Defines functions PCMTreeVCV PCMTreePlot PCMTreeToString PCMTreeNearestNodesToEpoch PCMTreeInsertTipsOrSingletons PCMTreeInsertSingletonsAtEpoch PCMTreeInsertSingletons PCMTreeLocateMidpointsOnBranches PCMTreeLocateEpochOnBranches PCMTreeEdgeTimes PCMTreeEvalNestedEDxOnTree `+.PCMTree` PCMTreeDropClade PCMTreeExtractClade PCMTreeSplitAtNode PCMTreeListRootPaths PCMTreeListDescendants PCMTreeGetBranchLength PCMTreeGetParent PCMTreeGetDaughters PCMTreeNodeTimes PCMTreeTableAncestors PCMTreePostorder PCMTreePreorder PCMTreeJumps PCMTreeMatrixNodesInSameRegime PCMTreeMatrixNodesInSamePart PCMTreeBackbonePartition PCMTreeDtNodes PCMTreeListAllPartitionsInternal PCMTreeListAllPartitions PCMTreeListCladePartitions PCMTreeGetRegimesForNodes PCMTreeSetRegimesForEdges PCMTreeGetRegimesForEdges PCMTreeGetTipsInRegime PCMTreeGetTipsInPart PCMTreeGetPartsForNodes PCMTreeSetPartRegimes PCMTreeGetPartRegimes PCMTreeGetPartNames PCMTreeSetPartition PCMTreeGetPartition PCMNumRegimes.PCMTree PCMNumRegimes.phylo PCMRegimes.PCMTree PCMRegimes.phylo PCMTreeNumParts PCMTreeMatchLabels PCMTreeGetTipLabels PCMTreeGetNodeLabels PCMTreeGetRootLabel PCMTreeGetLabels PCMTreeSetLabels PCMTreeNumNodes PCMTreeNumTips is.PCMTree as.phylo.PCMTree PCMTree

Documented in is.PCMTree PCMTree PCMTreeBackbonePartition PCMTreeDropClade PCMTreeDtNodes PCMTreeEdgeTimes PCMTreeEvalNestedEDxOnTree PCMTreeExtractClade PCMTreeGetBranchLength PCMTreeGetDaughters PCMTreeGetLabels PCMTreeGetNodeLabels PCMTreeGetParent PCMTreeGetPartition PCMTreeGetPartNames PCMTreeGetPartRegimes PCMTreeGetPartsForNodes PCMTreeGetRegimesForEdges PCMTreeGetRegimesForNodes PCMTreeGetRootLabel PCMTreeGetTipLabels PCMTreeGetTipsInPart PCMTreeGetTipsInRegime PCMTreeInsertSingletons PCMTreeInsertSingletonsAtEpoch PCMTreeInsertTipsOrSingletons PCMTreeJumps PCMTreeListAllPartitions PCMTreeListCladePartitions PCMTreeListDescendants PCMTreeListRootPaths PCMTreeLocateEpochOnBranches PCMTreeLocateMidpointsOnBranches PCMTreeMatchLabels PCMTreeMatrixNodesInSamePart PCMTreeMatrixNodesInSameRegime PCMTreeNearestNodesToEpoch PCMTreeNodeTimes PCMTreeNumNodes PCMTreeNumParts PCMTreeNumTips PCMTreePlot PCMTreePostorder PCMTreePreorder PCMTreeSetLabels PCMTreeSetPartition PCMTreeSetPartRegimes PCMTreeSetRegimesForEdges PCMTreeSplitAtNode PCMTreeTableAncestors PCMTreeToString PCMTreeVCV

# Copyright 2016-2019 Venelin Mitov
# This file is part of PCMBase.
# PCMBase is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# PCMBase is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with PCMBase.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#' Create a PCMTree object from a phylo object
#' @description PCMTree is class that inherits from the class 'phylo' in the
#' R-package 'ape'. Thus, all the functions working on a phylo object would work
#' in the same way if they receive as argument an object of class 'PCMTree'. A
#' PCMTree object has the following members in addition to the regular members
#' ('tip.label', 'node.label', 'edge', 'edge.length') found in a regular phylo
#' object:
#' \describe{
#' \item{edge.part }{a character vector having as many elements as there are
#' branches in the tree (corresponding to the rows in `tree$edge`). Each element
#' denotes the name of the part to which the corresponding branch belongs. A
#' part in the tree represents a connected subset of its nodes and the branches
#' leading to these nodes. A partition of the tree represents the splitting of
#' the tree into a number of parts. Visually, a partition can be represented as
#' a coloring of the tree, in which no color is assigned to more than one part.
#' In other words, if two branches in the tree are connected by the same color,
#' they either share a node, or all the branches on the path in the tree
#' connecting these two branches have the same color. Formally, we define a
#' partition of the tree as any set of nodes in the tree that includes the root.
#' Each node in this set defines a part as the set of its descendant nodes that
#' can be reached without traversing another partition node. We name
#' each part by the label of its most ancestral node, that is, the node in it,
#' which is closest to the root fo the tree. The value of edge.part for an edge
#' in the tree is the name of the part that contains the node to which the edge
#' is pointing.}
#' \item{part.regime }{a named vector of size the number of parts in the tree.
#' The names correspond to part-names whereas the values denote the ids or
#' character names of regimes in a PCM object.}
#' }
#' The constructor PCMTree() returns an object of call
#' @param tree a phylo object. If this is already a PCMTree object, a copy of
#' this object will be returned.
#' @return an object of class PCMTree. This is a copy of the passed phylo object
#' which is guaranteed to have node.label, edge.part and a part.regime
#' entries set.
#' @examples
#' tree <- ape::rtree(8)
#' # the following four are NULLs
#' tree$node.label
#' tree$edge.part
#' tree$part.regime
#' tree$edge.regime
#' # In previous version regimes were assigned directly to the edges via
#' # tree$edge.regime. This is supported but not recommended anymore:
#' tree$edge.regime <- sample(
#'   letters[1:3], size = PCMTreeNumNodes(tree) - 1, replace = TRUE)
#' tree.a <- PCMTree(tree)
#' PCMTreeGetLabels(tree.a)
#' tree.a$node.label
#' tree.a$edge.part
#' tree.a$part.regime
#' # this is set to NULL - starting from PCMBase 1.2.9 all of the information
#' # for the regimes is stored in tree$edge.part and tree$part.regime.
#' tree.a$edge.regime
#' PCMTreeGetPartition(tree.a)
#' PCMTreeGetPartNames(tree.a)
#' PCMTreeGetPartRegimes(tree.a)
#' # let's see how the tree looks like
#' \donttest{
#' PCMTreePlot(tree.a) + ggtree::geom_nodelab() + ggtree::geom_tiplab()
#' }
#' # This is the recommended way to set a partition on the tree
#' PCMTreeSetPartition(tree.a, c(10, 12))
#' PCMTreeGetPartition(tree.a)
#' PCMTreeGetPartNames(tree.a)
#' PCMTreeGetPartRegimes(tree.a)
#' \donttest{
#' PCMTreePlot(tree.a) + ggtree::geom_nodelab() + ggtree::geom_tiplab()
#' }
#' PCMTreeGetPartsForNodes(tree.a, c(11, 15, 12))
#' PCMTreeGetPartsForNodes(tree.a, c("11", "15", "12"))
#' PCMTreeSetPartRegimes(tree.a, c(`9` = 'a', `10` = 'b', `12` = 'c'))
#' PCMTreeGetPartition(tree.a)
#' PCMTreeGetPartNames(tree.a)
#' PCMTreeGetPartRegimes(tree.a)
#' \donttest{
#' PCMTreePlot(tree.a) + ggtree::geom_nodelab() + ggtree::geom_tiplab()
#' }
#' @export
PCMTree <- function(tree) {
  if(is.PCMTree(tree)) {
  } else {
    if(!inherits(tree, "phylo")) {
      stop("PCMTree:: tree should be a phylo or a PCMTree object.")

    class(tree) <- c("PCMTree", class(tree))

    if(is.null(tree$node.label)) {
      if(!is.null(tree$tip.label)) {
          tree, labels = c(as.character(tree$tip.label),
                           as.character(seq(PCMTreeNumTips(tree) + 1L,
                                            PCMTreeNumNodes(tree), by = 1L))))
      } else {
        # set tip and node labels to 1:M

    } else if(length(unique(tree$node.label)) != length(tree$node.label)) {
          "PCMTree:: found duplicated labels in tree$node.label. This can cause",
          "likelihood calculation errors. ",
          "Please, ensure that all labels in node.label are unique or set ",
          "tree$node.label to NULL."))

    N <- PCMTreeNumTips(tree)
    nodeLabels <- PCMTreeGetLabels(tree)

    if( !is.null(tree$edge.regime) ) {
      preorder <- PCMTreePreorder(tree)

      edge.part <- rep(1L, nrow(tree$edge))
      nextPart <- 2L
      nodesInOrder <- N + 1L

      # add an extra element in edge.regime denoting the regime for the root
      # as a one of its daughters' regimes picked at random
      tree$edge.regime <- c(

      endingAt <- order(rbind(tree$edge, c(0L, N + 1L))[, 2L])

      for(ei in preorder) {
        i <- tree$edge[ei, 2L]
        j <- tree$edge[ei, 1L]
        ej <- endingAt[j]

        if(tree$edge.regime[ei] != tree$edge.regime[ej]) {
          edge.part[ei] <- nextPart
          nextPart <- nextPart + 1L
          nodesInOrder <- c(nodesInOrder, i)
        } else if(j != N + 1L) {
          edge.part[ei] <- edge.part[ej]

      # now edge.part is integer vector containing the indices of the parts.
      # We replace these part-indices with their corresp. partition node-labels,
      # because these remain stable upon manipulation of the tree, such as insertion
      # of singleton nodes.
      edge.part <- nodeLabels[nodesInOrder[edge.part]]
      part.regime <- structure(
        names = nodeLabels[nodesInOrder])

      tree$edge.part <- edge.part
      tree$part.regime <- part.regime

      clsTree <- class(tree)
      tree <- tree[-match("edge.regime", names(tree))]
      class(tree) <- clsTree

    } else {
      PCMTreeSetPartition(tree, N + 1L)


#' @importFrom ape as.phylo
#' @export
as.phylo.PCMTree <- function(x, ...) {

#' Check that a tree is a PCMTree
#' @param tree a tree object.
#' @return a logical TRUE if `inherits(tree, "PCMTree")` is TRUE.
#' @export
is.PCMTree <- function(tree) {
  inherits(tree, "PCMTree")

#' Wrapper for length(tree$tip.label)
#' @param tree a phylo object
#' @return the number of tips in tree
#' @export
PCMTreeNumTips <- function(tree) {

#' Number of all nodes in a tree
#' @details Wrapper for nrow(tree$edge) + 1
#' @param tree a phylo object
#' @return the number of nodes in tree including root, internal and tips.
#' @export
PCMTreeNumNodes <- function(tree) {
  nrow(tree$edge) + 1L

#' Set tip and internal node labels in a tree
#' @param tree a phylo object or a PCMTree object. If this is a PCMTree object,
#' the internal edge.part and part.regime members will be updated accordingly.
#' @param labels a character vector in the order 1:PCMTreeNumNodes(tree) as
#' denoted in the tree$edge matrix.
#' @param inplace a logical indicating if the change should be done in place on
#' the object in the calling environment (in this case tree must not be a
#' temporary object, e.g. returned by another function call). Default is TRUE.
#' @return if inplace is FALSE, a copy of tree with set or modified
#' tree$tip.label and tree$node.label. If the original tree has a member
#' edge.part, the returned tree has tree$edge.part and tree$part.regime updated.
#' If inplace is TRUE (the default), nothing is returned and the above changes
#' are made directly on the input tree.
#' @seealso \code{\link{PCMTree}}
#' @examples
#' tree <- ape::rtree(5)
#' tree$tip.label
#' # the following three are NULLs
#' tree$node.label
#' tree$edge.part
#' tree$part.regime
#' tree <- PCMTree(tree)
#' PCMTreeSetPartition(tree, c(6, 8))
#' tree$tip.label
#' tree$node.label
#' tree$edge.part
#' tree$part.regime
#' PCMTreeSetLabels(
#'   tree, labels = paste0(c(rep("t", 5), rep("n", 4)), PCMTreeGetLabels(tree)))
#' PCMTreeGetLabels(tree)
#' tree$tip.label
#' tree$node.label
#' tree$edge.part
#' tree$part.regime
#' @export
PCMTreeSetLabels <- function(
  tree, labels = as.character(1:PCMTreeNumNodes(tree)), inplace = TRUE) {

  if(!inherits(tree, "phylo")) {
    stop("PCMTreeSetLabels:: argument tree should be a phylo.")

  N <- PCMTreeNumTips(tree)
  M <- PCMTreeNumNodes(tree)

  if(length(unique(labels)) != length(labels) ||
     length(labels) != M) {
    stop("PCMTreeSetLabels:: labels should contain M distinct elements." )

  labels2 <- labels
  if( !is.null(tree$node.label) ) {
    names(labels2) <- c(tree$tip.label, tree$node.label)
  } else {
    names(labels2) <- labels2

  treeEdgePart <- tree$edge.part
  treePartRegime <- tree$part.regime

  if(inplace) {
      if(!is.null(treeEdgePart)) {
          tree$edge.part <- unname(labels2[treeEdgePart])
        names(tree$part.regime) <- labels2[names(treePartRegime)]
      tree$tip.label <- unname(labels2[seq_len(N)])
      tree$node.label <- unname(labels2[(N + 1):M])
    }), parent.frame())
  } else {
    if(!is.null(treeEdgePart)) {
      tree$edge.part <- unname(labels2[treeEdgePart])
      names(tree$part.regime) <- labels2[names(treePartRegime)]
    tree$tip.label <- unname(labels2[seq_len(N)])
    tree$node.label <- unname(labels2[(N + 1):M])

#' Node labels of a tree
#' Get the character labels of the tips, root and internal nodes in the tree
#' (see Functions below).
#' @describeIn PCMTreeGetLabels Get all labels in the order (tips,root,internal).
#' @param tree a phylo object
#' @return a character vector
#' @export
PCMTreeGetLabels <- function(tree) {
  if(!inherits(tree, "phylo")) {
      "PCMTreeGetLabels:: argument tree should be a phylo.")
  if(is.null(tree$node.label)) {
    stop("PCMTreeGetLabels:: the tree has no node.label member assigned.")
  c(tree$tip.label, tree$node.label)

#' @describeIn PCMTreeGetLabels Get the root label
#' @export
PCMTreeGetRootLabel <- function(tree) {
  if(is.null(tree$node.label)) {
    stop("PCMTreeGetRootLabel:: the tree has no node.label member assigned.")
  } else {

#' @describeIn PCMTreeGetLabels Get the internal node labels
#' @export
PCMTreeGetNodeLabels <- function(tree) {
  if(is.null(tree$node.label)) {
    stop("PCMTreeGetNodeLabels:: the tree has no node.label member assigned.")
  } else {

#' @describeIn PCMTreeGetLabels Get the tip labels
#' @export
PCMTreeGetTipLabels <- function(tree) {
  if(is.null(tree$tip.label)) {
    stop("PCMTreeGetTipLabels:: the tree has no tip.label member assigned.")
  } else {

#' Get the node numbers associated with tip- or node-labels in a tree
#' @param tree a phylo object
#' @param labels a character vector with valid tip or node labels from tree
#' @param stopIfNotFound logical indicating if an error should be raised in case
#' a label has not been found in the tree labels. Default: TRUE
#' @return an integer vector giving the tip- or node- integer indices
#'  corresponding to labels. If stopIfNotFound is set to FALSE, this vector may
#'  contain NAs for the labels that were not found.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1, kind = "Mersenne-Twister", normal.kind = "Inversion")
#' PCMTreeMatchLabels(PCMTree(ape::rtree(20)), c("t1", "t15", "21", "39"))
#' PCMTreeMatchLabels(PCMTree(ape::rtree(20)), c("t1", "45"), stopIfNotFound = FALSE)
#' @export
PCMTreeMatchLabels <- function(tree, labels, stopIfNotFound = TRUE) {
  allLabels <- PCMTreeGetLabels(tree)
  m <- match(labels, allLabels)
  if(any(is.na(m)) && stopIfNotFound) {
    stop("PCMTreeMatchLabels: some of the labels not found in PCMTreeGetLabels(tree).")

############################# Partition functions #############################

#' Number of unique parts on a tree
#' @param tree a phylo object
#' @return the number of different parts encountered on the tree branches
#' @export
PCMTreeNumParts <- function(tree) {
  tree <- PCMTree(tree)

#' @export
PCMRegimes.phylo <- function(obj) {

#' @export
PCMRegimes.PCMTree <- function(obj) {

#' @export
PCMNumRegimes.phylo <- function(obj) {

#' @export
PCMNumRegimes.PCMTree <- function(obj) {

#' Get the starting branch' nodes for each part on a tree
#' @details We call a starting branch the first branch from the root to the tips
#' of a given part. A starting node is the node at which a starting branch
#' ends.
#' @param tree a phylo object with an edge.part member denoting parts. The
#' function assumes that each part covers a linked set of branches on the tree.
#' @return a named integer vector with elements equal to the starting nodes for
#' each part in tree and names equal to the labels of these nodes.
#' @seealso \code{\link{PCMTreeSetPartition}}
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1, kind = "Mersenne-Twister", normal.kind = "Inversion")
#' PCMTreeGetPartition(PCMTree(ape::rtree(20)))
#' @export
PCMTreeGetPartition <- function(tree) {
  tree <- PCMTree(tree)
    match(names(tree$part.regime), PCMTreeGetLabels(tree)),
    names = names(tree$part.regime))

#' Set a partition of a tree by specifying the partition nodes
#' @param tree a PCMTree object.
#' @param nodes a character vector containing tip or node labels or an integer
#' vector denoting tip or internal nodes in tree - the parts change at the
#' start of the branches leading to these nodes. Default:
#' c(PCMTreeNumTips(tree) + 1L).
#' @param inplace a logical indicating if the change should be done to the tree
#' in the calling environment (TRUE) or a copy of the tree with set edge.part
#' member should be returned (FALSE). Default is TRUE.
#' @return If inplace is TRUE nothing, otherwise a copy of the tree with set
#' edge.part member.
#' @seealso \code{\link{PCMTreeGetPartition}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{PCMTree}}
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1, kind = "Mersenne-Twister", normal.kind = "Inversion")
#' tree <- PCMTree(ape::rtree(8))
#' PCMTreeSetLabels(tree, paste0("x", PCMTreeGetLabels(tree)))
#' PCMTreeGetPartition(tree)
#' PCMTreeGetPartNames(tree)
#' PCMTreeGetPartRegimes(tree)
#' \donttest{
#' PCMTreePlot(tree) + ggtree::geom_nodelab() + ggtree::geom_tiplab()
#' }
#' tree <- PCMTreeSetPartition(tree, c(12, 14), inplace = FALSE)
#' PCMTreeGetPartition(tree)
#' PCMTreeGetPartNames(tree)
#' PCMTreeGetPartRegimes(tree)
#' \donttest{
#' PCMTreePlot(tree) + ggtree::geom_nodelab() + ggtree::geom_tiplab()
#' }
#' # reset the partition to a default one, where there is only one part:
#' PCMTreeSetPartition(tree)
#' PCMTreeGetPartition(tree)
#' PCMTreeGetPartNames(tree)
#' PCMTreeGetPartRegimes(tree)
#' \donttest{
#' PCMTreePlot(tree) + ggtree::geom_nodelab() + ggtree::geom_tiplab()
#' }
#' # reset the labels to the default labels which are character representations
#' # of the node ids
#' PCMTreeSetLabels(tree)
#' PCMTreeGetPartition(tree)
#' PCMTreeGetPartNames(tree)
#' PCMTreeGetPartRegimes(tree)
#' @export
PCMTreeSetPartition <- function(
  tree, nodes = c(PCMTreeNumTips(tree) + 1L), inplace=TRUE) {

  if(!is.PCMTree(tree)) {
      "PCMTreeSetPartition:: argument tree should be of class PCMTree."))

  nodeLabels <- PCMTreeGetLabels(tree)

  if(is.character(nodes)) {
    nodes <- match(nodes, nodeLabels)
    if(any(is.na(nodes))) {
        "PCMTreeSetPartition:: if nodes is a ",
        "character vector it should be a subset of PCMTreeGetLabels(tree),",
        "but some of the elements in nodes could not be matched."))

  preorder <- PCMTreePreorder(tree)

  edgePart <- rep(1L, nrow(tree$edge))
  nextPart <- 2L
  N <- PCMTreeNumTips(tree)
  nodesInOrder <- N + 1L

  endingAt <- order(rbind(tree$edge, c(0L, N + 1L))[, 2L])

  for(ei in preorder) {
    i <- tree$edge[ei, 2L]
    j <- tree$edge[ei, 1L]
    ej <- endingAt[j]

    if(i %in% nodes) {
      edgePart[ei] <- nextPart
      nextPart <- nextPart + 1L
      nodesInOrder <- c(nodesInOrder, i)
    } else if(j != N + 1L) {
      edgePart[ei] <- edgePart[ej]

  # now edgePart is integer vector containing the indices of the parts.
  # We replace these part-indices with their corresp. partition node-labels,
  # because these remain stable upon manipulation of the tree, such as
  # insertion of singleton nodes.
  edgePart <- nodeLabels[nodesInOrder[edgePart]]
  partRegime <- structure(
    seq_along(nodesInOrder), names = nodeLabels[nodesInOrder])

  if(inplace) {
    eval(substitute(tree$edge.part <- edgePart), parent.frame())
    eval(substitute(tree$part.regime <- partRegime), parent.frame())
  } else {
    tree$edge.part <- edgePart
    tree$part.regime <- partRegime

#' Unique parts on a tree in the order of occurrence from the root to the tips (preorder)
#' @param tree a phylo object with an additional member edge.part which should
#' be a character or an integer vector of length equal to the number of branches.
#' @return a character vector.
#' @export
PCMTreeGetPartNames <- function(tree) {
  tree <- PCMTree(tree)

#' Regime mapping for the parts in a tree
#' @param tree a PCMTree or a phylo object.
#' @return a named vector with names corresponding to the part names in tree
#' and values corresponding to regime names or ids.
#' @export
PCMTreeGetPartRegimes <- function(tree) {
  tree <- PCMTree(tree)

#' Set regimes for the parts in a tree
#' @param tree a PCMTree object.
#' @param part.regime a named vector containing regimes to be assigned to
#' some of or to each of the parts in the tree.
#' @param setPartition a logical indicating if the partition of the tree should
#' be set as well. If this argument is set to TRUE, the names of part.regime
#' are passed as the nodes argument in a call to \code{PCMTreeSetPartition}.
#' Default: FALSE.
#' @param inplace a logical indicating if the change should be done to the tree
#' in the calling environment (TRUE) or a copy of the tree with set edge.part
#' member should be returned (FALSE). Default is TRUE.
#' @return If inplace is TRUE nothing, otherwise a copy of the tree with set
#' edge.part and part.regime members.
#' @seealso \code{\link{PCMTree}}
#' @examples
#' tree <- PCMTree(ape::rtree(25))
#' PCMTreeGetPartition(tree)
#' PCMTreeGetPartRegimes(tree)
#' PCMTreeGetPartNames(tree)
#' PCMTreeSetPartRegimes(tree, c(`26` = 2))
#' PCMTreeGetPartition(tree)
#' PCMTreeGetPartRegimes(tree)
#' PCMTreeGetPartNames(tree)
#' PCMTreeSetPartRegimes(tree, c(`26` = "global-regime"))
#' PCMTreeGetPartition(tree)
#' PCMTreeGetPartRegimes(tree)
#' PCMTreeGetPartNames(tree)
#' # This should fail because no partition with nodes 26, 28 and 41 has been
#' # done.
#' ggplot2::should_stop(
#'   PCMTreeSetPartRegimes(tree, c(`26` = "a", `28` = "b", `41` = "c")))
#' # This should succeed and change the partition as well as regime assignment
#' PCMTreeSetPartRegimes(
#'   tree, c(`26` = "a", `28` = "b", `41` = "c"), setPartition = TRUE)
#' PCMTreeGetPartition(tree)
#' PCMTreeGetPartRegimes(tree)
#' PCMTreeGetPartNames(tree)
#' set.seed(1, kind = "Mersenne-Twister", normal.kind = "Inversion")
#' # number of tips
#' N <- 40
#' # tree with one regime
#' tree.a <- ape::rtree(N)
#' tree.a <- PCMTree(tree.a)
#' PCMTreeSetPartRegimes(
#'   tree.a,
#'   part.regime = structure("a", names = as.character(N+1L)),
#'   setPartition = TRUE,
#'   inplace = TRUE)
#' \donttest{
#' PCMTreePlot(tree.a) + ggtree::geom_nodelab() + ggtree::geom_tiplab()
#' }
#' tree.ab <- tree.a
#' PCMTreeSetPartRegimes(
#'   tree.ab,
#'   part.regime = structure(c("a", "b"), names = as.character(c(N+1L, N+31L))),
#'   setPartition = TRUE,
#'   inplace = TRUE)
#' \donttest{
#' PCMTreePlot(tree.ab) + ggtree::geom_nodelab() + ggtree::geom_tiplab()
#' }
#' @export
PCMTreeSetPartRegimes <- function(
  tree, part.regime, setPartition = FALSE, inplace = TRUE) {

  if(!is.PCMTree(tree)) {
      "PCMTreeSetPartRegimes:: argument tree should be of class PCMTree."))

  if(is.null(names(part.regime)) ||
     length(names(part.regime)) != length(part.regime)) {
    stop("PCMTreeSetPartRegimes:: argument part.regime should be a named vector.")

  tree2 <- tree

  if(setPartition) {
    tree2 <- PCMTreeSetPartition(tree2, names(part.regime), inplace = FALSE)
    treeEdgePart <- tree2$edge.part
  if(any(is.na(match(names(part.regime), names(tree2$part.regime))))) {
      "PCMTreeSetPartRegimes:: some of the names in the argument part.regime",
      "do not match with part names in the tree. "))
  if(length(unique(names(part.regime))) < length(part.regime) ) {
      "PCMTreeSetPartRegimes:: some part names in the argument part.regime are",

  treePartRegime <- tree2$part.regime
  treePartRegime[names(part.regime)] <- part.regime

  if(inplace) {
    if(setPartition) {
      eval( substitute(tree[["edge.part"]] <- treeEdgePart), parent.frame() )
    eval( substitute(tree[["part.regime"]] <- treePartRegime), parent.frame() )
  } else {
    tree2$part.regime <- treePartRegime

#' Get the parts of the branches leading to a set of nodes or tips
#' @param tree a phylo object with an edge.part member denoting parts.
#' @param nodes an integer vector denoting the nodes.
#' Default is seq_len(PCMTreeNumNodes(tree).
#' @return a character vector denoting the parts of the branches
#' leading to the nodes, according to tree$edge.part.
#' @export
PCMTreeGetPartsForNodes <- function(
  tree, nodes = seq_len(PCMTreeNumNodes(tree))) {

  tree <- PCMTree(tree)
  parts <- tree$edge.part[match(nodes, tree$edge[, 2])]
  N <- PCMTreeNumTips(tree)
  parts[nodes == N+1L] <- tree$node.label[1]

#' Get the tips belonging to a part in a tree
#' @param tree a phylo object with an edge.regime member or a PCMTree object
#' @param part a character or integer denoting a part name in the tree.
#' @return an integer vector with the ids of the tips belonging to part
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1, kind = "Mersenne-Twister", normal.kind = "Inversion")
#' tree <- ape::rtree(10)
#' regimes <- sample(letters[1:3], nrow(tree$edge), replace = TRUE)
#' PCMTreeSetRegimesForEdges(tree, regimes)
#' \donttest{
#' PCMTreePlot(tree) + ggtree::geom_nodelab() + ggtree::geom_tiplab()
#' }
#' part <- PCMTreeGetPartNames(tree)[1]
#' PCMTreeGetTipsInPart(tree, part)
#' print(part)
#' @seealso \link{PCMTreeGetTipsInRegime}, \link{PCMTreeGetPartNames}, \link{PCMRegimes}, \link{PCMTreeGetPartRegimes}, \link{PCMTreeSetPartRegimes}
#' @export
PCMTreeGetTipsInPart <- function(tree, part) {

  tree <- PCMTree(tree)

  N <- PCMTreeNumTips(tree)
  tipEdges <- tree$edge[, 2] <= N & tree$edge.part == part
  tree$edge[tipEdges, 2]

#' Get the tips belonging to a regime in a tree
#' @param tree a phylo object with an edge.regime member or a PCMTree object
#' @param regime a character or integer denoting a regime in the tree.
#' @return an integer vector with the ids of the tips belonging to regime.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1, kind = "Mersenne-Twister", normal.kind = "Inversion")
#' tree <- ape::rtree(10)
#' regimes <- sample(letters[1:3], nrow(tree$edge), replace = TRUE)
#' PCMTreeSetRegimesForEdges(tree, regimes)
#' \donttest{
#' PCMTreePlot(tree) + ggtree::geom_nodelab() + ggtree::geom_tiplab()
#' }
#' regime <- PCMRegimes(tree)[1]
#' PCMTreeGetTipsInRegime(tree, regime)
#' print(regime)
#' @seealso \link{PCMTreeGetTipsInPart}, \link{PCMTreeGetPartNames}, \link{PCMRegimes}, \link{PCMTreeGetPartRegimes}, \link{PCMTreeSetPartRegimes}, \link{PCMTreeGetPartition}
#' @export
PCMTreeGetTipsInRegime <- function(tree, regime) {
  tipRegimes <- PCMTreeGetRegimesForNodes(tree)[seq_len(PCMTreeNumTips(tree))]
  which(regime == tipRegimes)

#' Model regimes (i.e. colors) associated with the branches in a tree
#' @param tree a PCMTree or a phylo object.
#' @return a vector with entries corresponding to the rows in tree$edge
#'   denoting the regime associated with each branch in the tree. The type
#'   of the vector element is defined by the type of tree$part.regime.
#' @export
PCMTreeGetRegimesForEdges <- function(tree) {
  tree <- PCMTree(tree)

#' Set the regime for each individual edge in a tree explicitly
#' @note Calling this function overwrites the current partitioning of the tree.
#' @param tree a PCMTree or a phylo object.
#' @param regimes a vector of the length equal to `nrow(tree$edge)`.
#' @param inplace a logical indicating if the change should be done within the
#' tree in the calling environment or a copy of the tree with modified regime
#' assignment should be returned.
#' @return if inplace is TRUE, nothing, otherwise a modified copy of tree.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1, kind = "Mersenne-Twister", normal.kind = "Inversion")
#' tree <- ape::rtree(10)
#' regimes <- sample(letters[1:3], nrow(tree$edge), replace = TRUE)
#' PCMTreeSetRegimesForEdges(tree, regimes)
#' \donttest{
#' PCMTreePlot(tree)
#' }
#' @export
PCMTreeSetRegimesForEdges <- function(tree, regimes, inplace = TRUE) {
  if( !inherits(tree, "phylo") ) {
      "PCMTreeSetRegimesForEdges: tree should be a PCMTree or a phylo object.")

  if(!is.vector(regimes) || length(regimes) != nrow(tree$edge)) {
        "PCMTreeSetRegimesForEdges: regimes should be a vector of length that ",
        "equal the number of rows in tree$edge."))

  if(is.PCMTree(tree)) {
    # tree has edge.part and part.regime members which have to be overwritten.
    tree2 <- tree
    tree2$edge.part <- NULL
    tree2$part.regime <- NULL
    tree2 <- tree2[!sapply(tree2, is.null)]
    class(tree2) <- "phylo"
    tree2$edge.regime <- regimes

    tree2 <- PCMTree(tree2)

    if(inplace) {
        tree$edge.part <- tree2$edge.part
          tree$part.regime <- tree2$part.regime
      }), parent.frame())
    } else {
  } else {
    if(inplace) {
        tree$edge.regime <- regimes
      }), parent.frame())
    } else {
      tree$edge.regime <- regimes

#' Get the regimes of the branches leading to a set of nodes or tips
#' @param tree a phylo object with an edge.part member denoting parts.
#' @param nodes an integer vector denoting the nodes.
#' Default is seq_len(PCMTreeNumNodes(tree).
#' @return a character vector denoting the parts of the branches
#' leading to the nodes, according to tree$edge.part.
#' @importFrom data.table setkey
#' @export
PCMTreeGetRegimesForNodes <- function(
  tree, nodes = seq_len(PCMTreeNumNodes(tree) ) ) {

  # avoid nodes during check
  regime <- endNode <- NULL

  dtNodes <- PCMTreeDtNodes(tree)
  setkey(dtNodes, endNode)
  as.vector(dtNodes[list(nodes), regime])

#' A list of all possible clade partitions of a tree with a number of splitting nodes
#' Each subset of \code{nNodes} distinct internal or tip nodes
#' defines a partition of the branches of the tree into \code{nNodes+1} blocks
#' called parts. This function generates partitions where each part has
#' \code{nNodes} splitting nodes and contains at least \code{minCladeSize} tips.
#' @param tree a phylo object
#' @param nNodes an integer giving the number of partitioning nodes. There would be
#' \code{nNodes+1} blocks in each partition (see details).
#' @param minCladeSize integer indicating the minimum number of tips allowed in a clade.
#' @param skipNodes an integer or character vector indicating the ids or labels
#' of nodes that should not be used as partition nodes. By default, this is an
#' empty character vector.
#' @param tableAncestors NULL (default) or an integer matrix returned by a previous call
#' to \code{PCMTreeTableAncestors(tree)}.
#' @param countOnly logical indicating if the only the number of partitions should
#' be returned.
#' @param verbose a logical indicating if informative messages should be printed to
#' the console.
#' @return a list of integer \code{nNodes}-vectors. By default a full traversal
#' of all partitions is done. It is possible to truncate the search to a limited
#' number of partitions by setting the option PCMBase.MaxLengthListCladePartitions
#' to a finite positive integer.
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @seealso \code{\link{PCMOptions}}
#' @export
PCMTreeListCladePartitions <- function(
  tree, nNodes, minCladeSize = 0, skipNodes = character(0),
  tableAncestors = NULL, countOnly = FALSE, verbose = FALSE) {

  if(is.character(skipNodes)) {
    skipNodes <- as.integer(na.omit(
      PCMTreeMatchLabels(tree, skipNodes, stopIfNotFound = FALSE)))
  } else {
    skipNodes <- as.integer(skipNodes)

  envir <- new.env()

  envir$M <- PCMTreeNumNodes(tree)
  envir$N <- PCMTreeNumTips(tree)
  envir$nNodes <- nNodes
  envir$minCladeSize <- minCladeSize

  if(!is.null(tableAncestors)) {
    envir$tableAncestors <- tableAncestors
  } else {
    envir$tableAncestors <- PCMTreeTableAncestors(tree)
  envir$listDesc <- PCMTreeListDescendants(tree, envir$tableAncestors)
  envir$listDescTips <- lapply(envir$listDesc, function(d) d[d <= envir$N])

  envir$nodesToSkip <- rep(FALSE, envir$M)
  envir$nodesToSkip[skipNodes] <- TRUE
  envir$nodesParts <- rep(envir$N+1, envir$M)
  envir$numsTipsInParts <- rep(0, envir$M)
  envir$numsTipsInParts[envir$N + 1] <- envir$N

  envir$listPartitions <- list()
  envir$nextPartition <- 1L
  envir$numTries <- 0L

  addToPartition <- function(partition, i, envir) {
    numTips <- sum(envir$listDescTips[[i]])
    parentPart <- envir$nodesParts[i]
    numTipsInParentPart <- envir$numsTipsInParts[parentPart]
    numTipsInNewPart <- sum(envir$nodesParts[envir$listDescTips[[i]]] == parentPart)

    if(envir$nodesToSkip[i] ||
       numTipsInParentPart - numTipsInNewPart < envir$minCladeSize ||
       numTipsInNewPart < envir$minCladeSize) {
      envir$numTries <- envir$numTries + 1L
    } else {
      partition <- c(partition, i)

      envir$numsTipsInParts[parentPart] <- numTipsInParentPart - numTipsInNewPart
      envir$numsTipsInParts[i] <- numTipsInNewPart
      nodesNewPart <- c(
        i, envir$listDesc[[i]][envir$nodesParts[envir$listDesc[[i]]] == parentPart])
      envir$nodesParts[nodesNewPart] <- i

      if(length(partition) == envir$nNodes) {
        envir$numTries <- envir$numTries + 1L

        if(!countOnly) {
          envir$listPartitions[[envir$nextPartition]] <- partition
        if(verbose && envir$nextPartition %% 1000 == 0) {
          cat("Generated ", envir$nextPartition, " partitions out of ",
              envir$numTries, "tries ...\n")
        envir$nextPartition <- envir$nextPartition + 1L
      } else {
        if(length(partition) < nNodes) {
          for(iNext in i + seq_len(envir$M - i)) {
            if(length(envir$listPartitions) < getOption("PCMBase.MaxLengthListCladePartitions", Inf)) {
              addToPartition(partition, iNext, envir)

      envir$numsTipsInParts[parentPart] <- numTipsInParentPart
      envir$numsTipsInParts[i] <- 0
      envir$nodesParts[nodesNewPart] <- parentPart

  for(i in seq_len(envir$M)) {
    if(length(envir$listPartitions) < getOption("PCMBase.MaxLengthListCladePartitions", Inf)) {
      if(verbose) {
        cat("Trying with first node in partition: ", i, "...\n")
      addToPartition(c(), i, envir)
      if(verbose) {
        cat("Done with first node in partition: ", i, "...\n")

  if(countOnly) {
    envir$nextPartition - 1L
  } else {

#' A list of all possible (including recursive) partitions of a tree
#' @param tree a phylo object with set labels for the internal nodes
#' @param minCladeSize integer indicating the minimum number of tips allowed in
#' one part.
#' @param skipNodes an integer or character vector indicating the ids or labels
#' of nodes that should not be used as partition nodes. By default, this is an
#' empty character vector.
#' @param tableAncestors NULL (default) or an integer matrix returned by a
#' previous call to \code{PCMTreeTableAncestors(tree)}.
#' @param verbose a logical indicating if informative messages should be printed to
#' the console.
#' @return a list of integer vectors.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1, kind = "Mersenne-Twister", normal.kind = "Inversion")
#' tree <- PCMTree(ape::rtree(10))
#' \donttest{
#' PCMTreePlot(tree) + ggtree::geom_nodelab() + ggtree::geom_tiplab()
#' }
#' # list of all partitions into parts of at least 4 tips
#' PCMTreeListAllPartitions(tree, 4)
#' # list of all partitions into parts of at least 3 tips
#' PCMTreeListAllPartitions(tree, 3)
#' # list all partitions into parts of at least 3 tips, excluding the partitions
#' # where node 16 is one of the partition nodes:
#' PCMTreeListAllPartitions(tree, minCladeSize = 3, skipNodes = "16")
#' @export
PCMTreeListAllPartitions <- function(
  skipNodes = character(),
  tableAncestors = NULL,
  verbose = FALSE) {

  if(!is.character(skipNodes)) {
    skipNodes <- PCMTreeGetLabels(tree)[skipNodes]

  if(is.null(tableAncestors)) {
    if(verbose) {
      cat("Creating tableAncestors...\n")
    tableAncestors <- PCMTreeTableAncestors(tree)
  } else {
    colnames(tableAncestors) <- rownames(tableAncestors) <- PCMTreeGetLabels(tree)

  res <- PCMTreeListAllPartitionsInternal(
    tree = tree,
    minCladeSize = minCladeSize,
    withoutNodesLabels = skipNodes,
    tableAncestors = tableAncestors,
    verbose = verbose,
    level = 0L

  lapply(res, function(p) PCMTreeMatchLabels(tree, p))

PCMTreeListAllPartitionsInternal <- function(
  verbose = FALSE,
  level = 0L) {

  if(verbose) {
    indent <- do.call(paste0, as.list(rep("  ", level)))

  N <- PCMTreeNumTips(tree)
  M <- PCMTreeNumNodes(tree)
  labels <- PCMTreeGetLabels(tree)
  rootNodeLabel <- labels[N + 1L]

  if(verbose) {
        "PCMTreeListAllPartitionsInternal called on a tree with", N, "tips and", M,
        "nodes. Skipping ",
        length(intersect(PCMTreeGetLabels(tree), withoutNodesLabels)),

  partitionNodesLabels <- labels[
      tree = tree, nNodes = 1L, minCladeSize = minCladeSize,
      skipNodes = as.integer(na.omit(PCMTreeMatchLabels(
        tree, withoutNodesLabels, stopIfNotFound = FALSE))),
      tableAncestors = tableAncestors, verbose = FALSE))]

  if(verbose) {
    cat(indent, "partitionNodesLabels:\n")

  if(length(partitionNodesLabels) == 0L) {
  } else {
    iLabel <- partitionNodesLabels[1]

    # The set of all partitions of tree can be divided in two subsets:
    # 1. the subset containign all partitions without node i
    # 2. ths subset containing all partitions with node i

    if(verbose) {
      cat(indent, "1. find all partitions without node", iLabel, "\n")
    partitionsWithouti <- PCMTreeListAllPartitionsInternal(
      tree = tree,
      minCladeSize = minCladeSize,
      withoutNodesLabels = c(withoutNodesLabels, iLabel),
      tableAncestors = tableAncestors,
      verbose = verbose,
      level = level + 1L)

    if(verbose) {

    if(verbose) {
      cat(indent, "2. find all partitions with node", iLabel, "\n")

    # 2. list all partitions with node i:
    if(verbose) {
      cat(indent, "Splitting tree at node", iLabel, "\n")
    spl <- PCMTreeSplitAtNode(
      tree = tree, node = iLabel, tableAncestors = tableAncestors)

    partitionsClade <- PCMTreeListAllPartitionsInternal(
      tree = spl$clade,
      minCladeSize = minCladeSize,
      withoutNodesLabels = withoutNodesLabels,
      tableAncestors = tableAncestors[
        PCMTreeGetLabels(spl$clade), PCMTreeGetLabels(spl$clade)],
      verbose = verbose,
      level = level + 1L)

    if(verbose) {
      cat(indent, "partitionsClade:\n")

    partitionsRest <- PCMTreeListAllPartitionsInternal(
      tree = spl$rest,
      minCladeSize = minCladeSize,
      withoutNodesLabels = withoutNodesLabels,
      tableAncestors = tableAncestors[
        PCMTreeGetLabels(spl$rest), PCMTreeGetLabels(spl$rest)],
      verbose = verbose,
      level = level + 1L)

    res <- partitionsWithouti

    for(k in seq_along(partitionsClade)) {
      for(l in seq_along(partitionsRest)) {
        res[[length(res) + 1L]] <-
          c(partitionsRest[[l]], iLabel, partitionsClade[[k]])
        if(verbose) {
          cat(indent, "Adding\n")
          print(c(partitionsRest[[l]], iLabel, partitionsClade[[k]]))

#' A data.table with time, part and regime information for the nodes in a tree
#' @param tree a phylo object with node-labels and parts
#' @return a data.table with a row for each node in tree and columns as follows:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{startNode }{the starting node of each edge or NA_integer_ for the root}
#' \item{endNode }{the end node of each edge or the root id for the root}
#' \item{startNodeLab }{the character label for the startNode}
#' \item{endNodeLab }{the character label for endNode}
#' \item{startTime }{the time (distance from the root node) for the startNode or
#'  NA_real_ for the root node}
#' \item{endTime }{the time (distance from the root node) for the endNode or
#'  NA_real_ for the root node}
#' \item{part }{the part to which the edge belongs, i.e. the part of the
#'  endNode}
#' \item{regime }{the regime to which the edge belongs, i.e. the regime of the
#'  part of the endNode}}
#' @importFrom data.table data.table rbindlist
#' @examples
#' PCMTreeDtNodes(PCMBaseTestObjects$tree.ab)
#' @export
PCMTreeDtNodes <- function(tree) {

  tree <- PCMTree(tree)

  N <- PCMTreeNumTips(tree)
  nodeTimes <- PCMTreeNodeTimes(tree)
  nodeLabels <- PCMTreeGetLabels(tree)

  dtForBranches <- data.table(
    startNode = tree$edge[, 1],
    endNode = tree$edge[, 2],
    startNodeLab = nodeLabels[tree$edge[, 1]],
    endNodeLab = nodeLabels[tree$edge[, 2]],
    startTime = nodeTimes[tree$edge[, 1]],
    endTime = nodeTimes[tree$edge[, 2]],
    part = tree$edge.part,
    regime = tree$part.regime[tree$edge.part])
  dtForRoot <- data.table(
    startNode = NA_integer_,
    endNode = PCMTreeNumTips(tree) + 1L,
    startNodeLab = NA_character_,
    endNodeLab = nodeLabels[PCMTreeNumTips(tree) + 1L],
    startTime = NA_real_,
    endTime = 0.0,
    part = PCMTreeGetPartsForNodes(tree, PCMTreeNumTips(tree) + 1L),
    regime = tree$part.regime[
      PCMTreeGetPartsForNodes(tree, PCMTreeNumTips(tree) + 1L)])
  rbindlist(list(dtForRoot, dtForBranches))

#' Prune the tree leaving one tip for each or some of its parts
#' @param tree a PCMTree or a phylo object.
#' @param partsToKeep a character vector denoting part names in the tree to be
#'  kept. Defaults to `PCMTreeGetPartNames(tree)`.
#' @return a PCMTree object representing a pruned version of tree.
#' @seealso PCMTreeSetPartition
#' @importFrom data.table data.table
#' @importFrom ape drop.tip bind.tree
#' @seealso PCMTree
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1, kind = "Mersenne-Twister", normal.kind = "Inversion")
#' tree <- PCMTree(ape::rtree(25))
#' \donttest{
#' PCMTreePlot(tree) + ggtree::geom_nodelab(angle = 45) +
#'   ggtree::geom_tiplab(angle = 45)
#' }
#' backb <-  PCMTreeBackbonePartition(tree)
#' \donttest{
#' PCMTreePlot(backb) + ggtree::geom_nodelab(angle = 45) +
#'   ggtree::geom_tiplab(angle = 45)
#' }
#' tree2 <- PCMTreeSetPartRegimes(
#'   tree, c(`26` = "a", `28` = "b"), setPartition = TRUE,
#'   inplace = FALSE)
#' \donttest{
#' PCMTreePlot(tree2) + ggtree::geom_nodelab(angle = 45) +
#'   ggtree::geom_tiplab(angle = 45)
#' }
#' backb <-  PCMTreeBackbonePartition(tree2)
#' \donttest{
#' PCMTreePlot(backb) + ggtree::geom_nodelab(angle = 45) +
#'   ggtree::geom_tiplab(angle = 45)
#' }
#' tree3 <- PCMTreeSetPartRegimes(
#'   tree, c(`26` = "a", `28` = "b", `41` = "c"), setPartition = TRUE,
#'   inplace = FALSE)
#' \donttest{
#' PCMTreePlot(tree3) + ggtree::geom_nodelab(angle = 45) +
#'   ggtree::geom_tiplab(angle = 45)
#' }
#' backb <-  PCMTreeBackbonePartition(tree3)
#' \donttest{
#' PCMTreePlot(backb) + ggtree::geom_nodelab(angle = 45) +
#'   ggtree::geom_tiplab(angle = 45)
#' }
#' backb41 <-  PCMTreeBackbonePartition(tree3, partsToKeep = "41")
#' \donttest{
#' PCMTreePlot(backb41) + ggtree::geom_nodelab(angle = 45) +
#'   ggtree::geom_tiplab(angle = 45)
#' }
#' backbMoreNodes <- PCMTreeInsertSingletonsAtEpoch(
#'    backb, epoch = 3.7, minLength = 0.001)
#' PCMTreeGetPartRegimes(backbMoreNodes)
#' \donttest{
#' PCMTreePlot(backbMoreNodes) + ggtree::geom_nodelab(angle=45) +
#'   ggtree::geom_tiplab(angle=45)
#' }
#' backbMoreNodes <- PCMTreeInsertSingletonsAtEpoch(
#'    backbMoreNodes, epoch = 0.2, minLength = 0.001)
#' PCMTreeGetPartRegimes(backbMoreNodes)
#' \donttest{
#' PCMTreePlot(backbMoreNodes) + ggtree::geom_nodelab(angle=45) +
#'   ggtree::geom_tiplab(angle=45)
#' }
#' backbMoreNodes <- PCMTreeInsertSingletonsAtEpoch(
#'    backbMoreNodes, epoch = 1.2, minLength = 0.001)
#' PCMTreeGetPartRegimes(backbMoreNodes)
#' \donttest{
#' PCMTreePlot(backbMoreNodes) + ggtree::geom_nodelab(angle=45) +
#'   ggtree::geom_tiplab(angle=45)
#' }
#' @export
PCMTreeBackbonePartition <- function(tree, partsToKeep = PCMTreeGetPartNames(tree)) {

  tree <- PCMTree(tree)

  # Needed to pass the R CMD CHECK.
  part <- endNode <- endTime <- NULL

  N <- PCMTreeNumTips(tree)
  nodeTimes <- PCMTreeNodeTimes(tree)
  nodeLabels <- PCMTreeGetLabels(tree)

  partNodesTree <- PCMTreeGetPartition(tree)

  dtBranchParts <- data.table(
    startNode = tree$edge[, 1], endNode = tree$edge[, 2],
    startTime = nodeTimes[tree$edge[, 1]], endTime = nodeTimes[tree$edge[, 2]],
    part = tree$edge.part)

  dtTipParts <- dtBranchParts[endNode <= N]
  dtTipParts <- dtTipParts[
    , list(endNode=endNode[which.max(endTime)]),
    keyby = part][list(partsToKeep)]

  tipsToDrop <- setdiff(seq_len(N), dtTipParts[, endNode])

  # attach a dummy tip to the root of the tree to prevent dropping the root in
  # some cases (e.g. when there is only one part in the tree).
  dummyTipTree <- list(edge = matrix(c(2, 1), nrow = 1L),
                       tip.label = "----dymmy---tip----",
                       edge.length = 1.0,
                       Nnode = 1L)

  class(dummyTipTree) <- "phylo"
  tree <- bind.tree(tree, dummyTipTree, N + 1L)

  tree2 <- drop.tip(tree, tipsToDrop, collapse.singles = FALSE)

  # now, remove the dummy tip from tree2:
  dummyTipId <- match(dummyTipTree$tip.label, tree2$tip.label)
  tree2$edge.length <- tree2$edge.length[-match(dummyTipId, tree2$edge[,2])]
  tree2$edge <- tree2$edge[-match(dummyTipId, tree2$edge[,2]), , drop = FALSE]
  tree2$edge <- apply(tree2$edge, 1:2, function(n) if(n > dummyTipId) n-1 else n)
  tree2$tip.label <- tree2$tip.label[-dummyTipId]

  tree2 <- PCMTree(tree2)

  nodeLabels2 <- PCMTreeGetLabels(tree2)
  partNodesTree2 <- match(nodeLabels[partNodesTree], nodeLabels2)
  partNodesTree2 <- partNodesTree2[!is.na(partNodesTree2)]
    tree = tree2,
    part.regime = structure(
      names = nodeLabels2[partNodesTree2]),
    setPartition = TRUE,
    inplace = TRUE)

#' Which couples from a given set of nodes in a tree belong to the same part?
#' @param tree a PCMTree object or a phylo object.
#' @param nodes an integer vector of length L >= 2 denoting a set of nodes in
#'  the tree.
#' @param upperTriangle logical indicating if all duplicated entries and
#'  diagonal entries should be set to NA (by default TRUE).
#' @param returnVector logical indicating if a vector instead of a matrix
#'  should be returned (corresponding to calling as.vector on the resulting
#'  matrix and removing
#' NAs). Default: TRUE
#' @return a L x L logical matrix with TRUE on the diagonal and for each couple
#' of tips that belong to the same part or regime. If returnVector is TRUE
#' (default) only a vector of the non-NA entries will be returned.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1, kind = "Mersenne-Twister", normal.kind = "Inversion")
#' tree <- PCMTree(ape::rtree(8))
#' PCMTreeMatrixNodesInSamePart(tree, returnVector = FALSE)
#' PCMTreeSetPartition(tree, c(10, 12))
#' PCMTreeMatrixNodesInSamePart(tree, returnVector = FALSE)
#' PCMTreeMatrixNodesInSamePart(tree)
#' PCMTreeMatrixNodesInSamePart(tree, seq_len(PCMTreeNumTips(tree)))
#' PCMTreeMatrixNodesInSamePart(
#'   tree, seq_len(PCMTreeNumTips(tree)), returnVector = FALSE)
#' @export
PCMTreeMatrixNodesInSamePart <- function(
  tree, nodes = seq_len(PCMTreeNumNodes(tree)),
  upperTriangle = TRUE, returnVector = TRUE) {

  tree <- PCMTree(tree)

  nodeParts <- PCMTreeGetPartsForNodes(tree, nodes)

  L <- length(nodeParts)

  mat <- matrix(FALSE, length(nodes), length(nodes))
  colnames(mat) <- rownames(mat) <- PCMTreeGetLabels(tree)[nodes]
  diag(mat) <- TRUE

  for(i in seq_len(L)) {
    for(j in seq_len(i - 1)) {
      mat[i,j] <- mat[j,i] <- nodeParts[i] == nodeParts[j]

  if(upperTriangle) {
    mat[lower.tri(mat, diag = TRUE)] <- NA
  } else {

  if(returnVector) {
    mat <- as.vector(mat)
    mat <- mat[!is.na(mat)]

#' Which couples from a given set of nodes in a tree belong to the same regime?
#' @rdname PCMTreeMatrixNodesInSamePart
#' @return a L x L logical matrix with TRUE on the diagonal and for each couple
#' of tips that belong to the same part or regime. If returnVector is TRUE (default)
#' only a vector of the non-NA entries will be returned.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1, kind = "Mersenne-Twister", normal.kind = "Inversion")
#' tree <- PCMTree(ape::rtree(8))
#' PCMTreeMatrixNodesInSamePart(tree, returnVector = FALSE)
#' PCMTreeSetPartition(tree, c(10, 12))
#' PCMTreeMatrixNodesInSamePart(tree, returnVector = FALSE)
#' PCMTreeMatrixNodesInSamePart(tree)
#' PCMTreeMatrixNodesInSamePart(tree, seq_len(PCMTreeNumTips(tree)))
#' PCMTreeMatrixNodesInSamePart(
#'   tree, seq_len(PCMTreeNumTips(tree)), returnVector = FALSE)
#' @export
PCMTreeMatrixNodesInSameRegime <- function(
  tree, nodes = seq_len(PCMTreeNumNodes(tree)),
  upperTriangle = TRUE, returnVector = TRUE) {

  tree <- PCMTree(tree)

  nodeRegimes <- PCMTreeGetPartRegimes(tree)[
    PCMTreeGetPartsForNodes(tree, nodes)]

  L <- length(nodeRegimes)

  mat <- matrix(FALSE, length(nodes), length(nodes))
  colnames(mat) <- rownames(mat) <- PCMTreeGetLabels(tree)[nodes]
  diag(mat) <- TRUE

  for(i in seq_len(L)) {
    for(j in seq_len(i - 1)) {
      mat[i,j] <- mat[j,i] <- nodeRegimes[i] == nodeRegimes[j]

  if(upperTriangle) {
    mat[lower.tri(mat, diag = TRUE)] <- NA
  } else {

  if(returnVector) {
    mat <- as.vector(mat)
    mat <- mat[!is.na(mat)]

#' Jumps in modeled traits associated with branches in a tree
#' @inheritParams PCMTreeNumTips
#' @return an integer vector of 0's and 1's with entries corresponding to the
#' denoting if a jump took place at the beginning of a branch.
#' @export
PCMTreeJumps <- function(tree) {
  if(!is.null(tree$edge.jump)) {
    if(length(tree$edge.jump) != nrow(tree$edge) ||
       !isTRUE(all(tree$edge.jump %in% c(0L, 1L)))) {
      stop("ERR:02681:PCMBase:PCMTree.R:PCMTreeJumps:: tree$edge.jump should
           be an integer vector of 0's and 1's with with length equal to the
           number of rows in tree$edge.")
    } else {
      rep(0L, nrow(tree$edge))

#' Pre-order tree traversal
#' @param tree a phylo object with possible singleton nodes (i.e. internal
#'  nodes with one daughter node)
#' @return a vector of indices of edges in tree$edge in pre-order.
#' @export
PCMTreePreorder <- function(tree) {
  # number of tips
  N <- length(tree$tip.label)

  if(dim(tree$edge)[1L]) {
    # a proper tree with at least one edge

    # total number of nodes in the tree is the number of edges + 1 for the root
    M <- dim(tree$edge)[1L]+1L

    ordFrom <- order(tree$edge[, 1L])

    # we need the ordered edges in order to easily traverse all edges starting
    # from a given node
    iFrom <- match(seq_len(M), tree$edge[ordFrom, 1])

    # the result is a vector of edge indices in the breadth-first search order
    res <- vector(mode='integer', length = M-1)

    # node-indices at the current level (start from the root)
    cn <- N+1
    j <- 1
    while(length(cn)>0) {
      cnNext <- c()
      for(n in cn) {
        # if not a tip
        if(n > N) {
          # indices in ordFrom of edges starting from the current node
          if(n < M) {
            es <- iFrom[n]:(iFrom[n+1]-1)
          } else {
            es <- iFrom[n]:(M-1)
          jNext <- j+length(es)
          res[j:(jNext-1)] <- ordFrom[es]
          j <- jNext
          cnNext <- c(cnNext, tree$edge[ordFrom[es], 2])
      cn <- cnNext
  } else {
    # a tree with no edges (i.e. a single tip-tree)


#' Post-order tree traversal
#' @param tree a phylo object with possible singleton nodes (i.e. internal nodes
#' with one daughter node)
#' @return a vector of indices of edges in tree$edge in post-order.
#' @export
PCMTreePostorder <- function(tree) {

#' A matrix (table) of ancestors/descendants for each node in a tree
#' @details This function has time and memory complexity O(M^2), where M is the
#'  number of nodes in the tree. It can take several minutes and gigabytes of
#'  memory on trees of more than 10000 tips.
#' @param tree a phylo object
#' @param preorder an integer vector returned by a previous call to
#' \code{PCMTreePreorder(tree)}. Default \code{PCMTreePreorder(tree)}.
#' @return an integer square matrix of size M x M where M is the number of nodes
#' in the tree. Element j on row i is 0 if j is not an ancestor of i or a positive
#' integer equal to the position of j on the path from the root to i if j is an
#' ancestor of i.
#' @export
PCMTreeTableAncestors <- function(tree, preorder = PCMTreePreorder(tree)) {
  M <- PCMTreeNumNodes(tree)
  nodeLabels <- PCMTreeGetLabels(tree)

  tableAncestors <- matrix(0L, M, M)

  for(ei in preorder) {
    i <- tree$edge[ei, 2]
    j <- tree$edge[ei, 1]

    tableAncestors[i, ] <- tableAncestors[j, ]
    tableAncestors[i, j] <- max(tableAncestors[i,]) + 1

  rownames(tableAncestors) <- colnames(tableAncestors) <- nodeLabels


#' Calculate the time from the root to each node of the tree
#' @param tree an object of class phylo
#' @param tipsOnly Logical indicating whether the returned results should be truncated only to the tips of the tree.
#' @return A vector of size the number of nodes in the tree (tips, root,
#'   internal) containing the time from the root to the corresponding node in
#'   the tree.
#' @export
PCMTreeNodeTimes <- function(tree, tipsOnly=FALSE) {
  preorder <- PCMTreePreorder(tree)
  es <- tree$edge[preorder, ]
  nEdges <- dim(es)[1]
  ts <- tree$edge.length[preorder]
  nodeTimes <- rep(0, PCMTreeNumNodes(tree))
  for(e in 1:nEdges)
    nodeTimes[es[e, 2]] <- nodeTimes[es[e, 1]]+ts[e]
  if(tipsOnly) {
  } else {

#' A vector of the daughter nodes for a given parent node id in a tree
#' @param tree a phylo object.
#' @param parentId an integer denoting the id of the parent node
#' @return an integer vector of the direct descendants of parentId
#' @export
PCMTreeGetDaughters <- function(tree, parentId) {
  if(is.character(parentId)) {
                " parentId should be integer but was character"))
  } else {
    tree$edge[tree$edge[, 1] == parentId, 2]

#' The parent node id of a daughter node in a tree
#' @param tree a phylo object.
#' @param daughterId an integer denoting the id of the daughter node
#' @return an integer denoting the parent of daughterId
#' @export
PCMTreeGetParent <- function(tree, daughterId) {
  if(is.character(daughterId)) {
                     " daughterId should be integer but was character"))
  } else {
    tree$edge[tree$edge[, 2] == daughterId, 1]


#' The length of the branch leading to a node
#' @param tree a phylo object.
#' @param daughterId an integer denoting the id of a daughter node
#' @return a double denoting the length of the branch leading to daughterId
#' @export
PCMTreeGetBranchLength <- function(tree, daughterId) {
  tree$edge.length[tree$edge[, 2] == daughterId]

#' A list of the descendants for each node in a tree
#' @details This function has time and memory complexity O(M^2), where M is the
#'  number of nodes in the tree. It can take several minutes and gigabytes of
#'  memory on trees of more than 10000 tips.
#' @param tree a phylo object
#' @param tableAncestors an integer matrix resulting from a call to
#' PCMTreeTableAncestors(tree).
#' @return a list with unnamed elements in the order of nodes in the tree. Each
#' element is an integer vector containing the descendant nodes (in increasing
#'  order) of the node identified by its index-number in the list.
#' @export
PCMTreeListDescendants <- function(tree, tableAncestors = PCMTreeTableAncestors(tree)) {
  apply(tableAncestors, 2, function(descj) which(descj>0))

#' A list of the path to the root from each node in a tree
#' @details This function has time and memory complexity O(M^2), where M is the
#'  number of nodes in the tree. It can take several minutes and gigabytes of
#'  memory on trees of more than 10000 tips.
#' @param tree a phylo object
#' @param tableAncestors an integer matrix resulting from a call to
#' PCMTreeTableAncestors(tree).
#' @return a list with unnamed elements in the order of nodes in the tree. Each
#' element is an integer vector containing the ancestors nodes on the path from
#' the node (i) to the root of the tree in that order (the first element in the
#'  vector is the parent node of i and so on).
#' @export
PCMTreeListRootPaths <- function(tree, tableAncestors = PCMTreeTableAncestors(tree)) {
  apply(tableAncestors, 1, function(anci) {
    path <- which(anci>0)
    path[order(anci[path], decreasing = TRUE)]

#' Slit a tree at a given internal node into a clade rooted at this node and the remaining tree after dropping this clade
#' @param tree a PCMTree object.
#' @param node an integer or character indicating a root, internal or tip node
#' @param tableAncestors an integer matrix returned by a previous call to
#'  PCMTreeTableAncestors(tree) or NULL.
#' @param X an optional k x N matrix with trait value vectors for each tip in
#'  tree.
#' @return A list containing two named phylo objects:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{clade }{The subtree (clade) starting at \code{node}.}
#' \item{Xclade }{The portion of X attributable to the tips in clade; NULL if X is NULL.}
#' \item{rest }{The tree resulting after dropping all tips in the clade.}
#' \item{Xrest }{The portion of X attributable to the tips in rest; NULL if X is NULL.}
#' }
#' @details In the current implementation, the edge.jump and edge.part members
#' of the tree will be discarded and not present in the clade.
#' @importFrom ape drop.tip
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1, kind = "Mersenne-Twister", normal.kind = "Inversion")
#' tree <- PCMTree(ape::rtree(25))
#' \donttest{
#' PCMTreePlot(tree) + ggtree::geom_nodelab(angle = 45) +
#'   ggtree::geom_tiplab(angle = 45)
#' }
#' spl <- PCMTreeSplitAtNode(tree, 28)
#' \donttest{
#' PCMTreePlot(PCMTree(spl$clade)) + ggtree::geom_nodelab(angle = 45) +
#'   ggtree::geom_tiplab(angle = 45)
#' }
#' \donttest{
#' PCMTreePlot(PCMTree(spl$rest)) + ggtree::geom_nodelab(angle = 45) +
#'   ggtree::geom_tiplab(angle = 45)
#' }
#' @export
PCMTreeSplitAtNode <- function(tree, node, tableAncestors = PCMTreeTableAncestors(tree), X=NULL) {

  if(!inherits(tree, "phylo")) {
    stop("PCMTreeSplit:: tree must be a PCMTree object.")

  N <- PCMTreeNumTips(tree)
  M <- PCMTreeNumNodes(tree)
  nodeLabels <- PCMTreeGetLabels(tree)

  if(is.character(node)) {
    nodeLab <- node
    node <- match(nodeLab, nodeLabels)
    if(is.na(node)) {
        "ERR:02601:PCMBase:PCMTree.R:PCMTreeSplit:: character node (",
        node, ") was not matched against the nodeLabels in tree."))
  } else {
    nodeLab <- try(nodeLabels[node], silent = TRUE)
    if(inherits(nodeLab, "try-error")) {
        "ERR:02602:PCMBase:PCMTree.R:PCMTreeSplit:: non-character type node (",
        node, ") was not found: ", nodeLab, "."))

  if(node == N+1) {
    list(clade = tree,
         Xclade = X,
         rest = NULL,
         Xrest = NULL)
  } else {
    partRegimes <- PCMTreeGetPartRegimes(tree)
    regimeSplitNode <- partRegimes[PCMTreeGetPartsForNodes(tree, node)]
    names(regimeSplitNode) <- nodeLab

    # remove edge.part and part.regime (or in old tree objects, edge.regime),
    # and edge.jump from the tree - we currently do not update them.
    if( !is.null(tree$edge.regime) ) {
      tree <- tree[- which(names(tree) == "edge.regime")]
      class(tree) <- "phylo"
    if( !is.null(tree$edge.part) ) {
      tree <- tree[- which(names(tree) == "edge.part")]
      class(tree) <- "phylo"
    if( !is.null(tree$part.regime) ) {
      tree <- tree[- which(names(tree) == "part.regime")]
      class(tree) <- "phylo"
    if(!is.null(tree$edge.jump)) {
      tree <- tree[- which(names(tree) == "edge.jump")]
      class(tree) <- "phylo"

    if(is.null(tableAncestors)) {
      tableAncestors <- PCMTreeTableAncestors(tree)
    } else {
      tableAncestors <- tableAncestors[nodeLabels, nodeLabels]
    nodesClade <- which(tableAncestors[, node] > 0)
    tipsClade <- nodesClade[nodesClade <= N]

    if(length(tipsClade) == 0 && node <= N) {
      tipsClade <- node

    if(!is.null(X)) {
      colnames(X) <- tree$tip.label <- as.character(seq_len(N))

    clade = drop.tip(
      tip = setdiff(seq_len(N), tipsClade),
      trim.internal = TRUE, collapse.singles = FALSE)

    # Because we used collapse.singles=FALSE, clade is still holding the entire
    # lineage from the root to node. We need to cut that part manually so that
    # clade is rooted at node. We don't have to do this for rest, because it
    # should indeed be rooted at the tree-root.
    cladeNodeLabels <- PCMTreeGetLabels(clade)
    cladeEdgeNodeLabels <-
      cbind(cladeNodeLabels[clade$edge[, 1]], cladeNodeLabels[clade$edge[, 2]])
    cladeRootLab <- cladeNodeLabels[PCMTreeNumTips(clade) + 1]

    # TODO:  avoid this while loop and remove all root-nodes at once
    while(cladeRootLab != nodeLab) {
      ei <- which(cladeEdgeNodeLabels[, 1] == cladeRootLab)

      cladeRootLabNew <- cladeEdgeNodeLabels[ei, 2]
      clade$edge <- clade$edge[-ei, ]
      clade$edge[clade$edge > length(tipsClade)] <-
        clade$edge[clade$edge > length(tipsClade)] - 1
      clade$edge.length <- clade$edge.length[-ei]
      cladeEdgeNodeLabels <- cladeEdgeNodeLabels[-ei, ]
      clade$node.label <-
        clade$node.label[-match(cladeRootLab, clade$node.label)]
      clade$Nnode <- clade$Nnode - 1
      cladeRootLab <- cladeRootLabNew

    rest = drop.tip(
      tip = tipsClade,
      trim.internal = TRUE,
      collapse.singles = FALSE)

    # restore the partition and regimes in clade and rest
    clade <- PCMTree(clade)
    partRegimesClade <-
      partRegimes[intersect(names(partRegimes), PCMTreeGetLabels(clade))]
    if( !(nodeLab %in% names(partRegimesClade)) ) {
      partRegimesClade <- c(regimeSplitNode, partRegimesClade)
    if(nrow(clade$edge) > 0L) {
      PCMTreeSetPartRegimes(clade, partRegimesClade, setPartition = TRUE)

    rest <- PCMTree(rest)
    partRegimesRest <-
      partRegimes[intersect(names(partRegimes), PCMTreeGetLabels(rest))]
    if(nrow(rest$edge) > 0L) {
      PCMTreeSetPartRegimes(rest, partRegimesRest, setPartition = TRUE)

    if(!is.null(X)) {
      Xclade <- X[, clade$tip.label, drop = FALSE]
      Xrest <- X[, rest$tip.label, drop = FALSE]
    } else {
      Xclade <- NULL
      Xrest <- NULL

    list(clade = clade,
         Xclade = Xclade,
         rest = rest,
         Xrest = Xrest)

#' Extract a clade from phylogenetic tree
#' @param tree a PCMTree object.
#' @param cladeRootNode a character string denoting the label or an integer denoting a node in the tree.
#' @param tableAncestors an integer matrix returned by a previous call to PCMTreeTableAncestors(tree) or NULL.
#' @param X an optional k x N matrix with trait value vectors for each tip in tree.
#' @param returnList logical indicating if only the phylo object associated
#'  with the clade should be returned. Defaults to \code{!is.null(X)}
#' @return If returnList is FALSE, a phylo object associated with the clade,
#'  otherwise, a list with two named members :
#' \itemize{
#' \item{tree}{the phylo object associated with the clade}
#' \item{X}{the submatrix of X with columns corresponding to the tips in the clade}
#' }
#' @seealso PCMTreeSpliAtNode PCMTreeDropClade
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1, kind = "Mersenne-Twister", normal.kind = "Inversion")
#' tree <- PCMTree(ape::rtree(25))
#' PCMTreeSetPartRegimes(
#'   tree, c(`26`="a", `28`="b", `45`="c"), setPartition = TRUE)
#' \donttest{
#' PCMTreePlot(tree, palette=c(a = "red", b = "green", c = "blue")) +
#'   ggtree::geom_nodelab(angle = 45) + ggtree::geom_tiplab(angle = 45)
#' }
#' blueTree <- PCMTreeExtractClade(tree, 45)
#' PCMTreeGetPartRegimes(blueTree)
#' \donttest{
#' PCMTreePlot(blueTree, palette=c(a = "red", b = "green", c = "blue")) +
#'   ggtree::geom_nodelab(angle = 45) + ggtree::geom_tiplab(angle = 45)
#' }
#' # we need to use the label here, because the node 29 in tree is not the same
#' # id in redGreenTree:
#' blueTree2 <- PCMTreeDropClade(blueTree, "48")
#' \donttest{
#' PCMTreePlot(blueTree2, palette=c(a = "red", b = "green", c = "blue")) +
#'   ggtree::geom_nodelab(angle = 45) + ggtree::geom_tiplab(angle = 45)
#' }
#' @export
PCMTreeExtractClade <- function(tree, cladeRootNode, tableAncestors = NULL, X=NULL, returnList = !is.null(X)) {
  if(is.character(cladeRootNode)) {
    if(!is.character(tree$node.label)) {
        "PCMTreeExtractClade::", cladeRootNode,
        ": cladeRootNode is a character string but tree$node.label is missing or not a character vector."))
    } else {
      whichNode <- which(tree$node.label == cladeRootNode)
      whichTip <- which(tree$tip.label == cladeRootNode)
      if(length(whichNode) > 0) {
        cladeRootNodeNumber <- PCMTreeNumTips(tree) + whichNode
      } else if(length(whichTip) > 0) {
        cladeRootNodeNumber <- whichTip
      } else {
        cladeRootNodeNumber <- NA

      if(is.na(cladeRootNodeNumber)) {
          "PCMTreeExtractClade::", cladeRootNode,
          ": cladeRootNode of character-type was not found in tree$node.label"))
  } else {
    cladeRootNodeNumber <- as.integer(cladeRootNode)
    if(cladeRootNodeNumber <= 0 || cladeRootNodeNumber > PCMTreeNumNodes(tree)) {
        "PCMTreeExtractClade::", cladeRootNode,
        ": cladeRootNode of integer should be between 1 and M=",
        PCMTreeNumNodes(tree), " (the number of nodes in the tree)."))

  spl <- PCMTreeSplitAtNode(
    tree, cladeRootNodeNumber, tableAncestors = tableAncestors, X = X)

  if(!returnList) {
  } else {
    list(tree = spl$clade, X = spl$Xclade)

#' Drop a clade from a phylogenetic tree
#' @param tree a phylo object
#' @param cladeRootNode a character string denoting the label or an integer denoting a node in the tree
#' @param tableAncestors an integer matrix returned by a previous call to PCMTreeTableAncestors(tree) or NULL.
#' @param X an optional k x N matrix with trait value vectors for each tip in tree.
#' @param returnList logical indicating if a list of the phylo object
#' associated with the tree after dropping the clade and the corresponding
#' entries in X should be returned. Defaults to \code{!is.null(X)}
#' @param errorOnMissing logical indicating if an error should be raised if
#' cladeRootNode is not among the nodes in tree. Default FALSE, meaning that if
#' cladeRootNode is not a node in tree the tree (and X if
#' returnList is TRUE) is/are returned unchanged.
#' @return If returnList is FALSE, a phylo object associated with the remaining
#' tree after dropping the clade, otherise, a list with two named members :
#' \itemize{
#' \item{tree}{the phylo object associated with the remaining tree after dropping the clade}
#' \item{X}{the submatrix of X with columns corresponding to the tips in the remaining tree}
#' }
#' @seealso PCMTreeSpliAtNode PCMTreeExtractClade
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1, kind = "Mersenne-Twister", normal.kind = "Inversion")
#' tree <- PCMTree(ape::rtree(25))
#' PCMTreeSetPartRegimes(
#'   tree, c(`26`="a", `28`="b", `45`="c"), setPartition = TRUE)
#' \donttest{
#' PCMTreePlot(tree, palette=c(a = "red", b = "green", c = "blue")) +
#'   ggtree::geom_nodelab(angle = 45) + ggtree::geom_tiplab(angle = 45)
#' }
#' redGreenTree <- PCMTreeDropClade(tree, 45)
#' PCMTreeGetPartRegimes(redGreenTree)
#' \donttest{
#' PCMTreePlot(redGreenTree, palette=c(a = "red", b = "green", c = "blue")) +
#'   ggtree::geom_nodelab(angle = 45) + ggtree::geom_tiplab(angle = 45)
#' }
#' # we need to use the label here, because the node 29 in tree is not the same
#' # id in redGreenTree:
#' redGreenTree2 <- PCMTreeDropClade(redGreenTree, "29")
#' \donttest{
#' PCMTreePlot(redGreenTree2, palette=c(a = "red", b = "green", c = "blue")) +
#'   ggtree::geom_nodelab(angle = 45) + ggtree::geom_tiplab(angle = 45)
#' }
#' @export
PCMTreeDropClade <- function(tree, cladeRootNode, tableAncestors = NULL, X=NULL, returnList = !is.null(X), errorOnMissing = FALSE) {
  if(is.character(cladeRootNode)) {
    if(!is.character(tree$node.label)) {
      stop(paste0("PCMTreeDropClade:", cladeRootNode,
                  ": cladeRootNode is a character string but tree$node.label ",
                  "is missing or not a character vector."))
    } else {
      whichNode <- which(tree$node.label == cladeRootNode)
      whichTip <- which(tree$tip.label == cladeRootNode)
      if(length(whichNode) > 0) {
        cladeRootNodeNumber <- PCMTreeNumTips(tree) + whichNode
      } else if(length(whichTip) > 0) {
        cladeRootNodeNumber <- whichTip
      } else {
        cladeRootNodeNumber <- NA
  } else {
    cladeRootNodeNumber <- as.integer(cladeRootNode)

  res <- if(!returnList) {
  } else {
    list(tree = tree, X = X)

  err <- NULL
  skipSplit <- FALSE
  if(is.na(cladeRootNodeNumber)) {
    skipSplit <- TRUE
    if(errorOnMissing) {
      err <- paste0("PCMTreeDropClade::", cladeRootNode,
                    ": cladeRootNode of character-type was not found in tree$node.label")
  } else if(cladeRootNodeNumber <= 0 || cladeRootNodeNumber > PCMTreeNumNodes(tree)) {
    skipSplit <- TRUE
    if(errorOnMissing) {
      err <- paste0("PCMTreeDropClade::", cladeRootNode,
                    ": cladeRootNode of integer should be between 1 and M=",
                    PCMTreeNumNodes(tree), " (the number of nodes in the tree).")

  if(!is.null(err)) {

  if(!skipSplit) {
    spl <- PCMTreeSplitAtNode(
      tree, cladeRootNodeNumber, tableAncestors = tableAncestors, X = X)

    if(!returnList) {
      res <- spl$rest
    } else {
      res <- list(tree = spl$rest, X = spl$Xrest)


#' @importFrom ape bind.tree
#' @export
`+.PCMTree` <- function(x, y) {
  if( !is.PCMTree(y) ) {
    if( !inherits(y, "phylo") ) {
      stop("+.PCMTree:: y should be a PCMTree or a phylo object.")
    } else {
      y <- PCMTree(y)

  if(PCMTreeNumNodes(y) > 1L) {
    z <- bind.tree(x, y, position = if(is.null(x$root.edge)) 0 else x$root.edge)
  } else {
    tipy <- PCMTree(structure(
        edge = rbind(c(2, 1)),
        tip.label = y$tip.label,
        edge.length = if(is.null(y$root.edge)) 0.0 else y$root.edge,
    z <- bind.tree(x, tipy, position = if(is.null(x$root.edge)) 0 else x$root.edge)

  z.part.regime <- c(PCMTreeGetPartRegimes(x), PCMTreeGetPartRegimes(y))
  z.part.regime <- z.part.regime[
    intersect(PCMTreeGetLabels(z), names(z.part.regime))]
  PCMTreeSetPartRegimes(z, z.part.regime, setPartition = TRUE, inplace = TRUE)

#' Perfrorm nested extractions or drops of clades from a tree
#' @param tree a phylo object with named tips and internal nodes
#' @param expr a character string representing an R expression of nested calls
#'  of functions
#' \code{E(x,node)} denoting extracting the clade rooted at node from the tree
#'  x, or \code{D(x,node)}, denoting dropping the clade rooted at node from the
#'  tree x. These calls can be nested, i.e. x can be either the symbol x
#'  (corresponding to the original tree passed as argument) or a nested call to
#'  d or e.
#' @return the resulting phylo object from evaluating expr on tree.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1, kind = "Mersenne-Twister", normal.kind = "Inversion")
#' tree <- PCMTree(ape::rtree(25))
#' PCMTreeSetPartRegimes(
#'   tree, c(`26`="a", `28`="b", `45`="c", `47`="d"), setPartition = TRUE)
#' \donttest{
#' PCMTreePlot(
#'   tree, palette=c(a = "red", b = "green", c = "blue", d = "magenta")) +
#'   ggtree::geom_nodelab(angle = 45) + ggtree::geom_tiplab(angle = 45)
#' }
#' bluePart <- PCMTreeEvalNestedEDxOnTree("D(E(tree,45),47)", tree)
#' PCMTreeGetPartRegimes(bluePart)
#' \donttest{
#' PCMTreePlot(
#'   bluePart, palette=c(a = "red", b = "green", c = "blue", d = "magenta")) +
#'   ggtree::geom_nodelab(angle = 45) + ggtree::geom_tiplab(angle = 45)
#' }
#' # Swapping the D and E calls has the same result:
#' bluePart2 <- PCMTreeEvalNestedEDxOnTree("E(D(tree,47),45)", tree)
#' PCMTreeGetPartRegimes(bluePart2)
#' \donttest{
#' PCMTreePlot(
#'   bluePart2, palette=c(a = "red", b = "green", c = "blue", d = "magenta")) +
#'   ggtree::geom_nodelab(angle = 45) + ggtree::geom_tiplab(angle = 45)
#' }
#' greenPart <- PCMTreeEvalNestedEDxOnTree("E(tree,28)", tree)
#' bgParts <- bluePart+greenPart
#' \donttest{
#' PCMTreePlot(
#'   greenPart, palette=c(a = "red", b = "green", c = "blue", d = "magenta")) +
#'   ggtree::geom_nodelab(angle = 45) + ggtree::geom_tiplab(angle = 45)
#' PCMTreePlot(
#'   bluePart + greenPart, palette=c(a = "red", b = "green", c = "blue", d = "magenta")) +
#'   ggtree::geom_nodelab(angle = 45) + ggtree::geom_tiplab(angle = 45)
#' PCMTreePlot(
#'   greenPart + bluePart, palette=c(a = "red", b = "green", c = "blue", d = "magenta")) +
#'   ggtree::geom_nodelab(angle = 45) + ggtree::geom_tiplab(angle = 45)
#' PCMTreePlot(
#'   bgParts, palette=c(a = "red", b = "green", c = "blue", d = "magenta")) +
#'   ggtree::geom_nodelab(angle = 45) + ggtree::geom_tiplab(angle = 45)
#' }
#' @export
PCMTreeEvalNestedEDxOnTree <- function(expr, tree) {

  tableAncestors <- PCMTreeTableAncestors(tree)
  env <- new.env()

  env$A <- function(...) {

  # Extract the clade in x rooted at node
  env$E <- function(x,node,l=0.0) {
    res <- PCMTreeExtractClade(
      tree = x, cladeRootNode = as.character(node),
      tableAncestors = tableAncestors)
    if(l > 0.0) {
      res$root.edge <- l
  # Drop the clade in x rooted at node
  env$D <- function(x,node,l=0.0) {
    res <- PCMTreeDropClade(
      tree = x, cladeRootNode = as.character(node),
      tableAncestors = tableAncestors)
    if(l>0.0) {
      res$root.edge <- l
  env$x <- tree
  eval(parse(text=expr), envir = env)

#' A matrix with the begin and end time from the root for each edge in tree
#' @param tree a phylo
#' @export
PCMTreeEdgeTimes <- function(tree) {
  nodeTimes <- PCMTreeNodeTimes(tree)

  # begin and end-time of each edge relative to the root
  edgeTimes <- matrix(0.0, nrow(tree$edge), 2)
  edgeTimes[, 1] <- nodeTimes[tree$edge[, 1]]
  edgeTimes[, 2] <- nodeTimes[tree$edge[, 2]]

#' Find the crossing points of an epoch-time with each lineage of a tree
#' @param tree a phylo
#' @param epoch a positive numeric indicating tip-ward distance from the root
#' @return a named list with an integer vector element "nodes" denoting the ending nodes for each
#' branch crossing epoch and numeric vector element "positions" denoting the root-ward offset
#' from each node in nodes.
#' @export
PCMTreeLocateEpochOnBranches <- function(tree, epoch) {
  edgeTimes <- PCMTreeEdgeTimes(tree)
  where <- (edgeTimes[, 1] < epoch) & (epoch <= edgeTimes[, 2])
  nodes <- tree$edge[where, 2]
  positions <- edgeTimes[where, 2] - epoch
  list(nodes = nodes, positions = positions)

#' Find the middle point of each branch longer than a threshold
#' @param tree a phylo
#' @param threshold a positive numeric; only branches longer than threshold
#'  will be returned; Default 0.
#' @return a named list with an integer vector element "nodes" denoting the
#' ending nodes for each branch crossing epoch and numeric vector element
#' "positions" denoting the root-ward offset from each node in nodes.
#' @export
PCMTreeLocateMidpointsOnBranches <- function(tree, threshold = 0) {
  where <- tree$edge.length > threshold
  nodes <- tree$edge[where, 2]
  positions <- tree$edge.length[where]/2
  list(nodes = nodes, positions = positions)

#' Insert tips or singleton nodes on chosen edges
#' @param tree a phylo object
#' @param nodes an integer vector denoting the terminating nodes of the edges
#'  on which a singleton node is to be inserted. This vector should not have
#'  duplicated nodes - if there is a need to insert two or more singleton nodes
#'  at distinct positions of the same edge, this should be done by calling the
#'  function several times with the longest position first and so on .
#' @param positions a positive numeric vector of the same length as nodes
#'  denoting the root-ward distances from nodes at which the singleton nodes
#'  should be inserted. For PCMTreeInsertTipsOrSingletons this can contains 0's and
#'  is set by default to rep(0, length(nodes)).
#' @param singleton (PCMTreeInsertTipsOrSingletons only) a logical indicating if a
#' singleton node should be inserted and no tip node should be inserted.
#' @param tipBranchLengths (PCMTreeInsertTipsOrSingletons only) positive numeric vector of the
#' length of \code{nodes}, denoting the lengths of the new edges leading to tips.
#' @param nodeLabels (PCMTreeInsertSingletons and PCMTreeInsertTipsOrSingletons) a
#' character vector of the same length as \code{nodes}, indicating the names of
#' the newly inserted nodes. These names are ignored where \code{positions} is 0. This
#' argument is optional and default node labels will be assigned if this is not specified or set
#' to NULL. If specified, then it should not contain node-labels already present in the tree.
#' @param tipLabels (PCMTreeInsertTipsOrSingletons only) a character vector of the same length as
#' \code{nodes} of the new tip-labels. This
#' argument is optional and default tip labels will be assigned if this is not specified or set
#' to NULL. If specified, then it should not contain tip-labels already present in the tree.
#' @param epoch a numeric indicating a distance from the root at which a
#' singleton node should be inserted in all lineages that are alive at that
#' time.
#' @param minLength a numeric indicating the minimum allowed branch-length
#' after dividing a branch by insertion of a singleton nodes. No singleton node
#' is inserted if this would result in a branch shorter than `minLength`. Note
#' that this condition is checked only in `PCMTreeInsertSingletonsAtEpoch`.
#' @importFrom ape bind.tree drop.tip
#' @return a modified copy of tree.
#' @seealso \code{\link{PCMTreeEdgeTimes}} \code{\link{PCMTreeLocateEpochOnBranches}} \code{\link{PCMTreeLocateMidpointsOnBranches}}
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1, kind = "Mersenne-Twister", normal.kind = "Inversion")
#' tree <- PCMTree(ape::rtree(25))
#' PCMTreeSetPartRegimes(
#'   tree, c(`26`="a", `28`="b", `45`="c", `47`="d"), setPartition = TRUE)
#' \donttest{
#' PCMTreePlot(
#'   tree,
#'   palette=c(a = "red", b = "green", c = "blue", d = "magenta")) +
#'   ggtree::geom_nodelab(angle = 45) + ggtree::geom_tiplab(angle = 45)
#' }
#' cbind(tree$edge, PCMTreeEdgeTimes(tree))
#' id47 <- PCMTreeMatchLabels(tree, "47")
#' length47 <- PCMTreeGetBranchLength(tree, id47)
#' # insert a singleton at 0.55 (root-ward) from node 47
#' tree <- PCMTreeInsertSingletons(tree, nodes = "47", positions = (length47/2))
#' \donttest{
#' PCMTreePlot(
#'   tree,
#'   palette=c(a = "red", b = "green", c = "blue", d = "magenta")) +
#'   ggtree::geom_nodelab(angle = 45) + ggtree::geom_tiplab(angle = 45)
#' }
#' # this fails, because the branch leading to node "47" is shorter now (0.55).
#' ggplot2::should_stop(
#'   tree <- PCMTreeInsertSingletons(
#'     tree, nodes = "47", positions= 2* length47 / 3))
#' # the tree is the same
#' \donttest{
#' PCMTreePlot(
#'   tree, palette=c(a = "red", b = "green", c = "blue", d = "magenta")) +
#'   ggtree::geom_nodelab(angle = 45) + ggtree::geom_tiplab(angle = 45)
#' }
#' # we can insert at a position within the edge:
#' tree <- PCMTreeInsertSingletons(tree, nodes = "47", positions = length47/3)
#' \donttest{
#' PCMTreePlot(
#'   tree, palette=c(a = "red", b = "green", c = "blue", d = "magenta")) +
#'   ggtree::geom_nodelab(angle = 45) + ggtree::geom_tiplab(angle = 45)
#' }
#' # Insert singletons at all branches crossing a given epoch. This will skip
#' # inserting singleton nodes where the resulting branches would be shorter
#' # than 0.1.
#' tree <- PCMTreeInsertSingletonsAtEpoch(tree, 2.3)
#' \donttest{
#' PCMTreePlot(
#'   tree, palette=c(a = "red", b = "green", c = "blue", d = "magenta")) +
#'   ggtree::geom_nodelab(angle = 45) + ggtree::geom_tiplab(angle = 45)
#' }
#' # Insert singletons at all branches crossing a given epoch
#' tree <- PCMTreeInsertSingletonsAtEpoch(tree, 2.3, minLength = 0.001)
#' \donttest{
#' PCMTreePlot(
#'   tree,
#'   palette=c(a = "red", b = "green", c = "blue", d = "magenta")) +
#'   ggtree::geom_nodelab(angle = 45) + ggtree::geom_tiplab(angle = 45)
#' }
#' @export
PCMTreeInsertSingletons <- function(tree, nodes, positions) {
  PCMTreeInsertTipsOrSingletons(tree, nodes, positions, singleton = TRUE)

#' @describeIn PCMTreeInsertSingletons
#' @export
PCMTreeInsertSingletonsAtEpoch <- function(tree, epoch, minLength = 0.1) {

  tree <- PCMTree(tree)

  nodeTimes <- PCMTreeNodeTimes(tree)

  points <- PCMTreeLocateEpochOnBranches(tree, epoch)

  idxPoints <- sapply(seq_along(points$nodes), function(i) {
    node <- points$nodes[i]
    nodeTime <- nodeTimes[points$nodes[i]]
    parentNode <- tree$edge[tree$edge[, 2] == points$nodes[i], 1]
    parentTime <- nodeTimes[parentNode]
    pos <- points$positions[i]

    (points$positions[i] > minLength) && (nodeTime - pos - parentTime) > minLength

  if(length(idxPoints) > 0) {
    points$nodes <- points$nodes[idxPoints]
    points$positions <- points$positions[idxPoints]
    if(length(points$nodes) > 0) {
      PCMTreeInsertSingletons(tree, points$nodes, points$positions)
    } else {
  } else {


#' @describeIn PCMTreeInsertSingletons
#' @export
PCMTreeInsertTipsOrSingletons <- function(
  tree, nodes, positions = rep(0, length(nodes)),
  singleton = FALSE, tipBranchLengths = 0.01, nodeLabels = NULL, tipLabels = NULL) {

  tree <- PCMTree(tree)

  M <- PCMTreeNumNodes(tree)
  N <- PCMTreeNumTips(tree)
  originalLabels <- PCMTreeGetLabels(tree)

  if(is.character(nodes)) {
    nodes <- match(nodes, originalLabels)
  if(any(is.na(nodes)) ||
     max(nodes, na.rm = TRUE) > PCMTreeNumNodes(tree) ||
     min(nodes, na.rm = TRUE) < 1L) {
      "PCMTreeInsertTipsOrSingletons:: Some of the nodes were NA or they could not",
      "be matched against nodes in tree."))

  if(!is.null(nodeLabels)) {
    if(!(is.character(nodeLabels) && length(nodeLabels) == length(nodes))) {
        "PCMTreeInsertTipsOrSingletons:: nodeLabels should be NULL or a character ",
        "vector of the same length as nodes"))
    if(length(intersect(nodeLabels, originalLabels)) > 0) {
        "PCMTreeInsertTipsOrSingletons:: some labels in nodeLabels are already used as labels in the tree."))

  if(!is.null(tipLabels)) {
    if(!(is.character(tipLabels) && length(tipLabels) == length(nodes))) {
        "PCMTreeInsertTipsOrSingletons:: tipLabels should be NULL or a character ",
        "vector of the same length as nodes"))
    if(length(intersect(tipLabels, originalLabels)) > 0) {
        "PCMTreeInsertTipsOrSingletons:: some labels in tipLabels are already used as labels in the tree."))

  if(!is.numeric(tipBranchLengths)) {
    stop("PCMTreeInsertTipsOrSingletons:: tipBranchLengths should be positive numeric of length 1 or equal to the length of nodes.")

  if(length(tipBranchLengths) == 1) {
    tipBranchLengths <- rep(tipBranchLengths, length(nodes))
  } else if(length(tipBranchLengths) != length(nodes)) {
    stop("PCMTreeInsertTipsOrSingletons:: tipBranchLengths should be positive numeric of length 1 or equal to the length of nodes.")
  } else if(isTRUE(any(tipBranchLengths) < 0)) {
    stop("PCMTreeInsertTipsOrSingletons:: all entries in tipBranchLengths should be non-negative.")

  PCMTreeSetLabels(tree, paste0("x_", PCMTreeGetLabels(tree)))

  names(originalLabels) <- PCMTreeGetLabels(tree)
  partRegimeWithXLabels <- PCMTreeGetPartRegimes(tree)

  edgeNames <- PCMTreeGetLabels(tree)[tree$edge[, 2]]

  edgeTimes <- PCMTreeEdgeTimes(tree)
  rownames(edgeTimes) <- edgeNames

  names(nodes) <- names(positions) <- PCMTreeGetLabels(tree)[nodes]

  # which edges should be processed in order of nodes
  edgesToCutNames <- edgeNames[match(nodes, tree$edge[, 2])]

  for(i in seq_along(edgesToCutNames)) {
    edgeName <- edgesToCutNames[i]

    if(singleton && positions[edgeName] == 0) {
      warning("PCMTreeInsertTipsOrSingletons:: Skipping ", edgeName, " since position is 0 and singleton is set to TRUE.")
    } else {
      # find the number of the ending node for the edge. DON'T USE CASHED LABELS
      # HERE, but use PCMTreeGetLabels(tree)!
      node <- match(edgeName, PCMTreeGetLabels(tree))

      # inserted edge
      edgeNameNew <- if(!is.null(nodeLabels)) {
      } else {
          round(edgeTimes[edgeName, 2] - positions[edgeName], 2), "_", edgeName)

      tipLabelNew <- if(!is.null(tipLabels)) {
      } else {
        paste0("t", "_", edgeNameNew)

      tipTree <- structure(
        list(edge = matrix(c(2, 1), nrow = 1, ncol = 2),
             tip.label = tipLabelNew,
             edge.length = tipBranchLengths[i],
             Nnode = 1),
        class = "phylo")

      # bind the tipTree
      tree <- bind.tree(tree, tipTree, node, positions[edgeName])
      if(singleton) {
        # drop the tip, without removing its singleton parent node
        tree <- drop.tip(tree, tipLabelNew, collapse.singles = FALSE)

      tree$node.label[is.na(tree$node.label)] <- edgeNameNew

      # The edge leading to the new internal node take the same part as ITS
      # DAUGHTER edge.
      # If the edge we just cut was leading to a partition node, then this
      # node is no more a partition node, because the newly inserted node is
      # its parent and it has to becomes the partition node.
      # Also the part should be renamed. The regime for the (now renamed) part is
      # preserved.
      idxPartNodeInPartRegimes <- match(edgeName, names(partRegimeWithXLabels))
      if(!is.na(idxPartNodeInPartRegimes)) {
        names(partRegimeWithXLabels)[idxPartNodeInPartRegimes] <- edgeNameNew


    tree, part.regime = partRegimeWithXLabels, setPartition = TRUE)

  # restore original node labels
  restoredOriginalLabels <- PCMTreeGetLabels(tree)
  m <- match(restoredOriginalLabels, names(originalLabels))
  restoredOriginalLabels[!is.na(m)] <- originalLabels[m[!is.na(m)]]

  # restore original node-names for all old nodes
  PCMTreeSetLabels(tree, labels = unname(restoredOriginalLabels))


#' Find the nearest node to a given time from the root (epoch) on each lineage crossing this epoch
#' @param tree a phylo
#' @param epoch a non-negative numeric
#' @return an integer vector
#' @export
PCMTreeNearestNodesToEpoch <- function(tree, epoch) {

  if(epoch == 0) {
    ans <- PCMTreeNumTips(tree) + 1L
  } else {
    nodeTimes <- PCMTreeNodeTimes(tree)
    if(epoch > max(nodeTimes)) {
      epoch <- max(nodeTimes)
    points <- PCMTreeLocateEpochOnBranches(tree, epoch)
    ans <- sapply(seq_along(points$nodes), function(i) {
      node <- points$nodes[i]
      parentNode <- tree$edge[tree$edge[, 2] == points$nodes[i], 1]

      if(points$positions[i] > (nodeTimes[points$nodes[i]] - points$positions[i] - nodeTimes[parentNode])) {
      } else {

#' A character representation of a phylo object.
#' @param tree a phylo object.
#' @param includeLengths logical. Default: FALSE.
#' @param includePartition logical. Default: FALSE.
#' @return a character string.
#' @export
PCMTreeToString <- function(
  tree, includeLengths = FALSE, includePartition = FALSE) {

  orderEdge <- order(tree$edge[, 2])
  nodeLabs <- PCMTreeGetLabels(tree)

  edgeLabelsOrdered <- cbind(nodeLabs[tree$edge[orderEdge, 1]],
                             nodeLabs[tree$edge[orderEdge, 2]])
  attributes(edgeLabelsOrdered) <- NULL

  if(includeLengths) {
    edgeLengthsOrdered <- tree$edge.length[orderEdge]
    attributes(edgeLengthsOrdered) <- NULL
  } else {
    edgeLengthsOrdered <- ""
  if(includePartition) {
    startingNodesParts <- PCMTreeGetPartition(tree)
    startingNodesPartsLabels <- nodeLabs[startingNodesParts]
    attributes(startingNodesPartsLabels) <- NULL
  } else {
    startingNodesPartsLabels <- ""

  paste0(toString(edgeLabelsOrdered), "; ",
         toString(edgeLengthsOrdered), "; ",

#' Plot a tree with parts and regimes assigned to these parts
#' @param tree a PCMTree or a phylo object.
#' @param palette a named vector of colors corresponding to the regimes in tree
#' @param ... Arguments passed to ggtree, e.g. layout = 'fan', open.angle = 8,
#' size=.25.
#' @note This function requires that the ggtree package is installed.
#' At the time of releasing this version the ggtree package is not available on
#' CRAN. Check the
#' \href{https://guangchuangyu.github.io/software/ggtree/}{ggtree homepage} for
#' instruction on how to install this package:
#' .
#' @importFrom data.table data.table
#' @importFrom grDevices hcl
#' @importFrom ggplot2 aes scale_color_manual
#' @export
PCMTreePlot <- function(
  palette = PCMColorPalette(PCMNumRegimes(tree),
                            PCMRegimes(tree)), ...) {

  if(!is.PCMTree(tree)) {
    tree <- PCMTree(tree)

  # Needed to pass the check
  regime <- NULL

  if(requireNamespace("ggtree")) {
    N <- PCMTreeNumTips(tree)
    R <- PCMTreeNumParts(tree)

    data <- rbind(
        node = tree$edge[, 2],
        regime = as.factor(PCMTreeGetRegimesForEdges(tree))),
        node = N+1L,
        regime = tree$part.regime[PCMTreeGetPartsForNodes(tree, N+1L)]))

    # Try to prevent plotting errors due to bugs in the function ladderize in ape package
    # only changing default values here.
    listParams <- c(list(tr = tree), list(...))
    if(!"ladderize" %in% names(listParams)) {
      listParams[["ladderize"]] <- FALSE
    if(!"right" %in% names(listParams)) {
      listParams[["right"]] <- TRUE

    plotTree <- ggtree::`%<+%`(do.call(ggtree::ggtree, listParams), data)

    plotTree + aes(color = regime) +
      scale_color_manual(name = "regime", values = palette)
  } else {
    stop("PCMTree.R:PCMTreePlot:: Calling PCMTreePlot needs ggtree package to be installed from Bioconductor. Check the instructions at https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/ggtree.html. Ggtree was not on CRAN at the time of releasing PCMBase and is not declared as dependency in the PCMBase-description.")

#' Phylogenetic Variance-covariance matrix
#' This is a simplified wrapper for ape's \code{\link{vcv}} function. Setting
#' the runtime option PCMBase.UsePCMVarForVCV to TRUE will switch to a
#' computation of the matrix using the function \code{\link{PCMVar}}.
#' @param tree a phylo object
#' @return a N x N matrix. Assuming a BM model of evolution, this is a matrix
#' in which element (i,j) is equal to the shared root-distance of the nodes i
#' and j.
#' @seealso \code{\link{vcv}} \code{\link{PCMVar}} \code{\link{PCMOptions}}
#' @importFrom ape vcv
#' @export
PCMTreeVCV <- function(tree) {
  if(getOption("PCMBase.UsePCMVarForVCV", FALSE)) {
    # We use this model to build a phylogenetic variance covariance matrix of
    # the tree. This is a matrix in which element (i,j) is equal to the shared
    # root-distance of the nodes i and j.
    modelCov <- PCM(
      model = PCMDefaultModelTypes()["A"], regimes = PCMRegimes(tree), k = 1L)

    modelCov$Sigma_x[] <- 1.0

    # Phylogenetic variance covariance matrix
    PCMVar(tree, modelCov, internal = FALSE)
  } else {

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PCMBase documentation built on Nov. 18, 2022, 9:06 a.m.