0.7602543, 0.9514004, 0.7272259,
	 1.0570274, 0.5431997, 1.0255853, 0.4885580)
restR <- c(0.3226227, 0.8767227, 1.1029966, 0.5607970, 0.1622717,
	 0.8304199, 0.7078884, 0.9453716, 0.9422717)

restAnew <- matrix(c(
	-0.4381936, 0, 0,
	0, -0.90029646, -0.08843642,
	0, 0.08843642, -0.90029646), xdim, xdim, byrow=TRUE)
restCnew <- c(0.4779426, 0.7274788, 0.7311741, 0.9677682, 0.7325752,
	1.0499232, 0.4789363, 1.0284996, 0.5794153)
restRnew <- c(0.3115990, 0.8528872, 1.1730305, 0.5813367, 0.1538722,
	0.8300052, 0.7317202, 0.8460866, 0.9378043)

# At least 7x improvement in dynamics estimation
omxCheckTrue(rms(restA, tA) / rms(restAnew, tA) > 7)

# At most 30% decrement in factor loadings estimation
omxCheckTrue(rms(restCnew, tC[tC!=0]) / rms(restC, tC[tC!=0]) < 1.3)

# At most 20% decrement in residual variance estimation
omxCheckTrue(rms(restRnew, diag(tR)) / rms(restR, diag(tR)) < 1.2)

omxCheckCloseEnough(diag(mxEval(A, srun)), diag(restAnew), 0.05)

omxCheckCloseEnough(mxEval(C, srun)[tC!=0], restCnew, 0.01)

omxCheckCloseEnough(diag(mxEval(R, srun)), restRnew, 0.02)

s <- solve(kronecker(diag(xdim), mxEval(A, srun)) + kronecker(mxEval(A, srun), diag(xdim)))
(asym_lvar <- matrix(-s %*% matrix(mxEval(Q, srun)), xdim, xdim))
(obs_lvar <- var(t(tx)))
omxCheckTrue(rms(vech(asym_lvar), vech(obs_lvar)) < .05)

(asym_ovar <- mxEval(C, srun) %*% asym_lvar %*% t(mxEval(C, srun)) + mxEval(R, srun))
(obs_ovar <- var(t(ty)))
omxCheckTrue(rms(vech(asym_ovar), vech(obs_ovar)) < 0.05)

# Done

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