
Defines functions getRegionScores

Documented in getRegionScores

#' @export
getRegionScores <- function(ranks, regions){

  if(! "abs.order" %in% colnames(ranks)){
    message("No ranks in input file; adding ranks. Save computational time by running addRanks() on your input file if you plan on running getRegionScores() more than once.")

  unlist(lapply(1:1000, function(x){
    ranks$PC_Score[sample(1:nrow(ranks), 100)]
  })) -> n
  upop <- mean(n)
  sdpop <- sd(n)

  apply(regions, 1, FUN=function(x){
  }) -> r


  means <- c()
  nCpGs <- c()
  zv <- c()
  pv <- c()
  for(i in 1:length(r)){
    means <- c(means,mean(a))
    nCpGs <- c(nCpGs, length(a))

    zv <- c(zv,((mean(a)-upop)/sdpop))
    if(length(a) > 3){
      if(length(a) < length(n)){
        b <- n[sample(1:length(n), length(a))]
      } else{
        b <- n
      pv <- c(pv, t.test(a, b)$p.value)
    } else{
      pv <- c(pv, NA)


  return(data.frame(feature=names(r), meanPC=means, nCpG=nCpGs, Z=zv, p=pv))

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PCBS documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:48 a.m.