
Defines functions parse

Documented in parse

#' @name parse
#' @aliases parse
#' @title Model-based Clustering with PARSE
#' @import doParallel
#' @import foreach
#' @importFrom parallel detectCores makeCluster stopCluster
#' @import utils
#' @description The PAirwise Reciprocal fuSE (PARSE) penalty was proposed by Wang, Zhou and Hoeting (2016). Under the framework of the model-based clustering, PARSE aims to identify the pairwise informative variables for clustering, especially for high-dimensional data.
#' @usage parse(tuning, K = NULL, lambda = NULL, y, N = 100, kms.iter = 100, kms.nstart = 100,
#'       eps.diff = 1e-5, eps.em = 1e-5, model.crit = 'gic', backward = TRUE, cores=2)
#' parse(tuning = NULL, K, lambda, y, N = 100, kms.iter = 100, kms.nstart = 100,
#'       eps.diff = 1e-5, eps.em = 1e-5, model.crit = 'gic', backward = TRUE, cores=2)
#' @param tuning A 2-dimensional vector or a matrix with 2 columns, the first column is the number of clusters \eqn{K} and the second column is the tuning parameter \eqn{\lambda} in the penalty term. If this is missing, then \code{K} and \code{lambda} must be provided.
#' @param K The number of clusters \eqn{K}.
#' @param lambda The tuning parameter \eqn{\lambda} in the penalty term.
#' @param y A p-dimensional data matrix. Each row is an observation.
#' @param N The maximum number of iterations in the EM algorithm. The default value is 100.
#' @param kms.iter The maximum number of iterations in kmeans algorithm for generating the starting value for the EM algorithm.
#' @param kms.nstart The number of starting values in K-means.
#' @param eps.diff The lower bound of pairwise difference of two mean values. Any value lower than it is treated as 0.
#' @param eps.em The lower bound for the stopping criterion.
#' @param model.crit The criterion used to select the number of clusters \eqn{K}. It is either `bic' for Bayesian Information Criterion or `gic' for Generalized Information Criterion.
#' @param backward Use the backward selection algorithm when it equals to "TRUE", otherwise select all the possible subsets.
#' @param cores The number of cores which can be used in parallel computing.
#' @details The j-th variable is defined as pairwise informative for a pair of clusters \eqn{C_k} and \eqn{C_{k'}} if \eqn{\mu_{kj} \neq \mu_{k'j}}. Also, a variable is globally informative if it is pairwise informative for at least one pair of clusters. Here we assume that each cluster has the same diagonal variance in the model-based clustering. PARSE is in the following form,
#' \deqn{\sum_{j=1}^{d}\sum_{k<k'}|\mu_{kj} - \mu_{k'j}|^{-1} \mathbf{I}(\mu_{kj} \neq \mu_{k'j}).}
#' where \eqn{d} is the number of variables in the data.
#' The estimation uses the backward searching algorithm embedded in the EM algorithm. Since the EM algorithm depends on the starting values. We use the estimates from K-means with multiple starting points as the starting values. Please check the paper for details of the algorithm. In this function we use parallel computing to estimate cluster means for each dimension. The default number of cores to be used is 2, which can be specified by users.
#' @return This function returns the esimated parameters and some statistics of the optimal model within the given \eqn{K} and \eqn{\lambda}, which is selected by BIC when \code{model.crit = 'bic'} or GIC when \code{model.crit = 'gic'}.
#' \item{mu.hat.best}{The estimated cluster means in the optimal model}
#' \item{sigma.hat.best}{The estimated covariance in the optimal model}
#' \item{p.hat.best}{The estimated cluster proportions in the optimal model}
#' \item{s.hat.best}{The clustering assignments using the optimal model}
#' \item{lambda.best}{The value of \eqn{\lambda} that provide the optimal model}
#' \item{K.best}{The value of \eqn{K} that provide the optimal model}
#' \item{llh.best}{The log-likelihood of the optimal model}
#' \item{gic.best}{The GIC of the optimal model}
#' \item{bic.best}{The BIC of the optimal model}
#' \item{ct.mu.best}{The degrees of freedom in the cluster means of the optimal model}
#' @references Wang, L., Zhou, W. and Hoeting, J. (2016) Identification of Pairwise Informative Features for Clustering Data. \emph{preprint}.
#' @seealso \code{\link[stats]{optim}} \code{\link{nopenalty}} \code{\link{apL1}} \code{\link{apfp}} \code{\link[foreach]{foreach}} \code{\link{doParallel}}
#' @examples
#' y <- rbind(matrix(rnorm(120,0,1),ncol=3), matrix(rnorm(120,4,1), ncol=3))
#' output <- parse(K = c(1:2), lambda = c(0,1), y=y, cores=2)
#' output$mu.hat.best
#' @keywords external
#' @export

parse <- function(tuning=NULL, K=NULL, lambda = NULL, y, N = 100, kms.iter = 100, kms.nstart = 100, eps.diff = 1e-5, eps.em = 1e-5, model.crit = 'gic', backward = TRUE, cores = 2){
  ## tuning: a matrix with 2 columns;
  ##  1st column = K (number of clusters), positive integer;
  ##  2nd column = lambda, nonnegative real number.

  ## ----- check invalid numbers
  y = as.matrix(y)
  if (missing(tuning)){
    if(missing(K) | missing(lambda)){
      stop("Require a matrix of tuning parameters for 'tuning' or vectors for 'K' and 'lambda' ")
      tuning = as.matrix(expand.grid(K, lambda))

  if(is.vector(tuning) == TRUE){
    tuning = unlist(tuning)
    if(length(tuning) != 2){
      stop(" 'tuning' must be a vector with length 2 or a matrix with two columns")
    else if(dim(y)[1] < tuning[1]){
      stop(" The number of clusters 'K' is greater than the number of observations in 'y' ")
    else if( tuning[1] - round(tuning[1]) > .Machine$double.eps^0.5 | tuning[1] <= 0 | tuning[2] < 0){
      stop(" 'K' must be a positive interger and 'lambda' must be nonnegative ")

  else if(is.matrix(tuning) == TRUE){
    if(dim(tuning)[2] != 2){
      stop(" 'tuning' must be a vector with length 2 or a matrix with two columns")
    else if(any(dim(y)[1] < tuning[,1])){
      stop(" The number of clusters 'K' must be greater than the number of observations in 'y' ")
    else if(any(tuning[,1] - round(tuning[,1]) > .Machine$double.eps^0.5 | tuning[,1] <= 0 | tuning[,2] < 0)){
      stop(" 'K' must be a positive interger and 'lambda' must be nonnegative ")

  else if(is.matrix(tuning) == FALSE){
    stop(" 'tuning' must be a vector with length 2 or a matrix with two columns")

  if(detectCores() < cores){stop("The number of cores is too large.")}
    cl <- makeCluster(cores)

  ## data dimensions
  n = nrow(y)
  d = ncol(y)

  ### outputs
  s.hat =list()	            # clustering labels
  mu.hat = list()						# cluster means
  sigma.hat = list()				# cluster variance
  p.hat = list() 				    # cluster proportion

  ## ------------ BIC and GIC ----

  for(j.tune in 1:dim(tuning)[1]){

    K1 = tuning[j.tune,1]
    lambda1 = tuning[j.tune,2]

    if(K1 == 1) {
      mu.hat[[j.tune]] <- colMeans(y)
      sigma.hat[[j.tune]] <- apply(y, 2, var)
      p.hat[[j.tune]] <- 1
      s.hat[[j.tune]] <- rep(1,n)
      llh[j.tune]   <- sum(dmvnorm(x = y, mean = mu.hat[[j.tune]], sigma = diag(sigma.hat[[j.tune]]), log=TRUE))
      ct.mu[j.tune] <- sum(abs(mu.hat[[j.tune]]) > eps.diff)
      gic[j.tune]   <- -2*llh[j.tune] + log(log(n))*log(d)*(d + ct.mu[j.tune])
      bic[j.tune]   <- -2*llh[j.tune] + log(n)*(d + ct.mu[j.tune])

    else if(lambda1 == 0)
      temp.out <- nopenalty(K=K1, y=y, N=N, kms.iter=kms.iter, kms.nstart=kms.nstart, eps.diff=eps.diff, eps.em=eps.em, model.crit=model.crit, short.output = FALSE)
      mu.hat[[j.tune]]    <- temp.out$mu.hat.best
      sigma.hat[[j.tune]] <- temp.out$sigma.hat.best
      p.hat[[j.tune]]     <- temp.out$p.hat.best
      s.hat[[j.tune]]     <- temp.out$s.hat.best
      llh[j.tune]         <- temp.out$llh.best
      ct.mu[j.tune]       <- temp.out$ct.mu.best
      gic[j.tune]         <- temp.out$gic.best
      bic[j.tune]         <- temp.out$bic.best

    sigma.iter <-  matrix(0, ncol = d, nrow = N)	## each row is variances (d dimensions)
    p <- matrix(0, ncol = K1, nrow = N)		## each row is clusters proportions
    mu <- array(0, dim = c(N, K1, d))		## N=iteration, K1=each cluster , d=dimension

    ### --- start from kmeans with multiple starting values	-----
    kms1 = kmeans(y, centers = K1, nstart = kms.nstart, iter.max = kms.iter)
    kms1.class = kms1$cluster

    mean0.fn <- function(k){
      if(length(y[kms1.class == k, 1]) == 1) {
        ## if there is only one data in a cluster,
        out <- y[kms1.class == k,]
      else {
        out <- colMeans(y[kms1.class == k,])

    mu[1,,] <- t(sapply(1:K1, mean0.fn))
    sigma.iter[1,] <- apply(y,2,var)
    p[1, ] <- as.numeric(table(kms1.class))/n

    ## array of posterior probability computed in E-step
    alpha.temp <- array(0, dim=c(N,n,K1))

    for (t in 1:(N-1)) {
        # E-step: compute all the cluster-wise density
        temp.normal <- sapply(c(1:K1), dmvnorm_log, y=y, mu=mu[t,,], sigma = diag(sigma.iter[t,]))

        alpha.fn <- function(k, log.dens = temp.normal, p.temp = p[t,]){
          # because p[t,k](estimated proportion is 0, i.e. empty cluster), thus log(p[t,k]) is Inf(Inf - Inf =NaN instead of 0) which turns to error

          if(p.temp[k] ==0){out.alpha = rep(0,dim(log.dens)[1])}
          else {
            log.mix1 = sweep(log.dens,2, log(p.temp), '+')
            log.ratio1 = sweep(log.mix1, 1, log.mix1[,k], '-')
            out.alpha = 1/rowSums(exp(log.ratio1))
            out.alpha[which(rowSums(exp(log.ratio1)) == 0)] = 0

        # E-step: update posterior probabilities pi0
        alpha.temp[(t+1),, ] <- sapply(c(1:K1), alpha.fn, log.dens = temp.normal, p.temp = p[t,])

        # M-step  part 1: update cluster proportions p_k

        p[(t+1), ] <- colMeans(alpha.temp[(t+1),,])

        # M-step  part 2: update cluster sigma_j, c() read matrix by columns
        sig.fn <- function(index, all.combined, alpha) {
          combined = all.combined[,index]
          y.j = combined[1:n]		# n observation's l-th dimension
          mu.j = combined[(n+1):length(combined)]			# K means' l-th dimension
          return(sum((rep(y.j, times= length(mu.j)) - rep(mu.j, each=n))^2*c(alpha))/n)

        all.combined <- rbind(y, mu[t,,])   # (n+K1) by d matrix
        sigma.iter[(t+1),] <- sapply(c(1:d), sig.fn, all.combined=all.combined, alpha=alpha.temp[(t+1),,])

        mu[(t+1),,] <- foreach(j=1:d, .combine=cbind) %dopar% {parse_backward(j=j, y=y, mu.all = mu[t,,], alpha=alpha.temp[(t+1),,], sigma.all = sigma.iter[(t+1),], eps.diff = eps.diff, K=K1, lambda = lambda1, optim.method ='BFGS')}

        if(sum(abs(mu[(t+1),,]-mu[t,,]))/(sum(abs(mu[t,,]))+1)+ sum(abs(sigma.iter[(t+1),]-sigma.iter[t,]))/sum(abs(sigma.iter[t,])) + sum(abs(p[(t+1),] - p[t,]))/sum(p[t,]) < eps.em) {
          s.hat[[j.tune]] = apply(alpha.temp[(t+1),,], 1, which.max)
          mu.hat[[j.tune]] = mu[(t+1),,]				# cluster means
          sigma.hat[[j.tune]] = sigma.iter[(t+1),]		# cluster variance
          p.hat[[j.tune]] = p[(t+1),]

        if(t==N-1) {
          s.hat[[j.tune]] = apply(alpha.temp[(t+1),,],1,which.max)		# clustering labels
          mu.hat[[j.tune]] = mu[(t+1),,]							# cluster means
          sigma.hat[[j.tune]] = sigma.iter[(t+1),]					# cluster variance
          p.hat[[j.tune]] = p[(t+1),]
          warning(paste('not converge when lambda = ', lambda1, ' and K = ', K1, sep=''))

    ## ------------ BIC and GIC ----
    label.s = sort(unique(s.hat[[j.tune]]))

    ## with empty clusters
    if(length(label.s) < K1){
      llh[j.tune] = sum(table(s.hat[[j.tune]])*log(p.hat[[j.tune]][label.s]))
      for(k in label.s){
        llh[j.tune] = llh[j.tune] + sum(dmvnorm(y[s.hat[[j.tune]]==k,], mean=mu.hat[[j.tune]][k,], sigma = diag(sigma.hat[[j.tune]]), log=TRUE))
    ## no empty clusters
    else {
      llh[j.tune] = sum(table(s.hat[[j.tune]])*log(p.hat[[j.tune]]))
      for(k in 1:K1){
        llh[j.tune] = llh[j.tune] + sum(dmvnorm(y[s.hat[[j.tune]]==k,], mean=mu.hat[[j.tune]][k,], sigma = diag(sigma.hat[[j.tune]]), log=TRUE))
    ct.mu[j.tune] = sum(apply(mu.hat[[j.tune]], 2, count.mu, eps.diff=eps.diff))
    gic[j.tune] = -2*llh[j.tune] + log(log(n))*log(d)*(length(label.s)-1+d+ct.mu[j.tune])
    bic[j.tune] = -2*llh[j.tune] + log(n)*(length(label.s)-1+d+ct.mu[j.tune])
    #ends of one K, lambda
  # end of multiple lambda

  if(model.crit == 'bic'){
    index.best = which.min(bic)
  else {
    index.best = which.min(gic)
  gic.best = gic[index.best]
  bic.best = bic[index.best]
  llh.best = llh[index.best]
  ct.mu.best = ct.mu[index.best]

  p.hat.best = p.hat[[index.best]]
  s.hat.best = s.hat[[index.best]]
  mu.hat.best = mu.hat[[index.best]]
  sigma.hat.best = sigma.hat[[index.best]]

  K.best = tuning[index.best,1]
  lambda.best = tuning[index.best,2]

  output = structure(list(K.best = K.best, mu.hat.best=mu.hat.best, sigma.hat.best=sigma.hat.best, p.hat.best=p.hat.best, s.hat.best=s.hat.best, lambda.best=lambda.best, gic.best = gic.best, bic.best=bic.best, llh.best = llh.best, ct.mu.best = ct.mu.best), class = 'parse_fit')

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PARSE documentation built on May 2, 2019, 9:57 a.m.