#' @rdname manage_spec
#' @title Manage spectral objects
#' @description
#' \code{c_spec()} concatenates \code{OpenSpecy} objects.
#' \code{sample_spec()} samples spectra from an \code{OpenSpecy} object.
#' \code{merge_map()} merge two \code{OpenSpecy} objects from spectral maps.
#' @param x a list of \code{OpenSpecy} objects or of file paths.
#' @param range a numeric providing your own wavenumber ranges or character
#' argument called \code{"common"} to let \code{c_spec()} find the common
#' wavenumber range of the supplied spectra. \code{NULL} will interpret the
#' spectra having all the same wavenumber range.
#' @param res defaults to \code{NULL}, the resolution you want the output
#' wavenumbers to be.
#' @param size the number of spectra to sample.
#' @param prob probabilities to use for the sampling.
#' @param origins a list with 2 value vectors of x y coordinates for the offsets of each image.
#' @param \ldots further arguments passed to submethods.
#' @return
#' \code{c_spec()} and \code{sample_spec()} return \code{OpenSpecy} objects.
#' @examples
#' # Concatenating spectra
#' spectra <- lapply(c(read_extdata("raman_hdpe.csv"),
#' read_extdata("ftir_ldpe_soil.asp")), read_any)
#' common <- c_spec(spectra, range = "common", res = 5)
#' range <- c_spec(spectra, range = c(1000, 2000), res = 5)
#' # Sampling spectra
#' tiny_map <- read_any(read_extdata(""))
#' sampled <- sample_spec(tiny_map, size = 3)
#' @author
#' Zacharias Steinmetz, Win Cowger
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link[OpenSpecy]{conform_spec}()} for conforming wavenumbers
#' @importFrom data.table data.table fread rbindlist
#' @export
c_spec <- function(x, ...) {
#' @rdname manage_spec
#' @export
c_spec.default <- function(x, ...) {
stop("object 'x' needs to be a list of 'OpenSpecy' objects")
#' @rdname manage_spec
#' @export
c_spec.OpenSpecy <- function(x, ...) {
message("object 'x' needs to be a list of 'OpenSpecy' objects; ",
"nothing to concatenate, returning 'x'")
#' @rdname manage_spec
#' @export
c_spec.list <- function(x, range = NULL, res = 5, ...) {
x <- lapply(x, read_any)
if(!all(vapply(x, function(y) {inherits(y, "OpenSpecy")}, FUN.VALUE = T)))
stop("object 'x' needs to be a list of 'OpenSpecy' objects", call. = F)
if(!is.null(range)) {
if(is.numeric(range)) {
wn <- range
else if(!is.null(range) && range == "common") {
pmin <- vapply(x, function(y) min(y$wavenumber), FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
pmax <- vapply(x, function(y) max(y$wavenumber), FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
if(any(max(pmin) > pmax) | any(min(pmax) < pmin))
stop("data points need to overlap in their ranges", call. = F)
wn <- c(max(pmin), min(pmax))
} else {
stop("If range is specified it should be a numeric vector or 'common'",
call. = F)
x <- lapply(x, conform_spec, range = wn, res = res)
unlisted <- unlist(unname(x), recursive = F)
list <- tapply(unlisted, names(unlisted), unname)
if(length(unique(vapply(list$wavenumber, length, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1)))) > 1 &
is.null(range)) {
stop("wavenumbers need to be identical between spectra; specify how; use ",
"'range' to specify how wavenumbers should be merged", call. = F)
as_OpenSpecy(x = list$wavenumber[[1]],
spectra =$spectra),
metadata = rbindlist(list$metadata, fill = T)[,-c("x","y")]
#' @rdname manage_spec
#' @export
sample_spec <- function(x, ...) {
#' @rdname manage_spec
#' @export
sample_spec.default <- function(x, ...) {
stop("object 'x' needs to be of class 'OpenSpecy'")
#' @rdname manage_spec
#' @export
sample_spec.OpenSpecy <- function(x, size = 1, prob = NULL, ...) {
# replace = false is mandatory currently because we don't have a way to
# rename and recoordinate duplicates.
cols <- sample(1:ncol(x$spectra), size = size, replace = FALSE, prob = prob, ...)
filter_spec(x, cols)
#' @rdname manage_spec
#' @export
merge_map <- function(x, ...) {
#' @rdname manage_spec
#' @export
merge_map.default <- function(x, ...) {
stop("object 'x' needs to be a list of 'OpenSpecy' objects or file paths")
#' @rdname manage_spec
#' @export
merge_map.OpenSpecy <- function(x, ...) {
stop("object 'x' needs to be a list of 'OpenSpecy' objects or file paths")
#' @rdname manage_spec
#' @export
merge_map.list <- function(x, origins = NULL, ...) {
map <- lapply(x, read_any)
map <- x
origin = lapply(map, function(x) unique(x$metadata$description))
pix_size = lapply(map, function(x) unique(x$metadata$`pixel size`))
pixel_size = vapply(pix_size, function(x) as.numeric(gsub("(\\{)|(\\})|(,.*)", "",x))*10^6, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
originx = vapply(origin, function(x) gsub(",.*", "", gsub(".*X=", "", x)) |> as.numeric(), FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
originy = vapply(origin, function(x) gsub(".*Y=", "", x) |> as.numeric(), FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
xoffset = as.integer((originx-min(originx))/pixel_size)
yoffset = as.integer((originy-min(originy))/pixel_size)
if(!is.list(origins)) stop("origins must be a list of 2 value x y vectors or NULL if trying to automate")
xoffset = vapply(origins, function(x) x[1], FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
yoffset = vapply(origins, function(x) x[2], FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
if(!is.numeric(xoffset)) stop("Origin extraction failed, the hdr file must have description metadata or you must provide numeric values in your list.")
for(x in 1:length(map)){
map[[x]]$metadata$x <- map[[x]]$metadata$x + xoffset[x]
map[[x]]$metadata$y <- map[[x]]$metadata$y + yoffset[x]
unlisted <- unlist(unname(map), recursive = F)
list <- tapply(unlisted, names(unlisted), unname)
map <- as_OpenSpecy(x = list$wavenumber[[1]],
spectra =$spectra),
metadata = rbindlist(list$metadata, fill = T))
ts <- transpose(map$spectra)
ts$id <- paste(map$metadata$x, map$metadata$y, sep = ",")
map$metadata$sample_name <- paste(map$metadata$x, map$metadata$y, sep = ",")
map$spectra <- ts[, lapply(.SD, median, na.rm = T), by = "id"] |>
transpose(make.names = "id")
map$metadata <- map$metadata |>
unique(by = c("sample_name", "x", "y"))
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