# functions (from phunding package) to deal with open tree Taxonomy rotl
# functions, namely, rotl::taxonomy_taxon_info()
#' Identify, extract and clean taxonomic children names from a [taxonomy_taxon_info()]
#' output.
#' @param taxon_info An output of [rotl::taxonomy_taxon_info()].
#' @param invalid A character vector of "flags", i.e., characteristics that are
#' used by Open Tree of Life Taxonomy to detect invalid taxon names.
#' @return A list with valid children unique OTT names, OTT ids and taxonomic ranks.
#' @description `clean_taxon_info_children` eliminates all taxa that will give
#' problems when trying to retrieve an induced subtree from Open Tree of Life.
# # ' @examples
# # ' # Some suppressed taxa within "Gleicheniales" family of ferns:
# # ' tt <- rotl::taxonomy_taxon_info(3866048)
# # ' rotl::taxonomy_taxon_info(5262766)
#' @export
clean_taxon_info_children <- function(taxon_info,
invalid = c("barren",
"hybrid")) {
for (i in seq(taxon_info)) {
# length(tax_info[[i]][[1]]$children)
# sapply(tax_info[[i]][[1]]$children, length)
# length(sapply(sapply(tax_info[[i]][[1]]$children, "[", "flags"), function(y) unlist(tolower(y))))
# sapply(sapply(tax_info[[i]][[1]]$children, "[", "flags"), function(y) unlist(tolower(y)))[1]
ii <- lapply(sapply(sapply(taxon_info[[i]]$children, "[", "flags"), unlist), function(y) any(invalid %in% y))
# ii <- lapply(sapply(sapply(taxon_info[[i]][[1]]$children, "[", "flags"), unlist), function(y) any(toupper(invalid) %in% y))
if (length(ii) > 0) {
taxon_info[[i]]$children <- taxon_info[[i]]$children[!unlist(ii)]
# now clean names with sp. or environmental
ii <- unlist(sapply(c("sp\\.", "environmental", "unclassified", "incertae"), function(x) grep(x, sapply(sapply(taxon_info[[i]]$children, "[", "unique_name"), unlist))))
if (length(ii) > 0) {
taxon_info[[i]]$children <- taxon_info[[i]]$children[-unique(ii)]
# taxon_info[[i]][[1]]$children <- taxon_info[[i]][[1]]$children[!unlist(ii)]
#' Check input for other functions
#' `check_ott_input is currently used in functions `[get_ott_clade()],
#' [get_ott_children()].
#' @param input Optional. A character vector of names.
#' @param ott_ids If not NULL, it takes this argument and ignores input. A
#' numeric vector of ott ids obtained with [rotl::taxonomy_taxon_info()] or
#' [rotl::tnrs_match_names()] or [tnrs_match()].
#' @return A named numeric vector of valid Open Tree Taxonomy (OTT) ids.
#' @export
#' @details By default, it uses the `ott_id` argument if it is not NULL.
check_ott_input <- function(input = NULL, ott_ids = NULL) {
# for debugging:
# utils::data(threebirds.rda)
# input <- threebirds_query$cleaned_names
# ott_ids <- threebirds_query$ott_ids
if (is.null(input) & is.null(ott_ids)) {
message("Both input arguments are empty; please specify one.")
if (is.null(ott_ids) | all( {
if (is.numeric(input$ott_id)) {
ott_ids <- input$ott_ids
names(ott_ids) <- input$cleaned_names
} else {
input_tnrs <- tnrs_match(input = input$cleaned_names)
# should we clean tnrs from invalid? what about NA's? Maybe only NA's at the end, so we can tell users what was unsuccessful
# if we decide to clean, the two following lines should be uncommented:
# input_tnrs <- clean_tnrs(tnrs = input_tnrs)
# input_tnrs <- input_tnrs[!$unique_name),] # gets rid of names not matched with rotl::tnrs_match_names; otherwise rotl::tol_induced_subtree won't run
ott_ids <- input_tnrs$ott_id
names(ott_ids) <- input_tnrs$unique_name
# ott_ids <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(ott_ids))
if (!is.numeric(ott_ids)) {
ott_ids2 <- ott_ids
message("ott_ids is not a numeric vector; coercing to numeric.")
ott_ids <- as.numeric(ott_ids)
if (any( {
message(paste0("\nInput '", paste(names(input)[which(], collapse = "', '"), "' not numeric."))
if (is.null(names(ott_ids))) {
# ott_ids <- c(1, ott_ids) # if ott_ids does not exist it will give an error
# so we're catching it in an sapply, and giving "error" when it errors.
names(ott_ids) <- unlist(sapply(seq(length(ott_ids)), function(i) {
tryCatch(rotl::tax_name(rotl::taxonomy_taxon_info(ott_ids = ott_ids[i])),
error = function(e) "error"
# then we subset it:
if (any(grepl("error", names(ott_ids)))) {
message(paste0("\nott_id '", paste(ott_ids[grepl("error", names(ott_ids))], collapse = "', '"), "' not found in Open Tree of Life Taxonomy."))
ott_ids <- ott_ids[!grepl("error", names(ott_ids))]
# now check for NAs:
if (any( {
message(paste0("\nInput '", paste(names(input)[which(], collapse = "', '"), "' not found in Open Tree of Life Taxonomy."))
ott_ids <- ott_ids[which(!]
if (length(ott_ids) < 1) {
message("At least one valid input name or numeric ott IDs are needed to get any information")
#' Get the Open Tree of Life Taxonomic identifier (OTT id) and name of all lineages
#' from one or more input taxa.
#' @inheritParams check_ott_input
#' @return A list of named numeric vectors of ott ids from input and all the clades it belongs to.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' taxa <- c("Homo", "Bacillus anthracis", "Apis", "Salvia")
#' # lin <- get_ott_lineage(taxa)
#' # Look up an unknown OTT id:
#' get_ott_lineage(ott_id = 454749)
#' } # end donttest
#' @export
get_ott_lineage <- function(input = NULL, ott_ids = NULL) {
# ott_ids <- c(335590, 555178, 748370, 1070795, 3942422, 907458, 472526, 820645, 31926, 756728, 605194, 490099)
# ott_ids <- c(417116, 120960)
# ott_ids <- 417116
input_ott_match <- check_ott_input(input, ott_ids)
tax_info <- .get_ott_lineage(input_ott_match)
lin <- lapply(tax_info, "[", "lineage")
ott_names <- lapply(lin, function(x) unlist(sapply(x[[1]], "[", "unique_name")))
# unlist(sapply(lin[[1]][[1]], "[", "unique_name"))
# length(ott_names) == length(tax_info)
# ott_ids <- sapply(seq(length(lin)), function(x) stats::setNames(unlist(sapply(lin[[x]][[1]], "[", "ott_id")), ott_names[[x]]))
ott_ids <- lapply(seq(length(lin)), function(x) unlist(sapply(lin[[x]][[1]], "[", "ott_id")))
ott_ranks <- lapply(seq(length(lin)), function(x) unlist(sapply(lin[[x]][[1]], "[", "rank")))
# if(length(ott_ids) == 1){
# res <- list(matrix(c(ott_ids, ott_ranks), ncol =2, dimnames = list(ott_names, c("ott_ids", "ott_ranks"))))
# } else {
mat <- function(x) {
matrix(c(ott_ids[[x]], ott_ranks[[x]]), ncol = 2, dimnames = list(ott_names[[x]], c("ott_ids", "ott_ranks")))
res <- lapply(seq(length(lin)), mat)
# }
# enhance: ott_id names should be the name of the rank, look at the example to see why
names(res) <- names(input_ott_match)
# stats::setNames(ott_ids, names(input_ott_match))
#' Get the lineage of a set of taxa.
#' `.get_ott_lineage` uses [rotl::taxonomy_taxon_info()] with `include_lineage = TRUE`.
#' @param input_ott_match An Output of check_ott_input function.
#' @return A taxonomy_taxon_info object
.get_ott_lineage <- function(input_ott_match) {
tax_info <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(input_ott_match))
progression <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(tax_info), style = 3)
for (i in seq(length(input_ott_match))) {
tax_info[i] <- tryCatch(rotl::taxonomy_taxon_info(input_ott_match[i], include_lineage = TRUE),
error = function(e) NA
utils::setTxtProgressBar(progression, i)
cat("\n") # just to make the progress bar look better
#' Get the Open Tree of Life Taxonomic identifiers (OTT ids) and name of one or
#' several given taxonomic ranks from one or more input taxa.
#' @inheritParams check_ott_input
#' @inheritParams get_ott_children
#' @return A list of named numeric vectors with OTT ids from input and all requested ranks.
#' @export
get_ott_clade <- function(input = NULL, ott_ids = NULL, ott_rank = "family") {
# ott_ids= c('649007', '782239', '782231', '1053057', '372826', '766272', '36015', '914245', '873016', '684051')
# ott_ids = c('431493', '431493', '431493', '431493', '431493', '431493', '431493', '429482', '429482', '429482')
rank <- ott_rank
input_ott_match <- check_ott_input(input, ott_ids)
tax_info <- .get_ott_lineage(input_ott_match)
# names(tax_info[[10]])
# sapply(tax_info[[10]]$lineage, "[", "rank")
# length(tax_info[[10]]$lineage)
# names(tax_info[[10]]$lineage[[1]])
# tax_info[[10]]$lineage[[1]]$flags
input_ott_names <- unlist(sapply(tax_info, "[", "unique_name"))
rank_ott_ids <- rank_names <- lapply(seq(length(rank)), function(x) rep(NA, length(input_ott_names)))
# I still need to drop all invalid lineages first here!!!
for (i in seq(length(rank))) {
ready <- grepl(rank[i], unlist(sapply(tax_info, "[", "rank")))
if (any(ready)) {
rank_names[[i]][ready] <- unlist(sapply(tax_info[ready], "[", "unique_name"))
rank_ott_ids[[i]][ready] <- unlist(sapply(tax_info[ready], "[", "ott_id"))
if (!all(ready)) {
rank_names[[i]][!ready] <- sapply(tax_info[!ready], function(x) {
lin <- tryCatch(x$lineage[grep(paste0("^", rank[i], "$"), sapply(x$lineage, "[", "rank"))][[1]]$unique_name,
error = function(e) NA
rank_ott_ids[[i]][!ready] <- sapply(tax_info[!ready], function(x) {
lin <- tryCatch(x$lineage[grep(paste0("^", rank[i], "$"), sapply(x$lineage, "[", "rank"))][[1]]$ott_id,
error = function(e) NA
names(rank_ott_ids[[i]]) <- rank_names[[i]]
# length(rank_ott_ids[i])
# stop()
names(input_ott_match) <- input_ott_names
res <- c(list(input_ott_match), rank_ott_ids)
names(res) <- c("input", rank)
# .get_ott_clade <- function(input, rank){
# tax_info <- tryCatch(rotl::taxonomy_taxon_info(input, include_lineage = TRUE),
# error = function(e) NA)
# input_ott_names <- tax_info$unique_name
# rank_ott_ids <- rank_names <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(rank))
# # I still need to drop all invalid lineages first here!!!
# for (i in seq(length(rank))){
# if(rank[i] %in% tax_info[[1]]$rank){
# rank_names <- tax_info[[1]]$unique_name
# rank_ott_ids <- tax_info[[1]]$ott_id
# } else {
# rank_names[[i]] <- sapply(tax_info, function(x) {
# lin <- tryCatch(x$lineage[grep(paste0("^", rank[i], "$"), sapply(x$lineage, "[", "rank"))][[1]]$unique_name,
# error = function(e) NA)
# return(lin)
# })
# rank_ott_ids[[i]] <- sapply(tax_info, function(x) {
# lin <- tryCatch(x$lineage[grep(paste0("^", rank[i], "$"), sapply(x$lineage, "[", "rank"))][[1]]$ott_id,
# error = function(e) NA)
# return(lin)
# })
# }
# names(rank_ott_ids[[i]]) <- rank_names[[i]]
# # length(rank_ott_ids[i])
# # stop()
# }
# return(rank_ott_ids)
# }
#' Extract valid children from given taxonomic name(s) or Open Tree of Life
#' Taxonomic identifiers (OTT ids) from a taxonomic source.
#' @inheritParams check_ott_input
#' @param taxonomic_source A character vector with the desired taxonomic sources.
#' Options are "ncbi", "gbif" or "irmng". Any other value will retrieve data
#' from all taxonomic sources. The function defaults to "ncbi".
#' @return A named list containing valid taxonomic children of given taxonomic name(s).
#' @details
#' GBIF and other taxonomies contain deprecated taxa that are not marked as such
#' in the Open Tree of Life Taxonomy.
#' We are relying mainly in the NCBI taxonomy for now.
#' @examples
#' # genus Dictyophyllidites with ott id = 6003921 has only extinct children
#' # in cases like this the same name will be returned
#' tti <- rotl::taxonomy_taxon_info(6003921, include_children = TRUE)
#' gvc <- get_valid_children(ott_ids = 6003921)
#' # More examples:
#' get_valid_children(ott_ids = 769681) # Psilotopsida
#' get_valid_children(ott_ids = 56601) # Marchantiophyta
# input= "Erythrospiza" # obsolete genus that is still on OTT
# input = c("Felis", "Homo", "Malvaceae")
# input = "Telespiza"
#' @export
get_valid_children <- function(input = NULL, ott_ids = NULL, taxonomic_source = "ncbi") {
taxonomic_source_here <- tryCatch(match.arg(taxonomic_source, c("ncbi", "gbif", "irmng")),
error = function(e) NULL
input_ott_match <- check_ott_input(input, ott_ids)
all_children <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(input_ott_match))
# monotypic <- vector(mode = "logical", length = length(input_ott_match))
progression <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(all_children), style = 3)
for (i in seq(length(input_ott_match))) {
tt <- tryCatch(rotl::taxonomy_taxon_info(input_ott_match[i], include_children = TRUE),
error = function(e) NA
# length(tt[[1]])
tt <- clean_taxon_info_children(tt) # removes all invalid children
if (length(tt[[1]]$children) > 0) {
# sapply(tt[[1]]$children, "[", "flags")
# sapply(tt[[1]]$children, "[", "unique_name")
# which(unlist(sapply(tt[[1]]$children, "[", "unique_name")) == "Mesangiospermae")
# tt[[1]]$children[108]
rr <- unname(unlist(sapply(tt[[1]]$children, "[", "rank")))
child <- unname(unlist(sapply(tt[[1]]$children, "[", "ott_id")))
tax_sources <- unname(lapply(seq(length(tt[[1]]$children)), function(k) {
# names(tt[[1]]$children[[1]])
# unname(unlist(sapply(tt[[1]]$children, "[", "flags")))
# unname(unlist(sapply(tt[[1]]$children, "[", "is_suppressed")))
# unname(unlist(sapply(tt[[1]]$children, "[", "source")))
names(tax_sources) <- names(child) <- names(rr) <- unname(unlist(sapply(tt[[1]]$children, "[", "unique_name")))
monotypic <- FALSE
} else {
child <- tt[[1]]$ott_id
rr <- tt[[1]]$rank
# tax_sources <- list(unlist(tt[[1]]$children[[2]]$tax_sources))
tax_sources <- list(unlist(tt[[1]]$tax_sources))
names(tax_sources) <- names(child) <- names(rr) <- tt[[1]]$unique_name
monotypic <- TRUE
if (inherits(taxonomic_source_here, "character")) {
keep <- sapply(tax_sources, function(x) any(grepl(taxonomic_source_here, x)))
child <- child[keep]
rr <- rr[keep]
all_children[[i]] <- list(children = data.frame(ott_id = child, rank = rr), is_monotypic = monotypic)
utils::setTxtProgressBar(progression, i)
cat("\n") # just to make the progress bar look better
names(all_children) <- names(input_ott_match)
#' Use this instead of [rotl::tol_subtree()] when taxa are not in synthesis tree and
#' you still need to get all species or an induced OpenTree subtree
#' @inheritParams check_ott_input
#' @param ott_rank A character vector with the ranks you wanna get lineage children from.
#' @param ... Other arguments to pass to [get_valid_children()].
#' @return A `data.frame` object.
#' @examples
#' # An example with the dog genus:
#' # It is currently not possible to get an OpenTree subtree of a taxon that is
#' # missing from the OpenTree synthetic tree.
#' # The dog genus is not monophyletic in the OpenTree synthetic tree, so in
#' # practice, it has no node to extract a subtree from.
#' # Get the Open Tree Taxonomy identifier (OTT id) for "Canis":
#' tnrs <- tnrs_match("Canis")
#' \dontrun{
#' rotl::tol_subtree(tnrs$ott_id[1])
#' #> Error: HTTP failure: 400
#' #> [/v3/tree_of_life/subtree] Error: node_id was not found (broken taxon).
#' } # end dontrun
#' \donttest{
#' ids <- tnrs$ott_id[1]
#' names(ids) <- tnrs$unique_name
#' children <- get_ott_children(ott_ids = ids) # or
#' # children <- get_ott_children(input = "Canis")
#' str(children)
#' ids <- children$Canis$ott_id
#' names(ids) <- rownames(children$Canis)
#' tree_children <- rotl::tol_induced_subtree(ott_ids = ids)
#' plot(tree_children, cex = 0.3)
#' # An example with flowering plants:
#' # orders <- get_ott_children(input = "magnoliophyta", ott_rank = "order")
#' # Get the number of orders of flowering plants that we have
#' # sum(orders$Magnoliophyta$rank == "order")
#' } # end donttest
#' @export
# children <- get_ott_children(input = "Fringillidae")
# rotl::tol_subtree(ott_id = 839319) # broken taxa
# children <- get_ott_children(input = "Cetaceae")
# nrow(children[[1]])
# sum(children[[1]]$rank == "species")
get_ott_children <- function(input = NULL, ott_ids = NULL, ott_rank = "species", ...) {
# iput <- c("Felis", "Homo", "Malvaceae")
input_ott_match <- check_ott_input(input, ott_ids)
# names(input_ott_match)
all_children <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(input_ott_match))
input_ott_match_ranks <- unlist(sapply(rotl::taxonomy_taxon_info(input_ott_match), "[", "rank"))
# grepl(paste0("\\b", ott_rank, "\\b"), c("species", "subspecies"))
ott_ranki <- grepl(paste0("\\b", ott_rank, "\\b"), input_ott_match_ranks)
df <- data.frame(ott_id = input_ott_match[ott_ranki], rank = rep(ott_rank, sum(ott_ranki)))
all_children[ott_ranki] <- lapply(seq(nrow(df)), function(i) df[i, ])
# all_children[c(T,F,T)] <- input[c(T,F,T)]
# sum(c(T,F,T))
# progression <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(all_children), style = 3)
if (any(sapply(all_children, is.null))) {
input_ott_match <- input_ott_match[sapply(all_children, is.null)]
for (i in seq(length(input_ott_match))) {
mm <- data.frame(ott_ids = vector(mode = "numeric", length = 0), rank = vector(mode = "logical", length = 0))
vv <- get_valid_children(ott_ids = input_ott_match[i], ...)
success <- vv[[1]]$children$rank == ott_rank | vv[[1]]$is_monotypic
if (any(success)) {
mm <- rbind(mm, vv[[1]]$children[success, ])
while (!all(success)) {
vv <- get_valid_children(ott_ids = unlist(sapply(sapply(
vv, "[",
), "[", "ott_id"))[!success], ...)
if (any(unlist(sapply(vv, "[", "is_monotypic")))) {
dd <-"rbind", sapply(vv[unlist(sapply(vv, "[", "is_monotypic"))], "[", "children"))
rownames(dd) <- unname(unlist(sapply(sapply(vv[unlist(sapply(vv, "[", "is_monotypic"))], "[", "children"), rownames)))
# rownames(dd) <- gsub("\\..*", "", rownames(dd))
mm <- rbind(mm, dd)
vv <- vv[!unlist(sapply(vv, "[", "is_monotypic"))]
success <- unlist(sapply(sapply(vv, "[", "children"), "[", "rank")) == ott_rank
if (any(success)) {
dd <-"rbind", sapply(vv, "[", "children"))[success, ]
rownames(dd) <- unname(unlist(sapply(sapply(vv, "[", "children"), rownames)))[success]
# rownames(dd) <- gsub("\\..*", "", rownames(dd))
mm <- rbind(mm, dd)
# utils::setTxtProgressBar(progression, i)
# its easier to do the row naming in the previous steps, bc the following is much time consuming:
# rownames(mm) <- unname(unlist(sapply(rotl::taxonomy_taxon_info(mm$ott_ids), "[", "unique_name")))
all_children[[i]] <- mm
names(all_children) <- names(input_ott_match)
#' Get an mrcaott tag from an OpenTree induced synthetic tree and get its name and ott id
#' @param tag A character vector with the mrca tag
#' @return A numeric vector with ott id from original taxon named with the corresponding ott name
#' @export
recover_mrcaott <- function(tag) {
# for debugging:
# tag <- "mrcaott7813ott454749"
# tag = "mrcaott4291ott4292"
# tag = "mrcaott27233ott44289"
# tag = "mrcaott80776ott602508"
if (!grep("mrcaott", tag)) {
message("incorrect tag")
mrca_ottids1 <- gsub("mrcaott", "", tag)
mrca_ottids1 <- gsub("ott.*", "", mrca_ottids1)
ott_ids <- c(mrca_ottids1, gsub("mrcaott.*ott", "", tag))
mrca_lin <- get_ott_lineage(ott_ids = as.numeric(ott_ids))
mm <- match(rownames(mrca_lin[[1]]), rownames(mrca_lin[[2]]))
mm <- mm[!]
return(stats::setNames(mrca_lin[[2]][mm[1], "ott_ids"], rownames(mrca_lin[[2]])[mm[1]]))
# TODO: all these functions could be wrapped up into two or three single ones
# one to get one or all the lineages above a taxon
# another one to get some or all lineages below a taxon
# one to get everything: all_upper, all_lower, all (both upper and lower), or th eones specified by the users
# for example:
# get_ott_lineage(input = c("Felis", "Homo"), ott_ids = NULL, ott_rank = c("all", "all_upper", "all_lower"))
# get a list of all ranks available in ott
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