# function to generate simulated network
generate_net <-
function(N = 1000 ,
num_seed = 2 ,
multiple_node = 1 ,
specific_start = NULL ,
m = 1 ,
prob_m = FALSE ,
increase = FALSE ,
log = FALSE ,
no_new_node_step = 0 ,
m_no_new_node_step = m ,
custom_PA = NULL ,
mode = 1 ,
alpha = 1 ,
beta = 2 ,
sat_at = 100 ,
offset = 1 ,
mode_f = "gamma" ,
s = 10
# N: number of nodes
# Number of time-step: (N - num_seed) / multiple_node
oopts <- options(scipen = 999)
if (num_seed >= N)
stop("num_seed too large")
if (num_seed < 2)
stop("num_seed too small")
if (multiple_node > N - num_seed)
stop("Multiple node and/or num_seed are too large")
if ((alpha < 0 && mode != 1) || (beta < 0) || (sat_at < 0) || (s < 0) || (m <= 0))
stop("The parameters must be non-negative")
if ((mode[1] != 1) && (mode[1] != 3) && (mode[1] != 2))
stop("Mode must be 1, 2, or3.")
if (no_new_node_step < 0)
stop("no_new_node_step should be a non-negative integer.")
# a rough estimate, clearly not enough when increase = TRUE, or not exact when prob_m = TRUE
num_of_edge <- num_seed - 1 + m * (N - num_seed) + no_new_node_step * m_no_new_node_step
edge_list <- matrix(nrow = num_of_edge, ncol = 3,0)
#graph <- vector("list", N)
# Node weights in the BA model.
gamma = {
# gamma distribution
if (s > 0)
fitness <- rgamma(N,rate = s,shape = s)
else fitness <- rep(1,N)},
log_normal ={
# log_normal distribution
if (s > 0) {
meanlog <- -1/2 * log(1/s + 1)
sdlog <- sqrt(log(1/s + 1))
fitness <- rlnorm(N, meanlog = meanlog, sdlog = sdlog)
} else {
fitness <- rep(1,N)
power_law = {
if (s > 0) {
shape_pareto <- sqrt(s + 1) + 1
scale_pareto <- sqrt(s + 1) / (sqrt(s + 1) + 1)
fitness <- rpareto(N, scale = scale_pareto, shape = shape_pareto)
} else {
fitness <- rep(1,N)
stop('mode_f must be either "gamma", "log_normal" or "power_law"')
names(fitness) <- as.character(as.numeric(1:N))
edge_list_index <- 1
for (n in 2:num_seed) {
edge_list[edge_list_index,] <- c(n,n - 1,0);
edge_list_index <- edge_list_index + 1
#print(edge_list[1:(edge_list_index - 1),])
degree <- rep(0,num_seed)
names(degree) <- as.numeric(1:num_seed)
u <- table(edge_list[1:(edge_list_index - 1),2])
degree[as.character(as.numeric(labels(u)[[1]]))] <- degree[as.character(as.numeric(labels(u)[[1]]))] + u
P <- degree
P[P == 0] <- offset
seed.graph.size <- length(P)
count <- 0
# n is the size of the current network
n <- seed.graph.size
sum_m <- 0
current_time_step <- 0 # current time_step
current_length_edge <- dim(edge_list)[1] # current size of the edge_list matrix
i <- 1
break_flag <- FALSE
PA_vector <- vector()
while (!break_flag) {
# at each time_step: save n
n_old <- n
if (!is.null(custom_PA)) {
A <- custom_PA
final_A <- A[length(A)]
temp <- A[P + 1]
temp[] <- final_A
PA_vector <- temp
P.sum <- sum(temp * fitness[1:n_old])
node.weights <- temp * fitness[1:n_old]/P.sum
if (mode[1] == 1) {
P.sum <- sum(P^alpha*fitness[1:n_old])
node.weights <- P^alpha*fitness[1:n_old]/P.sum
} else if (mode[1] == 2) {
temp <- pmin(P,sat_at)^alpha
P.sum <- sum(temp*fitness[1:n_old])
node.weights <- temp*fitness[1:n_old]/P.sum
} else if (mode[1] == 3) {
temp <- alpha*(log(P))^beta + 1
P.sum <- sum(temp*fitness[1:n_old])
node.weights <- temp*fitness[1:n_old]/P.sum
} #else if (mode[1] == 4) {
# temp <- exp(beta * degree)
# P.sum <- sum(temp*fitness[1:n_old])
# node.weights <- temp*fitness[1:n_old]/P.sum
current_time_step <- current_time_step + 1
for (i in 1:multiple_node){
#Allow duplication in selection destination nodes:
if (TRUE == increase) {
count <- count + 1
nodes <- sort(sample(1:n_old,size = ifelse(log,max(round(log(count)),1),count),prob = node.weights, replace = TRUE))
} else {
if (prob_m == TRUE) {
num_edge_temp <- rpois(1,lambda = m)
if (num_edge_temp > 0)
nodes <- sort(sample(1:n_old,num_edge_temp,prob = node.weights, replace = TRUE))
else nodes <- NULL
} else
nodes <- sort(sample(1:n_old,size = m,prob = node.weights, replace = TRUE))
degree <- c(degree,0)
if (0 != length(nodes)) {
temp <- table(nodes)
for(i in 1:length(temp)) {
num_edge <- as.numeric(temp[i])
node_name <- as.numeric(labels(temp[i]))
degree[node_name] <- degree[node_name] + num_edge # Update degrees.
if (0 != length(nodes)) {
if (edge_list_index + length(nodes) - 1 > current_length_edge) {
edge_list <- rbind(edge_list , matrix(0,nrow = edge_list_index + length(nodes) - current_length_edge, ncol = 3))
current_length_edge <- dim(edge_list)[1]
if (is.null(specific_start)) {
final_time_step <- current_time_step
} else final_time_step <- max(current_time_step - specific_start,0)
if (0 != length(nodes)) {
edge_list[edge_list_index:(edge_list_index + length(nodes) - 1),] <- cbind(rep(n + 1 , length(nodes)),nodes,
rep(final_time_step, length(nodes)))
edge_list_index <- edge_list_index + length(nodes)
n <- n + 1
if (n == N) {
break_flag <- TRUE
P <- degree
P[degree == 0] <- offset
# edges only step
if (no_new_node_step > 0) {
for (jjj in 1:no_new_node_step) {
n_old <- n
if (!is.null(custom_PA)) {
A <- custom_PA
final_A <- A[length(A)]
temp <- A[P + 1]
temp[] <- final_A
P.sum <- sum(temp * fitness[1:n_old])
node.weights <- temp * fitness[1:n_old]/P.sum
if (mode[1] == 1) {
P.sum <- sum(P^alpha*fitness[1:n_old])
node.weights <- P^alpha*fitness[1:n_old]/P.sum
} else if (mode[1] == 2) {
temp <- pmin(P,sat_at)^alpha
P.sum <- sum(temp*fitness[1:n_old])
node.weights <- temp*fitness[1:n_old]/P.sum
} else if (mode[1] == 3) {
temp <- alpha*(log(P))^beta + 1
P.sum <- sum(temp*fitness[1:n_old])
node.weights <- temp*fitness[1:n_old]/P.sum
current_time_step <- current_time_step + 1
# choosing destination nodes
# note that in edge-only step, we ignore the parameters prob_m, increase, log
nodes <- sort(sample(1:n_old,size = m_no_new_node_step,prob = node.weights, replace = TRUE))
if (0 != length(nodes)) {
temp <- table(nodes)
for(i in 1:length(temp)) {
num_edge <- as.numeric(temp[i])
node_name <- as.numeric(labels(temp[i]))
degree[node_name] <- degree[node_name] + num_edge # Update degrees.
# choosing source node
if (0 != length(nodes)) {
source_node <- sample(1:n_old,size = length(nodes),replace = TRUE)
if (edge_list_index + length(nodes) - 1 > current_length_edge) {
edge_list <- rbind(edge_list,matrix(0,nrow = edge_list_index + length(nodes) - current_length_edge, ncol = 3))
current_length_edge <- dim(edge_list)[1]
if (is.null(specific_start))
final_time_step <- current_time_step
else final_time_step <- max(current_time_step - specific_start,0)
if (length(nodes) >= 1)
edge_list[edge_list_index:(edge_list_index + length(nodes) - 1),] <- cbind(source_node,nodes, rep(final_time_step, length(nodes)))
edge_list_index <- edge_list_index + length(nodes)
P <- degree
P[degree == 0] <- offset
if (is.null(custom_PA)) {
if (mode[1] == 1) {
PA_vector <- c(1,1:max(degree))^alpha
} else if (mode[1] == 2) {
PA_vector <- pmin(c(1,1:max(degree)),sat_at)^alpha
} else if (mode[1] == 3) {
PA_vector <- alpha*(log(c(1,1:max(degree))))^beta + 1
} #else if (mode[1] == 4) {
# PA_vector <- exp(beta * 0:max(degree))
edge_list <- edge_list[-(edge_list_index:dim(edge_list)[1]),]
result <- list(graph = edge_list, fitness = fitness, PA = PA_vector, type = "directed")
class(result) <- "PAFit_net"
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