
#   Copyright 2007-2019 by the individuals mentioned in the source code history
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#   limitations under the License.

#  OpenMx Ordinal Data Example
#  Revision history:
#		Michael Neale 14 Aug 2010

# Step 1: load libraries

# Step 2: set up simulation parameters 
# Note: nVariables>=3, nThresholds>=1, nSubjects>=nVariables*nThresholds (maybe more)
# and model should be identified
isIdentified<-function(nVariables,nFactors) as.logical(1+sign((nVariables*(nVariables-1)/2) -  nVariables*nFactors + nFactors*(nFactors-1)/2))
# if this function returns FALSE then model is not identified, otherwise it is.

loadings <- matrix(.7,nrow=nVariables,ncol=nFactors)
residuals <- 1 - (loadings * loadings)
sigma <- loadings %*% t(loadings) + vec2diag(residuals)
mu <- matrix(0,nrow=nVariables,ncol=1)
# Step 3: simulate multivariate normal data
continuousData <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n=nSubjects,mu,sigma)

# Step 4: chop continuous variables into ordinal data 
# with nThresholds+1 approximately equal categories, based on 1st variable
quants<-quantile(continuousData[,1],  probs = c((1:nThresholds)/(nThresholds+1)))
for(i in 1:nVariables)
ordinalData[,i] <- cut(as.vector(continuousData[,i]),c(-Inf,quants,Inf))

# Step 5: make the ordinal variables into R factors
ordinalData <- mxFactor(,levels=c(1:(nThresholds+1)))

# Step 6: name the variables

# Step 7: estimate the polychorics

#   Copyright 2007-2009 The OpenMx Project
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#   limitations under the License.

# Define function for computing polychoric/polyserial/pearson correlations
polychoricMatrix <- function(data, useDeviations=TRUE, run=TRUE, tryHard=FALSE) {
nvar <- dim(data)[[2]]
ncontinuous <- 0
nordinal <- 0
nthresh <- vector(mode="integer",nvar)
isord <- vector(mode="logical",nvar)
nameList <- names(data)
ordnameList <- vector(mode="character",nvar)
contnameList <- vector(mode="character",nvar)

# Figure out which variables are ordinal factors
correlationLabels <- matrix(NA,nrow=nvar,ncol=nvar)
for (i in 1:nvar) 
    if (is.factor(data[,i]))
        nordinal <- nordinal + 1
        nthresh[nordinal] <- length(table(data[,i]))-1
#        print(nthresh)
#       I think we can avoid this
#        data[,i] <- mxFactor(data[,i], c(0:nthresh[i]))
        ordnameList[nordinal] <- nameList[i]
        isord[i] <- TRUE
        ncontinuous <- ncontinuous + 1
        nthresh[i] <- 0
        contnameList[ncontinuous] <- nameList[i]
        isord[i] <- FALSE
# Label correlation parameters
    for (k in 1:nvar) 
        if (i > k) {
                    correlationLabels[i,k] <- paste("r",i,k)
                    correlationLabels[k,i] <- paste("r",i,k)
if (nordinal>0) {ordnameList<-ordnameList[1:nordinal]} else {ordnameList <- NULL}
if (ncontinuous>0) {contnameList<-contnameList[1:ncontinuous]} else {contnameList <- NULL}

# Find largest number of thresholds of all the ordinal variables
maxnthresh <- max(nthresh)

# Populate matrix with threshold deviations, starting threshold 1 at -1 and putting maximum at +1
# for efficiency, we could take a better guess to start with
minthresh <- -.5
maxthresh <- .5

# Construct either threshold deviation matrix or threshold direct estimate matrix - as long as there's at least one ordinal variable
if (nordinal > 0)
    if (useDeviations)
            thresholdDeviationValues <- matrix(0,nrow=maxnthresh, ncol=nordinal)
            thresholdDeviationValues[1,] <- minthresh
            thresholdDeviationLbounds <- matrix(nrow=maxnthresh, ncol=nordinal)
            thresholdDeviationLabels <- matrix(nrow=maxnthresh, ncol=nordinal)
            thresholdDeviationLabels[1,] <- paste("ThresholdDeviation ", 1, 1:nordinal)
            thresholdDeviationFree <- matrix(F,nrow=maxnthresh, ncol=nordinal)
            thresholdDeviationFree[1,] <- TRUE
            iordvar <- 0
        for (i in 1:nvar) 
            if (isord[i]) 
                    iordvar <- iordvar + 1
                        for (j in 2:nthresh[iordvar]) 
                                thresholdDeviationValues[j,iordvar] <- (maxthresh - minthresh) / nthresh[iordvar]
                                thresholdDeviationLbounds[j,iordvar] <- .001
                                thresholdDeviationLabels[j,iordvar] <- paste("ThresholdDeviation ", j, iordvar)
                                thresholdDeviationFree[j,iordvar] <- TRUE
            thresholdDirectEstimatesValues <- matrix(0,nrow=maxnthresh, ncol=nordinal)
            thresholdDirectEstimatesLbounds <- matrix(-Inf,nrow=maxnthresh, ncol=nordinal)
            thresholdDirectEstimatesLabels <- matrix(nrow=maxnthresh, ncol=nordinal)
            thresholdDirectEstimatesFree <- matrix(F,nrow=maxnthresh, ncol=nordinal)
            thresholdDirectEstimatesValues[1,] <- minthresh
            thresholdDirectEstimatesLabels[1,] <- paste("ThresholdDirectEstimates ", 1, 1:nordinal)
            thresholdDirectEstimatesFree[1,] <- TRUE
            iordvar <- 0
            for (i in 1:nvar) 
                    if (isord[i]) 
                        iordvar <- iordvar + 1
                                for (j in 2:nthresh[iordvar]) 
                                        thresholdDirectEstimatesValues[j,iordvar] <- minthresh + (j-1) * ((maxthresh - minthresh) / nthresh[iordvar])
                                        thresholdDirectEstimatesLabels[j,iordvar] <- paste("ThresholdDirectEstimate ", j, iordvar)
                                        thresholdDirectEstimatesFree[j,iordvar] <- TRUE
nameList <- names(data)
tnames <- paste("Threshold",1:maxnthresh,sep='')

# Define the model
model <- mxModel('model')
model <- mxModel(model, mxMatrix("Stand", name = "R", nrow = nvar, ncol = nvar, free=TRUE, labels=correlationLabels, lbound=-.999999999, ubound=.999999999, dimnames=list(nameList, nameList)))
model <- mxModel(model, mxMatrix("Full", name = "M", nrow = 1, ncol = nvar, free=!isord, dimnames = list('Mean', nameList)))
model <- mxModel(model, mxMatrix("Diag", name = "StdDev", nrow = nvar, ncol = nvar, free=!isord, values=1, lbound=.01, dimnames=list(nameList, nameList)))
model$expCov <- mxAlgebra(StdDev %&% R, dimnames=list(nameList,nameList))

# Algebra to compute Threshold matrix
if (nordinal > 0)
    if (useDeviations) 
        # For Multiplication
        model <- mxModel(model, mxMatrix("Lower", name="UnitLower", nrow = maxnthresh, ncol = maxnthresh, free=F, values=1))
        # Threshold differences:
        model <- mxModel(model, mxMatrix("Full", name="thresholdDeviations", nrow = maxnthresh, ncol = nordinal, free=thresholdDeviationFree,   values=thresholdDeviationValues, lbound=thresholdDeviationLbounds, labels = thresholdDeviationLabels))
        model <- mxModel(model, mxAlgebra(UnitLower %*% thresholdDeviations, dimnames=list(tnames,ordnameList), name="thresholds"))
        model <- mxModel(model, mxMatrix("Full", name="thresholds", ncol = nordinal, nrow = maxnthresh, free=thresholdDirectEstimatesFree, values=thresholdDirectEstimatesValues, lbound=thresholdDirectEstimatesLbounds, labels = thresholdDirectEstimatesLabels))

# Define the objective function
if (nordinal > 0)
    objective <- mxExpectationNormal(covariance="expCov", means="M", thresholds="thresholds", threshnames=ordnameList)
    objective <- mxExpectationNormal(covariance="expCov", means="M")

# Set up the raw data as an mxData object for analysis
dataMatrix <- mxData(data, type='raw')

# Add the objective function and the data to the model
model <- mxModel(model, objective, mxFitFunctionML(), dataMatrix)

# Run the job
			model <- mxTryHard(model, unsafe=T)
		}else{model <- mxRun(model, unsafe=T)}
		# Populate seMatrix for return
		seMatrix <- matrix(NA,nvar,nvar)
		for (i in 1:nvar){
		    for (j in i:nvar){
		        if(i != j) {
		            k <- k+1
		            seMatrix[i,j] <- model$output$standardErrors[k]
		            seMatrix[j,i] <- model$output$standardErrors[k]
		# Add dimnames to thresholds, which oddly are not in model$thresholds' output
		if(nordinal > 0) 
		        thresholds <- matrix(model$output$algebras$model.thresholds, nrow=maxnthresh, ncol=nordinal, dimnames=list(tnames,ordnameList))     
		        thresholds <- matrix(model$output$matrices$model.thresholds, nrow=maxnthresh, ncol=nordinal, dimnames=list(tnames,ordnameList))     
		    thresholds <- NULL
		# Not running so just create dummy objects for return
		seMatrix <- matrix(NA,nvar,nvar)
		thresholds <- NULL
# Return results      
return(list(polychorics=model$expCov$result, thresholds=thresholds, polychoricStandardErrors=seMatrix, Minus2LogLikelihood=model$output$Minus2LogLikelihood, Hessian=model$output$calculatedHessian, estHessian=model$output$estimatedHessian, estimatedModel=model))

# Pairwise wrapper function
polypairwise <- function (data, useDeviations=TRUE, printFit=FALSE, tryHard=FALSE, use="any") {
    nvar <- dim(data)[[2]]
    ncor <- nvar*(nvar-1)/2
    pairCorrelationMatrix <- matrix(diag(,nvar),nvar,nvar,dimnames=list(names(data),names(data)))
    pairErrorMatrix <- matrix(diag(,nvar),nvar,nvar,dimnames=list(names(data),names(data)))
    pairErrors <- matrix(0,ncor,1)
    pairCount <- 0
    namelist <- NULL
    for (var1 in 1:(nvar-1)) {
        for (var2 in (var1+1):(nvar)) {
            pairCount <- pairCount + 1
            if (use=="complete.obs")
                tempData <- data[complete.cases(data[,c(var1,var2)]),c(var1,var2)]
                tempData <- data[,c(var1,var2)]
            tempResult <- polychoricMatrix(tempData, useDeviations)
            pairCorrelationMatrix[var1,var2] <- tempResult$polychorics[2,1]
            pairCorrelationMatrix[var2,var1] <- pairCorrelationMatrix[var1,var2]
            pairErrors[pairCount] <- tempResult$polychoricStandardErrors[2,1]
            pairErrorMatrix[var1,var2] <- tempResult$polychoricStandardErrors[2,1]
            pairErrorMatrix[var2,var1] <- pairErrorMatrix[var1,var2]
            namelist <- c(namelist,paste(names(data[var1]),names(data[var2]),sep="-"))
            # If the variables are both ordinal, figure out -2lnL for all proportions
            sumres <- summary(tempResult$estimatedModel)
			nCells <- length(table(data[,c(var1,var2)]))
			df <- nCells-sumres$estimatedParameters-1
			diffchi <- NA
			pval <- NA
            if (is.factor(data[,var1]) && is.factor(data[,var2]))
                tabmatrix <- as.matrix(table(data[,c(var1,var2)],useNA='no'))
                proportions <- tabmatrix/sum(tabmatrix)
                logliks <- (log(proportions)*tabmatrix)
				minus2SatLogLik <- -2*sum(logliks[!])
				diffchi <- sumres$Minus2LogLikelihood - minus2SatLogLik
				pval <- ifelse(df<1,NA,pchisq(diffchi, df, lower.tail=F))
                cat(paste("\n -2 times saturated log-likelihood", minus2SatLogLik ))
                cat(paste("\n -2 times fitted log-likelihood", sumres$Minus2LogLikelihood))
                cat(paste("\n Difference in -2lnL units", diffchi))
                cat(paste("\n Number of parameters of fitted model",sumres$estimatedParameters))
                cat(paste("\n Number of cells of contingency table =",nCells))
                cat(paste("\n Effective number of degrees of freedom", (df)))
                cat(paste("\n p-value", pval))
                cat(paste("\n N = ", sum(tabmatrix)))
            }else{minus2SatLogLik<-NA; diffchi<-NA; pval<-NA}
    dimnames(pairErrors) <- list(namelist,"est(SE)")

# Pairwise wrapper function
polytriowise <- function (data, useDeviations=TRUE, printFit=FALSE, use="any") {
    nvar <- dim(data)[[2]]
    if(nvar < 3) stop("Must have at least three variables for trio-wise polychorics")
    ncor <- nvar*(nvar-1)/2
    pairCorrelationMatrix <- matrix(NA,nvar,nvar,dimnames=list(names(data),names(data)))
    diag(pairCorrelationMatrix) <- 1
    pairErrorMatrix <- matrix(diag(,nvar),nvar,nvar,dimnames=list(names(data),names(data)))
    pairErrors <- matrix(0,ncor,1)
    pairCount <- 0
    namelist <- NULL
    for (var1 in 1:(nvar2-1)) {
        for (var2 in (var1+1):(nvar2)) {
            pairCount <- pairCount + 1
            if (use=="complete.obs")
                tempData <- cbind(mustHaveData,data[complete.cases(data[,c(var1,var2)]),c(var1,var2)])
                tempData <- cbind(mustHaveData,data[,c(var1,var2)])
            tempResult <- polychoricMatrix(tempData, useDeviations)
            pairCorrelationMatrix[var1,var2] <- tempResult$polychorics[2,1]
            pairCorrelationMatrix[var2,var1] <- pairCorrelationMatrix[var1,var2]
            pairErrors[pairCount] <- tempResult$polychoricStandardErrors[2,1]
            pairErrorMatrix[var1,var2] <- tempResult$polychoricStandardErrors[2,1]
            pairErrorMatrix[var2,var1] <- pairErrorMatrix[var1,var2]
            namelist <- c(namelist,paste(names(data[var1]),names(data[var2]),sep="-"))
            # If the variables are both ordinal, figure out -2lnL for all proportions
            if (is.factor(data[,var1]) && is.factor(data[,var2]))
                tabmatrix <- as.matrix(table(data[,c(var1,var2)],useNA='no'))
                proportions <- tabmatrix/sum(tabmatrix)
                logliks <- (log(proportions)*tabmatrix)
                cat(paste("\n -2 times saturated log-likelihood", minus2SatLogLik <- -2*sum(logliks[!])))
                sumres <- summary(tempResult$estimatedModel)
                cat(paste("\n -2 times fitted log-likelihood", sumres$Minus2LogLikelihood))
                cat(paste("\n Difference in -2lnL units", diffchi <- sumres$Minus2LogLikelihood - minus2SatLogLik))
                cat(paste("\n Number of parameters of fitted model",sumres$estimatedParameters))
                cat(paste("\n Number of cells of contingency table =",nCells <- length(table(data[,c(var1,var2)]))))
                cat(paste("\n Effective number of degrees of freedom", (df <- nCells-sumres$estimatedParameters-1)))
                cat(paste("\n p-value", pchisq(diffchi, df, lower.tail=F)))
                cat(paste("\n N = ", sum(tabmatrix)))
#    dimnames(pairErrors) <- list(namelist,"est(SE)")


corrs <- polypairwise(ordinalData)

# Step 9: Confirm results
omxCheckCloseEnough(corrs$ChiSq, 2.80837, .01)
omxCheckCloseEnough(corrs$R[1,2], 0.4814827, .001)
omxCheckCloseEnough(corrs$R[1,3], 0.3947555, .001)
omxCheckCloseEnough(corrs$R[2,3], 0.5240335, .001)

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